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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel thank you so much for tuning in today for subscribing for commenting for liking for all your support it's your first time welcome to my channel my name is Daphne please please subscribe if you're not subscribed and welcome to wisdom Wednesday - a back in candidates go straight into the Word of God let's go to the book of Genesis chapter 22 verse 1 to 13 we'd say now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham and said to him Abraham and he said Here I am then he said take now your son your only son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you so Abraham rose early in the morning and Saturday is donkey and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and he split the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off and Abraham said to his young men stay here with the donkey the lad and I will go yonder and worship and we will come back to you so Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son and he took the fire in his hand and a knife and the two of them went together but Isaac spoke to Abraham his father said my father and he said Here I am my son then he said look the fire the woods but wait there laughs for the burnt offering and Abraham said my son God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering so the two of them went together then they came to the place of which God had told them and Abraham built an altar there and the place and placed the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood and Abraham stretched out his hand to the fire into the knife to slay his son but the age of the Lord called cold to him from heaven and said Abraham Abraham so he said Here I am and he said do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him for now I know that you fear God since you have not withheld your son your only son from me then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked and there behind it was around caught in a thicket by its horns so Abraham and took the RAM and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son glory to God glory to God God is so amazing God is so good God's ways are just so majestic so high so wise and each time in different seasons of our life God is testing us God wants to test you he wants to test the fear of the Lord within you he wants to measure if you're able to handle the capacity that is coming in the next level the next level of his promises require a certain capacity within us and God begins to test you and I in this season and I believe we're the season of being tested in this season we are being tested and I pray that you can pass the test my play that I can pass the test so here we see Abraham and it came to pass in those days that God began to test Abraham you see before this God had told Abraham all these majestic and great things these promises add you know promises that can make your head become bigger and swell promises that can incite even Prai promises that can make you think whoa I'm a great man I'm a great woman promises that can make you feel untouchable God had told Abraham that you know what this one would not be your son not this one but you shall have a son of promise and I have a more that are more numerous than the stars that you see here then the stars of the sky you will be exceedingly fruitful I will multiply you you'll be a father of Nations Abraham heard some of the most amazing things in this secret place what have you heard in the secret place child of God whatever you have heard remain humble whatever God has promised you stay lowly in your heart whatever God has told you you see because there's a test that is coming for the promise sometimes you may look at a person entering their promised land but you don't know that tests that they've been through before they came into the promised land because there's a test before the promise there's a test after the promise you say God will continually test us to see if our arts are faithful to see if our hearts will reverence him in your place of paradise in Eden a test will come you see a test will come in your marriage a test will come in your courtship a test will come in your engagement and test you a test will come is your undated multiple people a test will come God will bring a test and you see what God is testing you it's not so that you can fail it's not so that he can talk to you it's not so that you can't seek and see how weak you are God is trying to test how strong you are God is trying to test the things that you have realized the skills and the measures to fight your Goliath are you going to use them in your day of testing so that you can triumph into your next level God doesn't test us to mock us you need to understand that God is not mocking you by testing you God is trying to test you to see if you can handle is their capacity is their capacity to and that the next level because before I make you a father of many nations I need to test you if you are willing to trust me because where you're going you're going to need to trust me every day because when you're going they're going to be trials that need you to trust me every weekend that you that need you to trust me every two weeks and every month because there are things they are precious there are stones and noises that are coming there are volumes and voices that are going to come to you and I need you to be able to trust me so this is why I'm testing you in this season God began to test Abraham at a time when he had everything that he wants you know there are times in our lives when we know we've been praying the same kind of prayers for like ten years then all of a sudden you sing that hey I'm kind of out of this wilderness I can see the sunshine I can see hope at the end of the tunnel you see though Abraham was told that it's going to be a father of many nations but he now had the son of promise he knew because of the son of promise they're going to be under sons and the daughters out of him I'm going to be a father of many nations the hope was right there before him Isaac was now the evidence of things that are seen in his life his faith was manifested through the son of promise Isaac so God is saying Abraham I want to test you this season because you're going to be a father of many nations in fact you are a father of many nations the seed already is inside of you you see some of you God is telling me that there's some of you that he has told that you're already a millionaire but you're looking at your bank account in this season of isolation and you're saying is it's just impossible but there's a strategy that God is about to give you in the season it's a sudden strategy that is going to transform your life you have to be able to trust in him watch the work that you say in this season watch how you speak watch the way that you think concerning these promises because there's a word that God is about to give you a strategy that is going to change it transform your life God is saying I've made you a father of many nations but I need to test you give me that son of promise that I've given you take your son the only son Isaac God is being very specific here and these things that God has told you he said to you take this thing that you've birthed take that basket that you've put all your eggs inside take that basket I need you to do something for me I need you to give that away I need you to do a B and C because I'm testing you you see there are things that God can tell us in the season that don't make sense you see there are things that can begin to be like conflicting information you're saying but God you saying this God is not a man that he should lie and now you're saying this you told me that I'm a father of many nations now you're telling me that I need to give you the son of promise that proves that I'm a father of many nations there's only evidence that shows that I'm a father of many nations this evidence of my faith is this really God speaking here are you confused are you in conflict because God is telling you something maybe it's just a test maybe God is testing your obedience God is not a man that he should lie that's for sure God would never turn back on his word what God has said will come to pass in your life but what he's telling you now in this season you have to be sure of what he has told you before you see when God is telling you something he's giving you a promise in the secret place you have to catch it with your spirit don't catch it with your mind because your mind is subject to change your mind is like your feelings catch it with your spirit God said that I'm a father of many nations so even if I'm to take Isaac my only son I know that still god is going to provide a lap God is going to provide something for me that still makes me a father of many nations that doesn't conflict with the identity that he gave me in the secret place you see it's not about the manifestation of a when you gotta get married the manifestation of when your ministry is gonna start the manifestation of when the book is gonna sell everywhere the manifestation of your prophetic and gift it's not about the manifestation of it is about you and the moment you see when God is speaking to you you become it you have become it's not something that is going to happen in the future you are already and often that is going to sell books you have to catch the word with your spirit man because in the spirits is established don't look at the situation because the book is not there you're thinking I'm not really an author but God is major not the Four Nations God has made you a quiet director for nations and churches emissions child of God you are you have become when the word was spoken you see you became pregnant and the word has been conceived in the spiritual around catch up with the things of the Spirit catch it with your spirit you see when God spoke to Abraham and said you are father of many nations I will bless you I will multiply you you see your wife shall no longer be called sir I shall be called Sarah Abraham cut it in the spirit this is why he is not hesitant when God is saying give me your only Son this is such a small thing to Abraham because the add revelation of who it was do you have revelation of who you are in the season you see people are crying because of different things that are happening maybe there's situations in your life and situations that demand you to shed tears situations that demand you to be sad and to be depressed and stressed situations that demand you to pay attention to the noise but never forget who you are do not forget what God has said to you in the secret place because that is who you are child of God you are not a result of the storm and the noise that is being spoken right now you're not a result of what you see in the spirit in the physical realm you're a result of the Word of God you have become the Word of God when it was spoken Abraham knew that he became the Word of God that was spoken he knew that he was already and he had become a father of many nations where the word was spoken so giving his only son Isaac was not going to change his identity you see the sacrifice that God is demanding from you will not change your identity you see the things that they are doing to you it doesn't change your identity child of God just because yeah this warfare and these things happen to you that person backs you that present betrayed you it doesn't change who you are it doesn't change the prophetic gift over your life it doesn't change the ministry that God is leading you to it doesn't change who you are but child of God you need to have revelation of who you are any brother ham rose early in the morning saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son he prepared himself he took the things that I needed for this thing to take place prepare yourself God is testing you but prepare yourself because though you know that God is testing you maybe you're not really sure maybe you're questioning what God is saying don't wrestle with him in this season you see there are times and seasons of wrestling then there are times and seasons of just being quiet and being obedient there are times in our lives when God requires us to not argue with him to not question him these are great some times whereby you can question God but there are times when questioning God will get you in trouble there are times and seasons where you just need to be quiet and still and obey the voice of the Spirit of God what he saying to you that small still voice what is said to you in the season just obey it just do it send all your donkey early in the morning find the timeframe of early in the morning in your lifestyle today in the things that you're doing today in the way that you're living find and locates the early in the morning so that you can saddle your doggie of obedience and do what God is asking you to do prepare the world for him because God is about to bless you God is about to transform your life you see sometimes we think you know we already blessed and indeed we already blessed by their times with this a manifestation of the blessing of a facet of the blessing you see God doesn't really manifest it all in one goal but there are times and seasons we are governed by times and seasons unfortunately here on earth but in the spiritual realm you are complete but here on earth times and seasons they govern things so God begins to reflect one side of a blessing and the next year he begins to reflect another facet on the blessing he wants to reveal it to you you know the blessing but he wants to reveal a certain facet of the glory of that blessing this is why we see sometimes in the Bible create altars for God because they have discovered that wait a minute God is Jehovah shallow in my life so they create this out of job so they create an outer mmm name in Jehovah shallow some discovered that he is Jehovah Nissi is my banner so they create a so they create an outer for Jehovah Nissi because they have discovered the nature they have had a revelation they've experienced the reality of Jehovah Shannon God wants you to experience a reality of his name in your life some of you have never really experienced your overshadow you see Jehovah Shango makes you to sleep in the midst of a storm jehovah's shadow makes you to sleep when people I'm looking at you do they're demanding and things to be danced and things to be paid for but the Jehovah shadow the one that quietens and silence the storms the one that all of a sudden you find that there's peace all of a sudden the things that they were knocking about have been taken care of that's Joe overshadow he wants to reveal a facet of his glory in your life he wants to manifest a facet of his power so that you can tell people that hey I know that God whose name is Jehovah shall Oh God wants to reveal himself in your life but will you let him will you stand on your donkey in the season and prepare the wood and the fire because God needs you to make a sacrifice a sacrifice that can bring in other people into that a realm where God is trying to take you into Abraham he split the wood for the burnt offering and I rose and went to the place of which God had told him and remember God said go to the land of Moriah into a mountain that I will show you Abraham doesn't even know is going the guy just knows I'm going to this post code called Moriah I'm going to this post called called peace and hope but I don't really know what it looks like because I've never been there before I've never experienced this realm of jehova sholom jehova diary I mean I hear people talk about the land of Moriah I hear people talk about your hova who gives people visions and dreams people who hear the voice of God I've never experienced it for myself you saying that I've never been experienced the realm of visions and dreams we're gonna pray we're gonna pray God is going to open your eyes in the season if you just hold on by faith God wants to open your eyes in this season stay till the end of the video wants to take you to a land of moriah this is a place you've never been to a place where you see the glory and the realm of God a place of worship a place of Transfiguration where you experience God like never before in an area of your need an area attached to your destiny father of many nations and every attach to your identity the promised son Isaac an area that is attached to things that make you who you are things that make you great things that distinguish you from the next person you see we are not the same everybody is unique you need to discover why am i unique why am i so special to God why doesn't God love me so much that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for me what is so special about me that makes my confidence to rise up in the midst of terror in the midst of being fearful in the midst of being silenced by society and friends and people and family what makes me so unique what makes me the apple of God's eye you need to find out because we are not all the same you see I may know why I am unique but do you know why you're unique do you understand because the secret isn't knowing how deep how long how wide is the love of God God wants you to know why you're so unique when you discover his love you know why when you discover that hey I'm just a shepherd boy I'm not worthy to be a king I'm not ready to be anointed how can God use me in the house of Seoul God wants to reveal to you why you're so special people like David would go in the temple and eat the bread of priests why he understood he had a revelation of who he was in God of the love of God God wants you to be so confident in him that there's no fear because perfect love drives away fear and you don't really care about what people say about you because it's all about what God says about you it's about what God thinks about you it's about what the Word of God has shaped you to be you see don't worry about what people say in this season you need to find out why am I so unique to God Abraham understood why he's so unique to God even though he didn't know didn't know where he was going but he rose up and he went to this place but something happened on the third day the Bible tells us that on the third day you see they are walking with these two servants these two young men Isaac is there Abram has the wood that is split for the fire they are walking for two days but something happened on the third day you see what I was reading this sounds like God something happened on the third day there's something about the third day God desires you and I to reach the third day in the seasons of our lives you see on the third day is the day of redemption on the third day is a day of Transfiguration on the day on the third day is a day of sanctification on the third day is a day when you will know the truth and that truth will set you free Abraham found the third day in his season of his life and the Bible tells us that on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes lifted his eyes from the place of sorrow the place of questions and doubts and confusion wise god v they saying this the place of Tommo that is in the heart you see we are walking together but you don't know the term what that is in my heart you don't know the confusion that I'm facing you see we're having conversations were smiling in everything but there's something there's a turbulence that is taking place in my heart for the third day it silences the turbulences of the heart Abram lifted his eyes from the place of turbulence and confusion and he found the mountain and he saw the place afar off and when I was reading this the Spirit of God said Abraham saw it he had a revelation of the place afar off he wants you to have a revelation before you get there he wants you to see who you are before you get there God wants you to envision God wants us to be a people of vision people envision who we are before we get there you see when people are trying to distract you from getting there when people are trying to disrupt you from getting there when people are trying to stop you from getting there you've already seen the place afar off you've had the vision of the mountain you've seen a revelation of the mountain so no one can stop you no one can silence you anymore no one can discourage you when your own pastor starts to discourage you you've already seen where you are going so they cannot stop your child God you see these are the days of Jonah well no one can distract you anymore you make your decision because you know there's God you know is going and you say hey throw me in the sea because you know God is gonna rescue you I'm not saying you should say I'm not saying you should tempt God and you know say I'm not gonna do this I don't want to do that and you know be rebellious but what I'm saying is you have to be so sure of who you are so sure of where you're going see the place afar off lift up your eyes from looking down so many of you are looking down you've forgotten who you are you've forgotten what God said about you you forgot in the sweet words that you were given in the secret place in your closet the prayer closet you've forgotten the dreams in the visions that God gave you because maybe it was so many moons ago it was so much he was so many yes and go so much has happened maybe you've gotten married you've had kids you forgotten what God told you to do you see being a wife and being a mother should not take away from what God has assigned you to do child of God remember who you are remember where you're going see the place afar off this is what God is saying Abraham had a revelation on the 3rd day and he saw the place afar off and immediately his language changed you see your language can begin to change when you have a revelation when you know who you are and you are very sure of gods weren't Abraham's language change and he said to the young man hey stay here to the donkeys you see things begin to happen in your life whereby you can say that these people that I've been walking with they can't go with me where I'm going because they cannot handle it you begin to cut off friendships and people are wondering why is she all of a sudden showing off is because you've had a revelation of where you're going you've understood and you've measured everyone around you and you've seen that this one does not have the capacity to go up with me on this mountain this one if I take that one with me they'll begin to question why I'm trying to sacrifice my son this one will begin to create rumors about me that I try to kill my son this one will create horror stories about me when I get to the fire this one will try to stop me because they don't understand God is doing you see when you have a revelation your language changes your behavior changes this is why you cannot go with everybody Abram understood that you know these men are young yes they are able to help you with the fire the wood yes they're able to help me put Isaac on the place of sacrifice but their hearts and their minds do not match their youth their hearts and their mind do not match their strength they are not strong enough to handle this so his language changed his way of thinking changed and he said guys y'all can stay here for now but me and Isaac we're gonna go a little bit further and we're gonna go worship God he wasn't lying about worship because he sacrifice was a form of worship you see they don't understand that what you're doing is a form of worship because you need to stop this relationship and you need to stop this engagement that's the sacrifice that God is asking you for the season for this season you see sometimes worship it's not you know singing and lifting up your hands sometimes your worship is your obedience your worship is your obedience in the season your worship is saying God I'm going to stop this relationship because you making me a woman of substance a woman of virtue in the season I am more than a godly woman I'm a virtuous woman so I have to stop this relationship this is my sacrifice of worship child of God will you worship the king of kings through obedience today will you worship the lord of lords through your obedience through your faithfulness will you offer up the sacrifice that God is requesting you because yes praise is a sacrifice but there are other sacrifices that God is required is requiring from you that will shift and change your life Abraham said hey guys stay there me and the young lads we will go yonder and worship and we'll come back to you that's a language of a man who understands what's happening here you understand that they're going to come back you know God though God has said you know take Isaac you're only the only Son and sacrifice him to me Abraham understood that god he's going to provide something else God is testing me you see when you have halation you begin to know the difference between being tempted and being tested you see you don't really bargain with temptation you don't really give in to the voice of temptation but we've come to being tested by God you begin to be obedient so many of us in the season they don't know the difference between being tested and being tempted God is testing you he's not tempting you the tempter has come to tempt you that's not God testing you understand the difference it takes a revelation it takes revelation just say Holy Spirit give me revelation like you gave Abraham at the time in the land of Moriah give me revelation Spirit of God help me to understand is this a test is this me being tempted and the desires of my heart flowing in a way that allows room for temptation to come into my life the way that I see things now is it a way that allows me to be tempted in my same things a little bit of far off if I moved away from the Shepherd if I moved away from the flock if I moved away from the vine the true vine so Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering laid it on Isaac his son and he took the fire in his hand and a knife and the two of them went together is he Abram is amazing he takes this wood that is meant to sacrifice Isaac on and he makes Isaac to carry it that's a level of trust and relying on God that's a very that's very sacrificial Abraham gives the wood the materials and the things that I needed to sacrifice his son he makes his son carry those things child of God do you rely on God so much that you do things a little bit extra for him the things that are meant to hurt you the things that are pulling at your heart and your heart is saying it's playing around with your mind like how can you really do that your mind is playing around saying why do you do that your mind and your heart are having a conversation that is kind of flicking but God but because you trust in the Lord because you rely on him you act according to your spirit you see sometimes people think they can trust their hearts don't trust your trust the Word of God trust the mind of God walk in the spirit as you live in the spirits then you'll not fulfill the desires of your heart you will not feel the desires of your flesh you will not fulfill the desires of your mind because these things can be turbulent now it's Isaac he's carrying this wood he's starting to get questions the enemy's probably giving him questions you know this thing that you're meant to sacrifice maybe there's questions right now this thing is giving you questions this relationship maybe all of a sudden it's sort of now healthy since this isolation you find that things are kind of flowing together but before the isolation there's turbulence now you have questions it's like questioning you so where where's the sacrifice wait where's the lamp you know you're about to break up but you know things seem really great why don't you just hold on a little bit longer maybe the person is gonna change maybe they will change maybe this isolation is changing their mind and they will not only emotionally abuse you though not only financially abused you though not only physically abused you the thing that you meant to leave behind in some cases you actually meant to sacrifice that thing in some cases your sacrifice means you have to break up because God is gonna provide another relationship and he has ordained maybe God wants you to completely stop that thing that you're doing that's the sacrifice but all of a sudden it seems like things are okay Isaac he's asking father so where where's the lab because I'm holding this wood and we're going to this place it's mountain I don't see any lamp like what's going on so Abraham says God will provide for himself the land for wood for a burnt offering you know your language has to match your language should not change because you will be questioned situations will question you people question you why are you guys not yet married what's going on situations we didn't begin to question you given you questions that are not really aligned to what God said to you questions like did God really say that you are the son of God if you are the son of God turn these stones into bread if you are the son of God do this or do that did God really say you should not eat on this tree that is in the midst of the garden did really did God really say this you will be questioned your promise will be questioned people will question child of God some of you need to become mature so that you don't let the questions to vex your mind you see people are entitled to the opinions but it doesn't mean you need to answer their opinions everybody is entitled to an opinion but does it mean that you need to respond to the opinion you don't need to respond to that opinion sometimes you need to be silent sometimes you need to be quiet learn the art of being private learn the art of being silent because certain questions require you to be silent certain questions require you to give a certain answer that is maybe a little bit vague maybe a certain answer that requires a level of revelation to the faith that God has told you to the faith that attaches to the promise that God has told you you know that God is gonna provide a lamp you know that you're a father of many nations so why do you waste your time you know arguing with people why'd you ask your time trying to bargain with people trying to have these debates with people why and you're wasting time debating with your Isaac why are you wasting time having arguments with Isaac it's time to get to the mountain because something needs to change in your life because there's a test that needs to be passed all waste your time arguing with the naysayers don't waste your time arguing with people that annoys it to all you don't waste your time because something needs to change in your life the longer that you waste your time arguing the longer that it takes for you to pass the test you see child of God Abraham said hey God is gonna provide for himself a lamb in Abraham in his obedience in Abraham in his obedience and I believe there's something that took place he has something supernatural that took place when Abraham was binding Isaac there's something supernatural God had to have intervened in that situation Abraham began to build that outer place the wood oh my god God convinced the heart of Isaac even through the answer of faith God has to begin to convince the things that are questioning you to your answers of faith through your act of faith through your act of silence I'm even reminded of Elizabeth her act of faith was a silence for that first five months that was an act of faith the act of faith allowed people's questions to be answered when she showed up again with a belly that has a child whose name is John let your act of faith or your silence or your words of faith tell people the answer God will begin to move on top of the words of faith the Spirit of God is going to begin to move on top of your words of faith your words of faith are alive and active when people begin to question you maybe your silence of faith God is going to begin to move on top even as it did Wolverine above the face of the waters that's how the Spirit of God begins to move through his power over your words God began to touch the heart of Isaac when Abraham spoke those words of faith this is why Abram was able to build the outer oh my god you have to allow faith you need faith in the season another level of faith you see you believed God for his promises you believed what God said about you but there's another thing that is required of you in the way that you speak your level of speech has to be aligned with faith in the season Abraham bound Isaac laid him on the altar upon the wood and Abraham stretched his hand took the knife to slay his son but the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven he said God will move from heaven for you they're angels waiting right now to move on your behalf through your obedience they're angels right now that are waiting to sound the horn to sound the trumpet through your act of obedience right here they are waiting in their position for you to pass when you pass the test as soon as you pass the test there are angels that are ready to move on your behalf to say hey don't lay a hand because I'm about to provide a lap and do not move a finger or a nail because I'm about to provide a lap on the other side of your situation look on the other side of that vision that I gave you look to the other side of the promises that I've given you because there's a ram that I provided the time is coming when God is going to shift your eyes shift your eyes the way that you see things there's a time that is coming when things that are going to begin to happen to your child of God because you passed the test these things that are about to take place in your life child of God but right now I want you to enjoy the Spirit of God is saying endure endure for now doesn't make sense just endure for now because there's something that that's about to take place in your life something that seems impossible just before the rope breaks in half God is about to rescue you God is going to shift and change the situation you will not fall you will not die in the season at the last hour at the last minute there's a last-minute rescue that is taking place child of God the angel said hey Abraham he said Here I am and he was able to hear the angel of the Lord let your spirit be alert and very alert in the season be alert in the season - the things of the Spirit see sometimes the enemy can begin to distract us and say hey there's no lamp here you got the wood the fire doesn't really seem hard enough you're looking at the levels of the heat of the fire which has nothing to do with what God is about to do in your life pay attention to what you're paying attention to ask yourself what am I really paying attention to you know these people are telling me this and that these people are giving me because they giving me secondhand answers but I choose to pay attention to the Spirit of the Lord what is the spirit on God saying and you begin to just wake up and pray you just begin to wake up and pray your edifying your spirit man to catch up with the mind of God it's the season to pay attention because some of you God has provided the land but you need to be able to hear God when he says do not lay a hand on the son it's a crucial moment for you be alert in the season Abraham said the angel said do not lay a hand on the ladder do anything to him for now I know that you fear God his angel was telling Abraham that I know that you fear God now now God is able to trust you another level of capacity of being a father of many nations there's another dimension where there's an Jacob was going to be named Israel that is coming it's another dimension that you've just entered into Abraham because you've passed the test of the fear of the Lord now I know that in this season in this level of grace in this level of influence and power that you will fear me when you're around people that don't fear God I know that you will show them another way of doing things God has to trust you with a certain level of influence a certain level of grace and favor God has to be able to see that you can handle it can you handle it in the season since you have not withheld your son your only son from me then Abraham lifted his eyes again a revelation and looked and there behind him just behind him imagine this before he couldn't hear that there's any noise of any animal that is anything caught between anything he couldn't hear anything it takes revelation Abraham came to a place whereby he was able to be vigilant he was able to be alert and offer up this around that his eyes lifted up to this Ram that God had provided instead of his son so we need to be a people that are very much alert in the season because one although you're offering the sacrifice you need to understand what the Spirit of God is saying to you in this season the sphere of God is saying hey I provided that lamb I provided that man I provided a plan B in place of the plan a the plan that you made a plan a I've provided what seems like a plan B and the plan B is actually way better than your own plan your own will your own ways so we need to be in people that are very vigilant a people whose ears a Hackett to what the Spirit is saying in this season so Abraham went and took the RAM and offered it up for a burnt offering it's Elfi son India when we see that the survivor is caught on by its horn so we are seeing that it's another revelation really whereby these ones represent a different kind of stripe that is coming into Abraham's life there's a new level of strength and unity mention of the promise of God concerning his life a father of many nations that promise is going to manifest in his life in a way that is beyond his son of promise Isaac you see God is looking at the son of Isaac God is looking at Israel is seeing even more beyond what Abraham is see child of God I don't know what sacrifice you need to give in this season because of God is sin beyond what you can give him right now God is seen beyond even the promise that you believe the promise that you understand today there's another dimension that he wants to open up to you in this season but it takes Sorby dias it takes you Willy to saddle your donkey and go to that place that mountain or that city of Moriah that you don't really know it takes you being inclined to what the Spirit of God is saying God wants to work with us and this season it's a very crucial season of our lives so we just want to pray that God helps us that God is able to strengthen us God is able to help us because we are not able to do it in our own strength this is why we have the Holy Spirit of God that the Spirit of God helps us that we don't miss when God was to do it this season we don't miss because we don't understand what he's saying because maybe what he's saying right now he's not matching what he said 10 years ago they want to be a people that don't miss what God wants to do in this season so let's just pray father in the mighty name of Jesus we give you honor we give you glory king of kings and Lord of lords you're worthy of honor you are the God of Abraham Isaac and Israel oh god you are the covenant-keeping god father we give you honor we give you glory I thank you for these people oh god these are your people your beloved the apples of your eye father some of them are saying that we don't really understand your love we don't understand how unique we are in you some are saying oh god we want to discover you in a mighty way we want to discover you for ourselves you want that pure that close relationship Oh God reveal yourself to them then they may know you O God according to your name father some don't even know you as Jehovah Jireh some have not yet experienced the reality of you as your overshadow Oh God reveal yourself as Jehovah shallow in the season Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Nissi Oh God we pray in the mighty name of Jesus Jehovah Rapha in the season of their lives Oh God may they walk in the reality of who you are for the maybe experience your nature your name your glory your grace in the season of their lives oh god help them father to set up their donkeys in this season to prepare themselves Oh God to cut up the wood and prepare the fire o God for the sacrifice for father you are doing a new thing in the season Oh God let them see it father we pray in the mighty name of Jesus oh god help them to experience the third day of redemption the day when everything becomes clear the day that they understand their salvation and your salvation Oh God in their life let them experience Oh God your hand let them find that third day in the season of their lives even as Abraham looked up and he saw the mountain afar off you saw the place of sacrifice afar off father give you people revelation revelation to see the visions the dreams the goals even your desires could sell me their lives help them to see that afar off that they would not be mistaken that they would not be distracted then they would not be stopped from fulfilling your will if their lives oh god help your people in this season father we pray in the mighty name of Jesus help them to not argue with people to not question things they don't have debates Oh God father when they get questions even as Isaac questioned Abraham he said father the the fire the wood but where is the sacrifice where is the lamp o God help your people to speak words of faith in this season words then do not shift or change oh god the plan that you haven't placed a plan that you have established in place father let your people understand the importance of speaking words of faith o God help us to understand the importance of speaking words of faith in this season father we pray in the mighty name of Jesus Holy Spirit power of God have your way revived thy people all God whatever then they a weak and dead revived them in this season even by a fire your holy fire oh God your transforming fire your purifying fire in the season of their lives o God from the crown of the head to the soles of their feet let them arise O God in the season let them shine o God in your glory in your power in your grace to know who they are God without doubt without question Father despites any word any storm any noise that they hear father this we pray in the name of Jesus the name that is above every other name father we give you glory give you honor thank you for this opportunity once more god to be molded and shaped according to your power your grace and your word in this season thank you for a life-changing word once more thank you for shifting us into another level another dimension of grace of power of influence and of glory for your glory alone this we pray in the name of Jesus the name is above every other name glory to God glory to God amen and amen well so we give God glory we thank him for his mercy and His grace and I thank you for your life and God loves you so much the most important thing in this season remember rely and trust in him remember grow in the love of God the knowledge of the love of God don't let anyone put you down don't let anyone distract you dude let anyone stop what God is saying concerning your life don't question the Word of God in this season just obey Him trust in him and go deep deep deep in his presence in the season through his power through his spirit and via his word so god bless you take care bye [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 23,354
Rating: 4.9760089 out of 5
Id: uN5Ftsu8SrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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