My Kitchen Is so Dirty That I Never Use It | the Hoarder Next Door Ep 2 | Only Human

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[Music] all across britain ordinary people are keeping a shocking secret and their numbers are growing look at this room nigel over a million people now live in mountains of clutter it's quite good actually it keeps the width down that's our rat and when a horde takes over how would you feel if you had more space like i could breathe it can turn the lives of ordinary families upside down mum why are you not listening [Music] you can't live like this i know but help is at hand this is the bathroom yes i would have never guessed psychotherapist stelios keosis has been treating hoarders for the last 15 years and he believes he can help anyone in just six weeks they're not freaks it isn't a choice i just want to get out of this room before this room kills me there's a little hoarder in all of us when it's out of hand and that's what makes it different [Music] this week can jack and his mum fight years of hoarding this house is best described as a shizzle so they can reclaim their home [Music] in the sleepy somerset village of yatten 55 year old helen ellis and her 18 year old son jack find as many ways as possible to be away from their home even if it means spending quality time at the local laundrette [Music] why do you read these magazines why why i like to read about real life jack is studying travel and tourism at college his mother helen has a part-time job as a care worker no one would suspect that behind the doors of their unassuming two-bedroom flat lies a horde of massive proportions this is my lounge as you can see there's lots of rubbish on the floor at the moment i think i'm about one foot off the carpet helen and jack live in layer upon layer of clutter oh my shoes a [ __ ] hole this house is is best described as a shizzle there is no space anywhere every inch of the floor is covered in crap a few old videos i don't know what that one is oh mars attacks i didn't know we had that we've got carrier bags bottles newspapers magazines toys shoes old clothes what else jesus christ i think that covers it love but life hasn't always been this way sixteen years ago helen lost her husband to cancer leaving her to bring up jack alone i used to clean and tidy but gradually after my husband died it did start to go downhill but you have to find the best way to get through it but it's not getting very easy it's like a mental block i've lost the ability too tidy up for jack who's caught the hoarding habit growing up in eight years worth of clutter has made life far from easy it's very hard to live here because of the mess because of the smell the last time i had someone over has to be at least 10 years ago i think it was my seventh birthday was the last time we had someone over the living conditions are so challenging that jack escapes as often as he can [Music] when i walk out the door i feel free i don't have rubbish to sort of limit what i want to do i go to take photographs of trains i also go at the library to study um after college i never do it at home never because i can't there's no space for me to go and do it while some parts of daily life are unaffected our clothes are washed we are washed other domestic activities are completely out of the question no i don't cook in the kitchen i may do a bacon sandwich once in a blue moon [Music] i miss having cooked meals from my mum because she was she was a very good cook now that it's got so bad it's impossible the horde has suffocated their living space and is so overwhelming that helen and jack are unable to face it head-on i feel a bit disgusted with myself i feel sorry for myself i feel useless because i've not been able to make it any better and i try and block it out and in doing blocking it out you can't get round to doing anything about it it actually seems like you're trying to get over the berlin wall you don't know where to start we need help we don't need criticism what we need is help helen and jack are not alone hoarding disorder is on the increase and due to be recognized as a separate mental health condition but one man who believes he can help is leading psychotherapist de leos kiosis he has been treating hoarders for the past 15 years and has some unusual methods of therapy when you clutter and you hold your resistant to change hoarding is a mental health disorder really it's not because they want to live in a dirty environment or surround themselves with clutter and filth it is an outcome of the mental health problem so it's very important that we don't judge waters from what we see but be open and try and understand who they are [Music] stelios wants to put helen and jack back in charge of their lives in just six weeks hopefully stelios will be able to help us because i don't know where else to go and when helen and jack are ready he'll send in decluttering cleaners who'll help them to reclaim their flat the first step is to meet helen and jack in their home every hoarder's house has a story to tell really the hoarder's house is a reflection of the hoarder's mind you know it would be interesting to see what this particular house reflects in terms of how they feel and how they think helen and jack have been too ashamed to reveal the state they have lived in stelios will be the first stranger they've opened their doors to in over five years it's quite a big thing to open the door and let someone in but the way i see it he's gonna help us so that can't be a bad thing [Music] hello jack hi i'm stelios can i come meet you nice to meet you too can i come in yeah thank you hello stelios hello helen how are you very good stelios needs to be shown the extent of the horde to know exactly what he'll be dealing with obviously this is the um kitchen the kitchen here we go [Music] wow i used to be able to cook it it's very good isn't it yes what if we do something about this yeah okay right next room right where are we going now in jackson this is my bedroom this is your bedroom yep this used to be mum's bedroom we swapped each other's bedrooms quite a while back what's that there in the corner that's cigarette end sticker red ends whose are they why are they there i don't know because i never emptied the ashtray that's not an asterisk there's a table the atmosphere in the flat was one of not just the smell and the stench the filth that's inside but also one of extreme neglect and sadness feel free to look but hold your breath [Music] oh yes okay do you actually use the bathroom yeah you have to next room my old bedroom but mum's new bedroom oh yes i can smell the smoke in here oh and no there's a new cigarette butt pile forming okay stelios plan is to find out exactly what triggered their hoarding tell me a little bit about how you feel about living here both of you i've blocked most of it out by now that's why i'm still able to live here i never actually take in my surroundings here because look at the place it's hard to bear okay and what's it different in the path and how it is now yes i've got photographs to prove it yeah they're in the red album where did that go it was next to you i sat next to it there it is yeah ah thank you this is here yeah and this lovely little boy is that jack yeah so obviously the pictures here show that this was a lovely warm fluffy and clean no clutter wasn't it because of stress well we had problems living around here we started getting picked on a bullet more intimidating you can't walk in up your path so we used to go out every day but jack thinks their hoarding may be down to more than local bullying this isn't what i know this is what i think sure i think maybe um my dad dying sort of had a part to play in it the tip didn't start i think it took a few years to affect you so how long ago did oh 1995. how old were you uh two years two do you remember him no no but you reckon also it's because of your father's death well you know when you've lived with someone for so long and when you've loved someone for so long when they go it just feels like your world's breaking around you despite helen's denials stelios believes that she's used the horde to bury the painful memory of her husband's death helen has been depressed from the trauma that she's experienced for hordes this is very important because the horde is usually a representation of trauma really basically what she's actually saying is i don't want to relive the trauma again so i'm building an emotional defense but also building a physical defense [Music] sterlios's six-week treatment begins with a simple exercise for helen realization is very important i can't tell her to clean everything or to declutter everything it's beyond her mental capacity to understand that we're going to pick at one item or just one item helen has decided to concentrate on just paper as this makes up most of the horde i'm not picking it up in great big clumps because there might be something here believe it or not that i may want i'm going through it methodically this is just a tip of the iceberg but i've got to keep going otherwise that's the point oh manny 20p oh hello love how are you good day college yes what have you been up to what have you been doing well stelios gave me a task to pick up paper as much as i could and that's what i've been doing all day mom i need a black sack encouraged by his mum's efforts jack's keen to get involved knowing that my mum's been doing it today it makes me want to do it but that inspiration quickly fizzles out usually keep going mum i've just found an old virgin trains bag do you want it dear yes is it clean no but we can clean it right stick it on the table i'll just go and put it in the washing machine no not now just put it on the table what table there's no table i don't see a table there's a table behind you oh it's covered in [ __ ] so i didn't really notice it [Music] timber here you go my lovely for eight years helen and her son jack have been excessively filling their flat with clutter [Music] what to do with that bin it it's now the third day of their treatment to change their hoarding habits for years 18 year old jack's been mentally blocking out the piles of rubbish he's been living in [Music] so psychotherapist stelios kiosis wants him to acknowledge his surroundings by taking some photos therapy is about becoming in touch with what you see and it's about correcting your distortions and this is what we're doing now the pictures are about reality so it's like somebody just flicking the light switch and seeing now what's always been there it feels alright taking photos but um my camera has always documented my life outside this house you know photos of trains and architecture landscape stuff like that and it feels quite horrid actually to have photos of the house on it because it brings my mind back to how we live it looks so different when you're taking photos of it when you come into this room your mind tends to block it out but i always pay attention to photos it becomes more of a reality it's the second week of helen's treatment and she's come to stelios's clinic in birmingham for a therapy session with 15 years worth of experience working alongside hoarders stelios has clear views on how to treat them what we do in this clinic is look at the cause which in most cases of compulsive hoarders is a traumatic event that is the cause hoarding is the disorder and clutter is the symptom so clearing somebody's house is not going to resolve the problem until they have resolved and clear the trauma have a seat okay stelios believes that the cause of helen's trauma was the death of her husband barry 16 years ago okay let's talk about what was going through your mind when when barry died you know and you being left alone with jack what were you thinking what's what was going through your mind well when somebody passes away although you know they're going to go because you've been told they're terminally ill yeah you still don't really think it's real so you're in a bit of a denial maybe i know he died we'd buried him but i didn't want to you always got his opening might come back i mean that sounds ridiculous doesn't it i think that's very common for people to feel that when somebody close them dies they think oh you know they've gone for a trip especially when they're young as well yeah he was in his thirties wasn't it thirty-three thirty-three yeah so ages when jesus died i thought that i don't know why i thought that was wrong this ladies had a lot of loss and we saw this classic defense of using humor to ease the pain and really for a reason and the reason is you know he doesn't want to get hurt again so it's a good start and withholders you know just a little start is a is a great start in terms of their own makeup really 200 miles away nestling on the edge of the pennine moors lies the former mill town of blackburn home to another hoarder that stelios is helping somewhere in here i've lost a court and i know he's in the house somewhere and i think it's on there single mother of four yvonne can't bring herself to get rid of anything from her children's childhoods even though three of them are now in their twenties this toy truck was my sam's probably about 20 years old but i loved it and i can't get rid you just love your babies forever don't you just don't want them to grow old this was my naughtiest when she was about 45 years old and again i can't get rid of it i love it all my thoughts are with them i just treasure everything about my children yeah nine-year-old daughter jasmine still lives at home and is beginning to suffer the effects of her mother's you in the hoarding i'm a bit squashed how would you feel if you had more space like i could breathe what would you do in it that you don't doing it now play games on the floor big sister 21 year old nadia left home three years ago but wants her mum to start sorting out the horde for jasmine's sake i really don't know i can live like this i'm going to sort it eventually when's eventually though i don't know it's extremely frustrating for children of holders they don't understand the condition they think it's just mess and it just needs cleaning up but actually it's a mental health disorder and it's very difficult for our child to accept that with the horde taking over every room in the house yvonne can no longer ignore it i'm just ashamed to bring people in and i'd love my nine-year-old daughter to be able to bring her friends over the way my other children used to do just to generally not be ashamed of opening the door to somebody [Music] for the sake of her youngest daughter yvonne knows she needs to confront her hoard so she's come to birmingham to seek help from stelios i'm looking forward to meeting cellulas and hoping that this person can help change the way i think about my hoarding my clutter and my way of life in general whatever we're going to do with yvonne will have a knock-on effect on the well-being of her children so it'll be interesting to see what's underneath all the emotional and physical clutter in everyone's life most of the stuff in my house relates to my children i've got toys and toys and ties from all my children were children there was always this clinging to the toys and things because i wanted another baby and i know it's not going to happen anymore but it doesn't stop me holding on to them when we hold on to things it's because it gives us a sense of identity it tells me who i am can you relate to that the more depressed i am the worse my heartiness so there's a definite correlation so let's look at the worst time in your life when you were depressed and how yeah that affected your environment you know the horde probably when my mum died six years ago she meant so much to me what's your support what's your greatest everything she was my best friend as well as mama homia and she just seemed to be there throughout everything but then when i split up with my last partner that's when things totally went i just couldn't throw anything away then i couldn't i could say everything that belongs to all my happy times i want to keep the fact that ivan cried is a very positive sign i don't think it's just about preserving the children i think it's also about to do with her own youth and her own childhood she's living in the past not in the present i encourage people to live in the here and now reality hurts but through pain you can grow i realize that most of my belongings that i'm hanging on to are actually reminding me of happy times in the past and i've got to accept that if i get rid of those the memories will still be there in my head but at least i'll be able to lead a more normal life and my family will be able to have a nice comfortable home [Music] three weeks into helen's treatment and stelias wants her to continue to clear the horde but this time in short bursts to prevent her from becoming overwhelmed he told me to do 10 minutes a day and i've got no argument with that but even with this helen is struggling to keep up the momentum i haven't got much energy motivation bit low ten minutes up yet arriving home from college jack has his own plans for the evening happy daughter what do you got to say i'm doing my room i'm not doing the living room anymore oh my my toe that's the plan i'm doing my room yeah but stelios hasn't given you anything to do yet oh so that means i can't do much no i'm just saying doesn't tell me to do it then i'm not allowed we haven't started in bedrooms yet well i can make a start then no why no oh just do what you like i'm fed up now i've done my 10 minutes mum why are you not listening oh no oh for [ __ ] sake hello i felt angry because i've wanted to get a start on this bedroom for a while so now seems as good a time as any to get going and i don't think i should have to wait for stelios to um to tell me to do it because i'm pretty independent anyway as they reach the halfway mark in their treatment helen and jack are poles apart in their enthusiasm for change [Music] helen and jack have had four weeks of extensive treatment with psychotherapist stelias kiosas and his team of experts and try and make your breathing as rhythmical as we can i'm setting you some homework to actually help you to change your mind right to help you to feel that you're really here you're not in the past and you're not in the future you're here now now helen and jack are becoming more mentally aware of their horde have you found today's session it's been brilliant it feels like you're actually listening to me for the first time ever jack wants to totally clear out his room unable to block out the stale litter he's been living in there's a [ __ ] smell coming from that he's keen to deal with the mountain of cigarette ends his mum left behind when she swapped rooms with him two years ago i don't know if you can see that but it says rise and shine on it [Music] spurred on jack's next focus is to tidy under his bed [Music] jeez there's a little bit under there just a bear over the following days he manages to shift 40 bags of rubbish from his bedroom [Music] mysteries to uncover [ __ ] her now it's been nearly 11 years since i've seen the carpet that clear it's so clear it's so clear the years of litter have not just prevented helen and jack from functioning in the flat they've also served to hide the past found this is my dad's old briefcase [Music] oh my god i don't think i've ever seen mum that happy well of course she was she was marrying the person she loved this is the first time that jack's ever seen these photos she looks beautiful i can't believe that these photos these amazing photos they're there under the rubbish and i was standing on them and it feels so disrespectful makes me feel quite sad it's sort of a snapshot into my dad's life who i didn't really know that well well i would like to have met him i would have liked to have met him as i am now i'll get some boxes to do this video three blocks did you think in blackburn yvonne has also been set a task by stelios to tidy one item each day if he gets too much she'll just have to start wallow and with daughter nadia's help they've decided to tackle videos right dennis jimenez and bana are you going to check in stelios has shown her that letting go of her horde doesn't mean that she has to let go of past memories got tom cruise in there you could probably get it on dvd for like a pound it's all right i'll let that go oh sam used to love this one please stop do you remember you should be mad on joe mcclarks and then stuff like that but he's not going to watch it now is it no he's chilling and the girls aren't going to watch it either oh jazz might like it mom is she really going to watch it okay she can watch it on tv things like that they're always on telly anyway how do you feel mum i'm okay i can feel my heart going really fast and i feel like i'm sh do a lot like i'm shaking i do want you shaking a bit i feel like i'm changing yeah i'm smiling i must be doing a good thing yeah bye bye the boobs bye-bye budgie the helicopter is this the last one yeah this is mac and mate last one yeah all [Music] [Music] with only a week to go before stelios implements the final bit of his plan for helen and jack sending in declutter cleaners he is meeting them at a country house close to their home but away from their horde [Music] one of the things i want to do this morning is to have them both together really and just sense what they feel they have achieved so far so that they can start thinking about you know how they can move their relationship forward i've got a week to go i just wanted to know how you both feel you've done so far learning to see it okay actually being able to realize it yeah look at because a it of weeks ago i just tuned it out but every time i walk into the house now i can see it and that motivates me to get rid of it and what about you hmm has there been any changes in you no not really have you not like been able to you know have you not got anything from this not the moment no well you want me to be truthful do you think that once we've got the house tidy yes it's all might when i don't know when it's gonna happen i know but once we do have it yeah are you going to be able to keep it tidy excuse me how old are you are you going to be able to keep it tough yes not just me who lives there dear i know that yes and it's going to come from you are you getting snappy on me i'm not getting snappy you're sitting there and saying are you gonna be able to keep it tight i know i am i know i'm motivated enough to do it i'm asking if you are not at the moment because it's not tidy yet source appointment well we'll wait and see you can't jump ahead too quick yeah but we gotta look to the future we can't just sit here and be in the now [Music] at the bottom of each hoarder's mind is the fear of change but the horde gives them a sense of stability there's a lot of uncertainty about the future and that created a lot of anxiety i think today for helen a lot of fear about where she's going and what's going to happen despite helen's concerns stelios believes that the key to motivating her is to stick to his plan and send in his declutters but she's not convinced i'm scared i can't see any light at the end of the tunnel i can't even think or imagine it being tidy again this is my last chance and so yeah i'm scared that it's not all going to come together a new day and stelios has sent in declutter cleaners to give helen the courage to face up to her horde and rid her flat of litter in just four days i think we're all feeling quite apprehensive for helen we're all positive about going in and doing the job getting the job done keeping helen focused she's inviting us into her home and actually we're not there to judge it doesn't really matter to us what's there we're just there to support her and help her in any way we can good morning hello helen hi how are you all right are you okay yeah are you are you looking you're a bit nervous darling yes dears it's gonna be fine is it it's gonna be absolutely fine good as long as you've been in worse than this you'll be always every day don't think you're you're not no i don't think so yeah honestly i've never seen it yet honestly helen okay fine are you ready for us to come in yeah have a look yeah okay lead on then we'll go through all right [Applause] well this is a big room isn't it yeah so is this your main living room it is it is yeah yeah okay and do you always have the curtains drawn oh six years i can't open them oh we've got to get some light and energy in here haven't we make it brighter for you helen we're going to have to have curtains and how do you feel about getting psyched up to do it with us well i'll try yeah here we go ladies this is the kitchen it would be nice to get this kitchen back and working there for you can you see this tidy yes blimey with the arrival of a skit ready let's go the first job is to clear the bags of rubbish from the front garden why couldn't they put the skip there yeah [Music] well done helen with the d clutter's expertise helen's soon seeing off the first load good job with many more to follow good riddance no emotion at the moment glad it's gone back from college and jack's already seeing the benefits of getting the experts in oh wow [Music] oh my god there's no stuff hi check hello we're still this under the double bed yeah yeah jesus christ how big is this room now huge i have to get this stuff out of here plenty of black sex brilliant ready to go all right all gone it feels bigger the room feels much bigger didn't feel that big with the bed in here it's a really brilliant step to a much brighter future feeling inspired jack gets to work putting her anxiety aside helen's found a novel approach to dealing with the rubbish it's like someone's put fuel in her i haven't seen my mum this upbeat and motivated for a long time it's like i'm seeing mum now as she was in those pictures when she was happy no black bed please [Music] so we'll start here shall we in blackburn yvonne's decided to reclaim her living room with the help of her daughter nadia the big box shop i'm in the big box yeah she's determined to clear her hoard to make a better home for her younger daughter jasmine but it's not proving easy now i was going to throw this the other way but girl said keep it so i'll do okay i'll leave it here until they come home no because realistically you never play with it it's not doing anything i know that it's still in good condition some of you can enjoy that go on then put it in there and some items are proving harder to part with than others mum i know don't argue sorry i'm not arguing more spinning a lot you're not binning anything you've got one bag though look at all the stuff you're keeping yeah but it fits there isn't real reason for everything it's just a feeling that certain items must mean more to me than others you know [Music] jasmine comes back from school to discover the beginning of her home's transformation can you believe all that we're full of claws down there can you believe that and now you can see what games you've got easier can't yeah what do you think tomorrow's done also are you surprised by it or do you think if somebody said here six months ago mum's going to come and get rid of all this stuff would you believe him or not no you wouldn't believe him yeah stand on it go on go bounce about i think over there need squashing a bit more give it a jump you're just not heavy you know if you're too skinny one more better get on it just squash it right put it in that bag then we them [Music] back in somerset and energized by the cleaners helen's out shopping for new blinds whilst the decluttering is beginning to show results [Music] there's actually quite a good carpet underneath here this bag [Music] returning home helen's in for a little surprise oh my god they've opened the curtains and they're cleaning my windows ladies all right yes lovely thanks and there's more surprises in store [Music] oh my god yes it is oh [Applause] i need to read it i need to read a story hidden deep in a cupboard is something jack's never seen barry's tragic diary left to his son in 1996 a magazine article was published about jack's father barry just a few months after he died of cancer oh look at you where you look beautiful how do i yes bouncing baby son jack weighing nine pounds 14 ounces tell you so his nickname for me then chippy yeah chip off the old block he wanted to go for a drink with me oh i'm glad we found that the article is an exciting discovery for jack hey girls are you right jack yeah this is a chat magazine that my dad was in before it was because um he had an illness and well you can read it it's an article about jack's dad and the reason he wanted to be in a magazine i can't say anymore what because the tears have come there [Music] clearing the rubbish has exposed helen to painful past memories but the article revealed jack's father wrote a diary for him and jack's determined to find it [Music] clinging to past memories yvonne has spent years hoarding her children's toys with stelios's help she's finally beginning to get rid of them it's about pushing the hoarding perception a little bit to the side and bring it on out to start seeing the world in terms of what it is really not how the horde is made to see things for my family i do feel i've got to do it now i've started it and i've got to get on with it and do it yeah i do feel like you know that's the only way forward really oh vansay yeah is this ruby shot you both got yet yeah these are not british aren't they yeah plenty of room after an intense few hours of decluttering the van leaves for the local dump i don't feel upset i feel ashamed that it sort of sat in my house for so long but yeah i'm glad it's going now yeah over the years yvonne's living room had become impossible for her and her children to function in she'd spent so long holding on to items from the past that she'd been unable to look ahead to the future with stelios's help yvonne has made a start to declutter her home and in the process has given her youngest daughter the space she's longed for oh you're right princess it's really good that she can do this so now isn't it i think yesterday we couldn't even sit here no probably doing this for years i think in the last few days i think you've really achieved a lot and this is only the start yeah definitely maybe clearing away the horde is clearing away everything that's blocking me from seeing going forward it feels a relief that i've done a bit of it and i think well i've got this bit done i'm capable i can do more i can get on with it i can do it i think you've done brilliant good good thank you [Music] helen and jack's flat is also starting to return to its original state with the help of cleaners sent in as the final part of stelios's plan [Music] and the clearing has revealed a precious find for jack in the back of his cupboard oh my god this is my dad's um diary that he left to me a short history of my life barry philip ellis before he died jack's father barry wanted to leave a journal of his life for his son to remember him by including the day of jack's birth it was the greatest moment of my life but i'm celebrating the birth at the same time as asking myself how old will the baby be when i die or will the child even know who i am will he know i was his father will i still be around even a few months from now i must say the signs from the doctors are not very encouraging i just want to live and enjoy bringing up my son it's really amazing to be able to hear about my own birth from my dad i do feel a bit upset that i haven't read it until now and um i think he wanted me to know him and that the only way he felt he could do that was to write this for me after four days of hard work and five skips filled with rubbish the decluttering is finally over i hate goodbyes it's time i'd like to say thank you to all of you for the wonderful job that you've done and to say thank you for decluttering my home i am okay it's been lovely meeting you both you and jack and i hope that you really feel that we've got what you wanted done definitely and i hope that it really helps you move on and i just it's been wonderful meeting you and our little breaks that we've had together done yeah thank you thank you jack thank you you just take care of yourself okay thank you and enjoy i can't thank you enough george i'm so glad you're okay bye thanks girls bye bye [Music] i really don't know how she stayed so focused and motivated the only way i can sit read that is that she really wanted it badly i think for jack he can now start to become a normal 18 year old teenager with his own space in his own room which would be absolutely great by confronting painful memories helen and jack are now ready to start looking to a future free of clutter well i'm happy that we found a lot of old dad's old stuff yes it's quite hard for me to go through these things because i had looked at them sure before they became hidden in the clutter yeah so yeah it's quite difficult but i think it's more difficult for you because um you don't remember him and you don't remember any of the stuff that had been left now i've got his diary i feel that i can get to know him in in some way and i'm really happy about that that really is positive for me yeah very positive [Music] after six weeks of hoarder therapy stelios is about to see what sort of impact his treatment has had on helen and jack there's a slight anxiety in terms of what i'm going to find inside but first impressions from outside are quite remarkable really the windows are clean so it's a positive sign that something has changed for the better [Music] hello hi i'm back i know okay wipe your feet yes yes [Music] wow i can see the floor what'd you reckon wow hello hello all right yes amazing yeah oh my goodness how big is this room it just looks huge you've got new chairs as well wow i can't just can't believe i'm cooking at the moment as well i guess i can smell really nice food i know wow it just looks amazing feels warm absolutely fantastic it's my domain wow well done this is good a desk i won't have to stay at college extra hours or go at the library to work because i'll be able to do it in my own space where i feel relaxed and secure oh i can't tell you i'm happy i'm for you really it's a new beginning isn't it yeah wow you can actually go in now and it smells nice tidier cleaner brilliant absolutely brilliant okay well done thanks [Laughter] just six weeks ago the flat was drowning in eight years worth of clutter helen and jack were suffocating in layer upon layer of hoarded litter but with stelios's support and guidance they now have a new home and can begin to move on in their lives well this is what makes my job worthwhile seeing two individuals mother and son finding themselves again really well done to them and i'm extremely happy right how many roasters i'll have six at the moment because they're quite small maybe seven for the first time in five years helen and jack are sitting down to a home-cooked meal i finally feel that not just the house my life is clean now i can have a fresh new start [Music] we've now decluttered the house and that's the physical side there's still the fear that it could happen again [Music] but i really do not see that happening i'm getting my house back i'm getting my life back i suppose in a way i'm getting my mum back it's [Music] fantastic [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign
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Rating: 4.8203497 out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, The Hoarder Next Door, hoarder, hoarder next door, britain's biggest hoarders, 2016, hoarders (tv program), cartoons, stelios kiosses, rubbish, tv, day in my life, hoarders buried alive, collection, purchase, shopping, school, nails, collectibles, only human documentary, shopping addiction documentary, hoarders full episodes, the hoarder next door, the hoarder next door season 1 episode 2, the hoarder next door youtube
Id: b5MXXafY5mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 8sec (2828 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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