Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners | FULL EPISODE | Series 1, Episode 1

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Ok but these types of shows (as horrible as OCD can be) they've got hella good tips

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Czech_Mixx 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I agree, it’s just shocking how some people are ready to live in filth. That hasn’t been cleaned for years!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Prat13 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
47 year-old Linda dykes is an obsessive cleaner from North Wales have I being called OCD oh you better believe it obsessed by shine Linda spends one whole month a year making tap Sparkle what can shine well shine and she cleans around the clock whatever time of day or night are five in the morning and I start getting the bloody Hoover out and then muff and getting the washing up done and you know and Linda is not alone a quarter of people in Britain are so obsessed with cleaning and tidying but they spend two and a half hours or more every weekday on household chores with many feeling compelled to abide by strict regimes and rituals I don't wash my bath with my hand because I just a dead skin cells and stuff for the stick she's told you've got to be in sync with each other but for most of us keeping our homes clean and tidy is not a priority as the average British kitchen chopping board has twice as much fecal bacteria as the average toilet bowl there's a dog poo on the carpet and over half a million of us wash our sheets just three times a year oh good god I'm actually lost for words Linda dykes has turned her obsession into her business and believes people with an obsessional need to clean their home have a special set of skills which could change the habits of the nation so she's teaming up with a volunteer army of obsessive cleaners to get there we will clean up Britain right now on my icy day on the toilet say my hands absolutely sweaty filthy filthy filthy filthy filth but can two sets of people with such opposing attitudes to cleanliness work together to transform their lives you don't have to live like this you can live better and cleanliness or will that obsessive need to clean prove just too much to take how can something used to be different who's employed them I've seen the bad side to her today you know I'm gonna be honest with you it's just utter disorder chaos and grime and dirt I can take on board what they say that's right and think that really I don't want to live your lifestyle [Music] Linda dykes is meeting obsessive cleaners from all over the UK to help her clean up Britain perfect yes I'm gonna have a little lock in your oven oh my goodness spotlessly clean the first volunteer is 37 year old Richard from Sandhurst Richard lives with his wife and two stepsons but is obsessed by the urge to organize tidy and keep order since that front doors sha I'm hoovering I'm cleaning I'm tidying I'm organizing you can see I'm angry doing this I can't stop I can't sit down I can't be at peace until everything is as it should be it is quite a stressful existence on top of running his own business Richard spends two entire months of every year just cleaning and tidying his home and it can impact on those close to him might even not two toilet roll off again Richard is definitely the most tidy person I've ever met I just need to make your bed is that right thanks I do have this obsession but I don't think it's a bad thing this obsession with order isn't just limited to his home if I see a can that's there I suppose in the air bring it to the front as a just that happy sometimes about knowing you know what yeah it looks better tidy doesn't it it has been a bit of a problem for me in the past I won't lie my previous wife her family said I was proper OCD but like Linda dice Richard believes that his compulsion to clean shall be passed on messy people why Mia some people like leaving like slobs some people enjoy wallowing in in a fil flight pigs but I've got special gifts and bringing order to chaos and I enjoy it I really do enjoy it Richard is taking four days out of his obsessive cleaning routine to try and tackle this hundred-year-old cottage oh my goodness someone actually lives here hello sir oh I'm Richard Oh good to come to your home yeah yeah 64 year old ex antiques dealer Christopher is being forced to camp in his own home as it's been completely overwhelmed by 15 years worth of clutter it's definitely happened by accident it's just 15 years of gradually gradually slowly slowly they one day you wake up and you realize you haven't got a bedroom floor there's a very nice comfortable wing armchair but it's not accessible at the moment and this is my dining table it's too embarrassing I can't invite people back here I think in the last 10 years any four people have been into my house one of the few people invited into the mess and squalor is Christopher's good friend chalice cannot go around Christopher's house for a cup of tea or a sandwich because you'd probably end up dying with some kind of bacterial infection or disease well when I'm looking around here really I just despair where you begin I haven't got a clue it's just ridiculous and now it's time for change without a doubt but with Christopher's compulsive collecting so ingrained it's not certain how much of Richard's advice he'll be able to take on board Wow show me around these are the two reception rooms yeah I guess you don't do much receiving in there well of course I did this is the room I've always used as a living room okay you relaxing idiot where'd you see it well this is a small problem isn't it yeah is this what you were expecting it's probably worse than I was exposed or what it might be right okay do you want to lead on I guess kitchens in there I think no problem yeah that's fine Wow the house is in chaos this house isn't just cluttered it hasn't been cleaned since Christopher moved in 15 years ago hmm it's a functional kitchen as you can see Christopher it's very grimy yes it is a very flattered yeah and I don't see how you can actually cook Cornero you can't what do you live on sandwiches sandwiches telling you a sandwiches right okay you know I'm gonna be honest with you it's just utter disorder chaos clutter and grime and dirt there's it so I need help it's absolutely need help I do indeed you the man to help well let's let's hope so this is like someone's just got a refuse tip took the roof of the house emptied the whole thing in put it back on and that's it it's really bad it's bad this is the bed you sleep in this is the bed okay and when you go to bed in the evening do you clear the bed off or do you just get in there and go to sleep half of it half of it you don't need the whole bed so okay you can shove it across all right let's go down to the kitchen okay you manage yes I'll follow you okay now that he's seen the whole house Richard wants to share some of the strategies he uses to keep his own home spotlessly clean Christopher I put together some hints and tips about how to stay on top of clutter how to lead a tinier life beds let's talk about beds I say make your bed every morning as soon as you get out of it make this a ritual because a messy bed can make a room much messier than it actually is if I'm the only one there that doesn't matter and tinier anti-disease anyway quick way around with the Hoover needs to take place at least once in the morning and once in the evening well yeah every day this keeps the house looking joking twice a day yeah that is ridiculous let's talk about fridge why are you gonna get germs in the fridge when it's cold and it's supposed to keep things fresh but when stuff goes out of date it spoils it goes moldy and as a date things are not necessarily out of date my eggs last for a month in a fridge longer than yeah shelf life on them do you throw everything away anyone has finished got my phone I follow the guidelines on the sell by dates used by dates yes they are very wasteful bacterial state gets better than the older it is I can see you're gonna take a little bit of convincing no you can tell me what you like I can I can disagree with that of course I can also take on board what you'll say that's right indie and think that really and I don't want to live your life about professional cleaner Linda dykes believes that people with a compulsive urge to clean of a special skill which should be put to good use to clean up Britain one dirty house at a time we will clean up Britain the next volunteer is 52 year old single mom Michelle who is so terrified of germs she spends almost 60 hours a week cleaning her home I am a gem folk germs mess and makes my skin crawl just put the shot at home and as you can see there's tens those jars less bottle I would never dream of just putting them straight into the fridge maybe people have touched them maybe they haven't got clean hands haven't washed from the toilet or whatever if I didn't wash them I would feel like there's germs on them which I couldn't take at all every day my telephone will get cleaned all the handsets in the house will get cleaned I clean the hood for every day before it gets used and after it gets used Michele's compulsion to clean has led it to develop a three-step cleaning process of bleach fabric conditioner and polish for her floors which she does up to five times a day now there's not a speck any dirt on this floor at all whatsoever so I'm really pleased about that whilst Michele can devote up to eight hours a day to polishing her glass where's she's most obsessive when it comes to polishing her windows when it rains I I'm sitting by the window waiting for it to give over so I can get out here and clean and get the glass looking absolutely immaculate and the window ledges so this is done everyday inside and outside and sometimes if it has to be done twice a day if I get to lots of rains I'll come out here and I'll do it twice but Michelle's obsession with cleanliness makes it very difficult to live with can't touch the kitchen can't cook anything running after me Hoover in sweeping I think you're a bit nothing with it like you're always Hoover at 2:00 in the morning or when I come back from club in here the Hoover's on upstairs I recognize that I'm over the top I recognize I'm crazy with the cleaning I'm told I'm a nutter but I can't help it and I want to help people I want to teach them and I can take my knowledge and I can show them how easy and simply is that they don't need to live in dirty houses it has to be my way there is no other way Michelle will be helping 31 year old NHS direct telephone advisor Richard from Milton Keynes who hasn't cleaned his bedsit once in the four years he's lived there I'm not a king I don't like Lee it's it's not something that I enjoy doing like some other people do there was multiple different colored stains we have cigarette ash that looks like coffee some tea over here it is not copper anymore it is stained Richards bed seat is now so bad even his own parents are reluctant to visit the times that they have been here in the four years I've been in his flat there has been a comment of this those dirty that looks dirty why don't you keep it clean richard has suffered depression for the last 15 years and taking pride in his home has been the last thing on his mind I was extensively bullied when I was a child especially at school I responded by becoming sort of in China after two years of successful therapy Richard now feels confident in tackling the huge task of cleaning his flat I'm getting my life really on track and the living space that I have is is holding me back it's just another goal to achieve to become a top member of society again germophobe Michelle believes she concerned Richards neglected flatback into a home but will her desire to help Richard win over her fear of germs please coin oh my god oh I can't take this all in hold on oh I've never I've never ever seen anything like this in my life sheer lack of cleaning gods don't panic sir I've never seen a kitchen like this I can't remember last time we came you know that's why I could never live like this I couldn't I just couldn't I'd be ready for the madhouse I mean it's like panic stations if you look at the state of the couch here oh look well if we got here socks seats oh my god look all these crumbs and bits of filth feeling I could scream right now it's horrendous I mean it is horrendous horrendous feel that I've never seen like it before in my life it's completely foreign to me it's like squalor it's it should never be like this this is the bar from God the toilet bowl is horrendous worse than horrendous it's just a complete nightmare I could never go to your toilet I could never stand in your shower and I would not touch those taps to wash my hands in it wouldn't happen you don't have to live like this you can live better and cleaner than this and it could be improved big-time and you'll feel better in yourself you really will and I'm sure that's what you want I want to good well then we can do it okay then why it will help you in the long run it really well you know you don't have to live like this thing you don't have to be upset with yourself because I'm here and I'm gonna help you my father's got like this yeah but now you're gonna go forwards to motivate Richard Michelle wants to pass on some of her tips for keeping on top of the cleaning in my shower room I'll do the toilet and I spray like a bleach spray inside the bowl first of all then I put the toilet cleaner on top of that sounds like a lot of work already it is that of work it's a lot of work and I'll do the windows inside how do outside the windows as well if you have a downpour of loads of rain which will leave all the smears on it I'll you know go back and give it a good cleaning if I've come in from shopping in the afternoon how long over over a day would you spend cleaning I would say at least I could be doing about seven to eight hours a day basically like you know a full day's work of cleaning I do yes yeah and not get paid for and not get paid for it no wow I've never seen anything so massive in the undertaking of of keeping you your homestead clean [Music] in Bradford upon Aven order obsessed richard is taking on the 15 years worth of clutter that's consumed ex antiques dealer Christopher's cottage his strategy involves firstly identifying items which Christopher is happy to throw away to make some room in the house if I wanted to throw that in the Skip yeah what would you say it's a useful turkey baster maybe I pick the wrong thing okay if I wanted to throw this in the skip that name I wouldn't learn that going there that goes right we're not doing too well no no purely because I like the design of it it's a very handy thing but there are other the extension needs to cook game what about that well you're asking awkward questions about things that I use wrapping paper could that go no what about those jump leads over there could they go to a charity shop and help something I need to get at them because my van won't start at noon okay I'm picking just random stuff and you're telling me no no no no no so why don't you give me some examples of stuff that we could get rid of because I'm here to help you and I want to help you but you've got to overcome yeah this now I'm gonna hold on to it hoarders often feel intense anxiety about discarding their belongings so Richards task is not straightforward you might have to be a bit harder on yourself yeah I don't want that sheet of glass right I do want these enamel signs what about this what's it made of yeah it would go all these planks go yeah I can see your wall and your radiator yeah already brilliant with a small victory in hand Richards drafted in Christopher's friends to help and is focusing his attention on the living room and kitchen we've broken down the clutter into four categories skip charity shop recycle and Keith and the whole idea is we're making a more manageable task we're creating space and we're giving Christopher visibility of what he's got to manage at the end of it Christopher's friend chalice one of only four people allowed into the house over the past ten years has come to lend a hand Christopher's fridge stopped working two years ago are you ready for this those fish and chips in there it was everything in there I'm sure there's some airborne germs and diseases coming out there this is disgusting I just opposite ends of in the scale of things of cleanliness but I am too far opposite I think he is too far the other way right ready put it on the back nothing's gonna come out you're standing there giving me all the orders yeah this is your disgusting free to help me come on here we go buy my fridge Christopher come on I'm not gonna do this all by myself no this is your responsibility coming up they can't help me come on in it's not you're directing traffic I want you to get stuck in come on come on he sees me a little bit as a bit of a skivvy I think he thinks he's very clever that he's got me here to sort his house out well no he made the mess he needs to sort it out ready Linda dykes loves cleaning so much she's made a business out of it warning its diamond to be cleaning Linda thinks that if there were more people like her Britain would be a better place to live I am quite obsessive I'm a fantastic cleaner my standards are so high they hit Venus so Linda's working with a task force of obsessive cleaners to bring Britain up to her very own exacting standards and as well as sprucing up private homes they'll also be taking on public spaces two two and a quarter million pieces of litter are drops in the UK every day and with the government's flashing the council services budget by four billion pounds last year leisure services and parks are the first to suffer as OCD people can make things better can clean them up but you know we need the help of the communities today Linda and the team of obsessive cleaners will tackle this charity Ronde Center in Leatherhead which is at risk of losing its food hygiene certificate the pit stop offers hot meals advice and support to some of the area's most vulnerable adults we help people that are homeless people who have got addictions drugs alcohol mental health unemployed and we also get people who are very lonely that come down here to the center provides over 200 hot meals a week but with only three permanent members of staff it's a struggle to stay on top of the cleaning as well in the six years I've been working at pesto and obviously the cleanliness has gone down because our main priority is to feed and water people and to help them Linda's accepted the challenge of bringing the pit-stop up to scratch but she won't be doing it alone joining her today our fellow obsessive cleaners haley and michael 27 year old mom of three hailey was diagnosed with OCD in 2007 she can spend up to 19 hours a day making her home perfectly germ-free I don't wash my rough with my hands I'm a sponge of these a lot so I don't have to touch it because I just think people put their bodies in there and they're dead skin cells and stuff put a stick on the bar I absolutely love bleach it does smell strong it's almost at the point that you feel like you can't breathe and not a proper light hits the back of your fry so you're like 44 year old Michael is a construction worker with a very particular way of keeping his home pristine when I get up every day I like to I like to Hoover the bed because when you've been in bed for 8 to 10 hours you get dead skin cells on and you also get your ears and yeah you sweat a lot yes I would sales perfectionist definitely without a doubt these towels got to be in sync with each other online that's cool it's immersive way just been just terrible on obviously you think it could be coming off unfair yeah well yeah I mean the furniture here is quite old this is the gents toilets come this way Oh a little bit whiffy oh my goodness I know they smell up being in a few in my time but that's just haven't actually been in here before I'll be quite honest with you I don't want to go up there is that feces on the sick oh it looks like oh it's smells so bad this is absolutely disgusting I don't even know how men can use it can't we live here that right now my icy day if I was to show you my hands they are absolutely sweating like that especially the fact that there's pee on the toilet seat it bothers her massively this is our kitchen area the center serves up breakfasts and 40 home-cooked lunches every day for me at the moment it's a hygiene issue I couldn't he easier yeah no chance filthy where is the sink it's here Oh at the last inspection the pitstop passed their food hygiene test with an unimpressive 3 out of 5 and standards have deteriorated since then we've got food health and safety inspection happening tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow so no pressure then no pressure on you whatsoever before the team can begin the deep clean the center needs to be cleared out and volunteers from the local school have come to lend a hand April 78 [Music] the most important thing for germaphobe Haley is to blitz the toilets of years worth of bacteria helping her out our Center manager Gail and center user recovering drug addict Ellen so in here like half the blade as well to make sure that we have killed all the germs in here because I feel like there's gonna be millions and trillions and billions and how did you come to the center I had loads of years of domestic violence yeah and I'll just kind of just kind of gave up and then I become homeless a friend told me about down here and yeah I think they've pretty much saved my life really to be honest Matt's making war it's as well it's that strong - five Wow you know honestly is actually make him up making me cry I feel nothing I love it I love the smell that is streaming back in a sec OH that worries me slightly cuz I'm kind of like do I use too much bleach and is my body so accustomed to it I genuinely feel like there's not an issue here I feel fine the bleach is so strong so overwhelming every time you do this with a broom it is like you've just put your face over a lot of onions it's just like lying up in your facts it's the point where you just can't take you just had to stop for a minute Linda's focused on bringing the kitchen up to her exacting standards of cleanliness but the downside of working in a team of obsessive cleaners is that their obsessive methods often clash but you don't really like bleach tea I'm getting a headache from the from the bleach you've used in the bathrooms it's it's a dangerous thing bleach you know a bit of a bit of elbow grease and some cleaning chemicals I think it kills the germs you know that's why you use antibacterial after you've done enough Ehlinger yes it has cleaned everything she likes to shiny surfaces she likes everything to shine and claim where is our night that has he killed the germs Haley goes on about contamination the lover bleach you know bleach is not the answer to everything Richards bedsit in Milton Kings Michelle's strategy is to break down the clean into achievable elements she's starting in the room she thinks is the easiest to tackle the living room best to pull all this stuff out first so it's all clear to work with okay stuff you want let's put this stuff you don't want it stuck in the bin so this is lacking order which windows this is like I could write my name on that out there oh my god I saw that in my house I wouldn't it would never happen at home Michelle can clean her windows 14 times a week and more if it rains can't carry on when I'm looking outside I've got to go outside and clean the windows and then come back after okay okay farming why stop the proper cleaning stuff to come out and do a bit of water on a window Michelle's never felt the need to be officially diagnosed but her urge to clean is one of many recognized OCD behaviors sufferers try to reduce their anxiety with rituals like washing hands and cleaning absolute black if you rub really hard you get a much better result good don't you think it's good I could here give me a really good powered rub that's brilliant it's taken nearly an hour to clean this one window but for Michelle it's still not clean enough Richard I can still see like this smudge on the glass there and there and there so they head outside to do the whole thing all over again it's taking a long time because they've never been washed if it's been left for years and they haven't seen any soap or water on them it's going to take longer than I would do my windows thorough very thorough I was up to 5% of the population suffer from compulsive hoarding when often affects people who already have a psychological disorder in wiltshire order obsessed Richard is working with Christopher taking a break from the clear out Richard has agreed to a beer down the pub and I quite like to know about your education I would have gone to university but my mum at the time was well she's single parent so what I actually had to do was was going to the world of work and I ended up working in a supermarket I think that's where some of my skills were honed packing sells there's a lot of detail involved in that yeah involved in the tidying and making the shop look neat I was very proud of my storage areas very proud when he put tin can gonna say you have they're all facing the same but you know what yeah and we had to do the whole shop there was two of us and that was our challenge every night I see that bit of a bit of a waste of time yes I think I come from less tacky I won't disagree with you but with regard to my house yeah how did that happen I'm a restorer of antiques and I kept a lot of spare parts then my mother died three years ago yeah and of her stuff came into my house filled up my living room full of all this bric-a-brac 'yes yes and i don't really know what's in them yes so it was really an organic laziness plus an organic explosion of clutter yeah yeah in Milton Kings germaphobe Michelle is into day three of a cleanup of Richards bed sit at home Michelle spends up to 60 hours a week cleaning her house and even sterilizes her groceries before they're put away Richard's bathroom hasn't been cleaned once since he moved in four years ago because this is the worst room I'd read to go anything and I'm just literally psyching myself up hope I'm gonna get through this I really do the toilets the main thing my heart is absolutely pounding it's beating 10 to the Dozen I'm having palpitations here books in the toilet yeah you read on the toilet so much disgusting a lot of people read on the toilet it's disgusting filthy habits you're sitting there doing the poo and you've got books and reading and touching it you know unhygenic that is how it's for you it's like one of your dogs or cats doing a poo and you're just sitting there and having a cup of tea and a biscuit with it or something like that not in a toilet it's like taking the food in the toilet you wouldn't why would you I would have made that comparison that's about at the top for me I know but I'm over the top your home's only really get dirty when you finish forget it it's just a no-go Oh still filthy filthy filthy filthy filth so it's ready for me to go in do this god help me first thing I'm going in with is my bleach down your toilet pan I don't even want my dress to touch anything in there that's just gonna sit in I'm feeling poor loads of this in and I'm gonna take some of this stuff you need to be careful with mixing the chemicals if you start feeling woozy come straight out no I'm not gonna feel woozy okay I know I'm going over the top but there's bad good reason why I'm doing that Oh God stay don't have a girl Richard yeah just grab my gloves just use the cream don't put any more bleach in a position now if I don't be putting any more bleach in okay really rub it hard [Music] the fact you're enjoying it getting really into it smells awful okay well done that's really good mixing cleaning chemicals is hazardous but it's the only way Michelle would ever consider that the toilet was clean enough I want to go back in there I guess I should have been prepared for this is where the the real crazy hit how can somebody use three different types of chemicals in the toilet the state that that toilet bowl was in there's no way you could just pussyfoot around it and just do gently gently it needed to go in full steam ahead it's an all-encompassing thing it eats up her day seven to eight hours cleaning that's that's a work life for anybody I've seen the the bad side to her today this is the the real gritty stuff now I think we need a big escape lads in Leatherhead Linda's obsessive cling team have been scouring the pit stop dropping sensor in the hope of impressing the food inspector who's visiting today oh it's starting to look really good always look on the positive side I'm never a defeatist never it's taken 24 hours of hard graft ten bottles of bleach 15 bottles of disinfectant 30 brillo pads 12 sponges for mops and 40 people the center is ready for the inspector thank you for coming really worked hard on this I can see that and when its whole area I was just totally different it was chaotic wasn't it absolutely all this furniture I've had a wash down it's just a different place all together I don't believe how how improved it is okay I mean it's so much brighter hygiene is key so if I get my torch out and look behind and I wondered what you brought the torch for why what you want to do with that I just wanted to have a look behind the equipment in beside the equipment yeah okay two years ago the inspector rated the kitchen a middling three out of five after which its level of cleanliness slipped even lower I'm happy to say now that with all the changes the overall score would give it a 5 which is a 5-star 5 on the on the system we do appreciate and thank you so much for coming I would like to say a very big thank you on behalf of pitstop to all the OCD team I feel great of course I feel great I got a fine person projects like this really helps my I'm City I think because it pushes me to be in contact my stuff that I wouldn't usually be so I think it's really good and I think it is helping me must flee in wiltjer richard has been sorting out ex antiques dealer Christopher's house for three days with the living room now clear of clutter he's pouring water onto the carpet to try and keep some of the dust inside the fibers AG comes I think we did a lot of the graft in the air Christopher well I'm not getting down that's too dusty [Laughter] now the carpet is up Richards ready to make a start on the cleaning but Christopher's nowhere to be seen he's done a disappearing act thing he's gone down the pub to have a sneaky point not happy we were just about to send out a search party we thought you'd wandered off and got lost not at all now I'm just getting a bit sort of like I just wanted to sit down yeah relax I was getting a little bit not stressed cuz I think distress I just needed to just sit down for I was I probably about two hours yeah I've been 20 minutes I just wanted a little bit time out that's all this whole attitude towards life is a total opposite to mine I've had never met anybody like Richard before I don't think in my life or if I have I've probably just dissed them but a very interesting experience that we're going through I'm much revived after having repaired to the pub for a pint at Richards fire to Milton Keynes it's the last day of the clean and the old stained carpet has been skipped making way for a brand new one amazing looks so different brilliant absolutely bring him what would you see you've got to do when you're coming before you go and walk on the carpet exactly take your shoes off before she leaves Michelle can't resist giving the bedsit a final going over just before I go home I'd like to give you this pet Hoover so this will pick up the pet hair straightaway so just in case you can't be bothered to get the big Hoover out you could even sit down on the couch you don't even have to stand up and you can Hoover the couch yeah thank you it's been a wonderful experience I've loved having you here Richard's parents Jean and Russell haven't been to the flat for months has he been too ashamed to have them visit it's huge understand well it's never been that ever ever even when he first moved in it's looking really nice there Richards bathroom had not been cleaned in four years it took four hours one bottle of bleach antibacterial spray two Lou brushes five sponges and a bottle of cream cleaner to bring it up to Michelle's standard I think this flat is feels like home now it's no longer a prison cell it's no longer just the place where I lay my head I've taken so much more from this experience and I ever expected I do feel like a changed man but despite spending four solid hours cleaning the windows and 40 hours in total obsessively cleaning the bed sit it still isn't clean enough for Michelle even though I've cleaned it I still couldn't have a tea or coffee there it's all in my head and I know it's in my head it's an illness I must have an illness I must have it what can you do in Wiltjer Christopher's house has been cleaned for the first time in 15 years wonders will never cease my lord Christopher I can't believe you about you got a mop in your hand you're actually using it for something rather than cluttering up the place I mean use a scrubbing brush I want to try on these ah I think this is gonna do it that's better I'll mop you scrub no let you see well that's perfect you do that and then I'll come behind you with this and then run your mop over that look at that Oh see that's the way to do it you've only got another 47 to do this is something I never thought I'd see amazing it's something I never thought I'd do brilliant with the cleanup finally finished Christopher's friend chalice is back to see the results Donna Karan have a look yes I can't wait four days ago Christopher's rooms were barely visible beneath 15 years with a clutter and dirt no Micah chalice is here huh goddammit clean [Music] amazing isn't it good you got a floor yeah yeah oh you're warnimont sand stuff it looks nice it's not too much on the eyes it you like it yes I like it yeah it looks like a living room that's some look at the kitchen oh my god it's taken five people four days and two skips to clear two rooms in a hallway look at this Wow how clean is that as amazing nothing L clean fruit nice new fridge yeah hey yeah every day you've got to clean these worktops absolutely because it's a usable working kitchen name which is what one month I love cooking so it's all about maintaining and what we put in place you have to please make sure that you clean regularly Hoover regularly and it will keep the house in a proper standard I'm very appreciative I'm now having a real proud moment back at the beginning a lot of why I was telling him I think he was he was fighting against because it was so opposite to the way he was living he'll never be a minimalist but yeah if he can be a bit tidier it's good they say that your character is formed by the time you're seven years old so can that be altered I have no idea can you teach us how dog new tricks I have absolutely no I know we'll we'll find out I'm gonna find out one time [Music] coming next time on obsessive-compulsive cleaners they catch used a house as a toilet I don't have to clean you don't need to talk me through it this is the worst house I've had I've been in my life I think of the nice rather like Marilyn Monroe with the 303 rifle [Music]
Channel: All 4
Views: 5,611,291
Rating: 4.8755569 out of 5
Keywords: All 4, Channel 4, Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners, obsessive compulsive cleaners, obsessive compulsive cleaners full episodes, obsessive compulsive cleaners mansion full episode, obsessive compulsive cleaners season 1, obsessive compulsive cleaners season 7, obsessive compulsive cleaners country house rescue, obsessive compulsive cleaners mansion, watch obsessive compulsive cleaners, watch obsessive compulsive cleaners online, obsessive compulsive cleaners episode 1
Id: Dviu-D3Fijo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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