I'm Addicted to Hoarding Clothes | Hoarders SOS S1 Ep4 | Only Human

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] britain is brimming with hoarders in these boxes i have no idea there's the body in here somewhere oh yeah who's collecting has turned catastrophic wow but help is at hand i do i need a lot of help collectibles expert curtis dowling will work out what is worth cashing in they're selling for hundreds if not thousands of pounds excellent make me an offer while queens of clean joanna riley and marianne camach will sort out what to keep and what to chuck anything would be a little better than what we have here i think i'm gonna have to be quite firm they'll clear rooms for the first time in years now that's better isn't it this is fabulous it won't be easy i am petrified but they're determined to declutter can't send him to the skip can you and make some big money wow [Music] today we're in newcastle to help a couple whose family home is overrun with unconventional collections my dad's false teeth i've got some momentum i'm determined while in south london it's all clothes and shoes heels 30 pairs i think i'm victoria beckham our experts aim to persuade her to clear out her wardrobe and toss those togs can we start folding them and boxing them yeah our team are determined to leave behind a satisfied feeling and some financial healing they're in brilliant condition so they are going to give you a return today we're helping two couples diana and peter in london what's this old girlfriends what should i do with them to tear them up but first in newcastle meet joe and catherine who live in this three-bed semi with their two children two dogs and a great deal of clutter all this has been amassed by joe who can always find space for the numerous things that catch his eye [Music] or ear if i see something that interests me i pick it up put it in my pocket bring it home and fill the house it's true and that's no exaggeration i've got a collection of old cameras about 1200 toy cars thousands of pokemon cards much to the dismay of wife catherine yes it does upset me a little bit having this much clutter and it's easy to see why i've got my collection of gloves hang on gloves it's no good finding a glove in the park he did say gloves they have to be gloves from the side of the road my foam finger i was quite pleased with right after a lifetime of hoarding this geordie magpie has come to a decision i think i would be happy to let just about all of it go if it was going to the right place [Music] well helping him to do just that are our experts nice area curtis has worked in the antiques trade for two decades so has a keen eye for items that might make money joe while joanna who runs her own cleaning company we'll be on hand to help with the big cleanup wow wow no dinners on this table not at the moment normally this stuff's not on the dining table it's normally up in the loft or in the gym or somewhere else in the house but it's somewhere i'm sure it's piled somewhere there's always clutter why don't i take joe and see if i can find anything interesting brilliant and catherine and i will have a rummage i'm sure you know everything your husband's been collecting over the years um not entirely no i know some of the things but um the things in these boxes i have no i'm excited yeah the suspense is killing me right come on joe just just be gentle with it okay we will be thanks i think we're gonna have to do something here joe's got so many boxes i don't even know if he knows what's in them joe's finally decided to sell some of his collections which have spilled out from inside to outside it's a portaloo no curtis it's not a carsey it's a shed full of toy cars originally there was only 12 cars in the series now got just over 1200 1200 yeah and joe isn't entirely to blame for this outer control collection he took an interest in the film cars when our son was very little and i got him the first 12 and then he just got more and more and more obviously misjudged joe's collecting a little bit obviously they're all in boxes see they don't come out the boxes no so how much are these each the smaller ones uh range between about three and five pounds each so five pounds each 1200 that's a lot of money yeah yeah indeed up to six grand they're in brilliant condition so they are going to give you a return as long as it's not too low what's too low i think the minimum i would let them go for is probably about maybe three grand the market for retro toys is huge especially if they're in mint condition and with their packaging unopened but the value of specific toys can wax and wane depending on the trends so a bit of research at the point you choose to sell can pay dividends joe's got hundreds and hundreds of cars he tells me he's been offered something very reasonable in the past for them and he said no because it wasn't enough i do know someone that's going to be very interested in buying them i think but is the amount of money going to be enough for joe that's the problem i think i've got with this while curtis susses out his contact joanna and catherine are in the room the family would like to use as a gym what stuff did you want to keep in here can you speak on behalf of joe or is it really it's it's his stuff in here and i i have no idea what so you just turn a blind eye or there comes a point i think when you just have to put your foot down and say right can we just have our house back please so why don't we come to a plan with you and joe we could get this room cleared in no time brilliant hopefully joe's on board if we could get to a point where we didn't have the clutter we could have people around we could have that housewarming party that we've been meaning to have for the last eight years and the sitting room is certainly equipped to host a headbanger of a house warming um well i mean it's like the tour bus for iron maiden or it may cause bruce dickinson to run to the hills but as there's money to be made here curtis is beginning to feel rather rock and roll so how many guitars and how many amps and i've got half a dozen guitars and probably about half a dozen amplifiers as well does this mean you play um i can't play [Music] course not i've basically inherited a lot of it oh okay my dad was into his guitars into his amplifiers i don't want to get rid of all of this i've probably got more emotional attachment to some of this stuff than the likes of the cars but i physically haven't got the space to keep all of it and if you're not using it it might as well go to someone that wants to yeah the value of second-hand musical instruments will always be greater if they're in perfect working order and with minimal cosmetic damage joe's guitars and amps are not in the best condition so curtis may struggle with this sale upstairs catherine's showing joanna one of her own spaces that needs our clutter clearers expertise this is my skinny room skinny room you can't breathe in this room how do you get to this stuff with quite a bit of difficulty so joe's not the only hoarder in the house the poor man's been getting all the stick today yes he isn't really the only hoarder i have to admit joe i hope you're hearing this but then i hoard for everybody else as well the children i have all of the toys that they've grown out of they were supposed to go places and they just haven't moved on yet and classroom assistant catherine has high hopes for this space i would really like to have a little study area where i can just um spread my stuff out that would be really lovely meanwhile curtis is focusing his attention on another horde that could net the couple a bit of cash where do these cameras come from what's the story with these it's one of joe's collections from when he was quite young he loved photography that amazing little barrette like that you know it's it wasn't particularly expensive when it came out but there's still probably a you know a good few pounds at auction because look it's in per like all this stuff in great condition and there's going to be another gem in here you just know it don't you look at that isn't that amazing that's fabulous 1960s brilliant condition in its original case beautiful it actually works collectors looking for specific makes will pay up for cameras if they've been well looked after curtis hopes a real enthusiast will just click with joe's collection oh peter sellers a busy morning looking through joe's hoard curtis has identified some key items to sell i know we're sitting in the tree house but this one isn't child's play you're telling me it's joe who is saying a lot of the right things but i think in his heart he might not see this through and that to me is the toughest job we've had yes have you got a plan i've got kathryn on my side i'm going to be working now with joe wish me luck while joanna stays to help joe decide what to keep and clear out curtis has taken joe's camera collection to sell us a lot at auction so we've got joe's cameras all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and see how we get on let's get straight on with these uh lots uh three four eight and i'm going straight in at 30 pounds i'm looking for 35 now at 30 pounds come on now 30 pounds 35 thank you 40 pounds i've got at 40 pounds now at 40 pound 45 fresh spit at 45 i'm looking for 50 now at 45 now at 45 and 50. at 50 pound and 55 at 55 now at 55 i'm looking for 60 at 55 i've got that 55 of you all done now quickly at 55 pounds and i sell at 55 pounds you're sort of 55 thank you for 55 pounds oh it's low but it's a sale i have to say i was really disappointed because i found that lovely cine8 and i've seen them sell for 150 quid nevertheless at least the cameras have been snapped up giving joe and catherine a good start of 55 quid minus selling fees a nice incentive for them to carry on with the clear out and our experts aren't just responding to joe and catherine's hoarder sos this quiet street in south london is home to diana peter and their two daughters alana and sienna at first glance it all looks pretty tidy in the family home so what exactly is the problem well diana's a very dedicated follower of fashion heels 30 pairs i can't wear them because they're too pointy so i've got a few handbags tucked in there i think i'm victoria beckham i've got quite a few furry things and diana does have expensive taste liberty trainers brand new brand new timberland boots not worn never pair boots brand spanking new i won't show you the price tag on that one but it's not just high fashion that's eating up the space in a way they're both as bad as each other my mum's more the clothes and then my dad's more of like tools kind of building stuff sink for the upstairs bathroom plasterboard flooring there is a kitchen actually behind this sofa i mean it affects the children you don't use this stuff every single day i'd like the house to be just tidy i think it's time to change it's become too much my thing will just make everyone happy over to you curtis as ever his first job is to work out if he can make some cash from their overwhelming amount of clutter builder peter added this three-room extension seven years ago and it's packed to the rafters [Music] you've got a fabulous eames chair up there yes my four-year-old cheer which has never been sat on wow that is absolutely lovely these things apart from being very very very expensive they just never go out of fashion not gonna get rid of that then no no that's the keeper no money to be made by curtis yet what else is through there more stuff yes unfortunately slimy oh and a quite nice little corner cabinet do you like it not really no it doesn't go with anything we we have now it's a nice bit of veneer it's well made it needs a cleanup but on a good day it could do 150 pounds because just someone's looking for those sort of things so if you both agree i'd like to take this away and pop it in auction somewhere yep with my blessings you can take one thing that's good dispatching the cabinet off for sale will certainly free up some space but the couple are still drowning in clutter and this isn't the first time they've attempted to clear it out i made a decision that was going to send stuff to charity and then peter said oh no don't send them to charity i'll put them on ebay and they're still here sorry uh so just gonna correct steiner on that diana said don't put my things in there i need to go through them that is why the bags have stayed here because she told me not to do it that's diana told [Music] coming up joe's struggling to let go i'd really like to have a good play with it before i got rid of it and joanna has a tough job prizing diana's clothes away i will wear it when will you wear it doesn't it suit me it looks lovely the thing is there's just too much too much i know [Music] in newcastle our experts are helping joe and catherine clear their cramped home that can go brilliant still and in south london curtis is trying to help diana and peter identify anything worth selling their horde is affecting the whole family they're both as bad as each other my mum's more the clothes and then my dad's more building stuff [Music] curtis and peter are on a roll trying to find unused items that could coin in some cash i didn't expect to see this sitting at the top of the stairs to be honest i i can't remember why we bought it to be honest yeah so it's a funny thing because it looks like one thing but it's actually something else because it's in a queen and style the type of handles it's got the type of veneering this worn up veneering it's got and these feet are taken on a cabriole leg and once again they're very 20th century or late victorian so it's not 1700 it's more 1900 because if it was 1700 this is thousands of pounds but the easiest way to check is to take a drawer out turn that over look at that yeah that is an old wood is quite cheap and it's it's that kind of plywood wood but the biggest giveaway even if it was nice quality wood is it's been machine cut is this something you would be happy getting rid of as well yeah yeah another it doesn't fit in with the style of the house now so value's interesting it's tragedy to say it but you could be looking at something like 100 to 150 pounds all right that's that's brilliant on a good day so this old chest's unlikely to fetch top dollar but with a bit of elbow grease to spruce it up someone might just love it back in newcastle joe's finding it hard to get rid of items with family connections things is very very easy to just discard some things you absolutely don't want to discard it's the ones in the middle my dad wore glasses all the way through his life and he kept every pair that he ever ever wore so he's actually got a photograph of himself wearing these glasses where they would go what would happen to them i've got no idea you know it's easy to understand that joe's uncertain about what he wants to keep and what he wants to get rid of catherine is too but i'm here to help them both make those really difficult decisions i don't want to spend my day here just helping you get rid of the few things and then six months time the clutter comes back again mentally i've been preparing myself to let go of things okay the coins am i there to keep that particular one okay what do you want to do with this i'd really like to have a good play with it before i got rid of it okay so you want to keep this yeah joanna's got a clever tip to help joe make quicker decisions on each item a strict 20-second deadline make it 10. great 10 seconds go that can go brilliant stuff they're irons they'd make a lovely pair of earrings wouldn't they can they go um yeah this is a good start joe's saying only 700 more boxes to go [Music] with clearing up well underway joanna's confident that they can now make the right decisions on what to keep and what to chuck joe's made his mind up to keep only the guitars and ants that remind him of his dad and he'll sell off the rest i don't want to get rid of all of this but joanna has convinced closet clutterer catherine to clear the mountains of kids games [Music] i have all of the toys that they've grown out of we all know how difficult it can be to get rid of those sentimental items but hats off to catherine she's given those old toys and children's games away to a charity so hopefully some of the child out there will grow to love them back in south london diana is now joining curtis and trying to find something to sell rising to the challenge she unearths no not the sparkly heels it's a book it's the autobiography of maria von trapp character from the sound of music anything with the signature is going to have a value for obvious reasons what did you pay for it was a few pounds oh okay collectors like things to be in pristine condition this isn't sorry so you've missed it um if it's worth anything i'll sell it for you okay that'll be wonderful if it isn't you've got to read it is that a fair deal that's a deal i've said to diana i'm going to try and get the money back she paid for that book as best i can trouble is if i don't she's going to have to hang on to it and it probably is quite a fascinating read anyway upstairs the spare rooms bursting at the seams with diana's oat couture fortunately joanna's here to help her out of this clothing chaos now i've got a few things a few this jacket you've got about three or four of the same ones different colors i know and this beautiful beautiful dress still with the labels i was trying to go somewhere and you know i just didn't didn't get around to it i will wear it i will wear it it's one of those things that i when will you wear it doesn't it suit me it looks lovely i'm sure all of these clothes in here look lovely on you but the thing is there's just too many i know i've gotta reduce it drastically sounds like the penny is dropped landfill sites are teeming with unwanted old clothes so recycling them is a much better option the secondhand clothing market is big business these days and diana's got lots of items that still have plenty of wear left in them i think because they're absolutely in fantastic condition i think we can get lots of money for these yeah that'll be good so can we start folding them and boxing them yeah diana says she's happy to get rid of some of the clothes which clothes she decides to get rid of i think that's where we're going to have the problem but she has a great incentive for a clear out a celebration as diana's about to hit the big 5-0 i'd like to have a party i'd like to have a space and people come and visit it would make me would encourage me to allow people to come to the house well one thing's for sure she certainly won't be struggling for party frogs [Music] after snooping around has picked out a few items that peter no longer wants and that he thinks he can sell yep with my blessing so curtis goes off with the goods to try his luck i found a few bits but to be honest there's so much in here i think we're scratching the surface there might be a lot more to sell a lot of the stuff that i've seen it's all pretty much brand new so there's definitely money to be made in this house i know that peter and diana want to do it for the girls they want the house back in fact they want their home back i think us being here might be that little push that they needed just to get them moving yes i'm off i'll leave you to it and um get your fingers crossed for me good luck so while joanna stays to help diana work out which wardrobe wonders she can bear to part with curtis is at an antiques village hoping to find a buyer for diana's signed maria von trapp autobiography and before he even tries the dealers he gets a stroke of good luck after a chance conversation with a passing customer there's a guy in the cafe that might be interested in my maria von trapp book so i'm going to try and sell it to him wish me luck you're richard i am i'm curtis oh hello curtis how are you doing i was told you might be interested in this book i am indeed a bit of a sound of music fan are we well yes you know a little bit there you go oh that's lovely but it's signed doesn't it yeah he's signed make me an offer then okay um five quid i can't argue with that to be honest richard yeah that's a deal okay smash it have a good afternoon thank you a fiver in the kitty for a tatty book well it's something [Music] still to come diana's not keen on being stripped of her wardrobe oh no i want to keep that one i don't want to end up end up naked and joe's giving super seller curtis a run for his money we've tentatively agreed on just under ten thousand dollars in south london diana and peter have hoarded a houseful so our experts are trying to convince them to part with their pointless possessions i will wear it i will wear it it's one of those things that i don't know when will you wear it and at joe and catherine's in newcastle they're hell-bent on clearing out joe's quirky collections my dad's false teeth [Music] i want rid of this stuff i want it out of the house i don't know if everybody does this but just empty shoe boxes because you think they'll be useful for putting stuff in but um they take up so much space recycling bin perhaps when you've got this amount of stuff you forget what you've got and then it's it's a decision isn't it do you keep it do you not keep it [Music] one thing curtis is definitely selling for joe is some of his music gear i've got joe's amps and joe's guitars in my car and i'm going to bring him here to see whether these guys will buy them as a job lot because i don't want to be selling them individually so fingers crossed i get a good deal if a deal at all it all rests on salesman david so we got four amps three guitars i just got to plug this in just to make sure that of course got some sound coming out no absolutely curtis is mindful that these were joe's dads and hold sentimental value so he is hoping to get a decent price for them right so i'm thinking here yeah um 50 pounds a lot to get the best price for a second-hand guitar and amp they'd need to be in tip-top condition these ones may have been played just a little too often i think they're going to have to go home to him to be honest but thanks for looking i'm sure i'll see you again see you next time cheers thanks bye well for better or worse curtis has decided 50 pounds is just too low back in south london diana says she will box up and sell some of her glad rags but as they sort through everything joanna's worried diana's having second thoughts where i don't want to be is after we've done this the keep boxes we've got no sail boxes not gonna happen keep oh no i want to keep that one i don't want to end up end up naked no danger of that keep those two diana might need a little gentle persuasion from joanna to help distinguish between which favorites to keep and the rest that can be cleared moving forward the things that you want are all on coat hangers they're all well looked after to save time because time isn't on our side let me get some black bin liners three or four pieces of clothes bag um well we'll give it a try brilliant my kind of lady i'll give it a try that's right [Music] come on let's get clearing run and roll diana oh my ski jacket like i've ever been skiing nah diana seems like more of an apres-ski kind of gal oh my god it's nice you know what let's say goodbye to paul costello shall we finally bye paul costello i've been naked at this rate i do find it difficult when joanna came in the bedroom and she was rummaging through my stuff i thought these are my thumb with my things but i was able to let things some of the stuff go it's almost emotionally you know i was attached to some of the things but i think i've got so much stuff so you really put me in the right frame of mind of you know clearing out the stuff and and finding some space really at last diana's got the hang of it and may get her dream dressing room after all so joanna thinks it's time to let her clear out the rest alone and peter's not off the hook he's been given his marching orders to empty that extension there may be some items that peter and diana won't let go of for love nor money keep okay but with joanna's help diana's hived off her best designer clothes to be taken to a specialist online retailer to sell on her behalf oh my ski jacket like i've ever been skiing and the best of the rest will be sold at auction with the remainder going to charity in newcastle catherine's making an incredible effort to organize that cluttered little room she hopes to turn into a study it's been hard work in a way but it's been really cathartic making quicker decisions was good joe hasn't been slacking off either but he's finding it trickier to tackle his mound of mess in the makeshift gym catherine's really really gone for it in a big way she's quite ruthless we're just different people and i like to procrastinate one thing he hasn't procrastinated over is finding an online buyer for his prized toy cars and curtis is keen for an update on the possible sale i've sold one car out of four million yeah um but i got some good money for it 280 dollars that's good sure is at the time of sale that works out at over 200 pounds what's the plan for the rest well the guy who bought that car he's very very keen on the whole collection we've tentatively agreed on just under ten thousand dollars that's around seven thousand pounds fantastic news that's better than any of us could have expected isn't it well i don't know i always thought they were worth a lot more good luck i'll see you soon cheers bye seven grand for a toy car collection some offer but it's still only an offer and not sold yet fingers crossed that the buyer follows through upstairs the clear-out of the would-be study room is coming on a treat but catherine's frustrated with joe when he's de-cluttering it's like it's just everywhere and it drives me mad you've got to approach it with a bit of humor i think just to get on with it because you know ultimately the end goal is that it's going to be gone joe is struggling to part with some items but he's getting there i've got some momentum i'm determined in fact he's been filling up box after box with things he plans to sell himself looks like joe's got the decluttering bug how's it going it's going pretty well um a lot of stuff has gone some stuff hasn't but um i've kind of decided car boot sale all right might be the way to go some things i i don't just want to send to the charity shop my dad's false teeth that's all that's left of him i might not car boot those no i maybe have taken it to a bit of an extreme in the past but this is the new me glad to hear it and with even more boxes packed joe loads them into his car and camper van ready for car booting tomorrow and on a mission to declutter his life joe's even decided to sell his campervan too back in south london diana's hatching a plan to try to hang on to that cabinet i actually thought it would be a nice display cabinet for my precious stuff diamante shoes it's not for shoes yeah but it looked nice nice pair of you know no no all right okay okay nice try diana but that glass fronted cabinet is going to auction and that's where curtis is now trying to sell diana and peter's wooden chest of drawers brown furniture doesn't always sell well and there is a handle missing so all we can do for that is keep our fingers crossed today let's start the building at 20 pound for this stop please 20 to bid 20 straight in 20 thank you 20 pound bid 22 25 20. okay so i think cleaned against you it's an internet bid you're all done then you're all finished at 30 pounds last chance then please at 30. it's the condition that ruined that that's the problem a disappointing result but at least it's going to a good home back in newcastle joe's received disappointing news about that hoped for seven grand the would-be buyer of the toy cars is now not buying but joe did get top whack for his camper van and he's been car booting like there's no tomorrow been quite a long tiring process yeah i probably didn't realize we had quite so much clutter to sort yeah but i feel like we've worked quite hard actually yeah hi guys hello joanna is back to see what's been done and let them know how much cash their sold stuff has raised weeks ago joe and catherine's home was being eaten up by joe's collections rooms couldn't serve their purpose like the makeshift gym rammed with the most random clutter but now [Music] all the mess has been moved out and that running machine certainly breathing a sigh of relief have a look sway amazing you've got space yeah what's it like to have your gym back tremendous soon i'll be on this thing every day originally we had plans for it to be some kind of children's room okay obviously joe needs the space and we realized that quite quickly so it's a lovely storage area and that means there's room in the other parts of the house for the children so that's great joe wasn't the only hoarder in the house upstairs in the so-called skinny room catherine had filled it to the brim with craft materials and old games but now catherine has the office space she's been desperate for and it's a haven of organization it's not been easy for joe in particular to clear out years worth of his collections but minus selling fees his horde has made some money well done guys you've done what you set out to do now for the exciting part would you like to know how much you've raised in sales yeah sure it's a grand total of over 11 and a half thousand pounds wow cool that's quite astonishing their home is not only becoming horde free but they've got a gobsmacking cash for clutter total what will you be doing with the money possibly holiday um we've got a bathroom to decorate we want to have a housewarming party so yeah it's all good you're both happy yeah there's been some challenges sometimes it's just hard to let these things go and if joe does manage to sell his remaining toy cars potentially more cash in the future i don't think i will ever completely lose the hoarding the collecting mentality maybe just have one collection um yeah yeah we'll be minimalist yeah cheers i'm so pleased for joe and catherine they've both done extremely well joe still got a few more things to sell and catherine it seems we'll finally get our home back [Music] still to come diana and peter's declutter continues but it hasn't been plain sailing you know at times peter and i haven't seen eye to eye a change is for the better [Music] in south london joanna and curtis have given diana and peter a hand with a home that was bursting at the seams and what better incentive for further decluttering diana's 50th birthday is approaching i'd like to have a party i'd like to have a space where people come and visit now with joanna and curtis gone they're plowing on with the decluttering on their own [Music] they've roped in daughters alana and sienna to spruce up that cabinet to make it fit for sale thank you i just hope there's no spiders on here yeah walnuts are pretty durable wood but a well used piece like this can polish up pretty well just with a light sand and wax you see it looks more shiny already yeah while the girls are up to their elbows outside diana's kitchen floor is now strewn with the collected clutter she's letting go and diana's friend janice is helping back up the clothes to be sold 180 pounds i paid for it the 19 green bags of clothes are off to the specialist internet seller who will photograph list and sell each item in return for 25 commission around a dozen blue bags full of miscellaneous clutter will be sold by an auction house which charges 15 commission as well as fees for each lot diana's mountain of clothes is finally starting to crumble next up the overrun extension okay what we've got in these boxes here he's like holder that's kind of quaint oh my god look at this classic cartridge is that from my car now this is mine lava lamp oh gosh retro with so many boxes in here full to the brim this could take a while but the van to take items to auction has arrived so friends and family are hard at it and diana's made a discovery that should really speed things up oh pictures of old girlfriends what should i do with them should i tear them up oh well another girlfriend honestly maybe a good time to get back to work peter peter's keen to get a glimpse of the top of the range kitchen that's been buried in here for several years under a clutter mountain but first that mountain needs moving whoops careful guys peter could make some money out of that and that but peter's not just worrying about damaged furniture there was so much stuff in here i wonder if we actually are going to get this finished for her birthday eventually the hard work begins to pay off and the elusive kitchen is finally revealed it's been here ready to be fitted but just couldn't get access to it the 19 bags of diana's clothes are last to be squeezed into the van i'm over the knee and that's one voluminous van full of stuff to be sold curtis is in essex with furniture de-led jim eager to get as much as he can for diana and peter's glass-fronted cabinet i know it's watermarked and i know it's not in great condition cleaned up saleable not really no not for me cabinets are just not selling people aren't collecting things it's got no shelves they'll cost an awful lot of money to replace it's something that maybe we would have got 200 pounds four years ago yeah the cost of the re-polishing the refinishing and the bits of veneer work is gonna outweigh anything we could hope to get for it so if i did try and sell it to you because i didn't want to take it away what would you offer me you're looking at 20 quid jim squashes curtis's optimism like a bug but he always knew how much repair work it needed do you know what i think 20 pounds of fair price for it i i have to be honest very fair and i'd rather get 20 pounds than take it back to them and say sorry sorry didn't sell it that's it okay done thank you very much that's your 20 twenty pounder a real one thank you sir it might be less than curtis hoped for but at least this unloved unwanted piece isn't going back to diana and peter's overflowing home back in south london busy working parents diana and peter have been trying to squeeze in the time to sort their whole horde the cluttering has been hard work oh my god you know it's been exhausting and you know at times peter and i haven't seen eye to eye it's one of those things where a change is for the better joanna's chumping at the bit to see how diana and peter have got on and present them with the money raised from selling their stuff [Music] over 11 weeks ago diana and peter's spare room was being eaten up by diana's oat couture she couldn't see what she owned let alone use the space but now [Music] with the mounds of clothes gone this is the delightful dressing room diana was dreaming of with the bonus that it can be used as a guest bedroom wow wow you've done it very well i've tried my best it was just bedlam last time okay i know i know very stressful but it's i've come in here and i feel like it's i'm calmer so it's made a huge difference so the clothes that you've sold yeah do you miss any of them no i don't even remember what i've um given away well done okay downstairs the three-room extension was rammed there was nowhere for the family to enjoy this custom-built space there's still some work to do but two areas have been better organized ready for more clearing out and the third has been completely gutted of their garbage ready to be decorated and turned into another spare room we have a room yikes isn't it yeah if you're surprised i am surprised speechless ready for decorating yeah ready to dress it up to be what guest room little bit and last time i was here i don't remember seeing this floor it's been put down this has just been put you've been working yeah this is the result so it's been worth it diana and peter have made great progress with what was a huge task they've shipped out over 19 bags of diana's clothes and dozens of other unloved items and minus selling fees their possessions made some good money now do you want to know how much money we've raised for your sales we'd love to know yeah yeah the grand total of 435 pounds wow wow great are you happy yeah yeah it's just wasted space you know stuff that was sitting around so it's great yeah [Music] with much more space in their home they've already had diana's big 50th celebration and now have an impressive cash for clutter total it's it's been good i'm quite happy that a lot of the stuff is gone i feel revitalized you know it's amazing that the power that is had on on my life really is general because i was a buyer and the cluttering has made me think look do you really need it what a big difference to diana and peter's home they've both come together as a team and created the space that they wanted i'm really pleased with how it's all turned out the family should definitely be pleased too [Music] do you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 114,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutter reduction strategies, clutter removal services, clutter-related stress, compulsive hoarding treatment, compulsive stacking, decluttering tips, emotional hoarding attachment, excessive shopping habits, garage clutter solutions, hoarder support group, hoarding awareness initiative, hoarding behavior patterns, hoarding disorder diagnosis, hoarding help, hoarding therapy, home decluttering, messy house cleanout, messy room makeover, minimalism, organizing a hoarder's home
Id: BrnWfspV3f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 57sec (2817 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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