Britain's Largest Milk Bottle Hoarder Needs Help | The Hoarder Next Door S3 Ep4 | Only Human

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] all across britain people are keeping a shocking secret this was my study and their numbers are growing this is what it feels like inside my head over a million people are now living amongst mountains of clutter and rubbish what's in here there's probably a couple of dead rats in there but you know at the end of the day it's a functional kitchen and when a horde takes over please leave me alone can't cope it can affect everyone who lies in its path i don't know how you can live like this it's just crazy one more trafficking psychotherapist stelios kiosis wow has treated hundreds of hoarders over the last 20 years what do you do with the food that's out of date eat it it's dangerous compulsive hoarding does not discriminate it can happen to anyone i'm king of the mountain of newspapers together with a team of professional declutterers we leave no stone unturned stelios believes he can kick-start the process of decluttering their it's very homes for her you can see the attachment i want to change so much you know this has become your armor so nobody can hurt you again but we're going to change that and extreme hoarders are not alone the disney collecting will never stop until she's in the ground when a collector's obsession starts to overtake their home i think now's the time that he needs to stop because we're running out of room stop yes stop collecting then it's time to get practical help [Music] tonight can stelios help david whose passion for accumulating records has spiraled into a compulsion to hoard anything that takes his fancy i haven't got a love affair with women it's a love affair with with objects i'm going to put mr crocodile up there for the moment and we meet paul whose wife's at the end of her tether thanks to his ever expanding collection of 30 000 milk bottles he just keeps getting more and more and then when he gets rid of some milk bottles he gets more in berries and edmonds 55 year old david enjoys the thrill of the great british car boot sale [Music] i love bluefield just being here and the whole atmosphere really i think it gives you a bit of a buzz you know in his endless hunt for a bargain he's been drawn to these gatherings as often as three times a week it's interesting yeah lovely conditioning and has brought home box loads of stuff oh dear the fix it's like having a cigarette over a you know drink you have to have it you get a bit carried away really [Music] but like most addictions david's buying habit has a darker side [Music] over the last 30 years mountains of clutter have completely consumed every inch of living space in his bungalow sadly i think car boots have been the downfall of me you get addicted and you can't stop once you've started it's just gone from putting a small box in in the corner of the the back room um to literally filling the whole thing up where you can't move this was a large room which is uh reduced to just walking space you know just tread very carefully maybe you know i've gone crazy i don't know just um overdosed i think you know overdosed on good stuff there's nowhere to sit in the lounge no workspace in the office and nowhere to get a good night's sleep this is just uh like a single bed now but it is a double bed it was actually worse than this where where there was literally that much room and i literally had to sleep like that you know like almost in the tomb you know [Music] i have eradicated some of the clutter on the bed but if i take too much away i think i'll have a landslide and then i could be buried under it alls david lives alone and since being made redundant from his job as a groundsman five years ago now spends most of his time with his horde teddy's having a nice little bath oops sorry it's become almost impossible to invite friends or family over including his sister jeanette i wasn't allowed to come here for a long time because he didn't want me to see the extent of how bad it got i think the last time my brother and sister came down we had to sit outside to eat fish and chips out in the garden you know so it's not that i don't want to be sociable it's just that it's quite embarrassing even those who do make it inside like close friend gary have been unable to help i know what's going on in his head all the time i feel sorry for him he shouldn't really have to live like that sometimes i look at it and i think did i really bring all this in there why did i bring all this in here you know it's just it's not just family relationships that david's horde has destroyed he's had quite a few relationships in his life one in particular she lasted for 10 years but there was no way that they could ever move in together or do anything because there was always this hoarding and then he got the ultimatum you know it's either me or the hoarding and he chose the hoarding [Music] i haven't got a love affair with women it's a love affair with with objects you know and that's the way it's been all most of my life really david's obsession with things started with a healthy passion for music i spent a lot of years going to rock concerts folk concerts bought my first beatles album at 13. then i went on from there to buying more and more records it just grew and grew and grew music is a very emotional thing because it lifts you and you feel like you're alive you know so that's what it does for me anyway [Music] david's amassed a collection of some 10 000 records but with most of them buried under piles of stuff it's yet another pleasure his horde has robbed him of [Music] i want him to be happy i want my old david back we used to be you know close he was funny and just nice to be around this is just way beyond anything i can do for him he's lost who he is but hopefully you get it back [Music] david has agreed to seek help from hoarding expert stelios kiosis he wants to help david take control of his illness by putting him through six weeks of intensive therapy not many people have been in this home you know or ever really in the last 20 years and to let him see you know what i've got is going to be really strange i'm going to come in ah oh wow there's lots of music but it certainly is yeah oh my goodness that's 30 years worth of collecting 30 years of collecting ah i can see a record player there yeah yeah it is buried there somewhere and i can't really reach it so you can't even enjoy your own music i afraid i can't no that's the saddest point of it really as stelios explores beyond the living room he discovers the true extent of david's horde wow even your bedroom is busy goodness what do you feel when you wake up in a while i i i feel quite safe and um you know sort of content that i have these things surrounding me you know so it's like a cocoon you know what this gives you is a false sense of security you know you say oh you wake up in the morning you feel nice and cocoon it's like a tomb you're surrounded by bad things not by life believes compulsive hoarding is usually triggered by a sense of loss so he's keen to find objects that might connect david to emotional experiences in his past behind me there is a school photograph [Music] it's just so beautiful what was your school like my school yeah yeah it was fine but we didn't have big photographs like this so part of me says i'm quite envious that we never had great big do you know what i mean you would have liked something i would like something like this as a child do you know what you're actually saying to me now you're saying i want to belong in a group in a family yeah i guess you're right yeah that's what your message is i don't know what your family life was like what was your family like what was it it wasn't you know i lost my mother when i was very young five six years old when my mother died you know so yeah so that's a quite emotional time you know very early so you've never felt what it's like to be held by your mother no no contained it and be told you loved or anything like that [Music] that must be quite tough yeah i guess you know growing up like that must have you must have wondered what it would have been like i think it uh perhaps been a different life the trauma david experienced followed him into adulthood relationships didn't develop because i was just cocooned in you know from very early age into my bedroom listening to you developed a relationship with music yeah oh definitely women have come into my life but um it's a sort of case of do you want the relationship or do you want your clutter or every time i've always chewed chosen the clutter which you know i know is probably wrong but it just makes me feel safe your horde is a defense yeah against forming emotional relationships losing your mother is probably one of the most traumatic things you can possibly experience david has created this blanket of comfort almost like the horde has been his mother before stelios can help david he wants him to understand the severity of the condition he's lived with for the last 30 years you are a collector who's developed compulsive hoarding disorder so you need appropriate psychological help you have stopped living a normal life my vision is to see you relaxing in your room in there listening to your music and just just enjoying the things you have not being destroyed by the things you have it is very important that we reignite the fire back into david's heart and make him alive again it's become you know a tune for somebody who's dying slowly in there [Music] 55 year old david has lived with his all-consuming horde for 30 years most people would say this is crazy but i think if you get used to anything you just you just see it as the norm psychotherapist stelios keosus wants david to reconnect with his passion for music like i say just to put one of these records on would be a really major achievement for his first bit of homework he's asked him to clear a path to his turntable stereo is somewhere in that direction in the corner of the room and play one of his 10 000 records for the first time in years it's like brick wall here trying to get through and just got to take one brick at a time to bring it all down but hopefully it won't all fall down on top of them [Music] like rediscovering things drinking set from 1970s that's done lot shoe i was looking for the other one i'm going to put mr crocodile up there for the moment so hello girls hello hello hello girls what might look like junk is immensely important to david at this stage of his therapy he can't face throwing anything away it's a death in some respects if you put it to landfill because once it's buried it's almost like it is a grave isn't it and if the book could speak then it would be screaming you know look i'm still alive i want to be red you know good girl it's heavy although he can't dispose of anything david does attempt to clear some space oh steady this is creaking so steady yeah hang on just don't move don't move okay don't worry they're only they won't they won't get damaged it's taken me to get a meter and a half of my living room about five or six hours that's a hell of a task just to put the stereo honestly but finally david's able to put on a favorite lp from his extensive collection about two years ago since i last played this record i'll press the old magic button and see if it lights up anymore there you go classic track felt really good to to hear that you know again after so long you know like buried and uh but now it's reawakened my senses to what i've been missing it's a significant first step on the long road to recovery for david as he starts to reconnect with the things he loves stelios hopes he'll soon be able to part with the horde that's robbed him of the last 30 years [Music] it's not just david who's collecting has got out of control i hold these basic problems that i have so much stuff that makes their life a total misery there is another group of people who might find it almost impossible to say enough collectors in essex 36 year old extreme collector paul is the proud owner of britain's biggest milk bottle collection this is my milk museum i've got bottles dating from about 1890 to the current day it was about nine when i started collecting milk bottles and i used to help a number of milkman at the time there's a buzz involved when you you pick up something different that you've never seen and obviously had new bits to the collection the family just say he's mad and they think it's a strange hobby i quite like this one it's got a blonde lady on it and it says i get around a lot do you ever think that they're like the mad ones and i'm normal no paul's precious bottle collection now numbers 30 000 but he's still adding to it whenever he can i think it can be addictive for collecting it has caused a bit of friction over the years and certainly when you know i'm saying you know i've only bought a few back and there's a whole car full of milk bottles with his museum full to the brim new additions are invading the family home the milk bottles are dotted everywhere all over the house there's my room the neighbour's garage our garage is spare room it just keeps getting more and more and then when he gets rid of some milk bottles he gets more i've tried to tell my dad that he needs to stop collecting but he says well there's still room i can fit a few more in your room i'm like no no no with his wife and daughter at breaking point will paul ever agree to part with some of his beloved collection now's the time that he needs to stop because we're running out of room stop yes stop collecting [Music] back in berries and edmonds david also wants to reclaim some living space in his home and to jump over boxes to get to this to get to there and you struggle to get in and out the bath because this box is in the way the whole thing is a nightmare running and it does get you down today stelios is returning to see if the homework he set david has made him feel differently about the clutter that makes up his extensive horde [Music] through this way you know it's a little bit tidier a little bit yes wow there's still a lot to to get on with your first homework was to clear the passage that's right yes which would you have done i managed to do that yeah and then eventually got to the stereo and managed to to put a record on you know that's pretty cool i was sort of filled with with happiness but also sadness at the loss of time in some ways yeah it's definitely all this music but you couldn't listen to it no what you've managed to do over the years by compulsively hoarding is slowly take away the pleasure of listening music of having people around or being part of something enjoyable and that's what this disorder does it deprives you from everyday things it deprives you from being happy how can you be happy look around you yeah how can one be happy you certainly can't have a party here can you you know you can't even dance on your own today i have seen a real change we've got a long way to go maybe still some resistance as we go along but it's definitely in the right place and he's doing the right things which is slowly feeling happy again and slowly reclaiming his space [Music] in essex paul's collection of 30 000 milk bottles is getting out of control they're all in like regions order you've got all bots from scotland lancashire this is all west yorkshire south yorkshire over there got wales and essex these are all bills that have not got any room at the moment they're obviously covering up the whole of south yorkshire and his family have had enough i haven't ever smashed a bottle but i've been quite tempted to get a qriket back expert help is called for hello hello declutterers alison and zoe have dealt with many kinds of collections in their quest to help people declutter their homes we've never ever seen a milk bottle collection so we're really interested it's not there's not many here to be honest not really that's not what we've heard this is the museum oh my life this must have taken you hours it's taken a while [Music] whilst the bottles are displayed with pride in the shed elsewhere it's a different story paul's family are desperate for some bottle-free space we have no patio and in the summer we have to sit on the grass because there's no room to put a table and chairs up look at this reluctantly paul's agreed to let allison and zoe help oh lisa how long have you had to put up with this doesn't like putting them in the bottom bank oh it's not fair paul is it there's too much too much is a personal opinion is it really paul refuses to allow any of his collection to be taken to the bottle bank so 3 000 milk bottles need a new home the challenge for us is who's going to want these bottles what are we going to do with them this is a real difficult one we've got to come up with a solution we need to solve this one ellie we do i don't know [Music] [Applause] two weeks into his six-week course of hoarder therapy stelios has set david his next piece of homework he wants to see if david can begin to part with a few of the items in his living room and has asked his best friend gary to help when he comes around to my house he's there for sort of like four or five hours and we talk and talk and talk when you get to dave's house it's 20 minutes and that's it hello dave you got to get out because it's so depressing the hope is that david can begin to recognize what junk and what's worth hanging on to [Music] he's keeping his beloved records but finding it difficult to part with anything else all right come on in don't look any normal person would just straighten the bin or it's a charity shot but i find very hard to let go don't look no i'm not you just feel like everything you have to touch and feel and say goodbye to in a way can't do it on my own dave no don't worry it would be an easy job for me to do because most of it i would just chuck it [Music] as signs of his living room begin to emerge david appears to be struggling you're very quiet it's just like a bombs isn't it is this stressing you out it's just disruption you know david's attachment to things is so extreme that this tiny change has thrown him completely i've stacked it all nicely so i know where it is and now it just feels weird to have it moved david's reaction doesn't bode well if he's to allow professional declutterers to tackle his horde in a few weeks time how would you feel about that that you'll have a clear room all of a sudden don't feel very happy at all man you will feel happy not all of a sudden like that that'd be too too quick you know a bit it's a bit fast even at the moment i find it [Music] i think it's a shock to his system i don't think dave's ready to let go of anything at the moment he needs a bit more help for me to to allow this amount of volume to be moved around it's quite scary and a bit like somebody getting into bed with you and from the bed clothes about it's all very weird you know it's a significant setback for david if he's ever going to achieve the horde free home he dreams of he'll have to find a way of letting things go [Music] for the past 30 years david's lived in the extreme cramped conditions imposed on him by his horde this tomb-like existence has had a devastating effect not just mentally but also physically you cannot hardly move you know so so that that is so restricting [Music] to aid david's recovery psychotherapist stelios kiosas wants to try an unusual form of therapy when you live in a halt it's not just the mind that suffers but also the body aikido promotes flexibility and relaxation something david rarely experiences i hope he's not going to hurt me anyway good luck yeah thank you turn your body and down that's good so hopefully you know this kind of freedom of moving around you can take that away and take it home and start thinking well you know i need to move a little bit more here and i need to start decluttering it's interesting you know i'm watching david's body and as the session progresses it's becoming softer less rigid it's clear to stelios the workout has had a therapeutic effect but what does david think how was that yeah very temporary liberating your home should be liberating should be a place where you go is this something you would consider continuing yeah certainly yeah i really enjoyed it [Music] david's more positive mental attitude might make all the difference as he attempts to face the challenges ahead [Music] back in essex declutterers alison and zoe are ready to put extreme collector paul to work right helping to shift the 3 000 milk bottles that have overtaken his patio there's no hiding them now no you've got to deal with it paul paul refuses to throw away any of his collection so alison and zoe have to come up with an alternative solution be good to see them reused kept intact and have a second life really doing something useful they've searched out some potential new owners to help reassure paul that his beloved bottles can be found new homes without being destroyed paul this is helen local artist helen is looking for a source of high quality glass to make fine jewelry and artwork if the bottles have got a design that's etched into it then that will stay when it goes in the kiln some of the ones with the embossing on the usually saying just risen in the glass something like that would be really good [Music] [Laughter] others are also keen to take paul's precious bottles off his hands [Music] so have you ever seen so many milk bottles in one place no to be fair especially not in a back garden as well bar owners looking for retro glassware for their cocktail bar the ones that we use are these these particular ones here lovely you're working hardcore keep it up and a shop owner selling vintage homeware my customers really like the advertising milk bottles from the 80s cafe yeah perfectly how many of those would you have maybe five five on it five or six it's going well i'm loving this but with hundreds of bottles still to shift wife lisa hasn't reclaimed her patio just yet yeah i'm fine thank you been on it he's been on a mission yeah so we've got a 80 pound that's fantastic yeah some more money in the bank for uh fans to go and get some more miles that's not the idea we're not having that our way no the next day paul takes some initiative himself just a quick call regarding these milk bottles that i've got you might be able to use and contacts a dairy whose need for empty milk bottles is greater than his own he said he'll take as many as we can give him are you telling me now yep that that's all he's gone that'll be the rest of them gone paul heads off to the dairy in yorkshire paul all right as well as putting hundreds of milk bottles back into circulation it seems paul's also prepared to curb his collecting obsession i need to spend more time on the hobby really and more time with the family being a bit less selfish back home the change is already apparent in just two days what once looked like a dairy's backyard has been transformed into a usable family space how does this feel i'm ecstatic he's done really well and we're proud aren't we you're not going to let him take this reclaim this patio back now you've got it are you no are you hannah no keep that collection in check after several weeks of therapy david is still struggling to part with his horde but stelios remains hopeful that he can be persuaded to declutter and make space for his record collection just itching to get back and rediscover them you know it's almost like i've buried the treasure you know that's my passion i want to get back to to what i started to collect in the first place today stelios has arranged what he hopes will be an inspirational visit hello david nice to meet you yeah i'm introducing david today to a collector who will help david to understand that it's okay to hold as long as not compulsive and as long as it doesn't interfere with your daily living and your home and producer ollie has been acquiring records since childhood but unlike david his collection of over 10 000 lps is displayed with pride okay well this is where i keep the bulk of my collection which is also like a studio workspace yeah i've i've got probably about 100 records in each one of these things between 70 and 100 records so basically that's like 5 000 records right there on these two shelves one of the difference between collectors and hoarders is that compulsive hoarders have an emotional attachment to the point where it's pathological where it's unhealthy you don't find any collectors they're usually happy people excited passionate and they're happy to show you their collection over here we've got basically this is jazz here soul i just separate things by genre and then i alphabetize them and that that is good enough for me i'm just well impressive you know it's brilliant i like you i've got probably ten thousand the same trouble with mine just like you said just being stacked on the floor they're just getting damaged if you can't access those things that give you pleasure then what's the point of having them i have great enthusiasm now to to do this you know unlike you should be fun well definitely you know i'm going to go away from here thinking this is definitely the way forward david was i think initially shocked to see somebody so organized with a record collection but then i think you can see he changed as we went along he became more alive and more enthusiastic and i think more motivated to go back and change [Music] now that david has a vision of the way his home could be stelios believes he's ready to begin the process of decluttering [Music] but first david has to let go of his attachment to his horde declutterers alison and zoe know that won't be easy if there's something there that i feel i can't get again then i'm certainly not gonna let it go you know it's just as simple as that you know there's no way let us in then david allison and zoe decide to start with a space where david's less attached to his clutter his garage i remember my mum reading all these hammond inns i'm going to put those in there for now it's about working with him building his trust the magic roundabout i used to watch that regularly i did too this is key because i know david will struggle what's this about then i think it's waiting for me to get old so i can use it if we don't get this right today the rest is not going to work to help make it easier for david to let go zoe wants some of the items to be donated to a place that means something to him we support many different charities ourselves is there a particular charity that you support um cancer tend to support my mother died of cancer when i was about five you know so did you see lots of pictures of her oh yeah yeah it's not the same right no not at all all little boys would like to ask their mother everything and and not having that that's um very emotional i don't tend to open up anybody so i feel honored that you've done that to me then i do i do i mean that as well david you can talk to him oh dear david i don't want to get you upset oh come here let me give you a hug come here come here come here come here despite making some initial progress it's clear that parting with any of his possessions is going to be emotionally exhausting for david they've traveled the journey with me do you know what i mean so yeah so so anything that climbs on board it's all comes into my life i i get very attached you know i just become friends almost like relationship with them with clearing just a few boxes in the garage stirring up so much emotion zoe is concerned about the task ahead i know that working in that lounge is going to be terrifying for him he dreads anybody going in there there's going to be a lot of rough rides i think it'd be a bit of a roller coaster ride for both of us [Music] for the past six weeks david has been working towards clearing the clutter in his living room but parting with any of his horde hasn't been easy hopefully i can break that barrier and uh hopefully clear the clutter which would uh be brilliant because that's that's what i'm striving for because um i'm not getting any younger yeah professional declutterers alison and zoe are here to help [Music] but if they are to have any chance of success they need to keep david focused on the goal stelios set him at the start wouldn't it be nice to be able to sit in here play your music have the space well what could you ask for the company you know female company ideally yeah this one's packed so we'll work our way down start on this well that that is a game interesting interesting but is it something you would want to keep how much do you value this i think i'd put it in in the auction room with all the other sources okay david is letting stuff go but progress is painfully slow man on the coast or something so i guess if you can't see who it is and we don't know who it is yeah it's worth kingly there is just a magnitude of things in here and because david needs to actually look at every item i'm not convinced that we're going to be able to achieve it zoe comes up with a plan she hopes will help motivate david i think we need some music i don't mind can't find some music that's fun spurred on by an old favorite more david begins to pick up the pace come at me from all directions i can actually see the tiles in the fireplace it's tiled in its cappuccino color i bet you've even forgotten it's been so long since you've seen it because we have all those ready we're starting to break into this bit i'm actually in it now i've been getting it before but now i'm in it i love it after a few hours a van load of david's horde has been cleared [Music] now david has the space and the new shelving to display his treasured record collection how do you feel yeah it's very good yeah is it making you feel happy yeah brilliant yeah [Music] but overnight the irrational thoughts linked to david's disorder start to creep back in by the time alison and zoe return david's anxieties appear to be getting the better of him how do you feel today after a long day yesterday quite exhausted really and a bit bad and bruised just such a big change you know in such a short place of time you know what i mean it's like still can't get my head around where everything is and things move about you know like like they're flying you don't get a very good sleep you know because you're just constantly battling you know where did this go was it put here wasn't there have you moved in there [Music] he lacks energy he's agitated he's like going round and round in his head about where things are where things have been put have i lost something have they thrown something away but in the trying to push himself to the limit the anxiety comes in david is feeling overwhelmed by the situation the prospect of him achieving a horde free living room hangs in the balance it's quite frightening really there's part of me saying you know hold on a minute here this is going much too fast for my liking you know it's the final day of david therapy and stelios has returned to check on the [Music] results wow what an incredible transformation not bad isn't it not bad it's a miracle six weeks ago the entire living room was overtaken by mountains of clutter that were a danger to david's mental and physical health [Music] now there's space to move freely in a room david had forgotten existed my goodness damn it this is just absolutely incredible the 10 000 records that were once hidden under piles of stuff are now displayed with pride for once i am speechless you know i really am that's good this is one of the best transformations that i've ever seen david's records weren't the only thing of value that were hiding in his horde this is my mother here and it's like you yeah that's me really here's my sister here in the background and there's me obviously being terrified of the water you know and she's holding my hand yeah what do you feel when you see this picture i feel um really excited that i can now display it here if anyone comes in i can show them that this is you know my mother do you think your mother would have been proud of you if she saw what you did today oh definitely definitely yeah yeah she'd be um looking down behind the moon having created this beautiful space for music pleasure how do you feel it's almost like letting the last 30 years go to some respect you know what i mean yeah and it's been sad because despite the fact that i've been a collector i haven't been appreciating the good stuff i've had in my home i want a better life for the future you know i want to be sitting here with hopefully a female and a glass of beer and listening to the music you know so all the things in the world you you can have a million dollars but if you haven't got your life it's meaningless this change is almost short of a miracle you know uh it's one of the most beautiful transformations i have seen in 20 years there isn't a greater satisfaction as a therapist to see somebody blossom like david to be passionate again to be living to being a human being again for years david's been unable to socialize in his home but today he's opening up his living room to his family and friends it's good dave yeah brilliant isn't it speechless yeah space space at last [Music] come in yeah oh my god oh that is amazing well done okay it looks brilliant doesn't it i can't believe this is the same room with the receptive audience david can also indulge his passion for something else that's been missing in his life [Music] i am smiling because he's got it done you know i'm really proud of him that he's done it really proud oh look there you go david dave i'll be able to come and visit him more now and it it will just feel so much nicer just think this is the turning point for david in his life i just feel now that he's going to get his life back i'd just like to thank everybody for giving me my brother back but i can't i can't play anymore after just six weeks of therapy it feels like david's turned a corner with the support of those around him there's every chance he can look forward to a happier horde-free future it's almost like i'm starting a new life it just feels great to be able to invite people in hopefully for the rest of my life that's what i'll be doing you know so people will be able to come in have a drink sit down put some music on and and hopefully enjoy my company you know as much as i'll enjoy that it's because it's been a long time no no but uh it's it's good to be back you know [Music] go [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 145,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, documentary, The Hoarder Next Door, hoarder, hoarder next door, britain's biggest hoarders, 2016, hoarders (tv program), cartoons, stelios kiosses, rubbish, tv, day in my life, hoarders buried alive, collection, purchase, shopping, collectibles, only human documentary, shopping addiction documentary, hoarders full episodes, the hoarder next door season 3
Id: mrTa6ihLNMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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