Mother stole $15000 from me to pay for her new car

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I have always had a close relationship with my mom after my parents divorced I chose to live with her I have always trusted her and so on now we have never been rich but we got by I have always worked since I could in order to buy things like games clothes a phone and so forth since these large non-essential things were too difficult for my mom or dad to afford basically we had no money for big non-essentials now because of this I quickly started saving my money pretty much I would usually save up at least half of what I made in a month in order to be able to have some spending money and money to buy furniture when I moved out and such so I turned eighteen several months ago and started arranging accommodations for college next year and working full-time this year so I wanted to see how much I had saved while you can see where this is going I looked at it and there was about four thousand where there was supposed to be nineteen thousand so I freaked the [ __ ] out and called my bank well to make a long story short after confronting my mom and dad since they were the only ones with the ability to go into my bank account she explained she used some of my money to buy her shiny new car several months ago so I yelled at her and said she did not use some of it she drained 3/4 s of my savings to buy a new ducking car she started crying saying she wanted the car but only had ten thousand saved and the car was twenty five thousand so she figured it was fine and she would pay it back in the next few years I know she can't because it took her years to save up the ten thousand I mean the best-case scenario would be her paying back two hundred a month which would mean she would take like six years to pay it back my dad lost it on her as well he is very mild-mannered and rarely shows emotion whatsoever but he was seething and told her to sell the goddamn car her laptop and everything worth a damn in the house to pay it back or he would sue her well this was two weeks ago I have since received two hundred from her and apparently the car is up for sale but given she bought it months ago it is likely in the best case scenario it will fetch like a third of what she bought it for in the meantime I have moved in with my dad who lives 15 minutes from my mom at his behest my dad and my mom's otherwise amicable relationship has completely collapsed my mom has been begging me to talk to her and saying how sorry she is now here is what I said until I have every penny back I won't even consider talking to her again and even then she has so much making up to do I doubt I will ever forgive her I need advice for how to go about this as my dad wants to sue her my sister 33 female used to be married I 29 female I'm single and have never been married a year ago my sister's ex-husband 38 filed for divorce and left her the reason he divorced her was because she had wanted to quit her job and be a stay-at-home mom to my nephew who was three at the time they both worked full-time and they had a housekeeper come once a week and a part-time nanny for their son my sister didn't want to do any household chores when she was staying home and still wanted to keep the housekeeper and nanny without her salary they couldn't afford it and she said her husband could work a second 20 hour a week job on top of the full-time job he already had she also wanted to spend exactly the same her husband wasn't on board with this and he didn't want her to just up and quit her job she quit once day anyways and only told him after the fact he filed for divorce in the divorce my sister wanted alimony even though the law didn't really call for it in that situation since she was able to work and walked out on her job by her choice the court counted this against her she was not awarded alimony because of that and because she earned the exact same amount as her ex-husband the court also awarded them 50 over 50 share legal and physical custody of my nephew the courts preferred method was one week on and one week off but they can do whatever they want as long as the time is split equally my sister has to have him on Mother's Day and her ex-husband on Father's Day and holidays and his birthday are alternated by year since the time is equally split and income and earning was always the same ie her ex-husband wasn't a lot richer than her neither of them has to pay child support to the other the court counted my sister's former job and the fact there was nothing stopping her from working as income that she was making they didn't own a home or property and they rented her ex-husband kept putting money in the bank account and paying the bills so his son would be okay and so his credit wouldn't be affected the lease is up on the last day of March and it isn't paid beyond that my sister has no job and can't afford the apartment so she has to move her ex-husband is no longer giving her money since the divorce became final my sister hasn't looked for a job she lost her appeal to the courts ruling for alimony and child support she wants to live with me and for me to financially to support her our parents are in their sixties and recently sold their house paid off any debt they had and moved into an apartment for active seniors it is small but nice their siblings and both sets of our grandparents live in similar kind of apartment buildings our cousins also live in either apartments or condos and are married with more than one baby Charles they don't have any room for her our parents have enough left from their house sale and pensions to afford their aunt bills for the rest of their lives but they are not super rich and can't afford to support my sister I'm single I'm working towards my PhD and we'll have it in a few months I was living with two other PhD students who just finished this one got engaged and moved in with her boyfriend the other got a job offer overseas I found a small bachelor apartment for myself my sister is mad that I didn't chose a bigger place so she could move in with me she also wants me to support her financially once I complete my PhD and start working how do I get her and my family off my back I don't want to live with her she has a college degree and there is no reason she can't work beyond her being lazy I'm not worried about my nephew because her ex-husband is the best and most devoted father ever and will step in if she isn't looking after her she said she will find a rich husband but a parenting and divorce settlement says neither of them can introduce any new boyfriend or girlfriend to my nephew or have an overpass visitor if my nephew with them without permission from a judge how do I get my sister and family parents aunts uncles and cousins to stop asking me to live with her even temporarily my sister was never this much of an idiot before she quit her job she is fully able to work and I don't want to support her my boyfriend let's call him Gabe and I have been together for a year we've always had a really great relationship one I thought I'd only dream of having with someone I met Gabe while I was working as a receptionist before going to college we became good friends at work and when I left the company we started dating we are very close we do everything together and have been there for each other through some tough times on both sides we are planning on moving in together at the end of the year and want to get married because we want to be with each other every day he's my best friend in the entire world and means everything to me he's my first and only love the thing is my mom is getting in the way of our relationship Gabe and I live in different cities I'm loving at home to help my mom look after my dad who has early onset Alzheimers and go to med school and Gabe just left his previous job where we met my mom has been terrorizing Gabe because according to her he's poor she has talked to me many times suggesting that I end my relationship with him to be with a rich guy now that I'm planning on moving and with Gabe and close to his family who I love and are so very supportive of me she's being incredibly rude to him she even went as far as telling him I'm too good to live where he lives and that I'm even too good to be with him judging him and his family for not having the same financial situation we do this is the man who insisted on buying and it'd buy me a promise ring when he cold spent that money buying him a new phone his is an old Samsung firm who threw me a birthday party at his mom's house when mine was L way on vacation and didn't give two craps about my birth des who gave me my first scrubs took me to the hospital when she didn't want to Gabe and I never argue or fight it happened twice in the whole year we've been together last month we already argued three times over this I know Gabe I can see he's very understandably hurt and mad over my mom's actions but is putting up with it because of me my greatest fear is losing him and everything we built together he means the world to me I want to marry this man and have my babies with him I've already talked to my mom about this several times but she won't change her ways any advice on what I could do I 19 female have an estranged grandpa more or less he's my dad's father but my dad hardly had a relationship with him I have two other siblings one younger 13 and one older 26 my grandma divorced my grandpa when my dad was only 10 so he lived with my grandma his whole life in a different state and didn't see him when he got older he saw him a little more and my grandpa started coming around a little bit more as well he'd stay for a week at a time and then go home he was an old bitter man to be honest he never got remarried and lived his whole life in his coastal town with the same friends he'd had his whole life he wasn't pleasant to be around and could hold grudges longer than anyone I've ever met but regardless of this he was filthy rich he owned a successful business that he sold for $1,000,000 dollars he retired after selling but his house sits on an island as well as the biggest piece of land on the island so it sold for well over three million dollars I was never close with my grandpa but I took after his sister who is an RN and he adores her he always told me that he was proud to see me follow in her footsteps he died a few months ago since then my family has been torn apart he left everything to me he essentially liquidated all of his assets and it ended up being closed to eight million dollars I was shocked I didn't and still don't know what to do with the money but going to save it my dad and stepmom as well as my siblings are hounding me to split the money with them I just can't do it my dad is an alcoholic who never said anything nice about his dad despite him being bitter my grandpa actually bought my dad a $300,000 house my dad would 100% drink away any money given to him as far as my siblings my brother has full financial support from my grandma as he is the favorite and he's very wasteful and ungrateful he never talks to me and always is very mean to me when he does my little sister is the only person I've actually considered she's very young and that's really the only thing stopping me her mom is money oriented and would take the money from her so I'm waiting until she turns 18 and I offered to pay for her college but now my family is telling me I'm unfair and the money doesn't belong to me and I'm not deserving of it that I'm too young and I'll waste it on cars and clothes I don't agree and now they're all threatening to cut me off and never speak to me or even sue me if I don't give them all a chunk of the money I don't know what to do and I'm buckling under pressure here I've already had two police officers out to my house because my dad is claiming I stole the money from him everything was through an attorney I know I did nothing wrong legally but morally I don't know sue mi v.a so I 22 female got a car as a graduation present when I was 18 from my father who has since died of cancer it was only a couple years old and it's a pink body edited to add at the request of a commenter it's a 2013 model I absolutely adore it I've always been pretty jolly and it was the perfect car for me I wasn't some spoiled little rich kid though I paid my own insurance and gas in my father saved for years to get me my dream car if I graduated with a 4.0 which I did I take such good care of it inside and out and everyone in my life knows how much it means to me for aesthetic reasons as well as sentimental anyways I turned 23 next week and today I was inside watching TV when my boyfriend thirty-eight who I thought was running errands came home excited and told me to come outside I ran out and saw a light silver car in the driveway I was kinda confused because I already have a car but I was trying not to show it I asked what year it was and he said 2001 he told me he bought it off some guy for $700 and the only repairs it needed was new tires and brakes saying you can finally sell your but now he wants to use that money to take a vacation after travel bans left too I told him nicely that I appreciated the gesture but that I already had a car that I love and that's much newer and more reliable he got pee off and told me how ungrateful I was being and that I was some spoiled little kid who didn't know what it was like to work for anything which is BS I pay most of our bills and have a savings he spends all his on W and video games he then basically told me with much more cussing and screaming that he wasn't gonna be driven around in some ugly little kid car anymore and it's embarrassing that as young the girlfriend drives him to work and events et Cie and something straight out of a 2000 steam movie I told him he could use the car he'd just bought to drive himself around them and he said no because he doesn't like driving he wants me to do it just not in my bug at that point I was at a loss and went back inside and he then kicked the side of my bug got in the silver car and took off idk where he is now and I don't care I feel like he got me a gift for him and not me and proceeded to insult me for telling him I don't want it I told my friend about it and she took his side saying I need to take his feelings about it into account and that my bug is kind of embarrassing and I'm too old for it now idk what to think I love my car and I don't want to change who I'm just cuz I'm a few years older now but I also don't want this car to ruin my relationship I also feel bad because I basically said f you to his gift which was pretty expensive as far as gifts go I don't want to get rid of it but to find the [ __ ] for being stubborn and acting the way I did then I'll definitely apologize and maybe give it to my 15 year old cousin so I can still have a connection to it let me know mi v.a update a mini one I definitely hear you guys loud and clear I don't know if I was willfully ignorant before or just naive but I realize now that this goes deeper than just a car the longer I think about it the madder I get and everyone's comments are making me feel like I'm not so crazy anymore so thank you I now get that I'm getting nothing out of this relationship and him kicking my car honestly did scare me and I don't want him to eventually do that to me he texted me a little bit ago saying I needed to choose the bug or him along with some name-calling etcetera so I've decided to choose my bug and by extension my dad wnd break up with him slash cut him out completely I reconnected with my older brother who lives a town over and explained everything to him he didn't know any of it he's letting me stay with him for as long as I need because I'm scared of what my ex will do I'm taking all valuables documents etc and informing the police about him kicking my car my neighbor also watched the argument and is going to vouch for me he isn't on the lease so I can easily kick him out but we were planning on moving anyways so I'll just find my own place now I don't know what he'll do maybe he can sleep in his new car [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 33,715
Rating: 4.9237056 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit money, reddit entitled parents, reddit mother, reddit family, reddit, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/ money, r/ entitled parents, r/ parents, r/ mother, r/ family, r/, askreddit girl, askreddit money, askreddit entitled parents, askreddit mother, askreddit family, askreddit parents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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