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*WHAPOOSH!top of the morning to ya laddies! my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to the boss. We're just about to kick some ass here in the prison I actually can't remember what the next step. We're about to do is. It's early morning. Okay. My head's all over the place I don't know what I'm doing can I go into the warden's office? But I wanna kill the warden I did get my hydro spurgeon key though, so I guess we just need to find a way to actually escape Oh yeah, I have to talk to Felix sup You know what's up, brother You've got my hydrosperision key says you Give it back And what are you gonna do about it? Oh, I have an idea... Oh my god do I actually get to fight Felix Felix emerged You played Happy Wheels you played Amnesia Umm Both A. in broad daylight twenty feet away from the screen oh Is this an insult off am I supposed to insult him, for six hours before figuring out how to regain health? This one. yeah, you big bitch you played amnesia and broad daylight 20 feet away from the screen, and you know it's true roasted burnd incinerated obliterated oh Ohh Yes, you really jumpy during PT and the holes in your ceiling prove it That was terrible that was weak is that all you have I Didn't even jump out of my chair. I didn't fall out of my chair with an overreaction like you seem to have Ha 99 damage I really feel like that probably shouldn't have hit me for as much as it did Your channel or your fans know your channels go straight for the good It's nothing but clickbait, and they're not even falling for it would sell out for a cheap. Yo-yo if it paid enough Oh my god. That is so Felix Felix would sell out so hard for anything as long as the price is right You jealous out for a cheap. Yo-yo you money hungry twit!! so this is like "Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator?'' 41, your voice cracks so easily not even superglue can repair it you prepubescent green highlighter!! *Jack begins to giggle and smile* Oh man! I'm not even green anymore..son of a bitch Okay, okay, I'll take that one your face or your voice Your voice seen as every year you seem to have a new voice It's so hoarse You sound like you're being smoked in since nursery school is so incan here Incoherent youtube captions try to translate it you from Urdu Maybe that's how you keep getting demonetised Felix. No one knows what you're saying so people put in a whole bunch of bullshit And then YouTube's like oh my god. I can't believe you said that How much is that fifty Seven these are some weak sauce insults the first one was good Your friends find you so boring you could yell them to sleep, and you wouldn't be here if it weren't true Okay, the last part is me make any sense or it doesn't add to any of that But I have yelled people to sleep I Like to think of it as over sensory stimulation where you yell at somebody so much that their brain kinda shuts down because they can't Handle it anymore, and then they just get lulled to sleep They also made this lovely game for me though so suck it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Your family or your dog Edgar your dog Edgar could beat you in an IQ test has actually read it for his namesake unlike you Because he's Edgar Allen Pug Compete you in an IQ test yo Felix be so dumb. He can't even spell like you You son of a barrel 69 damage. Oh, yeah, well you must be a potato because you are what you eat Don't even eat potatoes all that much, but okay Well, you're a one-dog shy ever what's going on here. Oh, you know just having a roast off That's it straight to solitary oh Aww man!! But I was about to win. I was about to lay the smackdown on him. Oh aw perfect Time to call for help again Hello So you need more help and it almost sounds like you don't want to help me of course we'll help you jack See Billy Jenny's nice be more like Jenny Everybody be more like Jenny I mean Jenny is your fan and you think her being here because she's your fan that she'd be a little less forgiving I Don't mind this is fun Jenny's a nice optimist. I like Jenny everyone be more like Jenny. See if you can find the right key Okay, the guys usually carry them. I don't think we should knock out more gaurds.. You could ask around see if you can find another way, okay all Right let's go Billy Jenny team Benny All right see what do douchiplier's up to Still reading books? so I'm trying to figure out how to- that was fun. Good anything else for me to put together nope Okay Bye, I guess *Jack laughs* Let's ask around oh yeah max what what bright ideas do you guys have? Hi, so we need to bust Jack out do you know how he could maybe do that? Well my old roommates stole and collected a bunch of keys she put them on the table in the lower-left cell But I don't know which is which my old roommate stole and collected a bunch of keys She put them on the table in the lower-left Cell so she left the sheet of paper with a weird poem on it It looks like it has something to do with which key is in which container, but I can't Maybe you can You got the key clues press escape-your inventory to read it, okay? No water you see for the office key, the kitchen is said to be hidden in red Solitaire I fear is devoid of beer the flowers bloom farthest from cellular room, so I need the beer one Take the silver key yes What's it devoid of beer? But I'm just going with Hey, but is it bad up there on the top right have like nice pink sheets and the rest of us have all the same sheets But the hell man this looks like marks bed. Oh, that would explain it. He probably demanded special sheets Solitaire was up this way, right Does that mean Felix is trapped as well Locked please let me add I think they let you out eventually just hold tight wait so delay not get the right key No Well poo wait maybe I can call Jackie Gannon you get it get a bit of a Max gave us some clues. Yeah, but they're kinda hard to decipher No water you see with your skis on fires bloomers so solitaire I fear is devoid of beer The kitchen is said to be hidden in red so the kitchen keys in the red wine no water you see for the office key So maybe the office and the solitaire key are switched around the floors boom farthest from cellular rooms Well you can figure it out in your own, but I think I might have an idea how to solve it I Want to see his hint We're stumped go for it the office key Holder doesn't hold water. The kitchen key isn't something red the beer mug doesn't hold the key to solitaire, okay? Partner flowers as far as from the key to the cells oh The pot of flowers is farthest from the key to the cells so the key to the cells solitary cells And the office key, so don't need the office key Here we go it was in the flowers. What so the flower pots have the key furthest from the cells so solitaire Oh, yes, you got it. These are the best. Are you alright? Yeah sure never better Let's light it being stuck in my computer. I guess well you were in there for quite a while I hear solitaire just things to you ah Not a problem things just bounce off me. I'm like rubber- SQUIRREL!! As I'm saying I'm fine So after all that do you think we can actually you know get out of here. I think that could be arranged though It's getting dark. It's probably time for your evening roll call I'm just gonna leave Felix in solitary Wait did Felix actually not get out oh no Oh wait, no. He's there. I'm blind Now I better not see any more trouble you're all going to solitary, but don't even think about escaping tonight We have guards set up at the perimeters. Nothing's gonna get past us so just go to bed. It's gonna be a long high time dismissed But I don't wanna So we planning an escape attempt or something well, it's not broad daylight But I do think we did say the cop uniforms Your in look I've got the laundry job, and I just snagged a whole bunch of them half and a piece in your stash in it The only problem is that we don't have the key to the cells now you still have that piece of paper from earlier Let me see if I can figure out which of these objects holds the cell key. Oh Items No water you see for the office key, the kitchen is said to be hidden in red Solitaire I fear is devoid of beer and the flowers bloom farthest from cellular rooms. I'm just gonna fucking try shit I Got the key card That's not it Still locked just try all of them still locked Got it it was the brown key Hey guys This is so exciting. You're telling me okay You unlock everyone sells Chloe you get the guard uniforms out and Felix dig through the floor Oh Jesus!! they're gonna hear that! Nice let's move out officer Jack and his crew dudes. Oh wait. I'm going this way Take that officers Why is there a hedge maze underneath the prison Office didn't say games would blend into each other still that's pretty weird. I think we can get out if we wander around enough Wonder he's the clue Geez I'm gonna get lost in here. Oh there be guards Okay, I don't know where I'm going everybody spread out single-file blow on your whistles whenever you find something - two toots for utes I'm just following this Spooky, yeah, what a weird coincidence the boss is nothing are you sure it's a coincidence I'm hoping so Think we're actually making progress we're going pretty far for this not to be the direction. I'm supposed to be going in For some reason I'm getting Final Fantasy eight vibes from this game. I have no idea why Think I've seen this before it's a septiceye is so Sort of never mind, let's keep going Is somebody putting those down everywhere somebody? grapha tossing the place Sans!? What are you doing here?? heya wanna buy some merch I'm kind of trying to escape from prison Perfect what about a lockpick how did you even get here? That's for me to know and for you not to know so lock pick? Thanks, but I think I'll take my chances so yourself Okay Thanks sans bye Hey Is that it?! We did it I'm happy to be outta of the maze, so let's not go back sweet, wait wire land is different. Oh I'm Home! Hey look its ear and Sally face Okay, everyone. I'm gonna change out of my prison clothes Felix. I know you have all your outfits so hand them over Make yourself at home here Oh, the posters out in the living room now good? Okay, let's see the damage so far. Oh Christ Hey Sal I cannot remember the voice for Sally face I Just do my voice. Hi jack. How is wire land so far? Weird, but it feels like home kinda. Maybe because in a way I built it myself Yeah, I guess I can understand that well If you ever need someone to show you around you know where to find me I totally know how it feels to be in a new place full of weird people I Suppose you would have a lot of experience with that weird people really it's literally your job to get torn to pieces for the amusement amusement of sadists I Mean okay, yeah that is weird if we're comparing it to jobs outside of wireland, but it's pretty standard here Still it's an adjustment. You don't meet people like us everywhere you go, how true is that? Another Billy oh gosh That's a sad looking anger Billy well if you didn't want to be If you didn't want there to be so many of us why do you inspire your friends by yelling at us so much? And argue with that-Shut up, Billy Which one of them? ALL OF THEM!! But this Billy is the coolest didn't you create a zombie army and then attack me during 1 million subscriber party? Eh details Well still it's cool to meet the guy whose party I tried to crash who game was cool though, so I guess I let you off the hook for that one. Thank you. I think haha Heya, Billy It's all the different Billy's. Sup Billy. This is like my worst nightmare come true Hey, Billy, hello. weird to so many versions of Billy here, maybe because you won't stop ranting and raving about how evil I am You make it seem like it's my fault Ori aww! I wanna go talk to Nugget. Nugget's my favorite!! NUGGET!!! Nugget nugget is deeply perturbed What is it this time nugget?- The nugget of friendships has be engulfed in flames of disaster What flames? Literal flames yes have you seen the kitchen have you not oh? I'm sorry ,do you want a new nugget the vault of Nuggets has been reduced to ashes So to have all Nugget's the opportunities for friendship alas Fridge is fine nugget it has been penetrated by flames all is lost We could probably get some more at Bosco's Nuggets's friendship cannot be bought so easily it might be a bust be earned through trial Jack, can we get a move on? Shouldn't you two be best friends considering you both have an unnaturally large vocabulary for your age vocabulary does not equal friendship enough talking now shoo! Aww Man I missed doing nuggets voice. I need to bring that voice back for other characters just so I can do it more My god! I Love this theme, that's going on every time I go back to the bathroom. It's getting longer and longer. have I always had this red carpet?? Hey Jack, and Friends. It's billy remember? Sorry kind of new here, but we love it already wire land is great and everyone's pretty welcoming most people anyway yeah, just trying to get acquainted with everyone I I Played your game months ago. Well. You can't expect us to know everyone's name by now this place is massive .I best most game characters don't live in this place. I bet they haven't been in a place this gigantic Yeah, most people have lives outside of video games shut up Billy Hey, it's Steve STEVEEEEE!! I feel like I've seen you before except that I haven't liked you appeared somewhere maybe in a dream or something Steve's segue Okay, I Steve doesn't have a voice so I have a flux capacitor here if you need it or just wanted I could use the bytes Tempting but I'll pass Shame we could have gone back in time and avoided this conversation. It's frisk. Course frisk doesn't say anything then talk all that much one of the drawbacks to being kind of an empty slate character Yeah, sorry about that They make really good origami. Actually you should see there collection, I think alphas taught them Taught them when they got locked in a meat freezer together. They got locked in a meat freezer together? It wasn't plugged in so they didn't freeze but yeah, it's kind of a long story Man, I've never seen Toriel Yell like that. It was actually kind of scary There's a kid from inside You're not a blob this time though We play kickball together sometimes with Rambo monster kid and the other Billy's frisks al the boys from limbo And Last Guardian oh the kids from kindergarten we have a blast Cool nice to know you all get along who are you oh Ooh, the guy from Neverending nightmare there's gonna be a lot of characters, and they don't remember because There's a lot of games I've played Also, I just noticed now up on the left See where it says Sans shop to the left. There's a pile of bones up on top of that stuff on the top there there's a Boba Fett helmet I Never realized that because somebody gave me one of those and all the little undertale figurines and the little Sans like plushy that I got That's cool. That's attention to detail right there AH there's a little umm Timmy over there your game was really creepy Well good. It was supposed to be and there's a lot of these characters Who are having given voices too before or a lot of them? That's a really long time ago, so I might not remember the voices for them But some of them like undertale and like night in the woods and things like that are just timeless So I'll always remember the voices for those guys Give you kind of a higher pitch like British accent didn't I well hello Jack it is lovely to finally meet you Are you in line to buy something? Oh? No, I am merely helping around the house and shop mostly just with keeping things tidy Because you don't really have enough time for baking then well I could always do that while I'm cleaning, but it is best to delay it until they get oh god something flicked up into my neck if I delay it until the kitchen is a more suitable state for baking I Should have figured I loved papyrus and Undine as if they were my brother and sister but sometimes I must not dwell on the negatives They are such wonderful people when they are not committing arson But I am glad that you enjoy my cooking when the oven has been repaired. I shall bake you one of my favorites butterscotch cinnamon pie but Scott's even better snail pie That's fantastic I Am only joking dear. I will give key lime pie a try it isn't Dynes favorite You know mine too key lime pie is my favorite pie First time ever had it was a cheesecake factory when I was out in Where was I at the time like I remember probably a convention, but it was delicious It is certainly safer than eating limes whole what a choking hazard Knowing her she can handle it Papayrus had to give her the Heimlich maneuver 30 minutes ago because of a lime We should probably remind her to chew and then she can handle it My toriel voice. I feel changed as well, but that's cuz I need to give her a more motherly feel Yeah like what I did with the place you always have that red carpet. I don't know I don't live here So how do you keep making this place bigger? Anyway? It's bigger. I didn't notice so uh Let's go with something weird like British sci-fi technology I work I guess so it's really cool to meet you sense. Oh, hey. Where are you from life is strange? Well, that's not an accurate description of my life right now, but I'm a real person Great, well I've got you here. Can I interest you in a subscription to Ireland weekly? I'll coach a deal It's two bytes a month, but I like you, so I'll offer it to you for twenty five bytes a year Sans Yeah, Tory Either you in desperate need of a calculator you were about to knowingly Rip off this nice young lady Careful science she's got her serious glasses on. I'm just kidding What's the point in having a store if you can't have fun with the costumers? Oh actually I was really interested in subscribing Sorry, that's all right. Oh magazine has a bad case of not existing some wouldn't have mattered anyway. I Want to talk to the ten? This sucks, maybe Timmy will come out later or maybe I can find a chance of getting to them soon oh God that's not a good sign. Oh Jesus What the hell did they do I will avenge you cake Sweet Mother of God I can't even get over to that site. I can't get anywhere Let's just go to my room, maybe they're in there Has that poster always been on that wall? Hey, Night In The Woods characters yes Are you smoking in my recording room Yes, and no, this is your room and I do have a cigarette in my mouth, but I am not smoking But it's glowing my cigarettes are all lit. It's the only way it's the only way they were drawn Then why do you have it out because having it with me makes it easier to tolerate my friends Wow Harsh I Do that's why I have this cigarette instead of avoiding you at all costs But Jack if at any point you do smell smoke. I advise you to check the kitchen That works, too. I just realized that my Angus voice. It's not the same one as my son's voice. Hey Angus How come you spray this and turn to look at me when I talk to you None of us have a profile sprite. We only ever face forward in our game. I must suck It's way too easy to sneak up on us Yeah, now one time I snuck up on Greg and he turned around and hit me in the face with a fluorescent light ball I Quan say have at the store, and it looked like I'd been mauled by a bear At the hospital we told everyone Freddy. Did you all have a hospital surgeon simulator? oh These are my favorite bunch of characters in one room together My favorite voices that I've ever done for any characters are all in one place right now Hey, Jack. We heard you in here when we figured it was another one of Santa's pranks look. I'm here in the flesh code Greg's been really excited to meet you. IT'S JACK!!! To be honest, I don't think any of us really thought you'd show up. I said it was impossible. I was wrong It's so cool to meet you guys. Yeah, we've been catching up We are always happy to meet brand new characters Greg and I have really hit it off. Hey, you know it Well, thanks for coming to visit us. Hopefully we're not like lame or something. No you're not lame My lecture came a lot Flattery look at you everywhere birds like to think that May is one of those characters to say Hey, I'm here, and I'm having a fun time. It's all gonna be cool my mouth tastes like broken dreams That's just because you're easy to please yeah, I Love me so much God I miss that game like him out there switch recently as well by the way at night in the woods Everyone needs to support those developers in that game Undertale and night in the woods two of their best games for dialogue that I've ever played jack Is that you I've been hearing all about you, and how you're here Hey, Greg. Yep. It's me. I feel like me and Greg would get along swimmingly swimmingly in real life oh Did you hear it's him!!! Yes, we heard have you come to do crimes with us, it'll be awesome Yes, we can finally do all those things our lack of apposable thumbs keep us from doing Sounds fun, but we did just get out of prison, but we were finally going to take down a robot overlords Sounds awesome What we be doing exactly? Mostly like destroying the automatic checkout at the grocery store She is stealing all of our money to use for her evil plans to put donut Wolf's out of business Donut wolves?? I'm fairly certain that is just - speculation, so how are we going to do it? We aren't if you want to you can go back to prison I have other things to do besides we bother to become good friends with Greg and mae I Am very good friends with them, and I never do crimes with them Maybe not burnt the fires you all said are getting to be very expensive to put out those where accidents I was teaching them how to make spaghetti ah My old family recipe you've been torching it until it is barely recognizable as past as a family recipe Yep, it's the best way to make spaghetti It's an expensive. It's as expensive as gourmet pasta from pastabilities, but twice the fun Yes, but you get to eat that afterwards That was a long set of dialogue oh Good - I see you have my hydro spreadsheet key. Thank you Greater may and Alpha's kind of have the same voice, but alphys is a bit more jittery and higher pitched You're very welcome. There was no problem speak for yourself Sorry, I don't think I recognized you Jax other companion oh I'm Jenny nice to meet you office you were always my favorite you were always my favorite Wow really huh Thanks so Did you make any progress on that fire wall well sorry jack? But whoever installed it really knew what they were doing I can't make it dent in it The best I can do is send you for the rest of the keys So back to wireline for the next two keys If you don't mind You've gone a really long time. You got really long this time. What did you do? You really don't want to know who we went through for this prayer. Well. I'm glad you are back and that you brought new friends Do you know what game she's from Ondine? Well, I'm not from a game exactly well. Are you another player? Yeah, I love your game. It's one of my favorites No, love for mine. I see Billy your game is a meme Okay, people don't say oh. Happy wheels is my favorite game of all time Everyone has their own opinion Billy actually office I have a question for you well for all of you really How come some of the wire line residents act exactly like their game counterparts while others don't? It's sort of a combination of cannon and whatever life the player gives us that's cool So some of them act exactly like their game characters because I haven't given life to them So these guys all have more personality probably because I've given them more distinct voices, but obviously like limbo kids the guy from inside segue Steve those guys don't Billy has more of a character because In the happy wheels stuff that I played Billy was more of a centralized character than some of the others of course You influence Cannon as much as canon? So you're that god in the forest what no not a god Why you give us life boy? I got it. Maybe we're all Frankenstein's Actually jack is Frankenstein. We're all just monsters Well alpha son, and I love each other and they're monsters so you two should be fine Good save I was just about to take offense to that Greg But moving back to the topic how do I influence canon? you kind of fill in all the gaps the writers left out like giving us voices and our little stories ah Is that way outfits nice sound really similar but? Steve I always thought it was just because we were separated at Birth we're not so much alike No, it's because my plethora of voices doesn't go very far The main voice is weird the office I immediately started doing that voice for because she trained it sounded like all I'm nervous and jittery and like oh Where is me the first episode of the woods I actually gave me a different voice at the start And then it developed into what it is now based on the way her personality started to go so the way her Personality like the way, she started talking, and how she's gonna go run naked certain Bloods and just the way I read her lines Made it seem like she was a bit more scatterbrained then some of the other people was like wow I want to do that thing tacos That kind of stuff so that's just the way her voice ended up being and then it Was after the people like the kind of sounds like alphys, I'm like damn it It doesn't sound like the way I did our forces voice. That's way undying and Greg Kenney sound the same Greg is just an excitable wolf, so I wanted to give him more of a harsh voice Like a barky kind of voice and like a wolf's howl kind of voice so dogs I mean rattler all the time so his voice just goes from the back to a dog It's cool, and then Undine is just like an edgy teenager So I wanted her to sound like like Timmy Turner or something like that like cuz Timmy Turner's voice is oh? God what's her name? Uh? Tyra strong god, I couldn't think of her name her Mike. She's one of my favorite voice actresses It's her her voice doing a teenage boys voice or a young boy's voice So I was trying to imitate what her voice was doing a young boy's voice doing an edgy teenage girl's voice kind of thing Weird that's just how I came up with them, and B is just Raven from Teen Titans all Raven always kind of talks like this yes, I love them more than life itself but it was just more raspy version of an Angus, I'm Sorry, I'm D railing now Angus this voice was just the way he was going to looked there was always expressionless But he was a bigger dude Bethany's fat or anything it's just that bears are naturally bigger creatures, and it bears roars like oh So his voice kind of came from oh, well his voice is down here, and it would be deeper yeah, so he doesn't get overly enthused where anything he's always just kind of the same whereas Greg is like all over the place and Then papyrus just look like Skeletor so that's how his voice came about so that's how he came to the conclusion of all of them, and that was really I Didn't look at them and go okay. You kind of look like this. It was just what happened in the moment papyrus showed up He looked like Skeletor. I was like hey and that kind of yeah So I kind of brought him down a small bit like this. He's not as high-pitched and for some reason I Rolled his arse because I thought it sounded funnier like I want to get my recognition It made him sound like he was more Astute than he thought he was like he thought he was talking a bit more fervently he thought he was talking a bit more I Don't know what word I'm looking for he thought he was sounding a bit more posh a bit more smart than he actually was You know It's getting weird I think that that's why their voice is sick out a whole lot more than some other voices to give other characters because they have The voices come from the way the characters were written And this is more of a testament to how the people who did night in the woods And how Toby Fox wrote undertale is? Because the characters themselves had a lot of personality just in the dialogue. They had so it was incredibly easy to give them voices after that because I Don't know the way. They're written really affirms the way I wanted to speak as them so the way Mae is written the way Greg is written the way papyrus is written It was much easier to put the voices to that then afterwards Wait then why do Undine a nice sound alike. I just told you Repertoire he's only one man. He can only do so many boys this Fortunately mine is unique like a snowflake No well in rare cases characters might get enough attention that they sort of gained their own personality and that's why Billy doesn't have one because another thing was like the sans voice was that I Kind of give him a sub hey like a New Yorker uncle kind of sound But I ended up not really liking that by the time. I finished the series It was just kind of my go-to for the rest of series cuz it didn't really what else to do but then I kinda gave him this voice which is anguses voice but less of the Less of the patrick star in it because that's just the way his dialogue sounds when he talks like in the game. It's So I kind of wanted to make him sound like this kind of thing you know Exactly, otherwise the characters, did you default to canon and nothing else so Long story short, I'm screwed if I run into any villainous characters from games. I didn't give much attention. This is incredibly matter Because as I was struggling to do some of the voices for some of the characters because they were just generic characters that don't have Voices and there's just so many of them you actually wrote it into the game that that's why I couldn't do it you Guys are on the ball you guys know how I think So that says a lot to the attention to detail in this game hello, man. You'd be in serious danger So please be careful Jack and Billy and Jenny If there's a chance they might resent you for not giving them attention they wanted. Oh evil characters with a grudge great Yep, excited yet Please don't die right after meeting us we already have enough to hit people in our game But if you do die at least send us back a limb so we promised the pokin with a stick Well anyway. Here's a hydrous Persian King Elvis Thanks. I programmed the front door to lead to the approximate location of the next key Okey, dokey Come on team I am all full of burps see later dudes. That was a fun room to be in Doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo there we go, this music sounds like the hotel in undertale oh God it's five nights at freddy's i'm definitely screwed. Oh, no oh They brought presents Chances are good. That's just a big fancy paperweight for the balloons a balloon wait No better time to say I got a rock. I mean it yeah cool, oh, oh These tiles are different why? God this place is big Looks like there's more than one fan Afghan in here He had sort of the snap universe flake alpha said they all kind of blended together when you're not playing them wait universe oh No, we're in a Ford run the worst one of a hook Let's do dark and grim to be fine a Ford. Thank goodness. Oh Yeah, the harmless RPG is the one you don't want to be in not the horror games that the killer animatronics that stuff you into A suit until your eyeballs fall out exactly Music box I have a collection at home, I wonder what this one sounds like I Wouldn't mind this one up, and these games were this is there's a music box. There's an animatronic. Oh good thinking Okay, oh, we also have a phone again I don't need the phone right now is the reason there's fire extinguishers everywhere, is that a reference that I'm not getting I? wonder if this ever gets used Probably once a week - this place isn't very safety-conscious Wasn't even like kids in here, then there are any kids in this game in the first place. What about the later games? Oh those kids yeah They're cool, but they don't like hanging around here now when the games aren't being played the kids tend to congregate in turbo dismount Crash dummies are really funny, and it's not gory, so we're allowed in, but yeah turbo dismount and planet coaster even tabs this this the Kind of places that are fun or funny for our parents if we have them can leave us for a while What about the really little ones like from among the sleeper? Who's your daddy? Oh? as göran Tori I'll run a daycare ah Let suits them cue The music in here is awesome Pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain nice reference There is no man behind the curtain there may however be a homicidal Fox Maybe if we pay no attention to it. It'll leave us alone wishful thinking Jack bud sure hey mannequins Could have sworn this was a game for animatronics not mannequins You're not scared. Are you? No well, let's bring one back from Eric now. That's just cruel wait. You're afraid of these two aren't you? Let's move on Yeah, it's not so much mannequins like the mannequins themselves don't scare me. I don't walk down the street go ah mannequins it's the type of horror that mannequins are used for like the weeping angel type of stuff where You're standing still like condemned specifically the first condemned game had a really good mannequin sequence fucking awesome and You're like where you're walking down along and then also then you turn around very weeping angel by the way I should play the first condemned at some point really good game and the fear games were really good Maybe in our life stream or something But that kind of stuff where you're walking along and some things like misplaced are in a different place the more Suckled the better and if it builds to something bigger than at the end Though horror games don't really scare me as much anymore the more you play them the less scared you get Which is why it's always a case of like if you like horror youtubers if they keep getting super scared by Soph these days especially after playing like a billion of the same types of horror games like How much of that is exaggeration or entertainment versus how much are you actually scared? Simulacra actually scared me a lot because that was something that was very different, and I haven't played apart from Sarah is missing I hadn't played any sort of those jump scary phone games if I think Sarah is missing was the only one I did play so Simulacra was very very new types of scary you never knew when the jump scares are going to happen where it's like After two or three from Afghans, you're like okay. I get it. It's not so much a case of being scared anymore It's just like okay. When's it going to happen like oh god? It did frighten me it startled me It didn't scare me like it doesn't linger with you We never go to the bathroom in this game, so let's check the security booth with a high dispersion key first Good call so I don't check everything anyway I Like that this is actually a four naft style music oh Jesus oh god, it's another Subscriber I thought you were like a a demon child Stay back stay back. Don't kill me. Oh hey come down. We're not here to hurt you I have a frying pan I'm not afraid to Are you jacksepticeye It is you it is you its jacksepticeye here to rescue me for my certain horrible fate. I Don't know if that's you do not understand. I am your biggest fan. I'm so honored to meet you beyond honored happy excited Adjectives I cannot fathom at this happy happy time Funny if he just said I'm happy excited adjectives You're my hero literally Unless I died. Oh well if I died, that's oh no if I tie it, and I'm meeting you that means you die to know Hey, buddy. Yeah down you're going to give your health self a heart attack. Yeah, you're probably right I'm just so excited to finally meet you after all these years I'm cliff cliff Smedley Well hello cliff. I think you know me already this this here's Billy and Jenny Billy That's so funny. You look just like happy reels Billy. Yeah, so I hear are you another subscriber? How did you get here well I was watching Jack's newest video and then and suddenly I was here and fraf with the animatronics and not nearly enough battery power to get through I Didn't see anyone come in far as I can tell they're a program to attack anyone going in it's coming out It's a problem because they're programmed to kill anything in the security booth of course correctamundo Correctamundo, bro Well, there's four of us now, maybe we could overpower them Sure one on one that will result in death at all. He's right. That's probably a bad idea Those are away. We could do any animatronics away. There is a music box out there Bobby's our babies move route leads right to it if you turn it on they're supposed to go on stage Something about it's signaling the start of the show the handbook is very clear on that oh Christ it's at the door and the power is only a 10% Okay, we're going to need to come up with a plan fire What if he took all the computer parents out of baby and put someone inside the animatronics probably wouldn't know the difference I? Did find a bunch of programming instructions and protocols for her, but it doesn't matter. I'm too big for the suit I mean sprite wise you don't really look like it but Okay well There is one of us, that's kind of the right size No There's no other option. I am NOT dressing up as baby no way You want it to be useful? Here's your chance yeah, Billy? You can do it. I believe in you Billy even though I don't really know you Fine but you owe me big time You both suck Oh Billy no That's where that name came from by the way, this is gonna be like a Like a lore Series right guys I explained where I came up with all the things I came up with the first instancing of Billy For what I can remember the the time that it became sort of a me me name in the series I probably done it before Billy is just the most generic name I could think of and it was always a case of like watching Futurama episodes and like those infomercial videos were Like a Troy McClure thing in Simpsons where it's like I'm Troy McClure, and I'm here to tell you all about this generic thing, and then a kid shows up And it's like wait wow Troy how do I use it? it's like I'll tell you Billy that was always just the name they gave them and then in outlast I Started using that name for all the people I'd found dead I was like ah Billy no so everyone I found dead it was just mean that and then after that it became the generic name for the kid in happy wheels Because the kid infomercial types of videos in the Simpsons and Futurama So that's how his name came to be The blueprints for the building and baby's route are on the table. It should be pretty simple to figure out where to go I actually have two use him haha uh hello hello hello. well if you are hearing this congrats you made it through your oh wait Baby now in the corner for However long you worked here Now don't worry about the wild rumors or stories that possibly disgruntled or mentally ill ex-employees oh I Thought it was gonna crap. Sorry. I thought it was gonna keep playing when I got out of it That's a nice big vent I think we could crawl through if we wanted to I hope we don't need to you've seen the second game, right Let's hurry this up shall we ah The one that started at all now that never would have thought it'd actually find myself in it Yeah, cuz you're really risking your neck aren't you you didn't see what happened earlier? That's a story my grandkids grandkids are going to hear about your grandkids grandkids are going to be born terrified because of this oh Gosh, I've wrecked their lives And they're decades away from existing are your grandkids grandkids not gonna understand sarcasm either Billy you're not going to have grandkids if you don't get out and save us I Can't even have grandkids. I'm a fictional character. Who's made up out of sprites and lines of coding, and I'm nine Look who doesn't understand sarcasm now. Okay guys be nice. Please were all stuck here together, so we really shouldn't pick her He's started fucking what? Not again Okay, let's move this along Oh cupcake This cupcake isn't even edible. What is the point? Oh? What a travesty Well, if it were edible what flavor do you think the frosting would be I? Don't know. I never really think about the flavor of the frosting. I just I Just eat it it tastes like sugar. I think it would be something like strawberry that's pretty popular Maybe rhubarb frosting that'd be different. I do like rhubarb But I don't know if that would actually taste good on a cupcake oh I've had that. It's really good well I mean it was sugar-free so it was kind of tired, but I liked the way because okay Can we stop talking about frosting and just move on okay? sure So okay, I need to go from baby starts here Bottom left, I need to go to a charged station and the music box Eight steps turn twelve turn six turn eleven turn seven turn eight turning eight steps what I? Can't figure this path out Fabrice, how is anyone gonna reprogram here Finn Finn did you even count the spaces? Okay, so there's any of this actually work Okay, this is where it starts so we need to move eight squares then they have to turn and move twelve Hopefully I calculated it correctly one two three four five six seven eight turn one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve ah So that's why the squares are different. Oh god. There's not I'm a tronic right there chica that must be the charging station I'm on the right track shit, what was next There was another one up top one Shit oh No, oh no. Oh, no. I think it just stepped off the right path 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ok 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 ok That's a good game over screen holy crap Okay, let's read this I'm gonna take a picture of this Thank you, I'm sorry I didn't listen to that whole thing okay, so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 after 12 I turn and go 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 after 6 I turn and go 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 after 11 I turn into 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Turn and do 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 turn and 8 steps up Boom baby What a relief hopefully this keeps them nice and distracted Yeah, he did it. I think we're safe. That's a relief ok, so here's the plan we're gonna have to split up I know I know that sounds ridiculous. Especially anything horror when you split up you die Just follow me to look for something called a hydros Persian key spitting up alone with no one else I know help alone lonely loner No, Jack's right. We'll cover a lot more ground that way. Where do you need us to go? I? Didn't know I was the team leader Hey bruh, this is your computer fair point Anyway, I'll check the storage room out there cliff. You can check the bathrooms Jenny You can check the kitchen sure jack send the only girl to the kitchen smooth Hey hold on nobody that is nothing you got to do it come to think of it I'll go to the kitchen then if that makes you happy there might be cake hey That works out. I'm diabetic. It's probably not a good idea to even risk the cony cake Do I still have to check the icky smelly bathroom? Yes Well if you insist, but if you do find cake in the kitchen you owe me Understood, it's safe out there now as long as we don't go near Billy and the animatronics Let's see if I were a computer part hiding in the bathroom. Where would I hide? Good questo Maybe no, what well I don't even want to know what kind of horrors that plunger has seen Can't say I'm on a roll searching for this computer thingy Hmm that one wasn't as good. Thank goodness there was no audience. Ha ha ha meta meta. I love it I look fourth wall breaks. Ha ha all the searching is really draining Ok that one was bad pass Pretty sure I don't need this if I'm stuck in the computer dad and I wouldn't want to use this even if I needed to I Don't know if I can handle this stress. What sort of banner. That is What does it have to do with creepy animatronics looks like you do any sex buying logo? This is some kind of conspiracy There's a hostile takeover. I don't know about Man, where's my pot when you need them nice Let's see creepy door hitting in a bathroom stall go open up or not to open that is the question Wow what the heck open it up, but don't die Wait a front ball world oh, I am so glad you were here you came because of miss mr.. Midnight's missing didn't you? Your what now mr.. Midnight? I cannot find him well ain't that just the pits I? Will help you find your mr.. Midnight? There's just one thing. I need to know yes It was mr.. Midnight He is my kitty of course Well never fear I cliff Smedley will find your kitty or die trying cliff. Please don't die Preferably without the dying if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me Oh Franny Franny Franny Bobo we should help fine I should help friend find her cat before I go anywhere besides probably haven't explored everything can't return to Jack Billy or Jenny empty-handed Whoo you know Billy yep? Why is he a friend of yours? Yes, we are friends good friends in fact. He usually helps me find mr. Midnight when we are separated is he helping you Yeah, it's really cool to be working with him. Where do you ask? No reason you should keep looking for mr.. Midnight. She likes him she likes him Oof oh this is it officer ooh. Ooh. There's an easter egg here. You got an easter egg an actual Easter egg There are patient records in here. I respect patient confidentiality pod It's computer game, and it's not like I'm going to tell anyone about these Charles dalum or my gosh this guy's got schizophrenia Sociopathy delusions of grandeur and he escaped through the window, so let's hope we don't run into him It's a safe appropriately named-- appropriately Named-- seeing as I can't get into it whatever's in here is safe. That's why they're called safes Take the red pill no card am I about to get red pills oh Fuck Fran is dead mr.. Midnight Wow that was super easy is Fran all right I'm afraid we've been separated She's fine, maybe you should take one of these yellow pills. She's right here in this room I'm afraid I cannot Fran and I have been separated through a dark ritual perhaps. You can help reunite us Well, it's never perform I've never performed a dark ritual before but I guess there's a first time for everything There should be an instruction sheet in that old library try checking it out will do 3 are you looking at me. There's an hi Thankfully it's devoid of I egg slicers, but it's still creepy, so I'm looking back away as soon as possible oh Jeez top of the mornin top of the mornin like morning like dead people okay? Sam I think the times safer ooh in this schema dizzle I'm gonna leave this episode here making a lot of progress people we're getting into some really great stuff And I like that I got to meet the night in the woods characters this episode. They're my favorites as of right now I'm probably out on tour as you're listening to this or watching this so hi um and then why I said hi But I'm trying to get through this game and prep it for when I'm away on tour I don't know if I can get through all of it, but I'm trying my best as of right now So if these episodes are a bit spread out. That's why and if there's no other episodes going up probably shouldn't be saying this in the episode because people who are watching it a Year later when the tour isn't even happening This won't make any sense, but if you are watching then hello to you, too Hopefully things are still going a year from now since this episode is uploaded and the tour went well and all that kind of stuff but C'est la vie. What are we going to do, but anyway? Thank you guys so much watching this episode right now. If you liked it punch that like button in the face like Your boys and my voice all row Sam how are you getting around this game? Do you got some teleporting powers that I don't know about that can help me
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,950,832
Rating: 4.9598308 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, fan game, the boss, the boss jacksepticeye game, jacksepticeye fan game, fan made, rpg, rpg game, jacksepticeye game, characters, voices, undertale, sans, papyrus, undyne, alphys, story, plot, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, gregg, mae, bea, angus, night in the woods
Id: m9YuBuoxmR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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