DID I JUST KILL HIM!? | Papers, Please (Revisited) Part 4

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welcome back to good great this that was a good one I like that one until a whistleblower accepted by our thoughts get I'm sorry I accept all people that look like they deserve to be in glory greatest is that such a crime yeah probably but on December 13th we have ten days to go this is day 21 and the game ends a day 31 for any of you who can't math like me a special program for political asylum has been established this is the one that [ __ ] me up this is the one that I got uncomfortable doing because I had to look through a bunch of [ __ ] and it's so much more documents those seeking asylum must carry a valid grant of asylum entrance with such a grant do not require an entry permit or 90 supplement yeah so the people who have a grant of asylum don't need an entry permit or ID supplement okay you go leads and I think one of them happened at one point that something was off in their document or something and I had to deny them and I just didn't know how to deny them and get my reason for denial and I spent like five minutes trying to do it in the game and I paused and everything you can even see it in the last series but I was doing it and I freaked out and I didn't know what I was doing but this time we'll see what happens this time though I have a crazy surplus of cash I have two hundred and fifty credits to my name in the game so I don't think we're in that much of a badness next please come on through don't ask for asylum immediately I don't have to deal with it oh [ __ ] okay hold on I need my I need my little thing up and email I need my little cheat sheet I can't all right good good good e gumdrops all right is that your name it probably is you know what I'm just gonna say yeah now all the dates do not match I have no idea what you're talking about I have idea it's called detained in my ideas right rhyme with obtained whatever next please I have to drink some glory great as straight [ __ ] water buddies all right you were seeking asylum okay fingerprint immediately give me those prints okay Rosalind Simon Rosalie Simon I should say to these prints match these bonkie all right that face matches that face are you a criminal I don't think so but you kind of like this person who looks like a potato Antonia and Tegra glory in as part of Antigua okay I'm just going to take my time with this make sure I don't [ __ ] it up I think you're probably fine because most of the first people they send your way like this date of birth are usually fine but you know what I'll be gladly proven wrong I hope that things are better here do it story great it's not glory getting better papers please United Federation is it I'm visiting relatives for two months that is for two months okay Robin Lynette Scott all right that's a good seal this is a is that a good number I believe so I believe that that's a good number karissa City United Federation female that is your face you don't look like a criminal well you either who knows what criminals actually this is almost out of date so you might want to get that checked I think that you are a glory find dad my line for the best reason possible come on tell me why I'm wrong tell me why I'm wrong ha ha you're right because you're scared papers please you come to work all right Steph give me read stammer I am serious I have better job offer in import right stamp and I can break contract in our stocks yet well hold on a Jiminy Cricket Here I am going to be the judge of that I'm gonna be the judge to see if you were allowed in because we could use your glory greatest skills and glory greatest okay you didn't say why you're here I think I should be a lot less you in actually I think you're one of the guys they're gonna let in eighty five hundred seventy nine there's nothing wrong with your data I give you green stem work best I'm sure you denied people all day why not turn out I figure something else at but he was allowed in go that way don't everyone boo him boo this man all right you're from Antalya you plan to work okay I stay one year okay that good stay won your glory best no match it with the [ __ ] name that is a good seal that's the seal of approval that's a thumbs up from jackaboy outer grouse is that part of integrity it sure AM these are all a date cool bobbed hair this is in dade 5670 yep the upper that is also a good seal johanna surveying firstly i think you're fine you see the amount of information i have to take in at once and do a let's play at the same time this is glory hardest but i'm up to a challenge okay come on there is little time i must enter today i come back in three days of right papers to prove I give you something important this special family treasure is it money it's a watch fully didn't fully digital you holders collateral I'll be back to pick it up and take this oh yes I told you that I I can't okay I am sticking to my job fine give watch back there's thought skin passive I should have detained him I wouldn't it gets my parents anymore wait do I should entertain devotee can fight more you look like blue mister potato man you'll move here Oh glory best boy are druvan that's a fake name if ever I heard one but you know what Who am I eat tonight Gloria Integra yep yes balls - sure is 71 everyone use the right height no uh-oh you're short man it is a natural difference is it I don't think I need to even listen to that no no an alias I don't [ __ ] care I thought it's give me a citation again [Applause] yeah see if I find a discrepancy and give a reasonable I'll kick them out I don't need to actually accept him we come to oh oh don't fuss [ __ ] okay okay never jack to go to work [Music] hey I need me to warm up Oh mark all right everyone's sick and hungry dweud op Deniz that's another mouth to feed your sister has been arrested her young daughter needs a home Oh Heidi what do we do I should look up the endings it's not like I can spoil much all right so the thing said that if I don't shoot the man then he had to throw agreat at the inspection booth and killing me anyway so I I had to shoot him I don't think shooting near him would have scared him off would it I know I'm also gonna adopt a nice I don't what that does but I assume that it's this game is all about humanity and how good you can be I don't know I keep denying people and accepting others but when it's family I can't remember what I did last time so let's see integrity and whistleblower arrives disappears immediately Darrin bike attack a Creston checkpoint extreme is growing bolder Greyston like magnet like magnet for scaring people magnet for terrorists magnet for people who want to shoot me in face I do not want to be metal attracting magnet I am the magnet attracting metal bullet is metal okay what you want to say to me there wishbone there's more action at this checkpoint and in the war I fought in college here for five years if you think it is bad in arstotzka it is ten times worse than Collette you I do not blame them for coming here anyways you're doing well keep it up all right nothing new here okay the more days we spoke give me more documents to look over the better oh yeah oh my god you look like a mad scientist you come to work how long you work here one year okay good see some of these levels like day 21 just gone is one that's and eight that's a day day 21 that just went is one that happens every time so them attacking at the 8th person I think is something that happens every single time so I probably could have just taken my time in general with that aviation is that your right name yep and that seems like a good symbol true glorion male republic yeah you think you're allowed in sorry I take a long time because my eye is all work like they used to before cut like Ed Sheeran's legs got an ID number oh that sucks I'm diplomatic envoy okay man I didn't check the number again it's the thing that I just don't check for a long time that catches me out true glory in Republic yeah this is engage this is your date of birth your sex are you a criminal no I think I'm allowed let you in because it says you were allowed to get into our stats go but these ones mess me up all the time go get me another citation that was gonna get another citation immediately out the gate hello hi again remember me I was just gonna say I thought that I let you through before I give you that great banner listen I tell my coach about this he gets very upset say if I do not get banner back at least front seat on team boss so really just need banner back hell yeah good it is more beaten up than I remember what did you do I didn't do anything all right thanks bud do not forget to root for us at Regionals is it gonna say that he had bad documents this time my arse kicker's my patronage to my home team came through you're just visiting for how long for a few weeks okay does that count is I'd say a few is three but I guess they could be I had friends say recently that a couple could be more than two like a couple of things I'm like how could a couple of things be more than two you a couple means to doesn't it but they didn't they didn't listen to me good vision you don't even have any ice so now I lay it out to you guys if you say a couple of things does your mind immediately go to two things or more than two because to me it's just always to Colette yeah every door okay you're seeking asylum okay okay your fingerprints match at least the picture matches them at your actual face though that's a good seal that you have on that Kerina wall well let's hope that your documents aren't Wong they're Kareena Vitor this isn't date 25 kilos 163 centimeters and date of birth okay is there anything else that I should have checked out this but that was in there cause no trouble coming no N Oh potato for he who was tough one looking for me God was easy he asks for big money but his reasonable man are you coming in to sell your druggies again I hope not skull is part of a burst and yes protocol violated entry permit oh wait that's an idiot this isn't date bald bald dings but yes bald Jorge Jorge Jorge E by E is a real mystery for sure it's not a mystery at all you got cocaine shoved up your ass again did you say baby things get too sexy in here oh wait do I have to keep denying you Europe [ __ ] legends are you I'd though drugs looks like good stuff right detain [Music] that guard have another good day not sure I keep this up with no sales I'm sorry man you can't give me too gory great it's light and expect to get through it gory war strollers alright who are you I will move here okay good cool good seal Amelia Lee alright doesn't easy an embassy one Pegu yep this is good that's good is your date of birth good I don't [ __ ] know is your eyes good yeah is the date good nope tastes not good days not good I entertain you can i detain you and you can keep Georgie company I wanted to be able to detain you now don't eat you keep Georgie company but I was like it for cool I get extra credits for doing that you know it's like school when you do extra work you get extra credit what's up chin alright thank you I come to live with my wife forever okay cool are you sure about that terrified imma make sure that you're sure about this okay I would check everything your weights good is your Heights good no it is a natural difference a natural difference of Y all right I know they could probably let you through and the rest of your documents are probably fine but if I get it if I get an even a little whiff of something bad going off [ __ ] out of my life oh wait you do not have a now what's the thing I need is a nightly supplement come on bust my balls here you passing through staying two weeks okay that's that post an is part of Republic yeah I'm actually starting to get some of the places now 84 yep is this yes I'm just gonna check your name cuz you've long a name and it's a lot to take in for a small boy brain like mine bobbed hair I guess you could get a [ __ ] haircut in the meantime I'm not saying you need to get a haircut and you should get a [ __ ] haircut in the meantime I'm saying that by the time you see this we probably could have gotten a haircut oh wait wait hold on hold on oh no no I was like you kind of look like a criminal not to tower everyone with the same brush no citation booyaka booyaka okay you're coming for political asylum okay give me those prints is that your name okay they all match your fingerprints do they match okay cool this I need to get through you fast so I can get somebody else 64 and somebody 8 in a birth Shingleton is part of United Federation okay you're cool you're just so cool and even if I get a citation it's fine because I can take my time with the last person and get [ __ ] we've got an issuing city Shingleton was a spell wrong damn it yeah well what are you gonna do you in some you'd be a dumbass another time Jim Easter ah good that's people last time as well be like can you believe jacket some of these things wrongs it's so [ __ ] easy like first of all cam down eat a Snickers secondly you don't have to [ __ ] let's play and play the game and take in all this information as well and if you can do that good for you that's amazing for you I'm glad that you're better than I am you can't come in here with [ __ ] buns on your back but DJ I've also had some people seriously asked me to stop dabbing but I think it's hilarious that people get mad at dabbing still even though it's the stupidest of memes so I'm like he doing [Music] your niece has brought her mother savings Oh baby it pays to be an uncle cooing at ten dollars and bright I love bribes alright no one in the house is getting food or heat alright welcome nice welcome to the house your everybody else is here have a great time you'll find a corner to live in and almost die but I'm not giving you heat or water just yet okay that comes every two days now if you're gonna live here I know you give me a hundred dollars from your mother savings or whatever but your mother's arrested so it's probably drug money so I'm just gonna keep that for myself I could move to a better dwelling but it's not worth it I think the nice ends up leaving eventually but right now I have some sick monos how much do they end the last season of polio resurfaces and United fed oh I might not let United Federation people in now because of polio probably your position is important in your responsibilities are broad fall all protocols strictly core service that's it see you say that making me think that there's new information then the people go what's new pussycat whoa there's nothing new it's all the same as it was before no vision like people with polio in though for its first one of United Federation not in Paris all right come to visit for 12 weeks yes okay good is this your name probably and Keo is part of empower it sure AM wait hol hold up a minute the passport is correct okay show me okay sixteen okay that's a date if you were bra I'll allow you in no is wrong is wrong still discrepancy so much discrepancy oh it does a red character in the line who's the red character because the line doesn't actually move oh dude oh [ __ ] I didn't know that Khaled killed too easy agents another assassin comes man in the red calories info on all easy killers tadka cannot take chances you must kill him today we will provide opportunity and succeed you will be caught must sacrifice all four are Satya family so kill him today so no shoot to kill no no no thanks imma keep that under everything oh and I get the big bad boy going for that one no thanks I know kill a good boy do you think no no I'm allowed reject you I think I know you had a nurse that's capacity greatest but as soon as I get a whiff of a discrepancy this nose is the discrepancy detector I come to work is it for three months 12 weeks okay can you guys just speaks normally three months is so much easier to say that is you are you a criminal no you're not well you could be you just haven't been outed yet Colletti ovide or yes yes oh why is it taking so long to look at this one mine eyes don't work let's just check the name anyway think you're fine but I was talking in the middle of it and then I got distracted that's another thing as well is that I miss things oh I D supplement of course of course this [ __ ] thing I was talking so god damn it I miss things cuz I'm also just I have no [ __ ] attention span I need like break so my brain doesn't explode Republic let's run a tea yes we're almost at the end of the game anyway very short here sure why not 51 kilos 55 centimeters okay see here in Europe we measure everybody in centimeters check this yeah I'm an illiterate okay cool hey Cory greatest what's up Galen Wilson oh my god you look so sad in your picture whatever you're sad when you took your picture you should be happy about coming home to glory greatest not sad burnt in district okay that's good that's a good district that's a great district I might I grew up in in burnt and way do you need an ID supplement where are they I don't think ya know I don't I'm getting confused now at this point there's so many documents I need that I'm like wait which ones we need to not need no citation isn't it invalid issuing city did I not check that oh my god it's so bad visiting mustache I stay one month okay whatever [ __ ] I mean it's only bad if I start getting citations for it most - 81 kilos is that code is the mustache I guess so you don't have the super strong glorious facial hair of the Gaelic gladiator standing here in front of you but whatever kaliesha West Creston yes 1210 93 yeah yeah yeah I'm need I need to take a break right now because I'm making all sorts of mistakes I think I just made another one oh you wanted for this you know what it's [ __ ] fine have enough money come for a visit but you have a work pass Jesus Christ let the man in red let's let the man in rage down he goes okay I hope that that wasn't the man in red that I was supposed to not kill I didn't kill him anyway a tranquilizer see I made up for it I got - five credits on it but then I made a backup anyway so shut up this is my glory greatest booth but I keep making mistakes though [Music] because at that point was just there's too much information to take in and I know the end of the game is coming so I'm like please just get there can I just get that the glory industry hundred twenty-five dollars oh not bad alright I need to feed all of you right now I'm sorry nice I know you're cold and hungry but welcome to my house can the wall holds border safety continually questioned it can hold I mean is that a case that the wall holding is the case of people easily being able to jump over the wall so why can't you if I can some of you guys be here or here even stop them at all recent events have cast suspicion on the activities of our starts can citizens in the Alton District the Ministry of Information has requested our cooperation a special drawer for confiscating documents has been installed in your booth I can't deal okay so what do I take in the rule book has been updated with information regarding confiscation policy confiscate all our thoughts can passports from residents living in the Alton district so keep your eyes out for all tad Alton Alton Alton I'm keeping it in my head Trevor's may still be granted entry if passports is confiscated and no other rules are violated so if I take their Alton passport but if everything is actually fine with it I let them through okay passport seizure slips will be issued to allow entry or denial without a passport glory to arstotzka okay okay yeah is that potato man is he a wanted criminal now okay I'm keeping this down here cuz I I don't want to click on a little horror he a criminal or he what have you done now okay I keep the basic rules open okay let's take a little breather and we get back into it I need to get my brain back in order you know what I'm changing the game I'm changing the game we're gonna stand for the rest of this episode oh yeah oh yeah by the way if you have a standing desk you need one of these mats it's like a foam mat to help your feet because if you stand on the hard ground just with your feet then it's gonna be bad for you anyway there's no point having a [ __ ] standing distance Oh anyway let's get back into it okay I'll turn Alton Alton district alright next see at this point it would almost be better for me actually no I wouldn't okay are you immediately in Alton district okay East Crescent I need to check to make sure that it's actually good still make sure that there's no other problems your name is in town I thought your setting name was antenna and I was gonna call you Benton okay so I am going to no correlation great do I actually need to do this okay confiscate entry visa ah okay everyone there you go thank you it is good to be back home I'm leaving for trip soon so I just need my passport back it is being confiscated what do you mean contact number answer for recovering you can just hand it back I am NOT leaving without Passport try me [ __ ] you can try me all you want but I am going to detain anybody that gives me the option [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] them that's that's crazy it's crazy how he got [ __ ] up next hello all right are you all tan as well no you're not octave Alice that's a great name for a district the guy it's like a superhero named let your name okay cool that does look like your face haha unfortunately god it's a bad joke don't make fun of people's looks we're all trying hard I think your East Breaston is arstotzka right yeah west question is I collect you I can't be wondering if they're gonna give me a citation okay in poor all right I come for a visit visit for three months it'll be 90 days okay that's count let's count this three months let's count great yeah I'm just gonna check the [ __ ] numbers anyway and Keo is that part of in poor it sure is twelve eleven nineteen eighty-three yes did first whatever ninety-three that's the seal cropped hair yep 74 kilos eighteenth okay look look different no like okay and it says your mail I think that's okay I think it is is it it is I what what do you want we have missed our chance man in the red survives he now targets eASIC agents in kaliesha our plans must adapt oh so I see so they are the ones that sent the person over the wall last day and there's like is that the man in red no I don't need shoe him and then I was thinking wait how would I have even gotten to him but they created the distraction by putting somebody over the wall and then I was supposed to use the gun the other key to take out the corner instead of tranquilizing the guy I did I was supposed to just shoot the guy in the crowd that's what he sends out in red I get it okay he now targets easy Cajuns in Collette you good kill them all because people said I either have to go all with the order or all against the order I can't be wishy-washy in it I can't say like Oh some of them I'll do and some of them I won't cuz then I might just end up getting the same ending as always and I can't remember if I've actually [ __ ] any of it up yet in my memory I've done everything against the order so far but I might have missed one tiny thing so we might end up just getting the same ending again but I can come back and maybe change some stuff it's a long game though I said that it's a long game it's like four hours long but it's a lot of information to return transit through our sOccket for two days it'd be a couple of days okay if I can get through like five or ten people a day I'll be happy okay I should probably just stop talking and read the information that's in front of me hey Han import yes goatee I never know if it's go tea or if it's just a shadow seventy six kilos 187 you're tall okay I think you're fine [Applause] have I missed something no all the dates are fine is it is it bad no it's not bad oh you look like dr. Eggman are you Alton you're Alton okay all right so I need I still need to check everything eighty seven kilos hundred eighty said such tall people coming through my line today you feel so privileged okay or rich one or that is a good place for starts good okay I am going to take this and I'm gonna give you this what is this lip wear his passport is being confiscated cannot do this contact number and slip you want to end up like last guy you want hitting head with gun back alright I am in transit for two days two days okay good that's what I like to hear Holly Lou yes Glorian is part of Integra sharain sex female this is in date this isn't date as soon as I seen 1983 I know I'm in date short hair yeah cuz it's up you're super tall as well where he's everyone taller than me hate this everyone should not be I'm super tall what hey you're the bad man though Oh Georgie Georgie I'm sure I'm not in criminal bulletins or anything they promised me no bulletins clear they say I think twice about trusting friendly people detain eyes okay most police know me by now a little talk with them again anyway you have good job I rather sell drugs wait how do you say okay Alton no for disco is that an actual district yes an orbit phone or see I need to check to make sure that it's spelled right and that is your picture is that it is that all I have to check is that is that it sorry are you gonna copy I didn't even check your name doesn't matter it was right and I know how my job is to check everybody going through the the booth but immediately after my check is wrong somebody's like you know you were wrong it's like what you [ __ ] do the job then if so easy okay fart esto as well your name is sliggoo sliggoo Jamie there's a place in Ireland called slag oh you don't have a mohawk though or if it's for Nora yep date of birth is that right it sure is [Music] let me check oh oh I almost did it I almost did it or let me detain let me hit him with that fat cage not like fat Nicolas Cage like fat barrier well you get on here is it drugs [ __ ] pom are you coming right later [ __ ] bad you have made a mistake coming here I know nothing sounds like it if you came here thinking you could get through with a bomb with these Eagle Mongoose ice [ __ ] am i lying next hello there miss Marples my presence was requested was it now was it now yeah it's not even your name I have multiple names do you do you want you to say no known aliases watch no no alias my [ __ ] detectors going off yes hi right okay that was a good day no citations for me today and that was a hard day because I had an extra piece of information to take him Bob sweet all right you guys are not getting this today could I actually pass $400 by the end of this could I be Laurie greatest I don't know what date this is what they do they start off this route on 13 14 15 16 17 that's four days oh man I'm not even nearly as far as they thought it was this is taking you longer time oh you couldn't talk to me but come on in have a conversation I can I can inspect things even when it's not showing up on screen friend how are you I would I have small favor to ask during the war I met a beautiful girl I think about her every moment yesterday I received word that she is finally coming here please let her pass and I will be in her debt her name is Eliza but man to Zerg you from your Eliza I love you always I did come through and she's wrong documents though I don't know bro I don't know if I should let her in it might be sadness that follows United Federation citizens present a risk of spreading infectious disease polio I knew it tonight all entrants from United Federation continue to confiscate our thoughts can passports from okay sweets wait I don't know I don't trust somebody who is a pair of sixes four-eyes all right another day another gonna create this sorry I need I need to show my passion okay you were at the lane you have the world's longest name we're visiting for a month or do you want to say 30 days maybe quirky like that song [ __ ] it claimed to look like you but not a whole lot short hair 59 matching the tie alright 93 94 a great rapid as part of the United Federation I know that for a fact oh think you're okay Oh seal okay I'm going back to the [ __ ] main menu to do that one again that's that's stupid that was a stupid thing I just did okay we're on day 25 I started here at the start in the episode okay I thought this might be the last episode but it seems like we might have one more effortless full-blown epidemic gluttons related for the region okay yes yes yes I know same same thing again there we go much easier this time do not bring your sickness to arstotzka we do not want this sickness in Uganda have you ever seen that video it is a sickness okay you're not no United Federation okay just visiting is it for three months a few months okay that's fair what's his throwing arm all my dog can do better must detain maybe he should try sports maybe you should try a [ __ ] different checkpoint [ __ ] coming in here making fun of my kid I'm gonna have to let you in though right cuz it's part of the thing we're think you're gonna want to deny her my other [ __ ] documents are in order why don't you go back to your home on [ __ ] island oh I'm so sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I also bad Moody you're a lovely lady don't shoot her I said bad things to her sorry trying to deter the country two days a couple of days okay cool Coolio you know what dog that's pretty [ __ ] cool I think that's dope wait I was traveling through the country road trip am i right okay these are all good Integra yeah after grouse what a lot of integrants coming through good yes sometimes I check them and I'm like there's no way it could be that easy clearly I've missed something okay you don't have anything oh wait oh wait I can actually get rid of you for two reasons I can't detain them even either but they give you such a lovely note you are hot like fire object of desire wrap my heart in wire with my visa I plan to work for half a year okay you are hot like fire my heart burns with desire wrapped in wire please can you [ __ ] prove my visa please I need to get him please they're gonna kill me but also super hot okay yeah all right for half a year okay that's good kick a cake okay good that's a good name for your thing I took to get out of grouse yes because it's your name this isn't a and that's a good seal cool is this your name yeah that's a date that's a good seal god there's so many seals for the work ones balding yep sure then he had kilos 173 please tell me I can let him in please tell me I can ID him in cuz I feel like I just I feel like I nailed that one you know when you go to an exam in school in college and then you're like I [ __ ] nail that and then you come out in the friends like how see I did lady 8% oh comes your I I pass through for how long today's coupe or dies mine life sucks nobody loves me oh I can give you dinner for me oh I don't know why he given that like fire object of desire Wow nobody says such nice things oh yay parties is very confusing that's so sweet I'll let you in I don't even care if you're wrong documents you give me a nice little coin ah there was a nice little interaction we had thank God he wasn't criminal Alton okay and he takes I need to take your passport sorry East graston yeah I keep getting confused east or west Creston which one is our star skip is this your name okay and this okay imma take this and then I give you one of these that rule pass what I don't know what you mean why contact number on slip get the [ __ ] out of my line it's been long day I have kid I have extra kid at home now okay you aren't even allowed in here you don't have any sort of how do i how do I actually do this now that's Collette you what am i doing how do we like click this and be like no you're not actually allowed in see I can't deny her cuz I don't know what which one to click since that she's not allowed being to arstotzka because I don't have the reason but everything else is fine I'm [ __ ] this I'm gonna get a citation for whatever hope then we could have traced more easily no they do not want to stay long in our thoughts get how do we how do I get rid of that how do we get the reason for that one sorry all right dem rules is rules you can't come into glory greatest because you're full of holy old it's a rough way it's a rough thing to have happen it was up to me and let everybody in everybody's great yes okay some reason I didn't think that was your face wait sicker okay okay that's strike two okay if this doesn't have a second name on it that's gonna be strike three for you what's the difference okay no strike three for you no strike three for you okay nineteen thousand twelve yes I'm running out of time in my day though eighty-six centimeters your [ __ ] taller than I am as well Utica let you Mayo was you were a lady I mean Who am I to judge I'm just sitting behind a booth and my eyes are gonna [ __ ] cross I'm looking at all this [ __ ] whatever come in I only have time for a few more anyways don't risk the citation no citation thank you thank you very much okay yeah you're allowed into our staff is good I'm not risking another [ __ ] citation for this I stand Republic yeah okay wait a minute whatever why not an expiration it [ __ ] okay fine whatever I'm in transit for how long do once okay two months I just gonna take my time with you because you are the last one oh I don't need to take my time with you come on faster faster faster what are you doing I think Paul is my accident No get off the [ __ ] screen Jesus I almost [ __ ] it up [Music] wait you're back again are you then yeah you're the Hitler - guy Herman hey come on now you think Jack's silly man two different names do you I can check your fingerprints and check the records and if it doesn't say it that's three strikes immediately no known alias oh hey I don't think i detained anybody else this round so I don't think I got my credits bonus but whatever I like the tiny people it makes me feel strong and powerful take care now bye bye then Corey greatest your son is sick and needs medicine of course he does cool 360 okay I thought I would get more money than that I wanna pass 400 let's go to sleep for now ministry of health acts to protect citizens new policy safeguards at borers okay well that does it for this episode of cool all right I thought this would be the last one but we're pushing our time limits on this one so I will come back next time and that would be the last episode of this revisited or series of papers please glory gracious so what I'm doing are we gonna get probably a very similar ones at the last time but I'm having a great time playing the game again it's so much fun I like it a lot I wanna get it on my iPad and play but for now thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch the like button in the face we played and Hazelwood punished thank you will see all you dudes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,330,748
Rating: 4.9389772 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, papers please, papers, please, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, music, theme, OST, papers please jacksepticeye, lets play, let's play, reaction, commentary, facecam, webcam, part 1, mechanics, how to play, PC version, Steam, choices, decisions, morality, Arstotzka, Approved, denied, items, documents, funny, indie game, best indie games, money, speed, story, the order, secret order, ezic, ezic order, gun, tranquilizer, Ending, endings, best ending, worst ending, escape, stay, family
Id: o4liCKvRppE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.