CALL ME STAR-LORD | Guardians Of The Galaxy - Episode 1 Tangled Up In Blue

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*Whapish* Top of the morning to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to TellTale's Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. That's quite a mouth full. But I've been waiting for this one for a long time. I like "Guardians of the Galaxy": the movie I don't really know a whole lot about the back story and the lore of Guardians of the Galaxy. I've never read the comics; the movie was my first foreway into that. But this seems to take a lot more cues from the movie more so than the actual comics(RIGHT JACK) or anything like that so... We'll see what it's like! I don't really know what to expect from this. Because when this was announced people where kinda like: "REALLY?!?" "Telltale are making a Guardians of the Galaxy game?" "Really?" And the sequel to Guardian's of the Galaxy is coming out... Is it coming out this year or next year?(I DONT KNOW) I can't remember...but I'm excited about that! And I'm excited about this so... We'll see what it's like! We'll keep our, our hopes high! And hopefully things go well, so... Episode one... "Tangled Up in Blue"; Episode two is "Under Pressure"; *singing* Looking down on me, *stops singing* "More Than a Feeling"; "Who Needs You?", and "Don't Stop Believin''". Are they all the names of songs? Aha. "Thanos, the legendary Mad Titan, is only one of the Guardians' growing list of concerns. As villains from all corners of the galaxy come gunning for Peter and gang, the bonds of this unique family of heroes begin to strain." So I'm curious to see... I don't know if the Guardians are formed at this point, or if we have to wait for them to form, or we get the back story or what. I don't know. Let's-let's just start. Umm, Okay, that's actually perfect where it is; but I'll brighten it just a small bit. 'Cause sometimes renders come out a bit darker. So for you guys to be able to see stuff Uhh...enable cloud saving? Yes... Because I feel like if something happens at least it will have my choices. and my saves if my computer ever decides to die on me. "This games series adapts to the choices you make. The story is tailored by how you play." As with all Telltale things, but I'll take that with a grain of salt. That was one of the best parts of the movie, was the soundtrack so I'm glad that they are taking that cue at least. "Rad mix" It's going to be hard to adjust to Star Lord without Chris Pratt's voice 'Cause he's like another one of the best part of Guardian's of the Galaxy. Chris Pratt could be in anything and carry the whole thing on his own and I'd love the whole thing because I love Chris Pratt. (Christiplier is real) But this isn't voiced by Chris Pratt. *in background* "Guardians, this is the Nova Corps, we have a situation!" *soldier* Thanos is here! *Star Lord* Destroyer of Worlds, big blowy gauntlet, wrinkly chin, yeah I've heard of him. *soldier* You have to help us *soldier* This is a Priority One distress call, Star Lord Uh, "what's in it for me?" or uh- *soldier* I know we rarely ask for your assistance, but we're desperate. *Jack talking over him* What's in it for me, man? *Star Lord* I don't have to do anything *Star Lord* What's in it for me? *soldier* Uh...we, um... *soldier* We will expunge your past crimes from your record. Okay. Keep talking. *soldier* Uh, hijacking a Starblaster on Xandar, consorting with a Centaurian delinquent, *Jack* Oh-ho, my future crimes! Include my crew. *soldier still talking* "impersonating a nova corps officer-" *Jack speaking over him* Sorry that there's no subtitles right now. *Star-Lord* "I want a clean slate for my whole crew. Rocket, Gamora, Groot, and Drax." *soldier* "AH, Nova Prime won't be happy about this!" *soldier* " But if that's what it will take, we can do it!" *Jack* Rock on my friend. *soldier* "Okay, here's the situation. *soldier* We tracked Thanos to this Kree planet, but when our fighters engaged, he decimated our fleet! *soldier* Without your help, he'll kill us all! Uuuummmm... I don't know...I could call my dudes, but... last time I did that, they didn't really provide any assistance. *Jack makes clubbing noises* Badass dancer. Can I just use this again? That was pretty slick. It says... "Do not push giant red button And it also has a list of what restaurants are good in the area. It's kinda like Yelp! But I don't know if we're hungry right now It has an area map It's called "Kree-gle Map". It's kinda like Google Maps, but not really. Gamorra? You listenin to me? It's me! *thud thud thud* Is this thing on? *chuckles* Jesus. And all the ones that are alive look the exact same as each other. I'm not being Kree-cist here I like your style. "Right click to back out", nooo... I want to reset energy grid. Uh oh! Oh these are all dead ones? I thought these might be alive ones. Let's, let's look. Whaa? Passageway? But I thought we were going through here! Well let's listen! Hey! Listen! Just sticks his ear to the door and all you hear is *in deep voice* "BURN THE NON BELIEVERS" Oh! Woah! Satan door! *chuckles* Okay, let's enter the passageway. Caaaan do, green stuff. *whispering* J-sh-just shut the fuck up! dadadadadadadada sneaky sneaky dadadadadadadada sneaky, sneaky looking really cool while we're sneaky, sneaky, looking really cool Looking in my Star Lord helmet, gonna pull out my guns if these guys see me but I'm still looking cool crawling through a vent, crawling through a vent saying what I'm doing, saying what I'm doing He ain't hear nuttin. Ooooh it's time to Batman this! That was very loud We're very visible I guess we made it! Heh-HAAAAHHHH-ploomp! *chuckles* Why does my mind always go through the most ridiculous, jokey scenario possible? Like, "we gotta sneak in Heh-HAAAAHHHH" *chuckles* Wooah, nice bedroom! Ooh, they want- They're gonna use the eternity forge to bring everyone back to life! It's like a time travel dealy-do. "PE-TER QWILL!" *chuckles* Okay, how are you doing that? *scoffing* Take a step! That was easy. Aaaagh This is worse! It makes a mean cup! Ohhhh... Ooooh! No, Peter wouldn't kill someone to bring her back. Is she standing on something, or is she just really tall? Dude! AMIDEAD?! Ohhh everythings feelin a little woozy... Yeah, she's just really tall. And strong! Gamma Ray! Are you an Asari from Mass Effect? Uh ohh...uh ohh! Hey! You're a bit late, though! OoooOOOHH NICE ahhaa, jesus... I was just about to say, won't everything get sucked out into space? What about Gamorra? Oh, there she is! Can't stop, won't stop! Kinda stabbed in the chest here, buddy... Damn! Is it gonna end here? Flashback, or my coffin? Flashback. Is that priest supposed to be Irish? Awww, poor Peter. Yondu? Hehe, "are you my dad" I mean... this is what happens anyway, so I'm just gonna go with this one. He's gonna get taken away regardless, so... That's the thing about some of these choices, sometimes it's like I know it's gonna happen but it's like which do you prefer to see? Zooombiiee!! Please be me in the coffin, it's gonna be me in the coffin, isn't it? A little faster there, Quillfeather! Don't be zombie, don't be zombie, don't be zombie! Don't be Mom-bie! *whispering* a Mom-zombie... Wooooaahh! Super Mom magic! So that's what it forges! I'M BACK, BABY! Yeeeaahhh! Okay, then! Okay, so there are actually some other choices from people who have gotten the game early as well. Cause normally, like I said in the Walking Dead ones, you don't get to see these. Soo, 91% of us said that Drax earned his revenge... 64% of people pushed Gamora into reconnecting with Nebula... Be-be-be-doo-do-duh-duh-duh-duh-duuuhhh "The Dead Body", 71% of players gave Thanos to the Nova Corps... 78% made a promise to your Mom YOU HEARTLESS 21% BASTARDS 85% of players chose to bring Gamora Yeah, 'cause Drax is too irrational! He just wants to kill things, and Gamora was lighter, and more spry, and stealthier with me. Cool. Oooh, next time! Oh, we do get a trailer. Oh, Rocket had to be Ringo? Ringo's the bad one haha Why was that like, interview format? That was weird. That's not really next time on it, that was kinda more of a recap of what happened this time Hm. Anyway, very interesting! I don't know what to think of it just yet, cause- It's not what I expected it to be, the fact that Thanos is dead When Thanos is like who they're going up against in the next movie, the one coming out soon So, and that's like a BIG bad guy So like, Thanos is a pretty big deal when it comes to the Marvel Universe and comics and all that kinda thing. So to see him taken out right at the start, whether he's fully dead or not He might come back, somebody might use the Eternity Forge to bring him back, who knows? But to see him dead, and to have um Hala be the main bad guy is a little weird, it's a little less threatening? So it doesn't feel like it has that weight of "oh shit, stuff's going down". So I don't know about that, and it's also weird that they took so many cues from the movies And again, I don't know anything about Guardians of the Galaxy like, comics-wise But, like Yondu's voice, seemed like it was trying to imitate the guy from the movies, I can't even think of his name right now, And it sucks, 'cause he's the dude from the Walking Dead as well, and I like him! As an actor. I just can't think of his name But, and like Rocket's voice was kinda the same, all the characters reminded me of the movie version Which I didn't know they were going for Or if that's the point Cause when it came to The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, and that they kinda go for- Well, Wolf Among Us doesn't have anything beyond the comics, but they seem to rely heavier on the comic side of things same with the Batman universe.
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,142,295
Rating: 4.8989363 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Guardians Of The Galaxy Telltale, telltale games, marvel, Guardians Of The Galaxy jacksepticeye, episode 1, tangled up in blue, season, season 1, episode, episodic, telltale, full episode, game, videoame, reaction, story, characters, choices, part 1, death, dead, character death, PC, XB1, PS4, star lord, walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, complete, complete episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 20sec (6020 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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