My favorite SBR Barrel lengths / setups

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if you've ever partially seeded a magazine into a rifle and you've brought that rifle to your shoulder and that magazine fell out and people saw go ahead and hit that subscribe button like comment all those things help me out quite a bit I am a meme now apparently so he'd get down in the comments section and feel a buffoonery that happens down there guys a big support of the channel right now is good mag warehouse they ask that you buy magazines with a discount code so awful Sports channel monetarily so let's show them our support if you're looking to get belts or plaid t-shirts along the defense group vertex discount code for all's Grande thumb no spaces thank you guys today's topic is a question that keeps getting asked to me and that is what is my preferred barrel length on a short-barrel rifle and that is a really deep question actually and one I really want to what delve into and we're kind of gonna get into it right here so everyone assumes that it's going to be 10 3 right I kind of made my mark I doing the mark 18 and everyone you know gets that a short-barrel rifle and they're so excited to go as like shorts possible I swear it's like the only thing that dudes want to go short on or get short on am i right Navy so everyone gets like these really short rifles and they don't anticipate a lot of the problems that a really short barrel can do to you they're unprepared for that so here's a couple problems you run into one is going to be bullet velocity so the shorter you go on a barrel be less time that that powder has a burn and propel that slug faster and faster down that barrel so on a really short they're like the mark 18 you're getting some very little muscle velocities as that slug is exiting and with five five six this could be a problem especially if you're military law enforcement or you plan using this weapon in self-defense or something like that five five six works well when it's going faster now there are rounds that work well slower but no matter what those rounds are gonna work better when faster so we have really low muzzle velocities that can be a problem and it also becomes a problem because the mark 18 does not launch those projectiles very far above 2500 feet per second which is kind of that barrier right there get below that you start having some problems with the effectiveness of five five six but there's a further problem past that and that's max effective range because the minute that bullet exits the barrel it starts to slow down so it's gonna go below 2500 feet per second fairly quickly because of that your max effective range on something like a mark 18 is pretty short and then cue the guy who runs in he's like well would you want to stand in front of a mark 18 get shot with it like now of course time it's freaking [ __ ] like who wants to get shot with the gun but the point is if if I can have a gun that's more effective than a mark 18 why wouldn't I and that functions better anything like that so one we have bullet velocity - we're gonna have to dwell time so what is dwell time so dwell time is that point at which the slug passes the gas port before it exits the barrel so it's that time that gas is sitting there hitting the gas port and flowing back into the gun causing that gun cycle you don't want too much dwell time you don't want too little dwell time you wanted to be in that Goldilocks area the mark 18 is in the two little dwell time area it has a problem a lot of manufacturers have kind of remedy that by opening up the gas port this creates other problems though such as how fast that bull carrier group is cycling and that comes to parts where so 12-time leads to unreliability and then the violence of the short barrels this leads to increase parts wearing a gun so you've run into a lot of problems and it the final last thing and this is what I love to talk about which is what do you feel as a shooter so I've had the opportunity fire at this point I think around 60 or 70 thousand rounds - probably more about eighty thousand rounds to the mark 18 just a lot and I've become very accustomed to that recoil cycle and that recoil impulse but every time I move to a longer gun k12 five or eleven five or fourteen five I'm always like man this is way easier like I can get the same shooting times on drills of you know a short gun in a long gun but I have to try so much less with a longer rifle with a longer barrel so that's just something to think there so what those things kind of considered what is my preferred barrel length on a short-barreled rifle and that depends on what I'm gonna be doing so if I'm going to be shooting primarily suppressed I really don't want that long of a barrel because when I add six inches to a gun success it's six inches is a lot then you're getting a fairly long rifle so I had six inches to a ten three barrel I'm just above 16 inches total I'm pretty much holding an m4 a very heavy m4 because the suppressor is heavy so for a suppressed gun I prefer to go with a 11 5 now this is gonna feel like an advertisement but you know I tell you guys what I like and I'm pretty pretty unbiased by I appreciate my pretty straight shooter on this kind of stuff my preferred uppers for most of my shooting are Bravo Company uppers there are more expensive uppers that are better and we've kind of talked about this and like you can't get diminishing performance increases as you start spending more and more and more but I found that Bravo Company uppers are not too expensive they're usually between like six and eight hundred somewhere right around there and they are just top-notch quality they're just very well-made they run forever so most of my guns I'm running Bravo Company uppers now these two offers but I have four given to me so I didn't pay for them but besides that I bought probably about five or six uppers from Bravo Company I just like what they have but in this case the reason I like the 11-5 so much more than the ten three or the ten five is one tool time so the dwell time is a 40% increase and again you don't want too much to all time but this starts getting into that Goldilocks area we're getting just enough to make sure that this gun is functioning very reliably that you're not it's not too violent on the action so you have a lot less parts where and what that leads to is a soft or equal pulse the 11:5 has a very pleasant recoil impulse I've always been very impressed when I've shot a gun this short and it's so easy to shoot you can just crush people or a shooting shorter barrels finally you add that extra inch inches a little bit so it's a bit you get a lot more velocity the increase in velocity from a 10 3 to 11 5 is pretty significant so that's step up to 11 5 in my opinion is probably one of the best options that you have so when it comes to shooting suppress I pretty much use the 11 5 and this is the gun I use so that is 11 5 now if I am NOT shooting suppressed if I am shooting primarily unsuppressed I go to I know that's gonna sound like heresy a 12 5 but I want you guys to hear me out I've become a big fan of the 12 5 in the last couple months so I've done on this particular offer at this point I'm at 4,000 rounds so not as much as some of the guns that I've reviewed but I'm very familiar with the BCM uppers at this point and I pretty much kind of know what I'm getting so the reason I like the 12 5 is you get an even a softer recoil impulse compared to 11 5 which is surprising this feels almost like a 14 5 and it's muzzle velocity is getting very close to a 14 5 so you get a lot of the benefits you can really reach out with a 12 v but it's very maneuverable it feels very similar to an 11-5 in fact on the Bravo Company uppers the handguard length is the same on both limits 10 inches so you do have a little bit of barrel sticking out but what that means is it's pretty well balanced so I really enjoyed that also the dwell time the dwell time on the 12 v feels wonderful so you are just getting kind of that perfect ball time and Leafs that really soft recoil impulse finally muzzle velocity again we talked about it before but kind of a quick note there is that I'm getting between about seventy to a hundred feet per second more compared to 11 v and that might not seem like a lot but it's a pretty good increase that allows me to stretch my legs with the 12 v I'm pretty comfortable shooting out to around 350 with this but I stretch up to 400 but you know no big deal there now some people might ask you know what I'm going down to an 11-5 or even at 10 3 am I gonna have accuracy issues no so with five five six barrel length isn't correlated to accuracy these guns are all equally accurate they're all get in the same groups I'm getting about you know 1.2 to 1 MOA with really good ammo out of anything from an 11-5 all the way up til I get 16 the difference is going to be muzzle velocity so a 16 inch gun is going to be able to stretch its legs a lot further than say an 11-5 because that bullet has more velocity it's going to be able to reach out a little bit further both in lethality and in terms of actual distance so if you're a military law enforcement at depth in contractor you know civilian just trying to protect himself those are all factors you need to consider so I can't tell you specifically which barrel length is gonna be great best for you whether it be 11 5 or 12 5 and again the 11 5 is perfectly fine and suppressed they run fantastic but for me if I had the choice I was writing so I'm surprised to do 12 5 so Ryan's suppressed it dude 11 5 look at what you have a look at what you're dealing with if you're in really tight and you know confined quarters you're running in your basement that type of thing maybe an 11-5 is gonna be best maybe you're in a little bit more open country lots of weeds though maybe it 12 5 is gonna work a lot better so you can reach out but at the same time be able to maneuver through that stuff a little bit easier these are all things to think about and again I can't answer that question for you now before we go you guys are gonna ask let me talk about my setups really quickly so first off on this particular gun which is my 12 5 it's an SBR this one is the 12.5 and CMR now on this barrel a lot of people ask you have a barrel profile so when you go into shorter barrels a barrel harmonics is a big thing right so BCM opted to go with the government profile barrel just for rigidity to ensure those gonna be rigid enough when fired so what that means is that I don't have a whole lot of loss of accuracy when I'm firing this when this thing is getting heated up it works pretty good so the handguard is M lock as far as emilich first keymod it doesn't really matter if you have a key mod one you're totally fine but I like the way the M lock looks it looks very clean on top here I have a PEC 15 on the side of an air sock of 600 series light all connected to a surefire dual pressure pad that way I can actuate the light from both sides or the PEC from both sides of not reaching up and over on it that way you can just reach back and get it moving back from there I am running a set up with an EOTech exp s 3 - o with a g-33 magnifier that way I can again stretch the legs on this thing just a little bit lower is a rating weapons attack lower it's ambidextrous a lot of cool things they're running a act gold trigger and then Magpul mag and all that kind of stuff b5 stock and a Frank Proctor way of the gun sling on my suppressed gun the biggest change of courses in the barrel the barrel is 11 5 and then I am running a surefire war comp because I use a surefire socom suppressor I'm running a throw concept sling I have a B II Myers mall which is my IR device for shooter night-vision arasaka 600 series light nice armament iron sights and aim point t2 on just one of their mounts the lower is Daniel defense with a guys Lee super dynamic combat trigger b5 stock pretty standard when it comes to that kind of stuff so both these guns are pretty similar and they're set up they're kind of meant for doing slightly different things I prefer them all for a lot of applications but the point is guys final it works for you there's a lot of great barrel lengths out there but if you're going into the SPR kind of realm I'd highly recommend you do the 11 5 or the 12 5 both great check them out but again with anything guys what matters training so get training otherwise you're gonna suck with both of these great companies out there such as cog works hitting strategic which is my dad which is Travis Haley's company we have their solutions and we have esoteric esoteric being more military related guys get those guys some love get training training really not because it will make you look cool and as we know looking cool is all that matters guys I appreciate you I appreciate you watching and stayin with sticking with me and I've I've got nothing else for you get one other thing for you and that is going to be read reading important and the reason for that is it gives you a perspective on somebody else's point of view so how they recommend it you read whether the fiction or nonfiction if all your reading is like the sort of true series or like Lord of the Rings you kind of do it yourself a disservice that stuff is cool but you should read some interesting accounts of things that people have done in their lives it's cool to be able to see how people have kind of run things so get out there get that knowledge and I really have nothing else for you okay we've talked about it before guys people ask me about it one more time so Big Daddy unlimited I know you guys seen it everywhere people are asking me what kind of the deal with it is so it's a subscription-based service and they sell gun stuff for super cheap because you're paying a subscription obviously a subscription is pretty cheap so really is it gonna work for you and that depends on how much gun stuff you buy if you are buying you know an item every month it's probably gonna be worth it if you're buying an item like once a year something like that it's probably not worth it and that's me being honest to you guys again I do have my own personalized link and that helps me on that type of stuff but really what matters to me is that only do it if it makes sense for you I would think like again to think I'm kind of a straight shooter but again they do have really cheap prices cheaper than pretty much anywhere online but it only is gonna work for you if you're spending the money to recoup the money that you're losing from paying the subscription so kind of figure that out if it works for you cool sign up and do that kind of stuff if not no skin off my teeth just wanted to kind of shout out and let you guys know that there that it is out there and that you can use it because literally everybody in their mom was talking about it right now so check it out if you want guys and for real that son had nothing else for you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 812,904
Rating: 4.9525824 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, sbr, barrel length, ar15, best ar15 barrel length, what is the best barrel length, best barrel length for suppressor, what is the best sbr setup, bcm 12.5, is the 12.5 barrel good, is the bcm rifle good, are bcm uppers good, bcm review, barrel length review, best suppressor setup
Id: Mxwi9fAe4s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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