BCM MCMR (MLOK) Upper receiver AR-15

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there do all that good stuff guys appreciate your support feel really lucky to have the channel that we have and then we can talk about all the subjects that we can so that brings me to my next point which is how do i afford all this crap so I don't it's mostly given to me for free now I want to point out I have all the rifles I could possibly ever want if I could just shoot one rifle would probably just be my grand or my mark 18 I love both of those rifles so much but I love doing reviews for you guys and because of that companies send me things for free so be aware the most of stuff that I review is sent to me now that being said if you notice there's not a whole lot of negative reviews and the reason for that is that I review things that I like that I like that I think are good at some point I'll do some nasty reviews and something that I don't like but for now that's kind of not the direction that I want my channel to go so before we get into those to say that I'm suffering from a cold and a couple recurring injuries that I have from my career so far especially in my neck that can affect the way I open my mouth so might be talking a little bit weird today I'm doing my best but we're on a schedule and this is the only time I have to film so bear with me guys I appreciate yourself or as always so with those things in mind let's go ahead and let's talk about the Bravo Company enhanced lightweight upper this particular upper has a 14.5 inch barrel with a permanently attached muzzle device bringing it to the legal length of 16 thanks ATF but not really yeah we're running a cult lower with just a standard h1 buffer and all that kind of good stuff so a while back I made that video on the recce rifles and I talked about my 14 v bill that was pretty much the same thing except key mod so I've had a lot of time on these uppers even though I've only had this upper for a shorter amount of time my a recce upper which is again the same thing the same barrel profile except with key mod I have around 15,000 rounds on as of today this particular build I have about 3,000 rounds on but notwithstanding the only differences are the rail - I feel qualified enough to talk about this upper with some amount of authority although I will could see very quickly that people there are many people who have many more rounds through it so take my review for what it is I've been limited to what total of 18 thousand rounds on those two uppers so some people may have differing opinions but nonetheless I think I put more rounds to this and then most people have that I've typically met so what are you getting with the BCM rifle well BCM rifles are well-known for the quality they're used around the world they're used by various agencies and they've proven themselves to be excellent rifles what's really good about the be CMS is that they don't cost a whole lot so they're at a price point that's pretty doable for most people the upper with no bolt carrier group or charging handle costs around 670 maybe 700 depending on the sale that's going on it's not bad at all you know you start out in the bulk air group you start adding you know inching towards that thousand well usually around 900 or so with everything added on but nonetheless I think these are a really good buy for most people I'm gonna explain to you why so first off what makes these uppers so good is the rails the rail systems whether it be the kmr or in this case the brand-new and CMR which is an M lock version are extremely lightweight this particular rail in around 10:45 ounces it's pretty light compare that to the guys li mark 8 which is one of my favorite rails and that weighs in at around thirteen point three ounces and the guys mark 14 which is one of their newest rails which weighs in at around 12 ounces so with those two rails still this one is a lot a lot lighter and of course you do sacrifice a little bit of durability which we'll talk about a little bit later but besides being extremely lightweight it is also very non girthy it's very thin it's very easy to wrap your hand around now as you know I'm kind of a fan of the gritty grips but that being said there is something very nice about being able to easily bring your hand around that weapon and easily control it and get it back good see plant grip which has its place in certain situations but I find that it's very easy to grip the rifle to fire it with this particular handguard I'm a big fan of it a couple other things I really like about the BCM uppers is the enhanced lightweight profile barrel so the whole government profile on barrels is not the best it puts a lot of weight upfront on the barrel where you don't want it what the enhanced lightweight barrel does is it's thicker at the chamber and it tapers gradually down to the muzzle where it gets fairly thin now you might ask why well for most people we're not doing a whole lot of automatic fire so if you're using some type of crew-served weapon or a light machine gun of some type you probably want a heavier barrel but for a carbine a lighter profile barrel works perfectly well and the reason for that is that you're [ __ ] enough rounds to really see that he kind of affecting the accuracy now I'm sure there's people out there who have done it I know I have but in this case I think that this is a really good profile for the vast majority of shooters out there because as you lose all that material upfront it becomes a very light weight a friend it's easier to drive that rifle between targets and very quickly easy easily and effectively and also for shooters who maybe have a little bit less strength whether that be to lifestyle or whether that be to injuries that they might have it's a lot easier to hold that rifle so I've seen a lot of benefits to it as well with less weight upfront you improve barrel harmonics now that's kind of a hot topic and I don't want to get too deep into the weeds when when I'm talking about barrel harmonics because again I'm not an engineer I'm a shooter but essentially as the bullet travels down the length of the barrel the barrel is going to flex the metal is going to flex with that round as it travels down so barrel harmonics is kind of the ability of that barrel to flex with the bullet but not so much that it whips and kind of affects accuracy there's a lot that goes into it but I found that the BCM barrels are fairly accurate for me personally with just kind of normal ammunition I'm usually sitting in and around like two MOA which is good for most ar-15 is pretty typical of like nicely made ar-15s and then with excellent family ammunition I'm shooting sub em away with a good optic and all that kind of stuff and conditions in my favor but it is a very exceptionally accurate barrel so don't think that just because it's a lightweight barrel that it's gonna be inaccurate or something like that I found these barrels to be exceptional and I love the BCM barrel and another thing that makes the B seems really good is their gas system and their muzzle device because that all kind of comes together to make the rifle very controllable so on this particular build the 14 v it has a mid length gas system I'm a big fan of the mid late mid length the gas system that allows kind of a gentler recoil impulse but what BCM is really nailed is the gas port size because you see gentlemen if a gas port is too wide open it's gonna get a lot of gas back to your face it's going to recoil a little bit harder what's good about it is that allows all that gas to get in there so if the gun is dirty' is gonna function or if you're running lower power down low say too low or wolf or something like that not wolf gold though I love with gold it might it will cycle fine now if you have a gas port that's too small then you're gonna have the opposite problem the guns gonna be really late recoils can be nice to control but if you're running underpowered ammo it's not gonna run very well or if you're running over powered ammo you're gonna be okay now with the smaller gas port size the problem is going to be that if you're running underpowered ammo like tool or wolf you're gonna have a lot of trouble with cycling more than likely now of course if you're running hotter ammo like milspec ammo it's gonna run fine compared to larger port where if you're running milspec it's gonna be it's gonna be very gassy it's not gonna be fun at all it's gonna be like I was gonna say it'd be akin to the gas chamber when you're in boudoir basic and all that kind of stuff and we don't want that again that was a bad time let's be honest be same is kind of nailed when they found the middle ground they found a gas port size is larger enough to run most ammunition fine I personally haven't any problems with tool or wolf and then of course small enough that when you run milspec ammo you're not just getting destroyed by all that gas hitting you in the face so because that you have a very nice recoil impulse with the BCM and it feels the recoil impulse feels a lot different than a lot of the air routines in a fire and I think b/c I'm really nailed it with that and that also comes down to the muzzle device so the muzzle device right here on the BCM is the BCM gunfighter compensator mod zero so they advertise it as a tactical gun compensator or a gunfighters compensator because it incorporates a lot of the design features of an a2 flash hider along with the comp so you kind of get all the benefits none of the disadvantages now I might you know me using it I found that it's not all roses there because you still get concussion and you still get flash right so it's kind of not the best of both worlds kind of that in-between a middle ground kind of that's where the BCM sits typically so don't expect amazing flash suppression don't expect no concussion you're gonna get a little bit of both but again it's that middle ground that BCM kind of occupies and what this does do is this particular muzzle device really helps with muzzle rise of control more so than I found with many cops which times are a little bit too aggressive and actually drive the rifle down too far so BCM really did well with that muzzle device and i would definitely recommend it now I'm a surefire guy I love running surefire cans and surefire muzzle devices so I can't run my can on this because this is not a surefire you know compatible device but that being said if you have a suppressor that mounts to a two style mostl devices those suppressors are going out fine to the BCAM from what I understand so kind of cool they're good good on them good on BCM and the bolt carrier groups are excellent on the BCM I consider them among the best and a standard by which I gauge many other ar-15s that I review or shoot in my time so they're gonna work they're gonna run fine for you I've seen these things go through a whole lot of rounds and be okay there are a couple cons and let me get into them here because when that rail gets so lightweight you're you're going to sacrifice a little bit of that durability that you might be used to if you're used to using rails like the daniel defense wrists or the guys lee mark 8 or mark 4 those are very strong rail systems the BCM isn't quite there and that's fine it's all about balance right you need to find what's gonna work for you and what you do so if these especially where the EM lock set slots are oh not where the rail is those can bend and I have seen them Bend in fact aka operators Union who's a great channel and really recommend that you follow him did a really good torture test on these now I don't torture to test my rifles quite like he doesn't not doing push-ups off these things although maybe we'll incorporate that later but he showed that they're very strong but when it got ran over by a car the rail did dent in so that can definitely be an issue but if you notice here the top rail section has a long material fairly reinforced so these do 90 flex so if you need something to hold zero have it on that rail that's where I have my IR device because I need that thing to be zeroed compared to my light don't need too light to be zeroed on the end lock is fine just be aware of that issue but in any case you need to decide based on what you do in your job if that's kind of thing you know if you're a guy who is running around is nailing this thing into corners of walls and you're you know regularly backing over your your rifle or you know what I mean you might want to go with a different rail type than the BC mm CMR otherwise I think that this is a really good option for the vast majority of shooters and again these rails have been used in various gun fights all throughout the world so they are renowned so there is one other problem when it comes to these rails and that is going to be heat as you remove material and as your rail gets more lightweight your rail is going to become hotter faster so these rails become hotter faster than the daniel defense rails and the geyser rails and other ones that are thicker and more robust than these in this particular rail right here now is that a problem I haven't found that it's been for me I definitely noticed the heat as I'm shooting this thing rapid fire and hard about him simply wearing a glove and I haven't really had any issues but I do want to point it out that way it doesn't surprise you guys when it gets to that point so before we end let's talk a little bit about my rifle setup so optic wise I am running the aim point comp m5 brand-new haven't really made up my mind on it yet still running it I have about 8,000 rounds on a great little optic more on that later I have them mounted to the scaler works mount which is probably one of the best mounting optic mounts that are available they have them for many different optics that highly recommend them moving forward up at the front here I had the B II Myers a c1 plus which is a civilian version at the mall so great IR device I would consider it probably the best ire device on the market currently right below it I'm running the arasaka 600 series weapon light both of these devices are attached to a surefire dual switch now quick reason why I'm running it that way if you notice on the mall I can easily actuate those buttons with my support hand when I'm firing and doing all my normal stuff but when I'm switching to offhand it's gonna be a little bit harder to reach over so because of that I have that pressure pad right here that way I can simply actuate it and then less upfront Here I am running the scaler works front sight and again just like the optic mount big fan I'm not running the rear sight because I prefer to have a folding rear sight and they have fixed rear sights quick note I run a fixed rear front sight because I love to use it as a reference point when I'm shooting super fast like Sonic the Hedgehog at the back here I have the Knight's armament company foldable rear sights again there are better well not better there are cheaper iron sites out there that fold that do just as well but I really love the look the Knight's armament rear sight so I use it quite a bit here at the front I have the BCM gunfighter grip and all that type stuff so some of you might say hey that is mounted backwards so yes on purpose they can be mounted either way and I prefer to have it mounted backwards that way it is raking forward kind of like the akdong grip on a couple of the akf rifles really comfortable hold on the side right here I have the BCM rail panels right here give you a little bit more texture to get on that gun and finally of course I'm running the BCM comp right there so so that is my rifle I am also running the Faro concepts fling stir great little sling one of my favorites along with the Vicker sling and finally the b5 Systems sopmod stock so that is this rifle and how I have it set up love it love the BCM MCM are so final thoughts on the BCM enhance the lightweight upper with the MCM are first off if you're gonna buy it get with the MCM are big fan of em lock I think it's gonna kind of take over I think I'm lucky mod are pretty similar in strength but in any case it works really well this is a great upper guys if you get the BCM upper you're gonna be happy it's gonna run very well for you and I have no qualms wholeheartedly endorsing this upper and recommending it to you guys so go out there if you're looking for an upper buy it be happy all that kind of stuff alright guys what matters looking cool but you only look cool if you get training so make sure you get training I'll be recommending a couple companies to you but one I can recommend Raths off my head is bare solutions I can recommend them enough esoteric group a couple others and that's it I've got nothing else for you don't be creepy don't be creepy so the question is how do you not be creepy when you're on a date or when talking to girls get that question a lot pretty easy guys I'll tell you what's not going to stop you from being creepy and that's spending all your time on video games or watching YouTube videos get out there get out into the world talk to people and the biggest thing is to find something you're passionate about invest yourself into something and not video games if it was passionate about you know doing that kind of stuff but something that really interests you whether that be music or mathematics or physics or whatever whatever interests you but become passionate about it become good at it read make yourself an interesting person because when you have that passion and that knowledge and you show that somebody they're gonna be naturally attracted to you you don't have to become somebody different just be here you are but be the best you that you can possibly be hope that was helpful
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 503,004
Rating: 4.9602814 out of 5
Keywords: garand thumb, BCM, bravo company, MCMR, mlok, is mlok the best?, are bcm rifles good?, new bcm mlok, bcm mlok, best bcm rifle, recce rifle
Id: tOIm1kWG44U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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