Basic AR15 / M4 Duty and Professional use setup

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if you have a basement full of beauty year in that basement is your mom's basement hit the subscribe button if you moved out of your mom's basement and you came back to your mom's basement and now you have a bunch of Gucci gear in there so the subscribe button hit the bell notification icon like comment all that good stuff so I've been getting a lot of good questions from some law enforcement officers from military asking me about duty rifle setup to make sure that your rifle set up for real-world situations and that also applies to the guys let's looking at home defense or defending their property in that type of stuff so I thought I'd do a short video on some practical rifle setup and how I've set up some of my rifles and how you don't have to spend too much money to make a rifle that will work in a variety of situations so we're going to go ahead and we're going to start off with what's important on a duty rifle so in no particular order we have sling light optic so those three things are going to going to be the basis from which we expand depending on the type of mission set we're doing our operations are doing that type of thing whether you be in the basement or whether you'd be doing house entry that type of thing so if you're going to be working with a short-barreled rifle or something like that you run into a lot of constraints so before we get into that let's go ahead let's talk about slings so first off here is my mark 18 this is what I primarily shoot and for slings I did a video on it but I typically recommend a two-point sling and the reason for that is if you use a single point sling and you drop that thing you're going to hit yourself in the dick which is not very fun at all the gun when it comes to a two point sling I like to set it up so it almost has a lot of the advantages of a single point sling and I do that by mounting one end to the end of the receiver and the other end pretty close to where the rail begins what that does is allows me to still switch shoulders easily and also allows me to sling the weapon and Cerie or when I drop it when I'm transitioning or going hands-on that type of thing I'm still able to not so for example for it to get in the way in that type of thing so I think it's really important to have a good sling setup now a lot of people like to do the convertible ones where they can go from single point to two point and I think those are useful however I elected to leave mining two point because honestly a lot of times you can't predict when you're going to be going hands-on so you're not like hey I'm going that hallway I see a guy Hey Dude hold up for a second and you switch from single point to point sling your rifle you're like our Iowa so let's go so that's not always going to be the case not saying that's how it's going to go down I just found in my experience that this limit and two point seems to work most of the time another thing to consider is going to be life so you can spend a lot a lot of money on lights and in a lot of cases you're spending money on kind of the history that that particular company has so for example surefire has a really good record of its lights surviving a lot of really bad situations and it's for that reason that a lot on a lot of really serious duty setups I do recommend surefire right off the bat because I'm very confident in its ability to run under a variety of conditions and not fail you when when you leave when you don't need it to so in my case on the mark 18 I have a surefire Scout mini and the reason I use the mini is because any time I'm using a light is mostly indoors you know lighten up basements rescuing loved pillows going room to room that type of stuff so because of that I don't need a whole lot of lumen output so that's the reason I went with this company now another thing you notice is that on this particular setup I have a shorty so and I also have a tech 15 mounted here on top so that really limits the amount of room where I can put a pressure switch because typically I'd want it to be right on the very top however I'm not going to mount my pressure switch on the top because that would to some extent or another occlude my ability to depress my PEC because I like to be able to activate my IR illuminator just in the very top on that button I don't like to usable switches you can also mount the pressure switch for their back right here now so I've seen some people do that but on the short-barreled rifles that doesn't work really well when you're trying to you know get a good grip on the rifle so I'm not so what I typically have done so either tuck it up under right here and that does work or I'll put it on a vertical grip I'll put it on a vertical grip of some type or another that way when I'm going I just have to shift my grip and turn it on I can still keep my you know Gucci thumb over Worf all that kind of crap that's just what works for me I'm not saying that what you need to do in the same okay my experience it's good to go so as you can see here talking about this particular setup we are somewhat limited because this is setup for night vision use primarily so if I'm going to be outside I don't want to let Luanne output because I'm not using my flashlight I'm using either the IR illuminator using my MB geez that type of thing hence the spec 15 takes up a whole lot of room so if you don't have the tech 15 or some type of our illuminator whether it be Duvall Peck 15 whatever then you have a lot more rail space so we have something like my mark 18 mod 0 setup so too much insane setup I have a front sight gas post just permanently attached there now couple things about this setup is that I have a whole lot less crap going on this also costs me a whole lot less money to set up I think the upper itself was around 400 the protec light was about a third to a half of the cost of the Surefire so it's around 100 dollars same grip up 30 so anyhow it cost me a whole lot less so a couple things to note about this particular setup one I have the pressure pad on top what's nice about the stream lights when it's coming to lights by the way is that they have a lot of the performance of the Surefire maybe maybe they're not as reliable I don't know I haven't seen that in my experience I've used this light quite a bit and I've never had any problems but what schools they come out they come with a lot more accessories than the Surefire does so they come with a pressure pad the nice one where has the permanent on the momentary on and all that kind of stuff also has use a little rail section so you can keep your pressure pad in the correct place and I found that it works pretty pretty well bounce is also solid when it comes to the stream light so I'm pretty impressed with the stream light overall when it comes to setup on these a lot of people see these types of rifles and they're like wow what a waste you have a front sight you know post right up here that's always up permanently you can't fold it down it's kind of accepting your sight picture but I want to counter and say that I prefer to have a front sight post as permanently up because when I'm looking through my optic it serves as a reference point when I'm shooting really close quarters and it seems to work pretty well for me so beam I just made if that's all your department issues you or if that's all you're issued just something to think about now couple notes here if I had a notch or barreled rifle a longer rifle then I can kind of mess with the light placement or the Peck place in a little bit so for example with the mark 18 type I can go ahead and if I had a lot more rail I could put that Peck all the way up front and I could have all those pressure pads right behind it and I still would have enough room to fully grip out and get a good length of pull on this rifle with our m14 variants were so a little bit more limited because typically the only thing that's longer is going to be our barrel so the thing that's going to be longer is going to be the barrel so you're still going to be at a premium when it comes to your rail space and that type of thing another option that you have when it comes to your lights and your PEC setup some people like to put their PEC on the right side and then for their light and so doing a pressure pad they simply do it like that is directly mounted with a push button that way it's mounted right upfront and should you need to activate it you just hit it with the back of your thumb now that does work I have no problems with that it's just not what I prefer the first about that is easy to push now it's not of course not going to be ambidextrous I can't reach or with my right hand and activate it so that could possibly be a problem now in this case this is a really cheap setup and one of the first setups I ever did it's a surefire g2 excellence' or g2 flashlight just with a simple ring mount it's a lot heavier than a lot of the other weapon lights and I don't think it's specifically rated to be a weapon light but it's worked very well so I know a lot of people that have done that and it's worked fine so different light options that you have when it comes to that so we talked about slings we talked about lights let's finally talk about optics so I know everybody's really constrained when it comes to optics and iron sights on light up stuff so let's hit iron sights first if you want to use iron sights you can definitely do that just realize it no kidding you're a disadvantage like it's the future is now right we have holographic projected reticles we have red dot side project that reticle you know at infinity and powered for five years or for ten years something crazy like that the point is is that there's a lot to be gained from a red dot now if you just don't have it in your budget to purchase one hear me out first so if you wanna do not do iron sights make sure you get good ones so good iron sights Magpul pros the metal ones daniel defense stick sights I have a Daniel defense fixed side in front of my mark 18 right here something like that they'll realize these fixed sights a lot of times are costing almost as much as a good budget red dot so what is a good budget revved up red dot something like hollow Sun or vortex or something like that I've seen some good things from primary arms as well I think I have a review from all the way back in my old YouTube days there's a lot of really good budget optics and they're costing between you know 100 200 some are right around there and you get a lot for that money now you don't have that same battlefield reliability that sayane Point has but you have a really good warranty and I know a lot of people are going to put these on their duty rifles are like hey I want the best and and I think you should try to get the best but just realize that due to budget constraints or were able to spend my not always work for you and I will say this I've seen the vortex and the primary arms optics take a lot of beating and be able to still continue to function I don't think they're quite on the level of such a joke on MRO or the aim point or something like that but there's a lot of options there now a good kind of midpoint between those four techs and like a point t1 it's something like the aim point Pro I think that thing is around $300 not too bad you're pretty much getting an almost like point compound to so it's a great freaking optic right there the cons of optics some people say hey what about the variable optics or magnified optics so any kinds of nice side outlets whether you have a primary arms prism or a Trabant ACOG or some like that they're really good just think about the distances that you can be using this rifle at so 300 meters in under I think that the red dots work fine when it comes to variables the one by sixes again think about the distances that you'll be filling honestly I think that the variables and they were great at distance they don't have quite the field of view that the Fix do and they don't do the 1x as good as the red dots are kind of a jack of all trades master of none pep deal and I've used a lot of different ones I'm using the vortex one by six I'd use a Steiner one by five and they're good it's just I prefer either a fixed magnification on a charge going to ACOG with like an offset rmr and RMR on top or just a straight red dot because I think that works fine in plenty of situations so guys when you're setting up your duty rifle remember light sling and optic those things will make a good fighting rifle when you're setting up make sure you have some that works for you make sure you have something that can work to some extent or another ambidextrous really that's going to benefit you in the future with your sling make sure that's not in a position where it's going to get tangled up make sure that your sling a set up so you can go hands-on if you need to finally guys looking cool does matter but what's not cool is being $20,000 in debt and having a credit score of five hundred so make sure you're being sensible financially don't bankrupt yourself doing this I have a lot of guys message me and say hey it's really going to break me but I think I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to buy an elk inspector or something like that like hey that's really cool but um you know go with something a little cheaper don't don't bankrupt yourselves because that's not cool so guys lots of different options there hope this kind of got you guys thinking about how you want to set up your rifles and make sure your rifle looks somewhat cool you know you'd have to spend a whole lot of money to do it but should look cool to some extent to another hey guys thanks for tuning in stay tuned we have a lot of cool stuff coming holsters and Gucci clothing all that kind of stuff we have a lot of companies who are now stepping up to play and send me a bunch of stuff and lucky for you guys because I didn't buy it I have like no bias towards it so I'm just going to wreck this up and we're going to see how it does finally some people bring in piscis haven't been able to answer the comments I love comments I try to answer them as much as possible just realize I'm getting like 800 comments today I'm one guy I'm constantly TDY I'm constantly doing stuff I am active duty so because of that things are gonna slip through I'm not going to catch them all the time so I apologize but um I do love you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,342,119
Rating: 4.9348302 out of 5
Keywords: m4 setup, leo m4 setup, duty m4 setup, professional m4 setup, how do I setup my m4, what do I buy for my m4?, best light for m4, best sling for m4, what do I buy for my ar15, how do I setup my ar15
Id: DA-XgiMPff4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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