The Best 300BLK Barrel Length & All Things 300 Blackout Answered

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome back everybody it's a lovely evening out here in the Carolinas and I wanted to wait till the Sun went down a little bit before making this video because it was over on degrees here today so I didn't want to sweat horrifically in this video it's gonna be somewhat of a long video but basically what we're discussing here today is something that I think is it's very misunderstood frequently in the firearms world and we're talking about 300 blackout specifically as it relates to velocity and barrel length with different loads and then we also have some other issues that we're gonna address at the end I put it out to my viewers earlier today I said hey what do you guys wanna know about throwing a blackout I'm delving into it anyway so there's three things we're gonna discuss we're gonna discuss pressures in terms of like gas port sizes where the gas port should be like and those sorts of things if you're running a silencer how does that affect it that type of stuff pistol versus carbee I just said that twist rate how does that affect that why are certain rates still made and then also how does it compare out of a sort of a pistol braced AR in five five six versus 300 blackout so we're gonna address that I realize you guys probably see some reflections right now on the board that's because I have some lighting here to help illuminate us here because it is relatively low light but on your screen I will also roll in a very clear crystal clear screenshot of what all these numbers are here so we'll walk you through what we did if you guys aren't falling over on my B channel check it out if you guys want to see the actual test being done but what I did yesterday was I went out with five different 300 watt uppers so we had a I guess rifles - 7.5 inch caracal so we under black obvious they're all three hundred nine inch BCM ten-point three inch Daniel offense twelve point five inch BCM which is this little blaster right here and and also a 16-inch brownells barrel which a lot of people think oh why would you ever have this forget or blackout in 16-inch we're going to address that fear not and the rounds that we used we're 110 grain the real ammunition it's their Lehi controlled chaos load and then we went with some 125 grain a hornet ii american gunner I believe 300 blackout and then some 150 green Fiocchi just practice bulk ball stuff and some 220 grain guerrilla ammunition subsonics with this year bullet in there so I wanted to give a wide range of what 300 blackout has to offer because that's key that is one of the huge huge huge like stomp on foot things about throwing a blackout that makes it a very cool caliber is that you can just do so much with it without having to change your setup so it's very very versatile so what I want to talk about is when this was first released it was three and a whisper at first and then kind of as it became more standard I started the intro into industry rather it became three in a blackout it's really the same thing if you look at it but all the marketing literature out there at the time when I was introduced in a lot of it to this day unfortunately says things like beyond the nine inch barrel you don't gain anything with three owner black ops printer blackout is optimized for nine inch barrels we're in a blackout is optimized for short-barrel rifles all those sorts of things that's what people say about it people say there's no more powder burning after it goes nine inches past the chamber none of this is true all of that is wrong it may here's what I would say to that and well we will show you detailed examples of it here in just a second it Raider blackout can be very effective and I'm in a nine inch barrel that's what I will say it is not the best blank that it's not any of that stuff with few exceptions to that so to get into the chart again we had 100 110 grain so supersonic stuff coming out of the 7.5 inch Carrick I was at 200 and I robbed excuse me 2011 hundred eight feet per second i will not read all these to you rest assured and then out of the 16 inch barrel we're up around 2,400 ft/s now just to juxtapose that to kind of bring everything into context here for those oh no the 300 blackout is essentially a fattened five five six round to make it be able to shoot a 30 caliber bullet and something that a lot of people say is why don't you just go with 7.62 by 39 it's much cheaper you know there's ammo and rifles and stuff that have been out there forever that are proven at this point so why don't you just go with that so again just to look at this velocity here we're at 2400 feet per second and then we'll step ahead one second just to make this point 125 grand Hornady we're at 2,200 feet per second with random blackout so with wolf depending on the woods I've gone out over the years a tunnel out of 16-inch aks 16.5 in JK's I should say and depending on if it's hundred twenty-three Greene hundred twenty-four grain if it's haul point depending on what year it was made who knows I always get somewhere between 2300 and 2,400 ft/s so the point I want to make about that is if you look at similar bullet weights in 7.62 by 39 versus three in a blackout so hundred twenty-five grain here what you will see across the board regardless there may be an exception to this with weirdos specialized powder however commercially available those which you will see across the board is you will see a one to two hundred foot per second difference in those two rounds in a given barrel length again outside of really odd type of loadings that I that aren't commercially available at least not widely that will be the case across the board so does anyone ever say like if you look around and someone would be like yeah 7.62 by 39 is optimized for 9 inches beyond a nine inch barrel you won't get anything out of a 7.62 by 39 no no one says that cuz it's not true so the same thing applies here I just want to keep that in mind so again with 110 graders we gained 294 feet per second moving from the 7.5 up to the 16 inch over there so significant there in terms of foot-pounds of energy we gained 325 that's very significant it's huge that's a very large difference in terms of foot-pounds of energy now I want to talk about defensive use hunting use those sorts of things here real quick before moving on because it will become applicable as we go through this chart so many of you guys may know and if you don't we'll try to put a link down below for you guys to check out but if you look at any type of ballistic studies over the years whether it's you know as far back as around 1900 when the army was studying 4570 up until modern times today what you'll see is that pistol rounds wound differently than rifle rounds so pistol rounds is just way over generalizing generally wound by crushing tissue as it pushes through and any type of you know temporary stretch cavity things like that that you see that you may see in a gel test in terms of real-world damage on human size life forms it's really a moot point it doesn't really do anything for you however with rifles that is not the case rifles have a temporary stretch cavity which turns into a permanent damage area and that is significant it also has the at least in my belief I know it's debated out there but it also has the capability for hydrostatic shock so where does that happen what velocity range does that happening and if you do some research online you're gonna see differing numbers you're generally speaking according to people who know what they're doing and have actually researched this and seen a lot of real world experience generally speaking that number is going to be somewhere in terms of velocity between 1800 to 2300 feet per second most folks believe for normal carbine size or carbine size we will get into that here's I can do rounds somewhere it happens between 1800 to 2100 feet per second and it's gonna change right so if it's a large boat I got 45 70 you're likely to see those rifle wounding characteristics on the lower end start to kind of creep up and then you know like a 22 caliber 2 2 3 you really have to be on the higher end of that spectrum to see those wounding the rifle like wounding capabilities and if you don't know and you have done a lot of hunting shooting something with a rifle round is dramatically different from a pistol round obviously each rounds a little bit different but in general people who take you know two to three rounds to the chest with a rifle round don't get up and they drop really quickly and they don't do a whole lot of stuff between the time those rounds hit and the time they expire there's always exceptions to that but with pistol rounds you'll see if you guys aren't watching active self-protection go check it out you see people take you know center-mass hits frequently with pistols and do whatever they want for another 10 to 20 minutes sometimes even longer without needing medical care so there's a significant difference there and that velocity that temporary stretch cavity and the permanent wounding capability that rifle cartridges have that diatribe aside so that's why these numbers in terms of velocity are hugely important in terms of energy again it doesn't really translate however a lot of ballast ditions over the years will say that you tend to see rifle wounding capabilities and again it's not like it's not it's not a line it's it's a curve right so if you were to take for example this 110 grain round here and say you're getting 2,100 feet per second and then you put it up to 2800 feet per second out of a 20-inch barrel just hypothetically that that's going to be much more damaging it's gonna be delivering much more energy at you know there's 2800 feet per second so there's a scale there but you can still expect with this round here to see rifle wounding capabilities at least that muzzle distances where we were measuring it there so that's why those numbers are important in terms of energy where you start to see that in terms of ballast ditions a lot of them will say about 800 foot-pounds of energy is where you start to see those rifle like wounding capabilities so again the energy here will become important as we go along so however if you're looking for rifle wounding capabilities I put much more emphasis on velocity than I would on energy just pointing that out as well again 125 grain we're looking at at the max end 2200 again we already covered it but you're losing about less than 200 rounds dart 200 feet per second versus 7.62 by 39 the if you're looking for hunting or self-defense and you're okay with a supersonic crack this is where I would want to be in terms of velocity in terms of bullet weight those sorts of things in terms of the actual BC of the round being likely to tumble and or if the round is designed for it being likely to fragment I like the hundred and 225 grain rounds for you no home defense self-defense type of things with a later wait you also minimize the possibility of over penetration versus a heavier weight I know it seems counter intuitive to a lot of folks but trust me on that it's true so this is where I like to be my home defense we're gonna block out guns I'm okay with the supersonic track I will I will take the hearing hit I'll have hundred and ten grain ammo in there so that's not a not a coincidence there that I say that I believe it and my guns have it in it so again moving on to the hundred fifty grain Fiocchi stuff you can see there's not a whole lot of difference in terms of the sixteen inch and the seven inch seven half-inch you got 145 feet per second different same thing not a whole lot of energy difference as well I will say this for 300 blackout some of the least least efficient and turns up giving you bang for your buck whether that be downrange performance if you're trying to hit a target at 150 yards or 200 yards or whatever the case may be or if you're talking about self defense distances some of the least effective cartridges out there are the 147 and 150 grain loadings however those are probably the most common brainer blackout rounds that you see out there simply because those bullets are available in 308 and manufacturers just literally stick them and a 300 blackout case and call it a new cartridge so it for practice and stuff like that totally fine in fact almost all of what I use for practice with Breen or blackout is the hundred fifty grand fealty around but if we're talking about animals human beings whatever the case may be in stopping them from hurting you not the greatest choice in terms of weight there are some hunting rounds like federal makes it fusion around it's actually pretty darn good it's got a lot of penetration those like 20 22 inches of penetration but it's a good round just be aware of that though as you're keeping as you're thinking of throwing a blackout in general you move over to subsonic this is one of the things that makes 300 blackout such an awesome round this same rifle right here can shoot you know out at distance can reach out and touch something very easily with the right ammo at 300 yards and then can if you want to have subsonic capabilities to shoot stuff up close and personal to not wake your neighbors to not damage your hearing in a home defense type of situation of course if you're using this presser subsonic is awesome however I will tell you you lose a lot as you guys can see here so we have our velocity from the seven and a half at 953 feet per second and then 1,100 feet per second there with the 16 inch so something else to cover there is the speed of sound so if you're talking about you want to shoot a subsonic load and you can't have a our pistols where you live you can't have SB hours where you live or you just don't want to whatever and you want to go to the 16 inch barrel but you still want to be quiet you're gonna be right on the edge there 1,100 feet per second is gonna be on the edge of being subsonic for those don't know elevation humidity temperature all those things play a role in to the speed of sound so it's gonna depend on where you are I'd be much more comfortable with the 1027 range and anything below counting on it to be subsonic and also something that you're gonna see here which is a huge difference is the energy numbers here so out of the seven and a half inch barrel we're getting 444 foot-pounds of energy versus 1096 I'm a higher and really seeing a significant drop a 593 foot-pounds of energy with the subsonic versus fourteen hundred foot-pounds of energy with a 16-inch 1400 foot-pounds of energy is nothing to joke about guys that is a hard-hitting round and again we're talking about you know things that are this size that I am right here so that is really the gist of it in terms of barrel length again if you guys want to actually see the video go check it out it's up on my B channel you can see the entire process happening but I will tell you what do I think about it what would I go with again I already talked about that I like the 110 to 125 that's where I'm comfortable there's a lot of really good loads out there the one I use for those we're gonna ask is the guerilla ammunition it's the nozzle or barmageddon' round I believe it is it said nasty round I have a gel test of it on the channel you guys want to see hit but I feel very comfortable at that round and my home defense guns right now our BCM 9 inch SB ours however this little guy right here is in the running for for taking over one of those slots simply because I do like the additional energy that we get out of it there it's not insignificant so that is it in terms of velocity energy all those sorts of things again you guys should have seen this in detail rolled in here on your screen but I wanted to debunk this optimize for 9 inch crap because that's what it is it's it's it's bummed ignore it do not listen to it it is wrong so there is that we already talked about these issues here just some other questions that people asked I want to get into that as well so pressure silence there's gas box buffers this question actually came in from gentleman who runs the fit and fire channel if you guys aren't haven't checked him out interested in gun content and check it out yes he said I'm setting up a home defense AR pistol with a 10.5 inch barrel it's gonna be suppressed what do I need to do in terms of setting it up ie do I need adjustable gas box do I need a heavier buffer those sorts of things the answer to that is generally speaking no in terms of over gassing issues the reinter blackout is much much more forgiving than five five six just for instance this one right here I can roll in some footage of me shooting it and it has a carbine buffer in it right now and we're shooting the footage that you guys are seeing 150 grains so supersonic stuff and it's suppressed with a gemtech 300 cam out there in the end it's fine I don't see it being an issue there however if you have to or if you'd notice signs of over gassing first thing I would look at is upping that buffer weight it's just the simplest most fail proof way to do it I tend to avoid gas walks adjustable gas blocks as much as you can I have full video on that and check that out as well but I haven't heard of any scenarios where folks are running a suppress through inner blackout and they're having reliability issues again as long as they have a get h2 or h3 buffer if that's the thing if you're getting over gassing I've not heard of it being an issue I've not seen it being an issue I shoot you know literally thousands of rounds I throw in a blackout every year 95% of them suppress and I have not seen it as an issue so I would say generally speaking no test it out if anything drop h-2a h-2b buffer out there and you guys should be good to go with that pistol versus carbine gasoline system so this debate is very in terms of serene or blackout is very similar to the 18-inch five five six debates so a lot of people want to compare carbine and mid length and ARS I kind of think that's not really where we want to think about in terms of pressure changes throughout the system it's much closer to an 18-inch do we have a mid-length or do we have a rifle and gas system what I mean by that is regardless of where you're at so you only really see carbine like gas systems when we get out beyond 12-inch it three and a blackout but regardless of where that port is that whether it's at the pistol length spot or the carbon link the spot the size of the port really is what's going to matter most that's generally speaking true across the board for direct impingement guns however as if you build it into any forums and you guys are going to see I'm getting an 18-inch barrel should I get a mid-length or a rifle length people will talk about the pore pressures and all of those sorts of things and dwell time but everyone who knows they're talking about is basically gonna say both work fine as long as their port size is correct the same is gonna be true here if we're talking about carbine vs pistol length gas systems with random blackout again you only really see the carbines in the 12 to 16 inch barrel both of them work both of them are fine you're cool as long as the barrel manufacturer knows what they're doing in size the port correctly alright twist rate so I recently like last week as I'm filming this who knows when you guys are watching it did a video on this rifle right here which is our pistol I should say - 7.5 inch caracal we're gonna black out it has a one in five twist rate which is pretty radical for 300 black guy generally what you see today you know years ago you see a lot of 1 & 9 twist today generally what you see is 1 in 7 & 1 & 8 twists and every now and then you get weirdo companies like sig and Caracalla I don't mean that derogatory of to saying companies that are out there on the edge like care accountants take that are doing like one in five twists and stuff like that what I will tell you is that with that rifle I was pistol rather I was a little bit concerned that it might not stabilize supersonics well because that really fast twist rate I didn't see it at all it stabilized I'm fine in the actually testing that you guys saw for those of you guys that watch the video I will also say that I have a ton of one and eight I don't even Amin eight one and eight Brannon blackout uppers and I've read reports and get a ton of questions of people saying why would you ever use a 1/8 twist if it can't stabilize super subsonic ammunition I've never seen that I'm never I'm not saying it hasn't happened at certain altitudes with certain specific loads it's entirely possible that a wonder Nate may not stabilize some supersonic ammo sure I rather subsonic excuse me I say that correctly subsonic ammo due to the long o AO of the round I have never seen it in person so what I would say in terms of twist way true what do I recommend forth random black I would say 1 in 7 1 in 8 1 in 6 that's kind of where I feel comfortable the barrel length is gonna play into that as well in terms of stability those you guys I don't know there's some online stability calculators you can go online and plug your data in for your barrel your bullet your length of your barrel twist rate all that stuff and it will tell you how stable boat it will be roughly so check that out if you're concerned again I'd feel comfortable with anything 1 to 6 a one and eight twist rate for general purpose use the last question here is a total video well all of those actually are videos I could do full-length videos are on our questions I could do full-length videos on whether this one is definitely probably going to be a video one day but I wanted to quickly address it because I know it's gonna come up with time today in 2019 air pistols are all the rage right so everybody's got an air pistol I got like 10 of them so they're popular because obviously you don't have to deal with the NFA BS and a lot of states so the most common 4 5 5 6 for sure is going to be 10.5 now I have a whole video on air 15 barrel lengths 4 5 5 6 which is kind of similar to this but I will say I'm a huge fan of the 11.5 but 10.5 is the most popular so we're gonna address it right so if you were to get like let's say you're debating you're like should I get 300 blackout or should I get 5 5 6 I'm gonna 10.5 inch barrel take a look at the data here on this ten-point 3 inch daniel defense v 7 and you can kind of get an idea now what I will say is I just picked a at random something that's popular or something that's very well-documented and something that is a good self-defense hunting around etc the mark 2 1 2 mod 177 gram load out of a ten point five inch barrel and my youth I'm getting right around again depending on the day in the atmospherics 2,400 ft/s so you're getting 20 40 100 feet per second you were talking about in nine hundred seventy ish depending on the day foot-pounds of energy again we're gonna go over here and kind of check these two out rate that's obviously a supersonic ground so we're getting supersonic crack so you got to take that into account we're getting 2200 feet per second out of the 120 10 grain 1,900 feet per second 125 grain and our actual energy is dramatically more so again 970 ish for the five five six and that's a 77 grain so it's a heavy hitting round four five five six Energy's much higher for the 300 blackout supers that we have there so something to consider is it the end-all-be-all no but it is something to consider it another thing to consider that folks always want to know about obviously it's gonna be cost of ammo so five five six for practice stuff is definitely cheaper there's just the fish that jump behind me anyway five five six is definitely cheaper to practice with there's no getting around that in 2019 anyway that is the case just simply because of scale and just competition in the marketplace now if we're gonna black out has become much more I don't want the inexpensive cuz that's not the right word it has become less expensive over the last two or three years simply because the calibers being adopted much more widely and ammo companies can make more and take advantage of those efficiencies of scale by just reference with five five six generally speaking you can see three in a black out for about a 50 percent increase in price if you guys aren't following me on Facebook where I post a lot of ammo deals and stuff like that definitely follow me over there that's the place you're probably gonna find a lot of the best prices on the internet tell you the truth but it's definitely more expensive to practice with Rand or black out that said the majority of shooters out there I talk to a lot of you guys I go to a lot of gun shops those sorts of things that go to a lot of shows I interact a lot of folks the majority of gun owners don't fire a thousand rounds a year a lot of their guns so if that's the case does the extra cost really matter maybe you know that's so for you guys in your finances to decide but I would say for most people it's not a huge impact and I would go with around and the caliber that you think does what you want to do the best if what you want it to do is versatility and cost isn't a huge deal we're in a blackout all day long in my opinion if you want it to do some of these really cool things out here with the SuperSonics in terms of energy and relatively short barrels and cost is a factor I might want to look hit 7.62 by 39 it's a great round and again lots of proven proven bullets proven rifle systems pistol systems etc for those if but again if you want to be able to do all of that and have a really low back pressure and not be super gassy like five five six tends to be that's one thing I should point out as well so one thing just the way through and blackout works and into chamber pressures and all those sorts of things and the gas system pressures if you're very much gas to the face and a suppressed gun there's no question three no blackout is much less gassy if you're using a similar suppressor those sorts of things so if you want that type of capability again three in a blackout definitely wins over five five six all day and it also wins over 7.62 by 3 9 so that's pretty much it hopefully you guys learned something if there's more stuff you want to know about 300 blackout let me know I will do the work for you work up a video if you guys want to know if you want details on that five five six versus 300 blackout video I can do that too I think that's probably gonna be a frequently or a highly requested one but yeah hopefully we cleared up some of the stuff and the myths and misinformation that's out there about 300 blackout a nine-inch one especially I hate that one it's totally wrong don't believe it next time you hear somebody say it you're like oh do you not have to aim a shotgun inside a home to hit him either like he's the same dude the same dude that says I don't have to aim a shotgun for home defense is the same dudes it says if we're gonna black out is his optimized for nine-inch barrels anyway that's my rant that's my soapbox guys thanks for watching I truly appreciate if you're looking for good deals check out my Facebook page if you have a question that you actually need answered message me over at Facebook that's where I answer all the messages that I get in there I don't see them all on YouTube full30 Facebook wherever I'm posting videos id TV but I do see them over there my unbox I suppose taping up if you actually need an answer if your unsubscribe you like decide the video hit the subscribe button if you're subscribed you're not seeing at least three videos a week hit the notification Bell because some reason YouTube's not put my videos in my subscribers feeds these days who knows and that's pretty much it guys thanks for watching thanks for subscribing and I hope to see all of you in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mrgunsngear Channel
Views: 582,119
Rating: 4.9506269 out of 5
Keywords: 300 blackout, 300 blackout pistol, 300 blackout vs 5.56, 300 blackout suppressed, 300 blackout sbr, 300blk barrel length, best 300 blackout barrel length, best 300blk barrel length, self defense, 300 aac, 300 whisper, 300 blackout vs 7.62x39, 300 blackout pistol suppressed, questions and answers, 300 blk, home defense, 300 blackout pistol build, 300 blackout hog hunting, 300 aac blackout, honey badger
Id: 4VNl7QXykUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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