Wuthering Waves Fastest way to get Best Echos

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I'm going to show you the guaranteed most efficient way to get the perfect sub stats when leling your Echo when it comes to Ling waves the chances of getting a good stats on your Echo are way higher than other gacha games as long as you're willing to put in the time lock is still an important factor but there are rs to be more efficient and maximize your resources and time spend which will guarantee you faster results even if you're free to play so first off you need to know what the echo roll ranges are and what stats each Echo can be rolled into since there are three different equo variants the four costs the three costs and the one costs but what is the difference between them so each Echo has two different main stats one cost echos usually have flat HP as their second main stat three and four cost Echo usually have attack as their secondary main stat the primary main stats are randomized according to the echo's cost for cost echos have HP percent defense percent attack percent crit damage crit rate and healing bonus the last three in red are exclusive main stats so the four cost Echo only the three cost Echo main stats are HP percent defense percent attack perc Elemental damage bonus and energy regen the last two exclusive main stats 2 only3 cost Echo One cost have the normal main stats HP percent defense percent attack percent and no special ones they still pretty good though and help you get a set bonus since some characters kill off HP attack or defense you can usually go to skills for example let's go to Vina here and then go to her skills and if you go to her forte circuit and skill details then you guys will see she scales with attack so she needs attack percent one cost Echo each Echo can have up to five subsets a subset slots will be available for tuning for every five levels an echo gets with a maximum of five slots at level 25 and Echo can't have duplicate substat but its substat can be the same as its main stat so basically here if you have a attack percent Echo and then roll attack percent you can actually do that but you can't roll attack twice in the sub stats same with the other Echo so if I have a crit damage Echo here and then I roll into crit damage I can do that but I can't get crit damage twice here in the S stats you also don't roll the main stats they're already predetermined by their levels and their Rarity so if you look at these two these are both level 20 but this is at 27.7% crit damage and this is at 36% so the highest Rarity an echo has the higher the main stats will be so guys try to get the five star echos as soon as you can cuz their stats are like way better like if you compare this like they're both the same level but something to notti is that all echos regardless of the Rarity have the same substar roll range like if you look at this fourstar Echo here it has 8.6 heavy attack damage bonus but this one here has the same even though this is a four star and this is a five star but the thing is guys even if this was a two star Echo it could still have a higher roll than the five star echos cuz they all have the same roll range here is the subside roll range for all echos now that you all that we can start talking about which Echo are worth rolling now again like I mentioned earlier the good thing about wering waves is that compared to other gacha games you can infinitely Farm Echo without having to use up stamina like I can just Farm the dreamless boss on the those difficulty drop an echo and then leave without using up any wave plates to claim the rewards so the only thing that you need to do is Farm until you get the right main stat if you've been farming echos for your main DPS then you know that they either want a crit rate or a crit damage for cost Echo so for me I kept on farming the Thundering Memphis until I got a crit damage Main St for my calaro but first off let me show you guys a bad decision that I made and please don't ever do this so this was my first Arrow damage bonus five star Echo and it's rolled into HP I was like okay come on the next subot can be better and guess what it rolled into defense and then defense again and then and then heavy attack damage bonus at this point I was like nah I'm not I'm not touching this anymore but I should have stopped way earlier than this I'm really not proud of this decision let's go back to our Kor and I'm going to show you guys the right way to do this so if you go to upgrade then the game already tells you upgrade to plus 5 to tune upgrade to plus 10 to tune upgrade to plus 15 to tune upgrade to 20 to tune upgrade to plus 25 to tune and tuning is basically Rolling S stats in this game first off to level up EO we need the leveling materials which are called steel tubes and you can only get these if you do the tcid fields or exploration which I made a video on earlier so if you guys watch that video then you will have like a ton of these and I wouldn't really recommend Ted fields at the beginning especially if your union level is low cuz they don't drop that much and you could be using your wave plates for something more important at the beginning anyway so the most important thing with leveling Echo is the first subside that you get and guys please don't make this mistake and level your Echo all the way to 25 at the beginning without even rolling a single subat cuz this way you're just facing XP especially if the rolls are bad never do this guys always start with five so let's level this to five there we go and hope for the best and there we go guys you see it says here substat attributes unlock so if you click on this then we'll go to the echo tuning now guys this is where you have to be careful cuz this is where you could waste a lot of resources so as you guys can see I only have 341 tuners that might seem like a lot but trust me guys this is not that much this is like 34 rolls so this is the main thing anything that's limiting you from just leveling a bunch of Echoes and rolling them so if you click on this you can see we can get them from TD fields and exploration again so yeah just watch the exploration video and get this and get the leveling materials but please guys don't do Ted fields at lower Union levels cuz they they aren't really worth it like I said the first side is what decides whether you keep on rolling an echo or not let's say I roll this and got flat HP flat defense or flat attack then I wouldn't keep on rolling this because that would be a waste of your resources instead I'd go back and form another Echo with a main set that I need and start rolling that because you can infinitely echos for the right main stat but not tuners I mean if this was G tun and I had a crit piece but the first subet roll was bad then I'd keep on rolling since I can get better sub stats down the line and it's easier to roll subsets there than rolling the main stats because you only need XP to roll which you'll have plenty of but the limiting factor in that game is actually forming the right main stats cuz you need to use the wave plate equivalent in that game to get new echos with the right main stats and you have a really low chances of getting the right main set again and I know guys in this game you can get a refund on your tuners but that's only 30% so if I use the 10 tuners here for the one substat then I'll get 30% of that back which is three and that's not really that much so yeah it's not really worth leveling an echo to 10 or 15 unless the first sub is good all right let's see what we get here please don't embarrass me I'm recording okay this is good I like this if you got resonance Liberation bonus which is really good for Garo so we can keep on leveling this so let's level it to 10 and then roll again take one away 10 there we go and now we can keep on rolling all right please don't embarrass me I'm recording and we get attack flat attack this is okay but but I don't like flat stats so this very depends on how strict you are cuz if you're like super strict then you would want two crit substats first the crit damage and crit rate before you keep on rolling more but that's if you're like super super picky but if you're not that strict like me then you can level this to level 15 and you can roll again so let's roll this again and see what we get energy region so we got lucky here again this is a good sub stat so right now we have two out of three good sub stats but if this was a bad subat and I had like one good subat and two bad sub stats then I wouldn't keep on rolling this that would be really bad I would just drop this Echo and farm another one because if you guys want to do a fourth roll and make and level this to level 20 before that you guys need at least two good sub stats but remember guys two out of three is better than one out of three and if I get lucky and this is a good sub stat too then I'll have three out of four good sub stat so only one bad sub stat and that' be perfect for me so for a video I'm going to level this to 20 I know you guys love rolling this game so yeah let's just do that you better leave a like guys I'm sacrificing my materials for you guys all right let's roll this and see what we get yet please don't embarrass me when I'm recording and we got attack percent so I'm going to pull up a chart of the stats that curo needs as you guys can see the crit sub stats are the most important and then energy regen and somehow attack percent and this is a pretty high role same with this one now guys we can go to 25 here if you want but I'm not sure I don't like this I would at least want like crit damage here so I want to keep on leveling this this is where I stop I mean we have two out of four right now or 2 and a half with this out of four but again guys it depends on how strict you are but basically what I'm trying to say is is that the first upside is what matters so let's say you level this to five and the first upside is not that good then please stop leveling this just drop it and go back to farming cuz it's not worth leveling anymore but if the first roll is good then you can level this to plus 10 and then roll again and if that subside is bad then it depends on how strict you are if you're not one of those people who want like double cruit stats then you can keep on rolling and go to plus 15 but if the plus 15 is bad to the third roll then please stop because by the third roll you at least want two good sub stats but if you're pick it and you can go with three out of three perfect sub stats before you continue another tip that I would give you guys is to lower your World level when farming echos since catching five star echos depends on your data Bank level and not World level but only do this if you plan on farming echos that day because you can only change your world level every 12 hours and with lower World levels you get less drops another tip would be to eat consumables like food to increase your damage output and speed up the fights this is what I use and what I would recommend since it's pretty cheap and guys please don't push your echos level 25 before you have five good level 20 echos or if your plus 20 Echo has perfect stop stats because it's a B of XP I'm going to jump from 20 to 25 is like 2/3 of the XP that you need for level 0 to 20 and getting another substat on another Echo would get you a higher St increase too in leveling this and it would also be less expensive also only focus on one character at a time ideally your main DPS because this is what could determine whether you would be farming for a few days or a few weeks you can also Feed bad Echo into new Echo to get 75% of your XP back and only focus on one EO at a time before moving on to the next one so for XPS I would do depth of elusive realm after buying all of the five star Echo from there so there are two with predetermined stats and these are three cost Echo with the right Elemental bonus so you can see which one it has here and then pick your main Elemental damage bonus but this here guys it's a trap it's not a five star Echo it's a skin for it now something to keep in mind is that the one cost Echo are going to be a lot easier to farm since it can only have three main stats so you can be really picky with them but wherever there's light there's also darkness and in this case farming the three coost EOS is going to be like the hardest thing in this game because of the many Elemental bonuses which also has to match with the set bonus not only the character like the electro set has the least amount of enemies on the map with only the flus and the herin so I would try to farm these two every day if possible also if you guys are trying to farm a set then I would go to the data bank and then the Sonata gallery and then pick the set that I need to farm like the vo here so this is all of the enemies that have the set bonus you can just click on them and then click on detect and once we done with this enemy we can go back and move on to the next one so with the three Co Echo it depends on how picky you are and how much time you have I personally will try to get a perfect role on this after I'm done with the rest cuz this is going to take a long time but don't worry about farming Echo guys I already made a video on the fastest and the most efficient way to form Echoes and level your data bank so you can start forming five star Echo if the video is helpful then please make sure to leave a like And subscribe to never miss out on improving your account
Channel: Krow
Views: 36,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuwa, wuthering waves echoes, wuthering waves data bank, wuthering waves best echoes, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves beginners guide, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves how to, wuthering waves level up data bank, wuthering waves echoes guide, wuthering, waves, wuthering waves echo guide, wuthering waves echo farm, echo guide, echoes, wuthering waves echo efficiency, how to get good echoes, echo build wuwa, echo guide wuthering waves, wuwa echo guide
Id: RJ7hYAdcBt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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