MY BIGGEST REGRET AS A F2P PLAYER..... - Wuthering Waves

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hey guys it's Soo here I recently hit Union level 40 as a full free to play player and I would like to talk about the biggest mistake that I think that I have made the biggest mistake that I regret is not summoning on the standard weapon banner and instead choosing to summon on the beginner character Banner allow me to explain why when the game first came out just like everyone else I was so excited you know and so hyped out about the game the characters looked so appealing and looks so fun that you know I want to try them right and so I decided to summon on the character banners however I've played this game for close to 200 hours now maybe more than that actually I've realized that the biggest thing that is gatekeeping me and a ton of other players especially if you are in the end game is actually the premium tuners right and yeah the optimal range of create is usually around 50 to 75% and then once you have that is you know when you start working on when you start caring about other stats like crit damage attack percentage um energy regen resonance Liberation uh damage bonus Etc you're able to use crit rate for hologram bosses and like the world exploration however the game mode and the only game mode that is time limited and has a refresh timer like a time limit is the tower adversity like not doing well in the tower adversity real negatively impact your accounts in the long term right as you are losing out on asides material and stuff like that and so what is the easiest way to get crit rates and to hit your threshold that is where the emerald of Genesis SWAT and the static Mist pistol comes in both of them at level 90 gives 24.3% crit rate as well as some energy regen and other uh additional bonuses another hidden benefit of pulling for weapons first is that you can be much less STS early on when it comes to your Echo substat roles right you no longer need crit rate and crit damage on all five Echo for your one character this helps with saving a lot of potential materials and also giving you the choice to build other characters and maybe build a second team for example so here are the numbers for you guys assuming you are using four cost crit damage Echo and all five of your Echo have the lowest crit rate and crit damage substat row you'll have 55.8% crit rates and 107% cre damage at level 90 okay assuming that your weapon is at level 90 characters also take a lot of commitment and resources level up such as level up materials Ascension materials uh skill level up materials and last but not least echos all weapons need are their exp material and and essential material that is literally it guys and that is those are like guaranteed stats right all of these are guaranteed stats beside the echos and so honestly since weapons are already at a lower investment and they can be shared among different characters I really do think that actually getting strong weapons on your account will actually boost you much further than only having strong characters do they know that just like other games just like other gaja games watering waves will definitely have power crep standard characters and standard weapons will definitely be worse than the limited uh characters and limited weapons however as a free topay player how are you going to be realistically able to summon for all the characters that you want while also getting the weapons that you want it's just not very realistic and possible um You probably have to use your life's worth of luck in order to achieve this um so yeah I would say that the biggest regret that I have so far is not using my lustrious tie to summon for the standard weapon banners and also even if you do get a better weapon for your main DPS you could always just give your hand me downs to your other characters you know maybe a sub DPS you know there's a lot of options and switching around that you can do a lot of testing and you might never know right a future character that comes out that is a support or something could maybe really really use the Emeral or Genesis SW like who knows right we can't predict the future and so that is why I think that having something that is inter exchangeable between characters because once you invest into a character you are committed to that weapons can be inter exchangeable and they are more flexible and general purpose so yeah now do I recommend you to restart your accounts and to start a new accounts and roll for the standard weapon banner I will say no I would say that time is money time is something that uh you know once it's pass you can never get back and the am of time you have already invested into your accounts I don't think it is worth it to restart and create a new account I think that the only time that it is worth to restart is when your account becomes very very bricked right like your summons are extremely bad let's say you lose your 50/50 you have to go to PT lose your 50/50 and then you have to go to PT again and then finally get a that you want if something like this happens and like maybe your beginner Banner like the first one the first 40 summons it didn't go very well or something like that basically if your summons and your Echo rols did not go very very well and you have been very unlucky so far I will say you can consider restarting your account however that is something that I don't recommend okay for 99.9% of players this is not something that I recommend do take note that all of this is just an opinion okay all this is just an opinion um when it comes to something that involves RNG it's uh which is like Echo RNG is very hard to give a solidified guide for everyone to follow so do take note that like I said this is all your opinion so yeah hope you guys like subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video peace out
Channel: Syno
Views: 2,535
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Id: HYVvqlfIWgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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