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foreign for me like aggregating content and saving it is almost like I put in the street turn so when the prices are down you might not understand the streets and the prices are down by a lot a lot of work and you put it on the street but some of it you save for when the prices go up right so a lot of the things I'm doing people don't understand and I know that you know I take pride in people not understanding because I'm in the future but I know that it's going to be worth a lot you know in the in in the future so if you notice I'm the one that was taping all the time way before everybody just saying I was extra and I'm like nah I normally make history this is work I'm working and I'm not working not to make history I'm only coming outside to make history and always 100 confident that I am right and everything that I've done my whole life has been the story you know and I'm having fun with that there's no reason to live unless you're going to make history to me not for everybody else okay but for me and I don't judge people for not wanting what I want I you know what would make me different if everybody wanted what I want you know I was talking to Daniel today because I went to a jail because I've been visiting schools I'm part of something called the OSG 250 black principles but what I say so they don't you know try to is economically challenged so they don't put us in a box because they know the language we're going to speak right so you know every Thursday all these principals meet up black principles and talk about the things that they could do that the board of education is not doing and how to sharpen your sword what we really need and what people have to understand is the way they build jails is everyone that doesn't graduate they build a jail period this is the truth this is the facts it's not a statistic that's how they do it you feel me so I'm at the we did the uh OSG conference and on Tuesdays I teach the principles of class about entrepreneurship so they could teach the kids I'd rather the principles be the plugged in a drug deal or a rapper because sometimes most of the times it's not sustainable you know so I meet this principal I don't want to say his name I want to warm up but he's like yo I'm in Chicago at a jail a kid's jail with a school in it all right I'm gonna come through I come through first of all it's in a warehouse no window yeah no outdoor space yeah white women giving uh given uh therapy to black kids with bodies um so they're telling me that you know they're a master at de-escalation but all that matters is what's their reading scores the average reading score was at a fourth grade reading level so I'm like you let them kids out with a fourth grade reading level you know they're coming back right now when I'm walking around and I'm talking to the kids I'm like these kids are extremely cool like why are they so cool and I was like it's like a dope fiend cool and I realized they was all doped up so they're telling me that they let the kids out quicker if they take the drugs no windows recycled air so that means the recitative rate is high that means when you go out and come right back yeah now this is what gets disgusting about it most jails are public sector right so you get paid by the bed right you know how much they get paid per prisoner a million [ __ ] dollars every kid goes to jail and gets a million dollars he's a millionaire if he goes to jail but he ain't getting none of that money but the drugs I'm sure they marking that [ __ ] up so what I'm looking at is an insane asylum when you say a million dollars a million dollars per child for the child is a million dollars per child to keep her bed yeah between the drugs the food the clothes we don't know what they're spending it on that's just that's just the line item a million for that kid he's a Millionaire right and what they want is now if you own a hotel you want people to come back right so this is independent sector meaning an independent not the government doesn't own these jails they Outsource it so of course if they own a hotel and they're getting paid by the bed they want you to come back you know it's a sure way to make you come back make you a dope fiend and send you out into the street with a fourth grade education and have us fighting each other and regardless if you are rehabilitated or not you put a [ __ ] back in the war he got to go get it stick you no matter what you're not let nobody do nothing to you yeah I'm saying get rehabilitated so it's a guaranteed cycle and I'm like damn this is what they doing too I'm watching this [ __ ] and I see the play so now I'm tight and we got to change that and bring awareness to it and know that we are customers for them every time we go to jail we're a cousin we we we're the crackhead and we don't even know it all right real truck I hate where you're going all right let's let's talk about it and that's the type of time I'm on all right we back my expert opinion the greatest show in the world wait wait I wasn't taping on that other stuff like that [ __ ] though we got all of it we got all of it it's okay then we got all we got it I don't want to waste Jewels yo hit that like hit that [ __ ] let everybody know you in here don't cost you no paper let's use them [Music] I hope y'all going to vote for that uh greatest rap crew of all time you can vote at Meo make sure you do that okay we're gonna we're gonna have a little conversation later Mac what's good it's a little King rest in peace Jim Brown lost the legend certified Legend activist athlete HERO Black superhero thanks action star and one of the first ones to do it that way true legend rest in peace Jim Brown that was a moment of silence rest in peace yeah Jim was like the one man uh what do they call it you're addicted to somebody addicted to something and everybody get together and they kind of imagine an addictive personality no when you're addicted to something and then you come in and it's like all the people you love and they're like yo we gotta tell you about yourself right now oh intervention one man intervention shout out to Jim Brown bigger welcome back what's going on everybody much love God is love is keeping it moving all of them is in the building today everybody see I'm noticing something let me see how this goes yo shout out to everybody in in the back there Lucille how you doing sir you know what I mean shout out to the OG yo the OG's came up in here like yo y'all be on boys Gotta Give us sheets in the gym 30 years ago that [ __ ] was definitely like so so love you already you're ready but it's love there's love across the scale man this is probably one of the only shows this almost level from 24 to 55. I understand the only reason why they came through was because these are really my childhood friends and if I step foot in harlemen don't say what's up it would be disrespectful they either my brothers they're gonna need five minutes for me later a conversation for sure yo Gap what up what's goody how far happy belated all right because you had the opportunity to say all that [ __ ] you ain't say nothing [ __ ] bigger you get to him I had to do my Jim Brown thing left it to him he got it Jesus Christ shout out to Jim you know I mean my man Jim what's this magazine right here ignd Gatekeepers yummy support that brother your chair yeah I know what was going on right yeah man you know what I'm saying I'm gonna see what's on my mind so first of all I'm happy to be happy to be free happy around Legends yeah these young G's all of that man yeah and I'm not sitting in prison right right shout out to everybody who's locked down that's that's doing the right thing trying to come home and get yourself right so this is the number one branded printing this team RK TV magazine sold out this sound like a Battleground see Dane right there you see Dame right there yeah man yeah shout out shout out to um there's enough there's enough money for everybody man absolutely yes we got a legend in the building tonight I've been a fan of this guy for a very long time shot to Clark Kent you should bring me up to the office I used to get to see you work firsthand and then my baby mom started working for you and I hated you for a little while everybody but it was cool because I because I understood the grind later on like yo the clock don't stop when you were entrepreneur we got the guy that just loves to drop Jewels everywhere he's in the building with us tonight and I think y'all need to pay attention to every single word you say all right [Applause] but not only that are you is it true that you're really the creator of pause yes that's 100 my crew the best out so you know yes we play that game all day all day so all day every day the thing about the thing about that game was it wasn't meant for nobody to know so we never told anybody but why did I say pause you'd have to figure it out and then once you figured it out it was the funniest [ __ ] in the world and you know sometimes people be like God damn I'm I'm actually I knew that Rockefeller was over when they started playing pause like they you know the other side was like kind of like we don't do that no more we grown and it was like it's over I promise you I remember that interview when Bleak was like I'm still playing it yeah you know and I was like well no more college shirts you know and it was over right big said he don't do that [ __ ] no more [ __ ] think about dicks all day when [ __ ] that [ __ ] because I saw a drink in Virginia I know you saw my grandma was like what's that [ __ ] you talking you're the only [ __ ] he used to get back at me that that's I don't know what he's talking about you checked yes and I did it on the ground and everyone y'all the name wasn't there it was in Virginia it was recently and I seen he was like with somebody you're interested and I saw it on the feet you know and I was like why you you know but I'm not going to get into that but if he did have that statistic someone else would have spoke about it as well like yo Binky today what that would be legendary so I was like just you know refreshing my memory so self-proclaimed yeah but you know big is cool shout out to Ben yeah cool yeah for sure you know everybody has their ways you can't judge them for ways right you know they got to judge themselves for that and get over that and you know you know you you know so you you don't think it's my man right well thank you for creating the pause game because we play that [ __ ] all day sorry that's right I don't know I don't know if that's a thinkable thing yes it is yes it is you got to be mindful of what you say yeah what we do is we do things like brain games you know what I mean like [ __ ] that just keeps you on point because you know back in the jungle you mean she really had to really know and be aware yeah and again not to give them the alleyum but I was talking to Lou the other day because we writing um honorable part two and paid in full part two right and I'm like what was the root of how you know where you where you were you know how you were surviving so well in the street the way you were and he was like like he was like um Cagney movies James Cagney I I thought that if there was a white superhero there should be a black one and I'm like that's all this time the channeling James I said well what made you think you could do that and he was like you know I had you know his family was already like that so it was he was taught things so a lot of situations that had happened in the street to other people hadn't happened to him which is why he's still here because he had guidance he had a road map on how to survive right so even as a young man he had older knowledge you know what I mean so you do anything the first time you do it badly you know no matter what it is whether it was building a house or a pack or whatever it is the first time you do anything you could never think it's going to be the best time it's going to be the worst time not not always most times always algorithm-wise yeah nothing is always bro you know there's always not always in everything right but generally speaking speaking you know what I mean like everything I've done for the first time I [ __ ] up a lot of bread but I looked at it as a learning experience right so you can't expect someone to go out and do something illegal without guidance without in court so there's some people I know that didn't done everything and never went to jail I know some people I know that in two minutes they got 20 years you know it's not for everybody but you can't do anything without a road map or you do anything better with guidance right what kept you out of jail um I I didn't start out in the place where I had the hustle you know and I was clear like I've always had an opinion so again when people were doing things that I thought could stop me from having girls and things like that I'd be like yo yo bug it you know for real and we would laugh and we would joke but we were always very honest and honestly what stopped me from going to jail was my OG so like Daniel and Lou there would be situations where it would get serious and I'd be like I'm ready to throw my black Nike ass and they'd be like you stay back and I would be like these [ __ ] must think I'm soft seriously I thought that's the feeling so I didn't see Danny for 25 years he sent the scenes in honor up so we had this conversation it was so deep that I said just run the cameras let's just talk about this again and I was like why you know why you ain't let me do whatever when y'all was doing whatever he was like yo he wasn't meant for that I know you got a future so the real OG's will never hurt nobody that's going to help everybody and they can recognize that early right you know so again I was a young guy but I knew guys like these guys and I didn't look at him as a scary they were my friends you know what I mean and the reason why they're my friends is because they gave me guidance they taught me how to hustle they taught me how to survive well you know so what really stopped me from going to jail was the paid in full you know once that thing happened with Rich I was like if that [ __ ] could happen to Rich it could happen to anybody you know and and the crazy thing about it is why was I there why was they thought my man did that you know what I'm saying we was all there why was I like I'm like Forrest Gump of everything like why was I there for the legendary hood [ __ ] as well as the legendary music [ __ ] and everything else legendary because I meant to be legendary you know that's how Harlem [ __ ] looks at things right I'm not even surprised you know but but there's something different damn you was doing I went to private school no no no no ain't the private school it's something that you did differently uh James Cagney you may have a champion Channel only James Cagney who were you Channel um at that time it was different moments you know so I can say this like all right and again I hate to keep swinging but he's a big part of the DNA Daniel's not my only OG the oldest OG he's just my favorite OG you know what I'm saying so a lot of like if you you see how he is I'm like that but not like that you know what I'm saying like he's a little bit more but he's out you know I'm not him but I'm I'm you can see where I get a lot of that from like you know he was always a dude to me that was doing something different than everyone else was doing he was low he was super five he was a funny guy but he was a man tough so I was kind of channeling Daniel you know is that and what I liked about what he did was he was doing something different like when Lou was kind of getting you know a little bit over you know it was like getting crazy for a minute yeah you know me and Daniel was like Daniel was like yo because he's like oh [ __ ] that I'm getting up and I didn't see him for 25 years he's evaporated but he never left the block I don't know how he did it look you know what I'm saying but but I I was like I'm out I'm I'm I'm off that tip too right so I started looking for new ways so when the thing happened with paid in full I was like if he could get touched it don't make sense to do this [ __ ] and to really see that [ __ ] like just when I when I was talking about the jail you hear about that [ __ ] but like L boogie she was crying the whole time because she got a kid I got a kid is she a child that's heartbroken and him crying that [ __ ] is traumatizing yeah you know what I'm saying traumatizing so to see all that [ __ ] I I I I wanted to do something different to paint a full show I was like man this [ __ ] is crazy it's disgusting when you see little kids get killed and kidnapped and fingers getting cut off nobody want to see that [ __ ] that's not normal now this is something you saw like first hand first hand first hand so so that that so so that [ __ ] right there I'm like yo because I I went to private school right you know I I was I was a privilege dude you know I mean I never was struggling in my life my family always made sure I was all right and then I the thing is I can't even talk about my family because then you really understand you know but I just was like yo this [ __ ] ain't it don't feel good and I'm intelligent and my mom's died and I'm like yo my moms ain't do all of this [ __ ] for me to go to jail and it ain't no girls in jail I'm girl crazy you know what I'm saying that was really I was like right so I I put myself in boarding school you know what I mean I went I was I'm out I went to boarding school and I was the thing about it is like when you go to private school your whole life you never really know if you're better than everyone because they're white like I always thought I was better than everybody because I'm black and everyone else is just weaker than me because they white but I didn't really know if I could survive uptown I just used to hear about it you know I lived in 1199 and that was kind of like uh at that time it was like a little Oasis one in itself everyone in there was spoiled right so me being able to survive Uptown I had to prove that to myself my instincts and the freedom and just the swag and the style it burnt me out you know that we were making our owns and we lived by a cold you know what I mean it was like the cold was so real back then and I was impressed by that you know like I always say like the [ __ ] that really [ __ ] me up with Daniel that really was like the most positive thing that ever happened is being in the car and seeing Daniel walking across the street man tough with the bucket but he had his kids with him and they all had four wheelers and [ __ ] and I was like that [ __ ] looks flat that's what's that's the flyest [ __ ] I saw in the hood there's a [ __ ] walking around tough while his kids got toys yeah you know you're providing and proud and that's what I wanted you know what I'm saying and then like with Lou and again this is my observation we just never thought anybody was tougher than him but he was still funny so I never thought nobody was tougher than me because you know I right you know me and him used to slap box when [ __ ] like you know he'd pull up [ __ ] across the street and I'd be able to [ __ ] literally dudes would come to visit me and they he this [ __ ] would rob you know what I'm saying like I would be like I'd be like you remember that [ __ ] man when you walked tutu if you came to see me with another [ __ ] chain on a dirt bike and I'm like yo get off the block bro you're like nah this is what's his name chain I'm good you know what I'm saying with the dirt bike I see these [ __ ] coming to him and oh you want to say it and they couldn't get caught him for his chain I'm like why y'all do that man allegedly no it wasn't electricity [Applause] I had to kind of block that I would you know the same thing with dirt was like I can't I would be like I can't control nothing on that block you know what I'm saying but I can survive on that block so there's nothing for me to be scared of moving forward I've seen everything you can see and I didn't have to be tough like that's I wasn't the toughest guy but they knew I could fight my knuckle game was proper but I wasn't the gun guy but I wasn't scared you know what I mean but I was like nothing scares me after being on that block you know what I mean what's the worst thing you ever saw your fingers getting cut off sound I didn't see that that sounds pretty good man oh [ __ ] because I can tell I'm gonna tell you you're getting desensitized right yes because I I you know I've seen people be alive and then not alive like breed it out and then be like losing their breath I see the bullet in the head and the [ __ ] swell up with no blood like we've seen all of that [ __ ] I've been in too many wakes you know that's why I don't listen to hip-hop I listen to rock and roll because I don't want to hear about that [ __ ] I I do understand that the rest of the world does not live like that right I deserve that and my kids deserve that I don't have and then in hindsight getting old I'm like yo this is a program how come all the dudes I know that really do something they never did nothing nobody wait why we keep hurting our brothers because it's a program to get us in jail right for that million dollars a year there's somebody skimming offer like honestly when I was at that kid's jail I was like oh [ __ ] the whole [ __ ] is supposed to actually be a million dollars ahead to the jail it was yo get do that with the [ __ ] they did it wasn't no white people in that jail except the therapists and the people running [ __ ] it was crazy it's it's a brave but yeah you know why certain areas you can't get mad at your enemy for being better at you at controlling you you got to get mad at yourself for us letting that [ __ ] happen and be only worried about ourselves so I'm lucky enough to be in a position where I'm not worried about me I'm good I'm more worried about wheat my crew my the people I love my culture you know to see the fact that I could be with Lou and Daniel 30 years later after everything we went through I'm celebrating every day according to the algorithm none of us supposed to be here but now we're here in front of cameras we making movies I had Dan I had Daniel on the Porsche with Stacy Dash that was just the flex true and I hadn't seen him in 25 years and because what happened was um you know smoke dizza right yeah right so he from the from the DD 172 days right but after like after certain I didn't want to hear nothing about no hood [ __ ] or nothing I wanted to be an artist and just get on my autistic cool [ __ ] um and he was like yo uh Mook was like I mean um right now just give me a minute but he called me with ASAP Rocky and we had to do this like Harlem thing you know he was just blowing up so we met we met at the fish the fish the spot was 125th the fish the fish tank came out but the human ASAP didn't really speak too much it was like a funny thing yeah but I met Mook and we went to the ASAP house and Luke was showing me his uh battle rap television show he had at the time but when I was kicking it with him I was like this [ __ ] really is like for me I really like them and [ __ ] so I'm like where you from you're like 127 I'm like you know my man Daniel and he kept coming around and I like you sure and then blackface pulling the sign said oh I think he's talking about Nico his name is D I think that might be Daniel so they showed me a picture I'm like yeah that's him like I've been looking for him for 25 years right and truth be told what what happened was um me and my other man again I gonna say his name but we all you know we all know we me and my man that was like my partner was beefing this [ __ ] he had the block and he was selling one thing and I was like I want to sell the other so I went to Daniel was like yo you know I mean like so he and I ended up [ __ ] that [ __ ] up like and then Daniel disappeared and I never paid him you know what I'm saying get that back yet when he came back so I'm thinking like damn I wonder if he's still the same Daniel right so he pulls up with the convertible and strong and [ __ ] he's the same Daniel loud and all that right so I was real happy because a lot of the guys that I know you know they watched yeah and they not the same when they don't have that same you know because Harlem was just like no matter what at some point you're gonna be up everybody has they run you supposed to have hard times right a harlem [ __ ] never this ever ashamed to say I'm [ __ ] up the young guys feel like superheroes I am a superhero I don't feel like totally let me finish I'm Batman right and I got a Batmobile and when [ __ ] start talking about my money I'd be like stay out that man Pockets right you know what I'm saying right but either way yeah we are stupid the funny thing yeah yes yes no but seriously like um when you got so much history in the environment you you've been there you did it all hit the highest Heights and you know I mean you could still come to the neighborhood like what's that what what what does that mean to to the other people that see you okay like it's it's an inspiration that we usually don't get to see you know what I mean like it was just on the 100 what was that 132nd where's that at Lorraine you're just in the range it's a Lorraine's Cup right here Holland is too much fun not to be able to come back if you didn't have fun in Harlem you can't come back tell them how you able to come back I mean my brothers you know to me if I make it we all make it if Lou makes it I'm good Daniel makes it I'm good you know my man had the death coming to you right you know when the game was on top doing this Rockefeller I'm still on top boy I'm talking about when he was on top of the Rockefeller oh yeah Dane put that bread up him and a couple other homie official [ __ ] put that bread up got him off the depth coming home that's why Dame was like that we knew we didn't have to we could put the gun in his hand he would have went we put the Cummins we had a bunch of other [ __ ] for that and look what happened to him homie that [ __ ] took off homie like come on B that stays there stay there feds who introduces the that crack game hey yo and I'm coming back from um I'm coming back from hold on Daniel I'm coming back from private school you know I got kicked out of Dwight and by the way today because my wife wrote a book that teaches kids how to dream and I'm only in New York because I'm on the school tour I'm teaching these kids how to dream if they let me in the schools because I'm part of the OSG right so um I like to get involved with that too soon I'll have you tomorrow we got a lot of things to talk about on how to help right and uh so uh today we were going we went all I went to all the Harlem school all the schools I've been to every Borough but I had to go back to my school the private school I got kicked out of because they kicked me out of that school and uh because they kicked me out of that school I went I had a scholarship I put my son back in there paid full tuition and extra they asked me to build the library 15 that was Boogie 15 years later I'm coming back and now they are customer of mine they buying my books and I'm educating those kids um not underprivileged kids third generation kids that's the ultimate [ __ ] you that's the ultimate Revenge they counted me out they kicked me out and I'm now teaching your kids you know what I mean that's cool so anyway I'm the Man Center my man's from her 42nd whatever and my mom's just like yo I I was spoiled and Suzuki's is only 10 grand so I was like 15 and I'm like yo mom can you buy me a car and she's like I'm not buying you a Suzuki you can't have a license and me I'm like all right so now I got it kicked out of Dwight I'm in a black school and I'm seeing it crack and I'm like I go to 142nd Street and you know these were the first guys that hit me with work right so Lou used to come around and hit us with the work it was a split I think we might even get a dollar bottle follow a bottle yeah if off a five dollar body and back then it might have been fired I went to trades I went to two for fives but I think at that point we were at Nichols and um so Lou used to come around and if you really want to know to really get into it because you know Lou the crew was called the Lynch Mob but you know I was from that block but I wasn't really a part of it because they was Wireless so Leon used to work he had a UPS job and they could tell you more about it but he had a golf you know he was dressed just enough but he was that kid that might have been in like school and played Spades but knew everybody you know he wasn't known to be tough right so he quit one day this is Leon yeah uh Charlie yeah and uh he comes to me and he's like yo I got 1500 we could go half one like an eighth or whatever like hell no you never hustle yeah I ain't doing that [ __ ] but then he got cool with Lou and then the next thing everybody was down with him and [ __ ] then it turned into the Lynch Mob you know what I'm saying and then it was like but we always had a relationship from before the Lynch Mob so we were always friends and could talk you know I never I never saw that side of him like that you know what I mean or even like like I was lucky enough to be friends with the people that most people were like really scared of but I think they disrespected me because I was honest and you could ask them why because I asked him why I'd be like why the [ __ ] did y'all even [ __ ] with me like that right you know what I'm saying like to this day I I still be like you know because when you get older you understand what that was yeah but then you know I had a whole crew called the best out certainly yeah yeah well no well the best out they're gonna play one job but that was like but we were all a bunch of the younger guys and from different blocks that had like if I'm for a second I'm you know I'm cool with The Lunchbox it ain't gonna [ __ ] with me you know what I mean and you know so on and so forth but we were more about like you know having fun and playing games but we all had t-shirts these girls laughs because they want you know we would be snapping about girls and all that [ __ ] they had a t-shirt called the Lynch Mob what [ __ ] getting hot today I got uniforms but it was a fun time you know and you know we used to snap play ball it was just like it was funny how much fun we had in such an environment you know but what got us through it was this kind of a code of honor so the thing that regardless to what and you know again like I can't Advocate nothing I wasn't there but what I know about Lewis he's always been honorable like he always played the game by the rules he did his time he ain't tell nobody it wasn't never nobody outside of the game right you understand what I'm saying and all I knew of him is being just a loyal brother you know I mean so like when he got in trouble it was just like I was already so far removed from it it was just like whatever happened let's let me know right and it took a while to get to me and honestly because of what Irv was going through I was like yo don't just keep it low okay I did it unanimous uh uh what do you call that um anonymously anonymously you know what I mean but after you did the time we could talk about it but I didn't want them to try to jam me up so I couldn't help him right you know what I mean so what happened with um homie yeah but um homie from Queens yeah so for me going through all of that this is why I've always been so happy I'm free I survived that [ __ ] you know what I mean like even The Honorable guys got to do 30 Years bro right but he still did that time so and that's what and then you gotta think about something we never lost connections with each other you know I mean you're not seeing for 25 years you know him and I either way there's a lot of honorable people in my world so I kind of still live by those old rules because I left the street when it was those old rules rules right I remember I left before gang banging it wasn't none of that when I was outside that I knew what now but either way like I don't judge the president I just could talk about where I'm at right you know what I mean because survival is different for every generation right it is you know like Nick for me like back when we was coming up it was about getting money and only getting money and the rough stuff only came when it was [ __ ] with the money but having honor was everything you know and it looks it looks really cool right you know like look what it looks like yeah you know what I mean you know he never folded why you say it's mud now come on Ray Charles [ __ ] are snitching bro it's normal when we was out they wasn't giving up deals like that you had to hold yours you go telling the police they'd be like [ __ ] you still going to jail we don't give a [ __ ] but now ever since that Nikki ball [ __ ] to me start giving nigga's deal right but you got to remember but hold on hold on but also who's in our Circle jazz the only one Nicky Barnes didn't and you know God bless Jazz no he's like actually I saw Jamal on the game thing right you know me being in the fence when they first start coming in I had to hold them down because the West Coast was was hurting them right you know what I'm saying so you know they looked at me as the big homie up a big homie but at the same time had I caught it at that time I want to let it fall into what it fell into on the west coast because the West Coast start breathing different game you know different branches branches yeah and they got a lot of you know you're not my Bitcoin this is my big homework so it's the same thing over here now you know what I'm saying and I think I kept it on that five you know what I'm saying right it would have been what it was but I'm gonna say this one thing and I'm I'm gonna end this gang [ __ ] right is that um the best question is the GDs you know what I'm saying because they kept it the same they they Levy Uber you know what I'm saying that's the number one and everybody pay homage to him you know what I'm saying everything under that this poor running that the princess and all that like that that's all they should do so stress me instructions right right all right so this is the mindset this is the influence that you took into the music game it was that was that was the coverage I took into it that was the pride right that was you can't play me but you know like y'all was fun they were funny to me so it was like I'm gonna tease you I don't even have to you know I mean but like but also at that time respect is a lot even though words and things might seem you know frivolous right they're symbols of things so there's certain things that I had to like I it would never have been tolerated in the street certain kinds of betrayal and lying and you know you know the thing about the street is it's a contract that's not written it's just a code that's unspoken it just was no better yeah so you know like me no matter what I'm never gonna dumb myself down I like that level of honor you know I like the respect that comes with it now you said in a recent interview you said it's not easy it's not convenient you said um uh doing business versus keeping my Integrity sometimes I prefer to just keep my Integrity sometimes all the time all the time yeah because when you were Hustler you're used to going broke and then getting it back right so for me I'd be like [ __ ] this block I could start another one that's all I just flip freedom is priceless to me my Integrity my culture is integrity and what I represent and the people I represent making them proud is important to me not many things are but just because these are the people that help me like again like he said I didn't have to pick up a gun I was able to just be funny and I was able to like I was knowing that I could fight but that wasn't but I wasn't running around like I'm gonna fight everybody it was just like you know I was a handsome guy you know I mean so it was like I literally thought I was soft you know what I mean you know what I mean you know it's like like like like you know what I mean like I was cute naming you know what I'm saying so from the East side you know what I'm saying right still a handsome guy right there's a different guy so one thing was like that's that Hollywood [ __ ] my thing was like I don't know he just he just mad cause he didn't say he was like yo I would have said that [ __ ] too but uh my thing was to act ugly because the ugly [ __ ] had all the girls in the hood right the swag is what got the girls you was a pretty boy you didn't get all the girls you wasn't respected you was a Target right so it was like yo act ugly you know just be ready to you know it was always like if it was every anyone it was me they would look at to be like let me get a hint first and I'd be like all right I'm like you know what I was I'm smart I went to the gym and learned how to box I I I was like if I'm gonna be in the street because what happens is like if you hustle with somebody hit it with a pack and you don't pay you you gotta hit him yeah now you paid but if you don't hit him everybody [ __ ] everybody's gonna take his [ __ ] so it was just like logical to me to just sophisticate my Knuckles you know what I'm saying so I went to a real gym I'm like if I'm gonna be outside and [ __ ] I gotta do that you know what I mean I just looked at it logically like this is part of the game so I've seen [ __ ] I see [ __ ] that can't fight man hit him and look all crazy and that [ __ ] don't look cool good [ __ ] look tougher when they swing it's all wide it's like a palm thing yeah yeah no I heard that's who I heard but that's Lou oh what you heard huh you know you know clock clock for my block oh okay yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm saying he didn't talk he don't told me like yeah they would snap on you but they just ain't want them hands you know what I'm saying when they have all these guns like that when you had to [ __ ] [ __ ] the guns the guns was around but it wasn't the first option yeah that's what it was this is what it was a fair one a fair one man put the guns down on your saw right so be like let me get a fair one yeah if you if you disrespecting the fair one you hit you know no one [ __ ] YouTube perfect example right when [ __ ] used to have a problem like you and Dame had a problem our moms brothers and all that homies y'all [ __ ] started fighting right [ __ ] be scared but your moms be in the window yeah y'all better not get no guns it was a family thing you couldn't go shooting at everybody in the window on a fire escape watching what happened you know his man Tyrell young dude you know what I'm saying that I you know what I'm saying that uh I should mess with back then you know I'm saying I ran up a few times I had to you know he had beat a few dudes up and they jumped him and I had to come to you know I'm saying go back to the block yo look y'all gonna fight my man oh which one you want to fight they they want to fight him at the same time one time me and him put on the glove I have my coat on and he called me I'm like oh [ __ ] let me take this off when I took it off this is what I know too why you don't talk about my hands that was the question the first two a lot of dudes like that was coming like when we first went into the feds Brooklyn you know I said representative Hollow we all knew how to fight so we just represented with the raises and all that they wasn't used to that [ __ ] you know I'm saying we coming in with the razors we busting [ __ ] down just to get out because we sit all the way out to California we just want to get the [ __ ] out to jail right but at the same time as the Jazz went on they start sending the Young Dudes in these dudes on the video game they ain't know how to fight or nothing you know what I'm saying and I'm giving them my feelings like you from DC or I'm from New York I'm like yo let them handle that think of my little homie gonna go in there and get out on them my homie get out I'm like Oh no I got I can't do that one time you see they like yo damn dude I thought you nah man yo I'm feeling some type of way because it's like a reflection right I'm saying that we got to jail but like I said a lot of little homies they was under no video game wow because no one was doing Fair ones right yeah you know what I'm saying so it's a whole different the new generation yeah you know what I'm saying old [ __ ] talking about us and it just survival is different like it says video games and there's Instagram right you know and what I wish was that that we could show the like like a guy like who when who first came home the first thing we did was talk to the senator Eddie Milton who's now the mayor about prison reform the fact that they they don't feed you good food there's nothing to rehabilitate you they don't let you use a phone you can't make no money while you're in jail right you know and then the next thing was therapy so when you have a person like who survived it all now and while he was in jail this is what we talked about how we gonna help when when when when you come home how can people learn from your experience and to be honest when you first came like before he came home nobody knew which Lou was going to come home we ain't know what he was going to be on because now he's a legend right now he's a rap records and [ __ ] you know but he's been home he been he really really been trying to help he's staying out the way and trying to do what he could do so people don't have to go through what he went through but you know what I'm saying so he only survived it he only went through it so that people don't have to go through it you educate the Next Generation and that's the purpose that's the reason why you know again a lot of the cats come home with a name and they come right back to the Box they went to jail on you ain't heard about Lou doing nothing you know he just trying to help you feel me and that's the Lu I know and that's the only little I'm [ __ ] with so it was definitely spoken about like yo if you want that other [ __ ] we can't [ __ ] with you I'm not even thinking about no [ __ ] like that who the [ __ ] wants to come back here found religious or painting and start writing books how did you feel when when you heard the Outpost came back to the hood I don't want to talk about it at all no not at all zero zero I just said that not at all no reasons examples if I got loose symptoms why would I talk about somebody else he's my friend you talking about somebody [ __ ] don't know I don't like talking about [ __ ] that can't really actually speak up and say something for themselves right so anything said about he could talk about you right here you know what I mean but again this this is decided who I know you know chilling in the barbershop laughing right he a funny cat jokes he thinks he could get more girls than me issue you know we we've always had a competitive thing you see you don't want to give me my props [Laughter] it's the same this is what it looked like when I was 15. right so this is who I'm around you know so how could I have any it's just it's by default you know what I mean and it's like I I you never heard me talk about him until he home you know there's a lot of things that I hold to the vest because I don't want to jeopardize but I survive I don't understand getting money and not and only like the only reason why I'm back in Harlem is to go to the schools bro I'm not coming back to force on [ __ ] that ain't got it I don't want [ __ ] to feel bad to start doing [ __ ] to get them in jail to try to get what I got I want to teach them how to have a great life you know where I live right now I'm hanging out with like and I'm not again I ain't saying nobody's name but they billionaires but they like fourth generation so basically I'm hanging out with my son's kids right now you understand I mean I would be their father if you could make enough money that four generations of your kids don't have to ever do anything but what they want to do now that's gangsters for what are those kids like because they say [ __ ] that's what I'm saying they say no no listen let me tell you I'm gonna tell you let me tell you because I'm telling you for the person you know where I'm about to go right the fourth generation was you would never know they got money new money you could tell no money because they want you to know they got money [ __ ] they got money don't want you to know they got money again when I was accustomed to the [ __ ] that had the money when you said yeah what's up bro I'm [ __ ] up you understand what I'm saying I'm [ __ ] up man you got money nobody shows money that's just corny you're a Target right who the [ __ ] wants to be a Target [ __ ] want to relax who the [ __ ] wants to stay on the same place you got to shoot [ __ ] and worry about getting robbed we want to stay there police go to jail and they I want to sit on a lake in the ocean I want to breathe you ain't gonna tell me how to live because I was born here I live a lot of different lives and I'm not going to know which life I want to live until I actually live it so I'm gonna go copper Ranch in Wyoming I'm gonna have a crib in Florida I'm gonna go have a crib in South Carolina go live in China and then I'm gonna figure out where I want to be and what I want to be you ain't gonna tell me what to be I got legs I can walk I'm healthy I'm intelligent I don't understand why people stay in the same environment that's held them down that's just being lazy we have Consciousness right now hey I could think for you you know what I mean yeah whatever you can visualize you could do yeah I ran some clips through um clips of the show through through this AI program it gave me statistics in two minutes what what Clips I should make use particular time I don't understand this homie crazy this is the caveman days of it so this doesn't mean oh we're gonna lose job it means yo let's create some new [ __ ] now things can happen faster it ain't no excuses to get ahead right now right because there's survivors here that could teach you how to get through it well it's options you know it's easy to [ __ ] hurt your brother his hands is down you know every person has ever hurt me has been someone that I knew very well that I loved because my hands was down because I ain't gonna do nothing to you because I love your mother and your kids that [ __ ] is cowardly to me [ __ ] if you're gonna go to war go to war with somebody that is really a [ __ ] challenge and there's too many challenges out here right now to be worried and distracted by bubblegum [ __ ] and for us to be hurting each other well what's the challenges of what what's the challenges that you see out here that we don't stick together yeah that we think we gotta have a nine to five do you know that the education that we go through right now was established by Thomas Jefferson that education and that curriculum was meant for black kids to learn how to work for white for for black men to learn how to work for white men and we still live by that curriculum so we have to write our own curriculum we have to have our own therapy correct every law that was passed a hundred years ago was by a man that had a slave so by about because of that every law should be changed it's a different day right but if we don't know how to Lobby or pass the law which is not taught in school or anywhere else how the [ __ ] we gonna change things in America it's only legal if it's in law so you know we got to do we got to get us elected so that's why you see me and Gary Indiana getting my man Eddie Miller helping him get elected to mayor and being a part of something called the commission we got to get with our back black public officials our black principals it's the same thing like you don't mess with a girl unless like you chasing a girl I said [ __ ] on the same time you know the girls that you like are the ones that really don't like you you [ __ ] with the people that [ __ ] with you you [ __ ] with the girl that loves you you [ __ ] with the people that are going to embrace you right if you look for the people that Liberation there's a lot there and we can do things so complaining about things it's corny having a solution is all that matters what happens when the people are [ __ ] with you is another race say it again what happens when the people that [ __ ] with you is in other words not about a race I'm just saying what happened I don't I don't judge people for what their grandparents did it's about where you at now right it's about it's never a colored thing that's that's meant to divide us that's why I say economically challenged because this white people it's about a social class they want to keep us fighting each other so we keep having to work for one percent if I think about it right if we trying to save a block why would we fight each other about anything if it's about the block why would we War about saving the block what does a Democrat and a republican they trying to save America how could you be for someone that's trying to save something you love right so I'm fighting for something you fighting so we fighting together so as long as there's division nothing can get done it's a strategic thing for us to actually say you black and you like that's the challenge the division they know exactly what we're going to say when we're going to say it we set it a hundred times that's why we got to change the things we say I agree with what you're saying if if I know you're gonna punch me and I brace my face it doesn't knock me out but if I don't see that much you're going down so we got to start hitting them with some [ __ ] they can't see they already know we're going to say so they already know what to say back what they haven't seen is a stick together that's what they haven't seen they've seen us talk about a curriculum but never present one almost us when you say us they've never seen us anybody economically challenged okay okay so now now we're choking uh people who are not economics where I come from the 99 but I'm in the one but I still love the 99 I'm gonna help the 99 get to the one I'm gonna make the one to 99. so Marxism but now the reason I ask is because I we always hear you talk about my culture my culture and I think people don't you say my culture is like-minded people that have a good soul that lead by love not money that's not almost done all the time you know what I'm saying like the vision is wet that's yeah that's such a that's a deep statement coming from somebody who's been a champion who's been perceived as a champion of having money I didn't say you shouldn't have money I know you didn't I just said don't do anything for money the challenge let me tell you the art is to figure out how to win without cheating that's the art it's easy to cheat it's easy to make money off of clickbait us [ __ ] each other up of course they're gonna push that [ __ ] right you understand what I'm saying the challenge like I'm in a world full of cheaters and the challenge is not to cheat it's a test every day you feel me but I take pride in that [ __ ] cause I'm winning and that's and that's where your integrity comes in bro all I got is my nuts and my words show me an example of me breaking so I want to ask you a question because I feel like just just just there's a certain percentage of people who see things differently who cares slavery your choice oh for the love of God In This Moment it is in this moment because it's mental right if you're working in nine to five if you're subsiding to this education then the curriculum if you're just complaining you're not doing anything if you're hurting your brother that's slavery when you go to jail you work for slave wages right you got chains on right you're in a cage right that slavery is just legal so I said this before you know when when slavery became legal they were like I mean illegal everybody with slaves like what are we gonna do we're gonna [ __ ] suppress them make them fight each other and then legally we'll be able to put in a change so instead of calling me slave master you'll call me Warden your CEO right we got to make them give us their freedom by making them hurt each other that's what and how are we going to do that create a system that is not beneficial to them so the way we're taught triggers us who the [ __ ] wants to hear that we're number two even down to religion Jesus Christ is not the real the name is Joshua Jesus Christ is a European interpretation of man anywhere I go on the planet they call me Dame there ain't no Russian version of Dane you understand what I'm saying so if you born thinking that you number two of course you want to move like that sure Ben Yehuda yes so why are we still calling Jesus and we know the truth because we're programmed to shoved in our face from the day we born the court look if you tell me you're a fan of mine but you calling me Damien I'm gonna be like all right cool but it's gonna bother me a little I'm Not Gonna Give You full blessing I'm not going to be really that cool with you so if you're calling God by the wrong name how you think you're gonna get a full blessing he's a little tight at you or she you know right so it starts there then it goes to the education and then it goes to the food we eat then it goes to us hurting each other because we don't have an option if it's not sports or entertainment it's crime how much how much of a role do you think music it's the most important because it's the Escape see if you hear something eight times it programs you so anything you hear repetitively wherever you like it or not it's in your brain so music is hypnotizing I've hated songs and then I've liked them after I heard them 10 times I hate songs and know every word because my daughter likes him and I gotta hear it you feel me right you notice that if you tell somebody something they don't listen to you you got to tell them at least eight times or they gotta hear it from somebody else or they got to be scared why I'm scared why not I don't know that if I put a gun in your face you're gonna do whatever I tell you to do right maybe sometimes not no he's gonna take it the average I'm talking about the algorithm not the individuals yeah y'all know what I'm saying yeah so there's always because you know you can always do that right there's always somebody that's not I'm a um you know I mean I'm that guy that's not going to do what everybody's doing but I'm generally going by what everybody's doing because that's my uh consumer I got a question for you about what you was talking about as far as the prison system I'm concerned right I'm what's considered a recidivist right I've been in now in and out in and out of prison for 24 years right you've been a client yeah but let me tell you what changed me one of the main things that changed my mindset was education right there's a private institution that gave us a 250 000 education right and it's only for a selected select a few people right so my thing is that my question to you is with the advocacy that you're doing what plays are being made to Institute like college education into these prison systems across the country because I know that's it worked for me and I noticed statistics as far as when a brother or sister get their associates they get their Bachelors they get their masses they do not come back to prison this is my plan also if they have a place to live right that's very important so re-entry programs as well no no this is my plan I'm trying to build transitional rehab facilities because it's really hard if you're not used to a phone to understand the phone when you come home right and understanding you could do banking you could do any it's not a phone no more right honestly the first thing I would teach somebody before they come home is how to use a phone how to get how to understand Instagram how to understand you know I mean because you don't this is this [ __ ] is completely foreign to someone that's been away for a long time you know what I mean they think they need help and it's really easy and I need help I'm 52. I have people that kind of help me with these things but I know it needs to be done so the first thing I do is it would be therapy inside definitely before you get out there but I would give you a place to live as well as long as you're learning and I'm giving you a job because I would want to make everybody a partner it's the economic thing that really [ __ ] there's no real you're not beefing when you got money you know and if you get your friends some money and you can get everybody some money everybody's happy so we can teach everybody how to be rich and also say yo if you can't do it yourself here's a pack I'm gonna show you how to hustle it's a road map anybody can hustle if they're told you got to be a dumbass not to listen to someone that's been surviving at it we just don't give up the game traditionally black man has high they think they're lucky to survive in a legal way or illegal ways right so we never have these visuals of what it even looks like to win so even in my movie making my next movie is coming out um you know June 23rd and it's about lineage it's about a black family uh in Detroit that bought a hospital and they lost it all and then recently they got it back and you know Tommy Duncan he sold his company for 120 million dollars but what does it look like three generations of black wealth if we don't see it we don't know what to fight for right all we see is what it looks like when you hustle or when you catch a record so that's all we know what to try to do why can't we make money in health care why can't we sell buttons every single thing in here whoever made anything in this shop at a professional level down to the down to the caps all the tips on this joint is a man here but they don't teach us how to sell anything but our soul hmm we're gonna we're gonna dive a little bit pose deeper into that after this Farm in the brick because I don't eat chicken it's too rich again I'm a vegetarian how long did it take to get yeah a day look like you yeah because I watched the documentary and once I was told the documentary once I don't want my dude the doctor told me chicken is poisonous they'll be [ __ ] that [ __ ] up I had to be giving the [ __ ] even if it's due to one huh 100 of chicken got doodle on it so imagine if you did that to a cow or a chicken so when they throw it in the blender the doodle goes all over it they just bust that [ __ ] open and doodles all over trying to [ __ ] up I'm trying to tell you the truth right nah I hear you you know I mean like you know what the worst thing in the world is if my man come home from doing 30 years it's been as wild as he is and he died from a cheeseburger you know any of my homies are dying from cheeseburgers meat is the number one cause of diabetes cancer and heart disease and what they feed you in the jails processed food there's nothing there's no fruit often no commissary that has any healthy option at all [ __ ] come out strong but no organs you can't lift weights and be wheezing that don't make sense to be strong but have weak organs your organs would count not your muscles right you know we're not built to just meat dogs are built amen none of that [ __ ] is and also if you believe in the Bible it says God God says Thou shalt not kill and don't just say thou shall not kill humans karmically what if what if [ __ ] God was a God there's a lot of I got dogs there's a lot of you're just hungry you say chicken there's a lot of dietary a chicken burp there's a lot of food How You Gonna trust your pressure to feed you How You Gonna trust a man to enslave you to give you food I'm not mad at a mass level how are you going to trust somebody with support the [ __ ] you put in your mouth how are you going to eat do you have a designer car design the sneakers and eat cheap food that [ __ ] throwing that up eat some designer food who the [ __ ] want to be rich if you're in the hospital wheezing but everybody can't afford that door that's not true vegetables get grown if you know how to grow you ain't got to pay a dollar and that's what Farrakhan was trying to teach everybody can't afford that don't say that whole time stop we Haul them can't don't even happen at all don't ever say can't to me [ __ ] the system hold on you just told me you had an Ivy League education and you went to jail you never said you know what you know what I gotta imagine a day just don't say can hold on just don't start right about that you're right you're right about it hold on a little real quick there's certain communities that because there's food insecurities in those communities and the public health is not at all food food it is food insecurities as well I mean the same thing let me explain some change this is something that they teach you so you don't do it healthy food is not more generally is not more expensive than unhealthy food anything that's given to us is given to us to hurt us education religion and food I don't trust them to give us anything I'm not judging this is not an assault on anyone's character absolutely you know I didn't mean to make you feel guilty no but what I'm saying everybody right now everybody that's man right now say something it's like I hate to jerk chicken but what I'm saying this I'm just a guy that don't trust people so expressing the [ __ ] pause I put in my mouth right but if I know this doodoo all over chicken I don't know if they actually being farmed and sitting around and doodle all day in his puss all over them and rats run all over I'm not eating that [ __ ] how long you been a vegan excuse me excuse me let me just pause that right because vegetables that fertilizers that they're using it's horseshoe right it has to be organic it's still the same thing it's not the same thing you got hybrids they have cars you have to get this is the thing they don't teach us this so yes by law by law they do make you use but the seeds you got to go get the right seeds but you got to get organic because I would put 83 all the way to I came home of being vegetarian in jail listen and everything that I ate was meat Falls like meat I didn't eat meat but chicken long as it's digestives put your system you can flush it me stay in your system for a long time right so that that caused cancer and the rest and all that stuff and it's and it's GMO fat and it's doodle whatever whatever you could digest quickly you know I said plus the system meaning that you got to have at least two to three that you know releases a day right not yeah you're not you just want to eat chicken little chicken [Applause] you eat too clean and you find yourself in an environment where you're not able to get that stuff you'll get sick right away let me ask you a question what the [ __ ] are we talking about this for the worst case scenario listen bottom line is regardless of what you're saying is still going to be due to one chicken it's still gonna be the number one cause of cancer the number one cause of heart disease disease and diabetes and it's right there at your local [ __ ] Bodega in the hood for a reason right so you can take it what you want do what you want with it I'm not I'm not judging you I I I'm not gonna be again I'll be sad but I won't be mad but you're completely vegetarian yes for a while how long since I watched what the health what the hell oh I watched it I said no that next day I had a bunch of beef bacon off the wall that [ __ ] up I couldn't unsee doodoo and pus yeah but here here's the thing yo this is what I'm negating Dame right don't negate no I'm negating it bro don't worry about it eat your bacon if you want to eat bacon eat it I just eat seafood oh my God that's really nice no but you're talking about yeah so Netflix right when you hear Dean refer to they this is what they're doing they doing those are systems that are implemented and put in place for to make food deserts in our communities right so that we have less healthier options and you know why because nobody just learned this when did you just learn this to be vegan bro to be vegan yeah when did you just learn this information about the doodoo yeah know about now when it wasn't for seven years I honestly I always thought me was disgusting like I could never eat big chicken this is what I'm saying this was learned in the last decade so it was a lack of Education right in these symptoms that's all right but anyway don't worry about I didn't mean to make anybody listen listen I didn't make anybody feel guilty I'm sorry everybody eat what you want to eat but again for me I'm 52 right and honestly when I was like 20 I thought 52 mid cook so I'm like yo I'm having mad fun I'm still crispy I'm still I still feel 25. I just like living so anything that I know I make investments in my future especially my body so if I know something gonna make it where I ain't gonna be uncomfortable like I think people have to get their ass white that were [ __ ] very strong when they were young right I don't want that I don't want nobody in my family wiping my ass period so that's my choice do you ever think about the way you approach disseminating the information that you do and maybe you catch more flies with honey instead of [ __ ] so think about that type of [ __ ] let me just say this when I speak I'm just saying how I feel I don't say I'm right I'm just saying how I feel right my eyes sometimes change based on information I learned I'm not stuck in any way I'm not speaking on the facts of what you say I don't even understand what you're asking okay let's let's go back around because how many deliveries a little harsh let me just say one thing let me speak as you would say how you feel let me see what I feel but it's my ending I'm 57 okay I'm gonna give you your interview oh you're gonna give it to me he's gonna let you finish I work out every day oh okay that's a lot right what I'm trying to say but like I said the way I eat is is due to the my program of how I work out you know what I'm saying I'm not taking away what you take away I'm just taking away when I was in the jail they had a lot of I came home with borderline diabetes and all the rest of that stuff and he can tell you I was on mess I did away with it when I came home because I was able to eat right at the same time like I said I'm pushing 315. you know what I'm saying I'm doing on a starter I'm doing at least 15 to 20 pull-ups on a startup you know what I'm saying so I'm doing good you know what I'm saying you know and I slipped down a lot since we went out right now right everything from McDonald's to all that got fat bloated you know what I'm saying that was when I went to the hospital and they told me what my health was I was like oh I gotta stop it so now I'm down at the same time I understand what you're saying you working like that you need that protein you know what I'm saying and what what's what's good for it is whatever you can digest good it's gonna clean your system up right what I'm saying I clean my system as long as I'm sitting um we've all watched you for years the way you've said what you said the way you approach people no one's ever doubted that you mean it that you believe it or that you believe it to be the truth even if they disagreed with you nobody ever thinks that you're lying it's your approach and how you tell people how you feel what the truth is what the facts are from your Rockefeller days where you talk about kicking with your childhood friends up until now the thing that's unattractive about Dane Dash and his information has always been a delivery okay hold up hold up hold up hold up bro but let me know and this and again this is not an insult of course I don't think of that great because I would never I we we ain't got that kind of you know that kind of Tom but that's always been the knock on Dame Dash that you play bad cop and you volunteer to play bad cop and there are people whose ears will be what's the question have you ever have you ever considered that is this something you're aware of and have you ever thought to change it so I'm about effectiveness and regardless the way the thing about people being taught you can't tell someone that's teaching you something that you don't know how to tell you and a lot of times I've said things a lot of different ways very nicely but no one's heard me remember I said that nine times thing so by the time I talk a certain way it's because I said it nine times already but at the end of the day a lot of the times people's ignorance is kind of funny to me and and and it's like I can have fun with it you understand what I mean okay and I'm not so worried about especially men their egos because it's a false sense of security so like I said a guy like Lou a guy like Daniel we really honestly can say anything we don't disrespect each other but we do say what we feel and in any delivery but we're men enough to be like we listen to the substance of the word right we will never put our hands on each other no matter how we talk to each other because we don't go that far you know there's no sucking a big pause mother none of that type [ __ ] copy that it's always but we can always say how we feel regardless the tone the test is if you can listen to the word I'm just a test it shouldn't matter how I say it if I'm gonna get you some money there's no time stop as long as I'm not disrespecting you so I'm not going to speak to the way you like to be spoke the only way for you to grow pause is to be uncomfortable the only way to change the circumstances to do it differently most people are complacent and being mediocre I can't accept it and it's funny to me so I'm not worried about sensitive dudes I'm not worried about men with vaginas you understand what I'm saying and the reason why I know that men exist without vaginas is because I'm around them so is is your and correct me if I'm wrong it's your stance that people who take offense to your delivery are not worth being safe as long as what I'm saying affects them so regardless of how you feel as long as you're productive if I'm this is what I tell and this is what I know with a child if you give them love hug them up give them sweets and don't teach them how to read you're killing him because he's going to jail so being nice is not what is going to be productive for you it can hurt you it's enabling so I'm not here to [ __ ] talk to men like women and if you're a real man you can handle a respectful conversation regardless of whether you like the tone but I never disrespect unless you disrespect now hold on now if you disrespect it's on and you're lucky that it's only that you're talking and that's what people don't like is their reactions to the questions they ask me now I'm a man of respect now if you disrespect me I can't put my hands on you because I could go to jail but I'm a verbally assault you make you very uncomfortable and then I'm gonna laugh at you and if I like your girl I might take her no real talk again this has nothing to do that's a Brooklyn [ __ ] rob the commit laughs [Music] I went to jail when I was 17 years old when I watched this man with the best style crew when I was 15 years old 16 years old my company is called boss baby entertainment right I watched this man every [ __ ] day [ __ ] what I'm saying as a kid and like strong [ __ ] get strengths so I'm not talking to weak [ __ ] I'm talking yeah I heard all the stories about the oh geez who like I've been around and grew up under them right you know I mean but as a young boy as a young boy yeah like I watched them and our father they blueprint you know what I'm saying and it's like I do parties I I book I book artists all over the country right quietly quietly just did a little Ashanti event Jones event right Chicago Atlanta all that quietly you know what I'm saying but I took a page out their book you know what I'm saying right so when you when you when you listen to them it means something it really means something you ain't got to talk about it but it means something right you know what I'm saying yeah like this is real [ __ ] real [ __ ] so All I'm gonna say is this man they like that right the best style crew the boss baby won't be what it is if it wasn't for them they never say something to you that made you upset but I was in his house Beverly Hills I got receipts right here that got you upset I'm the young boy I'm a young boy he's my OG it's not hard to believe that you would say something somebody of course I said anyone that's trying to rob me and he's my alumni he was away for like 20. I'm graduating with college thank you and he you know again yeah the thing that people want like you might ask a guy like and again I don't I'm not gonna I'm not [ __ ] with him but like you wonder like why do people [ __ ] with Donald Trump he's obnoxious because it's just strengthened being Fearless you know and not caring about what people think we're so worried about what people think that we don't really say what we think so lying to me is cowardly so you have to say things to people whether they like it or not if it's the truth because if you tell them what they want to hear they're going to continue to fail tact about what attacking anything the thing about it is no but I don't understand the question like the thing about it is that you get what you're fighting against right if I'm not fighting no no no no no period the way that you address things you get that Society is being set up in a way where people are taking offense of course it's meant to do that I'm saying yeah these are program people yeah so I'm trying to break people out there and I have so when I did The Breakfast Club with Daniel everybody was mad but everything changed it became Independence so when I was being obnoxious and waking people up about independence they were like oh [ __ ] you talking about NASA and that's what that [ __ ] was cool now it's not cool I changed the game you have to be disruptive to change the game you cannot change the game you can't take a block being nice see your approaches you know what I said you can't take a block you can't go to war being nice the people that are hurting are the people that need to be hurt but none of my homeboys is hurting with me you ain't hear no disrespect we still cool it's been 20 this man used to work at Rockwood with me 20 years ago anybody you know that knew me years ago they don't use camera Rosario I know in College Columbia College what's you know what I'm saying we still cool so if I'm not cool with you that means you're a sucker that means you were hurt [Applause] my intention is to offend those that have have stopped the evolution of our culture I want them uncomfortable our culture yes our culture again clarify our culture because you know people that have been oppressed no hip-hop definitely black people first and foremost because I'm black but anyone that's been economically challenged by the system so that you're meant to work and fight your brother and be mad at other people for your lack of success but you still paying homage to those that are oppressing to me that's a clown [ __ ] no one programs me I program you and actually I deprogram you and honestly like so where I'm from um what was that [ __ ] you were saying uh the the uh um uh what Jim Brown was when when they all get together the um intervention an intervention where I'm from if you're doing something like let's say Lou or or Daniel saw me smoking crack intervention would be getting punched in the face and I'm not smoking crack no more so right where I'm from the learning curve is a little different but it works and it's better to hurt you now than to see you get die later right that nice [ __ ] is a disguise for evil right you know when they say the devil came as a snake in coming to snake no yeah with Iran he came in something fluffy and cute he can't pretending he was God or her so I'm just hip to that [ __ ] it ain't about how you feel it's about the facts if you get sensitive then you have to say I'm a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] we'll have to look in the mirror and say why am I a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] cause I'm mad about the truth no one's gonna do that though foreign so the question would be if I'm throwing stones and I got a glass house my house ain't glass but actually it is because I'm transparent I don't hide nothing so because I'm honest about me and my opinions on everything else that comes by me I have nothing to hide but that's what a harlem [ __ ] do okay it's a harlem thing that ain't completely yeah what's the question like why do I offend suckers I don't get it why do I offend [ __ ] ass [ __ ] no it's not why do I [ __ ] question like what is it what's the question you got the question from me right like this is I want to make I want to make sure you got the you understood what I was asking you were saying do I ever think I should change my delivery so I don't offend people no I'm not asking that was my latest term okay got you I don't ever want you to change I know you don't I catch Flack in here for having the same kind of delivery the way I talk to artists how many CDs you throw away today you mean be honest basically but nobody wants to hear that part but all the [ __ ] do I'm from Queens you know sir like this let me just say I'm from South Jamaica so [ __ ] it's like this yeah no division because division always divides us and it keeps us standing right if we on TV and I see that you got like corners and some mayonnaise or some [ __ ] on these [ __ ] if I tell you and you get mad at me you're a sucker but if I tell you and you thank me then you like thank you bro then that's real [ __ ] [ __ ] there are dudes that get mad because you told them there's mayonnaise on they [ __ ] corners and they [ __ ] mouth on TV like who I'm not doing that so who we told sir all right the position is going to confuse the hell all right here mayonnaise on this joint and it went left he said thank you I don't want to talk about it see now you don't want to talk about it because I'm not giving nobody that kind of burn he's in my rear view but you know again I'm just talking about you're connected to so many situations that I've been here for 30 40 years I'm exactly [ __ ] just sitting in here like why isn't it I've been bringing people up and [ __ ] because we don't know if we answer the right questions go ahead okay you preach Unity you're directly connected to a legacy of a lot of [ __ ] yes but unified right why did it go live it didn't go left okay didn't go left hold on hold up hold up what are you talking about Rockefeller Rockefeller I'm good you outgrew it yeah because you were focused on fashion yeah I know that's the [ __ ] I know that I think about it like I don't want to listen I had daughters right I didn't want to be around dudes all day right I'm sick of that [ __ ] right I wanted to be around things that were like different like again I listen to rock and roll because the screen is traumatizing to me bro but this [ __ ] is real these are my own voices you know I'm saying this [ __ ] is real this is [ __ ] you read about I'm not proud like oh it's not tough to me it's like yo I want to sit on a beach and chill out right I'm not gonna just enjoy my life because the thing about it is that light was taking me away from my daughters I want to be a father my dream was to have a family my dream was not to be in I wanted to break a cycle I didn't want to have a dysfunctional [ __ ] family I wanted to [ __ ] really raise a child and play with a baby right I'm gonna [ __ ] about none of this [ __ ] that [ __ ] is corny but you ain't worried about your children and your house you whacked at me bro you know what I mean what are you worried about what other [ __ ] think about you before what your kids think about you you're [ __ ] cornball right but now I'm not gonna judge you want me to stay the [ __ ] away from me but now look you see how you have to double back now you have to double back at all no you're doubling back talking to these kids in these schools and the kids in jail yeah because they need us right I can't forget about it because the example is missing right and I need to make sure that I articulate in a way that doesn't trigger them right yeah so the approach does matter to the children to [ __ ] ass [ __ ] that don't I got that so then why are you asking me the kids it's cool listen I'm gonna talk to the people I respect with respect but you're a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] your wife glad I never had that problem two things one I wasn't asking I was clarifying I get it I'm not bro I need to right I know what you're doing right two that's what I'm answering right and I know you know me if I thought that it was different I would have put it on you pause I got it he told me I'd have been I'd have directed you know I don't feel that way I know what you don't but I don't mind answering these questions I like them well let me let me before I lose myself I'd be a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] before I lose my place so the perception of why Rockefeller ended is different you're aware of this it's because Jay did what he did he you know he didn't want to pay three [ __ ] he made a move on his friends it is what it is bro I don't want to talk about it no no all I'm saying is the perception of why Rockefeller is it is not that Dame Dash wanted to move on to do something different it was that's not I believe you that's not the perception who cares but you're aware of that [ __ ] sometimes you gotta makavelli yourself to be left alone interesting interesting so then dd172 happened absolutely how much fun was that which it was it was a ball changed the whole world it was a ball I'm still mad at ski me too yeah I'm still mad at ski we had a lot of people but it's all good it should have went way different than it was it's all good but the art galleries opening all that most fun I ever had bro something you know it was great and you stopped yeah why because I got too old to be watching [ __ ] I wanted to go raise my what happened was my daughters moved to uh first of all they ran me out of here so we in Tribeca I'm throwing art gallery open which it would be like a thousand people in the street police was cool so one time we threw an art gallery open and it was for like a Japanese earthquake it wasn't a lot of people and I wasn't even gonna go to this [ __ ] but I decided to go and the white shirt the captain the hip-hop police they was outside I'm like what the [ __ ] going on so I go out there and they like um the hip-hop police they can put me inside he was like you know this call came from the mayor somebody over here don't like you and he cool with the mayor I suggest you get out of here we was doing a Japanese [ __ ] uh uh you know exhibit Art Exhibit and the white shirt [ __ ] was Japanese and he was like if you don't cut this [ __ ] down whatever's going on in illegal I'm arresting so I shut this [ __ ] down and walked everybody out and I paid heed to that [ __ ] so I shut the [ __ ] down I went to Puerto Rico and I'm telling everybody indeedy wants and they're not used to that [ __ ] so I'm like yo we shutting down the police we hot and they thinking it's funny and [ __ ] but I shut that [ __ ] down I went to Puerto Rico came back went to Brooklyn for a little while caught it got to pin out some [ __ ] a couple places me and ski and then I went got a a a a a a gallery in the Lower East Side I called the property but I went back around to uh dd172 and that [ __ ] was all taped up and you could Google it meaning the feds have ran in there and [ __ ] like that tasted they said I was selling the illegal liquor you could Google it it came out so I was right so I had to shut it down because it got too hot and then when I went to poppington you know [ __ ] was popping and [ __ ] you know they all reconnected but my daughter's moved to L.A and they come first so I just shut everything down went to L.A but then I opened up shop in L.A and I had uh you know game Dash studios in Burbank and it's still there and now I just opened up in Florida so for me it's like a club like the first time you go to the club the [ __ ] is fly the second time the slide but not as fly and after a month or two that you know that [ __ ] gets garbage I need to be inspired I need to change the scenery I like to say like I said I like to run around the world really what happened was also when we did the uh Breakfast Club I was too high all sudden I had warrants so I broke out that was the I had a dream but I was waking people up but I'm not going to be Jesus and be hanging on the cross if I already saw that Jesus had to hang on the cross or yeah sure so I already know the truth teller gets portrayed they gave us a blueprint of what it looks like when you tell the truth everybody betrays you so I know like then I'm just gonna be out of there and I'll just go disrupt another town you feel me you know I don't think that I'm a lot of a look at history and how it repeats and I'm not going to be a victim I know what happens to the good guy all the bad guys try to make him look like a bad guy foreign you know telling the truth to survive comes with strength yeah you cannot be a sucker you cannot not know how to fight if you're gonna fight a superhero cannot be solved but you gotta fight the right fight and I fight for love I don't care about money money is too easy to make and it's man-made God made love so that's the currency that I hustle for and that's what makes me feel the best I know too many billionaires that are [ __ ] miserable if you weren't happy broke you're gonna be unhappy rich I was happy oh I don't remember being broke ever why are you doing that I was never broke [ __ ] and you're talking to me I was fighting with him so hard I can tell you I had the Black Max when I was 15 [ __ ] right wrong all right so then you don't listen to rap music at all Nicolette wraps I listen to rap music but it'd be my friends it's like somebody I know or like on Tick Tock you know I know who DD Osama is I know the young drill [ __ ] I know what it is right but I'm not listening to that [ __ ] in my car you ever thought about sitting down with them I would if they need the help but I'm not trying to hang out with them I'm not trying to exploit him no you know what I mean I'm [ __ ] 52. what am I you know I don't want to hang out with a 16 year old but you know I mean like my daughter's you know I mean I'm grown bro I want to be appropriate at my age you know real old school money just starts giving away money that's what I do I give it away can I get a hundred thousand dollars you're not economically challenged and you have an education and we don't need to give you anything I don't I'm I'm curious to know how you would deal with the younger generation in general don't be curious you should know I go into the school myself not that not that not that set that the hood entertainers all right they all come talk to me what do you mean I always tell them away [ __ ] you asked Flex who pulled this coach ask any one of these Independent Artists you'd be surprised I've been really cool with like a young Dolph he used to come see me all the time no I'm not surprised videos not this you know again but I'm always that person that's going to tell someone how to win what was golf what was golf coming to see you about he was there was um he was in like a uh there was a I don't know what it was but I'm in this video and then I made a movie and there was a lawsuit over there but I'm gonna get to that later and he was in the movie A little dirt this is a little dark without breaks a little dirt a little dirt in La he was in the movie with me I was in this video and [ __ ] I know what I I usually know people way before they break and I get where's Khalifa crit currency currency yeah I never wanted to exploit the artist I just wanted to hang out because honestly I'm an artist bro I just want to be artistic like I just want to just [ __ ] make I like fashion I like directing I like I like I just like being I just think it's cooler to just do what you love right you know like I'm I'm like a a stoner dude bro I get high all day you know what I'm saying you know you've seen me I like to laugh I saw I think I think life should be funny all day I think you should enjoy it I I don't believe in worrying I believe in having fun worrying is praying worrying is praying to the devil that's what I call it like people around me that are negative I say they're possessed they're possessed with evil negativity is evil yeah it [ __ ] up everything I'd be like yo you possess you need to [ __ ] exorcism don't ever talk negative to me I'm saying the only thing exactly sure that triggered me only thing that triggers me is negativity visualizing the worst means you're gonna make it happen not only visualize the best I only I know what I see when I look in the mirror I'm hyped every time so when I visualize what I look like it should look good I'm not gonna visualize me having a [ __ ] L I only see me with a W and I don't accept nothing to that visuality that I see comes to fruition it don't matter how long it takes as long as I'm having fun while I get there you know how much fun it is to talk to my man because you know you would think that me and Daniel sit around and talk about like oh this [ __ ] kills isn't it nah you talk about evolving you talk about helping we talk about the future how to do things better but just in a tough tone you know what I mean you know he got this [ __ ] having Up In Harlem and [ __ ] like he throws he's been doing it for 18 years just because it's Instinct he doesn't make money he's been doing it thousands of people come no violence and he makes the last money that he made everybody bring their sons so that they can meet each other so they wouldn't he beef it and whoever doesn't hug he'd be like yo [ __ ] y'all doing you better give this [ __ ] a hug right now it sounds like he's robbing in it dying I'm like [ __ ] let's go [ __ ] you doing hug that man if I [ __ ] something up here the approach works and it works the approach works you know so you know like I said like I watch a certain kind of charisma have people inspired to do what you're doing you gotta lead by example you gotta look cool while you're doing positive [ __ ] if you look granola and broke why are you helping people nobody want to help right but if you fly you got cars that's why the principles they be flying in a drug dealer you know gotta be fly because you want people who want to be so if I can set an example of taking care of my kid helping my homies and them helping me and being cool and [ __ ] but dressing well and still being swaggy then other people ones like I said when I saw him walk across the street with his kids that [ __ ] looked fly and the reason why I look so flash is because I don't see it so much it stood out a father stands out yeah in this day a black father you know you know it was like it was worth the fight but what I always knew was you can't raise your kids from bars yeah and the burden you become the people you love when you go to jail the people that you trying to make sure are all right when you go to jail you really [ __ ] their life up how did you feel when your artists were going to jail I hated it I hated that [ __ ] that's the reason again that's why I started doing rock and roll the reason why I stopped hip hop is because I couldn't have them around my daughters I can't have men with unrecognized trauma around my daughters you think I feel like going to jail over that and I'm not gonna feel better if I have to hurt a [ __ ] for hurting somebody I love they just gonna die [Music] um you got a generation now where attention is the new currency that should have been the currency it's just easier but but now it's they feel it's more accessible true and for a lot of people who saw you the way you saw your man walking they see fly do tough with his kids and everybody looking at him doing this but they don't see what it took to get that way and they just want the end result it's the purpose of these conversations so now you're I was there when I met currency through you right I met quick through you over at the spot that was that Generation The Generation couple couple rappers down these dudes just want clout and attention they don't necessarily want them you know why because Leo Cohen is giving you a check if you do something that hurts where you fighting and it goes platinum on YouTube you're getting paid for that um so the algorithm pays you even though education pays you more per stream not anymore pun not anymore they stop that yeah when yeah this is all types of violations now but they stopped yeah you think I'll be podcasting right now if I can get a chicken I'm joking I'm joking thank you thank you I love you for that um what was the question I think you answered it thank you I thank you but I wanted to say if reverence the dean is how like that whole approach of of like stinging somebody when you talk to them I think it's very effective because this Anthony lucky right I know I think it's a fact you don't understand when I'm eating my whole Everybody Eats right so when things would get [ __ ] up [ __ ] would be like this [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm one of you um I'd be like just relax you understand what I mean yeah you know what it is to be able to have the button you only get that kind of power if you won't push it if you trusted with it that is a fact you understand what I mean because that's the test I'm my enemy's savior I'm the one that asks people to chill out on my behalf you understand what I'm saying what's your best array of knowledge what could you say with your best teacher or your most influential teacher there's been a lot it depends on what time in my life overall overall Muhammad Ali Farrakhan you know I still kick it with Farrakhan I check in with him all the time not all the time but like once a year a couple years just to talk about strategy he's the one that told me about farming he's the one that taught me about gmocs we never talk about religion we talk about helping but the real help you know there's been so many influences in my life it was Russell Simmons you called him your OG I remember that you know because he was getting the models I liked his lifestyle I knew what I wanted to you know I was like when I get the money I'm gonna do that I don't want to hang out with [ __ ] who the [ __ ] wants to hang out with dudes or I don't understand going to the club with a bunch of dudes you can't get no girls yeah and to me that just means you're scared like what the [ __ ] how many [ __ ] you gotta get 20 [ __ ] in the club too much work honestly everybody influenced me it's just about you know because again like I honestly was like yo like when Daniel I'll be like because he had the white pins with the beat you know the white the Momo he had a really ill call but he never went outside you know he didn't go to the Rooftop you really have to be in the know to know him you had to really be in the game so he made me snotty and hustling you know but like a guy like ooh that just never I mean I I saw the [ __ ] he was doing you know what I mean so it was like I saw the respect you know what I mean so it was like yo I need that you know I mean like he's a funny guy he's smart you know you're not a dumb guy that's why he's still alive so these are the guys that I have firsthand like you know you can learn a lot from somebody from two generations down by reading I got to see certain things like I'm lucky well it's impossible to come from Harlem and not be a promised by this thing yeah yeah but not to say nothing but this was my man though [ __ ] were scared of him this was a guy I talked to this is a guy that'd be like yo yo you all right and I'd be like you why you know what I'm saying it was like that you know like it was weird because it would be like in the middle of a jungle we all had our own we we were just like kids the thing is with us is we still are like we don't have to act tough It's the only place only place a tough [ __ ] don't have to act is with real tough [ __ ] that's fake anyway you know what I'm saying it's just like we do it's the most relaxing yeah so we can laugh and [ __ ] like that but we really have real problems his problems will wage more severely than mine but the fact the way he dealt with his problems gave me strength oh this thing is standing up he not snitching he doing all that time and it wasn't a person that came home from jail that didn't tell me how ill he was in jail you know what I'm saying like he'll be like yo like you know he did like 25 27 how many years ago so over that time you know people would come home I was with every story was crazy all these [ __ ] is a superhero in jail too [ __ ] he's trying to like go past it they had to move him out of every jail in the east coast and put him in L.A because he already burnt out every jail that's what happened correct so he'd be like yo come you know I've been trying to visit him but the [ __ ] be in L.A I'm in New York everywhere you go he can move you know what I'm saying man what the [ __ ] is going on but my point is I'm first hand seeing the effect of what it when you're a legend at one thing it come with 30 years I was way had preferred to hang out with him for them 30 years but you know what's crazy when they go to jail you get closer to them than a [ __ ] you know because you talk to him often you know what I mean so we talked a lot you definitely after a while like we lose touch because I change the number here in the end and he you know we get together but it's ill-bidden with somebody you know what I mean something was said earlier too and I know this is probably personal to some people in the room but it is what it is and I'm gonna always say what it is jail is not cool what you think it's not something from the devil right the devil did in jail jail something from God and according to the way we live some of us makes mistakes and jam just like hell is something that God have reserved for us the police and the judges and the lawyers they're just playing a role as well they work for the higher power let me ask you a question real quick because a man not from a culture says something legal doesn't make it legal to God so if someone from a higher part of our country says we got to go to another country and kill kids because we told you that that's legal it don't mean it's legal to God absolutely you know absolutely and some of the things we in jail for are their rules but we wouldn't be in jail if they were our rules you know the crazy thing is the people that we call criminals by Society are heroes to us in the street because they he's a hero because he didn't snitch even though regardless of what he did the fact that he had the honor to be accountable makes him a man what makes us more accountable is when we come and recognize the sense that we were in exactly be accountable for that but is it is it a sin when you're defending yourself yeah let me ask you a question if you agree to a game and I agree to a game [ __ ] the law is it a sin if by our rules if you violate me I gotta do something for by rules that's fair our rules not their rules once I go against my parents because my parents are the ones who have been set in play but if you don't have parents if somebody tries to murder me they deserve to get hurt and there's nothing wrong with that and if you play a game we're killing this part of it you violate the game it's a part of it is that a sense yeah yeah so why is why so so let me ask you a question is hunting for sports absolutely yeah but how many people murdered so that's what I'm saying but people don't go to jail for that that is but they still have to every time what I'm saying is whatever we do listen what I'm saying your survival is the law survival to not get killed is the law now if you just killing [ __ ] for no reason you deserve jail right if a [ __ ] trying to kill you cause he did something to try to rob you or you got to kill him it's hard to say that why is he trying to rob you regardless of why you know he might be trying to rob you all right because you didn't connect because I I I I if you have a lot of money and somebody tries to rob you and you hit him with a gun that's not illegal and the money might have been made by illegal means you're going to jail it's a domino effect again what's the debate I just want to make sure it's not a device it could be yeah it's not it's not what's the difference sometimes people is placed in a position where they have to do that's what I'm saying you know what I'm trying to say in my case you know what I'm saying I grew up in the 60s so I grew up in poverty you know what I'm saying I grew up with you know there was no Pampers my mom's had to wash you know my diapers out of the tall I mean in the bathtub and all that you know what I'm saying so we didn't have that until our family event I came from a family of 10. so you got to remember it was no abortions back then so I had to come out and do what I had to do and the main thing that I was taught from that is that whatever you do you get money you bring back to the family but at the same time when I'm trying to when I'm trying to Advocate is this you don't say these dudes today and I'm I'm I'm not trying to move off the subject these things to do today they got more things in place for them more opportunities to get money I'm trying to say then I had them so therefore it was a reason why I did what I did now mama said I want to I want to continue with this too because my education came from institution from juvenile from state jail I learned you know what I'm saying and I'm gonna say this because a lot of y'all dudes look at rich and the rest of them if had they had the education I had from growing up in the household like I had I'm not saying that he didn't but they had went to jail and at an early age 16 Juvenile and all that [ __ ] they would have got that they would have been able to deal with certain things that came along see I got that education in jail you know what I'm trying to say so when I went to the fence believe it or not I knew how to make nines you know I'm trying to say how to put dudes on Deck because I learned that from certain dudes that you know what I'm saying black panther dude that was in the jail you know what I'm saying so I mean you know what I'm saying my history of Falls like you know what I'm saying can I just build on that so when I told you I went to the jails and I saw what they were teaching them they were training them to go back into the community and Justified doing certain things that we would consider Criminal it's not like people aren't stepping in like you say it came from juvenile this is what they teach you in there to survive so when you're born into an environment and this is all you know it's not wrong to you so you can't judge a person by the way they're programmed sometimes that's why we all have unrecognized trauma the first thing that I did when he came home was getting with a therapist you understand what I'm saying just just to talk it out and we did it publicly so people know it's not weak so that we know that he's trying to improve himself the second thing we did was talk to a senator about the problems in jail so that we can fix it so we don't have to have another loop because he's so intelligent very clear and a good do but based on circumstance this is all he knew to survive he was trained to do this by our government about Satan all right call it you know we all have different names for different things how's it there so it is therapy was helpful yeah it was terrible but like you know I'm still going through trouble like my you know I'm saying the females that I'm dealing with they've noticed certain things you know what I'm saying like me getting in the shower still with my clothes off yeah so you know it's it's coming along but at the same time like I said it's it's a process I remember 27 years of process and I've been through a lot I'm not saying that a lot of dudes that went through my time they did these times smoothly but I did my time bro because I was holding out a state that was a bygone you know I'm trying to say I'm saying this because all the young dudes that came along I had to hold them down so therefore I'm going to lock down programs and I'm being suffering I mean being locked down you know I'm saying belly chain shackles me and my silly butt ass naked they putting us themselves you know saying I got to turn my back while you go to the bathroom a lot you know what I'm saying certain [ __ ] like that that [ __ ] is unhuman you know what I'm saying that's it services at the same time I came out the way I am you know I'm saying with a mom but at the same time I'm still traumatized because every now and then I get flashbacks like yo what the [ __ ] don't say even with dudes that I don't know or I do know that look different to me they come up to me like yo sunshine I'm like what the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying because I'm still my point I'm like yo what the [ __ ] who are you you know what I'm saying so I'm still kind of traumatized you know what I'm saying you know that's so you know but but on a personal note he really is like no one knew who was going to come back but he came back like no I don't want to go back I want none of that I don't want to have to worry about the things that I did because people understand why and I don't want no use to go back into that you know you know what I mean at all and that's a good thing right it's a great thing but imagine him as a little baby you know what I'm saying and when he had to go through to become this guy so that's why I was asking like what the [ __ ] like you know I could ask him to stay like what the [ __ ] made you think you so tough like anyone just like you in Brooklyn Just Like Us in Hollands you know what I mean we just stand tall it's knew we had to stand up who's ready to die for that [ __ ] at a young age we'd be ready to die bro when we get older then worry about death but when we young we're gonna be giving up you know that yeah you're not even expected to make it to this age listen I'll tell you the biggest the biggest thing that I feel like affects us is black men in these neighborhoods and what what makes us just have so little respect for human life is not having something to be attached to right that's why a lot of these kids uh join the gangs and all that there's no history for us to be proud of that's something that's something they used to play my mind when I was younger it wasn't until like I exposed myself to like uh um of religious uh religious groups or whatever something that would give me a history to say yo you're connected to these great people and you're really from that bloodline you know what I mean you just thinking so yeah they brought us over here and that goes back to the visuals we see right to the movies we watch right we're 100 right there was a when it was when there was there was a time each one of us in this room is survive right now but hold on that's bad hold on what you were saying is right there was a time when the Moors ran the planet right we ran everything but what you do when you conquer somebody erase your history so it never happens to them again again I'm not mad at them because when we was in control they was our slaves and they don't want that to ever happen again they were very strategic see a punk is strategic real strategic scared [ __ ] is gonna make a map so he don't get hurt the tough [ __ ] just gonna walk in without a plan because he think he could deal with whatever right we're we're taught to be tough not strategic we're taught to be tough with each other but we're not strategic about how to fight them the worst part and them is not a color it's the people that are trying to oppress us the division thing it's not a white or black thing the bottom line is if I want to take over the world how am I going to take over China without somebody Chinese I don't speak Chinese so I got to have somebody Chinese with allies I got to have everybody that speaks every language so that's why when you look at me it'll be like I'm black enough I don't need so many black people around me I know how to talk to black people I need to talk everyone's language and the misconception is black people can only Inspire black people why can't a black man have a white staff you don't think a black man can lead white people why if a black man owns something that's in the Black Box the reason why my television network isn't distributed is because they keep putting me in the Black Box because a black man owns it you don't think I can make content good enough for white people my [ __ ] good for everything but the bottom line is the challenge of breaking through that barriers is an art I'm having fun with it you understand like the fact that we got through the rough stuff already right and we still here you know how much fun it was to have my man Daniel on a Porsche with Stacey Dash in a movie that was just like just because you know it was like bro if we was back in the day and I'm gonna tell you like 20 30 years ago but I used to talk this kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] in 30 years I'm gonna have you in a movie we gonna be doing interviews I'm gonna be the finest [ __ ] in the world I was talking like were we not talking like that um we we all had this kind of arrogance you know but I was and because I was presented I didn't go through what he went through yo but if you wouldn't believe that [ __ ] right no I believe it if you looking at this little [ __ ] like what that's what you gonna do I was parking this [ __ ] back right but did he do this [ __ ] yeah and you gotta you gotta bring it back so thank you so you got to think about how much fun I'm having right now right because I've really been through some [ __ ] yeah we get to laugh again we was in the bar right there it's like the old days I'm like oh [ __ ] I'm with my homies yeah the [ __ ] that I really trust I trusted them with my life it was bad when he was outside when he was on one well I never had to be scared I never ever felt that with him ever in life and that's a stat cause so many people did when I hear about when I hear when I be hearing the records I might be talking about Luke when I hear the stories I'll be like this is my man well this is the [ __ ] I snap with you feel me so I miss them I'm you know I mean like I was looking for Daniel because I'm like damn I ain't got nobody that I could really [ __ ] with who the [ __ ] I'm gonna argue with [ __ ] you understand what I mean like to have friends with some ill [ __ ] but to have real friends that been through some and you're not talking about trying the one thing I never hear let me tell you some other [ __ ] right so these [ __ ] that I've been around that's supposed to be tough and all they talk about is being tough I'll never hear him talking to no tough [ __ ] all we be talking about is how to get money how to help how to keep all of us out it's not just him all of us out of trouble so what we talk about is the plan to do better and that's why I still talk to them so I know a lot of people but I don't still talk to a lot of people I'm a very select group you know what I mean so I'm like damn my team is home like my original team I could at least know that if we don't get no money together we can still kick it I can still get some advice I I still have someone that will challenge you you know what I mean like a real [ __ ] no yes man [ __ ] if you don't have a Jew to get into filming Dash because I just thought I was bet I had too many experiences that I knew were better than ever like you gotta remember like this is real time like we I saw this [ __ ] so not very many people that saw it are in the position to make a movie right so I'm looking at movies and I'm like the [ __ ] I saw is way better than all this [ __ ] and I could make this [ __ ] so paid in full is real way better than everything because it's real but I got to see it like it's very rare that you get to see something and document it but I had to really I liked the art of it the thing about a movie is there's music in the movies there's fashion in the movie there's acting in the movie the editing the font the way it moved wait till you see princess Detroit like I'm nice like I'm proud to be a director so everybody looks at me as a businessman and I had to make a belly there I'm like I don't want to be a bit I don't even like business I don't like it I know it I don't like it why don't you like it because it comes with [ __ ] anything driven by money is coining in his bottle service I don't do nothing for money wow I take pride in to be able to say yo [ __ ] you and [ __ ] that I'm out I love that [ __ ] bro I love to yell at [ __ ] that other [ __ ] think are strong and I know they weak that came from him you understand like [ __ ] he he just thought everybody was soft [Laughter] so I taught everybody for everybody he thought tough [ __ ] was soft I mean he knew it right and the [ __ ] he was going through was like real tough like he'd get shot and still be fighting and being when it came he had this limp and [ __ ] why you don't live no more he got shot like this [ __ ] really to me I'm like this thing is really a superhero right you know what I mean that I'm like but but the thing is because we're always in competition I'm like he could be a superhero I could be a superhero you know what I mean but I'm like if I could take that toughness and do it legal I'm Invincible because nothing's gonna bother me because I'm I don't have to go through what they go through so arguing with a lame [ __ ] you like you lucky I don't Smack you and I really was like yo I'm I you know I mean again I'm not a tough guy but on the Block after a certain amount of arguing it goes to fight right right so it'll be like yo we don't do too much of this if we're not really friends and you're not going to disrespect me you're not even gonna tell me you're going I don't care about a contract your word is your contract in the street you understand what I'm saying and I don't that's the reason why I like I'd be in court and they go how did you do that with our car I think I'm from the street we don't do contracts [ __ ] you mean [ __ ] that you want Consignment you got to pay that or there's consequences or you think somebody's off like I would never hit him I would never hit certain [ __ ] I know ain't got to pay me back you know what I mean so to me this [ __ ] is a game I survived the rough stuff and that was for me and my boys to make some money have fun you know and provide an environment of healing not survival why is healing so important because you got to move forward if you don't know what's bothering you it'll continue to keep you in the same place and at the end of the day the [ __ ] that bothers you bothers the people you love right so if you care about the people that love you like what he's talking about you know with the women and all that [ __ ] he's just so loyal he tolerate I'm like you tolerating that you know what I'm saying like you because someone rolled with him he's just that guy no matter what you think about him in the street and he [ __ ] with you he [ __ ] with you you know what I'm saying and the Loyalty that he has and the Daniel and that we've had for each other I haven't seen it in corporate you know what I mean and I don't even expect it in corporate anymore yeah anymore in the beginning it was like this [ __ ] is crazy so would you say then you inspired you 100 when you say when you say you um you don't see it anymore I'm not outside anymore oh okay you know I'm 30 years removed from the street I'm never I'm not a street [ __ ] no more the [ __ ] that I remember I'd be like I would never do that right now ever and the same thing with corporate corporate I don't even comprehend that [ __ ] bro and then they got license only we got his license to hold it yeah I got a license for it to drive I got a license for a gun I can keep it on me huh oh good you're about to get into bet um I wanted to ask um but I'm lit I'm listening to you too um a lot about healing a lot about original team and being able to trust and and and I'll I'm I'm getting it yo this whole situation which one from the music oh that's like 20 years ago like 20 years ago I can't remember but I'll try but it put but it puts you in another Direction it was just a face it's a chapter in my book bro but it wasn't just the chapter yes it was just a chapter to you yeah right right so you're you're continuing on well are you proud of that chat I just started my run has just begun are you proud of that yeah I am proud of it why the [ __ ] would I not because you're not speaking about a girl because it's so far gone no no you haven't asked me about it it's not I mean BT's doing this British rap crew of all time do you feel like this [ __ ] is so documentary oh man you can't say that yes I could I don't know I was trying to buy it all right cool that'll be that that'll be one of those things you'll have one too I guess it looks like somebody's trying to get a deal with me too [Laughter] that was hilarious questions I got another question after this though greatest rap Crews of all time where would you rank one Rockefeller one number one you're supposed to supposed to and I don't I expect any other crew to say that they were number one but do you feel that way of course for me I I I don't know about anybody's experience I know about mine but they gave me the life I have now so yeah papa who's the best no no we got we got we got something we got something we got something we're gonna go through it no no come on now now they they've been doing brackets for weeks and it's like depending on what you consent the best right so for me what's your criteria my criteria is making the the rapper a billionaire yeah who got the most bread not not hit records not influence not not best lyrics best rap crew individual you have to remember I was in the crew right so I had I I never during Rockefeller looked at another crew and thought they were having more fun than me [Laughter] because you're the only one who can have that criteria exactly so I'm the one that's going to tell you it is and that's that's number one if we're judging all the crews who's eyeballs the CEOs or his fan [ __ ] I'm a participant in the game you also a fan of the dudes you had on your roster though of course that's why some of them right right I'm saying the fan okay it's different when you watch the Lakers and play with the Lakers right you don't know I don't know what it is to be a fan I've only been a player I can't tell you what a fan should think I could tell you what the players should think for a player is who got the most bread and who had the most fun who's I'm 52. we talking about 25 years that's how I know I did it they still talking I haven't even touched Rockefeller pause in 20 years and they still talk about it like it was yesterday I got to be the best that ever did it yeah all right so they got these brackets the greatest rap crew of all time um I'm just gonna read off the names just paid up right now and you tell me who you pick Wu-Tang Clan versus Rough Riders no not doing that not at all they both my brothers bro it's 50 years later if you would have asked me back then I would have been like Rockefeller right we battle these [ __ ] you feel me but these are my brothers these are my brothers you don't judge your brothers right like I'm not gonna say yo who's the best Hustler me who or Daniel [ __ ] we still friends so we all the best hustles right we fought a war and we still friends he said referencing who reference yeah they both my friends visiting I just did Black talk with d and why and Rizza and and and and and and and you know shout out to Dave he definitely picked them huh I don't care no I'm just saying yeah definitely I get it but I'm not that's what makes me different next one next one let's see let's see if we'll pick the next one Divine I'm gonna do that yeah good music versus hypnotized Minds what what's that hypnotized mind Three Six Mafia I'm from here I again Kanye with me so I'm gonna say Kanye good music he's supposed to anybody from there supposed to say that you know I mean next one keep going Death Row versus TDE I mean I was death row because I'm I'm 52. so you know what it was when yeah but I really keep that's a Kendrick Lamar I [ __ ] with Kendrick he's a lyricist you know with a Pulitzer surprise it depends on what you consider a win that's why I was asking for your criteria early there is no credit you shot me up but this is great as soon as I mean it's his greatest you shot me up I'm sorry go ahead I'll give it room again nah just whatever your crotch I would like to know I think judgment is I don't I honestly only like to think about me I'd rather talk about women right you know what I mean like talking about [ __ ] is like what am I I'm in the room why would I talk about another [ __ ] so yo so who's the females in these groups yeah let's go female yeah all right they're throwing TD who's the females on the other side scissors yeah just two different things right there come on the second one's a rapper are you talking about afro puffs Right girls sing in the shower and wash themselves and other girls used to load up guns it's a [ __ ] Rage which one who's the first lady I dropped the meal but I love them everybody loves a meal we all get hungry if it was cool no disrespecting me yeah um YMCMB versus so-so deaf you're going 90s verse 2020. I remember this oh I don't really listen to current [ __ ] unless I know them personally no I don't I I I love hip-hop but I love all genres but [ __ ] really gives me flashback you know how you say that he got fight I I don't want to I don't I don't like bullets I don't like to hear about guns but I don't like to hear about that [ __ ] right you know like I made it out the jungle to [ __ ] get to a beach right so I listen to things that Soothe My Soul what I'm not worried about being tough so I don't need to hear anything to make me feel tough right you know music makes me feel the way the music is like if I hear some smooth music I feel smooth if I feel some violent music I feel violent I don't want to feel violent I surround myself with female energy they don't want to see a tough [ __ ] they want to know that they protected and it's supported right but they want a [ __ ] that wants to do art and yoga and look at the beach and laugh and watch movies and that's the type of [ __ ] I love doing now some of them want the tough [ __ ] just gotta think about what kind of woman that would be you think that though because I think about what kind of woman yeah I want to tell you this that you're wrong they don't want a tough [ __ ] they want a dude that's gonna listen respect them not abuse them and worship them and that's I worship women I love women they make life I don't see man as God I see woman as God the reasons now Lou is a real [ __ ] right he just said he's used to taking calls showers withdrawals on cause [ __ ] was watching if he was in the girl jail he wouldn't be wearing no drugs pause you know what I'm saying like who want to be yo right like I'm not gonna lie when I'm hurt I cry but I'm not I when the lead died they got cried in front of everybody I went crying for the no dudes I wanna do rubbing my shoulder I want to be comforted by a female that's just me I'm not knocking nobody else but me but I don't want to be around [ __ ] all day I was already I already did that [ __ ] I don't want to be tough all day even when I win a fight my Knuckles hurt you mean all my Knuckles is broken bro all of them both my feet from fighting from winning them shits I always end up having to heal bruh bruh this guy I ain't gonna lie broke a couple of joints so so um look today I'm in I'm in the room I'm in a car you know Nicolette Al Boogie Raquel and I'm tight about something and if it was [ __ ] I'd have been arguing all day before I'm gonna get too abusive with a woman I'm jumping out the car all right I'm not even gonna do this because I'm gonna get to me I'm gonna just get out the car I'm gonna just take a walk smoke a joint walk the dog you know what I mean with a dude it'd have been like I got to stay in there right I don't like to feel I don't like when I'm mad at somebody it don't feel good if I gotta fight somebody I don't feel good I'd rather laugh than be mad I don't like being mad so when I'm mad I get it over with I don't hold it because that causes cancer I don't internalize something which makes people uncomfortable but I'm not going to internalize the truth I just don't see I just think it's cowardly not to be honest but I'm not gonna ever abuse people if I'm conscious that I'm triggered with a dude I I deal with it different but with a woman I try to stop it because I don't want abusional girls I don't want to abuse no puppies I keep myself around babies I haven't changed I changed my environment yeah you know what I mean yeah like the same [ __ ] but in a way in a way you know being being vegetarian now that kind of takes a lot of aggression no I'm still looking awesome I'm still aggressive yeah but you're cognizant of your aggression I've always been cognizant you got to remember Rockefeller I was a character bro I just did what I had to do but as you see when it was a roach no as you see you know me on the east side I ain't seen a roach in like a long time I almost said where's the remote Giants as you see as you see I forgot what was he talking about we was talking about how happy you are with life now and yeah of your aggression right as you see nothing's changed I'm the same God you know what I mean but my environment is schools I'm not selling records I'm selling books we're selling movies you know I I really like to do something that's going to help instead of just talking about it when I walk in the street [ __ ] don't talk to me about Rockefeller they talk to me about my last interview it's about what I'm currently talking about but I was talking about this [ __ ] before but there wasn't no internet nobody was listening right and doing interviews a form of therapy for you hell yeah talking is always a form of therapy go go you know how good it felt to go into the bar what's the name of this what's the name of the ball he's in yeah your brains Lorraine's SC Lou and see Daniel and Simone all these people that I grew up with happy laughing like it's the old times and we all kind of got cars [ __ ] all look good my [ __ ] is healthy free like Lou is here that [ __ ] was bugging me I'm like oh [ __ ] I'm with Luke I ain't been with Lou since in the [ __ ] 90s the 90s but they like you know I you know I talked a little a lot when he was in jail so they all the people around me talk to him the first time you met him right but you know him you know my son knows his voice it's crazy how a [ __ ] go to jail and you become closer to him than the people that are not in jail yeah you said that but the thing I'm most proud of is she doing better than [ __ ] that was home or 30 [ __ ] years it's okay your heart you know when you was young growing older certain things in 30 years is here now bro 20 30 years later and how many [ __ ] around these things yeah how old are you bro in the ass all right go ahead and sit down that [ __ ] 25 drop an album next week the Third problem that was The Black Keys thank you okay thank you number one rock group in America you in a rock group yeah I've been into my group I got a mainstream writing children's books yeah more movies on the way comic books television network streaming service I got a movie coming out see to me the flex is to be able to do everything yourself because if I really wanted to flex I go buy a company in distress raise some money and I'm on but I like to build brands I like to really design you know like I'm nice and [ __ ] design and fashion I'm nice to direct their music I'm I'm nice at even being on the stage and you got a good ear for music good air for music you discovered Kanye and thank you and and curriculum I like to Showcase that I'm nice and everything right and I'm having fun with that like I did the business already I got you gotta remember I got I'm 52. I got to retire at 35. now you see me outside since I was 35. these [ __ ] like [ __ ] think about great hair now all type of [ __ ] white joint you ain't see me in that long I haven't had to come outside you know what the luxury is of being able to wake up with your baby and your girl and be able to move when you want so that's wealth when you can disappear thanks and especially when the internet I can see my life on Instagram but I ain't got to smell your breath because [ __ ] don't care if they brush think they still talk to you all right and who smells 100 points and don't drink nothing your breath goes stink how are you gonna talk to him then and expect him to be all right when your mouth smell like a fart and you know what I noticed a lot of celebrities they think they breakfast think yo did nobody told you your breath stink so I don't like to smell people yeah you know I like to smell the ocean and good food I like to chill when you high you don't want to fight you want to relax right I like massages and [ __ ] who the [ __ ] wants to be hurting somebody that [ __ ] hurts I like to love and be loved my love language is physical touch from the opposite sex no poison needed [Laughter] and again no disrespect to nobody but individually I know what I like my dreams are different than people's that supposedly they're my dreams what I like is supposed to be you can't judge me for what I like but I'm not judging you for what you like right they don't as long as your hustle don't [ __ ] my hustle up you could evolve at your own pace no no I gotta ask listening you know knowing everything and how you were perceived and all that do you think in America once you become successful black man that they try to make you look crazy I think they try to make everybody look crazy for money so the thing about me is when things are negative and said about me people it's clipping is profitable so when you're successful anything not successful is profitable it's about profit so there's a yin and yang of everything so you're gonna have bad days you have good days I don't think none of this is serious did I just tell you where I just came from this [ __ ] is a joke to me bro the fact that I'm famous is funny to me he Daniel how much how many times you had to tell me [ __ ] you really famous I'm not famous even you don't understand I'll be like yo I don't look at it like that I look like a regular I feel like I'm uh it's more fun to be a regular [ __ ] with superpowers than to expect everything to be normal right to be able to appreciate everything is so much fun you gotta be broke to appreciate being rich you know I mean you gotta feel some pain pause to actually appreciate when there's not pain so in in a in a funny way my mom's died when I was young and I saw a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] young so I was able to appreciate everything else as I'm older after a Leah died unless you die I'm not unhappy you understand like you can't broke bill a problem unless my girl dies in a plane crash it doesn't bother me unless somebody's dead or in jail or sick to where they about to die everything's a joke my condolences we never spoken person about it I appreciate that you know I mean but like everybody dies bro yeah it's just a matter of when and how you deal with it how did you deal with it I cried and went to therapy and I had a lot of fun and I have dreams that I were fighting for so I'm like damn everybody dies but they don't get to die and go back to a big house in a private jet and then 9 11 happened I'm like all these people went through something similar but they still got to go back to a regular life I just appreciate the fact that I survived everything else is [ __ ] to me and now I'm hustling for my grandchildren like getting money is too easy like I could always buy a two-seater it's easier if I'm selfish you know being fresh and having a nice house is the easiest thing in the world to get in a nice car you know but it's really like I take pride in how much my kids are enjoying my our success and being able to say yo what do you want to do like you want to run the sneaker company you want to develop the football league you want to run their clothing brands CEO so let me explain the difference between now and then so let's look at rockware me and Jay are partners and then I gotta go get another 50 partner two Russians that own 50. so I only own 25 percent just 25 the people that own half should just been renting our brand not owning it and it's not about me it's about everybody I can't pass it to my kid you know what I'm saying so I had to make my own brand something that's 100 mine and if I get with someone that's going to give me volume you could license it you could rent it from me I'm not giving you half right I did this with rockware Rachel Roy Russell did it we all did it we always had 50 Partners just because they had a juice at Macy's and they have production knowledge that we didn't now I got my own brands I was always known for making other people rich and showing them how to make their [ __ ] fly I can't pass another nigga's fly to My Chosen so I had to take 10 years and I spent 10 20 years helping other people so they get 10 or 20 year Head Start and they also like to use other people's money but for me for the freedom and the futuristic [ __ ] I want to do I don't expect nobody to believe in my vision yeah if if I'm not paying for it right I don't want you to pay for my [ __ ] dream and then that becomes your dream not mine so for me it was like I know how to make money with other people's money but I want to make money with my money I want to make my own Brands and I want to be creative I want to be able to be in a rock group and not care if it don't sell I want to be able to direct the movie and have it come out in theaters and do it on my own and and make movies about what I want to make movies about have my own streaming service have my own television network make my own children's books make my own comic books make my own magazines you know what I mean that's just fun to me it's not fun to me like money is not the first it's the challenge of life but I did the drug dealer [ __ ] I've been with the illest [ __ ] that ever did it that's in my rear view I never have to wonder if I could survive around a legendary gangster I did that on my own and I could have did it without them but I chose to do it on my own again I can't even talk about my family you know what I'm saying so at this point in my life I'm like this [ __ ] is [ __ ] fun I'm having a ball and I'm the guy that could say whatever I want whenever I want and I'm only saying good [ __ ] right now and I can be fly I could go into play I could go into jails I could go into schools I could go into anywhere and talk good [ __ ] while rock group because I like I like instrumentation I'm aggressive I want to punch you in your chest punk rock I'm not even Rock but and you should listen to this [ __ ] cause you're gonna like it I challenge you to listen to my [ __ ] you can go to Spotify right now go to therapy by Dame Dash and you know what's crazy I do rock I do when I do a rock concert or like a show you'll have a a Daniel in the crowd and you also have models in the crowd you have such a mix of people people that come to just say yo I'ma laugh at this and they rocking out we having mad fun only thing that stopped us we've been doing shows was the um was covered and you know I'm diabetic so I wasn't [ __ ] around you know I mean but now I'm out I'm outside and my blood sugar is at six nine so I'm doing good you know a diabetic will understand that my A1 is a six nine I'm a professional diabetic so these folks 270 which is cheap to me God damn it so I like the independence I like I like what you're doing you know and and it's my man right here the intellectual let those come out those are the blue boys take them out take them out CEO Jack class CEO and I'm gonna give you ten different styles a year different match colors knows unless you need LLC for these all right you can't wear these LLC the next one is going to be vegan [Music] those ones whatever color I got y'all what happened was after we put up just off the design everybody bought them I was I ordered samples to give my friends but everybody bought them so you know again like I'm transparent so I always show everybody while I'm developing things so as soon as people saw the design they thought I don't even have a pair because they all sell out you know what I mean and you know what's the name of those CEOs CEO of declare collab yeah CEOs CEOs CEOs mm-hmm it's the old brand it was a Jewish brand that my man Willie Esco bought um we reverse engineering Easy by us we want them that it has everything so you know you can't I didn't want to get into the sneaker game remember I had Pocus I just don't believe I I don't know I don't want to wear like a suit company that makes sneakers I don't want to wear that because they're not as special as a stinky so I felt like you had to you know you got to get with get with someone that has Heritage you know so it's legit so it's like for kids with that deal was stupid but this is a good deal no you're smoking I'm walking into business meetings I don't want the CEOs absolutely and next month there'll be another stop thank you very much sir ah I definitely was about to forget they're looking for the assistance black guns yeah you can play it I got videos I documented the making of it all live I got the best guitar player on the planet ain't from Harlem me black hmm and all he's at the Curve you know you gotta remember when you obeying it you get like to me I believe everything we know let's put it like this if you knew how to read people's minds would you tell everybody I don't know so if the government knew how to read our minds you think they'd tell us so the the technology that's available I feel like they've kept us a hundred years behind us yeah that's a control you remember showing up a certain amount of money you'll be able to know everything first you remember show called Beyond 2000 when I was a kid I was obsessed with this show used to come on on Sundays on Fox it was called Beyond 2000 I used to show you all the futuristic [ __ ] that we would have about a year 2000 went through life God to the year 2000 I don't see none of that [ __ ] but it all exists look at the Jets is supposed to be now the Jets is supposed to be now back to the future we already so you got to remember like they're gonna keep us dumb to keep us [ __ ] controlled all you gotta do is watching listen you know my man one of the old episodes The Simpson's been predicting everything we're about to check is my man Billy Carson yeah you know and you know a lot of stuff is about space travel the Anunnaki but it's all logical it's all the scripture a lot of what's been presented to us is you know anything that's been presented to us is always to me to control us I don't believe anything that's been presented to us so I always look at what's logical right I don't care about how I feel and that's probably why back to what you were saying my delivery is Harsh it shouldn't matter the way I'm saying just listen to what I'm saying I know it shouldn't I know it should and and I'm not saying it's you I'm saying Joe you're not talking you know the people that are offended pull your [ __ ] skirt up that's really how I look at it because if I would have reacted like that I just got smacked in the back of my head and I'd have appreciated it later because I don't want to be a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] whatever I think yeah we also have to consider that that generally speaking there's an old saying that says uh when you throw a rock and a pack of wolves the one that house is the one that got hit and I've I've worked directly with Dean uh in Rockaway and I can honestly say that after following him and taking a rule out of his uh you know several rules out of his Playbook um I started to understand what he was talking about whenever he was he would deliver his message right and what I realized is that a lot of people that that get affected by what he says I mean offended well it's over compensation because you're not fighting I'm telling you what he's saying is he started as a person that was an employee that got a boss mentality I talk him boss so if you talk an employee you're going to be offended by me but the boss doesn't get offended by what I'm saying can everybody be a boss I don't care I talking boss it's not for me to say it's not everyone can be a boss they have the potential to be a boss but do they want to be a boss subject to the individuals is that like I said after taking several plays out of this Playbook I started to actually think and talk exactly like him being around my circle of friends or whatever I came across you know trying to you know why because you were frustrated because no one was actually understanding right but what the [ __ ] is wrong with you it's frustrating right you know I mean it's just logical why would you not want to be rich so fast forward so fast fast forward I get a message from a friend of mine because some people ain't bill for it so that's on them I get a message from a friend of mine one day and he's like yo and mind you it's not anything that I that I've that I'd like to talk about you know my past I don't like putting my resume out there like that but I get a I get a message from a friend of mine and he uh he sends me a video and he was like yo this guy reminds me of you and I open it up in this game Talking his talk and I say that to say that um a lot of it is based on people's uh lack of understanding and more so being offended like you're saying right what he's saying because they feel like he's talking directly about their situation and what they're doing because they hit Doggers hollering bro I completely understand that My Philosophy has always been number one not arguing with anybody that Harriet Tubman with a shot number two not everybody is not everybody is meant to go with you some people are are leaders some people should be led and there's no disrespect to evil roles but I don't believe I think a lot of the confusion we have today industry-wise which is what I deal with directly is that we put a lot of people who should be working in the boss's chair they want to be able to say they're the boss but they're not the boss because someone hired them well or or they took their money they got in position and they don't have this to lead other people they just want to be able to say I'm in charge I tell you what to do but you don't know it's a hired person a founder make something based on what inspires them you know when someone gets hired it's for the money and money is insecurity like I said it's bottle service money don't make you cool you know I mean for me anybody that does anything for money is a cornball but back in the day anything for money was like respectable you know but to me it just never was because again money is man me I'm not gonna be a slave to a man ever support Bill Gates that's what we going with it right now remember remember what he said earlier about trusting your oppressors to feed you exactly my answer for that question is is bottom down a population of Earth right now I don't care if you're black or white moon 100 they're trying to control it they try to put you in one place but once you know what it's your job to protect yourself and your family everybody else if they want to be dumb and not listen to this one that's why you said some real [ __ ] to her you said yo you getting money and all that but you eat poor that should mean me really like yo you know what you write bro because we know you know it's a lot of [ __ ] in this fool we know what's going on we gotta step our game up if not look how many Nicks getting canceled yeah yeah I'm vegan six days out of the week six days out the week then I'll go eat some [ __ ] right because a lot of y'all get caught up with this how to eat right that's what I'm saying I did a lot of study throughout the years right back then you got to realize our ancestors live to be a hundred and something years old eating pork it's because the way they cooked it they cooked it for overnight you know what I'm trying to say your [ __ ] put some chilies on it and cook it overnight they cooked all the impurities out of it you know what I'm saying they could get impurities out that's what that's what it is but at the same time you got to realize the way we eat now everything is a rush you know what I'm saying yeah as fast as a pork chop it gotta be 15 minutes you know what you're trying to say right so you know what I'm saying you got to do your you got to do your real you can't just read what's with what's written today right there you got to read it all you got to read the fine print and all that [ __ ] when it comes to eating you know what I'm saying then you got to go into how you eat or grow your own [ __ ] right like I said I got my way of eating you got your way to eat but at the same time you gotta realize your ancestors cook that pork it's a whole different so we can't um what's next for you man um for me it's uh honorable part two pay the full effect and this movie Dead weight is more books Tesco goes to the Center of the Earth more education it's going to be you know Blue Rock his music you guys break this out come on man bro and uh it's just different verticals but you know and and and me being a creative but also me trying to help and bring awareness to the things that need to be changed and also coming with a solution you know that's the most important things are solutions and because we're used to complaining and talking about the problem once you start chipping away at the problem your PST was it psg-stra medicine I always forget the initial it makes you still think that you're not doing anything but I'm aware that I'm doing things I'm going in these schools you know I'm part of you know the OSG and the commission I'm putting in that work you know yeah so the solutions are happening I have a plan and I'm enjoying it you know and also raising my children being a dad you know being a husband that [ __ ] is [ __ ] fun and then watching my friends evolve so I don't have a ceiling you know I know that my Arena Football League is gonna go yeah I felt you know I say right yeah yeah aifa and uh you know my children are now adults and I've made Brands and I've I I have things for them to take to the next level so I was really to see what my kids are gonna do and for me to be able to watch and and that's what I've been hustling so hard to just give them something to to because he give him some you give something to somebody that they don't fight for they don't fight to keep it yeah so I'd rather give them a brand that's not so profitable but that's an A1 brand that has an opportunity to say fight for this [ __ ] you know so again I was talking to a fourth generation at the uh one of the schools and they were like this is a fact first generation makes a sexual second generation maintains it third generation [ __ ] it up it happens every time unless you're Congress into that you don't know how to stop that so I'm asking him because he's a fourth generation cat how the [ __ ] do you stop that and he told me he gave me the game and that [ __ ] was important to me because I'm like yo I'm not gonna accept anything but making enough that my grandkids kids are billionaires what was the game it was about he was saying that in the summer you know he had to do like maintenance and a lot of the stuff that I want to do and you know keeping around real people making a family family name important again yeah but making it bigger yeah you know I mean like if I left you with 100 million it's your job to make it a billion because you don't got to go through what I went through but I'm gonna make sure you know how to do that um you know I mean the biggest challenge has been raising my children yeah you know so the difference between going into an economically challenged school and a private school is one School's first generation kids so I'm talking to the principal of the private school he's like you know my issue is these are all third and fourth generation kids they're entitled how do I get them to act like first generation kids it's tough they bunch of spoil [ __ ] say tough times create tough people tough people create easy times easy times create these people and small people who create tough times and the cycle contains 100 but being aware of you know an algorithm and knowing what is going to traditionally happen you can change it so I'm trying to change Cycles that's why it was so important for me to have a wife and a kid that I grew up with because I didn't have that and the other four or five of my kids didn't have that so I didn't get to break that cycle I gotta break a cycle a pattern that happens over and over again is insanity bro if you know there's a problem why do it the same way you got to fix that [ __ ] you know so for me everything that we've done has got us here I got to do it different to get us somewhere else and that's what I'm doing so I don't expect people to understand it no matter how I package it what I know is that when I say things nicely nobody hears me um you know what I mean brother may you never bite your tongue if I said I didn't hear Dame Dash in the back back of my mind when I was like cooking up certain plants create this [ __ ] and just just do something that nobody did you know like nobody in my position done like this is certain strength about you that I feel like everyone needs to have deep down complete just just just something something in their hearts that you want to complete something that's going to tell me Shut the [ __ ] up and get it done that we thank you for your contribution not only to hip-hop or two motivating younger brothers and sisters to get to higher levels appreciate that all right [ __ ] got bars I can hang with the Backpackers I'm in the hood with the work you heard making things [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 852,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Math Hoffa, My Expert Opinion, mathhoffa, my expert opinion math hoffa, expert opinion, math hoffa my expert opinion, Breakfast Club, Ebro in the morning, Viral, Viral clip, Joe Budden podcast, Smoke champs, Drink Champs, Best podcast, Top 5 podcast, Revolt, No jumper podcast, Ted talk daily, Joe Rogan experience, Rory and mal, The daily, Tiktok, Barbershop, Entertainment, Asmr, Million dollar worth of game, Kayne, dame dash math hoffa
Id: 6yN7yYqRWKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 38sec (11078 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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