Ice-T On Past Beefs, Nipsey, Acting, Publishing Deals, Social Activism & More | Drink Champs

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] look when we talk about our icon of icon when we talk about Legends of Legends this man has had at least two three four careers careers so many people come and go on this rap game for you to sustain your success like how this man has sustained and been a g about it the whole time a lot of people would have lost their mind went crazy been rolling out here with 15 000 people he came to dinner last night with his family hmm like that's gangster to me I mean album after album Head after head continuously to be relevant you know some say is the father of gangster rap and then to have a great career like that and then go on to dominate movies and dominate a TV show that TV show been out for [ __ ] 25 [ __ ] years [ __ ] if you don't know what the [ __ ] are you talking about at this point we talking about [ __ ] foreign [Music] yes and you think the haters I think the haters but did you make this speech up as you as you was talking or you had this written down I walk I walk with that all every day like haters I've always been my motivation I actually have a clothing line called powered by hate wow which I've always been able to use you know the the the the the the energy from them as my motivation right you know like all I gotta do is go on internet and I find somebody talking [ __ ] about me then I'm gonna go in the gym that energy this [ __ ] fell off okay that that's why I need that because praise doesn't do much for me I'm not that guy like it just I I got it so a bad show is what's gonna make me do a good show so so I always like use it so now I'm getting the star right huh you'll know how many times I've been arrested in Hollywood how many times I've been face down on them Stars looking at it that's Chris you know getting cuffs so now I've been I've been to Hollywood Police Station so many times so now that what a difference the day makes now they they honoring me and so I'm there I'm in this moment right I got Dick Walsh and all the Law and Order people there Russell Simmons Ice Cube showed up you know all my G's were there and I'm saying all the right stuff and then I just it just hit me man that [ __ ] just came out of nowhere I said man I think the [ __ ] haters man I gotta get there y'all really what pushed me and motivated me to get to this point the fact you said I could not do it so I tell I that's it just happened man and I I think people have dug it it was organic yeah it was it was authentic it caught the Holy Ghost [ __ ] these [ __ ] haters man they got but I love them because I need them see that part of environment but you but I suggest people go watch the hoes yeah you know what I mean it's motivational yeah the host because a lot of people don't know you was cursing throughout the whole [ __ ] speech my curse I use all Kings English I I explained to people that even the term curse like you know if you look up profanity in the dictionary there's something which is Blasphemous blasphemy would be saying the lord's name in vain so the only word that could be considered Blasphemous would be God be damned right you know when I'm not going to do no no Seance and not [ __ ] here but basically [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hoe dirty hoe [ __ ] this these are just taboo words that bother people right so your parents would tell you if you say them words you're gonna go to hell but in that by them using those words using that theory saying [ __ ] is going to send you to hell they in themselves are are creating something Blasphemous so if anybody's going to hell you [ __ ] parents for lying to you all these years because I I think profanity is just an explanation point you put into a sentence right you only give you an example your mother says don't take the car your dad says don't touch my [ __ ] car what he did is he took a a word project into this sentence it brought your attention because the car can't [ __ ] more or less [ __ ] his [ __ ] so so when we say these words it's like they're this explanation points right so are you to add to the statement but they don't have they don't hold any marriage right right they don't you know [ __ ] what is who have really ever seen [ __ ] like you know is that what is a bull I'm a dog [ __ ] so I just use them so you know and if you ask me not to I won't I can also do that all right I can behave if it bothers you it offends you but if I'm speaking freely which I feel like I'm on drink champ so occasionally [Applause] occasionally they'll pop out and like you early said something about gangster rap when I started rapping I was cursed to use profanity that was new right that was new people actually get on the record and just say talk the way people talk that was new just like throwing paint on the canvas how old was you yeah when I started rapping yeah I was uh about 26. wow okay I didn't start early I I I actually had been in the streets so I had some experience you know my wife would listen to rappers she's like 19. I like she's like so how could they have done all that I said they haven't they haven't I 27 I've been in the military I lived I've been out there I tried my luck in the streets so by the time I was rapping the my my [ __ ] was loaded with information so yeah 27. what year was that when you said oh no haha I don't know I'm older though you know I graduated from high school in 76. okay I was born in 77 just season 75. don't make me sunny yeah so last night you're hanging out I got you to drink a glass of champagne yeah I I told you I don't drink but I socially sift socially sick when you socially ship is it always champagne sometimes like I'm out with my wife she'll drink cranberry and vodka and you know depending on how you mix it it can it's just you know you can mix it strong sometimes I'll sip uh Kahlua and milk which is kind of like Starbucks okay yeah yeah you know I've drank Jager my like when people when I tell people I don't drink what I mean is I don't need a lot of [ __ ] I don't sit in there I don't sit at home and drink right okay you know the homie that's sitting home at two in the afternoon with the bourbon like looking at television and it's on and that [ __ ] that's not me and I I never really drank when I was hanging out because I failed to compromise my position I never thought being drunk was attractive for men or women because because yesterday you said um you didn't you didn't never taste the aces I never tasted Aces so I remember doing you introduced me to it what I did what I didn't realize is you want holes not discrepancy but um misunderstanding about 99 Problems well think about the 90 let's go you want to go into Jay-Z yeah yes he wants to get ready you know he owns this champagne remember love for [ __ ] that's right I know Jagger I met Jay-Z way back in the day Big Daddy Kane brought him to my house wow back when he was with jazzo wow Jay-Z was just a kid so he wasn't really too and much but he was just there with Kane Kane was the boss everybody they take see what happens in the in this podcast world is they'll take something I'm saying right now and they'll edit it with another something from someplace else and it turned into a conversation that not is not real right there's no beef between me and Jay-Z and 99 problems but a lot of people didn't know that that was originally my song right so when they asked me about it I said that's originally my song then the podcast World goes ice two see Jay stole it no Jay did not steal it you're just explaining something explaining it so you want to know the story The 99 problems because we're on drinks yes let's go I was with brother Marquis from uh two Live Crew two Live Crew and Joe brother Marquis was talking about whoop there it is now do you know the story behind whoop there it is no whoop there it is is what they used to say at Magic City when the girls would bend over and you could see they [ __ ] wow I know what right tag team with the DJs in Magic City all right so I make sense so when the girls there it is because I just want to be clear Magic City is Atlanta Atlanta Miami because he said brother Marquis okay yeah Atlanta okay tag team were the DJs in the club they with the strip club DJs and that was what they say when a girl been a whoop there it is so now that became a big hit record some Marquis is at my house he's like [ __ ] the phrase it pays you know and then out of nowhere he said man I got 99 problems but a [ __ ] ain't one I said what the [ __ ] did you just say he said I got nine I said that's a record Mark that's a record so he says okay [ __ ] with it so I write the record I gotta Hope from the East I got a hoe from the West I got a hold of likes to jack it off and rub it in the chest I got a [ __ ] from the north a [ __ ] from the south a [ __ ] like to suck it long and hold it in her mouth I got a [ __ ] with hair a [ __ ] with none a [ __ ] with a knife a [ __ ] with a gun a [ __ ] with as big as a TV set and there's a [ __ ] over there hey the one I'm gonna get but yo but maybe not she may not like me though no sweat to a vet a [ __ ] a sister though word I rock the whole damn herd [ __ ] them all and put them on the curb I got a [ __ ] with a mink who rocks a fat gold link who likes to [ __ ] me with an ass upon the kitchen sink I got a [ __ ] with tits a [ __ ] with ass a [ __ ] with none but hey I give her a pass and I love them all I love them crazily and they love me back that's why they stay with me so if you're having girl problems I feel bad for your son I got 99 problems oh so that that was that was on the home invasion album so there's more you know it goes on and on and Marquis says of rhyme and so so what happens the way The Story Goes Rick Rubin was producing Jay-Z in the studio and Chris Rock was there this is the story I got Chris is an iced tea fan because we we bonded from New Jack City Pookie pookie I saved his [ __ ] life well he got killed Pookie got it later yeah he realized yeah he literally laughed so so [Laughter] so apparently they said Chris gave Rick the idea to do 99 problems and so that's where they they decided to do the song the code thing is Jay-Z when he did the song he even took the hit me yeah that's the part that got me I'm like damn he got that but so he does the record the record is a hit now I had a publishing deal with Warner Brothers when you anybody knows what a publishing deal is you can sell your publishing to people for a year and and they'll give you the money yeah I don't know okay okay it was one or something okay okay it could have been it could have been Universal I don't know I had a publishing deal okay so for that year they pay you at front like say for instance over a year you might make to 300 000 on your publishing with a publishing deal you say give me that up front and then after that number we'll split it 50 50. and then at the end of the year I get it back and I could do it so that's a publishing deal during the time I I did the 99 problems I was in a publishing deal so that money just I didn't get paid it went off to the deal and that's how it happened uh Jay-Z didn't steal it right right uh so I the end of the story is it hits the internet and everybody iced tea is pissed I'm like I'm not even this trip for somebody to say you mad and you not mad I'm like I'm not mad why are they making me mad right so I'm at the Grammys so I see Jay-Z right now now Jay-Z is another uh has turned into a whole nother thing yes right you know but I respect that once he got married he like he's now I I respect marriage okay okay I can't we don't you know so anyway I see him and he smiles at me he goes ice you mad at me I said nah and then she said you know I love you right I said I love you yeah I said yeah and he says I said Jay-Z that's not by my words right and so then at the end I said but Jay during at the end of the record you could have said [Laughter] but no no all love and you know once again this is what the Press can do and steer [ __ ] and beef that's not every beef to be clear though did your publishing collect off of that I'm sure they did oh I'm sure they did okay but I'm sure they did but no there was no check written I didn't get nothing like that right I mean just recently Ice Cube is the neat Teenage Ninja Mutant Ninja Turtle Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles right and so I'm watching TV and I hear the [ __ ] Turtles say uh six in the morning police at my door no way right you heard it that's your [ __ ] right right that goes through publishing and stuff like that and I got a little check because I got my publishing back now I own my publishes so I got a check I want to tell you but I got paid I was like okay so Jamie I know he's not drinking but can we offer him a glass of champagne yeah give me give me something give me give me something from the top shelf yeah yeah but but yeah yeah I don't have no beef with nobody man I I I've made managed to navigate this this hip-hop [ __ ] without any drama with anything which leads to my next question oh here we go um oh I'm a hustler I'm I'm I'm your pusher right that was that loud yeah yeah yeah yeah you got the crackhead taking everybody else's music but when you offer him out music the crackhead said nah man okay let's go to LL okay it's just called drink Champs or beef chance started okay this door is still being told but this had happened yeah LL was LL was the [ __ ] at the time La was out you know it insurmountable beat subject of discussion You're motivated by that see I need so I'm I'm into LL right but LL had came out and said I'm the greatest all-time early in his career he started the goat thing right okay I'm coming from L.A I'm trying to be a hot rapper so I had to go at him that's just the culture so I took off on Ella [ __ ] this [ __ ] like that's what's happening right not like I want to shoot him just [ __ ] you you ain't the best rapper that time I thought I was pretty good rapper okay all right and that's what it was um I started it pretty much that's it I started it right so LL comes back with the break of dawn are you just me call me a little rap raccoon some [ __ ] because I had to ponytail and we was about to come back I had another song called open contract right and um at that point L wanted to be part of zulu nation and at that time I was higher up in Zulu because Africa Islam had put me in the game so is was the President right right so they come to me asking me can Alby and Zulu I'm like nah nah I can't so cause I had a little power so it went back and forth and stuff but bambaata at the time just said yo we need peace peace peace peace so me and Elle agreed not to talk [ __ ] about each other we didn't do no handshakes or hugs or kisses or make records we just said we agree not to be at each other so I never said anything else negative about L he never said anything else negative about me fast forward 20 years we're in Monte Carlo uh at a television convention right we're going to skip over Monte Carlo no we went on a vacation it was a TV convention where people from television in the United States would go over there and they had like an award ceremony and all that old [ __ ] so I'm over there and I look across the thing I see LL Cool J you know something to walk over to L up Cool J right 20 years we have never really talked so have y'all saw each other and not talk or or never no we never crossed paths okay go ahead continue we never crossed paths but it was never no real beef right it was just rap [ __ ] you can't have beef and Monte Carlo anyway that would have been disrespectful people I mean y'all depends on who you [ __ ] some [ __ ] is on site so so so anyway I I walked over to L I say yo man long years with just that in the third man you know just want to let you know you know even even back then what I you know I just I didn't necessarily apologize I said I just clarified my position that I wasn't mad or we wasn't tight he said ice it was the culture man and that's like that and then he turned he said man I need you he says I gotta I'm doing this rock the bells radio and I need to get at you so me and you could show our you know this this right for the culture since then me and LL I've been on his podcast I'm not a podcast but live stream and we chopped it up and we were just recently at the Grammys together I mean see real beef this real beef real beef Never Dies real beef real beef is murder right death That's That Never Dies I don't give a [ __ ] you know if somebody killed somebody that you love that not going no more we ain't hugging later [ __ ] you know what I'm saying but everything else is not necessarily real beef uh somebody ripped you off some money this Saturday you might be able to get over that you know so rap [ __ ] is not nowhere near real beef that's not real you know it's not in my book oh that's real [ __ ] so like again sorry bring up here we go who else anybody else you're playing the war report so I'm sitting there and I usually be like come on because I want to hear my own [ __ ] that's one day right then two it's like you know it was a different setting but I didn't say nothing to you I just it was what you watch you know what today is the 26th anniversary of the war report how the [ __ ] and I'm looking and I was just like I usually I be like oh please man I don't want to hit my own [ __ ] but for some reason I was just like I can't tell ice nothing and I wake up this morning and all I see is like I said this [ __ ] told me it was basically like he was telling me that last night look Nori that's what you don't understand me right that's who you are to me right you know like La we had our our rappers our gangster rappers whether it was spice one or myself or choose one all the all us Ghetto Boys but we knew who was doing this similar [ __ ] in West on the East Coast Queens to us was the most replicated gangster rap the best whether it's mob deep what is Nas I mean also we got to go with MLP you got to go with Capone Noriega we know who is doing that [ __ ] the apolitical gangster [ __ ] gangster [ __ ] gangster rap is apolitical all right that means like [ __ ] the laws I am the law and this is how I see [ __ ] you cross me you die that's gangster rap right that's what norian was Iraq and all that Bloody money like yo we like who are these [ __ ] who these [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah so I'm feeling that right now I see him like now people see me as the police right right because if you're 20 I've been on TV 25 years playing the car so if you see me on TV you 21 22 you have no reference point to me as anything other than that right my reference point to Nori is not drink Champs right right it's them like that you know like you get shot [ __ ] right and I don't even think a lot of people who really set up with him on here realize how dangerous his music was or is they don't think they get it even if they caught the end of it when they you know they like yeah a lot of candles with laps around English Etc that's not that Gangsta [ __ ] that [ __ ] was doing earlier that early [ __ ] was violent which I like right so I come in bumping that [ __ ] through my little speaker I still listen to that [ __ ] me right now if you're in my car we listen to mob deep we listening to that kind of heavy [ __ ] I just it puts me in a Zone it keeps me on like this you know I love it so look this is my reference point but I said let me remote War report because of the camouflage it's only gangster it's only right what do you have on it's another Richard why you say Richard because I'm trying to sound I'm trying to sound Rich that's how they pronounced it right Richard Richard Mills I thought he was going with the other riches that he had on yesterday he just busted another one come on let's make some noise for that [ __ ] another thing we was talking about was don't get me robbed you're good you're good I've been telling [ __ ] these swatches they look like swatches like Swatch watches like yo no but I'm like come on man one thing I don't wear jewelry yeah one thing one thing that's funny is um you we was talking yesterday and you said that how at that time it it was frowned upon to join a TV show he was looked at like a Will Smith or like like you know like like he was looking like you were selling out at that time look dude everything I done it seemed weird to [ __ ] in the street like when I started rapping [ __ ] like you a rapper what like you rapping like [ __ ] we getting money [ __ ] we get we out here doing our [ __ ] you know you rapping like it was why until they till they all went to prison and came home and now they work for me right you know right you know but at the time like [ __ ] you better come get this money stop playing with rats fat [ __ ] like they were we was whack like [ __ ] you dance [ __ ] we don't dance [ __ ] like you was a b-boy he was out there but I liked it see I I got I got hit by the hip-hop bug I wanted to be a DJ a b-boy all that for my street cats that was not because there was no money in it right if ain't no money in it they like why are you doing it waste time so I would hustle on the week and on the weekends I would go to the club and beep and play rapper but as far as being an actor of course when when I started acting no one had acted yet nobody Will Smith nobody nobody I was the first rapper to take on a dramatic role and what role was that uh my very first row has to be New Jack City wow that was the first time because you had Tougher Than Leather correct me if I'm wrong yeah you got Tougher Than Leather you had you had uh uh Beach Street but nobody but at that time the rappers were playing red cells they weren't really acting right right right so I had to play a cop and that was that was a trip too because that was the year I dropped the Original Gangster album I was terrified I thought I was committing career suicide wow yeah but uh you know I took the chance I got I told you a story I got pressed like I used to get my hair done right you know remember ice had a perm I was my [ __ ] was more wavy than the ships in the Navy yeah because it's a player as a player you have to outmatch a [ __ ] you gotta you gotta look better than a [ __ ] that's the game that's part of being a player you got to have your nails done better you got to dress better your hair got to grow longer you have to outmatch him like you know you in that weave you know that ain't your nails so so you gonna bow down to this country you understand what I'm saying so so that's why so um I was in my place getting my hair done I just get my hair done twice a week and uh I said I got a chance to be in a movie and the girl pearl who did my hair was like and you ain't gonna take it because I didn't want to play The Police I was questioning she said [ __ ] all you [ __ ] is running around here doing all this crime [ __ ] and you you talking about no opportunities and this is the opportunity if you do not take it you're a real life sucker and this is a woman call me a sucky real life sucker you you this is your chance do it you're gonna keep it 100 forever because I know how you cut but don't let this [ __ ] you up you know but you and then then I that was first one then I talked to one of my Real G's nelzy rest in peace he's like why are you worried about playing police [ __ ] know you ain't no [ __ ] police why are you worried about that [ __ ] [ __ ] you got to get that paper and then I would call my I talk to my other homies I say yo man they want me to be in a movie play the police they'd be like word should I be in the movie call people in jail yo they want me to I know you in the bowels of the devil I know you stuck you want me to I want to pay the police were if I was home could I be in the movie you know so everybody said go do it do it do it I did New Jack City you know and that was my first movie and in the in Show Business If the movie you're in makes money you'll be in another movie all right and then you did New York Undercover right see New York Undercover is another story where I was at my house in Hollywood Hills at this time I was living I was I was like I'd elevated out the hood I'm in the I'm in the Hills you ever see MTV Chris where I had to you open this [ __ ] up yeah the [ __ ] house with your brains blown out who had a convertible house DJ Khaled Ain't Even still got a convertible champagne take a super champagne God damn it well they got a convertible house [ __ ] stop let's get to the convertible house okay yeah this is some good [ __ ] yeah I've chased the Champagnes before I I know Dom is nice a good champagne when he gets in your mouth evaporates right exactly if you taking wax champagne when you it tastes like you drinking seven up right right two all right anyway convertible house I'm at the convertible house fab five Freddy's at the crib one of my OG's yeah that's right he was there well he's he's a day one hip-hop right yeah of course certain people are day one so he's talking to me at my by my house he's telling me we should I should turn my living room into a planetarium like and so I could have stars up there so we could show the hoes the constellations I can't make this [ __ ] up Freddy gonna laugh so Andre Harrell hits him up rest in peace Andre Harrell's like you at Isis crib tell ice to come be on us be on a New York Undercover so I told Andre [ __ ] that I said that's a rip-off in New Jack City [ __ ] you in case you haven't checked I'm doing movies right now [ __ ] I don't do TV so I'm on my [ __ ] right because I was doing a movie I was doing a movie with Keanu Reeves and [ __ ] I was like [ __ ] I'm up in the hills I was a little bit I'm a little bit full of myself at that point really coming to Andre because I knew Andre from Jekyll and Hyde days all right oh come on eyes oh you too big now that's what black people do yeah yeah you too big now you can't [ __ ] with us I said all right give me a bad guy roll and I'll do it and I did Danny up uh then I did one episode in Dick Wolf basically said I don't want to kill ice will he do two more episodes in the first episode and that's when I came back I shot Malik yoba's girl uh cut fingers off they let me while out two episodes and that was my first working with Dick Wolf and after that I did Swift Justice one of his shows then I did Law and Order exiled then I did I had my own show players which is on for a season and then I got called to do SVU which was only supposed to be a four episode Arc and I went on there for four episodes I've been on their 20s I started from New York Undercover yeah wow Dick Wolf is the producer of all those shows that's incredible Dick Wolf has nine shows in prime time right now nine shows he has s Law and Order SVU organized crime he has FBI FBI Most Wanted FBI International Chicago PD Chicago Med Chicago nine shows in prime time yeah he's not to be fuckless and his checks and his check's clear never I've never been late on a payment nothing the man is the man is the real deal all right everybody else is um in Hollywood is complaining about the strike the writers strike the writer strike how come Law and Order isn't I'm complaining I'm not I'm not complaining about it but it's [ __ ] with my paper oh cause you're not filming as long as the strike is happening that's why I'm down here I'm on Hiatus we broke we broke in may we supposed to go back right after July wow and we probably won't so we'll we'll actually maybe go in say August but with Law and Order we shoot you shoot three episodes a month so you right it takes eight days to shoot an episode eight days add a weekend ten days so 30 days so you're doing three episodes a month uh as a as a series regular days you're filming at the mall eight days eight for each episode oh my God but you're only in the scenes you're in okay yes so say out of the eight days there's 45 scenes I could be in 10 scenes I could be in 20 scenes I could be in one scene but you get paid at an episodic rate so if I say huh I get the same check as if I act though it's like being in the NBA if I sit on the bench I get paid right so when they tell you Nori we want you in for 22 Episodes and your episodic rate is whatever I don't know what it is I made a hundred thousand then you times that times 23 and that's what you make that year if you're making 500 000 an episode you multiply it right so you know it comes lucrative all right it becomes lucrative but when they have active strike they start taking away episodes that's money right but I gotta stand with the I stand with the writers because you know what it's all about what is the writers complaining about is streaming man streaming yeah and the whole AI stuff too there's supposed to be doing that then well hip-hop I don't understand hip-hop streaming but you know right now like you see me on NBC so you get residuals but then they got you on peacocks and they don't really they ain't even talking about how that money is what's happening so the writers is like hold up everything because they'll just keep going let us keep going and taking the money until you so they get they had to stop the boat for a minute like we need to address this hip-hop streaming I don't understand it I I really don't like yeah music I used to sell records you went in the store you bought the [ __ ] record they had a sound scan now Snoop was like man you do a billion streams they give you a check for 45 dollars right who came up with that with that with that that uh what's the algorithm how do you even know if it's a real algorithm right it's trusting I don't and then you get gold and platinum records but no one bought the record yeah you see it all the time ours you never even heard of holding up that golden Platinum I'm proud of my records I'm proud I actually you know people bought the record you think think of think Laura you saw a million records think of it like this uh a stadium fill to the top is like a hundred thousand people fill that Stadium 10 times that's how many people walked into a store and bought your record right not push the button walked in and purchased it that's big yeah them days is Big this push now you can buy one song out of an album right but I had singles before no but I would put out singles that weren't out you couldn't buy the singles I would send them to the DJs and I I would to make you buy the album all right the game has changed all games have changed tremendously all right that's why I changed games but one thing we was talking about was a lot of people don't realize you wasn't even in colors no no who didn't realize that there's a lot of people who would swear yo I Loved You In Colors I'm like [ __ ] I was not interested I mean he was technically with the music and the song it was so big you want to hear this color Story come on color story is like this I was already signed the Warner Brothers I was early signed the Warner Brothers it was a Warner Brothers movie so they wanted to use a song I wrote Oh this is dope the Thunder I had the Thunder brought in for my so [Laughter] oh so Warner Brothers had the movie so it they wanted to use squeeze the trigger for the movie because it was like a hardcore record at the time to be in a gang banger movie so I knew that if someone wants to use your your record in a movie I told Nori this yesterday you can ask to see the movie if you're an artist out there and they say they want to put your movie in your song in any movie you can as a publisher say I need to see the movie I don't know if I want my record involved in this particular movie or where they're gonna place it in the movie you know they might want to place it in some [ __ ] you like nah that ain't cool [ __ ] that right I wanted the money I wasn't going to turn it down but I played the card I need to see the movie right so we went to see colors private screening private screening it was fake to me because the Mexicans don't fight the blacks in L.A if that ever happened it would be the Apocalypse second thing that that scene where they play colors where the Crips and the Bloods meeting up in the county county jail it can't happen right by the time you get to that point you in the jumpsuits and the Bloods and Crips never come connected because it's the Crips is like in 3 800 they're different modules they put them in so that was fake you know they had on the colors they banging on it that was T that was my movie [ __ ] so I got past that I said well who did this who did this title song and they say Rick James all right hunt down the color soundtrack go to the last song on the B side and it's a song by Rick James called everywhere I go colors look at all these colors you know Rick James come on man so I was like Rick James you the [ __ ] but this is not your area so that of expertise so now I'm riding home with Africa Islam we just saw it and I said man we gonna make a title song we literally went right from the screen into the studio now at the time I was listening to I was vibing off a King's son King's son has a song called mythological and mythological but open says when I get ill it's a reason because it's duck season Hunter of the front here I come I am a nightmare walking psychopath talking king of my jungle just again I'm rocking the Cadence of King son [ __ ] and then we just put the record together and so I turn it in and they flip oh this is incredible it's incredible and uh I got an MTV award for it that record is not on any iced tea albums and it went platinum triple platinum some [ __ ] but it's uh one of the my most of my big hits was were soundtracks when I did New Jack City yeah that's an incredible record when I did New Jack City I wanted to do the song for that but I'm like I mean those you know what is the Nino thing I call it ninos right okay so I was like I can't really do Scotty's song because he's police so I do Nino scene so George Jackson rest in peace was the producer ah come on I see you know you know we'll get somebody else he wanted you to run for perspective of the cop he just didn't know what I could do okay he thought he had to go out and get somebody else to do some gangster [ __ ] like I more Nino and so I did put that [ __ ] to hustle a word I pulled the trigger along with my teeth sprayed every [ __ ] gone got the blocks sewn on the dope spots last thing I swear to suck a punk cop he was like yo this [ __ ] is hard so we put the Hustler bow that was number one on that album all right that album went super Platinum all right so yeah I got a lot of I got a lot of record sales away from my actual albums I'm gonna take another sip to that come on yeah come on but let's let's stay on through Jack City for a second do you know how classic that movie was and when you making it was making it two-part question did he know did you know he was making a class no I was a low budget film and Mario Van Peeples right Mario Van Peebles directing it right and everybody in it was new jacks Wesley had only done major leagues Wesley had only done major league and I think a Spike Lee Joint Chris Rock was the hottest Street comedian I mean he wasn't big Chris Rock yeah every time I ever seen Chris Rock I was just a rapper you know and um I believed he was a crackhead I mean it's good acting I didn't know I didn't know like I thought that's what he was right so they figured well I see is so millions of Records maybe that'll translate plus they wanted somebody a little gangster and somebody a little political right right but they were more concerned with me being able to go undercover and fool Nino Brown than actually playing the police see you could take teach a player how to play a square but you can't teach a square how to play a player they're not good they can't pull it off so it was more important when I got around Nino that nino could believe I was actually live with him that part where I'm in the pool I go I got you back you think I'm saying so I was dirty like that I got him but but everybody during that movie Nori we were huddling like we were doing a scene and everybody would huddle in life what do you think you know is it because everything and the movie was five million dollars at the end they got a completion bond for two more million it costs seven million dollars to make New Jack City seven million you make they shoot videos like yeah Law and Order episode costs eight million dollars so yeah it was it was a it was a very uh interesting procedure working with Wes Wesley was dope here's a funny story so we we go into the reading we're going to read right so me and Chris Rock are new so we walk in and Wesley Snipes come in and the [ __ ] got a a leather his his his script is in a leather bound folder opens it up notes on every page me and Chris Ross Chris had folded up in our back pocket [Laughter] it's a real actor like oh [ __ ] we was nervous as a [ __ ] but West West was with us and you don't know you're making a classic movie at the time you know you don't know that but Mario did his thing right could there be a New Jack City too no I don't think so because it was an ERA movie about an era yeah but what if Nino Brown oh no no that then back then there was supposed to be a Nina uh too like Nino Brown son or maybe or maybe before he came Nino Brown some [ __ ] you should for an updated version yeah just a just something kind of they try to do super flies how are you gonna do something fly without a [ __ ] with a perm you know you can't run on there you know that's it yo man I gotta kill I gotta get out the game for you know I got the ice a [ __ ] on one of these [ __ ] ice me I live off of that line right but New Jack City what we weren't we we had the potential to do part two all right but I got in trouble with cop killer and Wesley and Wesley went and did um uh Demolition Man and they paid him like seven million that's when he got the burgundy blonde hair yeah but they he got he got the bag he got them so once he got the bag he can't come back and play with us in the street no more you know he he elevated and then I got in trouble and uh yeah but the the New Jack City part 2 Wesley wasn't supposed to die wow [Music] like a true story it's based on a lot of people uh uh the guy out of uh Frisco who had a dope uh or a dope uh well uh internal situation he had a building where you would buy the drugs and do the drugs in the same place I I wish I could remember the guy's name but it was famous hustling so that's kind of based on that but no no San Francisco no no no it was a face out of the you know for um yeah no no Nikki boss neither damn it's a Frisco Hustler but you know it doesn't really matter it's probably I mean I I can't it probably had a little bit of everything that they were implementing other you know Nino was a mixture of all drug dealers put together so I cannot say that but I know that the the actual Carter yeah the main okay was based on something that was happening up in Frisco people used to said it was like but people used to say it's your family like you're pushing this yeah you're pushing it I mean you know the thing of this people have all kinds of ideas about what happened but being on the ground in the movie if you probably do research right now and find out go and check the internet has it all well Felix Mitchell just Google it Mr Lee Felix Mitchell and if you actually if you check his his hustle you'll see he had a he had that type of thing going and they build off of that they build off of that take a little drug dealership from this guy from that it's all influence they did the same with Scarface it was a bunch of people that they created to make Scarface they use it as influence based on them so New Jack City at the time you're a gangster rapper making gangster music how do you study for that role how do you do it it's because this is the exact opposite of of what you represent and who you are so how do you you do that like I was scared Nori I was scared I thought like I said I thought it was career suicide but then I got all my people saying man this is a a a a chance right um there's no studying you just act acting is make believe it's acts anybody in here we all had enough experience with the cops you can act like a cop like when I'm on New York when I'm on Law and Order right before I do the scene I just go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and then I talk down to you but dig this [ __ ] playing a cop and playing a gangster is the exact same acting exact same acting wait say that again playing a cop and playing a gangster is the exact same active we both got a gun all right we both got an attitude we both want answers or there will be a consequence and we talk to you in that manner see so the police talk to you they talk down to you like [ __ ] you finna answer my [ __ ] question I am the law the gangster's like [ __ ] you but it's the same exact energy right right demand respect it's the same so like when you see me on Law and Order and I'm interrogating somebody I don't necessarily have to think about being a cop I'm just like this [ __ ] has an answer I need to get and I'm leaning across to him just like ice she would and you know I'm this [ __ ] what's happening and then big but now I'm even worse than a gangster because I got the law you know so I I could do whatever the [ __ ] I want to you so it's the same acting I remember when I was live when cats when cats had too much ego we knew they were the cops um like if we was with somebody and be like Homie don't care he seems a little bit too much like he ain't worried he's not he got his hammer on him he's always talking [ __ ] he's the police because you know he had no fear and they usually were and you brought that into the rule that it's me you know it's me it's it's I think I think the key of the key of acting is casting you know so you want to cast a tough guy you pretty much going to find somebody at some point is tough and can put that in there on that you know so I don't know what I bring to the role but whatever it is people dig it you know what I'm saying so I don't know man I don't know what the [ __ ] it is when you're acting you're just doing it and see the thing of this you can't you can't say you're a great actor the audience has something right has to be believable they got to believe it right so whatever I'm doing is working let's say that let's say that let's say that we got speaking of great great actors you got to work with Denzel Washington how the [ __ ] was that that's I was so dope first thing Denzel did was he came in my trailer and he zeroed out like he he he became really cool like he was talking to me as a friend and stuff and he's telling me stories because I guess later on I figured it out like you can't just hit the stage and work with Denzel Washington if he's like this if me and you got to play best friends we gotta or I'm always gonna be like I'm on the stage I'm I'm acting with Denzel you know you you start so he kind of chilled with me and talked to me told me about his life to be on television some personal things because I had to play his friend and uh I never forget the first time I sat with him Nori I sat we did a scene and uh he's telling jokes and [ __ ] they said action Denzel jumped in character all right and he said his [ __ ] and I flood my lines he was like come on ice like let's go I'm like oh I see what you doing you dribbling between your legs you showing me that you can go from this to that quick and at that point I said I want to learn how to act like that see the thing of it is with acting anything nobody is anything you're not born anything you you become a basketball player you start off as a fan we are rappers we taught ourselves how to rap right you're not anything so any you could do anything if you're willing to take the time to learn how to do it but you gotta want to do it if I want you to act and you never really wanted to act you're not gonna get it right but if you wanted to and you're willing to apply yourself you could do it you know nobody's a concert pianist you've cracked this so once I once you get that understanding you could pretty much be what you want to be because nobody is anything at Birth right we all started off fans I started off listening to melee-mailing them I'm like yo how they rhyme those words together and I try to practice you start off your whack you gotta start somewhere and then you get better you get better right I want to play play you um you got the clip yeah oh [ __ ] but you got some fat baby mama what kind of Sidetrack [ __ ] is this play the clip what Cliff I thought we was homies I'm sorry say what you say Ice Cube squeeze cocoa oh yeah like respectfully yes yeah it was it was respectfully it was a Halloween party true right how does this work you hit that can I grab your wife's ass I literally walked up to Himachal I had a couple drinks at this point I walked up to him and I said because she had on like so I walked up to him and I was like bro all due respect uh I wanted to squeeze Coco's ass for a really long time and he said you know what and I'm just kind of pimp to let you do it and he called her over and he whispered something in her ear and she looked at him and smiled and it looked at me and smiled and turned around and bent the thing over and I grabbed as much of a handful as I could you gave me a pound I'm trying to figure out who's more gangsters it was Halloween did he say that yeah he said that I think it's Halloween party I think he said it was a Halloween party and I've been knowing Neo I like Neo you know I seen him when he first started and I've always been a fan and also I was inspired by a young kid making his move so Naomi had a cool relationship so we at the party and stuff and it's uh Halloween so all the girls are extra hoeish right and extra hoey so Coco had on some uh some some like booty shorts with the fishnets and [ __ ] and so he's in the booth with us he didn't just walk up he was hanging and stuff and Coco and then Rihanna was there too and coconuts dancing invite us to this Farm Coco was them dancing and I know the [ __ ] was just like gazing like yo I mean it was a lot of ass in the air like it was hypnotized it was it was happening so then he was like he did the player [ __ ] he said y'all ice man I always wanted to touch Coco's see he changed the word he said he didn't say grab her ass that's what I'm gonna touch Coco's boobs could I do that now I was like that was kind of player that he asked you know what kind of player that he had he didn't ask the finger Banger you didn't have to suck a titty he has to touch her butt right so I'm like you know what player I could make that happen I could make that happen if I said Coco Neo won't touch your booty let me go touch your booty she like okay you know she's following instructions yo I say blouse so she bends over be great he touches the butt like that I'm like hey it's like make a wish kid you know Neo felt it was appropriate to bring this up in a dream chance interview that was something maybe he should have kept to himself you know but I'm not mad at him because that messed me know that was a moment in his life you know it's the moment in his life it was a great moment you know what I'm saying now then everybody watching don't see me out with Coco and asked for but get to Neo's level first you know celebrity buttons but no it was it was it was some pleasure and we was in a player mode that night right you know everybody sometimes it's fly like that so what did you dress up as I don't know what I was I think we was on some s m [ __ ] though okay I had on some leather or ill vest probably a ball gag on some old attacking and [ __ ] we love we love Halloween women love Halloween because it's a night they can be freely hoeish right you know everything however you want to be a school teacher sexy school teacher you know whatever it is sexy yeah that's a chance and nobody can say nothing about it that's a nice they just get it they let it out it's okay and players dig it guys are like that's cool you know I never had a problem with my girl being sexy I I'm like you don't drive a Ferrari with the cover on it you did some people do that's cool you know what I'm saying you hey wrap them up that's your thing right yes but but you know um like like is there does your wife have stalkers or she has she ever had a stalker now my daughter had a stalker your daughter yeah my daughter now my little daughter my older daughter oh how did that go um well let's go back to Coco we had couples one situation we had we had a so we go to the apartment and it's a car following us and so we stop at Target and stuff yeah we still shop at Target we keep we at Target what the [ __ ] think that some point you humans leave the planet like we don't we don't eat a Taco Bell or we don't like [ __ ] he goes to Target like what the [ __ ] if you need Target [ __ ] where do you go if you need Target type [ __ ] what time somebody say yo you eating Denny's you eat it IHOP I'm like is there a Gucci I said some eggs someplace I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm supposed to do for breakfast the egg is a [ __ ] egg so anyway we had talked we at Target and and she says she sees the [ __ ] in the store right and so I'm like where so when we come out she says something like all right cool so we can go and she had to go to this nail spot right so we pull up and they pull out right so I'm like okay we finna do this now at this time I'm not armed but they don't know that right so I I walk over to him I'm like What's Happening they're like who are women we just we just paparazzi's I'm like yeah [ __ ] fall back I said stop following following following me with me no we could they thought I had the hammer I was like this I did my [ __ ] you guys [Music] so they they fell back but that was just one situation uh my daughter she lives in Atlanta and uh you know my daughter's grown so she calls me and she said Daddy this dude is following me and [ __ ] like that so I said okay this is what you do I know you know [ __ ] down there talk to some of your goons and tell them say your father would like them to help you right because they all got love for me they know who she is so I said get a couple of them tell them to come to the house and just lay in the cut that's right so they they want to do a favor for iced tea because that could pay back off so they did they did she get a couple of dues and sure enough the dude pull up in the parking lot and she told them and they walked over to him just let him understand this is not a good career decision fall back she got cousins brothers and people that love her and we don't love you so pull out and that was the last she saw to do but she didn't really know how to activate homies right I said activate him so I told her I said when I go to Atlanta I want to meet those guys right so that's it no no stalkers um you know I mean anybody could have a stalker no we don't have any problems like that I think I think just knowing who I am and people like that they kind of keep their distance and [ __ ] she look at the only fans or nothing like that should do okay yeah she started only fair but see Coco does Playboy levels see only fans hustle is G you could do anything on them you can show your feet yeah you could cook dinner on the [ __ ] so she had a girlfriend that had one so Coco's like yo what do you do on this Coco Coco's always done Playboy level [ __ ] swimsuit [ __ ] that's her you know if you want to be on only fan stick a refrigerator in your [ __ ] you could do that too Jesus you can do anything but what you do you you put a page that'll say this is not a porn site right right blah blah yeah and she made it quite a bit of money she makes quite a bit of money on that [ __ ] I I understand why chicks don't want to work once they go on there yeah they just like why would I work when I could make sixty thousand whatever um it's a lot because the subscriptions but but the thing of it is it's like the chick has to set their limits like Iggy Azalea's on there whatever but she does just swimsuit [ __ ] but she made like six hours she made Crazy Bread on there so you know you could be on that but mean it's it honestly it makes more sense than Instagram but you know what I'm saying because you're getting paid you get paid you got you have subscribers and then you have paid and then you also put up stuff and you make them pay but you know it is what it is um maybe this will help you get some more money uh people say well you don't need the money I say when do you not need when do you not need the money like you know it's it's a Hustle Man we me and my wife are Hustlers right let's do these flowers you listen ice offshore is about giving people they flowers while they're here you know so many people say after 10 years you washed up we do not say that we say the seasons [Applause] yeah man I mean I mean at the end of the day I think one thing about iced tea and I think what people will figure out about me is that ice is going to do what the [ __ ] he wants to do all right you know and I I unders let me put it up here where they can the camera can see I want the camera to see this it's a real player-ass [ __ ] yes Snoop said it's better than a Grammy because it come for his people you know what I'm saying Real Talk God damn it makes it look good yo they just keep rolling that weed this is good but nah man you know it's the needle Brown weed too by the way we can't one thing we can't forget is that don't forget that you help Pioneer the space that we're in now as well yeah I had a podcast my first podcast is called the final level podcast and uh me and Mickey did it yeah Mickey benzo I did 55 episodes they're available on uh someplace some platform but it wasn't my time I couldn't do it so I started doing it at my house right right so I do one person but then if you're at my house you stay all day so it would take over the day and I would do it on Saturday so that burnt me out then I tried to do two a month same thing Buster came over Raekwon came over all that then I was like I can't do it in my house no more because it was just you the homies come over the crib and they just Lounge out they like after after the podcast it's on TV turn on the game I was like yo this is crazy so then I tried to do them on Monday nights after Law and Order but we were in the same Studio tax form tax Zone when it was in we're up there loudspeaker yeah and it it was cool but I'm gonna go all no disrespect but I kind of interviewed everybody I wanted to talk to after about 50 people I'm like I really don't really want to talk to people now now they want content and I'm like well they're getting these people I'm like I'm not even interested in them like I don't give a [ __ ] so I did all my homies right I didn't do no worry but I did all the homies and then at that time you know podcasts you make money based on how many views and you have ads you know it wasn't really lucrative enough I was giving all the money to Mick and I just said man I gotta pull the plug on this my I can't it wasn't it needs to be a full-time gig so you know but I understand I know what this is it's cool and it's fun but I mean fortunately you guys have created a space where someone can come and talk comfortably and it's not with the [ __ ] what made you even start a podcast like because you know what you were doing on internet you were doing on internet radio first let me just tell you how we say it we they said we say that Juan F was the first hip-hop podcast but Ice-T was the first artist based podcast so so you like the cool work of this [ __ ] just in case you all know a lot of people don't know but they say those who say don't know and those who know don't say so I I um I'm gonna tell you this story and this is the I really didn't like asking people questions all right you dig it all right I found out at the end of it I much prefer for you to ask me questions than to me I just felt like I just didn't like it after a while all right you know it's not my thing you gotta find your thing right you gotta find your thing man just prying into [ __ ] lives was not my thing I was like yeah I'm cool and plus you're making too much Law and Order money [Applause] that too that that's what I'm saying it wasn't lucrative enough like you said I'm making a lot of money over the week then I come up here and I do this and it was time and then I have a baby daughter this wasn't paying off so I was like yeah now I mean now if I was doing it you guys are taking it to another level but at the time it wasn't making that much money so we thank you anyways because you did yeah um Rosenberg and them Croc so you could walk so me and even could fly [Applause] when I when I saw you doing it because I'm like this is a good thing all right I always felt that our culture should be reported on by our own culture right you know uh I think one of the key parts of the death of hip-hop was The Source magazine going left right and you know at one moment all of a sudden Public Enemy wasn't hip okay our rest wasn't good you and Benzino the first time we um interviewed you you and Benzino had just seen each other right beef TV yes yeah tell us about that because I mean no but this these are new fans we have beef TV okay this would happen because I tell the true story what happened was when I got in trouble at Warner Brothers and cop killer hit the fan and they got rid of [ __ ] Benzino RSO got caught in that [ __ ] they got caught in that tailspin of they dropping gangster rap oh wow now potty counts metal but it also affected um death row or whatever aftermath when they remember they were getting ready to do a deal and then it fell back through because they pulled out Warner pulled out something happened let's not see the lower stuck at the time right no no no it was after see Dolores Tucker but my [ __ ] created a H like a a a wave that [ __ ] with a lot of people so Benzino being Benzino in them winning some [ __ ] iced tea [ __ ] like I like I folded I folded up to Warner Brothers I don't even really know you've been Zeno I'm not even I don't I have nothing to do with you I didn't tell them if I get rid of them I'm I did my [ __ ] I'm doing my [ __ ] right so he went on one of course everybody hears anybody you got [ __ ] yo man who these [ __ ] they talking crazy so I'm like I don't know where they from Boston so I don't know who they are but whatever right we LA right so Benzino comes to La um so I'm deep right I'm at it's one of these situations I can leave the house it's a sore situation you're saying I don't know it was It was a a an event okay Nori I can leave the house by myself by the time I get to event it's 30 [ __ ] yo we were nice right because everybody wants to not only get in the event they know if they with me they coming in so we deep yo that's them [ __ ] over there ice oh Benzino word go holler at it and he I walked over to him and he saw them people that [ __ ] was like yo man amen it's my bad and we shook hands and that was it but I think what what did he tell you same story I don't know remember y'all was together the last time we recorded in New York yeah but that was but that was before the situation there's a there was a situation with me and Benzino I had I kind of yeah he's I've heard him say it on an interview he said I was tnm kind of walked up on me I think he did say it one time on here before yeah we were deep but it wasn't altercation it was just like I want like me myself I like to clarify [ __ ] right if you say something about it I don't take it I'ma walk up to you effing well what am I hearing is this true all right nah okay cool that you know even if you said it if you're not man enough to repeat it I'll take that that's right I'll just say all right cool but if it is let's figure it out and I'm I'm the I'm always a bigger man what did I do to you what's the matter what happened you know nobody wants conflict my name's ice my name's not bullet my name is my name is ice I'm about smoothing things out and I think my whole life has always been squashing beef right you know that's that's it anybody can start it you know you got to have certain energy to stop it look let's take it back though yes I want to go back a little bit okay Uncle Jam's Army okay talk about that what is what is that Collective how could I could compare to New York akazam's Army was the first promotional company in La that did parties for kids 16 to 20. so there was a big Market of people that couldn't get into clubs so they would throw events at different halls with DJs they at some point were able to do the LA Sports Arena by themselves Egyptian lover was a DJ Bobcat who worked with LL Cool J Battle cat who's still out with Snoop uh Arabian Prince was part of Egypt's crew it was cool all them work with Uncle James our army uh and that's what they was known for they were the biggest promoters and uh they would do the LA Sports Arena no ass just music first Raves like black Rays I'll never forget one night we were there and uh they had an 808 drum machine and no one had ever seen a drum machine and they put the drum machine on and they were like ah uncle Jim's Army is about to go live live and they put the beat on and they held the records in the air and the audience was like what where's that music coming from and they held the drum machine up in that New York 808 has a light that shoots by it right the crowd went crazy just screaming over a drum machine it's like yo and they used to let me rap I was the only person they would let rap and you know I was still up and coming learning how to rap and this is early Lac this is what is a world-class Wrecking Crew happening around this time not and that's before wrecking before that wow for Wrecking Crew Dre and them was Wrecking Crew they I seen Dre and them uh and doodles see Dre and them is from Compton right La cats don't go to Compton Compton Compton would be like in New York like it would be East New York the concert's far it's like 20 miles out of La South Central where we're from so you know you can own a horse in Compton you can ride you can have donkeys and pigs and [ __ ] comps is like the country but the threat of Compton [ __ ] is they come to LA and get down and then go back and you never see them again in your life so that's Compton people in Compton don't usually come past Manchester that's a whole nother thing and then when NWA came up you like oh you're from Compton I said I'm from South Central so I censored with riots popped up right that's where I'm from so Dre and them was playing in Doodles and we went no no watch is another area okay watch is the area that's mostly projects okay so if you talk watch you talking about PJ Watts Imperial courts Dickinson Gardens and Grape Street Jordan Downs those four big projects over there so that's that was the first Riot the home of the Watts Riot back in the day but anyway uh I seen Dre and them playing at Doodles and stuff uh back in the day so I'm I'm always been cool with Dre I've always been queued with cool with Cube and never you know I when I was I see I had I had two albums out before NWA drops wow they dropped on my third album so we would go out and tour together me easy doc uh well friends ran we're all friends what type of person Eazy-E was because obviously easy was crazy but he was easy was a cool ass dude the trip was easy was he convinced people he was 15. yeah one of his records he said something about it being young so people used to think he was young but he wasn't young and uh my favorite Easy E story was Ice Cube would write to rhyme break the Rhymes that I say so cube is talking to me he was like yo I wrote that I didn't think he'd say it because he's actually outing him self well he said because easy wasn't really the rapper he was the money behind he was a genius that saw hip-hop was going to come someplace he had his little you know Drug Money easy wasn't moving kilos he was just on the street hustling but he had enough to get him in a record store and he was the brain speaker he had four side for sure he yeah me and easy was cool we never had shared a uh Angry word me drag all of us all solid ice cube solid you know uh and wasn't Arabian Prince so you he was in Uncle James and then he was down with yeah the beginnings of NWA NWA was Candyman uh uh uh Candyman was a part of it handyman was if you look at the first album The all standing there NWA in the Posse that one yeah Candyman well not part of NWA and right just like it's like there but it was all part JJ fad all that stuff and then they just started to morph and morph in more off into you know the world's most dangerous crew I knew when I heard Straight Out of Compton it was a wrap at that that day what's the line that ice cube said that that you think made it gangster rap Straight Out of Compton crazy [ __ ] named Ice Cube from the gang called [ __ ] with attitude so up to that point they was calling what I was doing reality yeah right I'm like it's not reality because it's not everybody's reality right it's my reality we didn't have a name for it and then when he said gangsters the Press called a gangster rap the Press called it because we said this on here and people like no no the artist is not the Press did it press called it gangster raps Cube just said from the gang called [ __ ] With Attitudes they said it's gangster rap so me I fell back and said oh okay if this is gangster rap I'm the Original Gangster that's what OG came from so OG didn't come from the hood no it did but it just fell in place OG is a term for first generation set okay the first generation of whatever's set so if we drink Champs uh we gang track yeah if we drink Champs Crips but y'all [ __ ] the OG's you The Originals of the set right the new kids would be the baby gangsters or the but the ogs are the founders of the set right also La term OG means anything original right the original 501 Levi's the original Chuck Taylor's the original shell toe that's them OG the first is OG and you fight your way up to be in the OG well you'll be all you'll be an OG once you put in enough time now it's just refers to being an old school cat that's done some things like I refer to everybody in here as an OG they've they they not new gangsters right you know but the term comes from LA gangs so I took it and and it flipped it you know but then if you look at that album cover also I got myself in shackles but then I got myself in the Tufts which is saying I'm the same [ __ ] like even if you see me you know suited don't get it [ __ ] up right so that's what it was so that's where the OG album came from and that was was supposed to be a double album wow a first double album yes but it was a double album motivated by NWA because you dig I'm out here I do I do uh rhyme pays I do power they drop boom I'm like [ __ ] I gotta get to work all right they dropped you after that no no no no no I did the first one okay I do the second one and then Here Comes Godzilla Straight Out of Compton quick yo I'm like yo NWA is really like live yo [ __ ] we gotta go in the studio right the homies is really getting it in so I made a double album at that point motivated by the power of them they you know like I said early hey it wasn't hate but it was like somebody else is in the room right now [ __ ] you got to go and earn your stripes so I had to drop heavy you dig you you were gonna say that you remember the first time you heard Straight Out of Compton yeah yes it's I it felt like Godzilla walked in the room right I was like yo because remember we was out on tour they had dope man because easy came out first right yeah but easy didn't shake me up easy does it I was like okay and easy like you know easy way easy rap He Ain't cute right right and or red right is incredible the ruthless villain you know anytime I pull an AK off the show you know I was like these [ __ ] like rent his rent is a beast I'd like yo they turned it up they turned it up right and uh I had to but then my thing was as I see it's like okay NWA is taking it that way I gotta take it this way like I gotta not I can't go out and gang bang with him so I just keep in player and hustle as much as I could you know so that was a conscious decision you made to say I'm not gonna try to be in that same Lane I'm always trying to find my own lane all right you're a fool to go down the same Lane somebody else is doing you got to find your originality you gotta find what is what are you what what you are right you know and me I was a different breed I was never in a gang I'm not a gang banger but I grew up amongst gangs I'm not a I'm not a bully but I'll defend myself I'm an orphan so you know like I was telling you you know we were the cats with the Fila Fila shorts on the socks the sweaters you know tennis racket but we had a Uzi you know that's who we were with the perms that's who we were you know so it was no sense in you know they they pulled up on some real gangbanger [ __ ] I was like okay so cool but it's all love it was love I was happy for NWA because I was happy to have help on the west I by myself for a long time and at the time I remember like you know people making fun of the s curl like but that's the s curl I had a perm don't get it [ __ ] [Laughter] got it all right no my [ __ ] was my [ __ ] was perm I was magnetic rollers a lot of body you know what I'm saying full adopt them shits be crackling and the girls push the ways in you know that [ __ ] had to be right you know but yeah it's in this different [ __ ] you know Big Worm had a perm Friday yeah and Friday yeah yeah well she was walls no no we had his curlers right my curl is still in La [ __ ] is different wearing houses and then in nutrition let the girls take my curls out [Laughter] let's go let's go explain to him yeah we're gonna give you two choices you pick one we good nobody's drinking I mean I don't know how if he's taking shots or not no I'm [ __ ] with you guys this is nice this is all right this is very sophisticated yes if you say both or neither so the politically correct if you don't pick an answer then we drink it I don't care [Laughter] you want me to go first let's play the rules let's play the game let's go I've submitted to your game let's go let's go girl LL or Big Daddy Kane and you can say why if you want to both that wasn't ready both they both super rappers cool oh yeah oh this is going to be interesting Snoop Dogg or Jay-Z wow let me get ready they're so different it's whatever criteria in your mind if you pick I just gotta go with Snoop Dogg okay West Coast thing you had to go there no I'm going with Snoop I think Snoop is the rapper in the history of the world I think that even though Jay-Z's bagged up rich I think more people parents kids would recognize Snoop Dogg yep you you don't think Snoop is the most famous rap that's what he's saying I think I think just he's loved the most he's transcended more different elements and everybody loves yeah we agree here you know Jay-Z is a super power but some people might not know who Jay-Z is if they would if he you know it's new Snoop is a [ __ ] we love Snoop can you go anywhere and people not recognize yeah yeah I could go Fame is kind of like think of it like being a tennis player you could be the number one in the world but if you're not into tennis just walk right by that's right you know what I'm saying so television has made me far more visible and Coco is another one so it's like the one two punch like me and Coco have this thing called I should have known all right what should I known is like Safeway at an airport and somebody's checking out Coco they be checking her out and then they'll see me they go should have known [Laughter] if you see a hot chick check around her they might there should be something else floating near him so yeah uh Ice Cube or Scarface wow it's so similar both they're both to go on the road when we first were touring um when did dope Jam tour Ghetto boys with you know what pay to play is they would they would like they would pay um uh Jay Prince we get him on the front of our show like you know like because they would and they would rip [ __ ] and I remember uh calling Mr Scarface and and Scarface would walk around and like throw crack in the audience like he had like a little packets oh that's different them [ __ ] was Ill he had the Kane that might be wrong but I've been reading Stones package so it wasn't real crack but it was like he was acting like like yeah you know it was it was part of the show part of the show but I was like yo who are these Texas ass [ __ ] these [ __ ] Ghetto boys they were ill they were they were they were a solid gangster rapper hardcore Raptor yeah ever Willie D all of them when they would go come on man stop it and Scarface to me deeply rooted that album he just did that made me want to make a new album he's one of the most lyrical artists out there yeah but him and Cube have a similar type yeah get down yeah I love them both okay so you said both all right Jadakiss or Nas I'm gonna like this question y'all keep repeating this Shady kiss a Nas both oh Jesus he's making a drink both both of our lyrical beasts uh a lot of these guys like I look at people that I think can out rap me I think everybody in hip-hop I look at hip hop like a basketball game I know who got the jumpers I know who got handles right but everybody has a place on the court you know so I might not be able to out rap Nas but I could say some [ __ ] flyer than us see what I'm saying so I'm gonna hit you with some fly [ __ ] we're renowned as the king of the fly rhyme you know if I was dope you could step on me five times so those two rappers are lyrical beasts right and uh you just listened to him for the punch Rhymes I Love Nas I met Nas with you know just humble super guys yes Frank White or Nino Brown I have to go with Frank White even though he turned into a snitch uh Nino did too but Nina wasn't me Frank White was a real person right you know Brown Ain't shot nobody here so no dope yeah they know bro you know Brown is basically Snipes he's a character so how would I pick the character over the real [ __ ] wait Frank White ain't that from King of New York yeah that was based on a real I'm thinking about oh you're thinking of American gangsters my mistake that was comparing Frank Lewis yeah well then of course it's Nino Brown okay yeah it's Nino Brown I can't [ __ ] with Wesley no he [ __ ] you up cancel that [ __ ] I'll get another one he said he said I never liked that pretty [ __ ] myself yeah yeah okay cool okay I was thinking about Frank Lucas okay yeah no okay cares want to rock him it's so totally different I pick where I came only because Rakim really changed the way that we all started rapping right like I I didn't understand the term flow when I heard Rakim and rock him Chris had criminal minded out right but when I was making my first album I I had never really witnessed a hit record outside of Run DMC and I was in Harlem and every car I came in the door I came in the door I said it before I never let the what it was in every single car every car Rock him and then the next record came out at uh I take seven MC's put him in the line I'm like who is this [ __ ] and early I thought his name was Eric B right because it is through my name is Rakim but just the whole theory of how raw rap made me got her I got a rap better and he didn't curse yeah well it didn't matter the person didn't matter to me it was the flow of his rhyme and the confidence and the comfortableness he sat in the in the in the beat right because at one time everyone was yelling on records right it was different now no no hats off the care arrest one no because you do not want to go against KRS live nah he's one of the best you'll get destroyed one of the best and he'll teach you a lesson let me try at the same time yeah because Chris is Big Percy's big yeah he's a big [ __ ] like King's son he's a big [ __ ] yeah you'd be like word and then then he's loud so he this is everything he commands the stage because it real MC commands the stage Tupac or DMX um West Coast gonna hate me but I say DMX I'm much more of a DMX fan uh I love [ __ ] I was friends with Pac uh but I just like the more aggressive [ __ ] you know when I heard what my dog said I was like yo who the [ __ ] is this I was in a club I was like yo [ __ ] you know the the Rough Riders dancing that's more my [ __ ] you know that's just I liked that Park is a human being a man it's something else it was it was magical you know it was like he was sitting with young Malcolm X you know but music wise DMX was more iced tea type [ __ ] let me use the next one DJ quick or mc8 ah they was battling folks they was battling well I go with even though I just got off the phone with quick I gotta [ __ ] with MCA well let's just say both let's go both on that one let's go with both responsible they both Legends both on that and and we need both of them monitoring champs yeah we need both 100 chance uh good I know you you think about you say something about pop people want to crucify you I I just I'm well I'm here to be honest right yeah yeah please Rough Riders Anthem because that's just stuff I was like that's like DMX I perform with DMX so many times it's like yo all the rap and different [ __ ] just such as yeah he's like a monster he's like a boxer [Music] like you know we can maybe you're not I'm going to do the show he's going to do the fight you know all right I got this ice come on all right Mike um what was the question uh uh next question you can go to the next question B Street or break no no no no no I skipped one you're like oh no no no no no he said both he said I said he said Quicken MCA bro but I thought yeah MCO more On Tupac my MCA my favorite lyric where he said he told a homeboy I'm the neighborhood rapper he said I'm the neighborhood Jacker one time gaffle them up yeah CMW I don't even know what they beefed became about you know but yeah interested but they both do open Quick is an incredible producer what he's legendary the next one too B Street or breaking two B Street why y'all picked breaking too [ __ ] breaking Reagan was really homogenized as more of a kids movie you know rest in peace Shabba do you know Boogaloo shrimp you know turbo ozone all that [ __ ] it gave me a break it was my first job really uh but it wasn't as dope as Beach Street with New York City Breakers that that seen where they broke in the subway and all that [ __ ] and Melly yeah it was it was it was our version see what happened with breaking was we thought that was Bloods and Crips we went a club called the radio that was a New York club in La club that that had um Rock Steady Crew come there sold Sonic Force cold Crush Brothers in L.A yeah and that's why I met Africa is crazy so the producers walked in and seen the scene and said we're gonna make a movie you'll be on the stage these kids will dance and they just wrote some [ __ ] story corny [ __ ] wow and uh you know it was them trying to capitalize on a hip-hop movement but we wasn't enough hip hop in LA to really do it New York City was official so wild style because it's after walls to all of this whilst I was I was first but while silent B Street was way more official than Breaking breaking was for kids it was rainbow colors and [ __ ] well I still feel like a reality show like a real like documentary type because it seem so I was just trying to you know get some paper and just be in the movie you know and I was trying to dress like break back then I was dressing like Melee Mel you know trying to be a rapper and you know who changed my image was Russell Simmons what did Russell say uh we were at a club in L.A and it was a rap show and Russell was there and Russell and me was chilling and I had on like a Felix sweat suit some K-Swiss had my perm had a little can go [ __ ] you know and um whoever the uh the crap the uh Act was they called me on the stage I was in the building so I go on the stage and I rap and Russell's like that's your look [ __ ] New York like you trying to look like New York you gotta look like La ice that is your look the way you look now the way you dress on a regular he said that's why Run DMC looks like Jam Master Jay that's how Jam Master Jay used to dress he says you're authentic La Street [ __ ] that's you rock that and that was the end of me with the New York [ __ ] wow that was the birth but then when you see me on the Ryan Page cover I had on the kangoffs in the Porsche with the girl Darlene and my boy and the palm tree that was all Russ Russell said that you you gotta represent la I mean you love New York but you you gotta hit La that's that's though yeah we gotta Make some noise foreign Russell always gave me some good game yeah you want to do the next one Nipsey or Eazy-E rest in peace to both both both both take a shot to that both both Legends um nip had so much left to do right yeah that was just getting started but he's a good person good Soul um you know it's just it just reinforces us that you know the safest place you think you are you at the most risk you know like because that's player always told me you get hit in your strong spot player the place you thank you the most secure that's where you're gonna hit you think you cool with the [ __ ] you think you got that in check that's where you're gonna get hit because you're not guarding that see what I'm saying so those those moments when we feel the most comfortable you're in the most danger even though all of us is here having a good time it's the cats coming in they they got an advantage on us because we're comfortable we're not on point right so that the nip was very comfortable in this neighborhood and Sid went wrong and uh yeah rest in peace Nipsey hustled he was just getting warmed up yep these are the best NWA or Wu-Tang hey Skip One no I know but we said NWA or Wu-Tang both okay both both similar energy I think NWA is two rappers I always was in all Wu-Tang nine MCS all right [ __ ] you do that because you just said nwa2 Raptors we need two rappers yeah I mean easy would rap with him but NWA is what you're saying random queue yeah yeah random Cube yeah they pretty much wrote and then Dre and yellow were Jane rather the background and easy would jump on occasionally but those were the two main rappers in NWA Wu-Tang is nine you heard the story about me getting surrounded by Wu-Tang yeah tell us again tell us please y'all heard that story please [Applause] I'm at an event I'm at an event in New York City MC light event right so this is for Wu-Tang it came out I get surrounded I look this [ __ ] here there's a [ __ ] here this [ __ ] here so I'm like okay my way out is this way I look it's a [ __ ] there [ __ ] I'm like I'm surrounded yo what up I show yo we shall in this Wu-Tang I think it's a gang I'm from L.A like a gang is it over it's just a moment I fear actually my change is crawl inside of my like you know like what the [ __ ] like yo yo I'm like okay so what's up yeah we from Shaolin yo we [ __ ] with you West Coast hardcore [ __ ] we [ __ ] I'm like oh you like me they like yeah I'm like all right what's happening what's happening but for a moment the whole room stopped right I'm like yo they about to what the [ __ ] so they told me this they show me how to do this [ __ ] I'm like yo yo like I said it was the moment I feared I thought it was going down and they went off in blah blah and later on now now the thing of it is can't tell if any of the actual Wu-Tang members were those guys because there was so many of them and I was so scared hey I wanted to do this I'm like this dude I'm I'm I'm six feet 220. two guys ten guys I'm about to get stomped the [ __ ] out like I'm like yo this is gonna go bad I'm by myself so uh yeah but they didn't they was fans so wow and then I saw the Wu-Tang Clan come out I was just always amazed at nine MCS you could put nine MCS on a record and then each one of them it was like each one of them had a different skill like a kung fu movie you know I like genius like I'm like yeah his rhyming [ __ ] was always you know super should keep my sword sharp you know he was I like that I love ODB I like all I like all of them I think they all even all of them have super powers yeah you know what before we move on we want to wish everybody a Happy Father's Day from drink Champs [Applause] Mr Lee you know what I called Sunny D do you know where everybody out there drink chance slippers back [Applause] I call this happy [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah I mean I mean y'all I'm hooked up I'm gonna be able to open up a little store Jake champ store around this [ __ ] okay I'll take this [ __ ] right down on Ocean Drive and come to this Most Wanted or above the law are they both or both you know uh both you got you got uh well that's mc8 again yes yeah yeah right it's like a sip though remember oh yeah that's mc8 again um and um part of the law that's big Hutch coal 187. rest in peace Layla see the cool thing about West Coast rap none of us ever had any beef the only beef ever happened was NWA and that was a family feud between a cube and NWA right right so I created rhyme syndicate which was based on Lucky Luciano in the commission I read all gangster novels about Meyer Lansky and all that [ __ ] to learn how to stay out of jail right so I learned I read about my um Lucky Luciano creating commission with the five families so that they wouldn't beef before they beef they talk we sit down right we have a sit that sounds right so I said with Ryan Syndicate all of us will agree to have a sit down so you got Cypress Hill you got low profile with Dub C and all them all these different groups I'm the founder I'm not Cyprus was in it yeah oh yeah I didn't know that mugs with syndicate had a group called 783 that's right okay so he was he used to live with Aladdin so all these cats were together so I just said look too many Crips and bloods we're gonna be the rhyme Syndicate all right so there is no gang banging within the Syndicate and um we managed to have peace every once in a while to be a beef we put the bosses in the room squash it end it real quick because the boss has always got cool heads right like what's the problem effing oh man yo my man okay bad well apologize [ __ ] okay cool cool fast you know nobody got shot bam so we never had no beef on the west coast everybody stayed friends and when NWA went at each other like we politely stepped back get mad when Cuban eat they friends they we all hung out together and it's about business too whatever it's about like I say nobody got shot self-destruction or all in the same game both definitely both um take a shot to that both because hip-hop has the ability to change the way we see things um one of my favorite records is brand new being slowed down you know hey baby you know you know [ __ ] is waxed crack is whack like everybody when cocaine hit we all looked at it like it was fly because it was a high-end drug then we realized it was killing us so Rap Made crack whack neither little they said we have that power they have the power to make syrup whack if they want to they can make all this [ __ ] whack like wow you still doing that cuz like what's happening so with the violence New York came out and did self-destruction Michael conception was out there he had grand jury records he called up he said I want to do something from the West Coast that was Michael conception yeah and I heard karisma recently talked about this story it's dope so I get the call for Mike he says you know need to do this do you remember all the people that was in order on all the same games North finesse if you watch it Lord finesse is with me got deaf Jeff but Lord Vanessa's from New York right but he was actually signed to me at the time so he was in LA when we shot it and he's there on the west side of the video okay but you know actual record you don't remember the artist yeah remember we did an Arsenio but it was it was you know you just go do your bar say your [ __ ] and uh don't be left out it's one of those kind of things where it was a bigger disc not to be on the record right but it was it had good intentions and somebody like Mike who definitely was a street [ __ ] to say I want to do this I was like okay you doing something right let's go let's do it you know because I knew my conception for years before you know so or he was in a wheelchair okay yeah but you know it was a good it was it was meant to be those are two good things hip-hop did hip-hop needs to do another one right now yeah the youngsters do yeah definitely that resonates the same way because that's the thing it worked back then I tell you I tell you who should do it where it should come from the South yeah because yeah I've got to yeah they're already together if they was to do like uh put your guns down stop the violence type of movement you know what I mean like I'm talking about you know the powerful people from the South like I think I think it would make a huge impact it has to be maybe maybe somebody like Killer Mike but thing of it is is that you gotta understand it has to be that certain age it's got to be even it's got to go younger yeah like I always said I was thinking like more like a future yeah yeah Future's hot yeah I mean like it's not it's not like I mean he knows how to make the music that's still relevant he knows how to how to orchestrate it and I think that if future was to come out right now what up everyone put your guns down type of type of record like but even bringing people under him that are younger he didn't make it a club record right like making a club record that [ __ ] would be so [ __ ] dope like I'm I'm not in the record business no more you know but if anybody out there is listening if you right now what could hit be a young Public Enemy and a young Lauryn Hill them too it's neither a young Lauryn Hill a singer rapper beautiful woman speaking pro-black not doing a hoochie [ __ ] just keeping it straight solid like Lauren did well we got Rhapsody okay well then she's out there yeah Rapid City okay well then she needs to we got to blow her up yeah but Rhapsody and then a young 20 20 year old militant little [ __ ] it ain't about no jury or nothing just about what's right that's what we need uh Contra uh uh Coast Contra close contrast to me they like leaders in the new school though they they they but but I'm talking about some little militant [ __ ] that will that that know their knowledge they got their knowledge together because remember you know Professor Griff was hitting the stage they mean they're like 25 yeah I was like yo wait a minute I'm a [ __ ] I got to get my [ __ ] together like yo this [ __ ] is going down that's when W's had me like [ __ ] up and honestly Public Enemy the Public Enemy made us west coast rappers get more militant in our records not just talk about [ __ ] and talk about issues then all of a sudden you hear NWA do respect she's like they made you accountable yeah and then I toured with PE that was my number one touring partner so I went around the world three times with Public Enemy so I knew what they was about you know you telling them to pimp the hole and they told them girl go home that's what I call balance well you know what way we did it I said Chuck's politics are Global minds are basically around the hood so he'll tell you about the president I'm telling you about the guy that runs your block that's the president in my world so I had the pistol and he had African pendant so he was more geopolitical right well ice is going to tell you what's going on on the Block Point Blank so we both and at the end of the day I remember one time I was with uh we went to The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's house and sat with Minister Farrakhan this is when um I was in the cop killer [ __ ] it was me Cube sister Soldier Chuck and we sat with on uh uh Khalid was sitting across from me remember uh college and I got really close with Mustafa uh the Bro the son of was interested and that was during the time I was going through cop kill him and sold you was going yeah I am Elijah Muhammad just told me straight up if you stand in the street expect to get hit by a car you basically said cop killer like get ready and that's when I learned that freedom of speech just watch what you say you have the right to say anything but you must be prepared for the ramifications of what you say right you can't come out and diss gay people and don't and get mad when they attack you can't disk cops you can't like Kanye you can't just the Jewish you say it get ready Embrace for impact cause they will come back if you sit down if you're Colin Kaepernick you put your knee down get ready protests will come with resistance that's why it's protest don't get mad when you get attacked Grace if you want to put your fifth I'm gonna put my fist if I'm gonna say something right here right now that might make me lose my job don't get mad because I lose my job see what I'm saying you have you have freedom of speech you can go home you can't go home to your wife and say baby I just [ __ ] your sister free speech right you have the right to say it but you gotta think what's gonna happen so there it is I learned that I learned that during the cop killer thing and uh now I I intentionally I'm not ever trying to start no beef I don't I don't want to if I wanted I want it let's put it like that if I wanted I want I want no unintentional [ __ ] right you know [ __ ] up everything like the mob you say it's [ __ ] with the money man it's [ __ ] with the money like why are you doing this dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] with the money like my boy says keep the cash flow at a maximum and the drama at a minimum okay next one Primo or Pete Rock both geez God damn it both I miss CL Smooth yeah man Pete Rock and see let's move together yep see us movies to say else [ __ ] Mama's in the kitchen cooking fire like what the [ __ ] are you talking about like [Laughter] [ __ ] would see some smooth [ __ ] you know butter sauce on the wet yeah like what the [ __ ] it was so fly I was like see how smooth it's the smoothest rapper probably in the history of the world but you know and feedback's beats is just official now when you talk about Primo uh Gangstar and Guru rest in peace Gangstar slept in my house gang Guru was this yeah he was the best man was such a real person and so so dope I used to love to see Guru and cool Keith hanging out together that [ __ ] that must have been crazy that's a guru and then and Primo's [ __ ] is just the most to me Primo has the is the god of the boom battle yeah he's yeah hands down and the god of the of the of the scratch hook yep like he'll put a hook on you with four different rappers and it's just so dope if you wanna if you want to test your rap skills get a Primo beat and go in I mean mop like Freddy Fox who can [ __ ] produce everybody Fox Jay rooted damage Jesus Christ group home Bang Bang the malignant lyrics the only dope I sing I'm a true gangster you can tell that [ __ ] like dude I was like yeah yeah and the thing of it is in a rapper's career in a rapper's career you might make a classic record well you might make three but some records is just like come clean it's just that's like Special Ed I I got it made dinner I'm the idol your highest title I'm like yo this is a classic hip-hop record so Premiere premieres from Texas yep yeah how about that how did the most New York [ __ ] in the world from Texas if you know what else was talking about Beats you know what else was one of my favorite beat nuts love beatnuts yeah we love to be a lot of beating us and they deserve part two of drinking and reign of the tech is one of the most gangster records ever written John Wayne couldn't even stand the rain at the video yeah like who is these things Hotel producers yeah yeah yes part of native tongue so yeah Juju so you know like I'm saying since we're doing a hardcore [ __ ] we got the hardcore radar up yeah so when that came out I'm like oh that was from they produced one of my records all right so hold on let me let's get this um podcast or radio I think podcasts because podcasts right now you talk with me for hour or two which is much more comfortable than radio radio you're always trying to promote something I haven't promoting anything but radio you you rappers have this switch where they can hit and they go into promo mode right I got three seconds they get my new records man yeah [Applause] this is this is where we get to just chill right like that and also about podcasters you get to pick who you [ __ ] with like if you don't like me and you made it to this part of the podcast just a stupid mother you's a dumb [ __ ] you have plenty of time to turn this [ __ ] off I'm not your I'm not your [ __ ] yeah I love this question chill out will or America's Most Wanted well those are two Ice Cube records right yeah I try to say both I couldn't yeah should have been death certificate on America's Most Wanted I mean all ice cubes albums pretty much the same the only one that rates higher would be Straight Out of Compton which is NWA right but Ice Cube had a has a a basic solid body of work yep probably said good I did I said I love it you know one thing about me the rappers I like are digestible like I love Nori because I understand what they're saying I'm a mob deep fan Prodigy is my favorite rapper right right because I understand what he's saying it's legible I understand it so that's the thing like I Like Rappers where I don't have to decode it you know that it can sit up and sit [ __ ] to me and I'm like yo that was dope I got that and you know Ice Cube is one of those rappers you know I try to be that kind of rapper I'm not you know I say one of my Rhymes I say I check your style although you rhyme quicker no matter what you do I'll always lace mine thicker jealousy will make a fool die quicker than liquor watch your back with your [ __ ] cause that's right wheel is sticky so I said I gotta run heavy I want you listen I see where I go that was that [ __ ] not even a bar not even word play game right so yeah you know I just did a cool Keith record where I say it's not how long you're living I said well no it's not how well you live in it's how long you live in wealth so let me ask you a question New Jack City or Ricochet New Jack City New Jack City I mean Ricochet was my first co-starring but New Jack City is my legendary flip you know like film yes still yeah when I do my shows I end with new Jack Hustler and colors those are my my those will be my biggest records Dr Dre or Puff Daddy Dre okay Dre no no dad I love puffy puffy to me is the ring Master he's the master of everything that moves in hip-hop he does his thing he's a magnificent promoter and stuff like that but I'm not really I don't know Puffy's true producing power as far as what Dre does Dre is a studio rat stays in the studio the only thing about Dre and Dre is one of my very dearest friends but the reason I never record with Dre is it'll never come out they're like guys this work and I'm like okay now we did it let's put it no no no no no no no no no no he just he's very so meticulous but see the thing of it is when you sell 10 million records you don't want to put out anything that's not going to sell 10 million records but he just finished a new album with Snoop yeah oh man that's the them because Snoop is Drake's first artist but that's the that's the magic I can't wait to hear that I've heard a lot of it but uh oh you've heard it yeah I get I got a whole I gotta my phone is full of Dr Dre records so what do you think it compares to his body of work that what you've heard so far it's just magnificent see Dre I guess has certain people he trusts and so I listen to the music and I give him back my honest feedback like he'll send me five records I'll say this is my favorite that's all you need I like this one out of all of them and stuff but um Dre special cool one next question don't think puffy ain't special though puffy invited me to a lot of fly-ass parties I don't want to lose my invitation [ __ ] I love love Mr love I love you don't get it wrong don't get it wrong I [ __ ] with puff puff is cool with me let the record show so would you rather be loved or feared love absolutely love fear fear is not it's not it's the [ __ ] love keeps you safe the reason nobody will let nothing happen to me in here because you [ __ ] got love for me not cause nobody's scared of me uh scared man it only takes six ounces of pressure from a kid now torpedo send a kid at you pal they put you down let me can I break this down this is a good one yeah if you got love you have a group of people around you that love you that's your inner circle right you're taking care of them they talk to other people and they say yo yo Evans my man blah blah blah that's another Circle maybe you helping them they helping them okay there's another circle of people outside of them they hear oh effing's a good dude that's my man right it's a big circle that ice is a good or you're a good dude you know how you're in danger is when your inner circle turns on you when you're Inner Circle it got a problem and they the ones that can let [ __ ] in but if you got that Circle right before somebody over to the left moves on you they're gonna run into one of your people that's like nah that's not gonna happen cuz it's a layer because of Love of layers of love not fear fear is a challenge fear is a challenge oh he's supposed to be hard [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying but love will protect you uh to an extent to an extent because like I told Nori last night the bullet will hit you before the rep hits them so I'm in I'm in South Beach cruising fly they move on a car blow ice got hit but that was Ice yeah they know don't know so the [ __ ] out night doing dirt they can get it now why why do I know that element is out because I used to be in that element looking for a [ __ ] hunting [ __ ] so I know you're in danger out there you look like a big piggy bank you in a Maybach you look like a big piggy man first but in a real situation the only reason anybody in here would hold me down is because they got love for me not cause they're afraid of me [ __ ] out of here [Laughter] at home yo-yo or Lady of Rage I'm not [ __ ] with that one both rage is dope rage has what we just talked about a classic record right you say afro puffs is Rage I mean that [ __ ] was so hard and then yo-yo was cubes girl yo-yo is so dope in real life she's such a real champ a real person a sweetheart so I'm the kind of person like I put the West Coast on my back like all all west coast rappers we all family right you know so I would never talk down on neither them chicks and both of them always treated me sweet that's what's up so mob deep or MLP cool [ __ ] I say both even though like I say mob deep is my favorite what's it goes yeah yeah I gotta take a big one and now yeah that's a good one mob deep in MLP I did a song recently with Fame and um and um little Fame uh Havoc wow and um Razz cast wow they got a little group they put together so I did a video with them but um little Fame havoc and Vasquez I didn't know that yeah there's something coming there's something coming we shot a video and stuff but um I'm not I'm just in the video but um like I say like to me Mobb Deep my deepest to calm before the storm and MLP is the storm well MLP came out first but MLP blah blah blah you know like yo look at us come out some hardcore I did a record with Billy dance and it's like yo this [ __ ] the way they do it they have a technique on how they do it to get that [ __ ] like that yeah the ad libs are sick but then then like mob deep is just like it's scary see my thing with gangster rap is the music has to match the content like I've never been into like saying gangster [ __ ] over happy music like that didn't work for me so like when I heard when you hear uh uh fall of a villain a kill is in the hundred dollar ability real [ __ ] who ain't got no filter before they even start rapping you like [ __ ] start stabbing [ __ ] you know it just gets you in that zone I got you stuck off the realness we be the infamous so I'm like no this [ __ ] is so gangster so that's my thing gangster music should always have that that sound now now Antioch there's two records I stand up in the club two records that I don't care what the [ __ ] happens I stand up when uh Jay-Z says allow me to reintroduce myself I'm like oh I'm like I'm in the club I'm like oh that's my [ __ ] I said and hand me up when Annie up I stand up I can't help them I gotta get him you know my other record that makes me stand up too you don't want them boys to come over and start asking you what you want to do [ __ ] what you trying to do whatever that record he's a good [ __ ] Illmatic or all eyes on me don't matter Illmatic because like I say I'm much more of a lyrical cat and I loved Illmatic when it first came out and stuff like that I love pop but it's all I only like certain pop records you know what I'm saying only like certain Park Records it's my it's my taste now crucify me on the west coast but I'm a much I I would study Nas and I think the nas being what was he 16 yeah he was young that that eliminates the excuse of young rappers claiming well I'm young hmm that kid was you know and I I sat there listened to that album like I gotta get better but you know what I'm saying so that's what I like you know if you if you're the baddest [ __ ] in the room you're not gonna grow you know when I go out I want to be the brokest [ __ ] in the room that's the only way I can come up you know so I like to be around so I like I love being around busting Rhymes and super rappers and [ __ ] like that people you think it's it's just as good as you are or better better when I first started rapping I was in the studio with cat with Melly Mel and Cat and Cass all right and that first people I ever seen right in the studio right they wraps in the studio what yeah but they was like yo if you write it to the beat it's gonna flow better than if you write it and try to push it over to be I had to learn that now I don't write I don't write until I got the beat I'd learned that but half man half amazing this [ __ ] is something else and and like and park was too but Park had to kind of grow I don't know think of it is with pot I knew pop when he was in Digital Underground right right so it took me a minute to accept Park as a rapper you know because we will come back to that we're gonna come you know what I'm saying to that schooly D or cool or kuji rap two different type rappers uh what I can't compare them I gotta say both all right take a sip but y'all just taking sips now what kind of part of the game is this I've been going back and forth if School Ed is the is the inventor of gangster rap yeah he's the in your opinion inventor because they say you're the inventor of gangster rap I I I I've been saying I put the fentanyl hold on hold on breaking news finally ever yes to you sail who's the original gangster spoolie d schooly d now also there's another group in New York called mob stock mob staff what they would do is Gangster yourself actually AZ from the alpha crew he was actually in that group I believe he was rhyming no no no yes pretty Tony yeah pretty tall yep all right so anyway I'm saying mob style and Scooby-Doo I don't know what I don't know when mob stock came out okay I don't I can't know so that I but I was aware of that group okay all right you know if people trying to put you in history you want to be placed correctly I don't want to know [ __ ] fake [ __ ] yes right so the schooly D story goes like this I was already writing gangster raps right but I never put it on wax I was writing rhymes for gang bangers right you wanna hear gang bang around yeah strong through the city in the middle of the night [ __ ] on my left [ __ ] on my right yelling that'd be [ __ ] I see if you bad enough come [ __ ] with me I seen another [ __ ] I say [ __ ] again he say [ __ ] a [ __ ] [ __ ] this is brown so we pulled out the Roscoe Roscoe said crack I look again [ __ ] was shooting back so we fell to the ground ain't for his head one more time the [ __ ] [ __ ] was dead walked over to him took his gun spit in his face and began to run so if you see another [ __ ] laying dead in the street and a puddle of blood from his head to his feet hope it's time all you [ __ ] get hit this [ __ ] brim [ __ ] West Side [ __ ] I said that on the other on the other drink Champs because I then I ended with rolling 60 [ __ ] but that was something I would say one here one more I got another yeah I don't know how the [ __ ] you on TV dig this this one's even more fun this is this one's even more fun I said this in quench your eyes go like this fall into a party on a Saturday night and I left the pad down and out for a fight had on a waistline leather Levi's cuff under the coat I know I was buff because I was driving the iron getting ready for that set and I was packing a punching [ __ ] never forget the ring in my ear was hanging halfway to the floor and I was so tight I walked sideways out the door now the hoopty was lifted front side and rear and the glass was all tinted wasn't none of it clear it was cragered down those are the rims was craged down with a cold ass Pearl deepest Diamond tuck in the goddamn world I had quadrophonic headphones with the tone you could fix under the seat I had a 30 odd six now on the way to the party I was scraping and hopping because I Knew by the night there was gonna be some popping when I got to the set I let it lay on the ground the Buddhists came to check it out from Chinatown now when I fell in the party it was [ __ ] for days I was looking crazy in some hella five ways I just walked in the corner listen to they talk first James Brown record I jumped up from [ __ ] walk now I was walking so hard [ __ ] couldn't compete I'm about to turn out the party with my goddamn feet but Nori then some [ __ ] went and got out of line his nose my fist had no trouble to find after driving the iron so hard on that day I drove his grilling and one hell of a way but his Partners fell out so did mine squabbing went on for quite a long time but then all of a sudden I heard some popping I knew not too soon this fight would be stopping I seen 22s 38s in a 45 I knew not too much would be left alive uh the [ __ ] broke out in the goddamn rage cause I even think I seen the sawed-off gauge because I was sent from hell not heaven I broke out with the Chrome plated 357 and the name of the game is simply survival at the end of the Night 10 was Dead on Arrival and me and my partners we was going like the wins police blamed it on the Crips of the brims but some [ __ ] knew in the corner in the dark them crazy [ __ ] reside in Triangle Park they go by the name of brunette Zell and Trey and they belong to the association called the EPA that was called the eliminators pimping Association that was one of my little Crews back in his desk for the record this is free hip-hop damn this is 1970 say five in high school saying these Rhymes to the gang bangers to entertain them I can insert your gang name I can insert your [ __ ] into the set this is how I kept them Savage [ __ ] off my bumper yo [ __ ] say what I'm saying say my name cuz put my name in it so this is it so when hip-hop came I was like I could do that but I just had to learn how to syncopate it on the beat some people still don't know I think I could single paint it on the beat but that's another story but that was my attempt to learn how to do it so that was gangster rap right that's so you if you count that then maybe I am the first but it wasn't recorded so I'm in I'm in a club called two one three no three it was in Santa Monica and I hear this psk we making that green people always say what the hell does that mean peace for the people who can't understand and the music sounded I don't never get high but it sounded like angel dust okay I could hear that not agree with that I can hear the psk all that Reverb was like and all of a sudden this pimp [ __ ] psk you know then he said I went to the GJ I put my pistol up against his head said suck your ass [ __ ] I should shoot you dead I thought I was like who is this so I do the research they say it's schooly day we had to go to the library I had Google so I just I had to check with my DJs okay okay good but that record night I was in the in the club thing but that record I was like who is that so we found out School Ed we did the research said Philly and cool and they like psk stands for Parkside Killers yes I'm like he's repping a set PSA upsk psk stands for Parkside Killers crazy a gang right never been done before no hip-hop was throw your hands in the air was peace love and you know this [ __ ] is rapping about a gang so I was like I was a green light like oh all these other Rhymes I got over here because I was like you can't do it like you gotta remember Hip Hop was like disco it was homogenized early the spikes yeah it was like being like rock stars yeah so I'm like yeah but then I but then I sent her this and it was such a dope record then then he had smokes and kill and He was cursing and [ __ ] I'm like let's go so we take the 808 we make the beat uh six in the morning was made six in the morning repeat game Pete game six in the morning was made kind of like to resemble the Beastie Boys B itch Beastie Boys had a record call Holden now hit it well I chill will uh well I got then it would stop holding now and then it would start yeah so six in the morning stopped that was the Beastie Boys stop I want to make the record stop and start right so that I I say I I take I take that that you got you DJs understand what I'm saying right yeah come over my head right because B that was if you listen to hold it now hit it the record stop yeah hold on wait a minute boom it starts again the break is just separate so our break was then then so now schooly d psk was making that green people always say what the hell does that mean six in the morning police at my door fresh should eat a squeakers [Music] let me take you another let me take me the boys in the ah started talking that trash same [ __ ] all three same Cadence same one let's follow me Dre would tell you that boys in the hood is six in the morning part two wow I was today years old but see when I tell you when I when I when I say it it makes sense it makes total sense it makes total sense so schooly D inspired six in the morning but what I did was six in the morning I put the guns and the drugs and all the other [ __ ] because um schooly was vague right you know he alluded to it yeah people always say with peace for the people who can't understand how one by one homeboy became a man as for the way you scream and shout one by one I'm knocking you out that was basically it I was six in the morning police at my door you know they found a Uzi and a hand grenade and we beat the [ __ ] down at the got no it's like I took the fentanyl on it I added it to Jay and she was on stairs what yeah it was on steroids but then what happened is school he hears it and gave me the it's like yo [ __ ] that's just once he said once I heard the tune he said that's just hard so me and schooly always were friends it never turned into nothing and then when cube came out with boys in the hood I got it it was just homage the one to the next and where's the school is he at now is he the schooly decent Philly schooly D started he started um uh making Mama Bank no no no that's that's steady beat oh my bad [Music] he actually brought up King in New York he did the soundtrack for King of New York wow yeah so schooly's my dude but yeah school he has old school style and rhyme and you know the way it is for that schooly but he was always Dirty by the way so did you pick schooly D or kuji rap we forgot I think we said I said both because come on it's a demo like yo what the [ __ ] DJ Polo like I think really like when we say rock him was the slower but Koji was the P was it was introduction to complex rhyme style complex Tila Rock really was to me the first introduction of the complex rhyme style but then kuji rap sped it up yeah he took it to the future I did a record with Koji rap too for uh djk slay rest in peace one of his rest in peace case later yeah yeah I mean I've been very fortunate to meet all my idols and have them have a mutual respect the first thing is you meet your idol and they look at they don't like you oh you a sucker oh you don't like them when you meet him I've had that happen weird [ __ ] you know I'm into it I had somebody that I dissed and I met and they was the nicest person in the world I learned my lesson I stopped that you don't want to say that first thing I think it was uh I think it was MC shid oh remember Shady yeah man yeah well yo shake it say shaking Atlanta Miami I think I don't know why I don't even know why I wasn't the fan but when I met him he's like yo I see you're my idol I was like yo I'm an [ __ ] I'm an [ __ ] Sunshine he was dope out here in Miami I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] this is the nicest dude in the [ __ ] world I don't even know what and you know at that point I I like I told you last night man music is like religion it's like ice cream that's where there's 31 Flavors whatever you like that's what you like I've learned that over time it's not for me to pick out your preference and what you like you like it for a certain reason you know what I'm saying Eminem to me is one of the most incredible rappers Eminem right okay Eminem says his first record he ever heard was Reckless right Eminem raps at a certain frequency if you can't dial into that frequency you can't listen to Eminem forever because Eminem raps at a certain frequencies I'm I tuned into a lower voice does that mean I dislike Eminem no I cannot rap at his level right but for me listening I'd rather hear Big Daddy Kane you know what I'm saying it's just where my energy level is as a player now and an older player too I ride around more chill okay MC Ren or spice one both okay both because they both Legends Ren is oh yeah shots Ren was always to meet a more serious believable dangerous person in NWA because Ren was you gotta remember Ren was easy boy okay so Ren was really bren's birthday was yesterday wow yeah so Ren was really about it you know spice one was just a [ __ ] his style was incredible and you know spice one is still a beast um I was like once again I love all West Coast because all the bay everybody man see when I started I couldn't come out crippled blood I couldn't come out west coast you know West Coast so everybody from Too Short all the people up and down the bay it was all help to me let me let me add a different one yeah king T or MC Breed both okay both uh ain't no ain't no future in the [ __ ] fighting I went to Flint Michigan when breed was alive nicest guy in the world was there water good back then yep well I lost my I lost my leather coat that's my only bad thing I you know how you do it a show and you throw your leather coat [ __ ] stole it [ __ ] I went back to the show where's it at though you didn't get it you didn't get it them [ __ ] but uh if you listen to a lot of any like everybody knows breeds number one records but if you listen to any of his records he's dope he is dope dude breed is dope he brought him up he's rapping his ass down now king T is a whole nother I know to me king T was West Coast biggie yeah the king T flow is so similar to Biggie's flow and I have a picture of him and Biggie together wow wow yeah so you know well it's Tila man that's my God man that's my god king T has what's called the drunk technique you got to get king T on it yeah yeah I mean the alcohol is in that whole thing if anything so for him he has to hit the right level of drunkness right wow if he gets too high he can't do it if he gets not high enough the flow don't happen right when he hits that the drunk technique that's one of his records it's just I did I mean so the Kung Fu technique the Drunken Monkey pretty much pretty much patila is is no one Raps like king T nobody and to me honestly that's my thing in hip-hop it's like originality is number one but there's no component Noriega there's no Nas there's no so you name it off people that just know they're not replicas right but you know I've had people show my house [ __ ] like DHL man that rhyme and they sound just like DMX I'm like you sound like DMX like how many rappers that come to me with demos that sound like POC I'm like and tell you they sound like it too which is even crazy doesn't count [ __ ] and they say I'm the new I'm the new I'm the new such and such Everlast when I first met him he sounded like Rakim he was really yeah yeah he was in rhyme Syndicate he sounded like went long when he had the long hair and I said you don't but you need to rap in your own voice a lot of rappers don't like the sound of their own voice so to emulate others other rappers yeah the next chance is dope tomorrow are we getting into something like she is opening I'm opening up some good [ __ ] for you all right hip hop we're going to strip club booby trap or Magic City I never been to eat the only Strip Club in Miami I think I ever been was did y'all ever have one called diamonds yep and Rolex and Rolex Rolex back with Luke yeah I got a quick story for you you was I don't know did Luke do did was there a player's ball in Miami but he had a party or something so so Luke's remember the club Luke's Club yes I was I was DJing right and Trick Daddy was there that part but I remember you coming up to me I'm DJing okay I got a picture of this and you said I want a rhyme play Shook Ones Part Two okay and I played it and I'm not deep and yeah and I got the picture of it picture looks weird but we're gonna put the picture in the episode but it was it was memorable it was memorable as hell I think that was the night I first ran into Zoe pound I forgot I guarantee you it was I never seen right am I right guarantee it was I ran the Zoe pound and I'd never seen so much jewelry I was like who the [ __ ] you yo ice we Zoe pound what would we [ __ ] that's all I care is the second word is we [ __ ] with you and I'm good some real dudes good dudes yeah yeah so I met them that night they was they was like we [ __ ] with you I'm like so then I'm good good shout out to Zoe pounds all right Law and Order organized crime or law order SVU [ __ ] them all the original Law and Order I'll give a little love to the original Law and Order because without them we would have never been on right uh Law and Order uh Crim uh s uh organized crime is Chris Maloney show spin-off but I gotta [ __ ] with my team I had to keep my [ __ ] boat floating feel me SVU Mariska Hargitay most incredible woman to work with I've been very fortunate to have a a sweet you know Mariska was Jay Mansfield's daughter uh she comes from you know royalty right and I love working with her and it's been a very very fun job people say well how do you do the job so long it's because I go to work every day and everybody respects everybody and it's we all know we all players on the team so you ask for you season 25 to season 30 to see I till I check out of this [ __ ] let's end it out I got one you know what look look y'all why is this glass not going down because that girl right there shout out Jamie our bartender Jamie keeps sliding in yeah and I'm not Jamie don't fill this up no more I have no reference point to how much I'm sure iced tea the non-alcoholic [ __ ] drink Champs got me open all right OG or home invasion oh gee OG because OG like I said it was a result of NWA coming out and me coming hard as I could at the time with the attempt to do a double album but Warner Brothers didn't want to put out a double album because wax it went out and they couldn't put more than 70 something minutes on a CD so that and then home invasion was me and turmoil home invasion was after cop killer that's when I went over the priority and I was kind of like flustered so it was a angry album I don't like making angry I don't like right making impulsive music I like to make reactive right yeah you might but it was good the first record on home invasion is the best from it's on where I'm mad at the source source magazine you're the first one you know [ __ ] Source magazine how do you know you pick you pick Chuck Cube and me how the [ __ ] you pick us three they dissed us three yeah I said you punk [ __ ] saying [ __ ] you're just a bunch of [ __ ] making money no I said uh Source you punk [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] she's just a bunch of hoes making money off the pros and when I see her get you in your sight and my sights I'll give your ass a story to write Okay magazine in that one being an actor or being a musician or if you want to take just being an emcee both both I explained okay please explain me being a musician is beautiful because I control everything I go in the studio I get to pick the beat or make the beat I write the lyrics I create the entire picture acting you're just doing what you say I have to act until you're happy I have to I have to fill your image if you're a director effort and you say nah nah you were more mad than that I get mad you go no split the difference so I'm working off of you so it's different only way acting would be like music but I wrote it directed it and produced it but usually as an actor you're falling into somebody else's right Vision but that being said both of them are dream jobs both of them jobs you don't ever retire from ever I cannot stop I could stop making records forever if I go to a Nori show and he calls me up on the stage I got bars and also like rock Kim said I came in the door said it before I never let the mic magnetize me no more even when I'm at other people's show I'm like thinking in my head some bars just in case I get caught up cause you're black out you'll be on somebody you know Fuji pull you up you like oh [ __ ] so you know you you know sometimes even if I'm going to people's show I'm I might say I might practice some [ __ ] just on the way there just because I don't rap off the head I'm a writer so I got to figure out which I'm gonna pull up if that moment you know but uh an acting who retires from acting those are dream jobs right those are those people dream to do that [ __ ] so for the rest of your [ __ ] life it makes your music this could be bad your knees could be bad in them yeah I mean Morgan Freeman's still getting the bag yeah you get a hell of a bag you know so it's entertainment is something that's beautiful and if you are fortunate enough to be able to make a career doing it first off you're living a miracle right it's a mirror percentages are very low yeah you don't have calluses right I wasn't ready for that but um yeah but uh I uh yeah they're both dream jobs and I think as long as you know it and you're aware of it you'll continue to be blessed right I'm very very [ __ ] fortunate you know to be still in the game like I said when Lauren orders I'm just gonna go refrost Samuel Jackson's Parts you know I could say [ __ ] just like him you know what I'm saying so I read for our Samuel's Parts maybe I'll get a couple Marshalls is good I I [ __ ] uh was watching Shaq one day Shaq said he never spent any money out of the NBA I know yeah I saw that I was like where so I call my manager I said I need some I need some uh like advertising gigs they won't [ __ ] with you top killer you bad disaster give me all right I need to advertising agent so we got somebody the first one I got was the lemonade read the sign I remember that that was amazing so I do that and they waiting on the blowback they waiting on some and no one said anything the next thing you know I just start getting the sound down I got a uh one coming out of course I got car Shield car Shield is a uh car shows a gig so what happens is you go out you do the [ __ ] they like it and they sign you on for years oh it's like getting a show so you do a year deal a year deal that lets you they'll run the commercials all year at the end of that year they gotta read up the people that have that do uh promotion like Cheerios yeah those ad agencies have they flush with cash Cheerios [ __ ] how the [ __ ] I get on a Cheerios box after the crimes you just said I don't know neither I'll tell you how I'll tell you how even though we off topic the guardian the gates have changed the gate The Gatekeepers yep the people that used to be in charge are gone they grew up on you new people that are in charge are our fans yeah that's real how the [ __ ] did snooping them get at the Super Bowl right because the person is making the call is 48 years old and grew up with us the old [ __ ] are gone yeah the people that I love ice [ __ ] that put them on Cheerios boxed he's 37 years old CEO billionaire so now right now that's why Snoop is doing so Snoop just in Taco Bell Corona but the people during Corona though during Corona it made me did he discard it afterwards I don't even know but I I drink a Corona today everybody was moving away from that bed it's just like wait a minute 50th anniversary of hip-hop top has gray hair yes I mean I'm clearly so so the people that are in charge are grown right so the theory that you're going to walk into a anything I don't care what it whatever it is and you're gonna run into somebody who doesn't like you [ __ ] that I'ma walk in Meet the CEO and he gonna be ice I went to college with you I grew up with you man let's get some money you know I remember I remember Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off the bat right now we could put out a bat cereal s well how's he undercover and it would sell get it kids would have no idea and it would sell because the guards are cheap you wouldn't be on the radio if the Go I mean on on podcast if it wasn't right the guards have changed yeah if he's in our guard all right how about that but what you said is important is still being in this space is a percentage thing and everybody's lucky that can actually survive in the space yes if you can survive into space but the new people are are our people they grew up on us right so the fear of iced tea is no longer there the fear of cop killers no I'm I was there when that happened we love you [ __ ] that right you know let's get some money when I saw Snoop with Lee Iacocca back in the day I'm like yo then with Barbara Walters Martha Stewart should be an honorable honorary member of G-Unit because she did her time she held her water we should have her own team Champs she needs to be on drink Champs she held her water she got caught she said all right he said she should be honorary member of G-Unit I respect that yeah she didn't we got totally yeah y'all coming soon yes yes I mean I respect her gangster she did a [ __ ] she's back doing her thing she [ __ ] with Snoop she's obviously a real woman right not so quick time with slime yeah but we having fun with it we elaborate exactly right exactly we're going to show you how quick time should be done yeah so I just answer the [ __ ] question elaborate all right I'm I'm gonna make this a three-way clear okay elaborate on that for a second I deserve that pimp and you just put down but could you elaborate on that okay so there's gonna be a three-way question New York Miami or LA okay I mean all all of above they were still drinking I love them all I took a shot for that day oh okay Miami start with Miami okay we love Miami first place Abby came in the United States they had Blue Water you know New York that shit's crazy yeah come on it's like let's speak on this it's like it's like seaweed and [ __ ] I came down here I'm like I'm in the Caribbean you know I used to live in Sunny Isles I had a pad in Sunny Isles I'm going out as Beach it's beautiful um Miami's going through transitions you know I've been coming down here for years so it was different you know I came out here one time on Memorial Day I never seen so many white t-shirts and Tims in my [ __ ] life Wow around how can I be down I was like yo let me take my bad my ass back up to North Miami like I was like it was your wife my [ __ ] what's up yo yo am I okay yeah I got wild around them times so I was like cool but I love Miami it's beautiful it's fun the people are here you just got to know where to hang and what to do I mean we're planning on going down to Miami Beach tonight we're staying up here we're going down tonight Miami Beach tonight with the wives have some dinner enjoy it it's a beautiful place um New York I I learned to love New York I came to New York I'm like first when I got to New York I was shook because I came in the winter and everybody had coats [ __ ] look big I thought [ __ ] was looking at me I'm like [ __ ] looking at me like no they ain't looking at you [ __ ] in New York got [ __ ] to do they got [ __ ] to do they not thinking about you so I like I like you know New York is different because y'all don't really have the gang so to speak but Bronx [ __ ] don't [ __ ] with Brooklyn [ __ ] don't [ __ ] you know it's different but I'm from I'm in Manhattan so you know I hooked up with smooth Hustler triggered a gambler uh Brooklyn that's Brooklyn yeah Brooklyn and then of course I'm hooked in with the Zulu cats I used to roll with Bo and uh all the Sugar Ray and all them up there I love New York City I don't think there's another city in the world like New York City God damn it New York is uh New York is like a Rubik's Cube no matter how long you lived in New York you can't tell a [ __ ] what's on 26th Street make nothing and if you lived on 26th Street you can't tell them what's on 27th and if you know it's on 27th you don't know what's on the 34th floor and in the back so you go in a building in New York downstairs it's a regular store next door is somebody's sweet next door is next floor is a sweatshop next floor is some s m [ __ ] next floor somebody got this badass you know lost hooked up next floor is abandoned it's like New York it is and then it then it does this once you think you know it it shifts like that Hellraiser ball New York's deep [ __ ] you can never penetrate the depth of New York City right and then la I love LA but La is violent and um La is a very very [ __ ] up Place uh outside of the nice areas you know when you go to Beverly Hills a lot of people come to LA and they go oh yeah I was in LA I'm like [ __ ] you was on Sunset yeah La is 40 50 square miles of [ __ ] and Mexicans surrounding it and we've had we've had gangs and the gangs are extremely dangerous and growing up there just going from block to block is is dangerous I don't really [ __ ] around in La like I I survived LA but I don't go back and hang out like maybe you go back to the block now you go back to prison you went to prison you go back visit [ __ ] I'm not I don't because I made it and you're safe when you got your boots on the ground I don't care what neighborhood you're from you're safe when you got your boots on the ground and you know everything that's happening everything's moving but once you leave and you come back you're not tied in like that you're not tied in like that and um I had a story going back to LA I I I went to Crenshaw but I hung in the 40s before the 40s had a gag and uh they want to go shoot an album cover or a magazine cover start back to 42nd I'm there I'm in the corner right by a liquor store and they got the white people shooting the video and little [ __ ] from the 40s now [ __ ] said it's being very disrespectful all these white people coming up in the hood I'm IC [ __ ] would not back down man [ __ ] that ice you ain't I'm like yeah so I called down the street I call my boy shiny Mack who live on the street yo Mac man these little [ __ ] over here is being disrespectful [ __ ] I'm in Colorado [ __ ] my age I'm out so I'm like call Little call Big Timmy who's Big Timmy big Timmy my boy Linda Jackson's Timmy fly that's Linda Jackson's son I mean I'm bro little uh brother you mean Timmy I used to carry like this oh no that's big Timmy now that's Timmy fly I call him yo Timmy I'm around the corner from your mother's house oh what up huh yo you little 40 [ __ ] being disrespectful hold up he hits the corner jumps out smacking [ __ ] that's my uncle what did I learn it's not my rap it's the [ __ ] that's putting a foot in their ass on a daily basis that they scared of they don't know [ __ ] about me so so therefore in the hood my card is invalid to these little [ __ ] they don't give a [ __ ] I'm an old [ __ ] so [ __ ] I'm like I'm not hanging out I can't hang out no more I'm not supposed to be there and always say also if I see gets shot or if I die I'm supposed to die someplace I should be I should slip and fall in Gucci's or some [ __ ] [ __ ] can't oh [ __ ] was in the hood I don't want [ __ ] to be in my funeral like dumb [ __ ] what was that [ __ ] doing over there why was Nori back you know Nori flipped the Speedy boat you know like for him said you know like that's how this [ __ ] happens I can't get caught but yeah some Pimp [ __ ] you know why you know all that it is private jet trip oh okay I'm not but it can't be [ __ ] in the funeral like dumbass why was Ice even hanging out with these [ __ ] you know like so I always think about that like I can't be in the car in the wrong place so la man my heart bleeds for LA but La is is a dangerous place whether you're from there or you're not people like always you think you got I don't have no pass I gotta pass maybe in my little neighborhood yeah I go over there I'm out of bounds you know what's the kid pnb yeah Manchester like [ __ ] I don't even go there I'm from L.A let me swans over there every area got a game I don't know them [ __ ] what God bless him but man stay in bounds if you go to L.A stay above Wilshire go go into you know West Hollywood and all the night don't wow it's like why would I come to New York and like take me to the grimiest area kind of senses that make you said you used to like to do that I used to do that you know what's crazy um when I first got out that's what I thought was it like you know we'll go to a certain place and we would say yo where's the hood so we we didn't want the weed man to come to us like how we do now we wanted to go to the weed man so we would go we would do that and we would enjoy it and it was the now that I'm a [ __ ] 45 year old grown man with kids I realized that was the dumbest [ __ ] I probably ever did like like I was already I'm there to do a show I'm there for business and I'm requesting to go to the worst area that's in that city right so by but I mean you know what that's kind of how I met you so it's kind of it's kind of like good as bad you know what I'm saying like what what I'm saying is like that style of play is crazy now you know what I mean like it's dangerous but let me go to the next question before we go to the last Quick time let me say something about that real quick when we used to travel from Sea from City to City I was I had a mentality of take me to your leader so like when we go to a city I would be like you know when I would meet people I'm like who the [ __ ] around here and I would bring them to my show I would show them love I give them passes and [ __ ] and that was how I would always stay secure instead of acting like we didn't go to the actual no I'm not going in your hood okay [ __ ] that yeah yeah but I'll invite them to this to the hotel but get them some you know laminates things of that nature and then I was good I always said you know we're here in your town I because all gangsters want is respect right that's all they want yeah show them that hey man I'm paying homie yo ice we your [ __ ] fans okay yo we here we in your town let us show us how you move but like you say I'm not going to the club after with you guys that ain't gonna happen no I'm good I'm chilling in the hotel you don't need to push your stripes you don't need to push house streets you are that you know I always say if you challenge the street the streets will catch your fade they'll take your faith yeah right they'll be your own I think you can't get God somebody will catch that fade so I don't want no beef but I don't want no beef breather but but on that note hold on I gotta ask you this because this is on the list this is my producers who make these questions iced tea or Soulja Boy hey yo these drinks are really starting to sink in I'm not even gonna validate that [Applause] it's a joke question let's build on that yeah how did how did that start what the hell happened I don't I don't get it I was in the studio I want Soulja Boy to hear this okay yes I was in the studio making a mixtape for some of my homies uh-huh I'm in the booth the [ __ ] start [ __ ] with me in the booth like they trying to you know like a fighter trying to get you to spit right right they're hyping you up [ __ ] don't want to hear you [ __ ] they want that soldier boy they want some Hurricane Chris [ __ ] I'm like [ __ ] them [ __ ] and that's how it started I just I don't even know I didn't even know who Soulja Boy was right I was like [ __ ] them [ __ ] and then I just went on my old school iced tea [ __ ] heated dick [ __ ] yeah I mean you know you put a [ __ ] in front of me I'm a devour him I don't even know who it is so I was talking my [ __ ] I don't know who Soulja Boy is I have nothing against the guy these idiots took that and put it at the front of the mixtape these guys aren't my friends anymore you feel me you feel me right now you could we could go in the studio we chilling right now I know I'm being filmed so I I'm I'll be held accountable for every single word I say right but if me and you is chilling and I'm talking [ __ ] and I look over and homie got the camera oh yeah what's that oh [ __ ] this Hood TV oh look at her TV [ __ ] I might segue into a murder [ __ ] like turn that [ __ ] off that's right so they took something that's how that happened oh it was it was just me talking [ __ ] right that goes out Soulja Boy pops up [ __ ] Ice-T old ass [ __ ] that's standing third could have let that die but my son who was 18 years old dad you got a reply y'all feel me my son tells me I got a reply cause he's on the same age wave so I I'm in Arizona I say some dumb [ __ ] and I regret it because people looked at it like I just jumped out of my bed and went in on the kid right that's not how it happened it was just and and even the insults I was not even aiming it at him I didn't really even know I I they just Hurricane Chris who is he he's a rapper right I was talking [ __ ] about them I don't know them hurricane Soldier I'm not your enemy I don't know you like I don't care like it wasn't that thing but it got bent out of shape and people like Ice well you did say some real [ __ ] I regret it I regret because that's not my character my character ain't to go in on [ __ ] like that but you know I learned I learned my lesson you ain't I ain't talking [ __ ] about no [ __ ] body man [ __ ] that because it's counterproductive it don't make you no money you know it don't make you no money it don't make you bigger it don't make you smarter distant people is they not your flavor that it's not my flavor you know but people will turn something that's not a disc into a disc because I say I like DMX over time oh they're gonna suggest not a disc Preference they create narratives to monetize now we're looking at your shirt you got a shirt where every sponsor in the world this is a F1 shirt oh you you down yeah I was fortunate enough to meet uh Lewis Hamilton IWC yeah well Louis tries for Mercedes he used to drive from McLaren yeah but I'm a guy RWC right yeah I'm a car guy so you just had to uh the uh formula one down here yeah so I'm friends and he's a black kid and he's you know world champion three times right so yeah [Applause] that's the last last one okay last one this is the last Quick time of slime question we still got more but quick time of slime QuickTime or slime um loyalty or respect loyalty loyalty wow because loyalty can save your life loyalty is the most difficult thing you know uh I say respects about the hardest damn thing on the streets to earn but respect is ego based it's like do I care people respect me or this that other I don't care if you respect me but if you're loyal to me I I much more prefer that I prefer loyalty you know I a [ __ ] can respect you and still throw you in under the jail wow you know I love him but yeah but a loyal [ __ ] won't turn on you you see the difference is I won't cross you not because I'm gonna get caught not because I'm a rat it's cause I can't that's loyalty I just can't do it it's my [ __ ] man I cannot do it so that's why whenever somebody out is pocket out of pocket talking out of line saying [ __ ] you gotta understand that that's not loyalty because if I'm loyal to you I will never utter a word out of my mouth God damn it against him I can't do it [Applause] he held me down I was [ __ ] up I slept on his couch by the way we're gonna correct you his name's EFA FM works for me that's after DJ efn [Applause] hold on I want to go to the root of Body Count let's go where does that where do you get that where did you where did that come into play like what what's the root of that real quickly uh my mother died my father died I was moved to Los Angeles to live with my aunt she had a son her name his name was Earl he thought he was Jimi Hendrix uh he kept the radio station on the rock stations I had to live in a room with him so I was put into the Rock World by listening to everything from Jethro Tull Black Sabbath uh [ __ ] traffic uh ELO Blue Oyster Cult all the rock bands so I understood rocks I also understood Punk because Punk came through Black Flag things of that Nation all right okay that's part one grew up listening to Parliament Funkadelic things like that so rock and guitars were always part of my thing right I go on tour with Public Enemy I go to Europe and the kids are moshing off of HIPAA now if you you played in front of a mosh pit before MLP it's wow so once you see a mosh pit [ __ ] a crowd mosh piss that's the [ __ ] so I'm like yo this [ __ ] is dope right so now I want to make music for mosh pip they would Marsh off a terror Dome and it's fast stuff so now I got Ernie C Ernie C was my childhood friend went to Crenshaw High School with me he was a guitar virtuoso I said let's make a metal band let's make a rock band like a Jimi Hendrix but more like thrash more fast and punk more faster wow but I sing about the same things I sing about and that's where body count was introduced and uh the first album had cop killer KKK [ __ ] different things on it it was also a chance for Ice-T to pick another Lane I Hip Hop was now getting crowded I said so I did it on the Original Gangster album body count just recently won the Grammy for uh congratulations so it's also like black people don't even know I got a bad black kid so uh we play for 100 000 people over at the download Fest in Europe uh body I just finished a new album which is called merciless and um it's just a side gig that turned into a major gig now body count sells more records than I see wow so that's body count BC and also body count the name body count was how many people we got to show that we dope to become fans and then also is BC blood [ __ ] wow yeah so BC body count fans respect y'all new albums come in it's called merciless my first promotion on drink Champs and I just show I just showed Nori in a body count video for uh Raining Blood I'm wearing a relaxed t-shirt and a relaxed star rock t-shirt star all right there you go there you go there she goes [ __ ] [Music] the bottomless drink yes it's got iced tea on drinking everybody out there that's watching this to say I see you say you don't drink and it's that it's a that's the truth I really naturally don't drink but I'm not afraid to drink I'm not afraid of marijuana I've never smoked weed but I've been on the levels of contact high I ain't smoke either but we smoking right now with Nori I hung around like y'all smoking right now right now I've been on levels of contact high my son was working in a dispensary I never forget and they were smoking all kinds of [ __ ] you know at the dispensary they got you know we smoking abortion we smoking dead body you know the names like dead body this is kill 20 [ __ ] eat that try this you know the names they got so I'm so high right I'm standing let me show you so I tell the [ __ ] like this yo man I got to go man I'm about to get out of here man you know what I'm saying so what's happening man I'm like just thinking this shut up turn around and sat the [ __ ] back down so yeah I've been very very high um back in the day we used to sell weed remember when weed was five fingers anybody at all would get a bag of weed it was a big bag of stress with stems and [ __ ] in it yeah right early weed game back in the day you call it what you will so under my staircase under my staircase in my apartment I had a little closet and we call that the gas chamber and they had pillows in there [ __ ] you go in there and smoke weed in there and just just like inhale it and just be [ __ ] up I didn't do it though but yeah I've been high and this champagne is not not bad at all no this is made and I've been thinking that Japanese I've been drinking that DeLeon these are all DeLeon that's tequila this is to kill this this black owned Diddy give me some of that stop playing right that's a good shot when I tell people I don't drink EFM when I tell people I don't drink or I don't get high I always never thought it was I never thought it was attractive right being drunk in public not being drunk you got to be I understand that that's what we do but being drunk as a woman I was like this is wax this is dangerous guys let me explain something to you ice I'm sorry I'm sorry but if a neighbor of Mines said to me one day he said don't walk over there by Nori you're gonna get high to another neighbor right so another neighborhood don't walk over there you're gonna get high just by being near You by Vietnam man I didn't like that Grill belly on right okay yeah yeah and I don't care yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and I'm gonna do this okay all right cool so um if I drink anymore I'm gonna do some break dancing it's how much I didn't like when he said don't go over there you'll get high I went upstairs I got all my papers I got my medical marijuana license and I came down and I said to the guy excuse me sir I don't get high I get medicated I see this doctor subscribed right you understand getting high is when you go see the guy on the corner right right that's doing pull-ups right that sells your weed myself my whole life I I've always been like a leader that's right so but today can you take a shot today can you take out a shot you got a shot yes [Applause] why would a [ __ ] do that see there's no reason to drink this [ __ ] other than to get hot yeah it doesn't taste good look this oh my God I disagree well I know but I do know the more you drink the more the easier it goes yeah but shots are never good nah shots are never good you're supposed to have a chance or something like as I was saying Nori you ain't drinking the military no dig this I've always like been a leader I've never had security but uh and I always just felt being high compromise my situation if I was your security I couldn't get high right right but now on my security right so I have to be on point now the reason I never I never could afford security early in my life and I noticed people that had it started to believe they needed it like their brain said I can't go out without it now me like I say I'm six foot I'm I I always felt I missed a good fight like I took martial laws I can fight but I don't get to use it so I always felt like I'm really waiting like having a gun you just bought a good new gun I'm waiting to work this [ __ ] like I want to use it for myself I'm comfortable I don't have beef if you come to rob me my shit's insured I'm Not Afraid right now I know I'll give you that got a relaxed t-shirt yeah I'm not afraid up to this point now I might say this go out here and get laid down but no no no no that's not gonna happen but but my point is alcohol was one of my ways of saying I need to be on point now what happened was early in my life my guys I became the the designated driver or the sober [ __ ] in the crew and they they liked it when I was young when the big homies was like yo ice [ __ ] hit the weed I'm like I don't I want to hit the weed you a [ __ ] if you don't hit the weed well I'm a [ __ ] make me hit it now anybody tries to get me high the big homie like nah [ __ ] don't get high I don't get out cause he couldn't get me to do it but so now I become the cat and the crew ice is good so I'm the [ __ ] like him [ __ ] the [ __ ] pops off I'm grabbing [ __ ] like yo [ __ ] if the police pull up I'm talking so the homies respected that it's always good to have a sober [ __ ] in the click but it's always good a [ __ ] does not get out of it and if you're in a room if you on some gangster [ __ ] right if you're in a room and it's somebody that don't get high that's the most dangerous [ __ ] in that room that's right you know if you hire security they can't get high with you but you like [ __ ] what you put that drink down [ __ ] watch my back so that's why I don't drink but I'm not afraid of it I'm not afraid of weed I'm not afraid of drugs I am afraid of drugs now because of fentanyl I'm afraid of that [ __ ] yeah yeah don't get yes I've done ecstasy before Oh what is it actually I don't like you guys what happened when y'all I see on that feet never we I was in Miami of course never we did a guy named Eddie Giggs bring it to you no no never was any here never cope been around tons of coke never did it never sniffed it never touched it never smoked it uh ecstasy so how does this happen my whole thing was give me a benefit and I'll do it you in Equinox and somebody coming to you why you want it why you want it so my wife Coco okay she's a party girl she's from Vegas she doesn't blow everything party did the whole thing pretty girls go out on the yachts and the boat stay early life stay wild okay so she lived that life I've been there done that scene at all but she stopped so when we would go out she would drink and she would want me to drink I'm like I ain't really trying to drink I gotta watch you you know so that was one two three oh yeah if you out with your wife and she gets drunk somebody gotta stay so good right so I'm covering that cover that so now ecstasy it's a sex drug you got my attention sexy time it's a sex drug that it's not I don't need I don't have directional issues yet [Music] I mean I guess I'm doing the right diet but they say it's more than that it's not like I needed to take Viagra is something it's it's spirit it's another thing right so now they got my interest I'm like well this sex is the best [ __ ] in the world like what the [ __ ] so I'm down here in Miami where's Miami and uh remember the Crowbar yeah of course of course this might have been efn yeah I'ma validate my stories with documentation I'm making me I'm not making this [ __ ] my boy told me one time he said ice you never gotta lie because people won't believe the truth that's right your truth is so out [ __ ] rages just tell the truth they gonna they're gonna be like you lying okay anyway we go in the Crowbar now crowbar is techno okay yeah that was the first space it's kind of yeah yeah I mean the story you got you got you got living room down here you got crowbar you got this is Lane right so I'm in crowbar what is the um it's like it's in a place that looks like a theater no Cameo Cameo Cameo right that's what that's what I mean South Beach yeah yeah that's what that's what they're called yeah [ __ ] I'm learning lessons so let's go walk with me walk with me into this world of iced tea I'm with Coco solo now me and my wife We Go Everywhere by ourselves we don't go with Entourage we we going vacations alone now we got a daughter I don't need to bring [ __ ] I used to do that when I didn't have a wife now I got a wife we leave the hotel we going to Crowbar she got on the sexy [ __ ] we hit the club it's techno for some reason that night I said I'm ready to roll now I'm ready I'm ready to roll let's roll so she goes you ready hahaha you ready I'm like yeah what do I do so you gotta find somebody with some e now I'm the dope fiend in the club that might be great story this might be the greatest drink Sam story this is the greatest drink Champion already already this story I see made me take a selfie that was not part of the game or not it's tickling me because I'm a member in it all right so we're in the club plows Coco got a [ __ ] on him I'm like that so she goes yo um find the dishes now I'm walking around the club like you got e and the white kids was like yo I see him so I'm like yo this is bad life pumpkin so now I walk over and I see the dude I see the dude you know with the big pants and the big platform shoes and the and all the all the lights and all the you know I see I see Mr E he's got it all you know the looks so he's doing this [ __ ] I walk up to him I said yo man you know I'm trying to get to me he looks around he goes yo ic's trying to get high so I said yo play it look look I heard you the man I heard you the man the [ __ ] reaching his pocket and pulled out a handful of ecstasy like maybe 20 tabs he said you heard I'm the man you put in my hand he said now you're the man really so I swear to God God bless this dude started me on my life for drugs so I go back to Coco because you got 20 you took the whole 20 you ain't I took the whole city get in your head that [ __ ] said the [ __ ] The Pimp [ __ ] wrote Dory was you heard I'm the man [Music] so he hits me off so now I'm back just now I feel like I got the back okay continue do I walk over to Coco I go yo so I show her she goes yo that's too much what are you gonna do with that I said so what do I do she said take one Point she took a half it was one of the kind that looked like a cylinder with two flat tops yeah you feeling me double status yes at some point at some point at some point if you stay on drink Champs long enough you'll go into the hole you are tapping into a different thing level we done left gang bang it we done left quivering all that Pimpin we are in the e words let's go and it's 444 right by the way right there okay continue so she tells me to take one I take one this is the first thing that happens start rubbing my leg then for the first time in my entire life this is like an e-commercial for my seat it gets greater because everybody in here that's done he understands I'm not I'm not making this [ __ ] up I cannot lie and say I did eat without these certain things happening okay I start touching my legs then for the first time in my life I understood techno you're like all that [ __ ] that used to go because I used to hang out in techno clubs when we traveled all over EFM when you travel as rappers all over Europe the only clubs to go to were girls at techno clubs they know hip-hop clubs so we would be in them but I'm just boom boom boom boom boom I'm not I'm not getting it I'm like yo yo let's [ __ ] like I'm like but they partying so now tonight techno the ship's just opened up I heard I heard the strings over here the Nuance of techno I could see techno and I I said this music you gotta behind you gotta be hot now the next thing that happened is Coco everything around Coco went out of focus she was in a glow she's dancing in front of me but I don't see anything nothing else in the [ __ ] room mattered but her and she's looking hotter than ever next thing you know I got her on a speaker she then climbed up on the [ __ ] speaker [Laughter] [ __ ] I might have been a little bit too cautious to do but now get on that speaker baby like yo like it was like Godly [ __ ] and I'm like yo now here's a trip with ecstasy ecstasy you roll if somebody goes like this you become High I mean you become you're like what's happening hey you come out of the high it's not like drunk you're always drunk right EE it's kind of like people that have never done it it's kind of like if you ever listen to music and you got into the music and you got into this Vibe but then somebody came in the house you come out of it you could come out of it you could go you're not always high on E you gotta let e take you for the place am I wrong right you can you roll but then you can snap out of it you're sober can you get back after yeah you can you just kind of let it happen it comes in weight a lot of experienced people so long story no no in the crowd I want this [ __ ] to be official tissue because we over here talking about drugs [ __ ] so anyway me and Coco leave the [ __ ] room right we get that club the club the club we get back to the room right I turn into like max hardcore I turn to like the illest porn star or the history of the room I'm like in my deviant [ __ ] like Thomas let me just break it down this is this is for viral [ __ ] you're honing in I can explain it is that when we got ready to have sex it was like choir music and Angels was coming out the [ __ ] like and my dick was so hard I like shut the door with my dick [ __ ] so I [ __ ] the dog [ __ ] out of her and the reason I know the reason I know I'm not just patting myself on the bat is when it was over she said where did you come from now when your woman says that to you you know you know you come from so that next morning I called my homeboy shiny shine I said I found my [ __ ] I'm the poster child for ecstasy This Is My Drug fast forward one more quick story so we're in my we're in air and this is why I don't do it so we're in Atlantic City it's a positive partner there's a negative yeah we're in Atlantic City I got a uh uh what they call it when you do you get a lot of gigs in one place a residence residence residency yeah doing um I'm doing eight shows over 12 months there like hosting [ __ ] hosting is fun hosting is the best hustle in the world if you just show up at the club and get on the mic and get paid right you only do a show so I'm hosting in Atlantic City so Coco comes up to me because she always wants to get high she probably wants me to do that damn thing like that right she wants to return the match yeah so I like I was like she said but this time she says they got Molly Molly comes in a capsule Molly is not a pill Molly Molly is what the [ __ ] they put in that caption Molly's when ecstasy went bad so basically she gets to Molly wow we split it up bam we take it right I'm hosting blouse over now show's over I get in the hotel room I'm ready to turn into devious you know tungsten steel doctor back breaker I'm ready to go in I'm ready go in yo that [ __ ] had me like that to a vampire I was like yo what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] I'm lit I'm like yo this is not somehow so it was it was speed a crystal oh [ __ ] dog I was up I was up all night the next day I drove back to New Jersey I stayed up the next all night safe to say you didn't devious microphone tongue no slanging nothing no sex we were both like yo like Yoshi yeah we both talked I was like yo like what's happening like [ __ ] it was like one stop like now we're like wrestlers the next day Monday I had to go to Law and Order oh I showed up on the set like [Music] I told everybody I'm high as [ __ ] from Saturday so everybody on Law and Order is like ice is high they just thought it was funny because everybody [ __ ] around I'm ready for my lines I'm reading my lines fast like [Laughter] three days you got molly wops everybody out there watching drink Champs you know this my I mean you might I didn't die it wasn't said it could have been fentanyl oh real song so I died it was definitely speed some powerful [ __ ] oh man that was red I was like I mean you don't know what's in those pills that's the problem like you know Macho Man Randy said so since that day I haven't touched any drugs because now with the Fentanyl and the death of all my friends you don't know what is in this [ __ ] no more and you know the cartel they making Percocets that look like them yeah and all that [ __ ] Chinese is pumping it into the cartels and the cartels is pumping them I just have regular sex nowadayser anymore I have to figure it out but then was that that [ __ ] turned me into a monster that [ __ ] is you know but no I don't I'm afraid I'm nervous I don't want to die like that like I can't die like that I can't die like that I just got to go down like some wow she gun smoke wow [ __ ] well um I'll get to a serious note real quick real quick um I'm in Vegas uh you in Vegas doing all the rap tour I I had we on the on the Run eating we doing our food show right so I hate Onyx Onyx is like yo so you'll come to uh the show excuse me actions can I do a guest appearance on the show honest it's like we're performing tonight the reform of the night can you come out with us I'm like no problem what they didn't tell me was right before the day before me Mobb Deep is coming out so Prodigy was a person I knew so long um and that was like the last time I got to see prodigy um we we hugged each other smack fives he told me as he told me many other times that I was I was on tour over here you know I'm just gonna you know I ain't feeling good I'm just go you know whatever whatever but I've heard that so many times and then come downstairs and got drunk and die with him so nothing and happens like I'll be right here so I wouldn't perform and I actually like seen Havoc I believe had a couple of drinks with him and they said um apart as he went to the hospital again I've been on tour with one of these right right and this was a regular thing so no one kind of got alarmed but then as a message seven o'clock in the morning I remember I was downstairs smoking a cigarette and I was smoking a cigarette they said Prodigy pass it was like oh [ __ ] because like like you ever see I don't want to say Like the Wolf the little crying through something all the time and it's like all right that's gonna be all right right that's how I swear to God that's how Havoc did it that's how in my mind you know Tripp did it so everybody was with them you know all their people that I know and my people that I know but then that [ __ ] it hit that moment I know I had to feel weird for you because he was actually out there with me yeah with you so how did you yeah my event well we did the art of rap movie and I wasn't able to incorporate everybody that I wanted in the movie I actually shot norio Noriega and Capone uh but I had to make the movie A A 90-minute edit so they made it onto the extra like we get the extra CD right but it was still more about people I respected so when it was over Mickey Benson my partner I said why don't you take this on the road let's turn this into a a brand where we could bring out people that we feel represent the art of rap we're still going right now we have one coming up this week uh well this next month with Denny Siegel Memphis bleach and freeway shows yeah all the rap shows it's just a brand it's like rock the bells whatever right Mobb Deep being one of my favorite groups we always extended the leaf to them like like yo we got shows coming up this is what we can pay you if you guys want to show up wow they always did it you really love mob deep that's beautiful everybody got a favorite group yeah that's beautiful who's your favorite group NWA okay I just I I was to me Mobb Deep was like I never heard two rappers rap so similar and then I learned having taught Prodigy how to rap yeah but actually wrote his raps at the beginning right but to be Prodigy [ __ ] was not just gangster it was more like conversational [ __ ] but it was so gangster the way he would say [ __ ] you know and I just loved it I just loved it I mean you might listen to some of my [ __ ] you'd be like that kind of like Pride [ __ ] you know I actually use Prodigy for one of my hooks on um retaliation I'm busting off to my I'm letting off to my arms tired right so anyway I met them of course when you like somebody you you end up meeting them Love Is Love they used me on the intro one of their albums so when I did that so now here we are in Vegas Mob deep they done La than this that and so because if you saw Prodigy that night Prodigy was like on swole Prodigy came out of the pen he looked good you know what I'm saying he was standing straight up and down like what's happening uh dead and we get so used to people dying from gunfire and this and third I just I want to Sidetrack one of my buddies one of my best friends Big Rich I get a call this morning his son just drowned damn his son was jumped into some lake or something that was near a dam and he hasn't been found I came here kind of [ __ ] up somebody gets so used to yeah yeah rest in peace rest in peace big little rich but we come we so used to violence if you had told me somebody clap Prodigy on the Strip I'm like The Prodigy talks a lot of [ __ ] dying they said he choked on the egg yes I was just [ __ ] up like my idol one of my guys and the cool thing is probably just moved over by me he must moved over in New Jersey where I lived so I was looking forward to kicking it with him you know making records together wow it [ __ ] me up and then the the B side of that is later on I read I ran into havoc and Havoc sat next to me and cried like ice man you you don't even know just you saying how much you love us how that's helped us you know like if you think about it sorry sorry to cut you off what do you think about it we saw the last moments of his life yeah and he was healthy he did the show he got off he was healthy yeah he was healthy and then that that that quick thing Sickle Cell but you know I think after covid all of us realize how fragile life is was that after covert that was after covert but I'm saying no that was before Kobe that was what I'm saying but he's saying just after covered all of us now realize how life is so precious I I talked to Fred the godson he was in the hospital I got this i got this i got this don't worry about me a couple days later he was gone wow see what I'm saying so one thing I say Nori is that we are all the same age everyone in this room we're the same age you either are alive or you're not because you might know how much money you got but nobody knows how much time they got so we're here that's what we are we're not an age we're here the kid is 15 might die before me you see I'm saying so age really doesn't matter it's you're alive or you're not there's no age just win it because none no there's no date on it and Prodigy to go like that it [ __ ] me up because I was look a lot of times I was looking forward to Good Times yeah I was looking forward to having fun and getting closer to him as a friend um it sucks man it's it really it hit me hard because like you know Travis Scott had performed right when he performed like so many people like blamed him for over it wasn't anybody that no dude no okay no no we had nothing to do with it I mean if anything we got praise for being somebody that was putting out putting mob deep on the road that's right you know the thing of it is it's like a lot of these rappers right now the art of rap was created just for you a lot of rappers are gold and platinum sellers but if you're waiting on Drake to take you on the road you may never tour um you feel me so we needed to create something for people that were gold and platinum that could still go gigs so that's what are the rap is based around people like yourself Mobb Deep uh uh boots just groups that need to go out and get and still can right so that's what that's what my my platform is from and I've never made a dime off of off of all the rap shows that's Mickey's hustle that's my that's the way I gave my man something to do yeah Mickey Vincent yeah damn it make some noise for that guy rap I'm an artist you gotta negotiate me with me for my price and then you just pay me what I do and I do the show I'm not gonna do none of the [ __ ] in the back no negotiations none of that I'm showing up as an artist many of y'all know drink Champs wants to give flowers while people are here to receive them giving flowers and celebrating our Legends while they can still smell them we have partnered with what the flower to create this movement where everyone can give flowers to the Legends in their lives you can now order a custom flower box for the someone you want to show appreciation to by visiting and place your orders now this mean more than any award that you can get on some real [ __ ] because it means that you appreciate it by your peers you're appreciated by the people that you do it for and I accept my flowers we just took us to a serious mode yeah yeah you went from ecstasy that's what drink Sam says it's a roller coaster so I need some dark liquor if you want to take me there look I gave you a shot clear clear the party Darkly could be like you know I love it that's my mama you drink this I'd be like Nori yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] with you yeah I'd be the first to die [ __ ] this [ __ ] has you in your feelings [ __ ] it I don't like how it should take that that right didn't taste bad see you see what's that that's the Mama Juana that's that's that's decent it's nasty nasty Daddy on a song Power okay I love it now now I am officially on drink Champs right now they got it now what's this break yeah I'm old [ __ ] I usually have to piss every time I stand up so if you sit down you're good I don't know I haven't had to piss I don't know maybe uh maybe I'm you guys got me on adrenaline or something but but you say they hating you but you hating them back and it reminded me of your speech was that I don't hate nobody back I I I don't know why anybody would hate another [ __ ] you know like a lot of times people hate you for [ __ ] they heard about you that wasn't even true oh you know there was this kid that uh this kid had a kid named ice who was connected to uh uh um connected to Joe Budden this boy and he made a big thing about why black women ain't [ __ ] and I took the heat for it and I never said it so a lot of people oh because ice the name ice what's his name you know his man you know it's a guy named ice one of his friends so anyway he actually called me said ice I said that that was not you I said well there's no way to unring a bell like they the black women since I got a white wife they feel that's me but and you know they got pissed at me and it was something I never said so a lot a lot of times people dislike you for the [ __ ] hey somebody said you're Nori you know Nori did this that in the third now they don't like you and it wasn't even true right you know that's why good podcast is a good I mean a podcast like this is a good place for you to really decide whether you [ __ ] with a [ __ ] or not you know it's long form you get a chance to I always told [ __ ] if a [ __ ] to you dealing with a dude and he don't like me that's a red flag [ __ ] if you dealing with a dude and he got a problem with me watch that dude watch that dude you didn't watch him not me watch him there's some reason he don't like me there's some reason that he don't like me and I might have triggered his real nerve like I don't challenge his realness at some point because real [ __ ] ain't afraid to say nothing I tell you I'm scared I ain't afraid it's realness right okay oh yeah holy Mom you can challenge you're pimping with challenging other [ __ ] realness so they'll watch you and it'll offend them that you so real that'll [ __ ] with them it'll [ __ ] with him especially around they [ __ ] they be like damn I'm offended that [ __ ] got deep right but it's real it's real it'll defend them it's because it's a roller coaster you got another shot oh you're taking shots I'm good I'm over here drinking this uh champagne champagne I know what [ __ ] do we drink champagne sniffs that's cocaine so yeah [Laughter] let's talk about how did you get into pimping how did how the devil was the pimp okay I never was a pimp I hung around pimps I understand the pimpino code no I know the rules of the game I had girls when we was hustling and stealing I had girls on my team these girls are what they consider in the streets thoroughbreds you know what a thoroughbred is that's a [ __ ] it'll [ __ ] steal Rob where class see the Hustle but [ __ ] is not out of the equation if that's what it takes to solve the right hustle right I roll with some Thoroughbred [ __ ] was I sending them not necessarily so it was part of the game you understand me so I never was no 10 toes down pimp standing on the corner with [ __ ] but I [ __ ] with players and pimps and stuff like that so I was in the life so you know they respected me I've dressed the pimp look and all that [ __ ] but as that being my occupation making money no it never was no but some of the girls I roll with was getting money and they would handle a business however the situation aroused you understand what I'm saying the pimp hoes you send [ __ ] you send [ __ ] you get money and all that old [ __ ] that wasn't really I say I say in one of my records I say but I said um I took on the uh I took on the iced tea name but the pimp game moved too slow especially for a [ __ ] who was hooked on quick dope so being a robber and a hustler that was just different but I'm cool with The Pimps I hang with players I grew up around players and Hustlers some of my great uncles or some of the great pimps so I understand the game but no I'm not a pimp and I also would never uh I never uh admit anything illegal on television smartest [ __ ] smartest ever I would never admit anything illegal but no that's no it's an offensive word to a lot of women but a lot of players actually hustle with women like the women are their Partners you're saying yeah in the game but let me ask you like there's some strippers who made a whole life of themselves for being a strippers and then there's some films to me the whole like when you I remember looking at your acceptance speech one of the first peoples I've seen you shout out was Bishop Don wall ain't in May I love pimps I mean I understand the game I'm it's it's the underworld it's the underworld and one of the oldest locations efn it's the underworld guy over there he's a car thief God is an armed robber yeah job it is a drug dealer you're a pimp you coke dealer yeah you're all in the same world all right the Underworld the underworld can all show up at the Players Ball because we all players we're not we're not we we don't abide by the law right right so I lived in that world for a long period of time I'm very comfortable in that world do I condone it hey it's breaking the law pimping is illegal selling drugs is illegal so a lot of people say well ice a lot of things you did do you regret I I quote Fargo you ever see the movie Fargo yeah it's an Affleck right yeah it seemed like the right thing to do at the time that's my answer at this point in my life would I do some of them things I don't know I mean I look at some of the [ __ ] I did I'm like I'm crazy have I ever told a [ __ ] yo go go hook up with this [ __ ] and get this paper yes was it my main Force source of income no but I remember I had this one Broad and I was trying to send her I was reading this Pimp [ __ ] I had started dressing fly I was trying to get her to hook up with these old men she ran over yeah like these old [ __ ] gave me some tricks that they were like yeah should be one of them young [ __ ] down here so I tried to send a [ __ ] so she runs over to my other dude my boy my my buddy I'm not gonna say anybody think it's funny I like I used to say names but a lot of these women have grown up in their Church women now their school teachers like I just don't say myself Miss Louise I mean that one of my buddies mamas checked me geez like you put me in your book Ice come on I'm like okay so I've learned that lesson but anyway the girls the girl I had at the time I'm trying to send her you know testing my pimping she runs to my buddy I just try to he's like telling me Oh man she chose me item would I hit him with smack [ __ ] you were Rest Haven for hoes this is just trying to escape this system like come on man but anyway she ran off with him but I mean I mean I mean no no but I've come from the life and I'm very comfortable around the players and I'm accepted as a player okay take it or leave it that's how it is you dig it is but I understand the pimp Penal Code I understand pimping backwards and forward I understand it I'm named after Iceberg Slim I name myself because I used to read so much Iceberg Slim of course it wanted me to get in this stuff from Donald goines so Donald goines another writer okay but iceberg is is is is it Jeff Beck who wrote the Iceberg Slim novels I actually have a documentary called portrait of a pen that we did I produced about his life so I'm reading that [ __ ] of course I want to try to put it down but but then I had an epiphany one day I'm like he's a writer so there's gonna be a lot of players but the player to everyone knows Iceberg Slim is because he documented the game so if I want to live forever in the game I can't live the game I have to document the game if you listen to iced tea records they're not records they're books the lyrics they're they're doing Iceberg Slim over music when you listen to all the records it's like I'm spitting game not it's not about dancing throw your hands in the air it's ism so that's what it is so you know I I met Iceberg Slim before he passed get out of here yeah Fab Five Freddy hooked me up with him damn that's my Freddy and I told Iceberg Slim to his face I said you know I named myself after you he said well who better baby and I'm friends with his daughters and all that but Iceberg Slim changed his life at the end and uh you know one of my favorite icebergs slim quotes is if you want to play this game meaning the streets it's gonna cost you something it's gonna cost you you know whether it's Penitentiary time losing a close friend but there's no there will be a charge for admitting since it is gay you know and uh I changed my life I changed my see I see just so you [ __ ] know this is what iced tea is I see is a hustler and a player who went down this road the street road of hustling and I I run it I'm gonna be the best I'm gonna be the Flies I'm gonna be that [ __ ] but I get to the end of this road and it's a cliff and I see everybody going off people I admire dying going life in prison I see is me on this same road running backwards saying don't go that way that's my music don't go that way don't get in the gang don't try this that's what I that's what I'm doing here today that's who I see is I know there's a cliff you might not see it you might pass me oh you an old [ __ ] I'm smarter than you before we do stupid things we all justify that stupid thing we're about to do so you can take it or leave it like I tell [ __ ] you can listen to me or a prison guard [ __ ] you wanna you take your choice but I'm here to tell you I tested the game the cocaine the Jacker Rob gave all them games and you're gonna end up dead are you in jail there's no retirement there's no words the only [ __ ] that have retired from the game have got out and transition but there's no do or die dead gangsters 60 years old it's been just still gangsters [ __ ] out of here it doesn't work like that now you could be 50 Cent and you could be a real live [ __ ] on the streets and you can get out you could be a Jay-Z live [ __ ] get out right but staying in it ten toes down get out of here name one cause the streets will rat you out the the enemies will come and get you or the police you know I tell Street [ __ ] if you popping on the street efn if everybody in the street knows your name so do the police the only way you're going to survive is become an informant all right holy moly guacamole [Applause] everything I know this is a cliche type of question but did you ever think that hip-hop would make it this far he's a perfect person for this question hell no well Chris because tell us tell us describe to us in the beginning how hip-hop was like frowned upon so to as opposed to how hip-hop is looked at now as a global asset I was in the army I did four years in the Army while I was in the Army the cats from New York had hip-hop tapes first generation of hip-hop is unrecorded hip-hop right it's tapes good before shooting of live [ __ ] of live [ __ ] that's the first generation right right treacherous three funky four plus one more on them by me being in the Army I'm with New York [ __ ] New York [ __ ] is showing us off they're showing off I got tapes I was fascinated with that [ __ ] I was like I just hit this rap tapes of live live Park jams live [ __ ] I'm fascinated I never heard no [ __ ] like fascinated with the kids finding out about tapes yeah it takes flashes on the beatbox it's like Fast hip the beauty the beauty of hip-hop it's a culture that has four entry points graffiti break dance and DJ and MCN you can get in four ways so that that really blew my mind I was like damn so then I saw New York City breakers on a show called that's incredible um y'all anybody remember that am I talking about Johnny Carson was a show that had different people like that could do outrageous [ __ ] and they had the New York City Breakers and I saw break dancing I was like fascinated because we were popping in the west coast right spinning on their backs and and Hip-Hop got me I was like yo I want to learn how to do this uh so I come out of the army with stereo equipment I want to throw parties like Uncle Jam's Army but I practiced rapping I was getting more attention rapping the theory that it was going to be some way you can make money never no one had ever bought a car doing it so now I'm rapping I hooked up with these guys called the New York City Spin Masters my boy Eva Lee and d and hanji they were from Brooklyn they knew how to scratch so I hooked up with them and they were doing House Parties but at the parties they would have four DJs feel me right like on the so I would show it with them and they would actually scratch break beats and I would Wrath I got my name on the flyer eventually feel me because it was their show the theory I'm gonna get money that's like I said when I met Andre Harrell in them I had a Porsche I had jewelry I was wearing two pages I had guns because he's like why do you want to rap you got it all you got a Porsche Turbo why do you want to rap I'm like well what I'm doing ain't gonna last wow you knew that every other rapper didn't have that at the time nobody had it Run DMC hadn't bought cars yet wow I'm talking about 82. wow wow I just I just liked it I would go rapid I would do this [ __ ] in the day and then show up at a club on the weekend and be a star wow and I like that theory of it actually being my money it never could happen but it started to happen now the difference is the kids are getting in for the money and they're like I could put as little Talent into it as possible like we did shows before we got record deals they get record deals before they do shows like you were like Talent leaning you had to have talent right and I and by working in that club I I I I I was able to rap every weekend and get better and get better so I I never thought this was gonna last they said it was a fad they said it was a fad I think when the major record label started I was one of the first rappers ever signed to a major I got signed to Warner Brothers sire Madonna's label that was the start and then Cyrus Madonna's label sire no sire was one was uh label on Warner that Madonna was signed to I was signed to the same level as Madonna Talking Heads Ministries uh I'm basically a punk rock label by Seymour Stein you just passed I inducted him into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but um he heard it he told me when he signed me he said have you ever listened to Calypso music I'm like no he said this thing about songs with the problems in Trinidad this that the other but he talked here's a jewel Seymour Stein saw me just because I don't understand it doesn't invalidate it just means I don't understand it what you're singing I know people it resonates just maybe not me go ahead and make your music I believe you sound like to me Bob Dylan that's the only person you can connect to how genius is that to be able to say just because I don't understand it doesn't invalidate it it just means maybe I don't know like I know I know there's people in this world that that does relate to right you you understand what's what's the Korean [ __ ] the uh okay the K-pop do you understand it oh that's an invalidate it no it just means it's not sure this is my point all right but this is being an A and R guy being that smart saying I don't understand rap but I know it's something dope gave me my break do you think um there was a difference from the Tupac that was on Digital Underground and a Tupac that was on death row absolutely I mean yeah I mean I think we can absolutely see Pop when I when I first met pocket and money B and all them it was digital you got shot she who's a hundred percent different Parliament this Saturday third I didn't even recognize Parker's militant or nothing like that just as a dancer friend cool and when he came out I was like yo that's the same dude you know but I I couldn't disrespect him because his lyrics was deep and uh I got to work on on two Apocalypse Now me him that's a great album on Last Words wow so but what people don't understand is I love uh I love Park but he's an artist to me he's just another artist you know people like clock is a God the [ __ ] is an artist he's like Nori to me he's just an artist so we were friends and people I last time I was on here I said something oh I said I tried to talk to park and people like you can't talk to POC I'm like cock's 13 years younger than me right and West Coast definitely has a pecking order if you're a little older [ __ ] will sit down and uh I had a story with shock G came to my house told you that story I lived in Hollywood Hills the shock came in my door I said why the [ __ ] you knocking on my door he said I was up in the hills I asked as any black people live up here that's what shock she said to you they said ice lives right over there so shock knocked on my door we sat down and he was like ice talk to pop man you know they feeding pot gunpowder Pockets like not listening to Mrs park now on death row you know and I and we had conversations but you think of it is it's like when you setting up when you're working with a rapper you have to get a rapper in the state of mind jeffrow was trading pop to be a killer which you heard in the music but like I did a thing for Mike Tyson which is like you train a man to be a pit bull then you get mad when he eats the furniture you see me so that energy bled into the streets to his demise because like at the end of the day you will never kind of like recommend someone to get it it's a game culture because gain culture like it's like I wouldn't advise anybody getting the streets um I forgot you you um I think his name was Nino Brown or his his weed strand was Anita brown but he he said to you some I'm from Hoover and you say oh I'm so such and everything that y'all spoke about I was so lost as a person from New York yeah I was just looking at y'all and y'all said you said over here on this ground this ground gets down I'm like that's some complicated [ __ ] so you know what it is Nori if I told you a part of Queens right you know what that block consists of yes so he said he from 94th and Hoover I'm like yo that's a very very hot area but that's the Hoover criminals what it's hot I don't where I'm from that's called out of bounds that's not where I go I don't know them people my my baby's mother my my daughter my adult daughter her mother lives on 74th and Hoover 73rd in Hoover so I know all the Hoovers when Hoover's with Crips they used Hoovers used to be Crips but now they anybody killers they just they wear the uh the H the Houston hat those are the kids that killed cops smoke oh God bless it's a set I don't know them [ __ ] right so I was like I just bowed down to his neighborhood like yo I'm from the west side I don't know them [ __ ] over there that was it um everybody knows the tough areas everybody knows so when you say it if you're from there you go okay okay I know how you grew up but he went to prison and he came back home but he's younger than me see so he said my dad might have went to school his dad went to school two years before me but he said yo so that that resonates with us but he so therefore he's a little homie so he gonna treat me accordingly like that's big on me my dad knows you right like cool yeah yeah that's that's crazy like when I saw that last night like I saw two people that didn't know each other I had a whole conversation which no one else knew what y'all was talking about and and that [ __ ] was like like to me like is there any way you could go like anywhere you go well first thing I would do if you tell me you're from L.A a lot of times [ __ ] will tell me yo I'm from L.A I'm like what part and then they'll back down I'm like where you from they'd be like Pomona I'm like that ain't really LA's you know what I'm saying that's like you know I'm a coin or some [ __ ] like that like I know where to I know where the trenches are you know so I'm like but where you from that's the quickest thing I'm let's see what part of L.A where you from oh I'm from I'm from Main Street okay cool I know I know then what we'll do is we'll name off [ __ ] I know [ __ ] smoke I know sister such such and such they go blow you from 60s I know that I know such and such such and such but it's dangerous because if you like now you're in that world right run into another set yo who you know cuz who you know oh I know DJ efn you'll [ __ ] that [ __ ] but you know you could be like that could be the wrong name like that [ __ ] ain't nobody cuz oh [ __ ] now you better name a top tier [ __ ] you know so it's it's just La life like I said earlier La is dangerous so I was able by knowing being a player and moving around the different sets and learning about the shot callers and befriending them I knew enough people just to navigate the city I've been in I've been out of bounds I was I was messing with this girl from the bottom which is uh Crenshaw no the bottom is the bottom the bottom is the east side of the 40s so that's uh that's um the Pueblos another project called the Pueblos Nick is over there you wanna hear El name they call Bloodstone villains you ever heard of a gang called the villains them [ __ ] that name is scary right so so bsvs Bloodstone villains so I met a girl on the West Side a pretty girl I don't know the [ __ ] lives in the [ __ ] Pueblos so she gave me a number I pull up over there in the Porsche with the Fila so she was fine so I made her one day I'm gonna pull back up the second time I pulled up she go you [ __ ] over here say they finna rob you I said all right nice meeting you [ __ ] I'm out I got him [ __ ] nope I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out coming over there they like [ __ ] why are you way over there so there was a shot caller over there named termite who was the main [ __ ] over there that was selling water so water means dust PCP look at PCP so yeah it's what they use to make dust okay so and we call it sure okay sure but anyway just having the right connections knowing where you are and who's this and the third I have a story where I went I met this girl on the west side I'm on the west side west side I gotta finish that story so what happened you was going through anyway I just never showed that coming to bitch's house he just left okay yeah a girl tell you um yo you know the guys over here are planning on robbing you that's all I need to end yeah yeah I'm like I'm out I'm gonna go to the liquor store I'm gonna get something right quick [ __ ] she's not seeing me I'm back on the other side of town so one time I met this girl on the west side west side is anything you got the Harbor Freeway in L.A anything on the west side of that is the West Side anything on the other side of that is the East Side here's the thing ain't [ __ ] on the east side ain't no businesses ain't no hotels ain't nothing but drama on the East Side East Side [ __ ] wear sweat suits with hard shoes oh it's the big socks them [ __ ] was on the East Side West Side [ __ ] is players we got K-Swiss we fly East Side [ __ ] is dangerous [ __ ] like Vegas my man's laughing so yeah Eastside [ __ ] is real hard hard so um I meet a girl on the west side and she told me she lives on 99th in success that's on the east side of Will Rogers Park in Watts I'm in high school I catch the bus down Crenshaw I catch the bus down Century if you want to find if you want to if you want to go to the Jungle get off at the uh LAX you're on Century just take Century East you're written up in Watts but you don't you go you go west if you go east you'll end up in the worst part of LA so anyway I catch the bus the bus stops at Will Rogers Park I gotta walk across Will Rogers Park dangerous Nixon Gardens there Imperial courts so I get to the girl's house I go in her house her mother's sitting and winning big reclining chairs hi baby you want some water like she one of them one of them Hood mamas laid back got the feet all swole up like ah you know brought me some some drinking a mayonnaise jar I'm in the hood while I'm sitting there her [ __ ] shows up now I'm in the house I'm talking to moms you you guys Jerry curl I had a permit or something don't get into it I mean I'm a kid I'm a kid Nori oh 17. okay let's go keep it going we in the hood you know you in the hood when you were in the house the guy car Furniture in the house oh [ __ ] cinder blocks the hood hood like a door knobs there's only one side you gotta use like a key and so the Dude shows up so she outside trying to talk to him she got another [ __ ] in the house I'm sitting there with moms like yo this is going bad as a [ __ ] like I just got to sleep number just some watch [ __ ] outside um this is [ __ ] up I sat in that house literally about an hour waiting for that conversation to end the [ __ ] wouldn't end so now I'm like [ __ ] it I'm I'm bailing right so I just walk out the front of the house I walk out the house right I walk right past them I turn and I'm walking but now I'm walking right I'm expecting to feel this like the [ __ ] just cocking me from behind but I'm just walking like I ain't got it yet I ain't looking back just waiting for them you know and I made it I walk off they never say nothing I'm like [ __ ] and I got in the middle of Will Rogers Park and I'm like what in the [ __ ] are you doing here you don't not belong here that was not your [ __ ] you could have died way over here and I got my ass on the RTD and I went home and that was my last attempt I love two learning lessons of being out of bounds [ __ ] with [ __ ] like like what this Cube said never [ __ ] with a [ __ ] from the projects I learned my lesson and I made it home safe I didn't get hit in the ear pick up the Conor McGregor's I wasn't fitting to fight this dude over his girl like I was just like wow my why am I here like so yeah yeah sometimes you shouldn't travel too far for [ __ ] [Laughter] said to travel too far don't travel so far for [ __ ] yeah or in someone's total different territory where you don't know nobody but [ __ ] that right so let me ask because uh I know I know we touched on it earlier but there was a stigma of going commercial right like going to the other side right and what's what's double about you is we we don't think you went to the other side we still believe your ice right right the same [ __ ] yeah pretty much we like yo we see you playing cop on TV but we know that [ __ ] might still shoot you like that like that that's real [ __ ] it's acting I'm as far from a cop as you possibly could get that's acting I can act like a cop I can act like a slave owner I'm active I learned that acting is acting now how you perceive it I don't really give a [ __ ] if you if you want to make the mistake and think that you know that I'm not whatever that's that's your mistake you know what's it was I did I did the record with RJ Payne the first first lyric because I walk around with the rocket in my hoodie pocket your biggest mistake is thinking I'm fake um foreign so if that's what you choose to do play yourself but no as far as far as commercial I never would do clean versions of my records I was really adamant about not doing clean work did you do clean versions yeah I was trying to get that bread I was so so so like stubborn I thought that was selling out and then NWA did it and they made a lot more money but a lot of Records I there's no clean versions of iced tea records I I still hate doing it even when I do body count I do it all raw and then they like can we clean it up it's still this seems whack to me but yeah you know you are in the business you're trying to sell them record your eyes man I can't thank you oh no yeah man you're my brother you you've always been there every time I've called you you was like one of the realest if not the real estate and now not only that a lot of people credit me and Fat Joe for having the best stories in hip-hop I learned last night and we're not even in your league [Music] so you the big homie I not only hip-hop like you know cross into another world and getting money in another world uh but definitely storytelling uh it's you and Slick Rick I love Rick well look look one more thing Let Me promote something can I promote something please please I'm doing an album right now called The Legend of IC crime stories and it's from my eight albums uh it has it's a triple album it's gonna be um it's gonna be vinyl because I want to make it special and it's all my story wraps from eight albums including five unreleased songs uh and reason we titled it the legend of iced tea is because a lot of things people believe in me is Legend it's not true right because what I write when I write music I write faction I write stories based on truth but just just some things in there you know so a lot of people believe things about me that's not true so that's the legend the legend Isis in the club Ice knocked five [ __ ] out okay I knocked one dude out right but the legend says it was five so that's part of the stigma like you say of who Vice T is a lot of this shit's not real but if that's what you you believe what you choose to believe I'm like you know let's have fun with it so that's why it's called the legend of I see crime stories uh it's all story rides so people that like that part of my [ __ ] could dig it it's gonna be dope and it should come out this year God damn yeah and let's come back to drink chance be promoting it we're doing the other [ __ ] you got to do let's make some noise it's always [Music] in advance just everybody out there that supported me this [ __ ] with me I know in order to be an iced tea fan you had to fight you had to deal with haters you had to tell [ __ ] [ __ ] you I like ice and it's it's been a struggle to be part of my journey but for those of you that's that's just how much more gangster you are that you're willing to stand on who you [ __ ] with and uh my job has always been to make y'all proud I know people out there got tats they got all kind of [ __ ] so when I [ __ ] up I know I let y'all down so I'm trying to win because I know when I win y'all win you know y'all get to say that's my [ __ ] that's right so that's why I always think it's bigger than me is I got people out there that really believe in me and [ __ ] with me in a real way and I've always been very proud that the [ __ ] that [ __ ] with me are the most real [ __ ] the people that [ __ ] with me my boy said ice this pre-prison rap and this post-prison rap your [ __ ] is post prison rap [ __ ] they've really been through some [ __ ] [ __ ] you take a shot to that all right so I'm gonna be honestly no not a sip a shot give them some nice [ __ ] get some more Juana I don't know give them one more for the road give me some of that [ __ ] right there oh he wants another one if I drink enough of that I'm gonna put these on and walk the [ __ ] out of here you're gonna speak Spanish [Music] so the cameras get that make one of the camera [ __ ] foreign come on yeah you know what these [ __ ] are so used to being fake they have no reference point to real we're here to show them give them a reference point right I'm taking the picture yeah
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 1,054,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ice-T, Drink Champs, music industry, publishing deals, 99 Problems, LL Cool J, Noriega, Colors, New Jack City, Denzel Washington, OnlyFans, hip-hop legends, rap game, Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, Scarface, Jada Kiss, Nas, Tupac, DMX, DJ Quik, MC8, social issues, Rhyme Syndicate, fatherhood, social activism, Pete Rock, CL Smooth, Guru, Cool Keith, Primo, Freddie Fox, J. Rude, Royce da 5'9, Beatnuts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 254min 38sec (15278 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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