Lost Boyz on Tupac & Biggie, "Renee", Hip Hop's Golden Era, Jay-Z & More | Drink Champs

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foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] immediately [Music] but it could be over this would assuming this your boy n-o-r-e what up is DJ efn this military Crazy for all drinks make something foreign [Applause] and right now when you talk about anthems you talk about timeless music you know going through their catalog you know what I mean I'm just like damn these records could work right now you know what I mean um put it on for representing and always put Queens on the map put Queens first it was making Global Music these guys stood this test of time and I'm I'm just can't wait to see what's more to come in case you don't know who the [ __ ] we talking about we talk about the morning [ __ ] Lost Boys what's up [Applause] and obviously in memory of your father um and y'all got pretty loose flowers so off top off top I gotta ask that's hard um would y'all do a versus who would y'all want to do a versus against is that I want to I say we would be a great challenge basically a good show for like Naughty by Nature nice he went over my head he went over my head with that one it says that's what you did great show I ain't gonna I think that'll be a great show too but honestly we when you think of the lost boys like you said you got to go Anthony so I think I second on some Naughty by Nature because they definitely came with them anthems you know when The Lost Boys stepped on the scene they came through crushing let's move yeah you feel me right lights camera action is still crushing in the spots today right what you say I'll go with anybody let's get it you know what I thought of oh did someone else say this I think maybe um Diego might have said this the peat nuts another Queens yeah I would like to have some fun I just do whatever that's good you know what I mean did you ever speak to Swiss about this no no no no no no no but you are you interested in doing that though I mean if the time calls for we definitely down with okay whatever goes down no question nah man when I was I kept listening to the music I'm like damn this is timeless music do you know he was making timeless music and and the stories that y'all was telling like how did you come up with that yo well basically man like you know me writing my music and while I was coming up with my man speak nice and pretty little and all of that we just like Mama Blackwell basement all right smoking weed and getting our 40s on and all right just living the life living our life and music just what we was made of you know what I'm saying I'm not speak from summer school coming through with the trooper Jeep yeah free guitar you met fixing refrigerator Grandma's crib no I met him over uh south of the champ you already shut up we all just getting together like that and um brain music was just uh just came from the hard times I need to know that story true you met Philly time from fixing the refrigerator okay [Music] John Adams John Adams John Adams [Applause] how about the name though how did y'all come up with the name The Lost Boys well um basically there was a group a crew around because the Lost Boys born King and and uh born King is the the head of the elves yeah so that was a crew like a street crew right so so what made your trip pick that for a rap I mean one day I was me and him seen each other on the um thank you very much uh we've seen each other on the Block and he was like yo marital come back guys doing your hand shaking doing all this and y'all meet in front of the Coliseum he was like yo man y'all acting like Lost Boys y'all got people running around like Lost Boys and that was like I was like that was like one of my favorite movies you know the movies didn't come out too long ago right right so now who was dollar bill what a fight dollar bill yeah who was the dollar bill one of the OG's you know yeah they told us to show us the ropes how to you know get down on the Block and all of that so he's always so powerful yeah powerful person in our life and that was a part of the beginning of the lbs as well uh Malik you know what I'm saying no no Quan and all them boys and I mean they was the cast that told us uh you know we could do better with than what we was doing out in the streets and [ __ ] like that you know what I mean go to school and all that we went to school and played ball you know the situation and all that but uh they was the OG's looking out for us you know saying following when they put us we followed them in the beginning you know what I mean right learning how to do was doing it at the time so uh uh yeah they they play they play a big part of my life and his life and I mean the hood basically no that one thing me coming from Queens um and I I thought that was a South Jamaica thing like the way I was giving um fives and like you know what I mean because I I didn't see that before like that wasn't like a gang thing or was it a gang thing no no it's just yeah yeah so um so let's let's get to the let's get to the music right I got so much notes man I was I'm so proud of doing this interview right now you know I'm a queen's brother you know what I'm saying [Applause] I really was like damn listening to the music it really brought me back it really broke brought me back to to to to Queens right but here's the crazy [ __ ] I traveled the world and so I got different feelings of y'all music but it's not just me identified and Justin Queens no doubt I went around the world to her job so like like how does that feel to make Global music yo that [ __ ] is crazy like every barbecue you want one of y'all one or five of y'all drinks is coming on now making music that's still Timeless you know what I mean like you could go to the spot and be just chilling in your joint come on it's bananas you know what I mean yeah it's crazy you know that you said that right because I got you know the the privilege to go on tour with seats we had went to um Germany you feel me when I tell you they was going so crazy all right he was on toes KRS one all right it was loads of the Underground the Lost Boy music resonated so crazy in Germany my pops got the cut one two three thousand problems on illegal drug money the DJ spun that they were singing it in German all right freaking top you know they singing it we ain't even got we got the mic to the crowd and they spinning all right so I'm like you know the Legacy that y'all got going like it's golden do y'all think that the the love of hip-hop lives more in Europe than it does in America right now I do even Beyond yourself Latin America and going to Africa yeah it's like they love you more like it's like they appreciate they don't see you every day yeah they don't see exactly everyday thing America see us at it it's like [ __ ] you go over there it's like yo royalty crazy right no I mean but I remember nah man bone of course he's just so kind of this is dope man stupid all right the crowd is crazy y'all just seen you know we've seen the Wu-Tang show that it's had over there in Latin America yeah oh yeah they were doing Columbia I think Argentina elements all everything yeah London what's my man Mike over there in London he got the uh the little hip-hop chip shop out there in London you haven't been there no I ain't put in that one you ain't been there yo it's crazy over there the Chip Shop out in London it's like just hip hop all day [ __ ] DJing while you're eating your food that's crazy stuff what's up what's the wildest place um you you you went to how to book the show at Africa Africa oh wow what part of Africa Tanzania look at the Cape Town just came back from Johannesburg oh that's crazy wasn't that like the first rap group that to perform first rap artists to performing on Africa the first the person before us they were just saying Coolio was the person that was before sure definitely rip Coolio wow but yeah yeah definitely RP cooler but I wanted to make some noise for being um the first one yeah the first rap [Applause] [Music] so let's go to the uh Lifestyles of the Rich and the Shameless how did y'all come up what was what was that what was you living like in that moment um you know uh Lifestyles and religion Shameless is about you know the story of the drug dealers in our neighborhood you know we lost a lot of good dudes that was you know hustling but giving back to the other not even just just you know to us oh shout outs to uh you're cool to be you know what I'm saying 10 40p you know I mean one of the original dudes that ever got us picked a grand master Vic and the Blended the tapes and all of that so what I mean like all the lifestyles have been Shameless just like some die with the name sometimes you won't hear about certain cats that die that was hustling in the hood and got killed but you know you hear about like Esco Escobar and all of them names like that feel me it was just that kind of thought like though you know what I mean like you don't really hear about Paris that got killed down Queen and all of that you know I mean some little dudes that was that that we looked up to in the hood so it was just that was really about how you talking about that I feel the same that's what it is laying it down just you know just feeling like that lifestyle the division every day Street tonight who produced that record home [Music] [Music] wow yeah early days all right he was a wild Cowboy then so how about big big yeah brother family no question oh we met that God early I mean like when um I met him from um back in the days when uh did he first got his deal with Arista and all of that flow yeah you know that's about transition yeah you just hang around there I didn't even know who's doing street team and [ __ ] but who was you know what I mean let's go partying [ __ ] yeah I remember we had some good memories but big and stuff like that he's a hard body that's my man I remember when he was the last last time I seen him he was in the wheelchair look what seeds did to me that was awesome I see you give me that blunt last night good peoples man no question we was mad at him Park that time with them he was doing that new uh I [ __ ] your [ __ ] and all of that [ __ ] him up who's kind of wrapped up yeah they used to be mad because like you know we was the party dudes back in the time right and he was like yo man why y'all ain't never in my video you see my videos with everybody was in the video okay okay it was like oh man we did this man so I was like yo man we be working you know it was like the hardest working rap group at the time looking for the like puffy had his guys right he came from where we was at he came from Uptown so his he knew all the street team he didn't have no street team or Arista so now he using both of them he's using our street team for both things so you it might be lost boys on this side right did it be Big Mac on the other side oh yeah big Big Mac I remember that yeah yeah yeah the picket side yeah yeah that's when the Street Kings of the streets so it was like he had both teams I was really I was really giving out this [ __ ] flies though because I always wanted to ask with The Party Ain't a party remix it doesn't credit no one on the remix [Applause] what days of the month is it let's get it but now everything good man I love uh making music and popping off man this [ __ ] is just what I'm I'm we came a long way to doing this [ __ ] you know what I mean so uh the right time right it felt like it felt like Nas had dropped it was a special time in heaven right it was like for me that's how I remember it because like I'm I'm like Queens so it was like Nas drop right then I think mob dropped and then y'all dropped like right after and I remember I remember it being am I correct I don't know okay oh my God I thought honest came before Mark remember mob did they came out mad early before right yeah yeah but that didn't crack juvenile hell and all that didn't count all right so I mean he's like the real album yeah man I bet you they say they don't that ain't count um but but what I'm saying what was that pressure you know not only to make it out the hood but coming from Queens because these was legendary groups that came right before y'all you know what I'm saying like you said Onyx mob deep and Nas like holy [ __ ] that's some it wasn't pressure or was it like that let's go that was it that was more of a so we wasn't even looking at it like it took so long to come out with you know what I mean let's go bang out so once we got a chance to make some music man we wasn't thinking about none of that we just rocking and rolling man be honored to get on the stage with dudes like rock with um Naughty by Nation you know what I'm saying first came in the game all right what's that dog i-97 Summer Jams sit like that is dope you know what was different for me to witness y'all like I said like the the mob uh Mob you know it was making very very serious music uh nah it's making very serious music you guys were making very serious music but it seemed like to me you guys was having fun right like you know what I'm saying like I always used to be like like y'all with me dancing and yeah and I'm like you know what I mean like I I felt like y'all was the first Street Music that was fun is that accurate Naughty by Nature too because you have just a quote from um freaky Todd rest in peace he's like we put the soul back into music right in the hip-hop right because it was going one way right and it was like getting gangster and all that stuff so now everybody's standing in the Walls department you know how they look yeah and then we got that that Groove to make you like [ __ ] man let's let's all right yeah can we about to play the game quick time with slime this is this is uh our game play with everybody we give you multiple choice if you be politically correct you got to take a shot pick both take a shot if you if not you know so we drinking with you yeah we drinking with you though we ain't leaving y'all out there okay all right ready I'm gonna pour up now yeah I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the drink chat last dinner for sure it's a long game oh man get ready yeah yeah so we do a little they ain't got to be better you gotta go crazy we ain't got nothing to prove same thing yeah thank you all right you got the first one yeah all right Tupac or DMX DMX all day that's a fact okay okay yeah you do the next one let's go Naughty by Nature or Lords of the Underground oh taking the shot okay I can't even go I love them [ __ ] right all right cool man yeah yeah hold on unravel okay all right cool thank you yeah okay I'm gonna say both of them yeah both okay cool yeah we can't afford for a difference yeah yeah SOLO to lost voice though [Applause] yeah mob deep or MLP that's a good one that's a good one damn it man I'm about to take this shot I'm gonna take the shots why would you do that why would you yeah the easy questions is right back there so they look at you and then they make these questions up as they go you know they made up on the spot it's never like yeah they analyze you yeah as soon as you walk in yeah I think it's ready for the next one yeah I'm ready for the next one oh [ __ ] yeah I'm using the same cup that's the reason why yeah oh but that which one is Dirty Glass oh yeah yeah I don't want no um keep me on Whiskey yeah let me smell it I could probably tell that is tequila that is let me get that one that's gonna be did you really come out here just to smell it yes you know what I can nah come on don't I hate tequila so I'm I'm gonna smell that you might as well bring two at a time just that so what's up you're drinking to that right yeah we drinking to that one yeah let me use the same cup okay all right Rhapsody or video music box oh man video music boxes I'm a rap city [ __ ] I'm a young [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah you gotta go you gotta go after this is a good one yeah biggie or Big Al so give me my [ __ ] take the shot I don't even want to talk and rest a pizza Big Shots you can keep them small yeah yeah keep it small yeah nice and neat yeah yeah we got 100 more thank you yeah all right NWA or Public Enemy NWA always like the NWA against Wu-Tang NWA too they had a couple of good joints that I love yeah yeah okay okay okay cool cool I mean I ain't saying no shot on that one but dude this is the shot for the next one positive 100 miles of running [ __ ] let's go all right thank you you got it uh one of these we skipping oh yeah raps or Kumo d rap what do you mean yeah I'm going with g-racks that's my man Kumo D was like yeah [Music] or big daddy king I gotta take a damn shot I got my shot ready oh I got my shot already got yourself ready yeah [Music] next one when is this game that's the problem okay I like the decisions um yeah you're doing it to yourself Big Pun of cannabis Bitcoin that's my man that's my that means y'all what kind of we're tight with cannabis yeah yeah we brought them in the game yeah I'm going my man cannabis okay thanks all right because you know that's my answer okay shout outs to the Big Pun my doggy no doubt all right thanks Roxanne Shantae I'm only love Roxanne all day honey I ain't gonna lie yeah yeah yeah Queen's body is like me what's every Queens okay right like this uh Fab or Jadakiss okay Jada come on I'm going with Jada you're going with Jada okay cool I love that I love both of them got some [ __ ] crazy okay I like this one that's a good one New Jack City or King of New York he cleans us to death I'm going with Queen oh please or that one I'm gonna have to go on the New Jack City I mean uh King of New York really Crystal Milwaukee let's get it no questions yeah okay Jay-Z or Nas Nas all day let's go all right cool I'm nervous I got married yeah uh easy Moby or Pete Rock easy move oh wow see this the game [ __ ] me up too don't by the way not just yeah oh that's crazy I got the DD here though come on man we in the building good she's fat she's a ninja Tribe Called Quest or Brand Nubian say what try Progressive Brand New Me whoa I'm going brand new it's the first time against Queens yeah the first pick yeah so I'm gonna take a shot for you for me being wrong not gonna say King of New York too so you do good yeah yeah yeah okay okay you got the next one rest in peace yeah rest in peacefire no question it just down to London yeah Fat Joe or Rick Ross or bad boy definitely [ __ ] I have to fall into the category of a bad boy but you thought about it for a second you thought about it no no no no no I'm just feeling respect out but you got to go with my men's in them over there okay okay you dapping all them boys okay you got I got it yeah take mine Charis Wanna Rock him oh come on come on did you have an answer I ain't got nowhere yeah I like this one boys in the hood or Menace to Society um no question analog or digital [Music] um yeah my bad I guess it wouldn't I guess I'm gonna be honest I'd say analog sound better yeah it's more convenient yes I'm gonna be honest because you remember back then when we were making music Sorry to sound like the old guys but we could we are so guys we couldn't we all had to make music together when you had a feature yeah you couldn't have to send him a God damn the rails was like this big it was like little dogs yeah I'm sorry yo I never used to punch in because when I started making music I had to go all the way through and if I had to punch in it would you have to take the [ __ ] go rewind so I I like tragedy brought me to this game if we used to save money we was like yo you ain't so if if I'm saying wrote I wouldn't even go to the studio I would never go to the studio without making three to five records because I couldn't afford races in [ __ ] Studio times you know what I'm saying yeah it's like super Thug what what that's recording one tank that's one take and what what was you counting the bars yeah so I'm just being honest so like let me ask that question I got you know I got a little hype because analog sounds better because I love how all the features sound back in the days like y'all was in the same room yeah you had to smoke each other's weed yeah you had to smell each other's cologne yeah sit around and Vibe out and you know what I mean like so if you ain't like somebody on the record you can tell you know what I mean you can tell because y'all was in the same room is it some a story here I know he talking about it's like damn you talking about like when we were in the studio with stuffy RP right oh um you know I mean the amen story joint Man games people play it's crazy so I know I mean being in the studio is dope when you were doing much better it's like this yeah exactly yeah exactly like this anybody chilling making them hits and uh bing bing yeah Queen Latifah or MC life oh [ __ ] clean God damn kid we need them both on the show by the way yeah I can't mention it let's go no we ain't like okay I like this one too it's stacking up is we in Germany right we just feel like Tetris Onyx or Black Moon now this is deep I want it's the last one right last one we've been hard she changed the game just now [ __ ] got a flight ticket at the blame that [ __ ] is called catch a flight right there that's cool right there buddy y'all to answer this loyalty or respect I'm with loyalty I'm a loyalty like a [ __ ] Lost Boys love and loyalty you already know that else is always that something definitely you got a loyalty it comes with the results we always say this is the only trick question in this whole [ __ ] to us it's like both yeah right about the other family [Applause] [Music] baby now I'm hot as hell Al Bundy all day yo so Lloyd Banks had a record Lex Kush Beamers in the bands now it's beam of visibility do you think that he was paying homage to Lex uh Lex Jeep speed man who's been in the business of course what else would you do no I don't know yo that's dope yeah I think I heard him say something like that yeah all day no question listen um nah shout outs to that record I mean you already know right like that yeah it's us but yeah but describe the time where y'all dropped yeah your record um let's go swimming's in advance yes please that's one of those videos I was like I want to be here okay we had some fun doing that man brought the old out she also all of them that said we wasn't going to do it when we sitting on the Benchmark okay shout out to Lincoln Park all my ogs AJ across the street you already know I gotta shout you out [ __ ] your whole neighborhood came out man we're the first [ __ ] New York with the [ __ ] balancing cars the hydraulic cars motorcycles let's go back a little bit from from when y'all meet start making music what what's happening how does how do y'all get to that record deal what's that process Charles oh no question but that came before you know I mean who's going hard before we met y'all soon ain't Teddy Riley got something to do with this dude all of them got a part in this game yeah but even before that like how do you even get to that well we was just yeah even going back and forth to up and down 95 going to Virginia and stuff like that and then basically she's planted a c down there in Virginia in Virginia Norfolk so you know we cool you it's good it's good we started going down there and then you know migrating back and forth and stuff like that hold on let me tell Mom we got down there the first time okay the Rump Shaker right all you want to do is hard body yeah put us all on to the game yeah sure wait that's family shirt games just searching just uh okay salsa night costume and all that you already know D and everybody but but um that's what I'm just I'm just cutting real quick get him because you know I went down right I was out there riding around my man rolling though he's doing you remember Capital Cuts if y'all know Norfolk State and all of that hello now you know what I mean all right Queen Josephine know what I mean we was outside man heavy in the early 1991 you know what I mean like doing that damn thing shout outs to um God damn Jesse West holy [ __ ] yes rocking on your radio down and we ended up in Virginia yeah right so y'all went to Virginia because you was trying to be in the video no I went to Virginia because I've seen my cousin was making the damn all right shake your rump video so what happens do you actually link with Teddy Wally do you get with them yeah we leave them at what we doing so smoking weed wait a minute come through it uh I mean wait what the city [Music] that Virginia was popping I'll say it like this we got big brothers that was making Virginia Pop oh hell yeah them people right right yeah yeah it was all big brothers all right and shout out to J most yeah that's awesome [ __ ] JD BMP low mob you know what I mean yeah yeah but how does it all translate now into getting eventually a deal like through this Virginia connect fast forward really cheeks was about to battle somebody down there Hitman oh yeah one thing that's another Tim Patterson Tim Dolphins naked oh God he said instead of them battling each other because him and hitman's gonna battle inside they wouldn't they were going outside he was the boss against Queens yeah he was all out there getting money throwing [ __ ] bus trips and all of that boxing and all that come on tell them so that's how we met one thing Tim you know he was working up there um but we don't know that but no he's in town basically because he's already working up there in fact so he heard him rapping in the standing there so he was like all right I'll put you all together so without a demo without a demo money in the murder Twisted cap and all that [ __ ] that's when they did that oh that was wrong we went um the New York he introduced us and he was like yo Monday me and him went to a Ruckus game that's when the new ultimas came out this is the ultimate when he first came out the old Nissan Altima yeah so he was like yo me coming up there and he was like yo um I [ __ ] with y'all I'm gonna put y'all really on I'm gonna try to introduce y'all to Andre this is Uptown that's me and him having this conversation I was like all right whatever because he's like yo spit I'm telling you I could do something I was like all right yes so that's crazy this is at a record game you know so boom one thing led to another he did what he said he's gonna do he introduced this Andre he told him where the boss that's how we got introduced Uptown records but Andre Andre rest in peace yeah when we rep when we signed with him he didn't know we were he didn't understand us yeah that's what I was my next question like did he know what to do with y'all because he's like he had mostly r b art right and stuff like the only rapper [ __ ] Father MC well we wanted him [Music] on that label so we was like really the first rap group or something like you know what I'm saying right right yeah Joe to see that Mary Jane oh man you know what I'm saying Christopher Williams old so when we ran was when we was actually yeah Anthony Hamilton all that y'all don't even know we got stories like you go back when before you heard Anthony Hamilton right now oh that was another Anthony Hamilton yeah we need to have on this other hand I mean he he gets no I'm just saying he gets it and he can sing and stuff like that but he had different his Vibe was different it wasn't no slow down version you know what I'm saying like the ballads and stuff like that nah that was my man [Music] he's nice like that but we was with everybody that was an uptown shine head yeah everybody that was okay before before like he was over there in Queens doing what he was doing I had to go out to VA you know what I'm saying take care of some things why don't you talk about as far as like while we was out there in VA yeah we was going all that whoever was the VA [ __ ] rapping you know what I mean like like ATL and all that we was out there before we even you know made music like like [ __ ] we don't black flags first you know what I mean everywhere you know what I mean so before it got properly the Black Flag when New Yorkers came down there we was down DJ Envy was down there as well at one point yeah like like 90 91 nights yes I guess I guess earlier because earlier we spoke about cannabis and you said you was one of the uh first people to put cannabis on can you elaborate on that story a little bit you guys yeah I mean damn that was the [ __ ] he was he's a cannabis he's the only [ __ ] with the license in Atlanta was uh our I wasn't ready [Applause] Secretary of Defense I remember I heard him talking about he was a manager that he co-managing [ __ ] I seen it so I'm just shutting this setting this [ __ ] down because that is not true so you think cannabis online saying that he co-managed the law school yeah [ __ ] actually no more TV oh my God I'm just going to tell it like this because some [ __ ] wearing [ __ ] out of his mouth but I already told [ __ ] for moms is a dope dude what I'm saying is this he used to take us I'm gonna take a shot anyway s don't smoke yeah I mean he got the license we drinking Smoke No Lie he older now we all older now right this is all this is all right what I'm saying is yeah we used to smoke his mom's car out he's taking the studio that's it shout out to Mr sex R.I.P and that's what it was you know what I mean yeah he's just being dude like you gotta take a shot though then he got it together the string Champs we watch it they're watching the lights are on the cheeks okay now buddy adult artist you know what I mean good he's good yeah you really have it against him okay be good no I I just didn't like that part that that bothered you that you heard that nah that right there but what what ah [ __ ] that was the man no not okay now I had some deep business before that and all types of [ __ ] and [ __ ] like that but yeah he is what it is all right so we're gonna move on he's on he's on um something that I always wanted to ask like this something I always wanted to ask you on music made me high right yeah you said my boy Charles foreign [Laughter] [Applause] I mean a lot of [ __ ] that we went through is because a lot of these [ __ ] that didn't know [ __ ] like child suit he admit when we put him in the game he ain't no nothing that's right but he learned some stuff from puff and stuff like that like I I could tell you a lot of [ __ ] like puff is like our brother because his big brother is our big brother yeah our big brothers that's his big brother so a lot of [ __ ] that you know he got it from puff but Tim got is a circle we are we all I mean when I say we got a big family you know what I'm saying uh a lot of [ __ ] that I I've been hearing throughout my incarceration and [ __ ] like that but and researching and stuff like that I heard a lot of [ __ ] right and I was like you know I'm I'm a I'm somebody in jail you know what I'm saying so no when [ __ ] tell me just to stat in the third [ __ ] now I got extra people saying yo this that this happened that happened all this [ __ ] so now I gotta be like damn how you clean that [ __ ] up right so basically when you get a opportunity trying to clean some of that [ __ ] up right because there's a lot of [ __ ] rumors and [ __ ] this and that you know how now the internet [ __ ] like that so I watched it remember I was telephones wasn't even like that you know what I'm saying right so now all this [ __ ] coming into play and you got other people talking and internets and stuff like that coming in so now a lot of [ __ ] is like blown out of proportion now yeah you get to speak the truth like you got to talk a real narratives you like on your platform that's right yeah well Boris I need another blunt immediately Boris immediately my [ __ ] I got listen I'm like I'm gonna lie I got another shot here so I'm taking another shot no no excuse me I said for no reason it's a big reason to celebrate [ __ ] Lost Boys what's up that's the mama want to join you people pay attention wasn't you living out here in Miami [ __ ] sometimes you guys are both Kendall residents I've been out here for a minute but uh I'm gonna I'm a Globetrotter right right yeah yeah I'll be over here and um Queen Jones will be in his head Chanel is here the princess cousin Prince is over there in the cut you already know the family dingo was here my main man that brought me that is the black Cuban over there okay don't forget dj47 kicking ass shout out to my cousin Willie live right there he busting ass in the wrestling world WWF Cha-Cha DJ [ __ ] in the building yeah but I've been out here for a minute man you know what I'm saying I've been down here since uh [Music] like I said we have big brothers [Music] [Applause] you want to say what your charges was or mine was uh bank robbery attempted bank robbery well I was abandoned so I mean but you acted like you do this [ __ ] happens it didn't happen a lot of [ __ ] y'all gotta understand the government they vicious if they just like I believe you I believe you did something they're gonna Stick it to you you know that and if you fight them they're gonna say here's the next little book I think right right throw that on top of you just because you're being smart just because it's Federal oh awesome bank robbery yeah my bad yeah so a lot you know I learned a lot I mean it's an experience you see me through my shades you know what I'm saying it's an experience you know that yeah I got a book I got a book I got a lot of [ __ ] going on but you know what I'm saying and uh and and also like like he said like I got the tour like um his artists different Independent Artists oh I'm hoping that the homies come home and certain you know what I'm saying to give because there's you know there's a lot of talent in jail right you know what I'm saying rappers and stuff like that I already speak to some of them on a kind of week-to-week bases and stuff like that when they get home try to get them on some shots it's so many people you know um that that make it to rap right and then they think that rap is the end of all be all yeah and then for like you to have a story like that where you know you you know whatever uh uh you know it wasn't going right right she wasn't was it was was that was that the story [ __ ] up and down yeah you know what I'm saying right sometimes you got your high sometimes you got your lows right you know I'm saying sometimes a lot of things happen you know what I'm saying but one thing for ensure that you know God had me I'm here yeah yeah I'm going to speak nicest home and like you know what I'm saying we want to drink Champs and [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] be cheering on [ __ ] that ain't do one damn thing my man did right right in the industry right they share these [ __ ] on that be coming home I'll be like what the [ __ ] my man is home [ __ ] don't hear that and they don't see that but we still keeping that that [ __ ] don't mean that flame burning so yeah yeah I'm glad we don't drink Champs to let them know my boy is back you know yeah is this the first interview I did as Lost Boys so far because uh yeah right now yeah we're taking that we taking it the first Lost Boy so um all right that's the damn thing we got to get to one of the biggest records of all times I don't want to say one of y'all biggest records of all time because it is one of the biggest record of all time even though it's y'all reckon but it belonged to the world can I stand by this um Renee give it up when you listen like someone take it I got another shot two extra yeah I have another drink AKA precious ebony face so when I I mean Williams I kept listening to this record right and I'm sitting back right when I listen to Renee on one part it makes me happy because it's a record that I grew up with it's nostalgic for you in that sense and it's like all right cool and you're dancing but this when you listen to the stories but you still connect people to it was still a club record like I have never it's crazy actually think that in the history that that's a crazy concoction right there look look at the Town one of the saddest stories everyone identified with this story everyone dance and things along be a little sad at the same time that's a great answer because that is how to tap into every human like that that is not a black record it's it's it's a it's a global anybody could listen to Renee and relate to that like what what the [ __ ] what kind of weed was that oh oh is this a real story because I've never I've never ever I don't know that I mean Renee is story about a shorty that's right you know what I'm saying we all got shorties in our town all across America everybody you know what I'm saying and there's always you know the hood chicks but who made up shorty first was it Southside Queensbridge I know it's a queen oh yeah okay okay cause the people won't kill me all right so like I said everybody [Music] I think we made it I think we made it [Applause] I'll take a shot today I'll take a shot Drunk History Renee is like I mean ebony Williams ebony Williams she got hit oh wow uh North Side South Side that beat 40 Projects and [ __ ] over there on um YouTube side right they came over shot up basically party no the podcast so this is a real story [Music] about it but I don't want to throw a name out so hard but I just want to let them know that's why right that was the inspiration yeah it came from you know what I'm saying okay and basically you know everybody out party I parked in you know if y'all were in the park yes Park after dark yeah yeah but rest in peace but she took one you know what I'm saying the lady that got shot with the baby remember yeah [Applause] the whole shootout was Bangla [ __ ] shot up while she was there on the phone booth at the phone and they were shooting up the [ __ ] in the building right there standing in front and they said accidentally shot the lady and her husband getting married it's a whole deep dumb though but as you can see it take one story out of here no no you take one story out of that and and basically explain you know I'm saying things happen like that you don't ever hear about a female getting killed right shot or whatever this guy in third now your day nowadays but back then that was like kind of rare and nobody and then then if it happened nobody really talked about it right so basically using that just giving another story of our lifestyle I mean what we go through and as you expecting you know what I'm saying yeah but what I'm saying is the energy is so vulnerable because it's like it Taps into everyone right like what you're saying is like um it's supposed to yo yeah for everybody right no I'll be I don't know all right but you were talking about you're going to do the same thing a [ __ ] go through yeah you talk about like no but the way you break down the way it's broke down right it's like this is a real love story like you know what I mean it's like it felt it felt so when you said I always thought it was like if it was true because sometimes it is yeah the video when you listen to it like you ever listen to it in your car by yourself yes like you can see you can see it right yeah lose somebody you feel like damn I just love somebody I also realized too I was like Dan she was she was the first [ __ ] talking about glizzies [Music] you feel me worldwide and nothing wrong with it let's go was that wait hold up hold up was that track meant specifically for the soundtrack for don't be a menace what's it on um like [Applause] so I grew up I was raised in the 90s when I was born in the 90s so I grew up in the 90s you feel me so but as we get as I'm you know my present days it's like there's a lot of Lost Boys [ __ ] that don't be talked about in hip-hop so this is honor like like I said yeah we all appreciate it yes that don't get talked about yeah in hip-hop or get the same you feel me praise that they give other [ __ ] and Hip-Hop ask me a question why what I think you're trying to say is uh does Renee not get it's just do I believe it does don't be mentioned in those conversations that's real as far as but like you said that's one of the most that's not in in the hip-hop culture that's a Timeless record let me just let me just say something with that [ __ ] tail [ __ ] with that I he pulled up I'm like what did you just say Sir all right so he did Renee on Tails yeah if you want to tell a story yeah you hear the story the world knows the story what the [ __ ] was you doing where the camera you struck out on that one people stopped watching the show because of that [ __ ] wow and that's what I heard that's what people were telling me I ain't watching that [ __ ] they ain't do y'all story nothing no justice okay because I I didn't I just see this today I don't know about it so can you tell me can you can you describe to me all right I'm here I'm here for this [ __ ] you watch dream Champs yes or you watch what's your name Tales I watch tales too no no would you watch the most okay I watch the drinks all right oh yeah you get one too there buddy a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] like I say the stories [ __ ] Gotta tell the story right so so tell us so tell us so you're saying that oh thank God so you're telling me that's cheating no that was tequila I don't drink all right whiskey to wash it down I mean Japanese yeah thank you so um so you're telling me that herb all right because all right for people that know tails is a um is is a story that they're telling and then they make a whole movie right based on that yeah so you're saying that huh yeah based off of hip-hop records so you're saying that he did he he did Renee yeah I don't know where he got that storyline from all right if you you listen to the story on the record on the radio on wherever you take whatever what do you do speak he said something else some other story and that was like I was doing correlated with the with the summer not yet I get what you're saying yeah I don't know who he reached out to if he did it if he heard the story he would have known better than to put that I don't know what the hell he was thinking even allowing that who allowed that that was nothing like what the story said you trying to mess up our storyline damn that's how I took it like yo wait a minute that ain't how the story goes and if you listen to the story on the record you know that too wrong correlate what would his story do I don't know what the [ __ ] but it was just what it does and it's like yeah dog that was that shouldn't even been allowed to be on TV because everybody you know yo I my phone don't even ring like that what my IG everything was going crazy like yo what they was doing what they were preserved going crazy because people like and they was like yo what's the [ __ ] is going on right that ain't the story it's crazy straight like that but is that something because um you know um just just asking um is that something that he had to get permission from y'all or he went through the record labels somebody at the record label like listen man we passed that day anyway so yeah all I'm saying is don't [ __ ] about [ __ ] don't [ __ ] about our story you know what I'm saying [ __ ] just the world I didn't even know this [ __ ] was going down that's crazy because I'll be in the house yeah but it's like just being Devil's Advocate if he would have called you guys and said yo yo look guys I'm doing I'm Renee what you guys would have wanted input of course if it was good that was unanimous told that [ __ ] that's not it no I mean I didn't even see this I respect that to me you can't it worked out right you can't put that out because of the few episodes I believe I saw of tales it was like rappers that wasn't around you understand what I said gotta do that [ __ ] handshake I like it go ahead go ahead like for the um episodes that I did see your Tails um I think I seen the biggie episode that rappers wasn't around you said this this problem could have never happened had it just been one phone caller to to either y'all exactly okay do you remember the story yeah Renee yes yeah you heard anybody in the barbershop yes where was anybody in the barber shop where did this take place in the barber shop all right then take me take this [ __ ] [Music] Queens song it had to take place like down south there was no City nothing I brought the stage of Queens he brought that joint to eight yeah both of them yeah oh that's crazy but I respect what he do though I respect her what do you do you know what I'm saying but he just dropped the ball on that one yeah I like the [ __ ] man yeah because we gonna put our movie Up Now [ __ ] for God because we left the industry a long time ago get the producers come see us yeah [ __ ] know what we got a Wu-Tang story we got this series The Lost Boys series coming to Hulu yeah get everybody together I mean whoever come holler at us right anything we're working on that thing right now you know what I mean Lost Boys I'm just saying I'm telling the story so I'm saying Lost Boys the best from Lost Boys to Men the new TV show we're working on right now now I came my son is a rat dude right you see free guitar son you already know City got the whole team is that all we have to do I just refused yeah sponsored by these cups oh yes this is sponsored by DeLeon sir yes whiskey I never tasted this stuff and we get the energy drinks afterwards the monster yeah so I'm gonna get serious for for just one second wow um [Music] because I believe I've seen this on Vlad TV but they say that freaky top actually died in the hands of ODB that's false cousins wait wait wait wait would you say Tony girl said what on Vlad see 30 says hold on [ __ ] I don't live in Queens no more I just want to know what you're talking about that that was the interview right yeah yeah he said that old my pops died at ODB arms and I'm glad you brought that up because I wanted to be the first one to clear that up that is absolutely false to the fans because there's a lot of people that take these interviews you feel me like and start talking about the facts and you start speaking on the facts because nobody know everybody been going doing whatever they going through in life you feel me and okay when you start putting out let's just get that people take it from me they think these platforms is fully 100 credible because it's coming out from a person that's from a popular from a popular standpoint you feel me yeah but that's the homie yeah cause I love I love Tony Yayo you feel me he's from one three four I don't know what the [ __ ] that that statement is totally false and it's all I'm saying I'm stamping it all out of love for me because I don't want people to take that and run with that you can't run with that ever that is not true because you got that's two different parties you're number one and then now not only are you saying that about our story you employ you for me you put in the Wu-Tang story and Crossing it and it's not true facts you feel me no it's not true facts it's not no no hate no it's not it's all out of love and it's just a whole lot of speaking facts on the Legacy for me because we we have a strong Legacy that's embedded in this hip-hop [ __ ] and it's have have it like I said highlighted how it's supposed to you for me and this is our time to put it out there to the world like these are the facts this is what's going on and this is what's about to happen you feel me shout out DJ I'm efn for the you know to do it and we know what we're doing oh yeah because that's all you as the young yo I don't even know what the [ __ ] is going on I'm like yo what the [ __ ] it's all love this is clear in the air like I said shut up shut up yeah you feel me South Side Far Rock we in the building all these Stack Bundles you feel me I'm a fall Rock [ __ ] yes so how was it um being in a can all that long and watching the rap game change how did you feel oh man basically it was I seen your time's turn when I was I'd say about 0-3 let me just say Nelly okay it's hot in here right it's hot in here I guess you know Soul Train Soul Train wasn't even playing it huh it's crazy but he had a run and I was in in that part of the beginning of the gym and that long that [ __ ] was still going on I was like what the [ __ ] going on we went to New York at right now but no I feel like it was time to say Nelly was still on your [ __ ] a little bit I don't know I got stories can I tell them something talk to them people I'm gonna tell them something you know what I'm gonna if nobody know about lb fan man we them [ __ ] out in St Louis all right I'm talking about I'm not throwing you in the mix I'm just saying who's all making records okay you know we've seen Nelly as of what 15 16 year old I don't know yeah [ __ ] we are the [ __ ] and influence then they're gonna get going going going going okay remember the saint luna6 came first no let me run my finish don't talk to them [ __ ] yeah um so no no no for real I'm the first [ __ ] that went to Mother We're The Lost Boys going hard right hard [ __ ] in St Louis sure cousin we the [ __ ] that snuck Nelly and his crew in the club with us that night cause them [ __ ] outside so we're losing Bang Bang fast forward right fast forward you hear what I said he said We snuck Nelly in him crazy [Music] little [ __ ] let's go whatever y'all so what I'm saying is after that all of that they begin you know I mean you see what they are and you know the funny story is uh we signed on the universal hello beam and uh who's the [ __ ] doing a commercial for the Nelly and the boys in the St lunatics and all that it was me 50 commercials for the God no he on his way I'll talk about back in the days yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] like that dude I'm insane man I saw I I I've been around the world and top it off on what he's saying it was like Nelly and him lunatics they were one of the Lost Boys nah say it like this Universal wanted uh Southern reading Northern they wanted a Southern Group like us like The Lost Boys if you really could tell we had it all we had the group The DJ the dancer and all that we had the combination of it we grew up in it tell them kid remember was the same lunatics first they didn't like that all right Nelly broke off basically not broke off but he became that solo artist they still had the group then they had their dancer the one with the mask and all that yeah like that I would be good be wow that was our dancing [ __ ] that [ __ ] before y'all ever see all that [ __ ] exactly my bad but listen we had that that whole combination that whole style they just wanted a southern version okay they got that that was it the next one was We The Lost Boys what's the next Group after the Lost Boys hot boys no yeah hot boys remember that you ready see I could take it back memories they wanted everything The Lost Boys one they that's why they say it's all Universal this is universal I I watch I watched what was going on yeah after they still wanted a better Southern Group than the same lunatics so basically how many people in in in the hot boys about four of them you know I mean the lost boys all right hello four of them they wanted a southern Lost Boy group uh Southern like leader Northern they're Southern yeah you ain't got nothing better than us listen I'm gonna tell you when you talk about history and [ __ ] like that I need to at that time out of one album we got seven seven songs and videos when you only could get two yep two at that time if you was lucky three I know he was lucky if you got lucky and we got seven out of one album who the [ __ ] with [ __ ] like that [Applause] we did our thing but you the top us you have to look for and those were individuals those in the group those are the individuals that they had to put together for basically two rappers a rapper in hype man and a DJ you know what I'm saying that combination man you know what I'm saying you had to put a whole four-man crew together to [ __ ] with that but and give them a bunch of money when we started out we didn't have no money you know how to do that could we give us a uh 300 let me hold money you know what I'm saying 300 000 budget like I said 100 didn't know exactly what to do with us three hundred thousand dollars we had gold in our first what was that that pre-tour or whatever that shows you know what I'm saying yeah so we had gold back then what's the rapper but there was another one on um you know New Orleans Gavin together yeah [ __ ] like that oh man he's all around the man listen we was already gold before we even came here how could that be down right so we was like you know what I'm saying we was there that's what I said travel we traveled like a [ __ ] like I said the airplane was out our taxi cab you know what I'm saying it's called Bob Marley but we was out there like forever when we come to the airport they got two cars ready for us and like where y'all going which way y'all going that's how bad we was working you know what I'm saying as I said when Vicky used to say y'all never had my shows and [ __ ] we was working for since we started the times we got in that game that's one thing about Andrew Andre that's what we was doing so with Super Mario movie names biggie was a [ __ ] the toilet we did so much my man talking in a in a in a matter of time you know what I'm saying that it was like mind-blowing to them they didn't know like I said we already came with we weren't certain kind of clothes and this and that you know what I'm saying hats I wanted cigars Blunts and all that stuff we came in with a game plan and it was mean all right so that [ __ ] ain't no but they couldn't fathom what the hell would we lose money on this line of third and we had this like I said like when you say a thousand a thousand ghetto deep when I say America we traveled America every [ __ ] State 52 whatever we were there you know what I'm saying and then if we wasn't there they came to see us right then when we go across the pond Japan and Australia and all that [ __ ] we've seen prices grow up you know what I'm saying but we've seen it all right so it's like what we what we know and what we did and what they don't know you know I'm saying the universal or Uptown is at you know uh both of them basically right when we came up they don't even understand what the [ __ ] was doing because they it was too big for them right so our status I'll say right now that affected us now is like when I listen to like when I locked up I listened to music and I was like yo they be putting this old school stuff they be doing this why the hell we ain't getting it we might get it from certain DJs that might live DJs or something like that but on the radio why the [ __ ] we ain't if we was the biggest thing in rap but people don't really notice that some people's the old school [ __ ] they notice that they hear they recognize they real yo I gotta you got me out of jam the jail and this got a third right but now I don't hear our music on the radio like you would hear Biggie or anybody else nah it's just I don't hear it I don't hear it on the radio like it's uh a legendary thing you know what I'm saying right we missed what that [ __ ] was uh uh Rock The Bells nah nah for the Angie Martinez back in the days we only missed that by one day just because the homies Mary and meth came in on our last day and beat us that was like a husband I love Marion Marion meth well which record yeah you're all I need all I need was that came in and knocked us off the place I was um I was either Lex or or Jeeps wanted to I think it was Lex now our first song but it got so much Accolade you know what I'm saying those are legendary records like we had accolades at what New York's New York City was that [ __ ] nah nah nah the uh the TV show oh New York Undercover New York oh yeah that's a fact that was the first episode yeah it was like one of those episodes and [ __ ] like that my brother rest in peace Big Mike he passed away at that same time so the things that we did like putting things into place putting rocket and high rocks skyrocketing certain plateaus and stuff like that we ain't getting recognition for none of that well you know what I'm saying a lot of [ __ ] that we did we helped a lot of States when I was in jail I was telling them [ __ ] know me through their parents their grandparents right and that shows that we was around for a long time you know what I'm saying he's around for a long time and [ __ ] just don't give the respect like you don't hear our music like you were here like not saying in rotation but in rotation you know what I'm saying and it takes like a real DJ that'd be like giving honest that'll play your [ __ ] right I'll be hearing DJ scratch and stuff I'll be hearing different DJs but it doesn't resonate like it's here it's here it's here but [ __ ] when you hear it they be like yeah them [ __ ] is legendary play our [ __ ] oh yeah let us be heard like everybody else would be heard oh yeah you know [Applause] unless you just just how I feel you know what I'm saying because I've been sitting back like I said 19 years I've seen a lot of [ __ ] right the music changed the world changed because when I came out now I'm looking at this [ __ ] like these [ __ ] what the [ __ ] they doing and through our music I heard you say a few things with a couple of people like how our music has changed and how [ __ ] is doing it right now I'm listening to [ __ ] like like I go in my little tours and see him here and said and I go to different places people ain't putting in the work these young cats no disrespect to any of them but they're not putting in the work like that so I hear them like you said we we do our music and if we doing something we get a TV track and all this other [ __ ] oh so what are you talking about these artists that go out there and rhyme over the [ __ ] Milli vanilliant out there my first tour I'm like yo y'all can I don't like that [ __ ] we grew up hard you gotta be able to remember you wrote these shits say them shits without backtrack can I piggyback off that though cause I'm I'm uh and I and you know I work with other artists younger artist that I work in uh don't don't defense because like I said I go on the road um the the expectations for me is a little bit different I'll perform with live bands right I perform with DJs I never met before we we rock out you feel me like I said I got to perform with KRS one and literally I literally watched him perform two songs that everybody knew and freestyle the whole show right it let me freestyle with him on the show I got nobody in my generation can't ever say they did that that's one of the things [Applause] that's hard to be on stage and be able to to hold yourself down you feel me it's not too many young you feel me because they don't understand what hip-hop really is you feel me hip-hop right now like you said y'all went from going from real to real right to us being able to go and Pro Tools and just your eye you spit this ball you can spit 16 balls individually and they'll mix it up and make it sound like you just spit it on one track you feel me so you do eight balls you can do whatever whatever you want to do like you said it doesn't take the the [ __ ] don't take the time to practice they Rhymes no more [ __ ] don't [ __ ] don't go to their mansion like yo I just wrote this you feel me you feel me so it's a it's a different thing but when it comes to performing over the tracks you you know like now in this generation since it's so accessible everybody want to chase the bag the expectations for performances especially for up-and-coming artists is no real uh like there's no real um like limitation no no not no real expectations so the all the promoters like oh I bet I gotta show today if all right if you could pay for the slot no no hit me out though hit me up if you could pay for this there's nobody on and these artists teams that's like yo bro you need to be practicing to perform professionally that's not performed because a lot of these artists is getting hot on Tick Tock and getting hot on you feel me so they're not it's not even say that they're not real artists they're nice they're not professional performers right they're not professional artists but but listen sometimes there's a there's another defense for the people who perform or backtrack especially new artists they'll do all these showcases with [ __ ] sound systems and that that's that's that's that's the mics and the and the music don't match up at all what I'm saying though there's nobody in the team like yo get up and go to sound check so that we could go figure out the game plan before we get there you feel me like me and my young boys and that's right we got our own mics so if the system is you feel me it's compatible for our [ __ ] yo we'll bring our own [ __ ] we got our men's that'll [ __ ] with down there to make it sound how we needed the sound so that we could do what we got to do you feel me right so in the defense of what's going on it's not no real it's not no real standards you feel me there's no standards for these new artists you got new artists popping up tomorrow and that's what I'm trying to do see the same [ __ ] all day right [ __ ] Ain't really promote but none but but I think about Girl music I'm talking about from our era I'm using to this era now [ __ ] is one the bag yeah I mean yeah they're murdering everybody got the wrong Ops and all that you already know the game I'm just saying I I you got like you said he got mad quick and easy yeah that's what my platform was about like giving them cats something that you could perform your [ __ ] instead of being on a YouTuber listen the funniest [ __ ] is that I've seen some [ __ ] you lip syncing how you out of breath [Applause] that they not even putting in the work to get it and that goes into them people like Regular licensure situations and down to this music yeah but you ain't putting in the work how you over how you out of breath you ain't smoking drinking or nothing you barely moving but you out of breath and you lip singing a lot of [ __ ] yeah you know what I'm saying so I'm like the way of the world is totally [ __ ] up you know what I'm saying and then that's just how I feel that's that's how I feel man the world is [ __ ] up yeah because if everybody wants something so fast so flat down with the bag I want the bag you're not even really willing to work for the bag you just want it and they don't even have any true love for the culture and it's just like I'm entitled because what I got a couple of views and that's it it's a quick bag I got a couple of this bagging attention and then it's so it's crazy because it's like you get a bunch of people that jump behind it because they see how easy it is like these artists don't know how to before these artists get lit they don't know the opportunities that's out there for them there's nobody that's like literally in the air so it's somebody preying on them that's like oh this person just went viral right all right I'm gonna jump on this artist's gonna work and show them the bag so if I could go and get 15 racks a show for this viral artist and give them whatever they think whatever they think they were I'm gonna go I can eat and I can keep doing this they're gonna keep doing that it's like a predator it's like this internet made it more predatorial for people to you know vote your own [ __ ] look how many look how many artists that you like for me opinionated you like this artist is doodle or this artist like who's even entertaining this [ __ ] yeah but they sold there's such a sensation in this and it's so much worth in them and you like what the [ __ ] but it's like is this people praying on how to make a bag off of them and once they say it bad you come from nothing and you see a little bit of change yeah lifestyle start changing a little bit you're gonna go with that right all right you feel me I mean um we won for one minute I know we spoke about it a little bit earlier and you corrected that rumor um but I remember at one point making it I remember one point us being a rapper like kind of excluded us from like police like you know police would be kind of like leave us alone you know the drug dealers would protect us yeah um and then at some point it changed it and it changed to like the rappers the enemy now like and we don't know who are who our Ops is we don't know whoever and I remember like you know um you know Jam Master Jay freaky Todd you know what I mean um the murders of them changing the trajectory because now it's like damn we thought we if we make it as a rapper we we're helping so many people we're safe yeah but then at some point for that it changed like you know what I'm saying what what though I remember those two deaths like for me for being from Queens um it was the freaky top death and uh the death of Jam Master Jay where we had to be like wait a minute like even us as the people who helped make because one rapper helps 16 different families right and even us whereas now like like what was it like for all all three of y'all because when tally passed yeah yeah man you already know man I said thank you damn I ain't talking about that [ __ ] you know what I mean come on man that [ __ ] was like God bless God who's out that was a ill it was like a three-night situation right my brother got married right oh whoa whoa got married you know I'm saying it was my birthday you know what I'm saying it was your birthday it was my my brother got killed freaky that's the ill [ __ ] right [ __ ] don't even understand like the [ __ ] killed on my birthday like months later like what the [ __ ] we just came back from it we always go through this every year I don't even celebrate my birthday like [ __ ] don't even get that [ __ ] it's crazy May 14th that's his birthday May 14th is his birthday March born May 14th that's what we do free tie day on me okay yeah we just do free Utah today May 14th we all go out there do we do but now you got kids on my birthday so that always hurt you know what I mean like damn I mean yo that's crazy right I mean you you know what I feel about that [ __ ] I only like talking about too much like I get so crazy with it so it was like oh nah man um I think you know drink Champs we make noise for everything that's that's good I think right now we need to have a moment of silence that was a freaky touch okay and have more baby love you kid facts rest in peace [ __ ] freaky time [Applause] now was he considered a hype man I was just too or was yeah I don't know how they how they count I mean they they say you hype man britellic rap too Rapture right for me seeing tally since we was in high school taliq used to remember your mama jokes yeah don't tell me he was a mama joke he's going at each other could get at you get at both of y'all and in a pattern right back you know what I'm saying right that's how he developed his skills but he had heat all day right and he had jokes right right so he would get at both of y'all in a pattern that was like oh [ __ ] and then after that he'll stop pull out a marker and write a stickman on your legs on your jeans this is that at lunchtime and we skip from lunch time our first period lunch time to the end of the day yeah like three periods going keeps me over there rapping Tabby over there Louie playing cards it's crazy this situation was crazy safe and I just like said before I came from I was in Queens I went to South Carolina I came back to South Carolina and thing came to John Adams and that's how we all got together meeting each other individuals you know what I'm saying knowing that everybody and green eyes baby mask it was a couple of us but basically tally was just getting that that Rhythm and [ __ ] your heads up yeah eventually we started forming our group like cheeks me and Cheeks is always in the basement me and cheek started going in the basement doing it girl I'm telling Chief I'm telling Tali come on let's go come to my crib let's just practice practice and basically one thing you started practicing right it was what was that song uh Ghetto Boys um I'm not playing tricks on me my opinion me and tally did a joint called 24 hour 24 hour you know 24. 24 karat gold remember that 24 karat gold damn practice that practice that man Cheeks is doing other [ __ ] yeah black man black man she was the black man at that time and all that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah he's doing all that yeah when I say this [ __ ] I ain't gonna front people loved him because he could rhyme without cursing they ain't cursed and then y'all y'all like Renee but before Renee another chick you know we got checks and [ __ ] damn my bad it was Donna oh who's holding down we had Choice yeah yeah we had a lot of good music you know what I'm saying good songs that we practice and he goes to the park and practicing stuff like that we tape them in the basement and [ __ ] like that I practice with Ty a 24 karat gold the only thing with Ty was he couldn't remember his Rhymes so basically I gave him a mini tape recorder and made him um freestyle like you know you thought he wrote some [ __ ] like slush and he'll read your freestyle from here around the block yeah for hours and it'd be on that title you know what I'm saying he might just start rhyming then started flowing on [ __ ] you know what I'm saying start getting heat yeah just around the circle and [ __ ] or in the first check just dude this lady just he goes into that [ __ ] so I'm just like yo record that [ __ ] when you go to the studio when you go around the way in the center third record that [ __ ] he used to be on the Boulevard on God Brew one three four but [ __ ] is out there and I can hear him he let me hear the tapes and [ __ ] he might be talking and stuff like that and then he just started rhyming on [ __ ] rapping and breaking on [ __ ] eating on [ __ ] and [ __ ] like that everybody was out there he got um boo boo 50 yeah 50 was one three four five listen you don't even understand that the history you got 50 people in a boxer you know what I'm saying it was a box he's a box he's a boxer he's been doing it Lamar Odom that was our basketball too right that's how basketball we was trying to form a team y'all understand that the division that we had coming up all we needed is a football player and a baseball player we have we have we had a football play Jeff kembrook oh he's John Evans I forgot about him I forgot him back and we did have uh the homie Montell Montana you got a team in the league now shut up so we had a lot of [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you understand how thoughts is different we had players that was going to associate with Lost Boys we try to get our clothing line so that all that [ __ ] was before it was bigger than music for y'all yeah it was before what's going on in the last right 15 years and years with Jay with the sports team and all that stuff yeah no we're already thinking like we already was thinking this is not that girl you know what I'm saying he had a lot of [ __ ] going on the clothes and like FUBU and stuff like that all that [ __ ] I was already had those thoughts you remember um so it was a lot of [ __ ] Miss Walker April ideas what's your connection with the mollies tamales the Marley's not the mollies uh he introduced us tomorrow like we is doing like the little show like not the little she was on the B stage it's the yeah the B stage you know tomorrow's over there we do our show they come see us um the models that come check our show out because there are we [ __ ] fans today finally Damien Molly whatever right yeah I mean so we met on them they say yo come to the bus and listen imagine that imagine that button imagine that bus you got the Marley's you got Snoop and you got the Lost Boys I ain't gonna say I was the first but I was like the second to go off that bus like this yes they made the first record we ever made with them it's called guiltiness guiltiness oh yeah shut down Babylon album stay out and bust somebody else's ass yeah is that why you were down south my way because a lot of the Marlies are that way in Kendall area well yeah yeah we got on that bus and connected made that Bond yeah just like snoops it's 1997. those are brothers like we can they used to call speak what you doing that's when I was living up town speak what you doing me and fukuan yeah with his roommates what you doing nah we just chilling hey there's a ticket at LaGuardia Airport get there let me get down there and they come pick us up in the stand up there take us to this little secluded area so we chilling there like we smoking blunt they getting soccer [ __ ] made up so they're getting them soccer poles and yeah exclusion and it's like and it's nice you know all these people start coming Carl Scott Laura Hill even came with them with a stroll over there it's like damn Rohan what are you doing there it was it was it was going down and they started playing and kicking and everything else tamales man that's like family they're called [ __ ] like yo come on down what's up and Damien me and Damien did a beat together at the crib Mama Molly we family when I say we family we come to Florida Joe Mercer I like that rip Joe Mercer who's our family stuff like that all of us used to do it salute we don't got to take a shot this is a stream this is this is a drink you just take a sip of your own Drink Man [Applause] now what do y'all like more because you know they're going through your music the questions music is like I could see y'all make music thinking about the performance as well we perform this so so what do y'all like more making the music or performing the music [Music] let's go yeah that's one thing about me like like when I go through these tours on my Grime tours that's what is it on my grind next week is board okay yeah but even when I was in jail just say another okay people like yo how you like that [ __ ] do you like that video really like the video is cool videos is cool right I want to see like the BT Awards I want to see these [ __ ] perform this [ __ ] see we was the type that was performing yeah we'll get the back we'll get up there going we get that decide everybody all right some of these cats ain't stage [ __ ] the [ __ ] just stay in the middle like this and it's not a third yeah you know what I'm saying no disrespect I'm just gonna be real yeah really real let's be real the homie the big homie Big Homie when Jay-Z came out Jay-Z used to had a bulletproof vest and stay on the middle of the stage and rap real fast all right nobody really like got that you know what I'm saying when he first came out yeah there was a couple of times just one time that I definitely remember in the Bronx and I and I told people I used to tell [ __ ] the story there was a Vibe magazine with shine on the cover Remy Martin's Remy she said her first show that she seen she seen Jay-Z performing people booed him and said Put The Lost Boys on don't respect it's just a show that's a fact he showed him a lot of people do shows throughout my throughout my time I've seen a couple of guys that got busy I even see couple dudes imitate our dance um but I seen this I can't just say I I heard this I seen this on live TV shows and [ __ ] like that lost boy it influenced a lot of culture a lot of people I'm talking about down here in Atlanta well in Florida I'm talking about in Atlanta because Atlanta became the biggest population you know where where it's popping yes you know what I'm saying that happened since like I said that Nelly Jordan Outcast was coming in making sure [ __ ] was coming in a lot of [ __ ] was going down but anyway Rim Shop The Rim Shop Detroit we've seen that Atlanta culture but anyway but for real for real um I've seen I've seen these cats grow up I will showcase made other dudes if they was really paying attention this is how we make these people come to us you know what I'm saying involved in the show and [ __ ] like that right because that's what we was doing but it wasn't lip syncing or nothing like that the record scratched the record scratched and we were still getting it in was it was started with dats or real DJ I'm DJ he said Wreckers yeah he said record scratched up it was [ __ ] up we start over and we do it again that's right nowadays you don't got that yep nowadays you don't got real performances on stage you stand around just you and your guys sitting here you might be here and he over here but they ain't they still together like they scared [ __ ] like that we don't dudes that go we'll get in the crowd we'll go up the steps or whatever just stand in the third you don't got that total you you barely got [ __ ] just like I said moving around right you got to entertain these people these people came to see you these people came to pay this money to see you these hundred dollar tickets and [ __ ] like that [ __ ] like that they came to see you just like they paying for Beyonce all right you know what I'm saying they're paying for Beyonce Illinois around for a minute LL Cool J hello Cool J yeah Noriega or CNN um that sounds epic Warrior [ __ ] oh yeah acanelli what I see that at the news because the queen tour Queens Day in Flushing Meadow listen can we make a Queen's Day hold on Queens get the money tall I mean that's what this is it's basically please get the money I had I had a dream I used to lay on that bump [ __ ] yeah I'm looking up and I had these dreams called Mega lost Professor yo can I say I had these dreams it's like yo baby exotic everybody can make a book at least a couple hundred thousand yeah hey man just sign me up a couple of hundred thousands I already had all that [ __ ] planned out yeah no no at the um what's that [ __ ] the um the US um the the new Arena they built right there Rock The Bells had no no Dr bellshill was at the tennis at the Tennessee Summer Jam Summer Jam is that what's the name of that [ __ ] the the new [ __ ] where the hockey team about to be at the USA yeah I happen to be there the day before it and every yeah every [ __ ] I didn't say bro we're not a barrel everybody left the day at the day before the day after I forget and I see I see South Jamaica Holland I see everybody alone and they all get money in Atlanta thank you [Applause] he's seen a lot man yes yes it's the Olympics that's what Queens basically came down when the Olympics came let me ask you something if you could change anything in your life who would you change you always talk about I wouldn't change that because it made me who I am certain things make people who they are but sometimes situations happen I wouldn't I would have changed that jail sentence but do you say what I would have changed that jail you would of I would not have been in jail yeah when you go there you're not not going to learn something you're going to learn how to do it I knew young cats that didn't know how to clean their ass regardless the toilet bowl the the the floor or whatever the case may be [ __ ] learning jail if you never did that [ __ ] before you want to learn how to cook you better learn how to do this do that [ __ ] you ain't did at home when you was young your mother and your parents was doing it for you you're gonna learn how to do [ __ ] because you got old heads like me and older heads they're going to show you [ __ ] I learned in jail but the fact is You Gonna Learn you're going to be able to learn and show and tell you what I'm saying you're when you get kids or whatever you're going to show them how to do this do that dude I wouldn't have got that jail sentence right but if I didn't I wouldn't learn the [ __ ] that I know how to do now he's straight yeah 19th Street I learned a lot because not just saying the pressure that's why I'm gonna have this uh podcast visiting hours was big this is big nice you know what I'm saying go ahead boy [ __ ] that been in jail can teach people out here we see a different world than y'all see y'all been out here we see a whole lot of [ __ ] that [ __ ] be like oh this [ __ ] is hard [ __ ] is troubles that's just a bunch of the lazy [ __ ] you know what I'm saying lazy [ __ ] because we seeing things that we could do to manipulate that system that y'all seeing and we already building you know what I'm saying okay when I got there I could do this I could do that this I could do that if they doing it that way we can do it this way but while y'all out here y'all in the struggle because I've lived both sides so I see the struggles and stuff like that but sometimes just a little extra money or something like that you get me to what I want to do over here while y'all over here I see I got homies you know what I'm saying while y'all doing this over here these [ __ ] seen this brought it over here and elevate it it's just sometimes people is lazy I say sometimes they say the corona got [ __ ] lazy and [ __ ] like that because now they ain't got to work so hard for money man I ain't gonna work ppb loans [ __ ] was outside so [ __ ] outside two days I I I worked for two three weeks a month or something like that fall back and get a check and [ __ ] like that Obama had these same things that Trump had Obama didn't do it Trump said I'm gonna do what you ain't do because a lot of [ __ ] that he didn't do that yeah okay I'm gonna do it I know come on I'm not gonna Overlook the fact that Obama he he at least you and Kodak Black that's two real [ __ ] to me two real [ __ ] and Lil Wayne that's real [ __ ] with me I'm sorry I did was just try to do something better even though we know everybody knows his wife right now you better like him because right now world war three is Right upon this [ __ ] he better not he handling that stuff I don't want him to be involved you see you see they stopped [ __ ] with our dollar bill now yeah that is trying to symbol us down grandma I remember our bill was a lot of money yeah I remember one time I remember I remember once I went to London they simmered me down um I gave them it's like because there's like you can't spend American money in London so I gave the guy to cash it in like a thousand or like twelve hundred dollars yeah and they gave me like 459. yeah and I was like wait a minute no I said I know I failed math class yeah but this ain't right that is that house y'all owed me and they said the American dollar ain't [ __ ] out here what year was that I don't remember no the Euro at one point was was more money than yeah but it wasn't bad for us at that time you good though right but that's how I said this money right now things of the money that they making right now if there was an hour to an hour error say we was making like the most she was making twenty thirty thousand right that was 80 that was big money right right now yeah right nowadays 20 30 years later now 20 30 000. in the same it ain't the way right to be a millionaire Now isn't the same as it was back then it was always in a certain time of Ever and [ __ ] like that you know what I'm saying I can't say it but but in that era you know what I'm saying because the dollar a dollar chips will buy you four things you get a bag of chips you get a [ __ ] juice a Little Debbie's and something else for a dollar get you at least I'll get you a meal yeah [Music] and you get yeah [Applause] you don't know another Queen's Legend you don't know how to get down here from down over there all right cool I heard that [ __ ] was like crazy but don't say nothing I don't know that was that Japanese bus the Japanese yeah so so it's crazy now that should be real okay yo shout out to all them people shout out to this cigarette smells like a lot cheeks body gave the most shout outs you see me giving rolling like you know it's kind of like a cliche type of question but did you ever think that hip-hop would make it this far God damn did I think it I guess so because I wanted to be in it since I've been first heard of it yeah since I first since like 79 yo how the [ __ ] all of you you know what I'm saying this is before you heard it on the radio um I was going to part I actually no disrespect I was going to to the Bronx my cousins have been in the Bronx and I went to a basement party and I heard um Let's Dance through the drummers beat um and I'm hearing this and they was dancing I know some [ __ ] ass record player not a stereo or not a record player and the guy was trying to sh and it was [ __ ] a song but when you put it back on Everybody Dance it start the groove back on you know what I'm saying right and that song became one of the songs of somebody robbing over it even though I heard Curtis blow good basketball rap that was like the first song that was on the radio that was dope yeah not to me right right yes I don't remember Sugar Hill Gang being the first joint I heard him and then that basketball I I forgive me but I think little mama little Mama's mother still on that song [Music] her brother was like the first r b person the first first R B artist it's my little mama that crashed upstairs yeah yeah that's what he's talking about that first my lip gloss is popping her mom I miss my people I love little bro you wanna know you want to know you want to know a person pump me up your cousin oh sure fat boy oh yes Buffy that's Buffy Buffalo yeah but um her mother was the first R B artist on Def Jam that's fine you know they're playing basketball that's little mama that's crazy if I'm not mistaken that's her mom but I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm more than 90 percent that's her mother wages yeah her mother was like the first R B artist on Def Jam who was the first artist like like to get in the Def Jam Curtis blow this was like 70. was he officially Def Jam Just managed by Rush management because that might be the difference in that in that state it wasn't for Def Jam then you might know something if I'm not mistaken together right but with the deal I heard that on the radio first he talked about B Street we had crazy legs but yeah but he said he shot a drug commercial with Curtis blow they did blow he said right after something rappers getting real endorsements commercials that's being broadcast on real nationality I'm a young kid I'm probably six seven years old seeing my uncles and my pops on commercials for sprite you feel me all right now we're talking about which I did the Grand Master Flash joint oh yeah now let's pay attention to the commercials Chiefs come on we are the Fantastic we got this right now who comes on breaking the spills down thinking my pops came on and stuff but my pot spin reverse and Pig Latin and big bought it back this is some ill [ __ ] they went crazy legs in the middle of the glass so I probably ain't catch that I told you to make me feel bad right now was doing some [ __ ] [ __ ] is doing like like what it was look um lb for Life album the last track on the joint is the freaky tie outro produced by RP gutter butter that's one of our in-house producers that's my mentor when I started doing this like he took me in that like like I was a son of his and he was a producer for the family yeah you feel me fast forward like put it back into the perspective of the freaky tie outro yeah okay Amy freaky type of the month of May right it's one of those drill type beats that's what I was thinking back then yeah when I was like I was talking to one of your mens before we got on I'm like yo the the energy and the [ __ ] like even though the new generation may not like understand Lost Boy history you feel me that's why we're here right it's always going to be embedded in history look at the DJ cataly um DJ Khaled and um Lotto record they did the lice Camera Action joined over for lotto new record that's the single that they pushed all right LCS right that's the light ski that's life's Kim action shout out Bank though that's Big Time Records right you got Floyd Mayweather running doing mouths to to Lost Boys lifestyles of the richest Shameless you feel me in this early even in his IG history I pay attention so it's always embedded in the coach look at the Migos look at the Migos Migos is the biggest rap group of of ours in my generation not their Generations now look at that we just sat here and spoke about a couple hours of the lineage of what the lowest boys brought to the table Africa Europe Asia taking over [ __ ] the difference is they have the same digital they didn't they planted to see you got that for this new era of [ __ ] simultaneously like you feel me it's like an unconscious it's unconsciously innocent so when big when lotto and DJ Khaled dropped that record and Lotto go back to her mom's her mom's just like yo I used to be in Miami like this exactly I used to be like this man like what you know about that right even show me so when these records is re resurfacing and coming into the into the new era even we'll look at what look look how all the new the new artists is just doing even your record your record came back bigger than ever yeah oh yeah oh yeah it was crazy [Applause] as a young ass a student of the hip-hop culture you feel me as a as a a legacy of the hip-hop culture I'm paying attention I look at things a little bit different you feel me so when I see it coming across like like I said even down to my mental like I said the last out the last record of the outro he I'm like yo you don't even know what the hell you doing because like that's around it when I started like getting into music that's one like Lex luga and no one was making B sort of the beat Cadence just started speeding up and getting the Chief Keef in the drills but I'm listening like but as they speeding it up they're going to you got the the the the European influence and all these people are freaking good looking because all these people got what um now I got some fonto though these some good joints though for my men's but like I was saying though long story show is like the influence that hip-hop have even like I said even down to the drill music when you go to Europe they appreciate our music so much more that they that they had they take the time to create to try to recreate our culture over there you feel me so when we do go over there and we hit some in this and it's fresh to us right it's like yo it's fresh to y'all but we doing this for yeah we're doing this because of y'all all right you feel me we making this new [ __ ] because of y'all look at RP pop smoke yes you feel me he went to Europe and got that drill sound you feel me he got his he got it he got a German engineer like his his sound oh I didn't know that that is drill beats that you hearing that that you was hearing him on from across seas that they was Finding on YouTube you feel me they finding these YouTube producers and [ __ ] like that and bring and they getting lit these songs is generating the sound you feel me that's why New York drill and Chicago drill do not sound the same you feel me but that's neither here all day you feel me yeah to bring it back here I say it's all it comes from a seed that was planted from a culture that not only us as the Lost Boy family that child you feel me let me give Yaya flowers from you know I always do but yeah this is from you feel me but even you know me like [ __ ] like [ __ ] like us y'all planted a certain energy and Hip-Hop that can never go away because even the sound of music that y'all was making y'all was taking the old samples from which I was listening to your mama's living room you feel me what they was playing on Sunday morning they was cleaning up to in the crib but they was driving to in the costumes so what you think what you think yeah I do the purple okay let me say let me see what you want to say I want to say I want y'all to tell me the first thing that comes to your mind legal drug money pretty little pretty little yeah I was gonna say that [ __ ] yes yes tell me why pretty Lewis of mine behind that yeah yeah yeah yeah pretty noodle y'all see pretty little on stage or something like that if y'all seen him on stage he don't be doing much yeah he might get a mic you sit on this speaker Pretty Woman was like the smartest of us yeah oh wow this is the brain yeah hello he is the sparta hello what do you think Geico and all that he got a show tonight but listen pretty new comes up with the mindset of albums and [ __ ] like that he might hear all the stuff that we don't know what the hell like we don't know what the hell we're thinking hey man the album that nothing that [ __ ] said that [ __ ] said we were sitting around badly Pond tell him smoking weed and [ __ ] talking about like yo yo I want to be a drug dealer but I don't really want to sell no drugs I want the cars and all that [ __ ] we gotta do the way we do it right let's make some legal drug money using his drugs you know what I mean you can make some money from that [ __ ] flip that [ __ ] and then you know I mean that's what it was so that's how little game can't do with that word of my mother who's over there smoking weed on that you know what I'm saying um with that name yeah that name came from him and yeah it was just fruition yeah because this is what he seen as we sing this is our life this is what we send we giving y'all a picture of what we said we giving y'all out movie making some music and [ __ ] yeah we needed to get out of that yeah and get it out of that lifestyle the hood right even though we still hold [ __ ] we get out of the hood or we showing y'all the hood or the people that don't know about the hood you know how you do it show people that uh Queens ain't the only place you could get money at you go out of town and get money yeah yeah you can you go ahead let me ask as a group though going into the system getting a late you know deal record deal how did you guys divide everything because that's what usually breaks up groups yeah well the bottom was well I could I could say what it was right I lived we signed the contract was just me freaking try to assign the contract you know because that's what they wanted they didn't even want the whole group you know what I'm saying what did you just say the him and freaky Tower only you and freaky time nah they ain't really one listen they do the 90s yeah and they was like [ __ ] what is these [ __ ] doing that y'all again [ __ ] that's gonna see this Vision there he is that right so it's they basically that's how they they put I mean we were young so right that's what's officially on contract right y'all cheeks and tie yeah me and Lou didn't get the sun they just the [ __ ] didn't know the DJ is a part of this whole right you know what I'm saying because everybody they didn't get it man dang it like he said man these labels are trying to divide and conquer anyway that's what they've been doing this like I said man yeah man right we came from Uptown okay from from Uptown wow now but um thing they wasn't like yo kid the way the game was was like right it's like hey okay you want to be um missing cheeks are you gonna be Mr Jesus The Lost Boys and [ __ ] like that that's how they approached me yeah they came with him I wasn't out there running around doing all that and this is before this was before uptown way before the time this is like this is I don't even understand this is here we was here a real long time like I said it took 10 years for the song to come on here into four four or five extra years and we actually came out with the [ __ ] bad boy no no 's front door Galaxy West New York New Jersey I know the building going to the gym I see you at the movie theater oh my God [Applause] guess what yo George was with me George was with me George was with you again with me even though that was a lawyer in Doctor's Building right George was with me Elliot wow and remembered us being the Galaxy that boy would have started basically in the Galaxy Tower wow cheeks had her [ __ ] joint they wanted cheeks to be Mr Cheese they wanted cheeks to be the Lost Boys by herself it would have been me and cheese right without Tylenol right but she said nah nah could have been Mr Cheeks they had shirts and everything yeah and the lost boys got a book of Rhymes that are thinkers in the Bible yeah we've been going through so much uh all our lives we've been going through this [ __ ] all where we are [ __ ] imma be Mrs Chiefs and the Lost Boys [ __ ] l-o-s-tb that's right he refused that yeah [Applause] needed one person he couldn't do a group but it turned out she said nah I got a crew that's the package so you saying that so because before this is when bad boy started so you're saying there was a possibility that cheeks could have been the first not correct Mac not yeah it would have been it might have been lost boy he would have been great because the first Bad Boys me and cheeks would have been bad boys without Lou and Ty right no disrespect but cheeks is like nah I got a crew I remember the conversation exividly I remember a bunch of conversations vividly that's why I say wow we've been here for a while yeah it was just that he said nah and I just to clear up some of the stuff that he said before when it was with Russell in them the Def Jam had a roster foxy DMX all these other cats my man we ready to go [ __ ] we got we ready to go it ain't no wait [ __ ] we the hottest thing in Queens yeah regardless yeah a record deal we would like a thing can I say can I just interject on that Roku just one second go ahead before they got signed they mixtape the red tape I'm a Lost Boy historian now yeah I got Street facts that's a seed you feel me they had the red tape the red tape is crazy I want to see if correct me if I'm wrong about 80 85 percent of the red tape was illegal drug money and the other cuts that didn't make the illegal drug money they either showed up on TV shows different movies yeah or other [ __ ] correct me if I'm if I'm if I'm wrong you're on the right path that's all that's all I want to say you can get back to this story but it was the mixtape the the red tape yeah all this legal drug money like like the B-side Cuts Like keep it real shit's like Renee the original Renee [ __ ] like all that [ __ ] was on the red tape party joints you see the party in bullsh I could see the correlation the party joint the partying [ __ ] like anything that was the arrow of the anthems You Found Me So yeah so Jackson When We Were Young going to Sunrise oh y'all don't understand no don't tell them but y'all don't understand yeah right when we started off going from the block parties from from the basement parties the block parties and all that moving okay when we started going to different backyard parties when people thought oh Lost Boys here is this gonna be a fight we don't have a good time when the Young Guns came oh it's going to be a shootout it's gonna be something it's going to be a fight it's going to be offense somebody ain't going home the more we brought the more happiness we brought to people even though yeah we beat the dirt for young we did dirt but when we came to a party when we had to battle [ __ ] people true elements of hip-hop when you're talking about dancing we get on the mic Rock the party and he had Onyx he had Frederick Fredro was it he's our little brother was in the place you had Kwame if I mean Kwame had a dancing Crew He had brother polka dots yes to go to Studio 54 dead tell them in the whole [ __ ] come back to the hood Party Rock the mic dance battle [ __ ] for me like I said Kwame had a chick he had a gay dude poke was his name polka dot I gonna say dating that [ __ ] was like that and we had to battle girls and a guy and everybody doing the [ __ ] we getting our little dance that's from the Puerto Ricans Brothers we getting our [ __ ] getting together and we started doing our own when the bus stop started coming out we started doing our own little bus stop we had clubs doing the Lost Boy bus stop Wendy Williams better believe the lost but when he brought her to her his wedding the bus stop um [Music] [Applause] I don't care like I said we went to Japan it was love it was a million more [ __ ] lost boys [ __ ] any state any country we went to it was a million Lost Boys that's what confuses me like I said I don't want to go back Soul trained uh uh what's his name come on Donnie Don Cornelius the Soul Train it's my man a Chinese dude oh my God he wrote that that dude to the [ __ ] Soul Train joint he got a soul train radio station [ __ ] was getting it in they was getting it in man I'm telling you when I say and [ __ ] was following [ __ ] everywhere we went we couldn't believe that we had that many followers like if it was followers but we had that many lbs no yeah around a guy I still got the lb that's a fact so I'm gonna ask for another because that was one question last question was legal drug money so then my next question is love peace and nappiness that's my favorite video um [Music] and we did the video in uh Ultra Rios roommates together me and towers together that's like we bonded more they bought it more you know what I'm saying that's our my roommate Queen's [ __ ] is in um anyway you live out here but you could look through the water [ __ ] and look at fish floating man hell yeah what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is the best doing in my toes it was crazy and went to the bus yeah I'm lagging I'm trying to see what's going on almost got left getting off the [ __ ] bus dude came to me and said you want about this long I'm like same way you looking right like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you want about this long I'm like I don't know what the [ __ ] what does he saying so he said you smoke weed I said yeah he said you want a bud this long I said oh [ __ ] weird and he hitting him his boys is in a van yeah like the Jamaicans have that little small minivan with the door slide open and [ __ ] like that his guys is doing like this I said oh [ __ ] yeah one of them so I was like oh [ __ ] I said how much he said twenty dollars I said hold on get it to these [ __ ] yo this [ __ ] talking about a button song he was like what the [ __ ] are you talking about I said a Jamaican dude man we got weed they got a box what man I went back to the dude said nah they don't want it I should have got it I don't know what the [ __ ] man for twenty dollars so I was like nah we didn't want to do it man I should have just got it halfway through the trip and smoked about half the you know the blunts come in the Box what we didn't smoke half the blunts it was like damn we need some more weed we don't live in there okay okay man that [ __ ] was crazy because now that I'm saying listen man the question was love peace and happiness I came right but then Snoop made an album like that years later right are y'all saying that oh he's mad Lion Man no not mad yeah saying that did we say anything we didn't say nothing that's the first time I didn't say no because y'all the same thing he's saying it is like did y'all make that whole album because my question was love peace and happiness yeah yeah are y'all saying y'all made that whole album in Jamaica or no oh you just made a couple of the videos that music right I like the track um who suggestions I got that in my notes hold on Cheers [Applause] in my notes wait a minute Diego Diego what the [ __ ] yeah it is that's hey young world I mean what record is it to y'all sample hey you don't worry that's the title track yeah that's the love pieces I'm sitting there asking you about a question that I already asked yeah we did that all right yeah and we did that at Ultra Rios the the falls and all that stuff we learned how to smoke weed through an apple you go there order that [ __ ] Selassie I opened the door give you a week foreign but y'all came through he came from the state he came up there I hit him with the kitty you know what I'm saying right nah the kitty bag that's like you have to get some food you get comfortable sneakers yeah sweats and stuff like that toothpaste you know okay yeah daily things bag of weed you know I'm just saying it's like a bag oh you give me exactly exactly right that's what I'm saying so uh I hate him with the joint cause you know I was like you know I'm I'm me I ain't gonna front I was a plumber I get around that job right there got me around everywhere around around that's right it got me everything now now but yeah John came through hit him with the kitty [ __ ] like that that's right walk track a couple of times you know picture we did a lot of [ __ ] you know what I'm saying we did a couple of things by the student at the time that he was there you know what I'm saying right you know [ __ ] that's my man but [ __ ] about to get him because he was actually staying at he was supposed to be next to us like leave Mohawk a he's Mohawk B but they had him in the uh warden's office they had him in the camp and they was at the uh he was working for the warden water flowers and [ __ ] like that it was telling them I said this you said it I got it but he was there he did his little one too and [ __ ] even though the homies of state and [ __ ] Rochester and [ __ ] got [ __ ] is funny I can tell you things man I don't know if I should text no I don't talk too much man but man they had him on some funny ass missions yeah I ain't like that [ __ ] yeah I had to I pulled them up and [ __ ] one time I caught his ass me like yo you can't have tomatoes next question you know what I'm saying I feel like is this is a thing in jail that you can get locked up even though you locked up you can get locked up yeah you know what I'm saying go to the shoe and [ __ ] like that don't had a [ __ ] on the dummy y'all can't have them bringing illegal [ __ ] across the compound come on get it locked up let's go to the next question kid but that's why I was you did endless dog I'll be telling you I miss you man I love [ __ ] surreal this [ __ ] you know hell's for Life For Real next [Music] [Music] me I was never geographical meaning I wasn't saying I'm just strictly New York right I travel the world that's right so I've been in Boston I've been in North Carolina South Carolina down south good the Midwest such and such good so cats couldn't put me in a particular Bowl right you know what I'm saying because I ain't gonna say a cupboard something small like because the federal system is huge right he's talking about the world you're talking about not the world but you talking about you might be in there with a [ __ ] from Ukraine right but they got International Yeah we actually get along with any and everybody I became the last part of my bed in Ray Brook the number one guy due to the fact that I was a plumber I could move around I can talk to people when rest in peace team passed he left the jail I became the number one guy and not just number one guy for New York the pound now you trying to control 13 1400 people you got the responsibility the Mexicans and the blacks was fighting and stuff like that go ahead [ __ ] different people DC Philly you got different states and [ __ ] like that that don't get along and when they fight it locks down the whole compound now [ __ ] is misery for extra 13 14 15 62 weeks or whatever such and such wow now you got to be the man that controls all that some people that you know and then Circle in that cycle don't know that well so when dudes bring problems to you gotta go fix them that's the number one that's the fact I became the number one after my man came not just because he left New York open it wasn't open I was next in charge because I was there for 11 years and rainbow at that time I was a person that deal with the Mexicans because my tattooist was a Mexican yes most of my shits he was a he was a head Mexican and he was telling the next Mexican that came in charge what you were uh this is who it is he's introducing me so now it's like you telling him that that he's asking me who you who you representing New York or New York I mean New York or or the blacks I had to have the choice I was like Philly bee Walling date each other baby tell her because everybody knew Philadelphia was talking about but I got hungry some [ __ ] all over the place and everybody ain't that type of time everybody ain't telling in Philly and it's not a third but then the DC do you see me uh you got funny ways and stuff like that but I got homies in DC's I got good mores that's in DC's good homies youngins so when it comes down to that you got to make the decision I just said man I'm New York [ __ ] that but it came down to the fact that now I'm a plumber the head plumber I'm the commissioner of the football the the baseball I had uh the grand Chica the Moors I had a bunch of hats so now due to the fact that my awareness of who I am and how I want to perceive life changes the fact of what I was when I came in yeah I was in the streets I did this that and the third boom I'm here so now I changed up all my my ways now when there's facts and all this [ __ ] comes to me now I gotta do that for New York now I got New York not not New York but just black folks different states clashing I got to break these things up not just these guys that's telling me I got CEOs telling me yo something going on Niagara B something going on in Tennessee a you better go see what's up I got designated to be the dude that's in charge of the blacks then it came to a charge of the Mexicans saying yo the black stole my my fiend book theme books is porn books and [ __ ] like that oh [ __ ] titties important life threatening they called me one time at the time they called me the black half future yeah he said I got locked up for this [ __ ] even though there's a war going on without me I said I could have gave enough [ __ ] of books you had all the books in there it was is it you make money I can rent them so basically one thing led to another not just the blacks I became the head of the pound now if the CEOs had beef or they had some [ __ ] now they could they came to me it was it was just given to me not that I asked for the [ __ ] like that it was like you know you've been here so long you know the youngins you know the oldest you know the white dudes the the head of those you know the Aryans the Aryans you know [ __ ] I got Mafia Brothers I knew I knew yeah I knew aryan's heads even though they couldn't get along but you have to Ray Brook is a high security joint maximum that's like number one of in high security wow goodness man so I'm not just saying from the little manner to the big man they come to me because I'm a problem solver and [ __ ] was like yo do this uh can you can you can you do this can you talk to them can you talk to them I squashed so many situations that when [ __ ] used to come out with knives and [ __ ] like that to the pound I'm talking about knives from the kitchen yeah so cats could come outside and you have a party at this table at that table with that table I think now everybody can come outside without no problems you know what I'm saying from a wild situation too man we chilling we chilling the CEOs didn't really like that I know them hezio was like I see what you're doing I like I don't know what you talking about I don't know they called my name they used to call me Mr Blackwell I know that [ __ ] and now they listen when the staff the hairstyle they was calling me speak nice over the loudspeaker thanks to come to the uh the booth that's all then when it comes to the booth or something like that they tell me yo such and such is having a problem over here and there so such and such and it's not or a homie a little homie comes with a he got a I don't know how to get rid of the [ __ ] be scared how should I get rid of this Cincinnati third I take it and give it away Baba you know what I'm saying not give it away but the less balance right not all the time but a lot of times so I diffuse a lot of situations and stuff like that until I got my ankle broken the [ __ ] said ah we don't need you no more and kick me off the compound because you have to come oh you got your ankle broken the administration I've slipped on some slipped on some black eyes in the morning KD yeah but things happen no doubt and they didn't want you could see the system once yeah they want that [ __ ] well that's the same thing with the with like the music industry now like she said earlier like it's so much ill [ __ ] and so much dope Talent that's around us you feel me but we get it get overshadowed by the negative [ __ ] who got Ops who got beef who getting killed and you feel me that's all we see when we when we turn on if I mean our media systems you feel me whether it's social media news it's so much negative [ __ ] you feel me and the L [ __ ] about the lost boys like and and in South Jamaica Queens they they so embedded like they so embedded because of the way we operate as a as a family as a unit you feel me so for him to go through what he going what he went through you feel me in the overcoming and be able to control situations and to be able to mentally be through that [ __ ] for me not only is it a blessing you feel me as a testimony that if we organize you feel me and that's the laws that's one [ __ ] that lost boys like you feel me that was our word that was our Channel and find the nearest Lost Boy in in Talia right feel me wow like I said I'm a historian bro this [ __ ] is not it's not on me that was our war call and that was our [ __ ] chill the [ __ ] out since the 80s you feel me so when you when you guys especially us as black says us as Latinos are we organized and we come together and we we build structure amongst us [ __ ] what's going on the world's already built against us you feel me our eyes is already cold though you feel me so when we organize and we come together we can build structure and they feel like they got to come to us because they already know the power that we got when we all when we organize about that the funny thing that not to cut you up but to add on to what you're saying when we was doing what we was doing and organized came to a fact list and I had a wow uh Apple computer like in my mom's and them not me but Mom my parents I had an Apple computer remember that uh when we had that chant if you ain't a lost boy you better go home that's right we had that [ __ ] and this is like when Apple really first came out this [ __ ] was that [ __ ] took my like four or five hours for that Banner for a banner if you ain't a lost boy you gotta go home with two crossbow cross cross skills whatever that [ __ ] is skulls and [ __ ] like that we've been saying [ __ ] to organize people you know what I'm saying because like we was doing it when we was doing it when me and cheeks was doing with the black man if you heard them songs man you'd be like yo since the 80s I mean John Adams taught us a lot oh yeah of really sticking together we went through Howard Beach beefs and all that [ __ ] I don't know if the world knew about that if you check on the incident Howard Beach we was in the mix of that because that was our school that these people came from and we was always awesome putting people together even though it was a black white and a black or a black thing and a white thing and our school was in the middle of the black in the right section John Adams is a historical School basically yeah but everything that came out of it was rapper you got a horse civil horse woman the horses and [ __ ] like that yeah listen onyx don't be going over there them [ __ ] had you know you started in my basement we practicing dancing as I'm playing music we practicing dance moves so we can go to Studios 54 or go to the [ __ ] the next Club always oh what's the [ __ ] on across the library all that [ __ ] when we was doing our dances practicing Onyx was over here in the next Corner over here my basement was like kind of big you know but they was over here we was over here practicing this another third but we all know we had to go against the other Crews and this time the Third Clues at the time like I said uh cremation I want to mess with running Carmen's girls um stick from Hillcrest I mean that wifey but but basically yeah but like I'm saying we went through a lot we did a lot we seen a lot and we made a lot happen after the fact that we watched everybody doing what they was doing right yeah we made it Family Man extra it's crazy we brought that into us but we make that extra so [ __ ] is like I feel everything y'all [ __ ] are saying you couldn't deny what we're doing everything you did even if you danced the new dance steps when the bowl Rule and all the Jamaican dances we was in every [ __ ] thing big nice we had clubs and everything anything that could be done we've done it since we was teenagers damn since the 80s we've done everything in rap since it was since since Hawaiian suits for real yeah Jones Beach so it was like one aspect one aspect of hip-hop that we didn't conquer and that's why on some real like and to piggyback off what were you saying like oh no every element of hip-hop even so it's like like the Lost Boy story is a reflection of The Good the Bad and the Ugly of what hip-hop everything it happened before you feel me think about like even like you got artists like he said it it was 10 years of ground of Grudge before y'all even got introduced to the lost boys that y'all fell in love with you feel me so and then now to know them is to know that there's some real Street dudes they just as Hood as anybody that you know they're getting love from the gangsters RP black just you feel me we got real real real rights has really acknowledging them from the street aspect of what hip-hop is and what it takes to get into the game you feel me they get into the game the first album they got about four or five singles that slap like he said we got videos for and when it was a tool when it was a two video game you feel me we going to the tragedy story like even down the freaky top all Piedmont pops you feel me this is a story for y'all era like you said you felt that when freaky time my Pops passed away you feel me now we fast forward into we got the nipsey's we got the takeoffs you feel me dead so but and y'all ever it wasn't broadcast y'all going back to y'all like they broadcast when you go back to your hood and something bad happened to you feel me they're not broadcasting we go back to your hood there's a little a little shorty there that you that you inspiring to be better that you endorsing to be better the basketball the basketball [ __ ] that you telling yo go to school stay out the street right the next rapper that you're saying yo go in the studio yo here go a couple dollars to go get in the booth my pops it's pops my pops his pops and one three four five in South Jamaica Queens from Far Rock I was born in Far Rockaway you feel me my mom's just from Far Rockaway my pops is is a South Side [ __ ] right there they affect from a South Jamaica Queens it wasn't just yo they Stars the people was able to touch them you know how many people you know I can't get my bills paid today and it's like yo [ __ ] it what your bills is 100 uh it's 500 you need 500 to get this taken care of all right take that and I'm gonna go do the [ __ ] I'm doing you're sure you need some school you need some [ __ ] some supplies for school you sure they need some you already see they had the vision for the for the Lost Boy attire the brand was already dead you feel me that's right but when the tragedy strike you affect more than just just the person that you took away from you take away from the family you take away from their kids you take away from the impact that they really have have in the environment shout out to the inspiration cause a lot of the like cash for my my era the seeds that came up from under them 30 years old three four years you feel me the one three fours the Rockaway and [ __ ] Linden the the the Van Wick you feel me the the default rocks the Jamaica ABS the kids that came up in that era the Hollis the the queens and even across the world you feel me because Queens took it across the world right but those those seeds that they planted we represented Queens though say this though those seeds the Next Generation that they put back in they put in they put in they actually put in uh you feel me a lot of [ __ ] get lit and don't put in right you feel me they put in before they got lit and that's what the Lost Boy that's why it's lb fan right if you think once you once you see us do this once you see us do this and you locked in you Fame I could go ahead I could go there I got somebody that's gonna be like I can't do it again I need a flight from there I'm at the airport I'm at the airport over here in Texas somebody coming to pick me up they're gonna take me to get some food they're gonna check me in though right so once it's out but they they planted that seed they got one of the Flies handshakes I mean I see it around the world everywhere let me get to myself my major point is because like yo when Nifty spirit it's the short version that's it like I literally like that [ __ ] hurt me you feel me because those type of situations always bring me back to this situation you feel me because my pops was a [ __ ] that was endorsing [ __ ] yo go to school right oh yeah you're a young husband y'all [ __ ] is from an era where [ __ ] was outside at 10 11 years old with packs in a pocket you feel me when I was outside when [ __ ] was outside 12 13 years old with a ham on them these [ __ ] was catching my pops would go my pops lived on 134 and God broke that's why he big it up bro it's a [ __ ] elementary school and it's a [ __ ] middle school he catching all the [ __ ] going to schools over a little [ __ ] you bought you selling drugs come here give me your package go to school my [ __ ] cause whoever gave you this [ __ ] ain't really looking out for you right you feel me but if you really want a [ __ ] to look out for you when I see you [ __ ] if that's what you want my [ __ ] Friday when you come through go [ __ ] you got 100 on your test we're gonna go to the ass you go get you on your man's we're gonna go we're gonna get whatever y'all want sneakers y'all want cars y'all want to do it we do it real [ __ ] yeah we try something that's basically um of us of us unconsciously but we always uplifting us the energy is undeniable so when the music dude when the DJ play this [ __ ] today it's like yo this [ __ ] is refreshing because you can connect we gotta be on that and everybody gonna Jack to it you feel me everybody gonna gravitate to everybody gonna get up off their [ __ ] [ __ ] and everybody gonna dance your mom's gonna dance bro you going to dance grandma grandma gonna dance we're gonna have a good time so if you're not listening because I don't know about you you're not listening I know y'all [ __ ] not listening to all the lyrics that's coming out today about the young niggs yeah you feel yeah the new music y'all probably like the beat it's probably whatever whatever catches your attention to you feel me talk that talk in the same token whatever it is that that gravitates you to that that's that but when it comes to our music that error that y'all [ __ ] that's why I put it in my music I'm not I come from the same [ __ ] yeah you know me but you know the same [ __ ] you know my video that um you know my video I did uh me and my crazy world through them yeah yeah that's that little [ __ ] that's him right there in the middle of dancing with us around the bottom that's not a sample from Naughty by Nation either right no no no no that's big dogs and that's crazy that just to say everyone not nothing but our era of Growing Seeds all our seeds is right you don't see you might see them hearing that you gonna see them here and there and it's not but they don't be if they get into this world this realm they don't be promoting that [ __ ] that's just going on nowadays cause we could get into this they're older you talking about 30 years compared to 20 years right but our seeds is going to [ __ ] produce whoever produces them sees is going on now they ain't producing no good seats it's deference you feel me you gotta respect those that come before you you feel me right if my ogs could pay homage to catch that came from before them and call them big Bros why can't I sit back and be humble enough to take in with the OG you feel me because people getting confused with the generational guys like yo the OG's got it one way the young [ __ ] got it one way but yo it's a respect thing you feel me because I could learn something he could learn some [ __ ] from me he learned [ __ ] for me every day hello he told me the other day I pulled up you know you find me be me on my toes and me alone every day like yo then like yo I'm doing this I'm doing that oh yo how we gonna plug in and get what are we doing so it was like you gotta like you said go back to the what do you respect is it loyalty or is it respect I'm loyal to this man because not only they're dangerous they pay the they paved the way for me you feel me they paid away from me so I could get into anything I don't even have to rap I could go into a r and i could be a manager I could be a producer whatever I could do whatever I want just off the thing for them opening up doors but in order for me to make [ __ ] happen I gotta be humble and I gotta be respectful to the fact that they are allowing me to do this [ __ ] you feel me and [ __ ] get it confused and [ __ ] thinking he's doing it [ __ ] think it's the money doing it [ __ ] think it's the money [ __ ] think it's ah [ __ ] that because because look at it now it's young boys that's disrespecting the old heads and and the old heads is being treated like young boys because they looking at how the young [ __ ] is getting it you feel me why can't I learn from you why can't I humble myself now because y'all [ __ ] been through a lot more [ __ ] already so whatever [ __ ] May step into y'all [ __ ] got some [ __ ] that look let me let me just say one thing I think is important about you guys being here and and showcasing something that isn't showcased enough is this is real Legacy that's right right having him here and that's why what you everything you're saying but who you represent and and not just representing your father but being yourself at the same time yeah Lou got cash cash he's doing like this is your legacy this is real Legacy but this is something to be proud of regardless of of if people hear about it or if it's played or it's not like this is something to be real proud of this is real Legacy this is something that hopefully drink Champs could help shine more light on it right but you don't need us because y'all should be proud of it regardless [Applause] appreciate it we appreciate you you know what I'm saying because when we did not know because we was young but as we get older We Know Better and that's what this world is kind of lacking some of these young cats say know what to do but they like nah I ain't doing it some cats know what to do and they doing it right but everybody's an individual and times has changed the people's change you know what I'm saying mindset has changed so it was like trying to get used to convert to this sometimes it takes a while right you know what I'm saying tell somebody not it don't it doesn't take a while but constantly building with cats and stuff when you get the chance to see them and build and then and hug them love is love that's why we always obviously you've been home almost two years yeah [ __ ] throwing me out of jail [Applause] hey yo that's as funny as [ __ ] that's crazy I can't hold it down [ __ ] he came home from 19 bailed you out of jail oh man my man came home and I said let's go with my sugar tonight you following me I'm following him he get pulled first I get pulled over he get pulled first then they they just follow me on this old GP mom what are you doing Bangla that is found how they found a woman [ __ ] from 2001 this is when you first came to Miami yeah what the [ __ ] is going on here oh my man you know already know I like your kid go get me again you let him go away I mean my man just came home I ain't getting this I just came home and I'm clean you better be clean you gotta clear it up though you don't speak nice they say 70 that [ __ ] think it says 90. the thing you talk about um they put me over would you say that they put me over I'm doing 99. I wasn't doing nothing I wasn't doing 100 99.9 the best and we we had some we wouldn't we still doing that we're still doing our whole [ __ ] I ain't gonna say in a negative way we still doing our whole [ __ ] you know what I'm saying shout out to my PO [Music] he understands it's just crazy that you could do some certain amount of time such a certain amount of time and the government still give you probation right [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I didn't okay but I didn't you still want to give a [ __ ] three years five years get the [ __ ] out of here what did I do to you 15 years because that's when it was back then because right now I feel like everything see the thing goes I got sentenced to 37 years yeah 37 years I had 37. they told me that man if I don't cooperate I'm gonna do 40. if I don't cooperate and you pushing me but what the [ __ ] is that you're pushing me to do to cooperate that's the thing is crazy right now what's going on and [ __ ] y'all already know what's going on yeah but if you ain't got strong will and you ain't got the the heart yeah you're gonna fold I'm like hold on how you forgive me to talk bad about the people that I grew up with to you [ __ ] I don't even know you [ __ ] yeah I post a lot for a live on them for you I don't know yo [ __ ] hmm and they had a [ __ ] in that situation and I was like well I guess we go you know what to do well get to get the people and then let's get the box going dang I was raised like that but due to the fact that I was a rapper they did my history and everything else and it was like listen you're going to give all this up your rap career understanding it was a detail uh prosecutor that was like hip to [ __ ] you gonna give all this up to to go to jail to do 40 years I was like listen I ain't do nothing I don't know what she talking about but y'all can't do nothing to me show me the difference still lock my ass up yo you're gonna get sisters they knew I didn't had [ __ ] to do with [ __ ] but due to the fact that I wouldn't cooperate they're gonna drop they're gonna drop the ham on you and then you went to trial with the boys or you get an extra piece for that and they pressure cats to on doing that [ __ ] so the [ __ ] that's going on right now it's not because I ain't going to say I'm not going to say [ __ ] are soft [ __ ] or something got the heart but they put the pressure on you to be on some if you don't do this if you don't cooperate with us guess what stats we stacked up they got enough money to fight whoever you got to fight double amount the government we talking about United States government if you don't [ __ ] cooperate with us we coming down on you you better know there ain't nothing you could do the judge said this is the movie she told us this in court this is a movie to you to me need my co-defendants me star born and free yeah but guess what 37 years she said you're gonna do 40 years she tried to give me 37. I got the lowest 37 was the lowest 47 49 and a half 51. that is crazy [ __ ] gun laws was like they ain't doing nothing with the gun laws I've been to Laurel Library all the time we've been fighting the gun law for 20 years these are [ __ ] that I've met white boys and everybody we even find a gun law for 20 years they ain't passing no gun laws you can forget about it those are these [ __ ] as like we don't gave up we're going to do this right now I can sit in a person anybody who's here born in Florida it's a Walmart they could buy a gun say it again what I can send anybody here that's born in Florida to Walmart and buy a gun buy a gun well that's how it was before that was how it was before they just got to have a Florida ID I understand what you're saying yeah and they've been doing that you go to the NRA they letting them off they they fighting that person Biden would say we can't do this they laughing at him we make more money than you so that gun law [ __ ] is like really crazy but due to no disrespect like I said Trump Obama and said [ __ ] that whatever no disrespect whatever the [ __ ] they do imma do it I'm a trumpet Hill he let [ __ ] go he met more [ __ ] the golden trunk I mean than Obama he let a lot of [ __ ] go and it's a cycle it's just like yo we got this we gonna do this and he was on his own type top different Queens I'm just actually we ain't claiming already we got that part right I'm just asking black mothers I guess how the [ __ ] you can say uh I wish Trump was back my only thing nobody wants him back cause nobody wants some [ __ ] up the angle foot in jail in jail he [ __ ] up he [ __ ] up a lot of [ __ ] man he battled a lot of [ __ ] but he was just trying to do this everybody got rich loans like I said he did [ __ ] that a lot of people got locked up [ __ ] [ __ ] that have Rolexes that did not Impressions like I said I had funkies that was like yo no it was [ __ ] that they came to my crib and tried to take this and take that and take this and take that I said you had all that I'm not but Trump had a lot of my broke friends not broke right that was never I'm gonna just say that wasn't error but shouldn't broke friends they have broke friends during the trumpet after they get that money they're not going to want to work for it anymore I'm saying that right now two three years later I was supposed to get out of jail I was supposed to get out of jail yeah [ __ ] like yo I need that check yo earn your cheek Young Gun [ __ ] was like now we ain't ready oh I wish it was back so I could shut up [ __ ] I play Playstation too I was just lost boys excuse me PlayStation anybody wants it yo you gotta fight right I want to make sure we're not cutting into it I know you had a flight to catch yo make sure you follow me you dick yeah you want to shout out your Instagrams real quick yeah oh yeah yeah Mr Cheeks uh forget the blue check buddy Mr C's TV baby he's saturated in that blue check they doing my friends my friend Sonny was like Michael B Jordan just hit me hit me hit me upset you I submitted my information for the blue check oh I hope that these I hope that they accept me I said bro this [ __ ] is fifteen dollars to play yourself for the bag every time but that's what it is that's the society we live in and is there anything else you want to say before we wrap it up hey yo man shout outs to the world man shout outs of the world hello that's the first choice damn man but uh we came a long way it's big nice OG big nice lb fam yes sir IG that's my Ig I got a few things that's going on hold on let me get some she's got some [ __ ] going on hey man we got some [ __ ] going on hello I want to give a big I got to do this right now June 17th I shall see you there buddy shout out to Charlie Mac shout out to you Philly shout out and shout outs to Dougie fresh okay for putting on that 50 year anniversary in Philly in Philly in Atlantic City last night Charlie Charlie fresh yo DJ Jazzy Jeff I mean we gotta we got a lot of [ __ ] that we want to do now we not that we want to do that yeah we've been prolonging but now it's time basically yes hopefully your platform gives us all the Hope on the drink okay old school old school I'm here we get that together you know what I'm saying we got a lot of [ __ ] that we doing we got movies we got podcasts uh Pizza Shadows to the pizza Pusher all right we got a lot of things Christopher and we want we want everybody that is really with lb oh your cousin vakila got a shout out definitely we got a lot of people that's definitely down with us you know what I'm saying bring everybody together if we want to bring everybody up you know what I'm saying let's do that Queens joint though that you was talking about that's when he's tall that Queen's tour is necessary like I said I had two I had different Burrows now we're talking about guys one thing about Queens ain't we listen when I was locked up [ __ ] you seen that [ __ ] up listen OC OCS all right one thing I always say one thing yeah one thing one thing about Queens no disrespect for anybody in every country in any city state or whatever it is we had the most MCs in every decade in every era are you oh yeah every season every everything in any era we had the most MCs in any body but we love them but we love them I mean we love them you know we love them and listen I had to go first I had to go through this suggestions yo [ __ ] always talking about um Elizabeth you can bring Brooklyn you can bring whatever's opinion and by the way yeah everybody from the borough get three records CNN listen give them whatever I [Applause] [Music] think yeah that's the thing about New York we about competition rap was about competitions rappers about competition and we kept it like that let me tell you something we kept it like that I might be the Scotland Rock for anybody that forgot the first absolutely absolutely yeah that's the first Trash come on cousin I'm saying that's the first like yeah well you've seen a [ __ ] getting money he didn't get killed since you know what I mean that out there anyone throw a big uh as I as I slide away way um all right Peter I love bustoski miss you [ __ ] else you do Miss Love by yourself that's right let's make some love are you gonna wrap it up right now we're gonna uh take some pictures yeah and then you're gonna do some drops but but I'll be remissed and not to say how much I wanted to do this I love to do this um you know and I I I want to really really like because I know I am a queen's representative fat and I am a um I'm a queen's Ambassador but this is not me this is me being pure CNN love yeah for the lost boys because the lost boys are the first people that to me after bismarcki bismarckee was making funny rap my bad my man but but y'all were making you know this look yeah I'm a partying with Street Music and that's made it cool never been happening exactly that's never been actually documented y'all parties but yeah party with Street Music and you still told stories at the same time that's never been happening it's never been talking I wanna actually you know beg your love for that show y'all so so much love for that thing see your face face to face and get y'all flowers for that that's all I wrap it up hello [Applause] I have one more time you see how you said what you said Tupac it's been a minute since you had that and Bobby Shmurder Bobby yeah I believe that you feel me he may not even be he may not even understand it but it's been exactly he understands it even he probably do yeah I'm saying give or take give it to you I don't know I'm not I don't know gangster dancing music what I'm saying is what I'm saying is to you Bobby's a great guy I know he's a great guy I could tell by his energy he's enjoying life right now yep I'll buy you something but what I say is I say that to say this the energy yep you feel me that New York energy Bobby came on the scene yeah he made it I agree he made it good for Gangster [ __ ] that come from the hood to have a good and and filming the videos [ __ ] yeah you feel me do you have any Lost Boys freaky ties Mr Cheeks memories that you can add to the just give us one we just need we need one from you of course because you're a queen me and Mr she's played basketball nobody told me did they have tennis racquet of course no it came later see I was there we was about to move me and my my family he's about to move the left rack when they had a tennis rack in court yeah yeah I was there yes I was going okay it happens because you know why they wanted to make it a Jewish Community now it wasn't when you moved there no no no no no but you honestly like I understand that now there's robots out there I live it's all right yeah and y'all by the beach y'all about to go no we about to get the one yeah I'm free listen to me y'all the only New York property before the Hamptons are you crazy [Applause] [Applause] gentrification when Sandy came that was like that was like free demolition for Far Rockaway yeah it knocked off all the beach now it's all free for developing you know how many houses was lost and [ __ ] like that you know how many development people coming in yes yo as black people I used to go to church before I walk away listen I'm a young [ __ ] and um we like I said we in the area where we start we learning we we got a lot of access to a lot of [ __ ] Financial Freedom learning what's going on in the world paying attention and doing the right [ __ ] because we in situations like we grew up like like you said we grew up in in these environments where is not too much for us you feel me but now it's our our situations is developing you feel me even you feel me whatever you want there's a lot of new development but we've been there forever you feel me okay we've been in there forever and we've been doing the project [ __ ] they taking over the projects too so what we got to do is you said either buy you some shoes get the [ __ ] out because they [ __ ] flip that [ __ ] y'all ain't gonna [ __ ] yeah fried chicken wings [Music] in Atlanta that's right um Sunday brunches I say from 12 to 4 everyone that listening we're at man so what are you doing say you don't live in Queens so where you live now right now I live in South Carolina Manning South Carolina trying to move but um I'm trying to blow South Carolina up because I know we've been doing [ __ ] from like I said from the 80s we've been moving all the way to Florida all the way here and we've been playing seeds all the way that's right now literally or literally not literally all right yeah but literally but listen we've been putting music dirt all the way down 95. since the 80s actually we did good we did bad you know what I'm saying yeah but I want to do South Carolina I want to help South Carolina grow because everything skipped everything was going but and it skipped over South Carolina it went all the way this way because we kept saying earlier the good and the bad right but um and then um cheek said you know what at one point it went bad it's the bad time the time you hit the bank is that it because this might be the last question because everyone is telling me y'all got to go all right so but listen my thing is I'm a street [ __ ] I've been in the streets what I've always been in the streets all right for real yeah when I say for real for real yeah I met [ __ ] that's in in jail that's in you're a legend I said Foo fight what are you talking about young [ __ ] I never met a bank robber never mind a rapper never mind the [ __ ] that you don't heard this that and the third heard me from yeah I never met a bank robber I heard about him I seen stories I seen movies or shows and it's that right there I never heard somebody else had a bank robbery charge like for real yeah and you like that you you cool you know suck up time or [ __ ] time in the senator so times is ups and down ups and downs you know what I'm saying sometimes you got your good times and sometimes you're going back [ __ ] do what they do I've been a street [ __ ] I've been in the streets so what happened happened not saying that these [ __ ] know what the hell will happen or that what they accuse me of happened [ __ ] happens you own if if I if I then you would have known about it but you ain't hear no ah so it's whatever it is you know what I'm saying I ain't you know [ __ ] get off the porch and running in the streets and get hit by a car that's a bar that is a ball you know [ __ ] is over here talking about he did it he told me to go across the street can you feel me nah I ran across the street myself nobody told me nothing if you ask me all right or whatever the case may be so it was like I did what I do I do I take my lip and if I did it I didn't um I don't know nothing Ronald Blackwell no filming that's my name what's your name Ronald Blackwell Bay now you feel me broke my fast Lord I'm doing it for the drink outside I made that one I'll make this one up is there anything else anyone in y'all want to say before y'all get up out of here it's lb for life you dig yeah man yo we appreciate the uh you know giving us the light real quick you know what I mean um salsa or Katina bitum in them Universal about to do a little 25-year anniversary album for legal jokes half the time that half the time that hip-hop was alive we got 25 reason there jumped in that game yeah yeah we had our standing hey stay nappy sitting there we try to do what we do and we're trying to continue the Legacy with our kids with our nephews with our friends everything we came in the game we got everybody grandfathers now all of us grandfathers look Lou wait wait wait cheer dad Lou is a chair Dad yes he got daughters that's cheerleaders and natural more important to him than anything as it should be you know what I'm saying championships you got the Legacy that's true Legacy we trying to keep our Legacy going and for everybody that don't know Lost Boys listen one more thing I used to tell cats young cats and [ __ ] like that [ __ ] I'm the reason you here your mother met your father at one of our shows and that's the real [ __ ] you know why because I met a bunch of dudes that said I heard of y'all they don't know me but they heard or something that means that your parents was influenced your mother your father was influenced by music that's how y'all got together produced we did produce no disrespect to R Kelly but we did produce the [ __ ] bunch of kids ourselves we play the seeds ourselves how many kids from like I want to say like 2000 2001. how many kids got the name tally how many how many kids and go Google and and the south Georgia area so many kids names and both of their name is Tali and then I I I meet their female they're like yeah you know I'll name the map of your pops yeah it's so many boys and I like because it's not even just you feel me but it's because like my pops is an urban legend in South Jamaica Queens right yes he is he's from streetlight [ __ ] you yeah you were here y'all to tell the story you feel me so when I me personally when I hear stories about I had stories about pops literally every I'm I'm 30 years old okay bro you feel me I hate stories about my pops every single day I live in Jamaica Queens you feel me some days I wake up [ __ ] is driving past my window bumping Lost Boys like this is this is every day every [ __ ] shout out to myself it's so embedded into the into our Hood like you feel me the apartment influence that that's why we said yeah gave us the flowers that's necessary because we put them [ __ ] [ __ ] these [ __ ] put that [ __ ] down do drop
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 1,404,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ynl4VOXNdxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 42sec (13902 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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