I spent a Week playing Star Citizen and this is what happened...

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little weak playing star citizen and here's what happened so we're gonna start our story on day two where i wake up in a strange room with nothing but a leather jacket on in my undies i wasn't recording on day one which was sunday night because i just wanted to see if the game worked and if i thought i would enjoy playing it to make a long sad story short on day one i reinstalled the game created new characters set my home as area 18 and went off to try to make my fortune in the verse i tried to remove some claim jumpers and was immediately blown up by some bad guys in space i woke up on area 18 got a notification that i could get my body back or something which was new to me so i ran and jumped in my ship and flew out to the marker it wasn't until i got to my ship that i noticed i was wearing a hospital gown and that's it couldn't figure out how to put my undersuit on so i just ended up putting on this jacket yeah i know not super helpful but i got frustrated and i wanted to go go to get the marker before it went away because i didn't really know how it worked i set my quantum drive which is like a hyperdrive towards the marker and took off i noticed after a few minutes i was basically heading into the sun and that seemed like a bad idea so i dropped out of quantum and i flew to hurl one uh hurston l1 i'm gonna call it hurl one which was the closest place to where i died once i got there the marker disappeared and i was kind of pissed and tired so i landed on the pad and shut the game off and went to bed and that's basically how we ended up where we are on day two so far so good i'm on her one in my undies and jacket but i've got this little problem of not being able to breathe in space i mean i've got a sweet jacket to keep my nipples warm so i figured i can hold my breath and make a run for it choke i quickly give up on that and run back to the safety of the station then i spent about 15 minutes running around the station looking for a place to buy a suit and a helmet i've got a few thousand credits and i have zero luck i mean this guy's hiding from me i i don't know what the hell i found this little changing thing but apparently this doesn't work and uh yeah so i ended up just buying a med pen and an oxy pen and decide to try to run for it i figure if i can make it to my ship i can get the area 18 land in a hangar and not have to worry about it go go go go go go i was pretty close to making it but i kind of freaked out because i didn't really know the controls that well and i died trying to get my health pin so close well at least we made it back to area 18. but now we've got the stupid hostile gown on again good news is i finally figured out how to put my suit on put that on now i look like a spaceman so since we're not quite ready for claim jumpers yet i decided to look for other missions to scrape together some cash see i'm pretty broke i started with 25k and i really wanted to build it up some before i spend it on armor and guns and stuff which i will lose not if but when i die first thing i got to do is find a spaceport then grab my ship then find a mission to make some money last time i played was about 18 months ago and you basically did box missions or ran cargo that you bought in one place and sold somewhere else for profit i wanted to do box missions but i couldn't remember how to find them so i did what i knew which was fly to po or port oliver and was gonna try to run some cargo my starter ship is the avenger titan which is a decent all-around starter ship which basically is to say that it kind of sucks at a lot of stuff instead of just sucking at one thing but it will get your feet wet it's got a little bit of cargo space and some weapons to get you going but the quantum drive range was crappy so i had to stop for gas along the way it takes a few minutes to travel between planets and i got a little bored and was just looking around pressing buttons to see what happens when i discovered the minus key does this hello [Laughter] i finally figured out the contract manager tab and accepted a job with the ling family as a delivery boys except that it was only three thousand bucks but i had to start somewhere i flew to the moon grabbed the package and headed out i did take a pit stop at a grow house nearby and loaded my ship up with some stuff to try to sell and make a few extra bucks we delivered the package and the link family promoted me so now i had access to a lot more delivery routes that paid 8 000 each so i grabbed one and flew back to po to collect the first package but of course it was on the other side so i had to eva over there to get it hey we did it this whole mission took about 10 to 15 minutes to complete so i thought why not try to do three at once so i can make 24k in about the same amount of time right wrong this got all jacked up and i ended up having to drop one of the missions because it wouldn't recognize that i had the packages and it kept telling me to go get them i ended up with a bunch of extra packages in my ship wasting a ton of time trying to fix it so follow me for great money making tips on how to make two times the money four times as slow despite myself i was up a little over 50k at this point so i was feeling a little bit better i mean these delivery missions kind of suck but they are good if you're just learning how to fly and navigate and land in lots of different places and i definitely needed help with that don't tell the link family i just threw some of the packages out on the pad i'm probably not cut out for the responsibility of being a delivery boy after all goodbye package i was feeling good with the new money i earned so i spent about 20 000 and treated myself to some new armor and weapons and boy did i feel like a pro now except that somehow i lost my shotgun before i even left the store i mean what the hell man where'd it go now that i was geared up i was tasked with going to a wreck site and getting all the important stuff out before the scavengers showed up to steal it i land jump out of my ship pull my rifle ready for anything notice the shotgun ammo on my back but not the shotgun damn it oh well i have a job to do so let's get to it how do i get in this thing i finally found the entrance and then i located the packages but i couldn't figure out how to pick them up not sure if it was me or the game but i clicked on everything i could find to click and nothing was happening until i heard footsteps outside so i pulled my rifle and then bravely ran away not dying for stuff i can't even carry i made it to my ship took off and shot the wreck a few times just for the heck of it once i got off planet i looked through my contract manager and found a bounty hunter certification permit i could try to get this actually cost 500 space bucks but it could lead to bigger things and i still wanted to shoot something so i decided to give it a go i tracked the target set in a course for his last known location and set out to become a bounty hunter i tracked him to this asteroid field and found him hiding behind this big guy but didn't really have the targeting and combat controls down so he flew right by me i was starting to figure it out we just kept passing each other almost crashing while trying to shoot each other and not hit one of these big old rocks i was getting a little frustrated and then i started to lose consciousness great i'm guessing it's from too much thrust and turn or something i'm not really sure but i had to lay off for a minute to try to wake up apparently he had a buddy with him and i hadn't noticed because as soon as i woke back up they both murdered me just like that 20k i spent on weapons and armor down the drain and i'm back at area 18 and just my skivvies and this dumb cat i'm not a quitter though so i suit back up and head out for another round first i go to the spaceport and claim my ship see when your ship is lost or destroyed you can file a claim and get it replaced but any upgrades or things that you had in it are gone it's basically a brand new ship i have a few other ships that i'm not entirely sure how i got i think some of them were promotional stuff from people using my referral code and sometimes they just give everyone access to certain ships wherever it came from i'm not sure but i noticed i have an aegis gladius i'm not sure if i'm saying that right which is a light fighter so i decided to grab that and head back for round two but it takes forever since i'm on the other side of the system and of course i have to stop for gas twice this time i decided to take a look at the key binding so i can try to do a little bit better maybe can i just say that this game has a butt ton of keys to learn yeah look at this i finally made it back and this time it went down a little bit different i discovered i had missiles and i fired a few adam mission accomplished that was easy i decided to stick around and practice dog fighting with his buddy i was starting to figure it out when i almost blacked out again [Music] apparently he had a missile too and he decided to shoot me with it i had no power to anything and i just had to sit there and wait for him to finish me this guy shoots like a stormtrooper because it took forever but eventually he finished the job i had started day two with 22 000 got up over 50k delivering packages bought some cool stuff lost it all and ended my day with 30 000. i decided to quit while i was a little bit ahead and so i logged off and went to bed day three started and i wanted to try some different stuff my dude did not want to get dressed though i i don't know see there's all sorts of mining from hand mining to ground vehicle mining to asteroid mining but from what little i knew of it i was just as likely to blow myself up doing that as i was in combat and i need to spend money to get geared up so that i could make a run there and honestly i just wasn't that excited about it so i opted for something far more suited to me and my skill level today we will be a garbage man that's right bob's waist disposal garbage pop garbage bob i quickly ran and cleaned up a few offices and made three thousand oh just your random toxic waste sitting around got it however i did find that waste disposal is not nearly as exciting as you'd think oh well so i decided to check commodity prices and see if i could do some trading to make some money back in the day i grinded up over a million credits or units or whatever the hell they're called doing this and bought myself a sweet freelancer max cargo ship it was awesome but i lost it in the wipe that happened a few days later and well i got annoyed and quit basically until now i honestly like the trading grind you're using your own money to make money and there's this fear-fueled adrenaline that if you get attacked or make a bonehead move with your ship full of cargo that you spent your own money on you could lose it all plus i like to race the clock and see how fast i can do it there's a lot of different money grinds in this game to choose from which is pretty cool as i'm trying to explore everything that's changed since the last time i played i noticed several new stations and decided to go check out ben johnny point then john i'm going to call this benjy point because i don't know how to say it so when i got there it had a little bit of a different layout than i was used to nailed it they had a floor for cargo so i decided to go check that out it was amazing and i was getting excited you know living the dream the staff there was also super helpful i think you're confused yeah i am you've got the wrong person and not at all weird um not sure about the lady working there though she's kind of got those crazy eyes i think i'll steer clear of her then i noticed the reynolds desk and well this happened oh god oh god oh god somebody there's there's been a murder wait is your is your head back there hello oh god oh god oh god what [Music] hello excuse me are you are you okay that doesn't look comfortable oh he's trying to stick his head up his own ass i i heard about this go for it you can do it you can do it it's going it's no come on man don't let me distract you you can do it do it do it do it come on right up in there you're doing it wrong man i decided to leave him to his asshat pursuits and take a look at the computer to see what i could rent a freelancer perfect this was a smaller version of the ship that i had bought last time i played so i was very familiar with it and this thing had over eight times the cargo space as my titan and i almost had enough to rent it however i'd need more than just enough to rent it if i wanted to buy cargo to try to sell for a profit excited by the prospect of flying a new ship and making some more money i headed out to grind back to 20 to 30k i'd blown on weapons and gear the day before so i flew to a nearby moon and bought some lara night at a mining outpost and flew it back to area 18 and arcorp to hopefully sell it for a profit these big cities while amazing to look at can be a real pain to land at and move around in we did it if you're a noob and in a hurry that is that like a boss do you see that dude did you see that bite me impressed with myself for my landing abilities i head to the business district to sell my cargo and make a few thousand bucks and look i made a new friend actually this is just some random that jumped on the train with me there's nothing quite like making it on the train right as the door closes look at this guy he's so excited to be on the train maybe it's his first time as soon as the doors open we darted off the train and raced to the pad how's he faster than me yeah i thought i was running tammy's fast but didn't discover until the next day that you have to press shift to run one thing i learned last time was that some players are cool seriously others are weird and a few are just ass clowns that are looking to troll it seems like this go around there's a lot less trolls than there was two years ago try to steal my elevator that's pretty much just like any other open world multiplayer game i guess this is why i usually run solo but to be fair star citizen is much safer if you run into group and there's a lot of great ones out there or so i've heard i'm not much of a joiner i did one more run to area 18 and was only making about 3 000 per run and having a heck of a time with takeoff in the clouds oh god oh i thought that was the ground that is tingle got my bob tingle in my landings in the city were well oh god oh god let's just say they could use some improvement like a glove did you see me land bro did you did you guys are such [ __ ] in here i know you guys saw that landing it's pretty sick wasn't it best pilot ever you taking a dump what are you doing thinking about your life all right this isn't as good as the freaking delivery boy stuff after all that i decided to crawl back to the ling family and see if i could get my old delivery job back i could be making 8 000 per run and not having to risk my own money in the process it seems like the smart play for now anyway the ling family had me working back around crusader delivering packages to various moons i tried running two at the same time and while a little confusing still everything eventually worked out and i made another 16k without much risk and as a bonus i was starting to become a pro at landing efficiently walking extras for chumps i'm backing that ass up huh roro that'll be fine after my last drop off i filled my ship with distilled spirits and headed back to p.o to unload it and log off for the night they weren't happy to buy my liquor so i ended the day with the highest amount i've had so far a little over 55k and i didn't even blow myself up not even once well i did try on that last approach to po when my ship was full of liquor what the hell alright now we've reached day four up to this point i've spent about 10 or 11 hours in game about two hours the first day that i didn't record and around four hours each the next two days but today things got serious i didn't know it yet but i'd be spending over seven hours a day for the rest of the week in game i'm gonna pick up the pace so buckle up because we've got a lot to get through and if you like what you've seen so far why not hit that like button for me and let me know it these kinds of videos take a lot of work if you'd like to see more let me know in the comments and maybe consider subscribing to the channel all right thanks for listening to my ad read now let's get to the new ship to do that we're gonna fly to everest harbor at hurston because it seems like the closest place that rents what i'm looking for and i'm going for the misc freelancer not sure what's up with this dude but at least he's not trying to stick his head up his butt like that other guy hey bro when you get done t posing can you um no okay i'll help myself don't worry about it don't worry after a long look at the cutty black i rent the freelancer for 33k leaving me just over 22 000 which really isn't a lot to buy cargo with so it's going to take me a few trips to make enough to fill it up maybe we'll get that cuddy black tomorrow i really want to fly that thing i went to get my ship and apparently it was down in loreville because i had to claim it and wait about 10 minutes for it to show up this was honestly pretty annoying and it felt like they were stealing time for me i got bored waiting so i ended up buying a load of scrap so i didn't leave empty-handed i'd sell it along the way and make a few bucks for gas money and here she is the misc freelancer honestly not a bad looking ship it's kind of dark here but i'll run through it real quick and show you around we'll take a look at this ship when i get it in the light it's a little more annoying to get in but we got cargo here and then we got cargo here as well you can see that it's already full of the scrap cargo that i bought i sold my load of scrap at her l5 along the way as i headed to crusader to start doing my cargo runs first i hit up dinkins research and bomb nailed a shipload of stems yes i said ship load ship damn it i forgot the landing gear again i did some googling and found a website that told me where i could buy and sell stuff and the prices it was a few days out of date on the prices but it gave me a good idea what i could expect to make and who wanted what the site is uexcorp.space and it was super helpful so thanks guys i'll try to remember to leave a link in the description next i headed to crew l1 which i'm gonna call cruel one from now on which was pretty close and sold my stems but i made back about what i spent so i was a little confused did i make any money there until i realized that they didn't want the whole load and i still had about 30 percent of it left in my ship oh i didn't sell them all okay you see supply and demand is a thing in star citizen which causes prices to fluctuate but so is the limit on how much is available to buy and how much you can sell to any given location i had forgotten about that so i headed out to try to find some place to unload the rest of these stems first i headed to cruel four to try to unload them and they didn't want any of them and i was starting to feel the money that i could have been making slipping away i ended up buying out their scrap just to try and recoup a little bit for my lost time i had been in this thing for close to an hour at this point and only made about three grand most of that was because of travel time but still i was watching the clock i only had about 24 hours on this rental and i wanted to get as much as i could out of her next i headed to cruel five and finally i sold everything there which got me up to about 36k i wanted to do some runs in layla at artcorp but i was having trouble with the map and kept getting a uninitialized error on that planet so i couldn't target the place i needed to land so i decided to head to bud's growery and microtech to try and run some liquor between the moons can't go wrong with a place called bud's grocery am i right i don't think i've mentioned it yet but star citizen is based about a thousand years in the future in the stanton solar system the government has sold off each of the four planets of the system to different corporations hence the dumb planet names like microtech and arcorp just to give you some idea of the travel time required in this game it took me about 10 minutes to get from the pad on crew l5 to buds growery buds was on a pretty rough moon and the weather and visibility was not good i made a pretty cool landing the first time though but that weather would come back to bite me in a little bit this moon was brutal i had a hard time walking and the temp was so cold it said my suit would only protect me for 15 minutes before i died probably should park closer next time and skip the slide landing i made it in and spent almost all my money on liquor to fill my cargo hold then i slowly ran back to my ship and headed to sell it the hell go go go go faster bro what you did your leg did you hurt yourself i know i haven't talked about it much but if your pc can handle it the visuals and attention to detail in this game are great just look at the snow melting on my visor as i go inside i sold all the liquor at mcl one which was pretty close and netted about 30 profit of around 8k two more runs like this and i'd have the rental paid for so i got to it but on my break even run i ran into a little trouble and i mean the kind of trouble that i've never even heard about before in this game when i landed at buds it was extra windy so i touched down with my door as close to his as i could manage ran inside and bought my liquor damn look at that wind holy smokes wow they filled up my ship but when i got back out my ship was gone presumably with all the water i just bought in it which meant overall money at this point was gone too is it blowing away luckily i could see the beacon and it was about 500 meters away what the hell i couldn't tell if it was still moving or if it had stopped and i only had about 15 minutes until i froze to death out here to chase it down i'm gonna die i couldn't call in another ship here so i'd be stuck and lose all my cargo if i didn't make it to my ship and died or if it hit a rock and exploded or something eventually i made it to the ship with a few minutes to spare thankfully the landing gear got caught on this rock but it looks like it spun around because it was definitely facing the other direction when i landed man i wish i'd seen that even though i'm sure i would have been freaking out if i had some crazy stuff right there i got my whiskey yeah somehow y'all loaded it for me appreciate that i finally made it back to mcl one and they didn't want all my liquor i guess i'd fully stock them up so i headed to her l4 which i call hurl for which wasn't that far to try and unload the rest of it don't hit the station oh god they actually paid me a little better than the other station oh yeah and i was finally back in the black on this rental with just over 56 000 in total i checked the rental timer and i'd spent about 2 hours and 15 minutes to get to this point if you don't count the 10 minutes they stole from me to transport my ship initially yeah i'm still bitter about that i stored my ship and logged off for a bit to do some things irl this would also give the system time to reset so i could do that run a few more times later on today i walked back on late afternoon and started my liquor runs again i was making a game of it to try and see just how fast i could do a round trip from the station to buds and back to the station i was getting decent and was able to do it in about 13 or 14 minutes it wasn't until my fourth trip that they stopped buying at the mick l1 station so i filled back up at buds and took a full load over to her l4 after this run i'd finally be up over a hundred thousand and hopefully could speed this up a little bit and well you see what had happened was i was coming to the station with cruise control on and probably going a little bit too fast and i was blinded by the sun because it was right in my line of sight didn't realize how close i was and tried to pull up at the last minute but yeah i didn't make it damn it i lost all that money not only did i crash into the station and kill myself i also lost all that cargo that was worth about 36 000. well no 100k for bob right now oh well and here i am back at area 18 and my hospital gown these guys know me well i decided to take a break and think about my life choices and grab some dinner a few hours later i head back in to run some more cargo but i have to wait 10 minutes again while i claim my ship since i blew it up last time remember seriously there's a lot of waiting in this game i decided to take my avenger titan over to a moon and try to run a cleanup mission to make a few bucks while i was waiting this one was on my personal tab which means it may not be fully on the up and up but they do offer about twice the money which i needed to replace my cargo this place looked a little sus as i flew in and i didn't have a weapon on me so i tried to land as close to the packages as i could and then we'll take it uh no no no somehow i ejected myself from my ship as it self-destructed what the hell man i would end up doing this a few more times getting out of the titan in a hurry until i finally realized that the eject button was right below the exit to the ship button this is going to hurt so if you have one of these just pull your mouse straight right never right and down unless you want to test your ejector seat at least i didn't lose anything but time and self-respect on that mistake so i regrouped on area 18 in my favorite hospital room and planned my next move i decided to up the stakes and try to speed up the money making process and start hauling higher value goods why risk just some of my money when i can risk all of it i'm pretty much a pro now right i stayed near our carp and flew to shubin mining facility sal 2 on lyria this was a mining outpost and i loaded up with a greasium which as far as i know is the most expensive metal you can buy like this in game no more messing around you gotta bet big to win big i grabbed as much as i could afford and headed back to area 18 to sell it i can only buy 25 for all my money every dime i have is in my cargo right now just let me land guys just just let me land when i get there that's all i want and not blow up actually let me do everything correctly that's what i want well it was rough oh god oh no no no okay all right i should have known i was in for a rough ride when this happened while engaging my quantum drive towards area 18. whoa look i need to get off this server i made it to the city but i just couldn't find the landing area or get close enough to it to get them to show up in my menu so i could call them as soon as you call them they give you a marker but if you can't call them you can't get the marker come on guys tell me where the landing pad is i literally spent seven minutes flying around looking for it before i decided to fly back out of the atmosphere go to an outer marker and then quantum back in hoping for a better approach i'm sure it didn't help that i was freaking out because all my money was in my cargo hold right now okay here's a warning for the viewers i'm gonna drop a few f-bombs here i try not to do this but the whole experience had me on edge and to capture the full experience i think i have to leave it in but come on i finally got them on the comms and got my landing pad marker these guys were totally messing with me because they tried to stick me in the tightest possible spot just for funsies i guess can't they see i'm driving this big fat boy am i supposed to get in there there's no fighting away fudge fudge fudge i can't afford to refuel 10 minutes of trying to find the spot and then finally getting my fat boy in there had taken its toll on me yeah i know what i said get your minds out of the gutter as i said it had taken a toll on me and i started talking to some of the npcs seeking comfort and understanding look at me you have no idea what i've been through they didn't care yeah no seriously i finally unloaded my cargo and made about nine grand all right what did i have 59 000 now i have 68 so i made 9 grand which is about what it would have made doing the other stuff without risking all of my money yeah maybe i should have done the other stuff but whatever to cheer myself up i made up a little game as i ran through the streets i'd try to jump as i approach the npcs and smack them in their face with my crotch oh sorry excuse me tea bag feel free to give that a go next time you're in game just don't wear any armor when you're doing it you're gonna have to trust me on that at least they put me in a better hangar for takeoff than the one i landed in [Music] well i thought they had anyway it's probably me oh god oh god no no no down down uh get out of here i spent the next few hours running cargo around artcorp and even picked up a few of those cleanup missions that were near my pickup spots i managed not to blow myself up but i'm pretty sure they had me cleaning out space meth labs or something like that oh there's nobody here this could be bad don't mind me i'm just here to clean up the meth lab i'm not sure what this stuff is they were selling but it had scary pictures on it so i left it alone grabbed the trash and got out of there have you noticed that banging sound it happens every time i pick up a package and it's pretty annoying if you ask me i don't know what's up with that i burned through all the resources in artcorp and headed over to microtech i also decided to explore new babbage a little bit and spend a little bit of time in the space disco although no one else wanted to join me sad i wasn't going to let it get me down though because by the end of the day i was at 133 000. it definitely could have been better but i was happy with where i was and i definitely learned a lot and was becoming a better pilot as well day five started off with a bang oh [ __ ] yeah i hit the wrong button again i had run to go clean one of those space meth labs again while i was waiting for 10 minutes to get my freelancers i wanted to make the best use of my time because i only had two hours left and i wanted to try to get the 250 000 before i turned in this bad boy i was getting close i had about 209 000 and i bought a big load of cargo and had time for one last trip unfortunately the place i was trying to say i didn't want anymore so i thought i'd go to po and try to sell there but the damn space pogba got on my butt [ __ ] i don't have time please hold your vehicle and stand by and then they took away my landing pad all right i'm starting to freak out here i had about 15 minutes left i just wanted to land and they wouldn't let me and they kept getting in my way i decided to land anyway and tried to run inside real quick and unload it 44 seconds get out but they didn't want it either thank you and just as an extra kick in the nuts i got this awesome fine of 5000 bucks at this point i had a rental ship full of cargo that was going to expire in just over four minutes i tried to run to orison which was right below po and the quantum drive wasn't having it we're not going i tried several times and got stuck in this loop so i did the only reasonable thing i could think of [Music] as my rental expired and i woke up in my favorite hospital on area 18 i couldn't help but be a little disappointed i definitely could have gotten several hundred thousand with that rental but at the end of it i was left with only 177k still it was five times what i paid to rent it so i rationalized away my pain of what could have been oh well i gotta keep moving and i wanted to have a little bit of fun so i decided to rent a cutty black i really love the way this ship looks and i've never gotten to fly one my buddy hawks got this as his startership when we started together about two years ago but i was too cheap it definitely gave him a leg up and he stuck with the game a lot longer than i did he even made a bunch of videos on it if i had it to do over again i'd still do the avenger this was 65 bucks at the time as opposed to the 125 for the cudi hell i'm probably a masochist too because i love the challenge of early game once it's too easy to make money i generally lose interest i definitely want to buy one though in game speaking of friends that play star citizen several of them had noticed me playing this week and my friend gail hit me up and asked if i wanted any help she'd only been playing for a few months and had the same starter ship i did right here behind you oh so i invited her in she tried to give me a pile of money but i didn't want too much in-game help i just wanted to pick her brain about how she got out of the noob ship and bought the one she had see she had a prospector which was a mining ship that cost about 2 million bucks as well as a freelancer max that's about 4 million bucks and ships along with another 5 million space bucks that she had in her bank account in case you're wondering how you do that the answer is play with other people who spend real money on better ships join orgs become a good gunner that people want to share missions with be nice and people will help you get on your feet the gunner park caught my attention so i invited her to ride shotgun with me in the cuddy and do a few bounty hunter missions i really wanted to shoot something i love the cockpit in this thing the way it lifts up and even the colors on the hud are just awesome we grabbed a few of the starter missions to build up our rank with the bounty hunters and headed out leaving arm assist so we had to work on our bounty hunter certifications and i took a few missions the first one went off pretty good thanks to gail that is all right here hit your noise or i don't know what that is tell me the button hit h did you pull up yeah we tracked the target to an outpost and engaged i had no idea what i was doing how do i target him a key yes sir no turn off your quantum drive bro that'll help there you go and she smoked them both by the time i figured out how to fire my guns if you can pro tip make sure your quantum drive is off if you want to target folks that one's free guys we got another one we got to the second one and it was in an asteroid field he's in that basically that hole it's on the other side oh wait wait wait okay there he is incoming missile h h okay i hit h hit it again oh you're okay he missed this time i remember to turn off my quantum drive so i could target the guy and i fired a missile at it nice suck on that oh hit wonderful what the hell is he doing looks like he's not even moving but he was right for [Laughter] okay sometimes he was coming right for us so that was fun not sure if we got credit for taking that guy out or not but i think we should have even if we had to sacrifice ourselves to do it so that had taken us an hour and we both woke up on opposite ends of the system with me and area 18 and galen grim hex i'd been asking her about mining because i wanted to get to that believing that's where the real money would be but i wanted to experience all aspects of it and not just jump straight into her prospector so i talked her into showing me hand mining we met at arc l1 and suited up this setup with the suit helmet backpack multi-tool and attachments cost me about 20 grand maybe a little bit less like i can't remember to be honest and i wasn't sure if it would even be worth it but i wanted to see everything a new solo player could expect even if i wasn't running solo at the moment we messed around for another 30 to 45 minutes trying to figure out where to hand mine we knew we needed a cave but couldn't remember how to find one i bought some cargo to flip while we were out just to try to make back some of the money i'd spent i was at about 50k between the ship rental and the suit i'd bought so far i'll make a few bucks while i'm out here [ __ ] around i was a little jumpy since i'd spent another 50 000 on cargo and my memories of this from the last time i played we're still filled with ass clowns killing me just for funsies i saw it come in just in case honestly though i think only one or two people attacked me this whole week and i can't be sure if they were npcs or players since i ran like a scared little rabbit both times after going back to area 18 and selling our stuff we finally figured out where we needed to go all right so where are we going uh daymar which is in crusader right so we flew to an abandoned mine and went down into the caverns and gail showed me how to find rocks and use my new multi-tool to mine them it took a little bit but eventually i got the hang of it in power i remembered the green and red bar thing from the time i went out with my friend and the prospector when those were first introduced in the game i fumbled around for a bit [Music] but eventually i got the feel of it it's a fun little mini game and probably a good way to learn before risking all your money renting a prospector or something or you can blow yourself up with a mistake just break another one uh-huh i only had an hour to play before i had to get to some irl stuff but we made pretty good use of our time down there gail did help me mine a few rocks while i was wandering around and picking up whatever random thing i found dung i'm picking up poop it's harder with two on it there you go right there right there right there don't stop a little bit more and uh there you go once we got out of the mine i headed back over to buds to grab a load of whiskey before we flew back i really didn't think i'd get much off this hand mining stuff and i wanted to try to get back even on all my expenses today to my surprise bud wanted my poop so i happily sold it to you don't buy my poop for 44 a piece i got 352 right there we were full of whiskey and feeling good about dropping that load of poop as we headed out we got the cruel one with a ship and a backpack full of cargo and we had contact this contact warning only happens when you come across someone with a crime stat so i tried to hurry towards the station not wanting anything to do with this guy hit h hit h they shoot at us i don't know yet there's a missile in the air not gonna lie i was worried and starting to panic i can't lose all this again so we hurry to the landing pad touchdown and race to the side i don't well i don't know what he's firing missiles at though i haven't figured that out all right let's get the hell out of here so i can store this [ __ ] that [ __ ] pad grabs us come on while i'm still in here i'm gonna i felt like he was shooting at us but i think it was actually the station shooting at him [ __ ] they're shooting at us as i ran for the elevator i heard an explosion behind me and my heart sank but when i turned around everything was fine my ship was there and gail was jumping out of it the station had taken out the criminal just below our pad that was close we headed inside to see what kind of money we made off this little excursion i sold my liquor all right so i've got a hundred oh wait okay that's price per unit the head night is 275 the after ride is 152. okay so i'm at 19 119 000 right now so let's just sell it all all right i made are you ready yeah 24 000 i paid for my gear and made like five grand yeah i mean that's not horrible so i mean honestly you make five grand that's enough to rent a rock with the 5 000 i had made hand mining i decided to run a rock which is a ground mining vehicle basically it's a single-seater dune buggy with a mining laser on it gail already had one so he would both be able to mine she was making fun of my suit since my suit offend you you look like the michelin man well like a fat halo character so she gave me an extra one that she had on hand or maybe she bought it i don't know it really is hard to see out of that helmet though so i was happy to swap it out we flew down to a mining outpost to call our rocks that was the last thing that went right for us that night hope it's not cold here as soon as we got there i noticed we were freezing today and had about 15 minutes to last without going back inside to warm up i had a nice cold weather suit on did you put it in your ship storage no we got our rocks and tried to fit both of them into the cutty and we kind of did you're gonna have to come in nice and easy well easier said than done is there room for both oh hello oh you're crooked how am i doing now you're in can we close the doors and close that door [ __ ] should have got in first the ramp did not close but we couldn't get the door closed or up or down or anything it just got stuck i tried all sorts of things to get it unstuck i even claimed it and recalled it back to the pad hoping it would disappear out of my ship of course it didn't and it created a third one but at least now we had three so i was driving around having a little fun trying to make the best of it all right i'm gonna try to ram my third one in there then i tried blowing it up by ramming it coming in hot these things are pretty strong because i beat the heck out of it and no explosions after about half an hour of trying to unstick them we both decided to backspace and start over and i'm done of course we were on opposite ends of the system again eventually we met back up and i was frustrated and wanted to shoot something so we took a bounty hunter mission i was having a very hard time targeting anything with the quantum drive which made travel even more time consuming hey here we go we finally got close and locked onto kenneth our target and quantum straight into the planet and explode oh we went through the planet oh that's special this game is awesome so here i am back in area 18 in my hospital gown party member survivor bob committed homicide against you press left bracket to press charges charges we gave up on kenneth and agreed to meet at arc l1 to get some cold weather suits before meeting and heading back down to get the rock good idea in an effort to save time i flew my titan over with plans of claiming the cutty black and letting the timer tick now while i went to gear up big brain move right as soon as i got there this happened again what all right i feel like i could recover from this and i didn't need to tighten anymore that night so i tried to eva back down to the pad and make a careful landing eva bob all right if i remember correctly you don't want to go directly over the pad you want to come from the side when you eva because gravity yes now that didn't work i'm dying and now i like bleeding to death on the path capacitated but gayle's in the station and i have plenty of time for her to come and heal me are you there gayle oh no my discord's and then discord crashes so we can't walk the hill hey there's gail help save me that wasn't that was you now do it to me come on you can do it i believe i believe and then she can't interact with me at all ejected i backspaced and logged off for the night the rock mining would have to wait for tomorrow the morning of day six gail and i headed back down to pick up our rocks but this time we flew separate i still had a few hours before the rental my cuddy black expired and i wanted to get after it gail was flying her freelancer max and the hope was that if my cuddy black rental expired and left me stranded she could fly us both back assuming both the rocks would fit that is oh there's two landing pads hello that thing's huge though i'm sure it'll be fine we flew low along the ground scanning and looking for diamond shapes to appear we weren't having any luck so we decided to touch down and go on the rocks and see if we had any better luck after going a long time with no luck finding a minable rock we went to the only place i'd seen diamonds show up in the scan the abandoned mine we had been at before i saw so many of them in my ship at the entrance of the mine and was hoping not all of them were actually underground i only had 30 minutes left on my cuddy rental and didn't want to waste it flying around here with no guarantee we'd find what we were looking for i see diamonds as soon as i land and i start to get excited one of these has got to be above ground so that i can get some mining done i head toward one that's obviously not underground but with no distance marker i started to think this was a glitch and eventually i turned around i gotta admit even though i wasn't finding anything i was having a lot of fun driving this thing it was very well designed and easy to drive i never once got it stuck or damaged it and believe me i tried finally i found something mindable and started the process it wasn't much different in theory from hand mining keep it in the green and don't blow it up when it popped the rocks all rolled down the hill so i chased after them i'm not losing the first surface rock i've successfully mined i drove around sucking up all the rocks i got my rock this was actually pretty cool i'd recommend not doing this at the top of a 70 degree incline if you can help it but i was happy i'd finally gotten something by the time i was finished with those my cuddy had expired so gail picked me up and gave me a ride back to the station to sell my oar she had to get back to real life and thankfully didn't leave me stranded here plenty of room man i missed my freelancer max maybe i'll be able to afford one again sometime my rock was only 10 full and i was able to get 12 000 for that not horrible so i'd probably get over 100k if i could actually fill the thing up just not sure how long that would take me hey fine apparently i parked in the wrong spot damn it i couldn't call in another ship so gail dropped me at po is that an 890. would you check out this bad boy we saw on the landing pad that thing is sweet i didn't have a ship that could carry the rock anymore so i just jumped in my avenger titan and flew back to the moon we were just on grabbed my rock and started driving i was shooting and sucking everything i could find for the next few hours i didn't want to get too far from the mining outpost where i left my ship because i wasn't sure how far the marker would show up and i didn't want to risk getting lost i saw some other players flying around and noticed a few of them had crime stats you can tell that by the red triangle so i decided to run back real quick and sell what i had just in case they decided to mess with me they were messing around for sure but thankfully not with me what in the hell is that guy doing please don't shoot my [ __ ] so i just got out of there and kept looking for rocks to shoot suck i went out and found a few more that i could mine but just as i was really getting the hang of it i noticed something okay i just noticed my oxygen's at 22 that doesn't seem good i wasn't sure if i could make it back before the oxygen ran out but i had to give it a shot i wasn't paying attention so i had no idea how fast it had been going down i made it back and tried an oxy pen and really didn't notice anything so i jumped in my ship and just sat there until my oxygen was back at 100 then i sold my stuff properly stored my vehicle this time so i didn't get a fine and headed out i was tired hungry and thirsty after spending a day mining and for once i hadn't died so i actually needed to find a place to eat i grabbed a bottle of water in a burrito and that hit the spot and on day seven i rested now actually i got lost in lauraville for 30 minutes which is like resting but a lot more aggravating i mean it's really cool to look at and all but when you're trying to get from point a to point b it just kind of sucks out of the way dude i looked at maps i found on the wall ran around got lost again found my way back to the map looked at it ran around got lost again and so on until i ran into this guy he seems trustworthy i'm not sure why he's hiding behind the desk though you okay he had a mission for me and offered 25 000 which i desperately needed i'm sure it'll be fine right 25 000 you know what what the hell after all i've got my slightly pudgy master chief suit on the mission was to head to a crash site and grab a blade then take the blade to a secure facility and decode it easy enough i jumped in my titan and headed out all week i kept meaning to set my spawn location to where i was actually playing but never remembered until today alright so i'm coming to everest harbor because i have a feeling i'm going to die and i want to set my stuff here hey i'd like to be regenerated here when i die how do i do that this would save me time if i needed to get back quickly which was a strong possibility i located the crashed ship landed and took a look around once i located the blade i had only 40 minutes to connect it to the server before it's self-destructed that seems like plenty of time so no need to rush this which is good because i accidentally dropped it on the ground when i climbed in my ship store homeboy doesn't know how to just stick it in this pocket when you grab something else so he just drops it i located the nearest building with a server in it and headed to it it was in a restricted area and they were not happy to see me oh god i landed just outside of turret range and headed in on foot i'd never done a mission like this before but my confidence was high after all i had remembered to bring a pistol so at least i had a weapon as i ran i gave myself a pep talk i have a feeling i'm gonna die out here i had too much time to think about this alone i made it to the building with 25 minutes left on the clock and look they left the door open for me i would have been sol if they had locked it well let's not worry with details like that i was sneaking around on guard for anything that might jump out at me crouching and taking my time i made it to the deepest level and was just inside of the terminal maybe i was alone in here after all that guy smoked me and this is why i'm not good at fps all right well that didn't work out i'm probably in jail now i wasn't in jail though and it didn't seem i had a crime stat but i was back in area 18 not hurston i wasn't sure if i could make it back in time but i wanted to try anyway i jumped in my gladius fighter and headed back as fast as i could i only had 14 minutes left until the thing self-destructed as i quantum to back i came up with a plan since i'd only have a few minutes i would have to come in hot take out the turrets land and run in there grab my body and my gun before that guy sees me kill him and connect the blade you know now that i say it out loud it's probably destined to fail well that didn't work out well at least that blade was about to self-destruct i could only hope that the guy that shot me put it in his pocket hopefully his front pants pocket that'll teach him i decided against getting the prospector my last day as i really wasn't feeling the grind what i wanted to do was get better at combat i sucked at fps as we've already seen but maybe i could get better and ship the ship combat so i started taking bounty hunter missions the first one went off without a hitch so i did another and another suck on that [ __ ] and another i had to fly back to everest harbor after each mission to refuel and restock missiles and ammo so it did take a little time but it really wasn't that bad and i was even racking up a few bucks along the way i was taking the licenses as they appeared hoping that would give me some better targets and after taking out three guys at once i was feeling pretty good about myself until i noticed that these were all marked vl rt which i found out means very low risk target basically i'm still a new well i decided it was time for the training wheels to come off so i upped my game and started going after lrts or low risk targets instead of very low risk targets yeah shut up that was easy so i signed up for the next one and it was a twofer and his buddy ran into me and took me out that's a pretty good friend with this explosion my weekend star citizen would come to an end i'd made money lost money tried out mining delivery fps waste disposal ship combat and so much more i honestly had a lot of fun playing this one if you enjoyed this please hit that like button let me know in the comments that you finished the whole thing and what you thought and maybe consider subscribing to my channel as well thanks again for watching and remember if you're gonna be a bob have fun with it you
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 941,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I spent a week in star citizen, star citizen, star citizen 2022, star citizen gameplay, star citizen 2022 gameplay, star citizen gameplay 2022, star citizen beginner, star citizen beginner 2022, starting in star citizen, fresh start in star citizen, star citizen survivalbob, I spent a week in star citizen and this is what happened, star, citizen, gameplay, 2022, week, my first week in star citizen, my first day in star citizen
Id: kgZziLriQaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 31sec (3151 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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