Hiding Inside Star Citizen Player Ships - No Ship Zero To Hero

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign X but I call it opportunity Microtech sent me here after I slept the new Babbage because of my criminal stat they don't want me there and my new Hull of a ship doesn't have enough Quantum fuel to get me back to Microtech so I'll have to Hitch right and stow away because I need to get some Microtech for a big payday biggest and easiest payday if we can pull it off so I'm going to wait here at the terminals wait for someone to call their ship we can track what hanger they go to from the elevator pad it tells us where they went and then we can try and stow away the only problem will be bounty hunters on us we're blending in we just look like a civilian you'll never know wait let's go get some medical treatment got my gear on everyone's gone oh here they go hang it too let's go go go go go hopefully we're not too late and then already in this ship come on come on oh This Could Be the One looks like he's AFK or he's in his inventory this could be our chance never leave your ramp down go go okay if he doesn't hear us bed oh he's gonna see us it's too obvious I don't think this will work there's got to be somewhere else maybe up this way no it's bad or nothing I think no it's not gonna work this corner maybe we'll just sit in the corner he might just walk straight past if we're lucky hopefully this works he's taken forever we're ready he's getting ready for battle wait oh the bathroom forgot this had a bathroom okay oh he's coming okay good yes okay let's go go go go go it's opening take off please take off I think he realizes you know I realize take off go here he goes oh and last guy he's out I don't know if I can shoot him out of the seat in this one so we're gonna go along for the ride where is he going he might be doing the Box pickups hopefully it goes quick because if he's not fast you know some bounty hunters on us come on get up get up get up is that a bunker down there [Music] what is this guy doing maybe okay me up let me up okay now's our time strike ah yep you see for the Box pickups Maybe see what he does hopefully it lands soon he's gonna pick up these boxes oh he's doing it the dirty way so dirty you better hurry bounties are gonna be coming the bounty hunters are gonna be on their way he's not careful oh oh there's a ship coming in that's gotta be a bounty hunter oh no we are dead no it doesn't like he's attacking him where that is crazy lucky that that ship isn't attacking us yet crazy lucky just realized I think he's just realized there's other ships here oh no [Music] oh no it's us of the other guy the other guy looks like he's Landing he might just be here for the mesh too okay go on land we need to get out of here we've stayed too long here we go he's Landing no it is really antsy about this other ship he's really antsy I think he's thinking of leaving and coming back oh is he gonna snipe in what is he doing taking a snipe at this other guy I think that's what he's thinking surprise what the hell oh this is all the stuff on him liquid he did okay but we got his kid I think he was gonna sniper that other guy so we need to get out of here I think okay before that guy comes after us and realizes what's just happened in fact is he already doing that what are you coming for us [Music] thank you because we need to get over to Microtech the Red's coming now Two Reds let's get out of there this ship is not made for battle that's for sure he's mad oh man drop off this extra gear and then we're gonna head to ghost Hollow looks like the comms array might be still up though okay he had a nice kid actually take that extra ammo all right so the comms array is up which means ghost Hollow may be pretty quiet so I better actually take the commas down so I can't be tracked as easily you got to be very careful here because we are fragile in this also we're a little bit lower hopefully on the lock range oh we're going too fast so far so good we didn't get locked [Music] okay oh whoa come out the wrong way oh I am shoot that was too close oh my goodness oh that was way too close wow we nearly lost it there foreign okay let's put our it's all your chlorine there we go we are on now we just need to listen out okay we are on the home stretch okay continue now we need to get out really fast before someone comes and blows our ship now proceed link is down and we can't be tracked unless we use our movie don't know if anyone oh so someone just came oh interesting choice we're going to take out our ship I reckon so we might actually be able to get back in our ship we'll just keep flying around now shipping Ava for now because as soon as I get in it he's probably got locked and you'll probably see if we get in the driver we can let's risk it just need to get out real quick before they get us here they come I think okay come on let's get a war Point here please people come on oh we had one it's just delayed okay I don't see the enemy on radar now but he's in a small ship his small radar signature so I'm getting out now let's make our way to ghost Hollow and see what we can do that was probably a bounty hunter I think actually that would have been a bounty hunter on us so that's interesting we do have someone tracking us I've got to stop using Moby okay Moment of Truth we will see if somebody else is already here and beaten us to it okay it seems way too quiet to be honest like there's no enemy couples defending this site either so that says to me somebody else maybe dealt with them but the comms array was up so you might be okay oh yeah okay there's a box out there all right movement of Truth check the storage box real quick as well oh there's actually a fair bit in here that's not bad we'll try and get that after we set this terminal off spear armor I'm gonna show you pretty good it seems pretty quiet but I think that's what someone would want it to seem like if they were in here it might be at all hours okay it's disabled yeah it's actually not been activated okay so up this Tower activated there we go launch extraction launching oh now I definitely hear someone okay boom but because I've got it I might as well try and take it out with our railgun thank you Channel we are stranded now boom okay we'll get both going at once so it goes faster boom authorized okay okay we get this 300 000. we should be able to finish our ship off okay boom come on let's withdraw the draw hopefully the other one hasn't paused there we go one down let's go down here oh more railgun am I okay damn it oh it's still stockings only 50 that's going to be a while all right we need to have a drink and I hope that this helmet stays here okay this one's just about done so far so good boom okay there we go three hundred thousand just like that okay it's ready again okay another one so we've got three hundred thousand and we're about to have some more boom now we've got 450 000. this is getting ridiculous and the other one is still ready to go okay another one because it's too easy at this point okay someone just restored the comment so we might have some company oh it's actually disabled now I didn't used to do this oh it's actually disabled actually gets disabled now when someone puts the comms back up oh no that's the uh Cutlass we took out before that's a bummer they're coming to bomb oh they are coming to bomb I've got a run oh that's so dirty it's so dirty there it goes holy wait is it trying to oh my God what that's some I had my bounty but I thought it was coming to bomb so I kind of I shouldn't have played it the way I did but oh well [Music] they might go down here we've got so many on them go go why they finished me definitely are gonna die there I don't know where they survived yep they died as well well I got my lift out of here if you guys did enjoy this video please take the time to leave a like And subscribe and a comment it really helps me out and supports the channel it's brutal these days on YouTube so every little bit of support helps and it's completely free hope you guys enjoyed this episode and there's plenty more to come if you guys want it let me know foreign
Channel: H.O.D.S
Views: 29,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen game, star citizen ptu, star citizen alpha, star citizen release date, exploring star citizen, star citizen roadmap, star citizen 4.0, star citizen ships, star citizen evocati, star citizen ship tour, star citizen updates 390 Comments, star citizen 2023, star citizen 3.18 gameplay, zero to hero, no ship challenge, Hard Mode, Challenge, hardcore, star, illegal, 3.20, stowing away, hiding in ships
Id: Id7B2jtOn8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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