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this is such a grungy setup oh my god look out doc is in the background and look at the bloody stay at me this isn't how I wanted to start this video however I feel like now I kind of have to accept that maybe I'm just a little bit more content than I should be at being like this on camera in front of hundreds of thousands of people that watch my videos I just need to just accept that sometimes I'm gonna be absolutely fine with me just looking like this in front of you and filming my videos that is love me Oh God following me around and they're crumbling away grumble they're having an argument part of me wants to start every video looking like an absolute gamma birth but I spend a lot more of my time like this what I was gonna do is just kind of leave this until tomorrow and start tomorrow but I physically can't in fact I already started but I wasn't supposed to start so basically to bring you up to speed on what this video is this video is going to be documenting my dressing room now obviously you would have seen me hack down my dressing room and move into this room which is the spare bedroom and it looks like dark moment because it's about 7 o'clock so it is getting quite dark in here however my wardrobe has been built I didn't film the process because I was obviously I paid these people and they're like a professional company and I don't know it didn't feel like I should have been filming them so I didn't do that I just let them build and do their thing and then I kind of know the people that do like our painting obviously you guys know ken and one of Ali's friends is doing off floor and obviously mat does our lighting and electrics and stuff so I can kind of film that stuff I didn't really feel comfortable doing it with the company that I used oh yeah basically where we're at now the wardrobes are essentially finished well they should have been finished there were a number of things that maybe didn't go to plan like there was a few things that were wrong and I'll take you through those the first coat of paint has been put on the verlox's and also on the walls [Music] just [Music] there's no pink left in that wardrobe which is amazing and basically because all of my clothes and all of my beauty products will be inside of the wardrobes and it's only my bags and shoes are on show can can just kind of tape that stuff in and paint and it means I can move in so they did their first coat of paint today and I have my floor going down either tomorrow or Tuesday my new light which is beautiful arrives tomorrow so that can go straight up then in two weeks time I believe the company that have built my wardrobes come back and do the things that I'm gonna talk you through when I show you kind of like where we're currently at so today is move out of this room which I can't actually express to you how excited I am to do that so that's what we're going to do together today I did start moving some of my bags and shoes into the room yesterday because I just want to see what it looked like I was just far too excited so I kind of wanted to play around with the shelves and the unit I'm not gonna round below anymore I think we can go upstairs and have a look and I can show you where we're at currently and then hopefully by the end of this video I will be showing you the actual finished room so fingers crossed everything goes to plan and it there's no more setbacks so let's go so here we are in my new dressing room can you bloody believe it because I can't believe they were actually at this point now just so surreal to just kind of come back and see it as it is now it's unbelievable so the units have all been painted they are painted in strong white by Pharaoh and ball and we decided to go for a seamless kind of look and painted the walls in strong white as well and fireable initially I was petrified when I saw the color I was kind of like no this is way too white but now that I see it on the walls it's actually a really really nice sort of dusky gray you can see the difference in the ceiling the ceiling will be white and that's kind of the color contrast but I think when you see it like this it almost looks white but it doesn't in person it's a really nice gray but where do we begin so the first initial hurdle was they dropped the wood off and the wood looked a color that I hadn't picked so I asked for a kind of gray toned wood to go for my internals I showed them alleys and they said all this that's this one and I was like okay so I just trusted them which I think was a bit of a mistake I wasn't showing samples of the handles or the woods that would be inside so when it turned up I was initially like that's not actually what I wanted however I'm I stuck with it because timewise there was no way that we could wait and have that changed and I'm glad that I've gone with it now now that I'm seeing I think it matches the wood tones that run through the house really nicely if you see there and quite honestly I didn't want anything white on the internals I didn't want it to look to you clinical and to Stark I like the depth that the wood gives and now I am really happy with it but it would have been nice to have been given an option that's the way I'm going to see it with that so as you can see it's kind of like a mirror of each other except the cupboard doors on this one unfortunately they were damaged so they have been sent back and I think they're going to have to either be resprayed or remade I don't know so those will be coming in two weeks then the worktops were measured wrongly so these worktops obviously aren't supposed to have this little bit of skirting here these workshops are supposed to go all the way to the wall seamlessly unfortunately there's big gaps in the back so these are being redone and recut and will be repainted and fitted in so that's why these haven't been finished off yet same is happening on this side this has been covered over with a little bit of skirting but again this is supposed to go right back to the back of the wall and it doesn't so that's something that they'll need to do when they come back and this was always the way that this was going to look at this time so once they've built all of the wardrobes they then measure up any of the bespoke pieces and they are then made so once everything's fitted so what this is going to be here is my kind of walk in wardrobe section there's going to be a door here that you can't open and then this will have another door that opens inwards and you kind of step into what will be a lit if I turn the lights on these have internal lights as well but this also has a light of its own up there but this is where I'll kind of keep all of my coats and I'll store any things that maybe don't need to be going on show like you know like Wellington boots and stuff like that I just wouldn't keep those on the display shelves so these are all things that can go in here I also in this area probably keep my suitcases and things like that so that Ali doesn't have to keep getting them out of the EU Swami they'll also be plug sockets and there are plugs look it's placed all around the room and also in the island as well it's the same kind of on this side although this room isn't symmetrical so this was how this was going to be laid out as well I still don't know what I'm gonna do with this wardrobe I feel like it'll be good for keeping beauty stock in it but then I've got this unit here as well so just gonna see how things fit but this will also have a sort of custom-built door to fit this particular space so that's what we're waiting on from there we are also waiting for new I don't know what they call these they did mention the name but we're waiting for new ones of these because these are actually wrong something happened when the machine was programmed to make these and they're actually only supposed to have three of the window decorations on them and the Machine has crammed four in and these are supposed to kind of be like a portrait rectangle and they're obviously not and it looks a little bit too busy for me so we all agreed that these can be replaced that need to be changed if this is just a simple thing these can just like pop out and I think I don't know maybe one day if I wanted to change the design on the mirrors I could do that but these will all need to be done as well so that is something that will come with the worktops and the doors so yeah this is like all this as well is obviously my dressing table which I am so happy with I'm so glad I went for a slightly bigger leg space as well to make it more comfortable and I've got this big this is obviously not the chair that's going to go here cuz it's too short but it's got this really great big drawer that I've bought some bits from HomeSense to store things in actually put two of them but this is just really good for keep like all of my everyday beauty bits that I need to get to so I went for a really nice big draw which is great but obviously the envelops have now been painted and I've obviously started moving things in oh okay this is another design thing that didn't end up working out that all of these doors were supposed to be this kind of touch open like this one and so it all looks quite seamless oh yeah those are my lights inside as well and unfortunately these two doors were unable to be this kind of touch function because if you place that if you were to touch them because of the size of this they obviously wouldn't come out so they did need handles on but to be honest it really didn't make much of a difference because these weren't my main mirrors anyway I just wanted this to look more like a mirror if you know I mean please excuse the state of me although I'm loving this gym shop jumper it is so snuggly like my little kangaroo pouch but yes as you can see how this will look in the background this is kind of what I wanted when I showed you like my outfit of the days it's like a beautiful sort of decorative thing that's behind me so my chandelier will be there and then you'll have the beautiful decorative doors there obviously at the moment it's not how it's supposed to look but it will be very very soon but this is what I mean by me having like spaces to put like trinkets and stuff on like I kind of want to put like flowers here and candles there's so much from like Aran home where oh I don't know if you've seen Aaron home where before but my my goodness Aaron home where is absolutely stunning I got sent a picture frame once with one of their candles and it's beautiful and I checked out their stuff online the other day and wow I am obsessed so maybe I will treat myself to some bits from the collection to go in my dressing room just as like a little bit of a treat so yeah there's still actually lots to do in here but I think it'll feel more pulled together and more finished obviously when the floor goes down because at the moment it's just a bit like what is this I've gone for an antique oh I'm Tiko antique oh the same floor as Ali's so I'll show you that quickly I can't just show you his room because he's obviously revealing his own the room himself but I can show you the floor that's the same floor that I'm having in here it's like a parquet herringbone floor and it's so easy to lay and it should be down in like a couple of hours so that will either be done today or tomorrow so if I show you that quickly so this is the floor that I will be going for in my dressing room though there'll be a border that goes around the wardrobes and then the border will also go around my center island as well so it kind of works it's just really beautiful I like how it looks as well it just looks so beautifully finished and such great great quality so when Ali had it put down I was like yeah I love it the only thing that I'm a bit annoyed at myself about is I ended up putting a lot more money into this than I had initially planned so I was nervous and maybe didn't think something through entirely so obviously I've got like all of the nice lighting internally and I nearly didn't even go for that and I'm really glad that I did but I didn't go for it on the covers and like on the open cabinets and I kind of wished that I did now and I said to them I would really like to be able to put those in can we put them in and that he's basically said that that's not something that we can do once it's fitted you have to kind of have it and I kind of felt like they were missing a bit of a trick there they need to do it so that they can do that because I think that you know that must be something that probably happens quite a lot that when people actually see it they think oh actually kind of wish I've done that with the lights as well can we just add that in because it would be like a good little add-on moneymaker but I spoke to my electrician and it's something that he says that he can do so I'm not too worried about it but yeah we'll kind of like see whether I do actually do it or not it wasn't like a huge extra cost but I was just so worried about the cost escalating and I was worried about like any kind of hidden costs and stuff like that so now that it's done I'm like oh I kind of wish I'd done that so we might be adding that in a later date so now what it is is basically time to get organized again and I remember how long it took me last time so I'm kind of hoping it's not going to take that long this time but it's going to be so great to have everything in one space so let's go you're saying baby please don't go [Music] [Music] so shoes and bags are all currently in place and I've actually got a few gaps which is quite nice I've got all the way down the back of that one there as well so that's where I can kind of store them slightly like worn shoes that maybe I don't want on show they've stored a few down in that one there but yeah got a few gaps so I'm definitely able to purchase a few more pairs whilst I did that it also started to sort out these drawers at the top now these drawers are gonna have my kind of accessories in because they're not very deep but then as we work our way down there will be other things going in each of these drawer so like underwear and gym clothes and all of that stuff will all go in these drawers here so it's now nine o'clock and shoes and bags are in place and I've started moving clothes in so this one has got my tops and currently moving knitwear in there I'm not sure if these are gonna stay in here I've sorted out these ones down the end and we have long dresses in this one and then short dresses in this one because actually it worked better to have all of my dresses and jumpsuits here so I can store some like other shoes or something in the bottom there that maybe don't want to go on show and then in this one at the moment I've just got a few of my jump suits but there's still some room so I might move some of these dresses over here because they're quite compact in there so make it a little bit user-friendly I have managed to get Ally to help with the move-in process now so he's gonna bring up my coats which should end up going in here or down there I haven't quite decided yet probably in there I think that'll work well but I've also forgotten about all of the stuff that I stored in the bathroom because you don't really use this bathroom so there is all of this stuff stored in here as well that I'm going to have to sort through it sounds quite a lot stuff [Music] [Music] good morning everyone and welcome to a very exciting day so very very late last night the men came and fitted my floor so in my dressing room right now is well as close as I'm going to get to being finished until the 26th where they come to fit the items that were done wrong and also they're made to measure items so you will now see a pretty much finished dressing room I'm gonna save the actual finished one to do my tour and show you how everything's organized because how it is at the moment I've just kind of put everything in there and I've not really organized anything but I'm going to do a massive organization of this room so that it works really well and that is going to be quite a big part of the tour so I'm saving that trying to make it kind of like - ishvii dioz this is kind of like the building my dream wardrobe and then the other one is like the tour so yeah there's been it's been delayed quite a lot I'm not gonna lie we had a delay with the lighting going in because initially the light was delivered wrong what was wrong with it oh it was broken so Ali was literally holding up the ceiling and it just dropped and it could have dropped onto the center island and I don't know what would have happened because it's a very very heavy light so we had to wait and order another one and then it will arrived again and it was wired wrong so that was kind of a big issue that we had to sort out luckily Ali is an electrician so he was able to sort that out though so the light has gone up to be honest the easiest part was the marble and then the floor was probably the biggest delay of all so it's been two weeks since over two weeks since the floor was supposed to be fitted and it's been fitted a day before I go to Ibiza so I only get to enjoy this room for today and then I'm off for a week which is so annoying but at least I at home and it's there and it's done and even the windows will be finished then so I thought well let's have a look inside rather than me telling you about it with a white won't behind me you can see the outside has not been decorated so please bear with us here thank you so this is pretty much it finished now you'll see that these cupboard doors are on and these are not these will be fitted along with all of the other things that need to be changed in here on the 26 so that cupboard is kind of out of use at the moment but if you face this way it's pretty much as accurate as it's gonna get Bar these three things so the floor is an antique Oh floor and I went for a border around my center island and also around the entire room it also follows the skirting of the mirrors at the end because I felt like that was quite a nice little feature down there I really really like this floor I wanted something pale but I didn't want something gray I obviously really liked gray but I completely appreciate that it can make a home feel quite cold and I don't want this to feel that way so I'm actually really happy with this it adds a little bit of warmth and a little bit of softness to a room that is quite a bright gray the walls and the units have been painted in Pharaon ball strong white and I was so scared initially because it did look so white but now you can see at the top there the difference it's just a really beautiful soft grey and every time I use one of our own Bulls graze it Infini I'm like you know this is my favorite gray every time it changes and I just think I'm just gonna forever fall in love with their their colors they're beautiful I did end up going for marble on the center island and I'm really happy that I did I've had it sealed and I'm gonna continue to have it sealed on a yearly basis so that it doesn't soak up any of my makeup but so far I've been using it for about a week and there's not been any disasters with makeup however there is a way for however the day after I had this fitted I bought myself this 34 candle from dip teak and I felt like this was quite fitting for this room I really like the fragrance it's really sophisticated it's not too much and I wanted to get one of these really big Dipti candles for a while now I do get a little bit discount at Space NK so it was a little bit easier for me to make the purchase of such an expensive candle however this is ceramic and I just didn't think and I pop this straight on the marble and I slid it and the noise literally made me want to throw up I have unfortunately scratched my marble the second day I've had it so yeah I think it will be able to be buffed out and it's not too bad but it was definitely a learning curve and now I've got some little felt bottoms on the candle so that it doesn't scratch anymore but as you can see I'm burning it for the very first time in honor of you guys if any of you like this candle or you know fancier in your house I'll link it down below it's beautiful and probably one of my favorite fragrances from dipped eeek so this is the chandelier you would have seen this in my previous vlog I showed you this had gone up I didn't think I could find a chandelier as perfect as this for this room I love it absolutely love it and I think that it makes the room feel grand and special but isn't too over-the-top it's still quite sophisticated so I'm really happy with that and for a light of this size and actually this uniqueness it wasn't the worst priced light in the world I think I got it for just under 300 pounds unfortunately it was a shame that it wasn't maybe the best quality but looks wise it really does make such a huge impact in this room so as we come around here as you know these are not the decorative mirrors that will be in these doors they will be fitted on the 28th when this room is completely finished and I'll just show you in this one but I did go for the internal lighting in here so this is my little coat cupboard really happy with the lights in here I definitely knew that I needed to have lights in these wardrobes I'm just gutted but I didn't get them everywhere else now these are the stools that I've gone for and I got these from Atlantic something-or-other I'll link them down below they were about 100 pounds each I think that these are probably going to be a temporary chair in this room just because I think I'm probably gonna have to have special stools made because these are a little bit tight and I can't necessarily open this drawer which is my makeup drawer of crap I've got when my legs underneath so I think these will do for now but I will probably end up getting some made exactly how I want them and maybe something a little bit special as well for in here I'm so happy that I went for the two-person bar-style Beauty thing because it's just going to be so nice being able to get ready with my friends here and just having a more sociable space I am also thinking about putting like a mini-fridge in one of these cupboards but we'll get to that in a minute this is my little vanity area to be honest I I thought that I would have a big mirror on here but I didn't want to overpower the island so this one works really well this is the one that I've had for ages and it's really easy to use it doesn't get in the way and it fits with the aesthetic of the room really nicely then I've got my little brushes in there a new lip balm little sort of facial maintenance products and philosophy as well this is like a fragrance that I were really quite regularly because it's like really easy to wear I do find that with a lot of the diptych fragrances that there are a lot softer so that's my little vanity setup and then I have sort of everyday Beauty bits in here and just random crap and then all of my like makeup and stuff is in these drawers and I'll be organizing these and then going through all of these drawers with you in the final tour of everything so when I show you inside everywhere and how I've organized it this is also at the moment my beauty storage cupboard so there's lots of stuff in here just stored away again that'll be organized properly one of my favorite things though is these drawers around here I've got kind of like accessories drawers here which are really shallow Joss I've got my belts in here or my sunglasses laid out and I've got the same thing on this side here these are like my winter accessories now this is the sort of main focus of the room this is like the grand wardrobe area and this is kind of the only full height wardrobe that I have in here because this is obviously in the eaves and this is my main mirror I was so worried about this not being big enough when they told me the size of it I was like I just don't know if this is gonna be big enough I'm just not sure that actually it's perfect I don't need it any bigger in fact I often just do my hair in this one I put my little stool here and I've got plug sockets under here as you can see so can plug in my ghd's and just do my hair like that but in these wardrobes I have like all my dresses and jumpsuits and anything that kind of is floor-length so that's really quite special to have because when I had my rails I didn't really have them full-length so my dresses were always like crumpled on the floor which was so annoying really happy with this really happy with how like decorative it is and how grand it looks like when you get like certain angles because obviously these wardrobes aren't finished when you get like an angle like this it just looks incredible I love it so much now as you know this is like the open fronted storage so this will have cupboard doors on it but this will all be open fronted these three units and these three units here I didn't pick unfortunately this color it was what was delivered and obviously that was quite a big thing and initially I was really worried about it but I personally and this is just my personal feeling on this I really like the contrast of the marble and the grey with the warmer toned wood I think it makes this room feel warmer which I really don't want this to feel like a cold and uninviting space in the winter time which is what we're moving into now I'm actually really happy with how it looks at the moment would have loved a choice but I feel like on this occasion it just kind of worked out I had initially thought that I wanted either the gray or the dark like mahogany style wood or walnut I think they call it and I realized that if I went for the walnut interiors I would have had to go for a very very dark floor and I think that would have made this room feel really small whereas how it is at the moment makes it feel really nice and spacious but inviting as well now behind this unit it's slightly shallower my radiator is behind there this hasn't been peeled off yet and this is where the heat comes out of the radiator is on at the moment and I can honestly say that actually this room is really warm so I'm hoping that that extends into the winter months because this is one of those rooms that can get quite cold and can get quite warm but I think that this is going to be fine I was a little bit worried I didn't want to be moving radiators and at the end of there really wasn't anywhere that the radiator could go without offsetting the symmetry of the room so yeah I'm hoping that I'm not going to be freezing otherwise I'm gonna have to get one of those hot to cold Dyson fans so this is the sort of main viewing point of the room and honestly I am just over the moon with how it's come out the floor looks beautiful it's the closest I'm gonna get to sort of a Parisian apartment feeling floor and I'm so so happy with that now you'll see that when you come down to this end and you turn round you can even see my stuff that I'm packing outside of the door so I had to take that out of the room because I'm packing at the moment but as you come to this side of the room it's obviously a little bit of a different story these two wardrobes are not finished now this was always going to be this way they need to be made once everything is fitted because they are so dependent on like the dimensions being right but this wardrobe here I had the sort of border follow it the whole way around so it goes inside and across the front of the door here this is where I'm going to be storing a lot of rubbish basically as you can see I've got my suitcases in there at the moment those are sort of all of the different sizes I generally need four trips and then I've got some bags some new in products that I haven't really sorted through there I've got my wedding dress I've got gowns that are in there which actually don't fit in the long ones all my clothes and some other bits and bobs but this will also be fitted out with the decorative doors that you can see here so when I look in the mirror down here you'll see all of the decorative doors behind me so you won't see these big dark corners this I've said before I don't really know what I'm gonna do it I might use it to like fold t-shirts and softer more delicate Kashmir's and things like that and put them in there because my beauty storage behind there works really really well I have said it before about this room but it really made me appreciate it when I was in the back bedroom how glad I am that my room is up here because none of these windows are able to be like seen into so they just open up the trees they're all like focused on the sky and no one can see in so I can just fake tan and walk around naked to my heart's content in here it's great and now that it's all like coming together and my vision has like been made a reality Jessa's help with this has been unwavering so a huge shout out to Jess from Studio Blair for helping with all the colors and the floors she literally sorted this marble and the marble for our dining room herself and it was the one thing that was like the quickest to get sorted so thank you Jessa sorting now as for the company I used I found them to be really good making the kind of wardrobe that I would want the only thing that I found slightly difficult was dealing with them I kind of from the outset it kind of felt like they I don't know maybe thought that I didn't I didn't I couldn't afford to get the wardrobe that I wanted and that made me feel a bit weird from the offset then obviously when they charged me a hundred percent upfront I don't think that that's a position any customer should be put in if I'm being perfectly honest especially following all of the problems that we've had with it I mean they're not problems that they're not willing to sort out obviously apart from the word but it never should have been like that you as a customer should have a point where you feel comfortable like yes you paid 50% up front but you shouldn't have to pay the second 50% before it's finished and I think that that is something that I will hope that they will look at in the future because that made me feel extremely uncomfortable as a customer and I have no doubt it has made and will make other people feel uncomfortable as well but that is kind of the finished look at my dressing room and oh my god this has been so hard I have been wanting this to be finished for so long and obviously it isn't quite finished but it will be in no time at all and then we can go through absolutely everything in this room but I really wanted you to see how it was looking aesthetically and how it was and what we through and how easy it was and how happy we are but on the whole I'm just glad that it's all pretty much well I can be in here now and I feel like I've got a really good filming space for doing makeup so I've got a really good filming space for doing it like outfits and outfits of the day but stuff on Instagram stories that's kind of you know why I wanted this to be an easy and workable space so yeah I'd love to know what you think in the comments below and I would love to know if you found like this kind of format of the video helpful I feel very very lucky to have this as my own and this is something that as you know a child you kind of dream to have something like this and I know that for some people this is like very normal and they probably think that it's quite I don't know distasteful to talk about these things but for me this isn't what I grew up with I didn't grow up with a dressing room for that matter and this is all quite exciting for me so I am hopeful and I'm quietly confident that this doesn't come off as bragging this is me wanting more than anything to just be informative and show you about how I found it and I know that I've had a lot of messages from girls are thinking about using the same company that I use so hopefully this is a little bit of a helpful kind of like feedback video if anything at all I hope but that kind of is a little bit of a disclaimer because I feel like this definitely does need it sometimes I'm like this doesn't need a disclaimer I feel like this one definitely does and three important to me that you know this isn't a breeding ground for any negativity this is a video that I think is quite a nice video to make personally and you know oh my god I still remember the first time I saw Claire's dressing room I was so proud like so proud I can't believe that that was her dressing room and so for me it's really nice to be able to call this my own dressing room and I would hope the same kind of happiness that I have shown my friends in the past is kind of why I would receive back but anyway I will hopefully see you in my next video if you don't hate me now that I've showed you this but I am going to run out the door cause I've got lots to do today but I hope that you enjoyed having a look around my new dressing room I will see you hopefully in my next video bye
Channel: Lydia Elise Millen
Views: 513,533
Rating: 4.7856207 out of 5
Id: rq_iIul3daE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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