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I spent all evening tidying my kitchen so I could wake up and come in here and just enjoy it [Music] good morning everyone oh I love nothing more than a fresh layered tan lydia staring back at me in the morning hello you good morning everyone I've taken a few days of vlogging and been just sort of getting a lot of things sorted I've signed off something to send something to do with the brand to what my brand to print so fingers crossed that's all ready to kind of go which is nerve-racking really nerve-wracking because literally I've seen yeah it's just it's a lot and I'm really know this but I'm also really excited so and yeah we're like working on other things at the moment as well but yeah it's just one of those times isn't it where you just it's so uncertain but I know that I'm not going to grow from feeling complacent I'm not going to grow as a human by always doing the same things and I have to be scared of things in order to grow as a human so it's a good thing that I'm scared and I'm nervous that's a good thing and we've also had like progress with other things that we've been working on both alli and I as like a separate thing to what we do online and so it was a really exciting week last week and we had a little cheers with a glass of wine and it was lovely so yeah it's a good it's a good time but I appreciate that not everything should be shared on online and it's probably not the time for me to be sharing anything else so in terms of what we're doing aside from that so in this video last night basically I spent my evening tidying and cleaning my kitchen because I just wanted it to be wonderful for when I woke up in the morning and just walked in there and it made me feel so good and positive and happy and so I'm kind of gonna continue that I've bought a few little home bits as well for dressing things up because the thing with my house now is that aside from like the games room it's pretty much done we've had a few cons tations via phone obviously with regards to our garden as well we've kind of learned a lot about the garden so we're going to chat about that because I want to get all of my garden furniture ready I know that my dining table out there needs a big clean we need to get the parasol out and the cushions and things like that and just give everything a good clean down so it's a little bit of a home haul a little bit of a sort of research and a bit of a tidy and just some feel good home stuff because this is the stuff I do when I'm like I need to feel homey and happy and content and everything because we're obviously if there are multiple people who make our house work and you need to have like gardeners in our house you need to have like a cleaner and stuff for that and we don't have those so Ali and I are now learning how to do it all ourselves and it's really quite interesting how we're doing at the moment we come up with this kind of method of basically every night when we finish work now we clean a room and we do it together and it's so quick and it means that you're constantly working through things that you're never kind of dragging your feet because it happened so quickly like if you do the whole house it's a lot and it means that things kind of tick over so yes working quite well my nails oh my goodness my nails need doing so badly but I'm at that point where you like it was exciting when I first did it and it's not really that exciting anymore is it so they look disgusting and they're so long that like I'm touching things and they're bending you know when a nail bends no I also had some like I had some boxes arrived as I'm still in my dressing gown I had some boxes arrived from Rhys basically I had my stuff arrived for a project I'm working on but I was worried it wasn't gonna arrive so I just ordered a load of stuff from there as well so I'm gonna send back whatever I like got cheap look at self but I know that I ended up buying way more because I just love this stuff I've also got a load of boxes I honestly I feel like a lot of like birthday gifts have been arriving late and I haven't been opening them because I'm working so much during the day and everyone thinks that work isn't work with what we do but I have been working a lot during the day so I've just kind of like pushing boxes - one thing I'm like I'll deal with it later and they've kind of mounted up and like I always say I don't want to just sit here and unbox things so we are gonna be doing some some stuff today and it is supposed to be a very very beautiful day here in the UK and that fills me with so much joy and so much happiness I want to put on a pretty summer dress and I want to enjoy my home and just feel good one of the things that I've been doing also on my Instagram I don't know and if you follow me on Instagram and I hate to always like a plug my other platforms I have been sharing a lot of the things that have been inspiring me recently because I went away and I and I took all of your feedback on board about the whole tick-tock thing and I actually feel like for me I'm I'm inspired that's when I work my best when I'm inspired and the one place that inspires me is Pinterest and I've never really understood how you use Pinterest to its full capacity I just use it in the way that it most inspired me and that's through written words and home and interiors and I feel like I've learned a lot about interiors from Pinterest so I've started sharing my little mood boards from Pinterest to my Instagram account so that people can see what I'm like doing and what I like but also quotes that speak to me and so I thought that I mean I probably I'll probably forget that I've been doing this and I've said I'm gonna do this but when I remember I want to share the quotes that I've been talking about on my channel because what on my Instagram because they really like they lift me up and I know that they lift a lot of you guys up as well so I thought maybe you might want to hear so this one is better a long one today sometimes they're short sometimes that long but this one is called I think it's brave and it says I think it's brave you get up in the morning even if your soul is weary and your bones ache for a rest I think it's brave you keep on living even if you don't know how to anymore I think it's brave that you push away the waves rolling in every day and you decide to fight I know there are days when you feel like giving up I think it's brave that you never do and that's by Lana Rafaela and honestly I think I just I loved it so I wanted to share that with you oh my ID TV has just went up so I'm just going to push that live quickly I've been working on that once I've been getting ready so multitasking okay one failed attempt at the IG TV but it's up and I'm gonna link them as well because I don't know if I've told you about this on here if I have please just let me know but what I've been doing is a few little get ready with me whilst I'm obviously in self-isolation I basically do my makeup with you in the morning but also show you my outfit for that day this is the most recent one and this dress is from sleep I wore in my last video and it's just that would my tell me fYI this dress is just the most beautiful dress and it's just gorgeous and I wore in my last video but it makes me very happy so if you want to go and see me do a little sunset golden eye then it's all over there basically mr. Milind Gordon has a boot full of food and he is backing up into the house oh look at the light in here such a dream as you can see I haven't had a chance to get into those boxes yet so I'm still in my dressing gown I'm gonna get all this piss away you're just kind of stocking up and we're still not able to get any delivery slots on and stuff so we're Ali's having to go and do a food shop like in shop which is obviously not ideal because we don't want to be going to the future places at the moment but then we know that everyone's kind of doing their best and just creating systems so that we're as safe as possible so I managed to get me gluten-free flour I can go back to baking stuff that isn't gonna make me poorly this makes me so happy my little refillable jars straight away because things that you sort of the small things that make you happy nowadays like being able to get a flower like once all of those small things are taken away you begin to appreciate those little things just a little bit more and it's actually very lovely you can be gluten-free flour babe oh that quick hey should we have him Huff her anyway got me chocolate didn't he yes go team oh the ginger puree okay that's fine talking me up on my wine - we've got the mud house we've got some Jamshed but apparently everyone's been raving about this one this 19 crimes so I think that'll be getting both be a lovely weekend try leave are going straight in the wine fridge this little contraption here makes me very happy especially now that it works right I need somewhere safe to set you up I'm just gonna rummage in these boxes quickly I'm not looking to to do it I sort of hole with you not yet anyway so in this little package I've got like three hits ones the Reese order that I made and one is sent from the brand this I believe it's from a brand called the dolls house and I followed this brand on Instagram her I probably say the best part of but you know like three years maybe on and off but I have known about this from the yardie lifetime and they offered to send me some items from their collection and they have such beautiful items I just thought this suit ah such a gorgeous little I think these might be too late for me no I'm going to try them on this is like a little suit get up I'm going to put them to one side and then oh this is so beautiful this is a little skirt and top set which is real silver it gives me kind of goddess vibes but I will link their website and their instagraming description box because this stuff is just gorgeous and I'll try and get a picture of me in this for Instagram so obviously I'm sharing pretty much like daily outfits and I'm just getting dressed up and loving getting dressed up and it's just yeah it's lovely I it makes me feel nice just putting something nice on even if I don't wear it the whole day and it's not too comfortable to wear on the house it's just nice putting something nice on and it makes me feel good so I've been fully in in doing that I'm gonna try this suit on as well because I think it's something that you need to really get a feel for all there's a choker well pop that to one side now I'm going to get my dress on for the day but it's in one of these three items and I leave that all items I've ordered myself so I'll just send those ones back from my order I think I ordered 17 items from Brees oh I'm glad I got it in beautiful it's like a little mint Wow as you can see I ordered the black dress I also ordered yep so I wanted this which is Albert is Albert whatever it is I ordered two of those so that there might be a box and then also this jumpsuit I've ordered Rosalyn that's Adrian Rosa it's got two different names here hey maybe I didn't order that one oh my goodness then because I wanted this oh I'm so confused so this is the jumpsuit this is the jumpsuit that I wanted so they've sent the dress at the top which is not what I wanted I want poop sticks so that I'll keep I'll send back to them right let's get this dress on because I need to get dressed making me feel anxious being set so this I thought would be such an easy to wear linen dress and also I don't have to worry about tidying it's hiding I got to worry about ruining it because it's black so it always also think that you need some black linen white linen is my like Savior black is the practical one but my whole life is just I just love linen linen of my obsession [Music] I think it's safe to say that those doors are getting opened up today because it is glorious I am going to open the home bit by purchased I don't know what these are going to be like I hope they're nice but let's see so the first thing that I've unboxed are the these little sets of three I think it's acacia wood it's how you say it please correct me in the comments if it's not but and I bought these box little ball it's little balls on the internet and I thought that these would be really lovely for our like wine a wine and cheese nights we can put little bits of olive oil in them little olives and crisps and things that actually don't have a lot of these little serving bowls and I think that these are very very beautiful so I've got two sets of these which will come in really handy I'll leave them in the description box down below for you and I'm actually on the hunt for bigger ones as well like I wanted some big ones for these cubby holes in here I'm not I'm not certain these may go back so I wanted to bring a bit more glue to the bowls like similar to the violin yeah sorry my mind instantly goes wild with like ideas I think it's gonna look really nice in here and there should be little makes such a nice little salad bowl or a big pasta bowl when we're having like lunches in the garden and stuff like that so I really really like this I'm happy that these one these were expensive but I think they go really well I did get two but I don't know if I need - so let me know what you think let's move this cutaway because I was thinking of getting some bigger bowls like these to potentially go in these shelves as well but this one could go in the middle well it is sunny and bright out here I thought I'd come and talk you through some things in the garden I mean I think I might be biting off more than I can chew a little bit at the moment but I just want to get cracking on this this patio and alleys gonna be pressure washing it so I don't know whether to just like give him a helping hand put on my trainers and just kind of help him out a little bit and give it a sweet he says he's gonna pressure wash this as well but I'm gonna get him to get the parasol out today because it just looks sad I also want to get this like a little lazy susan to go on top of it I think that'd be really nice but yeah as mentioned we had a little discussion phone call with a landscape garden and we like took him around the garden on like FaceTime and we realized very very quickly that actually not very quickly at all he spent a very long time on it and it's probably gonna cost us too much I think kind of with everything that we find in this house it's gonna cost us too much to put right the things so it should have been done initially like the lawn being leveled off and things like that that could have been done and in order to do that it's gonna be quite a lot of work in order to put the little thing that we wanted to put in like I love that but in order to connect it to this patio so that it's like accessible it's just gonna cost way too much we'd have to put in like walls and things like that and it's just as sad but it's something that we can live without the cost of we can live without it it's just something that would have been nice if it was feasible but it's just not feasible so unfortunately no outdoor fireplace for Lydia which is sad but what we're gonna do is sort the patio out because the patio is going to cost us a lot as it is we were thinking potentially do it redoing the patio and getting a different slate put down because this is not what we would go for but I think that might cost a bit much as well we're going to look into it and have a think and what we what we think we're going to do is just give this a massive spruce up big jet wash I want to find some old like planters some stone planters I've been looking on Facebook marketplace but some sort of stone planters I'd like to get like probably four of them so I need to find a bit of a set of four because you get them so much cheaper on there which is just brilliant so that's the kind of thing that I want to be able to do is to like find old things and use them here because that's the beauty of where we live because we've got like this obviously our house is new and that we've got this like everything around it is quite old so it does sort of lend itself quite well all right mate it does sort of lend itself quite well just combine the two especially in the outside area so I've got stuff all over my feet but yeah it's just making me sad that my patio is not ready and we've got this beautiful Sun at the moment so I think what I'll do is I'll probably change out of my Reece dress because this is probably too nice to be doing gardening work I don't know and I don't really want to get strap marks so I'll put one of my little band o band Oh boohoo dresses on that I use for sundresses although I'm worried it might fall down when I'm like moving my arms and stuff so anyway what we what we're thinking about doing let me show you because I've never really shown you sort of like down the side of the house so yeah I think what we might do it because we've got two areas of wind chip we might keep like this one because just in case there's a family after us in this house and they want a little wood chip area maybe we'll keep that one but we are going to turf over this one well we're kind of going to turn the soil over and allow the the wildness to sort of take it over we're going to get rid of this path because that's not really necessary at all probably maybe extend this buteo as well a little bit and make this sort of the barbecue area maybe and then just let it sort of be a bit wild down here is the place that I'm sort of focused on now though I really want to get this area sorted can you see down there you can a little courtyard down there that's what we want to sort of them focus on we'd also love to put a little outbuilding there because we are finding that we're needing an outbuilding a little bit more and more and that's just a little shed for the spiders yeah I'd quite like to put some put an outbuilding somewhere but it's so difficult round here so I don't know but yeah I think I'm gonna give this a little bit of a brush and I'm very excited for all of these weeds to be gone at some point as well this is exciting my rosebush is getting very close to flowering all over this little sort of pergola pergola pergola punk burger thing of what so that should flower soon I think and all of this stuff is coming to life so it's lovely Oh looks like the birds done done Ally again I also maybe want to try and get some things that will grow up the house I think if we could get something like imagine something growing up this little area it'd make it a lot more sympathetic as well to the area what go let me know what plants grow sort of quite quickly because we've got some that are growing on the side of the house in fact let me put some shoes on let's go around there I'll show you them obviously I don't show you the front of my house obvious reasons I will say inside and one of the other reasons we can't do this is because we need to redo the walls for our gates because they're basically like falling down again another job not done properly look there's definitely a spider's web there let's go different reach by the way my wreath still smells amazing smells amazing so these are the plants that we've got that are being sort of trained to climb up our house and we've got another one down here let me show you you've been being horrible to people as usual yes you could go so yeah we've got it over here so if you think about it we've been here for two years and the people that were here before give me mummy some coca-cola hmm yeah so if you think about it these have been up for a while and in two years even if this is all they've grown in two years it's not really a lie is it and so we kind of want a little bit something that's going to grow a bit quicker but yeah maybe I'll go and do some gonna do some Instagram stories I think on the home account and see what everyone's thinking look at this bush as well ah these beautiful purple flowers when this blooms it's just amazing it looks incredible I can't wait yes so let me know what you think especially if you know anything about like climbing climbing plants or anything like that let me know and also if you know of any way that's good to get stone parts like I really want them to be sewing because obviously what we're saving in what we're not doing in the garden I can spend some money to have nice pots because I think that's really important like big stone planters on the patio and I think that all at least sort of give it a little bit of a douche you won't believe it but I've just had another delivery of flowers these were again from the Elizabeth Arden team and they're another bunch of peonies I think that because they were late I think one of the girls from Arden was a bit upset so maybe they sent another bunch just in case leaked there the other ones didn't arrive so I'm combining them all because these ones are sadly not making it very far do a little bit thirds so I'm gonna combine all of the peonies into one small bars here and pop them somewhere [Music] well I've been putting this off all day and the Sun is starting to get low I've also been looking on all of the sort of reclaimed things and I definitely think we need an urn there and an urn there and I've spoken to my gardener when he comes back I'm gonna be getting because I asked on Instagram stories for climbing recommendations and people said wisteria or what's it called a clematis climbing clematis but he thinks I'll like either of those they also said a climbing hydrangea but he didn't think I'd like that so we're gonna look at those so basically I'm gonna start sweeping the patio because it looked friendís but then tomorrow it should be getting pressure washed by mr. Menon Gordon very excited well I've got my cardigan on a little bit chilly now but it definitely looks a lot better what are you doing I can't do any more I got calluses on my hand yeah I've done two like here and I started here I also needed you to move this because I can't move that you said that you weren't working late tonight so come on but yeah it's looking a lot better and you know what I was a bit sort of like deflated the other day because I was thinking that we were going to need to have a new patio but you know what this patio is lovely it just looked really shabby because it was covered in all of this dirt like look at all of this dirt and that's not even half of it it just needs to get all of the grout sort of cleaned up once that's done and once we get these little pots to go either side here it's gonna look bloomin lovely also when the cushions are out when the Paracel is it's going to look lovely so yeah I'm feeling really good let me just grab my water bottle I need to start making some dinner now and but I've got calluses on my hands I'm not cut out for this to be honest oh my gosh I've got blister I'm gonna put lots of hydrating moisturizer cuz I do not want to get calluses oh and I've taken the skin off there one of the troubles are gonna be like alone having to do a whole day's work but no it would be with confidence and made me a lot happier I think I was feeling a little bit deflated about the patio because you never want to pay to have something done like redone when it kind of looks alright still but now that I've given it a bit of a spruce it's I am just that here researching recipes but I'm gonna make tonight and the door has just gone oh right opening my birthday present how what's the date say 22nd of April it remains better for a pen oh yeah because they'll come with all of their like tiny little work I take when I openings got the wax seal and love things that come with a wax phenol that's something I wish me done on our wedding invite donal wax seal let's get married again yeah alright I want to see yeah I see what this is all about very box key magic only it's like that the wrong color oh wow if heavy yes real silver oh well that is very smart and then you screw like your oh yeah to get the refill ends oh you know I'll use the one that got said running practice just doing [Applause] [Music] I hope it makes me right like a dream like the work time writing it works it works with very light on my how I reuse that no I can't you guys were you watch everything I like the blue the blue bit on the tip gonna be they're gonna be able to see it it was standing the line they take to the window you'll actually see it you can see a little bit good I love it thank you so much babe so we've established that I'm gonna spend the evening in the kitchen and I'm gonna cook us loads of meals and do a big old batch Kirk and Allie is going to finish off sweeping the patio for me because I've actually got a blister on my hand look at that once he's done the patio he's going to go into the bedroom and tidy the bedroom and he was like oh no I've not put on the bed sheets no sigh oh don't worry is we've got another set anyways I know no but he's an under sheet hasn't gone on and I was that always like you know what do you know why it didn't happen I was like why but he said because I went into the bedroom to get the other pillowcases and I got distracted because I made lumia den love the insight into how his brain works but yeah this is getting a clean today cuz we're implementing our new cleaning method for tackling the house right I've been searching for some recipes but I think that I generally have the same ingredients so I'm gonna do the pasta sauce that I made because I loved that how nice was that hummingbirds good you chase no he wants a little Jimmy right Jimmy bride I love how you make up your own cockney rhyming slang they've disappeared into the underground anyway yes I'm gonna make pasta sauce I also need to bake with these bananas I know that the whole world and their dog are making banana bread I have been trying to search for something different but pretty much if you've got ripe bananas you make banana bread and that's about it so I'm gonna do that and just click loads and loads of veg and get us lots of goodness to eat yes so I'm gonna make probably my root vegetable hot part the vegetable pasta sauce and I think that's probably it oh there's a minestrone that I can make as well yeah maybe I'll make up in Australia as well might as well 3 dish and gosh I'm flying off more than I could choose just everything so quick in the Thermomix it's so easy anyway this is my little mini cooking station we're doing the first part of the recipe and this is the onions I think they're just being sort of like sauteed I don't have guts yeah sauteing I think that's how you say it I have no idea but that's the little cooking station [Music] as you know I cook with the Thermomix and I also cooked using the BT secret food I personally for me the Thermomix is like the like cooking without brains I find the BBC good food quite confusing oh yeah I find it quite confusing because you get some real recipes on there I make a asparagus risotto so easily and I tried to make a butternut squash risotto from the BBC good food and honestly it was the most pardon my french a recipe I've ever tried to do and I just ended up ruining it clothes poured in loads of wine I'd like to screw it but yeah it was just sometimes you just get plead with a really kind of compliment complicate what are supposed to be quite simple recipes and obviously I'm just noting because I but I just find this thing I know it's gonna be really noisy tomorrow but it's um I just find it so easy like it just tells me what to do and I'm like oh yeah yeah and it's kind of like failsafe and you don't have to spend hours chopping because it does it will for you and it literally does everything step by step obviously it's limiting in other aspects because there's only so many recipes on the app and I use the cookie do app you pay a subscription for it that's why I never gonna give my recipes it just tells me what to do in the Thermomix I don't know how you would translate that onto a normal heart but yeah so any other I just do a little run down there right next recipe now I might actually do two of these I might do a butternut-squash one and potato one I've never done a potato one but we've got lots potatoes the work what we heard you also have a lot of butternut squash [Music] this is the pile of veg for the next dish that is chiming away because it's ready and mr. Ben Gordon is sweeping the patio honestly I cannot tell you how good this vegetable pasta sauce is it's one of my favorite favorite sources that I've ever had honestly so it's so good and I just basically decant into dishes I'm going to do two so that it will be two portions per one pot bring you down a little bit like this gonna pop the lids on and let gonna cool down and now the next dish oh my go actually no I've got to wash up the thingy should really get another one that is a lot of cooking I have cooked three meals I only have two to show for myself because we ate one of them which was a butternut squash and chickpea pasta I've also got a banana bread in the oven this is Victoria's recipe I took it from her blog I'll link it down below I saw her make this in one of her videos and I thought that sounded better than mine so hello sorry I'm like well at the moment yes what why you just walked into that you silly sausage you walk into the dishwasher if you need you want coconut oil daily yes you did like I know you already have a spoon in this one this is lumi special one girl good girl danny yet good job I'm gonna disinfect these surfaces now I pay off filthy feel free it's literally like nothing ever happened except for those top aware boxes that need to get put away the banana bread is out at the oven and it's cold I think I may have over it just a little bit I took out the first five minutes because I know that I have a really strong oven it looked good I was just I just thought just walk it back in for another eight and this is my problem I do this all the time didn't need another a so I'm hoping that is still enough kind of moisture in there but Ali and I are gonna do the taste test now so but Ashley looks darker on camera I think he's way he's not actually burned it's just a dark brown it's like a oh it's like a chocolate brown it definitely isn't black I'll show you in the morning okay because this is this is doing me here on this camera it does it is not a charred log I always had the end of it I want the crunchy there I love it looks great yeah he's clean in the shower so I'm gonna do the taste test without so this is way more like bready but with just enough sweetness to kind of an unlike texture to just satisfy your sugar craving because if you think about it the sweet things that are in this are the honey and the bananas and that's a that's about it so it's no sugar there's no flour so this should be pretty pretty good not good well maybe good for you because it's got coconut and almonds and cacao nibs and lemon I like it I really like it I think that this is actually a really good option if you don't want to have like actual cake um very broad one good afternoon everyone oh my gosh it's such a busy morning I need to put all my jewelry back on I've just been filming a video for Bulgari I just read upset oh my gosh I'm putting everything away and tidying everything away it was a big old like hole of clothing and rece bits and beautiful bits and a beautiful handbags but I had to take off on like all my jewelry understandably because Bulgari it has their own jewelry line and set to take all off and this reminds me that I still need to put all my jewelry on from when I had my laser treatment so let's get that back on today is a good day because I've just had a phone call from the framers and it's also an art place and basically I've been trying to get hold of them they've been trying to get hold of me I put two pictures in to be framed whilst well before all of this happened basically let me just get my screw to screw these on and he phoned me and I don't know what's wrong with my mailbox at the moment my mailbox doesn't work so he was phoning me and I and he wasn't getting through to me and I didn't know when he phoned and I didn't have their number and it was all a bit of a nightmare oh cool and then he just rang me today he was like um we've been missing each other and I was like yes we have he's like I'm gonna drop your art off to you is that okay and I was like that's perfect oh my gosh so and he's gonna be jumping my new our twitch oh my gosh these frames I spent so much money on the frames because for me framing something is so important I'm actually so annoyed that I didn't take my large fancy room filled with crafting that I got made into a little print I'm annoyed I didn't take that to be framed so he's gonna be dropping off I haven't eaten all day not because I'm not trying to eat but you know when you're like really busy and you just don't have time this Chinook is it is a Chinook Wow they do you know what she looks remind me of the BFG have you seen the BFG it's when they like fly the giant in oh it's yeah reminding me of my childhood the patio is also currently being pressure washed but my lovely husband and so that's all gonna be ready for the weekend I cannot wait for a glass of wine tomorrow you have no idea but this is turning into a little bit of a home haul and the garden is almost ready in terms of like just getting out there and everything being perfect so that's really really exciting so my little wedding necklace and my rose quartz I need to put on surprised I haven't really felt that I've not been wearing my Rouge cause the lovely shot isn't it hi guys it looks like a bombs gone off in that cupboard we go yourself look I'm still wearing the Bulgari necklace now for my rose cause it's probably well I mean all of my pieces of jewelry mean so much to me like that's why I don't take them off they're not like they're not fashion things to me jewelry isn't fashion every piece of my jewelry means something and has like sentimental value and that's why I'm like I'm always happy to spend money on jewelry because for me all of my jewelry means just it just all has a little bit of meaning and I bought it for a reason even my husband bought it for me or I bought it no funny story I ended up getting two bunches of very beautiful pink peonies from the Elizabeth Arden team and they are still going strong like must be over a week now and then I got my third box of flowers from one company this is called flower box I've never had flowers from them before and I opened them and I was like oh my goodness have they sent me a third Bunch and I thought when if the gardener sent me another bunch of actually it's from the team at me and N and that's just so sweet of them oh that's so nice and it's funny enough I've actually got a dress that I was wearing today I'm I'm currently in my Reis one because I put it on for a picture but I've got a dress that I was wearing earlier and I'm gonna go put it back on because it was so comfortable and obviously this one needs to be washed cuz I actually wore it yesterday let me go put that dress back on so I can show you at least not because they've sent me peony but I was genuinely wearing it a pinky promise and then I wore it in the hall that I filmed today as well this is the me and I'm dress that I was telling you about it's a really nice kind of white jersey material but there must be some linen and in it I think it feels like it's got kind of like a linen jersey mix or something but this is so comfortable like even more comfortable than the rece one because this one is softer than the linen even though I love like the full linen one comes in black as well and it doesn't look like it would be quite see-through by generally just wear nude underwear and you just you can't see anything so perhaps that's the key to this dress but I don't know but I think it's really cute and perfect for wearing around the house because it fits my criteria for a summer dress hello I have literally just spent the best part of an hour freaking out but I couldn't find these because I was sure that I put them in that handbag there and when I looked in there can't see them it's because they were hidden by the bloomin authenticity card we found them so back on my risk they can go and oh my gosh I'm doing my nails today right I'm collecting all my things cause tonight's video is that they're alive I all say please do the dishwasher he'd washing machine but very excitingly two things have just arrived and I'm so excited a listening to the lighthouse family so I'm trying to drown it out with my voice oh wow the patio is all done I need to clean my table look at that little guy run it across the grass I think is that a grouse or a female pheasant I think it's a female pheasant oh the patio looks Mae thing oh wow like all of the stones have been cleaned it looks like new oh well so I just need to give this a little clean down get all of the cushions out this makes me very very happy I was honestly I know I said this the other day I was just so convinced that we had to have a new patio laid and this patio again just like everything with this house hasn't been laid great but it still looks wonderful it does it's still such a wonderful patio so I'm happy look at these I need to get them out there the the plastic I can't this makes me want to cry they look so perfect in their frames oh let's get them out let's get them out so this is the print from Brian Hanlon and this is in a handmade and hand painted frame oh my gosh this is gold leaf that's been brushed into it for me when I find art I love framing it is the fun part like I love love love finding the most perfect and the most complementary frame if that sounds like such a geeky thing but I really really do it just it brings it to life and then like ties it in with your home as well ah it's so perfect now let's get this little guy unwrapped well well well part of me really wants to put this one underneath the window there on the stairs because I think it'll tie the gold one at the box at the top of the third floor first floor starts third floor I always think of it's three floors but its basement ground first I've had both of these framed with art glass as well which is really important I didn't even realize how important this was but it means that you're able to actually see the paintings and prints or whatever properly you can see them better there's no reflections off lights and off of windows and things like that I've also had them double mounted in fact I had this one single mounted but this one I went for a double mount because I was feeling booty apparently Oh makes me just want to go and buy more art now mm-hmm Oh Ali's got a new pair of trainers we're just gonna try and see what this one looks like where I was thinking that because it's walls just a little bit bare but it's strange because there's a window there so it's better an odd one oh it's lovely I I honestly think that looks great for the sake of the vlog let us know in the comments which yeah but that's me it's more of like a sort of I think the other one yeah yeah I think it's lost that one pops on this um on the thingy alright muscles actually does look nice sure oh yeah yeah how is it nicely actually never for having a piece of art there I know I thought I hate it I just like they bring me so much joy I love them to see them all the time yeah yeah yeah no definitely I can't tell you how excited that made me when he's jumping up yeah it's good ah lovely well hanging though the picture is up and looking very beautiful we're now out in the garden we've got to try and get all of this back onto the patio look how good the patio looks oh my goodness looks like we've got a new one yes I've got my dressing going on because it's a little bit chilly out here so I'm gonna put you down there give a you're helping her [Music] and I are sitting in the garden having a brainstorm about what we're gonna do in the garden very garden heavy this this blog I have lost all track of time here's 10 past 9:00 and I have just finished doing my nails it feels amazing to not have long nails oh I cannot tell you how much I hate having long nails but it takes so long oh I take my hat off to every nail technician everywhere you make this look so easy and it is taking me about 3 hours to do not even a proper manicure third time anyway I'm gonna get all of this stuff away and bask in the glory that is my nice fresh nails Oh for those that may ask I have the C and D there chemise on my nails this is my lamp as well I got it from Amazon and it's really good because you charge up and it's cordless so I've been using this at my dining table and it's been working great I thought that I would just show you my nails and sign off of this vlog because it has been one of those vlogs where apparently I have verbal diarrhea and it all comes out in this video and apologize for that so yeah I'm gonna quickly sign off and pick up my vlogging camera for a very wine field weekend I will see you in my next video thank you so much for watching you
Channel: Lydia Elise Millen
Views: 437,511
Rating: 4.7507362 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 12sec (3132 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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