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good morning I am actually pretty much ready for the day it's a Sunday and my husband is away and I've had the weekend to myself and it's been a little bit of a dream I'm not gonna lie I love my husband but I've had quite a nice weekend just chilling out at home and having a bit of me time you know it's also been a little bit dramatic if you follow me on Twitter and Instagram you might see me talking about buzz the night that I'd have to go on his trip he woke up at 4:00 a.m. walked out of the door and saw one of our cats disappear downstairs and he was like okay and then he looked and he was like oh but our cat is there and the other cat is locked in our bedroom so whose cat was that so he came back in he's like babe there's a cat in our house we've never ever had a cat in our house and actually we usually have the cat flap locked but he kept it on in only so obviously the cats go out in the garden and in our grounds and at the end of the evening we turn it to in only so when they come in they can't go back out and they go to bed because our cats are on the same sleep cycle as us which is so nice obviously sometimes they get a little bit Restless in the night and that's when I am tired so anyway you went down the cat was in my office and it was a Bengal cat literally looked so similar to leave me it was scary the only difference was the this cat's rosettes were a lot smaller than Lumi so Leaney has quite big rosettes these ones are quite small obviously we don't have collars on our cats because a they wouldn't keep the ones that come off on they just kept losing them and secondly if you put the ones that stay on they can hurt themselves so our cats chipped but they don't have collars this cat didn't have a collar and everyone where we live has cats and we haven't seen everyone's cats but a lot of them are like Maine Coons and like quite beautiful cats so we just assumed stupidly that it was one of our neighbors cats it wasn't and this cat after I just tweeted about it was so bizarre like of all of the places to end up a Bengal cat ends up in our house so I tweeted about it and Ali posted a picture that he took of the cat with in half and someone's friend had contacted me to say that they thought that the cat was her friends and basically it was obviously we'd let him go she came over to my house I spent three to four hours with her trying to find buzz we couldn't find him but I was confident that he was going to come back so she ended up going back to work and I just was vigilant left food in the house and just kind of waited for him he came back just before I went out I couldn't get him in the house but I let her know she came back to try and find him but he didn't come out so what I said I would do is that I closed all of the windows turn the cat flaps in only leave food in there and hope that when I got back from seeing my friends he would be in there sure enough when I opened the door I had a mighty crash it wasn't like anything breaking although he did break one of our picture frames it was one of the medicine balls in the gym falling over and buzz was in the house so she was obviously less I was like frantically texting her like oh my god so he stayed the night ours he was absolutely fine and she picked him up in the morning and honestly was the most special thing I think I've ever seen as soon as he because we weren't sure if it was buzz there's a few bangles that apparently got missing were in the local area and she wasn't sure and when he saw her I cried this is the one thing about bangles they are such special cats that's why we got two of them they're a handful and obviously I know that I was speaking in my last video about me being tired and I want you guys to know as well that I'm never speaking about being tired in a moaning sense it's more about I'm just letting you know that if I'm not on my a-game right now it's probably because I'm a little bit tired I'm not saying I'm more tired than you are I'm not saying that I'm the most tired person in the world and that you know other people can possibly be more tired than me I'm never saying that I'm just letting you guys know I didn't have a great night's sleep last night and I might not be on top form I'll try because I know that if I didn't tell you in the comments if you like you seem really off in this video so I always just want to give you a little bit of a background on what's been going on however in this video I am not tired at all you probably tell because I am motor mouthing right now I had a great night's sleep last night me and snuggled in bed and I started watching bodyguard way too much he really enjoyed and I loved the little snippets of filming and what sir did that's really good but in this video I'm quite excited because well I'm really not I mean I just thought that I would give you a bit of an update on the house cuz a lot is changing at the moment and I feel like I'm kind of in a little bit of a weird limbo stage because there were things that I wasn't in love with in the house and there were things that had like got like really not lasted the rug in the kitchen was just an absolute mess like honestly please do not buy the rug that I got for my kitchen it was the worst we got it from Cox and Cox and within a month it was thread there it was awful such a beautiful rug so expensive so we've gone for something a little bit more hard-wearing which we think is going to warm up the cool tones that our kitchen will be painted eventually slightly different feel as well so I'm gonna be showing you that we've also changed up our hallway a little bit I loved the stuff that we had there but I felt like it wasn't I don't know as other areas of the house came together we kind of wanted to take a few more risks with things and just do something a little bit different so some of the stuff has arrived for the hallway I know that that's really weird and I'm learning about interiors and I kind of I want to do some of it myself as well but I really welcome studio Blair Jess's input as well because like she's so good at being like no that just won't work and I'm like okay cool but I kind of wanted to trust my instinct a little bit because I want to be able to say that you know I decided this in some aspects as well so I want to find my feet with it and it's so difficult to know how that is gonna come out there's been a lot of deliveries and a lot of new stuff coming in and actually today I am heading out once I get dressed out of this love oh my god I didn't show you my dressing out this dressing gown has arrived from Christie and oh my goodness it's got LEM G on it I love it and Ruth kriti messaged me to tell me that this is like the best our throat that there ever was and actually I'm loving I don't usually like teri like fleecing know I like fleece I don't like teri but it's actually really warm I'm gonna be showing you everything I'm not gonna tell you everything in this intro because I even when I watch my intros I'd like Lydia shut up I'm gonna head to home sensei I'm gonna hit home scents Northampton I'm gonna hit home since Milton Keynes and then I'm going to Ikea as well cuz I want to pick up these baskets because my dressing room right now is a shambles I had so many beauty deliveries for the last two weeks and I have been kind of like shoving them in cupboards because I haven't had the time to properly organize things and have things in their places it's carnage actual carnage like there's clothes there's accessories there's makeup there's even trainers on here my new trainers lots of new releases Porton magazine which is basically the only magazine that I read loads of fragrances and some new releases that you aren't allowed to see it's actual carnage in here at the moment so I want to get things organized and there's these baskets that we've got in our well they're now in the kitchen they we're in the hallway I need to go and buy a ton of them I want them for the pantry I want them for the utility room I want them for here I need them for the hallway I'm just gonna buy loads and the ones I bought from the basket company and I think they were like 17 pounds each and IKEA do them for like six pounds so I'm gonna go and buy like 20 of them I don't care I know I'll find uses for them we always need good storage and I think that they look really nice and it really nice and rustic without being like shabby chic I don't want shabby chic I actually bought these from home since a while ago and they're awful they're like plastic I really don't like them anyways oh my god I feel like I've just rambled on it you've like 10 minutes I'm ready I'm good to go and excited to be vlogging today a little day just you guys and me no one else maybe the cat's I know that someone messaged me to say can you just please put blue me in your next vlog and I'll make that happen for you I'm gonna make that happen right let's get dressed and go I'm wearing an outfit that makes it look like I'm wearing my dad's wardrobe basically and please just ignore the mess behind me all of this is going to be organized and filed away so that it never has like this again famous last words I'm wearing my Isabel Marant blazer which is from my hole that I did from flannels I love this I've got so much wear out of it it's so nice and I just wear it with like a mango shirt under it to be perfectly honest I haven't ironed anything that I'm wearing today it's Sunday I don't need to know I just don't need to be ironing I've got my Joseph leather trousers on which were just such a staple by I'm so glad that I got these they're amazing then I've got some Chanel trainers Fendi peekaboo in Burgundy and that's basically it I don't even got a watch on yet but it's actually quite a nice day it's like a purple was hung all day I think I might do an edit at the end of autumn where it's just all the times I say autumnal autumn no day so I don't think I need like a proper jacket on or anything I think this should be enough I've got a vest on coz I'm 80 but this is the look this is the fragrance that I'm wearing it today it's from Aran and it's amber musk this is basically the fragrance that gets people most people into Erin as a brand especially their fragrances it is absolutely stunning I have been wearing this non-stop it's sweet but it's not over the top Ali describes it as really nice and light so you get like these beautiful subtle fragrances from it every so often like you'll flick your hair and you'll be like oh my god it is just so good I will of course link the fragrance in the description box down below so you can pick that up if my house the biggest clean yesterday like all of the surfaces it's a floor in this thing I loved it if you missed my cleaning video I'll link it down below or on screen but I never remember to link on screen I'm really hungry though I feel like I should eat something before I go so that I don't get tempted to pick when I'm out because that happens quite a lot oh my god there's a space in my Keynes town center that does pretzels obviously they are not gluten free but my god when I am having a I don't care moment or I have to go straight home afterwards but they look good it is hashtag dash cam time and I it is everyone's favorite time of the vlog and sorry guys still no camera stand I need to kind of prioritize it as something I actually need to buy rather than like constantly buying stuff for the house I just had a very very special moment upstairs with Lou me know okay yeah Lou me doesn't go a lot of places in the house I think she's so used to our old house that she kind that she's just like happy sticking in the kitchen and in our bedroom if I'm oh gosh oh wow oh my god there's a fire engine down our road that's quite funny I literally just pulled out my road and there was like two fire and fire engines like some undercover thing and like all the firemen in there fire engines and I was like oh my god like what's going on and apparently a fuse box there is smoking and no one can find where the fuse box [Music] okay me being so dramatic I was like ah anyway so I think I'm gonna head to home since Northampton first then I'm gonna walk it down the m1 to home since Milton Keynes and then IKEA I reckon hi guys so I've been to home since Northampton it was like it had a lot of stuff but there's a little underwhelming oh my god please don't hit my wheels okay and so just popped into home bargains and picked up spree mop just for when I have like little spillages at home I use the bulwark all someone told me how to see and I forgot again ah but I used that to do like the floors like a deep clean of the floor this is just a quick kind of like touch-up right I'm home and it was a little bit disappointing for a very very long time I had some sponges from home since that's all I got and a pitch frame to replace the one that was the same buzz broke that's all I got in-home sense and I was quite disappointed however I went to Ikea my boot is full of them as well I just bought so many baskets so many baskets it's ridiculous but they're gonna be so useful I kind of want to like really shut my pantry and have it like organized and kill no jars and wicker baskets I want the same for my utility room and I want the same obviously not kill no jars but the same for my dressing room as well the two cupboards that are like opposite each other not the ones with the mirror fronts I want to keep wicker baskets in there for storage so yeah it was good spent 150 pounds on baskets and he's gonna kill me anyway I'm gonna unload the car now I'm gonna eat something because I'm starving and I'm gonna cuddle my Bengals progress in here but I promise you I have look at that and I've even used my label maker to label the places I've got my fragrance here I've got my body care here hair care styling and everyday bits and bobs in there I've not done the bottom yet I think I'm gonna get some bigger ones for down there I'm gonna order them from the basket company this evening I've already been on there shopping but I do still have to organize all of this rubbish so yeah I better get cracking on that I'm out with my snazzy clothes and I'm into the comfies you know I mean business when I pop these bad boys so yeah I don't know where I'm gonna go with this but we're just gonna get this up quick well I think what I'm going to use is my olive basket for everything that's gonna go in this cupboard for now so confusing right I'm gonna use one of my old buddy yes I got from home cents just thought out oh hello love me she keeps coming up here with me go in the cupboard hmm so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna organize in care into this basket and makeup into this one and then I can take them to where they need to go so skincare will go downstairs and makeup will go in the drawers down there and that should hopefully make it over easier so [Music] hideout oh my sleep so I'm definitely making progress but not as quickly as I'd hoped I would definitely be on my utility room by now but I am definitely not but I'm still kind of sorting through things I'm reorganizing in here and then I've got all of this to sort still I need to put some dinner on I'm so hungry it's ridiculous so I'm gonna put some veg in some rice and some fish and have a bit of a healthy didn't but a vague one oh my God look at my up Elvis brows they're like straight so I kind of had to throw a bit of everything together in tonight's dinner we have some fish in the freezer some rice and peas and some roasted cause it [Music] the moon like a champagne a child [Music] [Music] litora fingertips we're lights every night matured [Music] rational flushed down the toilet [Applause] [Music] that took a lot longer than I planned so echoey in here when there's no not loads are like clothes everywhere but we're done I've even kind of organized my makeup and stuff like that so all these drawers are now organized this is kind of like tools and like wipes all of the kind of beauty utensils that you can sometimes need like hair bands and underwear solutions spare tweezers that kind of stuff then I've got some bits and bobs in here that I use kind of on like a daily basis and also all of my like spare brushes and stuff like that so I've got some lip balms I mean this has still got a lot of space to be filled so I'm gonna sort of as and when add to this little drawer here and then I've organized this bit this is some like new bits that I need to feed in and the other ones are kind of the same as they always are in here is obviously where most change has happened these top two shelves are now a lot more organized I've got that bag and that basket to give to charity so I need to get that sorted and out first before I can kind of give this a bit of an overhaul in here so yeah also I don't think I've told you about these flowers they arrived last week I got a voucher for my birthday from Ali's dad and stepmom they got me a voucher for our artifact flowers which is basically a faux floristry like florist redesign in surrey is super expensive and I really wanted to make sure that I've got the right piece for this room and I love this this is one of their standard like designs that you can just buy on their website but they do like bespoke ones that they make especially for you and I think I'm gonna have a little bit more of their flowers around my house because they just look so amazing so real I love them now this cupboard over here is still empty I think I'm going to maybe use this as like a new in storage place I haven't fully decided yet this cupboard is still a no-go so I've got just some new NPR packages which come in some advent calendars and just some bits and bobs this cupboard can't really have products in it that you can now because the radiators not on but in the winter I can't have it because the radiator is behind here that comes out of the vent at the top so yeah a little bit difficult still unsure my friend Alex that I should put cashmere in there it's an idea so yeah shutting up shop for the evening but very very happy now let's try and get the the utility saw so it's actually a few days later now and basically I got quite into the swing of organizing everything and it got very late and I ended up saying up way past my bedtime but I felt like had a really kind of productive evening I was just I couldn't stop you won't believe how much talking footage I had to end out of that video because I just as motormouth absolute box mouth I kind of wanted to start off by saying like thank you to everyone that watched my last video with my QA my spilling my tea video it's not the scariest video to put out ever it was something that was a little bit nervous about so thanks everybody was so kind do I'd show you my laundry room and show you how that is now organized and also give you a little bit of a peek into my pantry as well and then just show you some bits and also kind of update you on some rooms that I'm still waiting to show you exciting stuff so we are back in my favorite room in the house as you can see a lovely little wicker basket is on the side and this has just kind of some everyday bits and that I didn't obviously have when we did my clean my house of me video I've got my Lenoir unstoppable fresh hello we doing you is has to be involved yeah I keep them in this jar just because I think it's a little bit more presentable and then I've labeled it there then I've got some Dettol wipes for when I need them this one is for cleaning the bins because I only clean the bins in this sink the new Dish Matic for the cat bowls this is my zoflora mix spray which I've obviously mixed up already in the hip not Sephora sorry that's my Leonor mix and in here I'm gonna put my the flora mix so that I can just pour it into my new moth so this is just a little bit of an organization basket here we have got a new carpenter coming in next week who I'm hoping is going to do some stuff in here first of all I kind of want some reclaimed wood shelves to go above here to display bits and bobs from the utility room and then obviously I mentioned that this doesn't work and to be honest it takes up a load of space and I think if we can be a little bit more efficient and I don't know whether we actually need this to kind of heat up our clothes because it's nice and warm in here anyway so I think I'm actually gonna have a bespoke drying rack that folds back so it doesn't get in the way when we're not using it can just fold back to the wall and then it can come down when I need it so that it doesn't block our airing cupboard I've had a major reorganize of these two cupboards this used to be a candle cupboard and to be honest I didn't access that cupboard nearly as much as I needed to access my zoflora stash so I have now moved all of like my smelly's and stuff like that into this cupboard I did have a clear out as well because there was some fragrances in there that I just would never ever get round to burning and I've also used a lot of the winter and autumn candles I was saving from last year I found them all and I was like oh my god so I got those out and I also put some Reed diffuses out to that I'd found hidden at the back so it's made a little bit more space in there and I've moved to this cupboard so this cupboard is now organized and this is kind of like my smelling cupboard so in here is my is the flora collection what we've got here we've got Very Berry not my favorite actually this is still from when I was sampling to find my favorites lots of linen fresh because linen fresh is my favorite that's bouquet linen fresh paradise peach I didn't really like the summer fragrances that much not for you linky come on get down poppy get down No God so inquisitive I also found my white company cinnamon and clove home spray that I must have saved from last year obviously I'm not allowed to use this Ali doesn't let me whack this out until November so I've got it poised and ready to go I've got more wipes I use and antibacterial sprays and room fresheners and then I've got my spare as a florists sprays back there in this one is where I keep all of my like plug-in fragrances in there oh my god it's so annoying I went to Poundland today and they had winter spice ones in there and I tried to buy them and I didn't have my card with me so I couldn't buy them subside this is a load of like spare cloths and sponges and things like that and then I've got like favourite candles up there so we've got some neons mom are nice and it teak it some Joan Malone behind it I think that's a Space NK one so that's kind of how I've organized that cupboard but these baskets are just I'm loving them it's so much easier now I don't have to like route through everything and knock everything over I can just grab the basket pull it out and it fits perfectly and just rummage in there and then put it away like that literally it's so so happy with them so I am gonna get more or four other cupboards in the house as well but that is kind of like my main two cupboards that are in there and how it is organized under here is kind of self-explanatory now this is just all of our washing stuff and this was an old fruit bowl that I had and I now just keep all of these rubbery things that I use for the wash oh and I've also got these UNSTOPABLES to try in lavish in this little display cabinet here I've also popped one of the baskets in there because I think it adds a little bit of a nice touch to this little cubby hole and you can put like cloths and washing up things in there so that they're not on show because it's right above the sink which is a little bit dirty at the moment inside here I've not had as much progress as I would have liked I've only got two baskets left so we've got crisps and nuts and coffee pods up there and then I've got like biscuits and snacks in there and then I've got rice in there eventually all of these things that can go in baskets will be in baskets to make them much easier this guy is following me around everywhere it's just making organizations so much easier I want to go and get more of these as well so that I can have lots of these little packets gone I don't like having them I'd like to get most of these like packets gone and everything into jars you acting like you're hungry you want some food they're not as much progress in here but still a little bit and obviously just so much easier when we want a biscuit the biscuits are there perfect probably in the room I'm most frustrated about not being able to show you just yet is the dining room because I feel like we've been working on it for so long and it is only missing like basically two things now this artwork for the walls three things artworks for the walls a big rug as you can hear quite echoey and curtains the only things that is missing however we've had a nightmare are trying to find the rug for this room because it's 300 by 300 and I don't know whether you've ever tried to find a 300 by 300 rug butts in either well that's in light grey very easy it's actually really hard and we found one and I thought it'd been ordered and today we found out that it's discontinued and they only do it in navy blue the colour of these chairs is navy blue so we don't really want the chairs to blend into the rug too much so I've come in here and I started just giving you like a little bit of a sneak peek of what this room looks like and hopefully in the next few weeks we'll get kind of everything sorted in here so I can do my first tour other than my having done my first proper tour on my dressing room yet I think is going to help me film that and then I want to do a tour of in here and also my office obviously because we're still waiting for things but in there waiting for things to be put on the wall more than anything but yeah it's just one of those things that takes a little bit longer than I thought but I thought we'd come and sit in here because I love this little corner here and when I put it on my Instagram story if everyone was like looks so nice I love the way the dark wood contrasts with this room and I also really love the light fixtures I don't know if you can see it it's bit so cute but I'm so happy with this room and I just kind of want it to finish now so yeah but give you an update of what's happening in here as well the next room that we are hoping to tackle is this room this is our living room and we don't use this room a whole lot I had to explain it like there's no reason for us to come in here yet because we've got the sitting area in the kitchen hello Lynx hello we are hoping to soon have permission to put in our fireplace hopefully it's going to be coming soon but we would love to have a fireplace in and this room at least painted in time for Christmas I think that's probably asking a little bit too much but that is what we would like the plans for this room is a really big stone fireplace to go on that wall maybe some cabinets either side kind of in the alp we're going to obviously create an alcove with the fireplace so hopefully some nice little shelves and bookshelves and cabinets in there the room is going to be painted in like a really dark blue I'm thinking Haig blue that seems like quite a popular option I think because of the size of this room it can definitely take it and it will make it feel cozy but I always find navy be really nice and smart as well I don't want to go to trend driven in this room I want it to remain quite classic but I think that that color is going to make this room feel a lot cozier so this will be the first room in this house that we don't paint gray which is exciting he really wants to get new sofas in here I personally really love these sofas so I think we're going to try and see how they look once it's decorated in here if it doesn't work though we will obviously replace them but I love them so much I'd be sad to see them go we will also be going for a silver much more like brighter good quality carpet in here so that it's soft under your feet this is quite hard wearing this carpet so we want something a little bit more special something similar to what we had in our old house if you remember the carpet but we really went like overboard with the carpet that we got in our old house because it just was so lovely so I'd love to get something like that in this room to kind of contrast with the Navy walls so that's the next sort of plan of action and along with the next plan of action is obviously the kitchen this still hasn't been painted and I've been getting increasingly frustrated with the fact that it hasn't been painted however fingers crossed tomorrow I get the phone call telling me that they start the following week so fingers bloody crossed because I literally can't wait anymore if you don't know already we are going pavilion gray on the cabinet's the the wall cabinets so these up here and these down here and then the center island is being painted in railings which I am so excited about I cannot wait sorry my dishwasher is on and we've just got a new dishwasher because this one the hinge was gone so it used to crash down to the floor so we replaced it and it's just a little bit noisier than the other one and we're also going to be doing a new work top something a little bit more statement so we're going to keep the ones the work tops to the outer walls still quite muted and understated but we're going to have something a little bit more marble like on the center island we had the guy come and measure up for it it's the same guy that did my dining room table and he's just so nice so we are going to get him to do this as well so railings on their new work top here and obviously this is all going to be painted in pavilion gray as well which is just so exciting the walls are actually going to go white and are the ceilings in this area it will all be painted white and I'm not sure what we're going to be doing in terms of blinds for these windows I just I don't know whether we need them we've never used them in here so it's yeah I'm still we're going to be getting rid of this pole and everything's going to kind of be replastered in here so we've taken down the blinds that were on the sides here maybe we will go for something I don't know I'm not sure maybe we will go for shutters I don't know obviously we won't have anything on this because it's just pointless absolute points we never ever close them so it's just yeah waste of money in my opinion and also Ali's dad's got this exact same kind of setup at his house and they don't have curtains there so I don't think we need it this is the new rug now this camera always make think makes things look a little bit warmer this isn't as warm as it looks as I'm looking at it here it's a little bit more gray in tone but I think that when everything is painted white and gray to ensure that it doesn't feel too monochrome and just dull I wanted to have something a little bit warmer in here so that's what that's why I've kind of brought in some baskets and this rug this rug is also really nice to walk on and not expensive well in the in the grand scheme of rugs for a rug of this size it's 200 by 300 and it's yeah it's just not hugely expensive I got it from waif there I'll link it down below it's just a hard-wearing really nice rug and I like the way it makes it feel a little bit more earthy and just kind of dress it down this is not the coffee table that we're going to have either my new coffee table from Sweet Pea and Willow arrives on Monday and this will go back into the lounge this is just something that I was trying out we've got a really beautiful grey coffee table that's slightly bigger than this one to fill this area cuz I think the marbled one was just a little bit too small for this space we need a little bit more coffee table area so we've moved the marble one down into the basement it's good having a house like this you just move everything around it's lovely so that's the update for in here we're down in my office now and these two things here are two of the final things that I'm waiting or happening in this room so but I want to show you you can see so much of this office now already but basically this is supposed to go up on this wall this is my constellations print I told you about in one of my previous vlogs that I got from Wayfarer I love this so much it's huge it's actually I think this is a good size for this wall I don't think it needs much more going on it if I'm perfectly honest this is my huge mirror oh my god is so big this is supposed to go on the wall behind basically and it's so much bigger than I realized so I don't know if it's going to be able to go on the wall I'm waiting for a professional to let me know because the walls down here are tanked so it's important that we obviously don't ruin those but oh this mirrors from India Jane and I love it so much I'd be gutted if it can't go on the wall up here I don't really know what where it'll go otherwise but I love it so I'm just kind of waiting for these last two things that this can't go up on the wall I'll have to find another mirror I'm also I've also ordered a floor lamp and oh my god I ordered it from Isabel Isabel something or other and it was posed to arrive in two weeks then it was a month and now it's the end of this month and I'm just like oh my god when is it going to arrive so there's a few things still waiting to happen in here which is also really frustrating but hopefully it won't be long now until I can give you like a proper tour of this room because everything's just come together so nicely and it's such an enjoyable space to be in that I can't wait to show you it all even though I know you'll probably seen so much of it already but yeah so that is basically it for kind of like the update of where we are at we're hoping to get a new carpenter like I told you that's going to come in and kind of get all of the things that we've been waiting to have done for so long and get things moving again and obviously fingers crossed we get the call tomorrow that tells us that we will be starting painting in the kitchen yeah I will love you and leave you there it's probably been quite wordy and I probably talking quite a lot in this but it's been you know I wanted to update you basically I will see you in my next video I hope that you enjoyed this one and yeah just a falling all over my words
Channel: Lydia Elise Millen
Views: 303,898
Rating: 4.8411074 out of 5
Id: Vbo1pmWDH0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 48sec (2268 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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