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hi guys welcome back to my channel i hope you're all doing well so here she is coming to you with soaking wet hair um and quite a dark time actually i literally got back from crete yesterday and i had the nicest time ever i'm actually filming on my new camera currently i'm using the canon g7x this morning um to film and i listened to some of the footage back on my laptop just then and the sound quality is not amazing quite an expensive camera so i guess i'll have to see i'm gonna try out this camera and see how i find it but um let me know what you think of the footage in this video if you think it looks any different or anything now i'm not gonna lie i've been filming this video now for like literally a month uh my world of transformation has been quite a long thing the building of the wardrobe was so so quick but everything around it and was like kind of like a long process like filling it and stuff so today's video is just going to entail all of the footage of me transforming my wardrobe from an absolute mess like a complete not a mess um into like one of my favorite rooms ever like i'm just obsessed with the space and everything in it so the footage you're going to see next is from this morning of me receiving a really exciting parcel and then after that um it's like flashback to like quite a long time ago when my wardrobe transformation started i definitely took it up now and dry my hair and sort my life out nice way for me to start a vlog um yeah i really hope you enjoy the video so guys my new camera has just arrived and so i'm letting it charge up but i just had a really really exciting delivery come through so i thought i'd quickly just show you what i got so this is a huge parcel from dissinio this video is like a print company and i've wanted to get prints from them for so so so long but i'm not very creative in that field like i'm not brilliant at knowing what things to get and in terms of like what will look nice like i'm not brilliant at interior design i've always wanted to be if you've been on this channel for a long long time then you all know in my old house where i used to film when i first started filming there was three frames in the back of my like backdrop and i never ever ever filled them and i went onto senior so many times i picked out like prints i just never ordered them because i didn't know what size to get and stuff it's actually very very simple like i managed to do it this time and pick out loads of really nice stuff so i'm going to open up now and show you what i got oh my gosh these are so nice look at that i am so impressed with these what the heck okay this is a very good start this is all just brilliant timing my handyman clay um has literally just turned up to help me put these up so that's just brilliant timing it literally came just in time for him to come around do a few bits that we're doing [Music] i'm sorry guys but is this my room because i'm actually in shock right now i did not expect this to look this nice like i had hopes and i had ideas in my head but this is exactly what i wanted so all of these prints as i said before are from descenio and i am so so happy with them like i had no idea what to pick really like as i said before i'm not overly creative and i feel like i've actually done all right this little one here if anyone's wondering says it's not what we have in life but it's who we have in our life that matters which i think is really cute i also absolutely love that desenio actually plant two new trees for every tree they use to make these prints which i thought was so lovely and like obviously very sustainable i also wanted to tell you guys quickly that i have obviously sorted out a discount code which is molly x descenio i'll leave it on the screen here and that's for 30 off um obviously i had to sort you guys out with a discount code because these prints i am over the moon with them so a little bit stressed out this morning because i've actually got the builders coming around to create my wardrobe room um today and they're actually meant to be coming tomorrow and i've got my manager bringing me up this morning saying they're going to come today instead you should see the state of my wardrobe room it is nowhere near cleared everything is everywhere and so these builders are going to absolutely hate me not that i'm not the messiest person ever but the last few weeks i've just literally my stuff has been everywhere i'm sick of living out of boxes so i'm so excited that today finally is the start of my water transformation so i'm going to film the whole thing more is actually here say hey maura hi guys you too quickly go into my wardrobe room show you around and and then i need to quickly clear it and i've got 15 minutes to do that whilst a load of other jobs that need to be done as well so i'll quickly i know i quickly will show you guys get ready for the mess yeah you guys aren't ready for this no too far i think i've shown you it before but it's ten times worse than it was when i showed you guys before so i've got to clear this in 15 minutes um don't ask me how i'm gonna do that but the end of the day they didn't actually tell me they were coming today so what really can i do um they'll just have to help me do it they can all help me which would be actually great um so yeah this is the wardrobe room before this is what it looks like absolute mess um and i'm so excited to get it all sorted and finished and we're going to literally have a wardrobe space from here to here and it's all been custom made by taylor bespoke which i have told you guys before but i had so many of you guys saying to me like why are you doing this to a rented property like surely if you're going to be moving out soon then there really is no point but i have to hang my clothes up i can't live out of boxes and like out yeah i just can't do that like my job is literally clothes fashion like posting things for you guys i can't really like live like that so i'd rather um yeah get a wardrobe room created and even if i have to like get rid of it in a few months that's fine um but you know the house i told you about guys about anyway it never even went ahead like it actually fell through um we went to go and view it for our second time to see if you're like absolutely like sure we were gonna put an offer in and then we got a call saying that it had been taken so i was absolutely gutted about that back to the drawing board but i'm gonna stop updating you on the house situation now because i feel like every single time i talk about it it's like yeah we found somewhere oh no we haven't um so yeah we're going to be here probably for the foreseeable future until we find somewhere which i'm thinking is probably going to be about a year now so i'm absolutely fine with spending money to get this room sorted it doesn't bother me um the landlord is going to be extremely happy with me when he sees that i've turned this room from nothing into well i'm hoping the best walk-in wardrobe we'll see it has to all be custom made because the walls are super super weird they're weird shapes but hopefully taylor bespoke are going to get it spot-on i've seen the designs and i cannot wait to see it all and just like that the room is now ready and prepped i'm not joking they literally have just arrived taylor bespoke just got here and within 30 seconds this room was cleared that's what you have when you have three guys to do it for you all this here is going to be wardrobe space i think it's actually going to go up really high onto the wall so i'm just really interested to see how it's going to look and i have complete trust and faith in them i wanted to do a time lapse but i don't think i have enough storage how do people do time lapses with one battery pack because surely the battery's going to run out after like 20 minutes i don't know like a literal mess today but me and maura and tommy are going to go to the chopper center now and leave the guys to it um so hopefully when i come back there'll be some progress okay guys so we are back from shopping now i will go and show you the progress that they've made in a minute but i've just had this huge box sent through so i'm just going to quickly open this see what's inside look at these oh my god oh so they've just come i didn't even order this or anything there's a note it says didn't want to make a little something to cure any post holiday blues lots of love that it's called this place is called mud urban flowers i did actually place an order of this company um ages ago for my friend ella having a baby but they've just sent me some of these so look how nice they are i'm obsessed with them and these don't actually go off as well these like stay in dates like i've got some flowers over there we got before anniversary and they literally went out of date and like i'm not even joking five days and these will stay and date i think like two years or something crazy if you look after them right so they're lovely thank you but i'll just take you through oh wait actually before we do that just tell everybody what you did in town so i meant i'm quite the person to take mad decisions today i was a very brave girl yeah and i got my ears pierced i look so sorry oh i took my sticker off i got a lollipop i got a crown i got a sticker just being so good and brave yeah you smashed that yeah i was literally a four-year-old girlfriend of maura literally that was like having harry's appears and more was being more dramatic than her i i really was like i am a bit of a drama queen but i'll quickly show you um what's the room hello okay can you show you what the room looks like don't mind me i literally look awful um so one section has been in place so this is what it looks like funny funny fact not even ask the landlord if i could do this yet but you know what i feel like why would you say no like this is going to add so much to this property um i think he'd be silly to not let me do this and if it's that much of a big deal i'll just take it when we move so it's going to be like this but the whole way across the space it's going to have lights and everything and then here my drawers have just been popped in so that's the start everything's in i'm so excited for this to be finished i'm literally so excited i don't know how many days are going to be here maybe like tomorrow i'm gonna i can't keep that in can i let's be real now okay tommy's going training say bye goodbye out of my eyes hey guys so it is now the next day and you're probably gonna kill me but i haven't actually filmed today it's now currently like eight o'clock at night um and the wardrobe room is complete now i did plan to actually kind of time-lapse them building it and film some stuff today when they were in here but i couldn't actually come in here because it was so like there were so many things going on and there wasn't really enough room and there was definitely not room for me to set up a tripod and try and time-lapse it and i just didn't want to annoy the builders so i was just like i'm going to leave them to it and then show you guys when it is the finished piece and i still have loads to show you obviously of me stacking it i will now show you what the wardrobe room looks like i am beyond happy with it to the point where when it was done i literally could have cried it is so beautiful it is like not a patch on my last wardrobe um the ikea built-up world obviously it was perfect for like that apartment and stuff and i loved it but this is just like this is like a bespoke fitted wardrobe it's absolutely stunning and i cannot thank taylor bespoke enough for this i'm going to leave everything down below i have by the way guys paid for this wardrobe i don't know what you're thinking that i'm like saying taylor's potato sweet because they did it for free um they didn't do it for free i just wanted to shout them out because they've done such an incredible job so i'm going to show you now my wardrobe room so we're now going to come in and here we have it so here it is guys here is my wardrobe space now i'm also standing in front of my sets of drawers are gonna hold all my kind of like folded up clothes my gym stuff my hoodies all that good stuff um i still have so much work to do in here but here is the final product now we have obviously double sets of hanging rails to hang up all of my clothes my jeans on the bottom my longer items on the top like my jumpers um like tops and things and then i also have a long hanging space in the corner this area here is going to be for my bags and shoes i'm not quite sure how i'm going to display them all yet i actually have someone coming tomorrow um to help me organize my whole wardrobe and everything which will be really really handy because there's absolutely no way i could do this all by myself within one day so it's so cool as well it's actually got a sensor button um to turn the lights on and off so let me just demonstrate actually when i walk in the room they come on which is so cool i'm literally obsessed today i'm now going to cook myself maura and tommy a spag bowl for dinner so i'm going to crack on with doing that for the evening so here we have my little masterpiece of this evening only took me four hours to cook but we have in our spa bowl and the pasta that i bought was taking an hour and 35 years to cook so i just have to put penne on that's what doesn't look that great but maura what do we think nice this week unreal yay i'm getting better at my cooking guys splash ball tommy and bridesmaids so guys i'm just back now from doing this women and i thought it'd be their ages but it was a really quick interview actually it was um really quick and easy went very smoothly so that's good um i've just come back to the apartment now we're gonna go out for some lunch in a bit but i just thought i'd quickly show you now what sophie my wardrobe organizer has done i didn't actually film anything this morning because i thought that it would take college all day but i've come back after like an hour and she's literally done so much i cannot believe it and so i'll go in there now and show you what she's done here is where we're at so far sophie has literally worked so fast i cannot believe it i literally thought was going to come back and literally everything still be in boxes and stuff but this is amazing so this is what it's looking like over here we've got a little bag section with some shoes displayed here they all look so organized i'm so happy that i can finally actually see my clothes because i just literally hated living out of boxes for so long it was like two months of just rummaging in boxes for my clothes had no idea what anything is was so um this is going to be so much easier now and then over here we just have a little section with my glass table it's a makeup bits and bobs still for a giveaway that i'm yet to sort out we have my perfumes the little nars lipstick and then my makeup drawers here my dressing table and then over here i love this little section with the books from my old place and then all my cardio boxes and my little prt awards there so this is where we're at so far i'm not quite finished yet but i'll show you when it's all done and finished i cannot explain how good it feels to finally have some organization in my life like obviously you guys saw that room was like before but it was even worse than that points like it was actually rather tidy when i showed it to you before but it has been an absolute nightmare so i'll just take you in now and show you what is now done here we have the final result i am honestly like i cannot even get over how happy i am with this i didn't think it was going to look this good with the clothes in and the closer that she made it look even better like i liked my last wardrobe and i had no clothes in and i felt like the clothes made it look messy but this this is the finished result we have now got all of the clothes in after a long day sophie is now doing tommy's wardrobe which was a last-minute decision but his wardrobe over the shambles as well so she's gonna be doing that now we're gonna make some changes to this area obviously i'm gonna have my descenio prince up on the wall here i might even put them somewhere else as well maybe like some over here i'm not too sure yeah i need to kind of have a little think i'm not so great with interior design so here we have the drawers section i've got all my little books laid out my cardio boxes and then in here i have all of my gym stuff so that's all my gym leggings folded in here i have oh my goodness i have hair extensions i literally look like i open the drawer someone was lying in there and that is literally just a drawer full of hair extensions it doesn't even show how thick it is but oh my goodness i've actually got more extensions in there than i've ever ever seen and i have a big kind of like chandelier like up in here um and then through here the bathroom oh these are my flowers from that mud urban that i showed you guys yesterday how cute do they look i need to get a bars for them and my bathroom has got this in it which i definitely don't think needs to stay in now i don't know where i'm gonna put that um it needs to be hung up somewhere but i'm not sure where yet that is now pretty much the finished result of the room i am beyond ecstatic with it some may call me extra but at the end of the day i couldn't have bought over the wardrobes from my last place because the walls are slanted in here and i didn't want a rubbish company like putting in rubbish wardrobes that are gonna break and not match the interior of the um apartment so i went to taylor bespoke and i'm so happy with how it looks no regrets very happy with it so happy that i can finally see all my clothes and i don't have to rummary boxes anymore it's the best decision i've ever made i'm so lucky that i'm able to do this to this room but the only analogy i can kind of compare it to is i think like a mathematician it's like a mathematician not taking his pencil to work or is calculated to work that's not really good analogy is it it'd be like a chef not taking his apron to the kitchen or like not tying his hair up you know i mean i just kind of just comes with the job there's things with your job that you just have to like this is just helpful for me um i mean you can't really compare that so please do ignore those analogies i don't even know why i came up with those hi guys so currently coming to you from italy so random i feel like with my vlogs i really need to get better at properly starting them properly closing them and maintaining like an actual consistent vlog the whole way through like i always end them this camera right guys the canon g7x guys this camera is not good i'm really not happy with it canon g7x i'm 100 go back to my old canon like it was way better than this this always goes out of focus the sound quality i mean i don't know if you've been able to hear me throughout this whole video like the crackly there's been like feedback in all of the sound i don't even know yeah so we are currently in italy and i've just finished editing this vlog and i realized i never really kind of brought it to a close so i thought i'd just quickly say thank you so much for watching um my wardrobe transformation it was a long journey but we got there in the end um i'm sorry it was kind of a bit like back to front four to back i hope it all made sense um my wardrobe room is all done now and it's like my favorite room ever um i'm never gonna wanna leave that apartment now and actually find a house and move um because i just love it so much so yeah again out focus come on kind of g7x sort yourself out to get to bed now we are up at 5 00 a.m i don't want to talk about it it's nearly 1am right now and i'm sat up editing i'm crazy um but yeah guys i'm gonna head to bed now i really hope you enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching and i will hopefully also see you all in my next one night guys
Channel: MollyMae
Views: 1,188,008
Rating: 4.9428673 out of 5
Id: w5pi6LmNgMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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