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[Music] hi everyone and welcome back to my youtube channel and welcome to another tour video I'm finally getting around to filming on one of the rooms that's completely finished in my house in today's video I am going to be giving you and look around my master suite I guess because we have quite a large ensuite bathroom and it's just quite a large room in itself really so I thought I would get it all ready for you and give you a quick look around I'm gonna be going into like my drawers and showing you what's in them and also in the cupboards as well and hopefully you'll get a really good feel for the room now this room features a selection of furniture that I picked myself and then some finishing touches and some dressings in the room that Sarah from SJC interiors helped me with so a lot of this room has been finished off by Sarah so I will pop Sarah's details in the description box down below because you already know I'm a huge fan of her and she's just been absolutely amazing and helped so much with this room especially I will of course pop all of the items and furniture that are in this room in the description box down below I will also link any of the tradesmen and the people that we have worked with in order to get this room finished so without further ado I guess I'm going to give you a look around my bedroom so welcome to a master suite so to start things off in this room when we moved in it was quite a dark room it had really really dark blue bluey gray carpets it was quite hard wearing carpet as well so it's quite grueling under the feet it was also it had really beautiful jade curtains which I did really liked but they just weren't particularly our style it had an accent wall of wallpaper which I really really didn't like I found it quite in your face and quite unsettling it wasn't like a tranquil room it was quite strong and impactful when you walked in and I really have always wanted an exceptionally calm and serene bedroom so I knew as soon as we moved in that we would be changing the bedroom we purchased this bed and the matching ottoman so you can buy these separately but we bought them as a set we got them from PIP & Co interiors and I just wanted the biggest most incredible bed I could possibly find and I've always wanted to have a really grand four-poster bed and this was probably the most grand one I'd ever seen maybe if I did it all again I wouldn't go for the chrome so much but it does work really beautifully in an in this suite so we're kind of going with it now and I don't intend on changing this bed anytime soon the mattress is a Simba mattress everything on this bed we spent a lot of money on the linens and the cushions and everything to do with this bed because we really wanted this to be a place that we enjoyed coming back to it enjoyed sleeping in because you spend half your life in bed and you better make it good so actually I find that my bed is a lot better than a lot of hotel beds and that is what I wanted I wanted to create that hotel bed feeling but in my own home so that actually my home is better than them Oh perfectly into this little groove on the bed this is usually where loony sleeps on the bed so sometimes you can see a few little cat paw prints because they come in from the rain outside and as many times as we tell them to not go on the bed they go on the bed so yeah this is loom ease little section of the bed down here this bed throw just finishes it off nicely but it's become loom ease it's her part of the bed she sleeps with us every night and you'll always find a little Lumi shaped groove on it just there so to start things off with my bed linen the ruffled cushions at the back here are from the white company and they match the throw bed linen is also from the white companies so the Super King pillow covers they are from the white company the bed sheets and the under sheet are all from the white company including this stuff we also bought the continental pillows that are inside the waffled pillowcases from the white company as well and they all work super nicely these ones next to me were some custom-made cushions that I had made by Sarah she has an amazing selection of fabrics and I had them throughout my home and I would probably say that these are one of my favorites it's like this gorgeous brushed gray linen and then this geometric pattern on the front I love these so much and then these just beautiful little white brush linen accent pillows with some satin silver satin piping to them they just finish off nicely I know that not everyone is into having loads of cushions on their beds and some people find it a massive faff and sometimes a holly and I find it a massive fad but this bed makes me so incredibly happy I love like looking at it it looks so comfy and so inviting and it's kind of like my happy place in this house so I'm alright with the cushions for now maybe one day I'll be like oh my god I am over the cushion life but at the moment I'm very very happy with it so that is the bed linen section of the bed and to be perfectly honest with you I don't think I could make this bed any comfier than it already is I love the mattress we've got memory foam pillows as well and all of it is just super super comfortable so I think mission accomplished when it to the bed so just go squish my little bum in here over here we have our bedside tables now when I have shared this room on Instagram we have stories or on my blog a lot of people say that these look too small in comparison to the bed and potentially there could be we lived quite a long time without any bedside tables and we can find the right ones but what you can probably see here is that there is a door right here so in this room we have two built-in wardrobes and even with them this size when you open this door this is where we keep all of our washing basket it hits on there so if we had anything bigger we really wouldn't be able to open that door and fortunately but the colors and the tones of these were perfect so size wise and they might look a little bit small but sometimes you do have to work with the space that you have and I feel like we couldn't have picked a better side table these are from RV Ashley and I'll try and link these down below because I always get quite a lot of questions it's got beautiful sort of dove gray finish to it with gold like detailing around the top and then also gold and crystal handles which is just gorgeous on top we have these lamps now these lamps really really make this room just a little bit more modern we've got quite a lot of original paneling in here original feeling paneling it's not paneling that was in the house before and we've made this room a bit more of a modern classical fusion and I think it's worked really well I really like it and these lamps just kind of add that more modern feel with the brass detailing I much prefer brass to any kind of gold detailing I find it much sleeker and classier and these lamps really work well and we've got some faux hydrangeas but in a color that I would never have gone for but works so perfectly in this room and these are instant kelly Hoppen vars is on the side table I've always got some Jo Malone lino Nell Vento sent surround Spray i spritz my bed every morning with this it's a ritual I can't not do it it's like the perfect finishing touch to this room and I love this it's just beautiful then I've got this our gate a gate our gate a little ornament here which I think works really well in the space and then we pulled that in with some our gate or gate or whatever it is coasters which we picked up from John Lewis actually and they were quite a good a good price so really happy with those I've also got my philips hue alarm clock and this is great really really great we've really enjoyed introducing this into the bedroom and the light just really really works well for us so it's also got this really cool function that I can turn on this like night light that's like really deep and red and relaxing and we all know about the problems with blue light so yeah really happy with this it's super cool and we've also got the philips hue TV on the other wall but i will tell you a little bit more about that in a moment so i also wanted to show you what was inside my drawers because i keep a lot of random stuff in here so in this one i'm just checking it wasn't anything embarrassing but this is just some pajamas stuff that if i've not getting changed upstairs they're just in there for ease and then in this drawer I keep kind of my essential bits and bobs so I have some paracetamol because sometimes I get like a little bit of a nighttime headache so those are good to use I keep some Llano all over just for like my lips and stuff I have my Bose sleep buds which are covered in kirby grips that's where they all go apparently my bedside drawer so I have my both sleep bud in there so all of the things I use to sleep kind of goes in this drawer I also have this a lot of people have seen this lying around in some of my videos this has CBD oil in it no nicotine or anything like that CBD oil is just something that I use to help me sleep and it's been such an effective thing and it's changed the game in terms of my sleep anxiety so if you've ever seen this in my blog it's not anything to do with like quitting smoking or anything like that this is just something I use when I'm having a tough time sleeping and it's not really something that I thought I'd ever have to write home about but I sort of seen people commenting so I thought I'd clear that up I also have some Kashmir bed socks which I live for I've also got the books I'm reading at the moment this was recommended by Kate Lavie and I've only started reading it yesterday and I am already a fair way through so yes you'll need another book start reading sees that in there I've also got this hot water bottle and a watch yeah a lot of kirby grips and a hair bubble so that's what I keep inside my bedside cabinet so as I mentioned before we have two built-in wardrobes this one here is our laundry cupboard so we have three separate little laundry baskets in there one for colours one for whites and one for black sorry if you can hear an echo as well it's the bathroom there's a lot of tiles in there so it gets a little bit echoey but trying to feel professional with that literally oh so much anyway we had this shelf built in when we had the paneling put in so our carpenter Andy built in both of the kind of interiors of these wardrobes when we did this room and this was put in here because we wanted to be able to take the cushions off of the bed very easily and stuck them in here so that's where they're stored every night and then they come out every morning and it works really well for us and it was a good little design function and I was really happy that we lived in this room and realized how I'm gonna use it so that when we had these built-ins done we could do it in a way that we knew would be functional for us so this is a wardrobe that we use for storage and for washing and it's very very useful because obviously Ali and I have dressing rooms upstairs we don't necessarily need to be storing our clothes in these cupboards so we have a little bit of clothing down here but not too much okay so this is the second cupboard and this is the cupboard closest to the entry door and we haven't really got around to filling this with stuff yet so Ali's got a couple of his like pajama e loungewear II stuff in there there's a little bit of stuff shoved down the bottom we've got the fan that we bring in summer when it gets really hot we've got the Dyson fan over there and this is my hook for all of my many many dressing gowns because I am shocked by how many dressing gowns that I actually have yeah so this is my hook where I keep the woman like so my favorite thing in the whole house but we have a rail at the top so we can hand stuff in there as well then we also have this ledge that if we wanted to put anything on there storage purposes we can do that we've got these built-in drawers and then we've also got these cubby holes and this was again done by our carpenter I can't believe how flawless the finish of this built-in section is that we have the most amazing harvard's ever so I'm super happy with that I used a lot of his like underwear and socks and stuff like that she that's my sportswear stuff in there as well so I've got some of my stuff in there as well but we really need to kind of work out what we can use this cupboard for I initially wanted some pajamas in there and things like that so we're still waiting for this cupboard to fully fully work for us but it's very useful so on this wall you can really see our paneling and how it's mainly laid out in the room so for the walls we added cornice around the whole of the room and we also hid our curtains behind the corney's for a slightly more seamless look in here particularly the walls are thurible pavilion gray and then the paneling has been picked out in Ferren ball blackened and that's the same as what we've got in the dining room and I just really really really really like how it looks so most of the wood work in this room has been picked out in blackened just to give it that that sort of accent but we've gone for white for the cornice and the ceiling just to give the ceiling height because we don't have the highest ceilings in this house we went for paneling in this room because I love paneling I would panel every inch of my home if I could not just in this style of paneling I would go for all of the different styles of paneling like a Edwardian and all of that kind of stuff but it costs a lot of money to put it in so yeah I kind of have it absolutely everywhere we took it on this wall we have it two pieces of artwork now these were more Conal pieces of artwork for us art is a new kind of adventure and I do definitely want to get a lot more personal and have a lot more of an understanding into what kind of art I'm really into and get it up on the walls but it's a process and it's not something that I want to have a rush so these at the moment are some tonal pieces that just tie a lot of the tones of the room in and that's something that we've gone for in some of the rooms and the only real pieces of art that we really chose to invest in were from Tony Thornton in the dining room and I love those and also I've got them in my office which I haven't shown you yet but yeah I'm really kind of learning and getting more into my art and what works in our home and and what I like so I just I'm not rushing things but these are beautiful on the walk the wall and when I look at them they make me happy and I think that that's part of the thing when it comes to art so yeah makes me very happy either alike are super cheap I think we got them from Amazon these war lights and they're such a nice kind of ambient lighting to have in your bedroom I really really like them so they're often the lights that are on in this room rather than having all of the spotlights on we also have the philips hue television now this was a PR gift to Ali so this has nothing to do with me but I love it nonetheless like this is the coolest TV in the world when you turn it on it has lights all around the back so you get the ambient lighting of what is on your screen so if there's something red on this side of the screen the light will shine out red on this side and it's just really kind of interactive and it feels really sort of special when you're watching things on this TV so I'm very very glad he got up because I love it so yes super happy with that and we did use to have a console table under here we decided to take that away and not have anything here because I don't like over cluttering my bedroom with furniture so we've got a little bit of an absent area over here and then we've got everything else built in and we don't really need a lot more so I just wanted to show off the paneling and the detailing of this wall and I'm I'm I'm happy with how that looks so this area is our accent area in the room and other than our side tables my bed this is the only other pieces of furniture in our bedroom this chair is from Coach house and I can find this online because coach house sells through other retailers so I should be able to find this online and I'll link it because it always get so many questions it's like this kind of velvet velvety linen chair and it's got still yeah silver studs around the back of it and it's a bit like a an egg chair I kind of think of it as I don't know actually where this table is from so I'll try and find this but it's got a quartz top to it and then again with the brass detailing super beautiful and a nice contrasting metal because that was the thing I learned most about in this room was that your metals don't have to be one tone in your room and actually bringing in some warmer toned metals can really change the feel of the room I think without the lamps and the lights and this table this room would feel incredibly cold and these accent lights really do make such a difference so I'm super happy that that it works so well I don't think everyone is into that look but for me personally it has stopped what would be quite a cool toned room feeling cold and that makes me very happy on top of this table we have a foam orchid that I got from Costco and we also have a deal book a tip tea candle and a crystal which I don't know what that one is I picked up in home cents and it's just a decorative interior designed area I know lots of people don't really like chairs just randomly placed in places but this is something that really makes somewhere feel a lot more cozy a room filled a little bit more as well and I just yeah it works really well in our home so these kinds of nooks and crannies that have little areas that you just patch a bum I love then behind me we have our curtains now I love this fabric so so much like these curtains are so beautiful the only thing that you might have noticed in some of my is that these aren't blackout curtains now we thought that they were going to be blackout cones but when they arrived they weren't and we were like no what are we gonna do like these curtains they're see-through wouldn't be able to sleep we've always slept with blackout curtains and we thought it was the really really gonna be a problem and actually I've now realized how disorientating blackout curtains are and waking up in pitch black is horrendous and I don't think I can go back to doing that now I love waking up and it being bright in my room whether it's dreary outside or not just the natural daylight really does help me wake up in the morning and I find it a super important part of me waking up early and waking up feeling refreshed so love the curtains a little bit unexpected but still absolutely love them so sitting down at the end of my bed in front of the ottoman on here we have it styled with a herringbone throw that I got from HomeSense and also this tray that was from Neptune this is a find from Debbie's house on Instagram she told me that I needed it so I bought it and on top of this are some duel books now this room I would never like describe this as like my dual bedroom or anything like that but it is a room I feel like the tones make me feel like it maybe a little bit inspired by it and I have so many books and one of them was even like sent to me by Dior so it was a nice place for these books to live and give a little bit of context to the design of the room but it's just kind of happened that way and I really love how this little area looks I always get so many questions about this rug this rug I think was from from wafer as well I can't actually remember so I'll try and find it online because I always get so many people ask it's like a silvery cream rug so it goes really nicely with the tones and then obviously our carpet is a high pile cream carpet that's bleach ball so we have had some cases where we've got some stains on this already and bleach just gets it right out so it's worked super well in terms of keeping clean so far it's big work because there you can just kind of walk through and be like Oh didn't see that stain before I have spent a fair amount of time getting the stains out but it's a lovely carpet and it makes this room feel super cozy I know that a lot of people in other countries don't necessarily have carpet in their homes in England because it's so cold it's yeah cause it's a bit of a thing so I've given you a look inside the actual bedroom and sleeping area of the bedroom I'm obviously not going to show you inside of Ally's drawers because that's up to him to do those are his drawers but I've shown you mine and into cupboards so now let's take a look at the ensuite and just give you a quick look at what it's like in there basically so this is the entrance to the ensuite and as you can see we don't actually have a door here there's never been a door here and it's just an open space which lets the light through from that window as well it obviously can be a bit invasive but we're a married couple so it's it's usually fine but maybe not everyone would like that most of our friends are like oh my god there's no door and I'm like yeah yeah I did yeah I did notice that so it has this little entranceway here and it has I'm gonna get quite echoey because it's a lot of marble in here but we have these huge gorgeous marble tiles in here which I do really love I do need to give the grout a bit EverClean though because it's always been like that and it just needs some TLC to the left we have the shower now I would really like to change this shower out for something a little bit more modern and it's just it's not really in great shape it wasn't in great shape when we bought it it's a lot of limescale hasn't been looked after and if my cleaner can't get the lime scale off it's bad so yeah we just like to put something in that's maybe a bit more modern but this is a some kind of custom-made door or something because we have had people round to look at it and I don't know what we'll do you might just have to change the the bathroom or something but I don't want to change it because I love the marble so much so yeah then following on from that we have the bathtub this area hasn't really been styled because we haven't finished decorating in here I do want to stain our bath tray dark and get some pitch in mirrored frames up on that wall there and nothing of us just maybe some prints or some black-and-white photos I've got a lot of Jo Malone stuff everywhere in this bathroom because I love Jo Malone stuff and some really relaxing neon candles as well we also feed Lumi in this bathroom now one thing that you might know you might not know is that links sometimes bullies Lumi and as much as we wouldn't want to feed her in our bathroom the way that we do her health and the fact that she's fed and she gets to feed in peace is super important to us and we found that this is the one place where we're able to give her that kind of attention and ensure that she's always fed her bowl is always full and she's always getting as much as she possibly can so it's not ideal for for us but it's ideal for her and that's what's important she's kind of a high-maintenance cat and lynx is the one that's like a bit of a bruiser so this is where we keep her food so that she's always got something to eat then we have this this is our bathroom cabinet so it's great storage in there however we would really really love to turn this into a his-and-her sinks if you've watched my channel for a while you'll know that Ally loves a his-and-her sink and I think that he would appreciate it considering I've left out the baby wipes from cleaning the carpet I think that he would really appreciate it considering this is his side which is nice and clean and this is my side which has a load of beauty products on it and I think that he would just appreciate if I didn't spill over into his space although I definitely would anyway but still we need a bit more storage in here anyway as you can see I have a lot of beauty products stored down there and all of these drawers are full to the brim with skincare I love trying skincare and I've trying new skincare and this is where I tend to keep it because up in my office it's just it just gets wasted up there so everything comes down here that's new for skincare and goes into these drawers if it doesn't fit it doesn't basically on top of here I have some of my usual bits and pieces that I love so I've got my Llano all over cream which I keep just sort of emergencies I've got my son Tropez tan and hearts and moisturiser which I used straight out the shower I have a cleanser that I was trialing and then my usual alumi a cleanser then I've got my provide which is my SPF and is with Arden SuperStart which I take my skin is I don't take it I put it on my skin as a probiotic but I also take probiotics so it's like a bit of a double whammy I've got my dolphin peeling resurfacing stuff which I use and all of these little dolphin bits a little bit of Lamarr this just arrived the other day I don't use shower oils so it's just there but I don't use it I've got my last serum from L'Oreal I've got my in dealey toner some more dolphin and in here we have soap and hand cream and then toothbrushes go there but my toothbrush is charging then we've got this mirror you might recognize this mirror from the hallway this is where it's going to live now with this two little lights here and yeah what we would ideally like to do because this whole thing is way too tall like they did it in the bathroom in the cloakroom they build this bit that hides all of the plumbing and they've done it too high so that when you put a mirror above it it's really really really high up which is so frustrating because we wouldn't want to have to redo this marble so we're sort of we're just trying to work out what we're gonna do basically oh one of my hairs in the sink you can tell I've not cleaned up for you guys and then we've got the toilet which we have actually had to replace I don't know why we had to replace it did it break I think it was like coming off of the wall or something something happened with the toilet and we had to replace it so that's a new toilet yeah in here it also painted for vini and grey and it goes really nicely with the marble which is super nice so that is the bathroom so that is a look inside our master bedroom / master suite ensuite whatever it is and I hope that you've enjoyed having a look around and seeing all of the details I will of course pop all of the details in the description box down below so if there's anything that you wanted to pick up or any information that you needed it will all be down there and I would have linked everything so that you can shop it if you wanted to I hope you've enjoyed this video and I hope you've had a nice enjoyable nosey round if there's anything else that you wish you'd seen or that I didn't pick up please do let me know in the comments below and if there's anything that you think I could have done differently that would be great as well these videos are quite hard to film and I want to make sure that there is informative as possible for you I'd love to also know what room you would love to see next so let me know in the comments down below other than that I will see you in my next video thank you so much for watching bye [Music] you
Channel: Lydia Elise Millen
Views: 304,589
Rating: 4.7671289 out of 5
Id: Lr6s_q6L9wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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