OUR NEW HOME | Lydia Elise Millen

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good morning everyone I bet you are sick at the sight of this room and you just want us to be in the house as well well so do we but as you can probably hear it's a very empty in here there's a massive echo because everything that is left in here is staying and all of our stuff and clutter and stuff like that has gone we are in the process of moving out of this house and Ali and his best friend Matt have been working on the house all morning I think we're about an hour and a half from completion and I've already had loads of people phoning me saying that we're dropping off your orders and your bed and your mattress and all of that stuff so yeah it's been quite a hectic morning we've got the cleaners in there cleaning the house from top to bottom because we wanted it to be nice when the person moved in hopefully it's nice the cats are currently bless them in the kitchen probably slightly bewildered and disorientated it was drilled going downstairs that is taking the mirror down and the boys have been packing up the van all day which besson even I think we all underestimated how much stuff we've actually got and we ended up getting a bigger van from enterprise and because they didn't have the smaller van available and thank God we got the bigger van because we needed it we've also got to do a tip run I've got to get rid of this chair as low stuff to go to the tip and that's got to be done with the boys my car is loaded up with all of the new bedding that I got from Dunelm I've also got more stuff coming this evening from Dunelm because they didn't have some stuff in store so they helped me locate all of the stuff that we needed soon my friends are gonna be coming over they're gonna help with all of like the unboxing and stuff like that bless them Kerry's picking up some rails for the from my dressing room because obviously there's like nothing in there to put my clothes in it's not it was a bedroom before and I haven't really slept that great last night I've tried to make myself look who's presentable as possible I washed my hair this morning as well and I didn't pack any hairspray so I've got these little antenna that keeps sticking out doing my head in but this is such an exciting day is honestly I can't believe that it's actually here we're moving into our dream house this is just unbelievable the only thing I'm worried about though is when we've moved all of our stuff in our house like everything out we've realised how like it needed new paint and it needed like just some TLC there's like a squashed daddy-longlegs that I'm gonna have to clean off the wall there yes I'm hoping that it's not as dreary as we feel like we're leaving this place I hope that I mean this room got used so much so yeah it's not too bad for her but yeah it's gonna be interesting going into the house with all of the furniture well actually there's a lot of the furniture this that's staying so yeah I don't know won't were eating so much business like pictures on the wall and stuff doing it like that mark around it today is obviously super hectic and Aly is going away tomorrow so I'm going to kind of be left to deal with everything tomorrow but lucky I've got amazing friends who are helping me out with the whole thing hopefully we're gonna get to do some shopping tomorrow as well so we need to get like new bins and lots of new tencel's we need new knives and pans and all of that stuff so it's almost like we're getting our first house again because that's what we have to do when we were here we also need a new TV oh my gosh I'm so excited to have like a bigger screen TV that was so nice but more importantly I'm excited for my coffee but I'm gonna get cracking your help everyone out I'm kind of running on empty folks I'm just so tired but so excited at the same time so it's like adrenaline that's keeping me going also oh my god I didn't tell you literally like four days ago we received an email from the estate agent that we almost bought the first house offers and they basically let us know that the sellers were sorry and they were going through a rough time and they will be relisting the property and we were just like wow oh my gosh but obviously we feel like this house is much better suited to us and it's a completely different house at the old the house that we first offered almost like a period property with like exposed old brick walls and real fireplaces and lots of work that needed doing to it where is the house that we've bought is not that and doesn't need so much work other than putting in a fireplace yeah it's kind of a bit like oh good agenda how to feel about this like we were so hurt and angry at the time about how everything happened but now obviously knowing that like they were going through a rough time and just yeah it's just it was just a very weird feeling but obviously we were really exchanged on this house and we we just feel that this is much better suited to us so yeah anyway nothing me jabbering on I am going to get cracking and hopefully when well soon in this log you will be coming to new house with us though [Music] [Music] [Music] so the house is almost empty I'm just taking links up his food I had to separate the cats less than there just a little bit unsettled which is understandable yeah let's move that mirror here you go pop here here he go your your feet it's up here good boy good boy Lummi is downstairs in the kitchen so I thought I'd give you a quick run around the house mean it's not quite empty yet there's still like this stuff which is gonna go mine and carries cars carry is on her way over to load up her car boy always taking the van to the tip and there's just just I mean this is our bedroom look I need your bedroom it's empty you can see where the bed was I'm like why did we ever walk on the carpet look how amazing it was so annoying and then this is my wardrobe all empty I'm gonna take those boxes but everything else is staying yeah so you can see what the room was decorated like it had like artex ceilings and like Magnolia walls so yeah it was a very different to what it is now and I've got my wedding dress stuff hanging up here for us to take having a bit of a nightmare at the moment day because we're getting like deliveries the house we're supposed to get the keys last night well that's what we were like told and didn't get the keys last night didn't get them this morning and now we've got like couriers trying to drop off furniture and stuff and it's just yeah it's them not going well unfortunately because there's no one there to unload it and we said that there would be people there which there was supposed to be people there hello right okay okay he's been there with the keys okay so who's ever house okay change of plan and we now can go over to the house randomly so I'm not going to give you an empty house to adjust yet I'm gonna just bring carry up to speed and then I'm gonna head over there and unpack the first load of stuff so we've been - oh my god look at my hair please I need to find some hairspray we've been to the house already and the boys are unloading the lorry Carrie is here now and Carrie's already had one injury has he had carried yes like in the house now there's only we're just picking up the last bit the cats are staying here until everything's in it was so funny we came in the door and link's his basket is there and he was literally inside ready to go he was like okay I'm in here let's go now I'm ready to go I thought I'd show you the house quickly in its current state sofas are sorted we've also put the sofa covers through the wash because obviously if you have a nun well catch it has to go through the wash we're leaving all of this stuff here curtains are staying we just got some last-minute bits to go in the under stairs cupboard it's all kind of like this very empty Harry is in the kitchen he's just some bits to go in the bin but last week when she ate how much corn you I know it's Ali and he doesn't check yeah you don't you just buy the same stuff yeah okay the ice out of it we'll take the actual container thing carries packing up our fridge links is down here we've separated them so he's got downstairs let's go find Lummi oh no you're in here now we're in the hallway hello Pooh Bear you're very unsettled aren't you you think that we've left you you silly Papa so the mirror is obviously gone from here and everything is gone from here I go up the stairs and we've got this one's come in with us completely empty bathroom nothing much to see here except Lonnie bear then we go into the bedroom which is all like so I think I showed you this before actually and then we're going into here and this is the kind of last of my stuff that I need to take but pretty much everything else is staying so so that is the empty house tour of our old house and now we're just literally gonna load up the last few bits and head back over but the cats are gonna stay here I think we'll come and get the cat's later because the person isn't actually moving or Lambright the person isn't actually moving in today so yeah we're gonna start packing things up and gonna get a Starbucks as well get some food because I haven't actually eaten today I think I was too excited this morning but now that we're actually in the house it's actually amazing but now that we're actually in the house that we can get some food because I can feel I feel like I can actually like have some food now which is good so we are at the house and it's all happening in here we've got Oh shoes off there are no shoes in the new house so the boys are in here building the bed how do you feel - I have built our bed do you feel closer to us now yeah yeah lots and lots of Netflix yes you having fun Artie you got there for now just for now yeah that we're not keeping the wallpaper in here and we're not keeping the curtains as well this is what I meant about the windows that go around the corner so we need to get special curtains made how do you feel to finally be in very happy are you tired you've worked really hard today we've got these two little munchkins in here [Laughter] that wasn't even me that's Allie this pact that because we ran out of bubble wrap Sergio Rossi's my world has been rocked so they know where they came from to be honest [Laughter] just fire every move touch me let me know you wanted to [Music] we [Music] we need [Music] so the bed is up and ready this bed is from PIP & Co interiors and we got the Ottoman to match they actually have two different styles of Ottoman for this but we went for the closed one so that we can put cushions in it we also got our mattress on my dad's recommendation my dad has a Simba mattress and he was like this is the one that you need so we got a super King Simba mattress and it feels oh my gosh it feels amazing oh god I've never had a sleeper King bed so this is very exciting for me but yeah really happy with how it's looking obviously we're not gonna have it decorated like this it's gonna be slightly different but we've got to get that sorted first but I'm gonna dress the bed now so cue the time-lapse [Music] [Applause] [Music] slight change of plan the cats are coming so I'm gonna get the room that's going to be for them for the moment ready so I'll take you downstairs and we'll finish this off in a minute I actually do it like a crazy lady so just been down in the basement and I set up this room for the cats I've kept it dark down this end sorry it's a bit echo in here and then light down this end so that it's not like too bright for them because it is actually really bright in here we put some boxes in here and all of their toys are out ready to for them to play with a little tunnel and we put loonies bed up here obviously if there's a little too much arguing we will separate them and put them in different rooms but for now we're gonna keep them in here too to settle then we're gonna put their beds in make it nice and warm look at the stage of me oh my god look I do fly it's so much bigger than I thought it was but I love it I literally love it this is in the hallway oh my god I love it we just ordered pizza a Carrie and I the boys had rice and chicken or something but we just went for Pisa because we love doing a free pizza the kitchen is kind of coming along as well we also our soap has been delivered sorry I'm getting really excited so this is the sofa that I was talking about that I wanted in my kitchen area so it sits under the chandelier and then there's gonna be a silver rug underneath and we're waiting for our coffee table to be delivered and then there's two armchairs going here and we've got new barstools coming as well Carrie have you cut my pizza up for me yeah you literally like my mum how was your day been I'm so tired literally so tired I'm so hungry oh that's another thing we realized was I thought that oh my god Lydia you literally look like a crazy scientist and that we thought that Domino's didn't deliver to us but it does living our best life we are very very happy about this very happy I have like candles burning everywhere at the moment because we want it to like smell like our home so what about everything so we've got some jo Malone candles in the kitchen and oh my gosh neon sent us like this huge box of knee and we've put these all in like the guest bedrooms this one is one of my favorites it's also one of Carey's favorites this is the scent to sleep tranquility candle and love that so you've got that by the beds of the stuff I'm featuring in this video I will pop in the description box below so that you can shop it as well my sofa is actually one of those sofas that you literally just buy like you don't have to order it and have it made which is something that I really didn't want to do because in case something happens to it because it needs to be like replaced or anything like that I don't want to order something that's gonna take forever to come because this isn't like the main sitting area we got this from lush interiors and it's amazing this is the 3 seater it comes in two seater I love love love this anyway I'm gonna have some peace now cuz I'm really hungry [Music] [Applause] but don't buy far too long [Music] just home [Music] opened my other cards [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no I love it so much we've got so many more Facebook that we need to cut pictures well yeah uh sorry about this I don't know which but I think I might put this one anyway now I was thinking that I was like I really like that picture yeah I thought I'd give you an option thank you yeah use that one change how you switch out and we'll switch up [Music] never was the last word I heard you say before you hung up the phone never thought that it would go this way with you me good morning everyone it is the most gorgeous sunny day which is why I'm super exposed on my camera but my new coffee table is arrived it was supposed to come last night but I think it was a little bit late so I'm going to unbox this now and put it here and then I'm gonna dress it up with some books and then I'm actually gonna get ready so you can stop looking at my tired makeup free face I need to get myself up and sorted I'm gonna go and do some shopping today for the house because we need lots of stuff I need like laundry bins and stuff like that so yeah it's gonna be a busy day today but first of all this is the dream this is my marble coffee day Borah I've never the only thing I've ever owned in the marble chopping board so this is really exciting [Music] I see you smiling from miles away you're the girl who makes me feel this way hanging the TV in the bedroom this is when Ali's tech has come in very very useful but I was definitely assisting on this job I think that makes all the difference we have TV and Ally's pop the TV opens in the bedroom we still need to get a TV for the living room which you haven't seen sun is shining today oh my goodness it is beautiful in this room we had never ever seen this room in like the sunlight before we bought well when we bought it it was just gray and dark and getting like nighttime outside and so when we came the other day it was beautiful but now like seeing with our like furniture in it just looks so nice oh it doesn't feel real yet I don't think it's like properly sunk in but I feel like I want to tell you more cuz I didn't feel like I was very like coherent yesterday I was deliriously tired because I'd hardly slept and so nakid from all of like the running around and the moving and stuff like that so yeah I don't really know how this vlog is gonna turn out but I hope this okay but yeah this sofa we got basically because we didn't want to have one made because this room is so bright the color is probably gonna get bleached and like it's in the kitchen so it may need to be like replaced so we didn't want to spend like a fortune on getting a really beautiful like the spokes over made we wanted to get something that we could kind of replace as and when we need to this isn't intended as a lounging sofa this is an intended as more of a decorative sofa we have a super comfortable sofa downstairs and so this is just mainly for like sitting and chatting and having like a glass of wine on it is still very comfortable especially with the cushions this morning our gorgeous coffee table from berries and grey arrived we have another parcel coming from berries and gray on Monday which has some flowers that they designed for the center aisle we also have some new barstools coming early March I believe they're to match this sofa as well so that's nice I've got my coffee table books finally they have a home which is amazing and then we've got one of the candles from our wedding this is one of the Jo Malone peony and blush suede candles and also our friend Danny got this picture frame yesterday as our new home present so you would have seen me unbox that actually and then we've just got Jo Malone candles everywhere literally I'm just like the queen of burning candles we need to get a new light for here I think I want to put three separate lights and then there's gonna be some big flowers that go on here so this light is a lot bigger than I actually thought it was going to be but now that it's there I am utterly obsessed with this we're gonna try and find a way to kind of disguise the cable a little bit and then our bedroom furniture our bed is actually from Pippin CO and this is a super king-size bed all of our bedding is from Dunelm mill and the Ottoman is from Pippin CO as well and I believe that these trunks are from Habitat so we've got and these you'll remember these from our old house though yeah that's fine but I'm gonna show you my outfit quickly before I drop Ali off to go to Italy and then I'm gonna go and do some shopping before girls night with all of my favorite girls so I'm showing you my outfit in my very very messy dressing room at the moment you'll see how that is yeah that's how bad is this is what I'm wearing I've got an acne cardigan on John Lewis cashmere roll neck page denim jeans Victoria Beckham boots and my door do are at the back very very minute I'm like so out of breath sorry I'm just about to take Ali so I am just showing this super quickly this is the room that we actually want to sort out very quickly because um yeah honey this kind of more functional than it is now Ali's is completely sorted and mine is completely not sorted but we just checked on the cats and they're doing fine I'm in the car I've just exchanged one of my rails one of my rails is broken so I actually only had two and I probably needed a lot more so I bought myself another four rails and I got Ali another one and actually to go that serves me in August came to my talk at the University of Northampton which is so nice I've driven to Northampton by the way because that's the only Argos that had my rails in stock so I had to drive all the way up here I I'm also in one of those weird moods today when do you ever get it when you're just like you're driving in your car and someone wants to pull out and you're night go ahead go ahead go ahead I've done that tonight everyone today but other days I'm like no sometimes I've just literally let the whole world go and other times I'm like absolutely not I'm in a good mood today clearly so I'm gonna head over to TK Maxx now see if they've got any home bits i'm not going to home sense without carry i'm also gonna go to home bargains and pick up some like cotton buds and things like that so that we've got those for the guest bedrooms and yeah have a look around really so i'm just finishing off this vlog and i'm just finished off editing it on the computer and i realized that i didn't vlog when the girls came over because i was just so excited to see them and like we just had such a lovely evening just drinking and chatting here in the kitchen but I kind of just enjoyed it so sorry about that I kind of feel like I met the end of this vlog kind of fall to the wayside and I did want to show you how things have finished off now in this room still waiting for the armchairs and the barstools but just wanted to give you a full rundown of where everything is from so I'm planning on doing a video with you guys to organize my wardrobe as well so that will be coming soon I think and I've also got just my normal vlogs resuming at home and out and about and doing this so I just thought I would let you know about that stuff but this is how this room is currently looking this little seating area got some Fortnum and Mason baskets over here just sort of over there but the two armchairs will be going here and then this coffee table is from berries in grey and so is the Christian Dior book that's there and then I got the Chloe one from Amazon the faux hydrangeas are from home scents and then I've got a Joan Malone peony and blush suede candle which is from my wedding and then the tray is from Laura Ashley and then the sofa I've already told you about that was from lush interiors and then my chandelier which is up here this is from Shropshire design now this was actually a flush chandelier so it is supposed to sit it wasn't supposed to have a drop on it but we asked them to cus to make the drop so that we could have it hang in these windows up here it is quite an expensive chandelier but I really did want it to be kind of like the focal point of the room so we'd saved a little bit of our wedding money to make sure that we could get a really lovely chandelier for this room everything so far in here so I don't want to just like sign off the vlog without any kind of explanation it's just been a manic few days so yeah I hope that I actually think this vlog turned out better than I thought it was kind of worrying about it but that's yeah it's fine I'm just kind of like calming down from everything now and just getting organized and getting back on track so yeah I hope you enjoyed this vlog and I hope that you guys are happy that we're finally in this house obviously this is our second home so we've been on the property ladder for quite a while so this isn't you know this is not bragging in any way shape or form this is just us showing our next step in our life and as always this channel and my blog has always been a kinda like an online diary of my life you've been with me from University living in halls right through to what now is my second home so and I hope it yeah everyone I will see you in my next video which leaves me on Wednesday or Thursday we're just kind of struggling with Internet in the moment cuz our internet isn't connected so if videos are a little bit erratic over the next week or so it really is just because I'm using my phone to upload things so yeah I'll see you in my next video thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Lydia Elise Millen
Views: 1,054,889
Rating: 4.8768859 out of 5
Id: ffBBIDQ3luA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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