Kris Jenner Closet Tour

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[Music] so guys we have a super special treat for you today we are a girl friend of Mines house in her incredible closet and she's going to take us on a tour and you will be amazed at what you see so I am I am one of my favorite places I must say this is amazing I have never seen something like this ever well you have to remember this is 62 years of collecting so it's not like this just happened all at once but let me give you a little tour around and then we'll end up back here okay so do that this is where you know all my stuff all the glitter and the fun downs are and you might recognize this little dress do you know I have the same dress do you know that we have matching which is fun and this is kind of where it all happens we shoot a television show almost every single day so we have to have a lot of choices and I wear a lot of black Blazers so there's my collection of Mattie's too and that Oh are those fine yeah the Gucci sweats and then I love my luggage this is the gore yard that I've been collecting for years and the momager bag was a gift from Chloe for Christmas last year but some of the things I've had for so many years and you know the bag collection and every single thing I have has a really wonderful memory and then this is the shoe room incredible Wow how do you even just saw how to make a decision I know well it starts they'll give you their money mom you know I know it starts over there and then it becomes works its way process of like what to put on and what goes with what but I'm not as good at it as I used to be so I'm always calling my cousin ceci going see see what do I wear with this this is when I wear every single day so this would be Mike Mike the first place my first stop is a sweat - and that's how I'm was comfortable oh here we go ah here we go darling oh yes yeah this is how you can be a boss lady and a fabulous scarf so you're gonna look like Princess Caroline or princess grace hey boss lady scar lady scars we need some shades over here those shades together showing you you can have like a fabulous little moment with scars but these are gorgeous okay these are Judith Leiber we could go to any meeting like this right now show me some of your Judith Libre bags well I know you've been collecting them for a long time so back in the eighties when I first became aware of Judith Leiber I was mesmerised by the collection and you know they were like something that you that was on your Christmas list right or your birthday list until the first ever Judith Leiber bag I ever got was this one Robert Kardashian gave this to me for Christmas oh my gosh like 1980 that's a great shape right I don't even I'm afraid to take it out these days I don't even want to use it anymore so that's that one and then another bag that my girlfriend's gave me for my birthday like six girlfriends got to get her in like 1985 or so and I like I think we're gonna have to in a little reader and a nice one isn't this a great that isn't in me with the stones on the end but in those days same thing everything I wore was black and white and if it was just like they knew that stuff that I would love that it's not great and this is the collab love dispatch this is literally one of my favorites right there they're all one of my favorites here's the one did you wear that that's one that you order the Met Ball yes yes my gorgeous heart now this is from I believe I got just in 1990 and I can't believe you remember the year I remember the day I gosh these are so special that it it's a thing it's a it's a very special memory that you carry with you know this one somebody found this online at some antique dealer and wanted to know if I wanted a nice are you kidding of course I do so I'm not really sure what year but it looks very similar to that one and then this one is quite special to this gold one this is from 2005 I actually bought for myself last year and this - I found that someone that's a great one isn't it crazy heart the red heart I've not seen a lot of those actually I think Kim has one like this that one might be rare because I've not seen that heart I love this boat this last year and I love this I mean that is a great it's like this is when you just walk you don't even care what you're wearing it's just all about that bow right this bow makes me crazy I love bows the candy Kim had this and I had such FOMO that I had to find out and then about you know seven years ago my Melrose and one oh you've got the penguin put in the road this is very sentimental to me this one because my girlfriend Stephanie passed away about 10 years ago and her kids gave me this it was hers so I carry this with such love and a lot of really great memories oh yeah she was my friend for many years so that's very special to me and I see the lovely one the lovely one is so lovely you have to complain to everybody why it says lovey okay I know I says my grandchildren call me lovey Mason called me ground I call you love you something yeah you do thank God here you're you're my lovey lovey was one of my mom's best friends when I was growing up and I always thought that is the greatest name I would love it but my name is lovey so I got to kind of choose my own name and then you had this made for me thank you I love it I love this a little Chloe gave me for Christmas last year I have the same one is it this should I do you saw mine in my house yeah might slightly different is it I love how they all come with a little beer ouch whatever they have inside but she gave this to me and I was so excited it was slightly different but I have the same one I think I have the lighter color here oh you do and then this one this is very very special this was my Mother's Day present this year from Kylie Wow Wow beautiful I've definitely not seen this one that is so unusual where did she find it do you know I have no idea she Kylie is very very resourceful yeah she finds anything so I love that one anyway I mean everyone means so much and they're so beautiful and they're like something to add to your collection you do we do this is from the new collection because I know you have a lot of these Ashley Mansoor collection that's you're the first one to get this by what it's coming out so that's good oh my god oh my god I follow I love this that is such a Kris Jenner bag no limit it's a black credit card oh my god the perfect yeah for me does it really work well you can try you can try it if I just go like this this is to die for you thank you so much oh my God look I will love it it kind of goes from everything it's fun it's gonna be front and center front and center guys Wow I'm a lucky girl look at that yeah looks great up there thank you see now I have a new memory and I can okay the day that they were here looking at my collection I got it something to add to it well thank you what's my pleasure it's a choice for you guys to be here and for me to kind of relive some of my memories you can get this show at all the Lowe's is amazing I mean now I'm gonna go home and try to redo it I'll help you [Music]
Channel: Matt Van Ekeren
Views: 3,072,777
Rating: 4.8712378 out of 5
Keywords: Kris Jenner, jenner, kardashian, closet, clothes, fashion, tour, closet tour, dee hilfiger, judith lebier, hand bag, collection
Id: ZwldITBiJSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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