My Daughter's Surprise ROOM MAKEOVER

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today my daughter Sailors transforms her empty new bedroom into the room of her dreams meanwhile her brother Hudson and our dog Boomer are preparing a very special surprise this is my new room in our new house and today it needs a really big room makeover I'm currently on my way to do a huge surprise for Sailors ever since we moved into the new house our dog Boomer hasn't been sleeping with Salish as much as he used to so to fix that I'm gonna transform her closet into a dream room for Boomer first thing we have to do get Boomer a haircut boys allowed Kelly could you please film yeah sure thank you bye Sandy okay what do you want me to put this on well done wait I can't walk let's actually get started truth is I knew she would kick me out and I have to go have a Hudson with this big surprise so I'm leaving I say are you excited all right he's excited what he doesn't know is that there's an even better surprise at the end let's go wait do you see this he's gonna look so cute Boomer yeah yeah did you get a haircut first I have to move this used to be my mom's when she was a kid and no hate mom but it doesn't really match my theme wait for it Kelly oh here is a pillow a pillow watch out there's the blanket there's a pillow there's a duvet cover pillows another pillow hey yeah more pillows hold on you think we didn't have enough pillows more pillows here's another pillow and whatever I don't use I'm gonna return because otherwise my bank account would be empty oh wait I think we didn't we didn't think this is all the bedding now we have to see what works normally I would wash all of my blankets and pillows before but I don't have the time to do that right now because I have to be at gymnastics in like five hours there we go okay we will help where do I go out Kelly wait is my hair messed up how's it looking whatever the worst part of it all doing the duvet is this long side or the short side yeah this is a short side put thingy and thingy put thingy in corner perfect where's the other Corner what the heck oh stuff that in I did it oh my goodness look how cute this boy is this guy is so sweet he's so fluffy we gotta Rush on to the next part of the surprise let's go I've got my Uber driver with me and Boomer every night recently Boomer has been sleeping on the couch I don't know why he might be freaked out by the new house but this dog Paradise room I'm gonna build is gonna change things this is a mess aren't even gonna touch it today but I can show you what's in it these are winter jackets why is my closet the storage space excuse me we don't need them we're in California [Music] first things first I want to get Boomer a ton of dog toys so he never leaves the closet let's go for me find him a bone this bone is bigger than boom I could eat this bone next thing next thing's frames there's in them and print some pictures to put in them this is my dad's office and I know right in the home tour it was really dirty but now it looks way cleaner and if you guys haven't already seen it I posted my first video on my brand new channel it was a home tour and it looked a lot different there's his coffee but this is definitely not as good as the coffee I make him yum that's good we have all his glasses get say bucks oh the book I was in there I am I thought I was jumping so high look at my face I'm like the book is really cool there's photos of kids all around the world including we have to call my dad and ask him if I can use his office and his printer okay where do I go find a white wall go it took you long enough where are you I didn't hear the phone ringing where are you um I'm I'm just doing stuff where are you I'm in your office can I use your office I need to print something say are you printing ugly photos of Me no do you know how to use my printer yeah where are you where are you I'm going to get ice cream do you pinky promise you're at an ice cream place okay so now my phone looking right now don't look at my location what nothing it's nothing I'm at Starbucks I think you promise I'm going to get myself an ice cream yes later eat ice cream now why no dog around here [Applause] I can't hear you um that was horrible I'm gonna put this on airplane mode so you can't check where I am I'm gonna be in trouble I'm gonna make a picture like in each frame of everywhere that I've been and love going I think I'm gonna start off with Santa Monica I just like the ocean and it's so pretty there oh that's actually kind of nice we open this okay now we press print any day now printer oh look I don't want to ruin the surprise but it's gonna look so perfect now I have to finish Printing and framing all the pictures and I'll see you guys when I'm all done I have to go hang them that's gonna take a really long time because I'm not the handiest person in this family I think we might be in the wrong section if we're in an aquarium hey Boomer you want some fish oh what are you doing I'm trying to get my hair wet you can't put your hand in the aquarium no come on let's find Boomers and toys toys I see toys doggy toys oh I feel like that it doesn't seem like he likes no he doesn't like them you want a time crunch right we got to go faster yeah [Music] they're Bird toys bird toys all right we gotta put this back first fish and then Birds we're in the wrong section oh my God oh my gosh you're scaring them these are all my toys each one of these has a really cute story so this one yeah and then oh gymnastics competition when I won first my dog chewed this oh this is my favorite one this one my grandpa got me and I love it so much I love it its name is corny thank you so much Papa this is the best toy ever I have to go to gymnastics in a couple hours so we gotta go five more minutes dude what are you doing come on let's go he's gonna get us kicked out come on come on five more minutes let's go let's go come on now it's time for the sheets and these are so soft so obviously I had to get them I'm actually pretty good at fitted sheets okay Corner yeah I call that the Superman so you put that thingy under the other Corner then the harder Corner put that one put this one and there we go I think sheets because they match everything yep get under but today I'm not going to because I'm too lazy right now perfect look how good that looks now it's time for the duvet yeah I'm gonna say a word and then you're gonna say it louder and we're gonna keep saying it louder and louder after each other and the loudest person wins go no we're not gonna do that let's go get kicked out okay now that that looks all good we are going to start with pillows okay these two pillows are my actual sleeping ones pillow pillow okay that looks weird pillow pillow pillow pillow pillow pillow pillow all done oh wait I forgot to put the pillowcases on the bottom pillow I'm just gonna fold them up now I'm gonna put that here and I'm gonna do it tonight it's definitely not because I'm lazy or procrastinating next we have this thingy yeah throw it right here the bed is all done let's see if it's good now we do the heavy lifting my mom was gonna kill me if I scratch the floor there we go I can't see where I'm going though sorry Mom I miss her looks good if you want to get any of these things for yourself they're all Linked In the description perfect before we can play with this food and then find it we're getting that this is Boomer's favorite movie he would love that watch this if I make this you owe me another dog toy deal sure cash [Applause] we're actually gonna get kicked down I'm getting this one okay let's move on everything going okay over here yeah we're good a little bit of excitement okay okay what did I tell him he was too loud now we have to stop filming next we gotta find Boomer a place to sleep I definitely didn't get any help from Kelly at all right Kelly hey okay perfect they look so good and if you think this looks good you should wait until the end when I finally sign up but whoa wait I can't tell you guys yet look how boring that wall looks but I have something that's gonna make it so cool and it's gonna look just so good in the night I'm so excited wee okay this room isn't done yet but I love it it's my dreams I'm just kidding just because there's a new room doesn't mean there's emotion now I've done this a couple of times my grandpa really likes to like do this kind of stuff and I cannot ruin these walls or else my parents will be so mad at me I just got my nails done and now me I ruined them I'm determined to do this so I don't have to call my dad I'm doing it Kelly what do you think that's all done it does not feel sturdy at all but apparently it is let's hang this picture okay perfect looks good four more to go this is fun no I think I used the wrong one I think I'm gonna need some help I need help hanging yeah okay I don't know if I can reach but I can do this one there's a ladder just putting me to work oh I'll go on the ladder I don't know we'll let her work Kelly thank you okay this is looking pretty good but remember the last and best thing is the oh wait I can't tell you guys yes you can do what I normally do with a mat at gymnastics I just put on my back left why is it so heavy okay I got it here step one do this okay guys I'm actually okay at building Furniture I did build my bed these things four books Kelly this might take a while nap time oh wait I have gymnastics I gotta go [Music] see let's just leave it for gymnastics very soon so we've gotta rush and find Boomer a bed oh these are so cute but we're not here to get toys right here here we go I'm gonna pick out a bunch of beds for Boomer and try them each out to see which one is most comfortable well I think this one might be my favorite Phil with my Mom normally not my dad's he's not really good at that stuff step two how many steps are 21 and it takes like three hours Kelly I'm gonna need some help okay I got a little bit of a Starbucks break a pink drink with vanilla clothing and Light Ice recommend now let's do my bathroom look at how messy Hudson is that's really gross I have a little bit of over here the line so that is my side when you're living with this now you know why I have to separate our tooth sinks let's bring this in nice and clean those go right there I need my toothbrush look at this girl power slime I mainly did that just Drive Hudson crazy what are these towels they're dirty and disgusting oh I don't know if he wants a pink towel but that's what he's getting sorry guys I love you there are my fresh clean towels claw Clips basically you just clip your hair back with them like that usually the paper isn't there though I got this it tightens your skin so I don't have old skin when I'm old to just go like this or you go like this ready what little Sailors tip don't buy nice things ever at TJ Maxx now I'm just cleaning up Hudson space because I mean I feel bad it's kind of really dirty so I'm gonna make this look really nice I think it might be time for a new toothpaste and I'm gonna be so nice to give him a new toothbrush look at that ew I'm the best sister ever right there oh wait he might not want to pick one he can have one of these are all oh brother's this dirty I'm gonna give him one of my towels I'm such a great sister the thing is he's not even gonna notice any difference I just finished cleaning a Hudson sink where is he okay we got on the bed let's try him out oh that's kind of nice I can take a good nap here I'm gonna give this one Hudson Boomer should try them not you it's Boomer's bed no but I'm gonna like lie on it with him too sometimes it was one that was the first bed I'm giving this one a 7.5 out of 10. let's try the next one I think this might be a little bit small you see Boomer like curl up like this something oh geez like this sometimes let's let Boomer decide my perfume fit squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt can you smell good or you could just go square square square squirt squirt squirt squirt both of our sides look pretty nice now thank you okay good job thank you you didn't do this which of these beds do you like come on you want to get on the bed he's smelling them all that one I think it's for a cat he can't decide which bed is his favorite means we gotta get all of them okay that's Overkill one more stop [Applause] [Music] and and I have my abilities flash my dad that's the heaviest thing I've lifted today this side Perfect Light Of course little tip don't electrocute yourself wall plugging it in [Music] oh no are there ghosts I'm not doing anything now I'm gonna go ahead and build a light Kelly could you fast forward please one eternity later okay I just finished it looks really good obviously with Kelly's help now we're in Target and the next stop is electronics oh this is perfect why does a dog need a TV you're going to want to keep watching to find out this is what each of these photos means to me this is the Sailor sea which is what I was named after um and that's a whale obviously that's Santa Monica that's Amsterdam which I've been to once and I really liked it then that's Paris and I got to see the Eiffel Tower once and it was honestly pretty cool it was really tall and we got to go on about like right under it and it was really cool and that is New York and niac where I used to live there's a bunch more to do but I want to surprise you guys so I'm not gonna show you until the end Cecilia's room is right up there I'm trying to like jump up to see if I can see anything because she's not letting me in until she's totally done but I can't wait to see it as soon as Taylor leaves for gymnastics we're gonna rush into her closet and get this surprise going I'm so excited to see a reaction okay I just finished everything finally and it looks so good I love it so much and I am so happy but I have to go to gymnastics and I'll see you guys after and I'll show it to you bye see that's been playing at this room for over a month I'm dying to see what's in there but I'm gonna wait and let her show me right I'm gonna wait she's gonna wait I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait I'm not gonna turn this knob I'm not gonna turn this knob don't turn the knob don't turn the knob don't I'm screaming I'm waiting I'm waiting ah see let's just left for gymnastics time to get set up we got all the stuff here I'm very excited to go load it on to say let's just plug whoa whoa whoa I know Salish is going to want to be the one to show you let's see oh my gosh this is incredible yeah we got a lot more bags downstairs Hudson has been in there for a long time already and he is surprised English so many times he's given her gifts he did a room makeover he even did a house makeover but I have a feeling this surprise might actually be her favorite that was a lot of work we finally got the room finished Salish is gonna love it obviously I did it all by myself it was pretty awesome okay I'm just kidding thanks to Kelly and Dell they killed it they had to help out I couldn't do that by myself Salish is about to be home which means it's time for the reveal so excited mom okay now you can come [Music] this is my room [Music] run by yourself [Music] I'm about to surprise English I can't wait to see a reaction this is so good it's really pretty right wait can I just come in now uh don't push it Dad oh my gosh this is so cool right I think you're forgetting one more thing about your room that you haven't shown us no I'm not Hudson I got a big surprise for you open your closet it's a suitcase open it up [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] wow that's great let's do this I wanted to make sure Boomer would sleep with you every night [Applause] Hudson thank you so much oh he's already falling asleep he loves his new room foreign
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 3,108,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, challenge, salish matter, hudson matter, say say matter, room makeover, target, room tour, new house, puppy, dog, cute, sweet, funny
Id: Ol4vDMVnv4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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