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hey there handsome come around here much sorry you said that you're not into girls with overalls screw you then whatever I don't even care I literally don't even care oh now you're following me oh now you want me you're just like every other man on the planet I give you so much attention and then I reject you and then you're just like all over me no no that's not how it works okay honestly I'll give you a second chance [Music] good morning this is gonna be a really fun video uh no it's not I did in fact get kicked out of college and it wasn't just any college it was actually my dream School the school that I've been trying so hard to get into my entire life and I got kicked out I'll tell you what happened a little bit later in this video I have not stepped foot on that campus since I was a student there which is like five years ago and that is exactly why we are going back but first if I was to get kicked out of college what would I get kicked out for party too hard your grades just not doing it the work and micro projects welcome with a teacher oh no oh no oh my God it's so early we have a train to catch but first we gotta get ready check this out I got these new little Outlets that are smart outlets and they connect to my phone look at this ready light switch is that not the coolest thing ever okay I need to get ready [Music] what I needed to take a picture here we go [Music] I'm on a train right now I'm on a train for the next four hours the train is see I didn't even have to add a sound effect that was real whenever I would go to college I would always take public transportation whether that was a bus or a train and I'm honestly having so much fun because I don't have to sit in traffic I don't have to drive and they have free snacks on the train how much better could this get the next stop in 10 minutes you heard the man we are 10 minutes away this is crazy this school is called UCSB UC Santa Barbara it was my dream school ever since I was little because it was right on the beach it was like close enough to home but not too close I did everything in my power to get into this school and by the grace of God somehow my grades just got me there my race records just got me there and I got into UCSB and then I got kicked out a year later but I'm just excited to see how it's gonna feel when we actually step foot on that campus thank you oh yeah smell that Santa Barbara air smells like bad grades there's one thing I've been missing ever since I went to UCSB and that is a free birds burrito guys we're here we made it to Freebirds these burritos are unmatched although the only time I've ever actually had these burritos is like in the middle of the night because I was so busy being up all night studying such a good student no I had too many apple juices but it's fine because we're gonna see if it still slaps today smells like smells are all coming back this is insane oh my God you guys oh my God I'm so excited a chicken and guac burrito chips and of course the Mexican Coke The Vibes are Immaculate I would be here at two o'clock in the morning when nothing else was open there's no McDonald's really nearby it was within walking distance of my dorm and now we're here this is crazy that's a freaking burrito right there this burrito has been in my dreams okay it's time to really put her to the test you ever had a burrito bring tears to your eyes well I have you know how music or smells will sometimes give you that Nostalgia and make you feel like it's taking you back to that time that you were happiest that's what's happening right here right now I am gonna absolutely inhale and demolish this burrito I'll see you guys in just a minute honestly probably won't even take that long this is the saddest thing ever I came back the restaurant that I used to work at is completely gone my parents were getting really upset at me because I just was asking for money left and right and I finally had to get a job and so I applied for the only job I could find which was at a fall restaurant at the time I had never had Pho before and so there was all these really strange names that I couldn't understand it was like off like all these different things needless to say I sucked at my job but it's really sad because it's gone it used to be Pho Bistro and I used to wear a shirt on the back that said what the fur which I thought was really cute and unique and now it's Asia 101. how the times have changed let's keep moving guys look what I just found a bird scooter I need to use one of these these things are so fun I've tried it once and I'm gonna try it again all right ladies and gentlemen she's off oh okay nope we're good how do we how do we get this to work oh oh she's off okay no no we're good wow this is lovely honestly the weather is great wow hello very travelers all right now we're gonna go towards the beach because whenever I was feeling bored I would always find myself at the beach shall we whoa hey hey guys hey guys wait up wait up my Schooner's going much slower now Isla Vista is home to one of the most beautiful views and sights sites you've ever seen like this one and this one and this and this is it ladies and gentlemen may I welcome you to Tropicana Del Norte this is where I used to sleep this is where I used to binge watch the office this is where I used to live one fun fact about my time living here is I only lived here for a year but I hadn't picked up a vlog camera I hadn't even thought about becoming a YouTuber whatsoever but I did decide to make an intro and you want to know what's funny is that intro is still being used today for my YouTube videos yeah the one that you saw earlier in this video yeah right in there oh my god this is my old room this is insane the craziest part about this room is me and my roommate Paige shared this room it was an a bedroom right now they have it as one bed because so small it only fits one person but Paige and I we were bunking it so we had bunk beds right here oh my gosh this is how much room I have it feels like I was reincarnated into another life but this was my past life this is so I can't even describe it am I going crazy probably all right guys it's time it's time it's happening I'm walking towards campus right now because I'm going to step foot my first step on campus since getting kicked out I know you guys have been waiting to hear why I got kicked out well I was about to tell you guys about why I got kicked out but then while I was walking to campus I got stopped by literally a hundred Justin Bieber's this is like my worst nightmares there's just a bunch of Justin Bieber [Music] I was just going to film The Last clip and tell you guys why I got kicked out meanwhile all these really smart really awesome ASB students just keep walking by and said hi and wow that was amazing stay in school kids because be like them they are Your Role Models they know what's up in life for real okay it's the moment we've all been waiting for five years ago I was kicked out of the lovely beautiful amazing school behind me University of California Santa Barbara there I was a freshman in college and I was just a little crap head let me tell you I was not doing my work I was not getting good grades and I was not paying attention in class why who knows I felt like I was one of the dumbest people in class at all times I was too afraid to ask questions in class I was too afraid to raise my hand I was surrounded by Geniuses left and right and I always felt like I was the odd one out and I think I just kind of gave up which I strongly suggest against it I ended up doing really poorly in school and getting some pretty bad grades which I'm not proud of and over the summer as I was trying to apply for my fall classes I was wasn't able to apply I called the administration offices and I was like yo why am I not able to apply for my classes they were like oh about that there was an email that was sent to you two months ago over the summer and you had to acknowledge that you got bad grades you had to appeal to this email and say hey I acknowledge that I got bad grades I won't do it again never saw that email I was like okay so what am I supposed to do she was like well you can't come to classes in the fall but you can come back in the winter do you know how terrifying that was to tell my parents oh my God have you ever felt the wrath of two angry parents horrifying basically I ended up going to my local Community College the first quarter with plans to go back to UCSB in the winter within my time at the community college I found new interests I found new friends and then the rest was history had I never been kicked out of UCSB I might not be sitting here talking to you with a mini microphone on a random Thursday you know what everything happens for a reason I do want to thank you guys for 4 million subscribers everything that has happened is so surreal to me and I'm so unbelievably grateful for everything for every opportunity for every up every day down I'm just very grateful for everything I love you guys so much I will see you guys in the next video stay in school bye I didn't see you there meow I'm just on my way to class see you there see you in Oakham is that a class I don't know
Channel: pierson
Views: 863,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pierson, Pierson wodzynski, ucsb, college, I was kicked out of college, my friends kept me alive, lexi rivera, Brent rivera, lexi hensler, dom brack, sofie dossi, Jeremy hutchins, ben azelart, amp world, Andrew davila, vlog, tiktok, storytime, brierson, landrew, my brother was MURDERED, eating worlds spiciest vs sourest foods, trying the most dangerous banned kids toys, I was murdered, trying fast foods most dangerous meals, trying viral tiktok gadgets *mind blowing*, dropout, challenge
Id: gXRmfdLkoeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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