EXTREME ROOM MAKEOVER + TOUR 2021 !! *aesthetic/tiktok/pinterest inspired*

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[Music] the long-awaited room makeover is finally here i have literally been talking about this room makeover non-stop because i have been working on my room for a while now but i'm so excited to finally get to share the whole process of transforming my room with you guys it's been a very chaotic process and just letting you know this isn't gonna be your regular room makeover this is going to be remakeover like we're going all out and you're not ready for it anyways a lot of big changes are going to be happening and if you're new here and you're planning to subscribe which you should because we're so close to 300 000 subscribers just know that this channel contains a lot of chaos okay some of you are probably questioning me because i literally posted every makeover like nine months ago which i think was a pretty long time ago but some of you may disagree my style literally changes like every single day i make a lot of impulsive decisions i'm indecisive i get bored really easily hence this video so let's get into the remakeover and let's start with day one so now that you have a general idea of what my room looks like before one of the first big changes that is going to be happening to my room is getting rid of the disgusting brown carpet it just i've had carpet in my room my entire life i've always wanted to get rid of it and my grandma agrees that she hates it as well and we finally made time to summer to get rid of the carpet so in order to start the process of taking out the carpet we need to start with step one which is tearing down my room we're going to be taking everything out and completely emptying it that way every step after that glows a lot more smoothly once i took everything off the walls it was time to start putting everything else into boxes this was just so that when we started taking everything out of the room it would make the process a lot easier this is now where we need to take a moment to appreciate my lovely grandma basically in the next few clips i was unable to help her take out the carpet because i was out of town for a weekend so she literally set up the camera by herself and filmed herself taking out the floor and the fact that she knows how to do this on her own just screams real life girl boss [Music] one of the last things she got done while i was gone was actually painting this purple border that i have around my whole room i honestly can't explain why i never painted it it always bothered me but i never did anything about it but rest in peace to the purple border she will forever be missed so when i got back i actually took a trip to ikea with my sister on the hunt for a new bed if you guys didn't already know i do share rooms with my sister which explains the second bed in my room i've always hated having two beds in my room because it just takes up a lot of space and it's super inconvenient me and my sister agreed that if we got rid of both of the beds and replaced them with just one that the room would look a lot more spacious and just better in general so after spending an hour at ikea we ended up deciding to get this bed which is basically the same size as the beds we had before except it's a pull-out bed that way there's just one bed in the room and we don't have to sleep next to each other we also just love the look of it and knew that the room would look so much cuter with this one [Music] this was both of our first times making a big purchase for the room and we were very proud of it [Music] so this is now the part where we started working on the floor we decided to dedicate an entire day to work on the floor it was basically my grandma that was doing most of the work though but we were trying to help her out to speed up the process because our goal was to finish by the end of the day we had a little bob the builder moment and it was a very long and painful process but we got through it got no money [Music] so the day after that we finished the floor we began working on the bed it took us about half a day to assemble the bed and here's the process of that [Music] so update we are officially finished with the floor we're also currently in the process of putting together the bed could we just talk about the fact that as i was cleaning my room i literally found my old guitar like the memories attached to this guitar are insane i really want to decorate the room already i'm just so excited about it so i'll get back to you guys once we're finished with the bed at this point the floor was fully finished we finished putting together the bed and all we needed to do before i could start decorating was to put in all the furniture this part was honestly super annoying because i was being super decisive about where to put the furniture i'm the kind of person that needs to visually see what it would look like before i can make a decision i ended up not really liking the original way that we arranged the room so later that night we ended up having to go back and rearrange the room so that it looked more spacious now that all the furniture is in the room the next step is to do some intense deep cleaning not only do i have a huge mess scattered around the room that i need to organize but i also have a bunch of furniture that i ordered online recently that i still need to put together so let's just do some quick deep cleaning and we can move on to the decorating afterwards [Music] hmm so now moving on to my favorite part of this entire video the decorating the first thing i wanted to start off doing was actually cutting up some posters that i recently printed out you guys are always asking me where i get my posters and 90 of the time i just print them from fedex i'm sure a bunch of you are going to be wondering how to do it so let me quickly show you what you want to do is go into the fedex website go on to the printing services click on flyers and then basically just upload all the images you want to print out and pick them up at your local fedex this process does not take long at all it's actually super fast and easy inexpensive and you get the pictures within a day once i finished cutting up all the photos i started to try and mentally visualize where i wanted the posters to go one of the first places that i wanted to hang up my posters onto was on my wall grid that i bought on amazon recently [Music] this is now the part where we start putting together the furniture that i bought recently if at any point in this video you're wondering where i bought stuff for my room i actually have a video up on my channel where i talk about where i got everything for my room so in case you haven't watched that already make sure to go do that guys look at this i did that look how cute it is okay now i need to put together the clothing rack [Music] so the final touch to my room was putting philip on my bean bag and that is it guys that is another video i hope you guys enjoyed the true makeover it was nice knowing all of you goodbye now just kidding seriously though this is the part of the video that gets super chaotic because i'm basically just decorating all day i'm hardly talking to you guys and i'm just getting to work because my goal was to finish my room as soon as possible so i dedicated this entire day to just decorate my room as much as i can so here's a quick montage of me doing that [Music] so here is what the bed looks like [Music] it is literally 11 30 right now in the night time and what i wanted to do is remove the led lights that are all along my wall i actually wanted to make it so that the led lights are around the furniture in my room rather than on the walls just because i feel like i got over the look of led lights on the wall so for example i would be putting the led lights behind my bed so that it looks like this i honestly think my room would look a lot cooler like this let's do that really quickly guys check this out let's not pay attention to my messy bed but look at how cool this look is cool this is i promise it'll look so much better when the bed is done anyways let's now remove this one and i'm gonna be putting these behind my desk [Applause] okay so now i just have this blank wall in my room that i don't know what to do with so i think i'm just gonna put up this chicken painting i have to fill up the blank space i'm also gonna put up the little led heart i have which by the way i put batteries into and look at how cute this is this is so cute we're gonna put these two things up here on the wall and hope that it looks cute [Music] so the previous day when i was decorating the walls this wall in particular was giving me so much trouble because i couldn't make up my mind on how to decorate it i kept going back to it i kept changing the way it looked and i just was being super indecisive so i left it alone and gave up and tried again the next day okay so it is the next morning and i'm almost done with my room except i'm not liking the look of this wall the more that i've been staring at it i've been starting to hate it i just feel like it looks really empty it looks like it's missing something and i just feel like i need to keep messing around with it so that i could like it better what i'm thinking about doing right now is removing these little posters here and just scattering them along the wall to see if i like that better but yeah let's just see how it turns out [Music] so if you watched my last video then you probably know that i purchased this heart chair in that video and it took forever to get here which is why i never showed you guys but i was so excited because i actually got it as i was filming this video so here is me putting it together i'm so happy and excited about it i also made a tick talk about it so if you don't follow my tick tock definitely go do that next up on the agenda is putting up some shelves i actually got these from target and i decided to put one up above my desk i thought it would look really cute there so this is what we're doing here we have officially finished setting up the heart chair i had my grandpa put up the shelf above my desk i actually have a bunch of stuff that i bought this week when i went shopping and i want to show you guys a little haul of the stuff i got so let's start with this bag right here i went into this little store we weren't planning on buying anything and then i just so happened to run into the most beautiful potato just sitting there on a shelf and i just fell in love with him and i knew that we were meant to be together and after like 20 minutes of staring at him i ended up deciding to get him here's your potato and uh here he is now honestly you guys are probably questioning me at this point because i have some of the weirdest stuff in my room like just last week i was getting excited about a cow cup with cow boobs on it and now we have a potato lab let's open him together he's been sitting in my car i feel really bad about it look at him and guess what he gets even better when you smack him he lights up he's beautiful and i can't get over him anyways next i went to urban outfitters with my sister and we were looking at their books and we were just talking about how their books looked so interesting and we really wanted to get some we got this one called the cosmic power it looks super interesting then i got this one called homebody and i got so excited because i love this author and then lastly i got this one called 100 ways to be happy and i really want to read this book and then lastly i went into this one plant shop that was nearby i didn't end up actually getting plants but i did see this one plant pot that i thought was really cute and i've actually seen something very similar like this all over pinterest so i decided to get it it's like cute little like bites [Music] a little butt plant holder and in my last video i showed that i got this one cute little body candle and someone commented that the body candle was sus and i was just like it's cute it's a cute piece of room decor like it's only sauce if you make it sus let's just not make it weird please and thank you anyways i'm now going to be spending this time to start decorating my shelf and my desk area [Applause] [Music] [Applause] guess what the room is done the room is done and we're gonna do a room tour now but i'm sitting right now in the corner of my room so that you can't see anything the juicy part that you have been waiting for i wanted to mention a few things before i showed you guys the room first of all there's a lot of stuff in my room that i bought recently in my online shopping video and if you guys haven't seen that video you definitely should because i basically showed you where i bought everything for my room second of all i wouldn't necessarily say that my room is fully complete i feel like it never will be but i just wanted to mention that because i'm definitely going to be making a lot more changes to my room obviously as time goes by and i buy stuff so i'm first going to show you a quick overview of my room and then i'm going to show you what it looks like in the nighttime because the vibes are immaculate let's do that really quickly [Music] me [Music] hey so let's start to the left side of my room which is just my closet so we got these two big mirror like sliding doors and now that we got rid of the second bed i can actually use this mirror to look at my outfit every morning and around the mirror we have a bunch of these little cubby holes you guys have definitely seen these in my videos and they literally don't have anything special in them we just fill them with our clothes we're just not gonna get into them next to the mirror we have this huge wall i didn't want to just fully get rid of these like vines that i had because i wanted to do something with them so i decided to put these all along my wall i thought it was a really cute touch i took some fairy lights that i had and they're basically just kind of strung along the wall as well to the left over here is where i ended up placing my pink bean bag which i'm so happy with i love this little spot in my room it's basically like my designated relaxing area i threw a few of my plushies on here we got mr phillip and mr rilakkuma they're basically like soul mates i'm just kidding just kidding then to the right over here is where i ended up putting these little baskets they're basically not that organized and they're just filled with a bunch of hair products that i use i thought this was a pretty convenient place to put it because it's right next to the mirror and i could basically just grab stuff and then like do my hair in the mirror and like sit on the bean bag while i'm doing it and then to the right of that is where i decided to put my clothing rack right now i decided to just hang up a bunch of my favorite random sweaters i have some of my favorite bags here this little crochet bag that my grandma made me and on top of that i have a bunch of little posters that i showed you guys earlier then right under that i just have this little trash can in my demonia box that has my boots in there so now let's move on to this side of my room which is basically where i have my bed over here i just have the iconic chicken painting that everyone goes crazy about everyone always asked me where i got him but i actually painted him myself if you're an og then you probably remember the exact video that i painted him in then over here i just have this little neon heart that lights up and i love how it looks in the night it's the cutest thing ever and right below that is where i have my nice stand it matches so perfectly with my room i decided to just put a bunch of stuff that i reach for pretty regularly in the morning and in the night times when i wake up and go to sleep i have this little crystal lab that you guys have probably seen a million times in my room i always turn that on in the night because i get scared of being in complete darkness i have these two really cute plants which are fake by the way then i have my switch because when i get severely bored i do like to play animal crossing i have my journal my five minute journal and then just my water that i was drinking earlier i have a few crystals and you guys always ask me where i get my crystals from i literally have been collecting crystals over the years and i honestly cannot tell you where specifically i got them and then i just have this like wooden slab to hold these things but that is basically all that i have here on my actual bed though it is pretty empty i just don't like keeping too much on it except for my children which you see here and mr potato over here which i still haven't given him a name if you guys have any name ideas for him please let me know i love him so much because in the night when i get scared i literally just anyways the last thing i have here on my bed is just my pillows and i kind of hate that they don't really match with my bedding so i do plan on getting new pillow covers also let's just not pay attention to the drawers right now because we still haven't finished them we haven't gotten the chance to go out and buy the little knobs that go in the door because apparently ikea doesn't give you knobs when you buy the bed so let's just ignore that up here i just wanted to keep the decorations simple i didn't want to go too crazy so i just have one of my checkered posters that i got from society6 i put a bunch of little posters under the shelf and i think it's the cutest thing ever i love the color scheme i love that these match i just love this vibe here up here i have this shelf i didn't really show you guys how i installed it but i ended up just deciding to put one there because i thought that something was missing so i decided to put some books that i'm actually currently reading along with a plant then right above my bed we just have my window love that my neighbors could see right into my room but that's okay next to the window and next to my bed is where i have my dressers over here i have this little white rug so soft and fuzzy i believe it's from target my grandma actually got me this dresser she found it on facebook so that's all i know on top of my dresser i just have a bunch of knickknacks i have this face over here i have this little pouch with all my makeup and just my stuff in there i have my little crystal tray here i do have some crystals that are missing because i was using them earlier a lot of you always ask me about this tray but i actually thrifted it i also thrifted this little cup that i just put a bunch of cotton balls in i have some candles i got both of these from target this little thing is my sister's and i don't even know what she uses this for or what it is i have this cute little butterfly tray for like jewelry and it's from princess paulie i have these shells all over my room that my mom gave me when i was little then i have these little crates which are the cutest thing ever i just have a bunch of my favorite products in here and of course cannot forget the cow cup i kept the decorations above my dresser pretty simple just because i wanted to be able to showcase my plaque without any decorations really taking away too much from it okay so i always get questions about this little arc that's above my bed and i never show it in my videos because i hate the way it looks i feel like it's just there but basically when my room used to be a garage this was kind of used as a storage and we were never really able to get rid of it because it's a part of the house so let's not pay attention to it we're just gonna pretend that that's not a part of the room and same thing on the other side of my room we have this other little storage thing that again we're not gonna pay attention to over here i have this mirror it's from target i decided to just stick it up on my wall but now we're going to be moving on to my favorite part of my entire room i personally love the way i decorated this and it definitely has to be my favorite so let's take a look so this is my little study area i am so obsessed with it mainly because i love the way i decorated it i just think it came out so cute just imagine yourself sitting on this comfy heart chair while you're studying or like doing work on your computer on my actual desk i just have my computer here it's on this like little wooden stand with my keyboard and mouse this is the microphone i use while i edit then back here i just have my little jewelry holder and this has been an absolute lifesaver i love just having somewhere to organize my jewelry because i've been struggling for the longest time with keeping my jewelry organized mainly because i usually just throw it everywhere and then end up losing it but as you can probably tell i haven't gotten to fully fill it up with my jewelry but as you can see i just have my earrings some rings on top here i just have another butterfly tray this is supposed to be filled with jewelry but i just threw a bunch of nails that i've been collecting as i was doing this room makeover in here i am going to be getting rid of those i have this little vivian westwood box here that i got when i got my necklace as a gift we have the iconic body candle that you guys saw in my online shopping video this face roller which isn't supposed to be here it's supposed to be in my bathroom but i don't know why it's here i have a few crystals that i was using this morning and then this measuring tape that i constantly reach for and it's also not supposed to be here but we're just going to keep it here on the right of my desk i have these crates over here that i'm still yet to fill stuff with i just have some pencils this little mesa jar filled with more pencils and scissors we got this little pink mirror here and then in the back i just have this huge fake plant this hand sanitizer so that when people come through the door they can just put some on if they need any then above my desk is where i put up all my decorations one of them being my wall grid this is supposed to be meant for like my notes and sticky notes that i want to stick up but since right now i don't really have a need to put up i decided to just stick a bunch of these little cute pictures that i printed out but over here i have this little capricorn poster on top here i hate this little heater thing that is in my room i can't really get rid of it so i don't really have a choice but to just keep it there so i decided to just work with it and i put my calendar right next to it and i didn't really put much decorations up on this wall just because i didn't really want to do anything too crazy and lastly at the top here i just have these shelves that i got from target and i took heavy inspiration from pinterest for these decorations but we just have this cute little plant here that i thrifted we got the led cloth that i got from amazon and i actually don't know how to fix the time on it so it's just like a random time right now but if you guys know how to fix it then please let me know because i'm still yet to do that then over here i just have the books that i got from urban outfitters and the little butt plant holder that i got you guys cannot tell me that this is not the cutest thing ever oh and i almost forgot i also have these little baskets here next to my desk once again we're not going to open them because they're super chaotic inside and unorganized but on top of that i just have my printer here but yeah that is about everything for my room okay so that was everything for my room also let's ignore the dirty mirror but uh i'm so proud of the way that my room came out because i put so much time and energy and effort into it you guys don't understand my room i don't think has ever looked this good there's going to be a lot of exciting content coming in this room and there's still going to be a lot of things that i'm going to end up adding to my room so really it's not complete and i don't think my room ever will be complete because i changed my mind like every single day there is no doubt that i'm going to get bored of this room eventually and want to redecorate the entire thing so if you guys do see any more room decorating videos for me in the future don't question it just accept it and once again before i leave we're so close to 300 000 subscribers and i really hope that you guys are new here that you subscribe and like and comment and turn on your post notifications because you will not regret it i promise you but yeah if i do end up doing any more drastic changes to my room i will make sure to post like an updated room tour or something like that but yeah i love you guys very much and bye
Channel: adelala
Views: 1,621,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: room transformation, room tour 2021, extreme room makeover, ultimate room transformation, tiktok room, pinterest room, minimalistic room, indie room, alt room, trendy room tour, thrifted room tour, re doing my room, complete room transformation, aesthetic room tour, aesthetic room transformation, decorate my room with me, deep clean my room with me, small bedroom makeover, dorm room makeover, aesthetic room decor, diy room decor, extreme 24hr room transformation challenge
Id: hXzBzkAk-cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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