💖 Text To Speech 💖 ASMR Cake Storytime || @Amara Chehade @Briana Mizura || POVs Tiktok Part #122

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five younger siblings or five best friends I've never had a friend so five best friends if I choose to have five younger siblings my mom will love me the same as she does now that I'm an only child what no I chose my best friends you really don't know do you you have to make five friends they want just to pay out of nowhere really yeah and you better hurry up and find them because you only have 24 hours to do so hey do you want to be my friend no because you don't meet my friendship requirements friendship requirements really yeah if you want to be my friend you have to be rich and good looking you're crazy how can I make friends I have an idea come on Who wants to be friends with me you're more regret it I could be a good listener she's so weird this is never gonna work hey I want to be your friend I'm also looking for a new friend okay now we're best friends hey friend we only have 24 hours to make another full friends yes and do you know what happened to the people who chose five younger siblings I don't even know if that's useful but okay good morning morning Mom I made you pancakes thanks actually I'm not feeling hungry I'm feeling a bit sick are you sure just eat one at least no thanks hey Amara hey oh one second my mom's just calling me aren't you gonna answer um no anyways let's just go to class okay class you're free to go home now hey you want to come mines nah I need to go home I have a lot of homework to do actually I can just do it at yours let's go hey you think I can sleep over tonight yes of course Amara your mom's downstairs she says she wants to talk to you Mom where's my allowance for this month honey your dad left so no more allowance how am I gonna buy food at the canteen be patient huh guess the name of a psychopath or Prince I'm scared of psychopaths so honey if you guess his name you'll earn money and your balance will increase my balance will increase oh only four letters um I guess all honey careful you can't try to guess the name like that if you're wrong three times something bad will happen to you I can only get it wrong three times but I already got it wrong once I'm going to school bye lend me your phone hey the first law is a that's good you guessed the letter yeah I'm so happy my body's just increased well now there's only three letters left you have to guess the name soon they say whoever's first to complete the name will add an extraordinary balance seriously then I have a chance to become rich okay now I have to guess can you get out of the way oh sorry you dropped your book Liam that's not my name it's my sister's name give me back my book okay you know that boy I've been since earlier do you know who he is oh yeah he's the biggest net in school he spends all his time studying well he dropped his book and it said Liam on it book oh he tells everyone it's his sister's name I think he's lying okay class for this exercise you have to tell me your favorite letter my favorite letter is m yes so the fourth letter of the prince's name is m I need to finish this soon okay it's wrong be careful young lady if you get it wrong again something bad will happen to you something bad will happen to me but I need to know the prince's name no you don't because he already goes to your school he goes to my school okay I'm gonna guess the next two letters wait you can't just guess because if you're wrong one more time something bad will happen to you you're right it's best to find out the prince's name first is there anyone at school whose name ends with an M why don't you just ask the class good idea I'll go ask now hi guys does anyone's name here end with an M mine does no it doesn't Jake and also you're not the prince oh come on babe why you like that I've asked every single class and no one's name ends with an M you again why are you always everywhere I'm looking for a boy whose name ends with an M no one in the school has a name that ends with an m what's your name my name's Rio but why does it say Liam on his book maybe he's taking his name so that no one knows he's the prince true I really want to guess another letter but I'm scared something bad will happen to me why don't you just find out if he really has a sibling or not good idea I'll follow him off to school okay class the lesson's over you can go home okay now it's time for me to follow that guy I know you're following me me I'm not following you what do you want I just wanted to look out for you in case someone followed you home you don't have to make excuses just watch out I don't want to see you following me again okay okay I'm not gonna follow you Excuse Me Miss why were you arguing with that boy we went arguing I just wanted to meet his sister his sister as far as I know he's an only child he's an only child yes everyone who lives in this area knows this you didn't know no feeling he was lying okay I'm gonna try guess his name hopefully I'm right I don't want anything bad happening to me Liam vote for a safe world or a dangerous world I vote for a safe world of course Why didn't it it doesn't work like that everyone gets to vote and the one with the most votes gets picked you have to convince everyone to vote for a safe world because if this world ends it's all your fault why my fault because it's all in your hands okay this should be easy surely everyone wants to live right no one really wants to swell to end okay positive thinking you can do this Jake you have lots of girlfriends right please help me help you with walk tell them to vote for a safe world I only need 100 people to vote okay fine I'll help you okay hurry up go I didn't mean no I have basketball can you just cancel this is really important all right fine I'll cancel yay thank you hey Emma will you tell everyone to vote for a safe World why should I help you she's my friend Hey Jake okay if she's your friend I'll vote for a safe world now tell your friends too yes of course girls vote for a safe way thank you so much ew don't touch me I'm only doing this for Jake Jake thank you so much because of you I've got 50 votes in already why aren't you saying anything I've helped you enough I really need to get to basketball practice bye wait can I join you at basketball practice I can just ask all your friends to vote for a safe world there's going to be lots of people there right okay just hurry up guys please help me vote for a safe world so we can all live I'll only vote if you become my girlfriend okay uh vote first then I'll answer it don't work like that answer first then I'll vote vote for a safe World otherwise I'll get you kicked out of this basketball team uh yes Captain I'll vote for a safe world now that's it we've all voted for a safe world thank you guys um I'll treat you with some water bottles hey um can I please have 50 water bottles yes of course wait why is only 99 people who voted I swear there was like more than 100 people who voted here's your drinks I put them in a box so it's easier to carry thank you oh yeah Miss can you please help me vote for a safe world yes of course thank you wait how comes the number didn't change it's stuck at 99 is everything okay yes Miss everything's fine thanks for the water I'll pay you later bye Hey Jake I'm curious you also voted for a safe world right oh yeah that's right he helped me get a lot of people vote for a safe word but he never voted himself Jake please help me vote for a safe world I only need one more person to vote I can't Amara can't why it's because I Jake please help me vote for a safe world I only need one more person to vote I'm sorry Amara I can't do that can't why because I because I'm not from this world huh not from this world then where are you from I'm from space you're joking right no I'm being serious why isn't anyone saying anything we're all shocked like you Amara We're not gonna believe you Jake until you show us your Spaceship Spaceship why is everyone digging with their shovels because we're helping Jake hide this spaceship Jake say something do you still want to be friends with me even though I'm not from this world yes of course I do I don't care where you're from okay if so come with me I want to show you my spaceship here it is huh this is your spaceship but it's so small how do you even fit in there oh there's plenty of space trust me hey you guys your high school kids aren't you what are you doing in school at this time that's the school security we need to hurry up and cover your spaceship yes please help me thank you guys so much for the help hey Jay can I ask you something yeah why did you come to this world since you know you're not from here because there's nothing in my world I like it here more and I never expected to make any friends but now I feel like I belong okay cool mom there's already 100 people who voted for a seafood but why is it stuck on 99 that's because the last one percent has to be voted by someone who's not from this world but why because they're both are very important okay Mom I'll be right back I know exactly what to do Hey Jake my mom said the lost one percent had to be voted by someone who's not from this world so can you vote please Amara I told you I really can't why not if you don't vote I don't want to be friends with you anymore uh okay okay I'll vote for a safe world see easy it's not about it being easy if I vote for your world my world will be destroyed forever wait really yeah this is all your fault I'm just joking look at your face don't worry this whole time no matter what people voted for both of our worlds will still be safe as long as no one voted for the dangerous world of course I can see my dad's salary I don't even expect it to be a lot he doesn't even leave the house to work so all this time my dad's rich dad what do you want you get 1 million per month why didn't you tell anyone I didn't tell you because I don't want you to be spoiled who says anything about being spoiled every day at school I'm hungry for a snack but I never have any money to buy it okay starting from today I'll give you a thousand pounds a day okay I have to keep your salary on private why are you keeping it private because I don't want my friends at school to like me just for money oh okay that makes sense okay I'm going to school now bye hi Amara hey why is your that salary private because I want to keep it private is there a problem with that you play on private because you're that salary is poor right we can't be friends in that case bye what all right it's your loss anyway okay class we're going to be going on a trip to the zoo everyone follow me except tomorrow why sir because you're poor you won't be able to afford the visit but sir I can pay for it how are you gonna pay your poor you know what what they said the one whose father's salary is the highest will be the president of the Student Union who said that I had the teacher speaking about earlier I think Jessica's gonna win because her father's salary is the highest attention everyone I will now announce the new president of the Student Union wait you're announcing it now yes the new president is Jessica her father's salary is 150 000 150 000 a month are you making fun of that salary get out of my way who dared to stop you like that some girl in class okay from tomorrow you're paying my salary on public I don't accept anyone slapping you look who's at school I thought she'd be scared to come back yes Jessica she should be afraid of you me afraid of her never but if you really want to know this is the last time I'm here but before I leave I want to show you something but before I leave I want to show you something what what is your dad's salary exactly you don't have to pretend like his salary is high I'm not pretending just so you know my dad salary is 10 times higher than yours prove it then that's right you can't you'll see later why is this happening I'm so sick and tired of Jessica's arrogant behavior my dad's salary is one million a month and all that's only 150 000. what why don't you show it to everyone because it's not letting me play on public I wanted to show everyone that my dad's salary is higher than Jessica's how much is your dad's salary anyway if I told you you wouldn't believe me come on just tell me okay believe or not my dad's salary is one million per month almost 10 times higher than Jessica's dad which is only 150 000 per month dad honey why haven't you put my salary on public yet that's the problem I've tried but it's not letting me what do you mean does the system have an arrow or something I don't know but people are still bullying me okay calm down I'm gonna find a solution so you can put my salary on public I really hope you can that hey I got bad news what is it ever since Jessica became the president of the student council she set a rule that everyone who's that salary is below 5000 has to leave well that's not fair when do they have to leave by tomorrow this can't happen do you know where Jessica is she's at the cafeteria come on just so you know you can't make rules for the school that only benefits you and who's gonna forbid me not you because tomorrow you'll be leaving the school didn't you say you were leaving today anyway no I'm not leaving anymore because my dad's salary is 10 times more than yours if that's true how comes you haven't proven it be careful because no one will leave the school except you I have to become president of the student council today so I can remove this stupid rule set by Jessica excuse me can you help me please help me with what I lost all my money and I can't go home can you lend me some of course finally I found a good person thank you very much since you will get to me I'll put you that salary on public huh how did you do that because I'm the one who controls the system what how did you do that because I'm the one who controls the system what so all this time it was you yes but sometimes the system lags hopefully there will be no error again okay thank you so much thank you as well finally I can put my dad salary on public that means I can become president today hey Amara where's Jessica I hope she changed the stupid rule she made up no she hasn't everyone's gathered in the hall she's making sure everyone who's that salary is under 5000 gets kicked out we need to go there now in accordance with the new rules I've made starting from today anyone whose father's salary is under 5 000 needs to leave the school immediately I don't agree Amara are you again you can't stop me I'm the president of the student council so I want you to replace me with Jessica as the new president of the student council and why should I do that because my that salary is higher than hers do you have any proof yes in fact I'll show you now what how is this possible well it's clear Amara's dad salary is higher than Jessica's so she will be the new president starting today what sir you can't do that and according to what I said yesterday I'm kicking you out of the school since you're the new president do you want to make any new rules yes I want to change the money rule anyone should be able to study at the school no matter how much money they have congrats on being the new president thank you I'm going to the canteen I'll tell them you'll pay for my food later since you have so much money bye hey wait little tomato or adult tomato mommy what does this mean if you choose the adult to me or you'll turn into an adult if you choose the small tomato I really want to grow up and be an adult like you honey wait you can't eat that now you have to wait 13 hours oh I wanted to grow up quickly look then there just entered that class why do you always wear those glasses aren't they too big for you you can bully me all you want but once I become an adult I'm gonna be really pretty wait did you pick the adult to me yeah didn't you no we all chose the small Tomatoes this is so funny when you're an adult you can work as a babysitter that's not funny you're not the only one who chose the adult to me really you chose the adult tomato too yes who would want to be small forever when we're adults we can do whatever we like and we'll have our own money I wonder what you're gonna look like when you grow up you'll probably look like a grown-up nerd no I'm pretty sure I'm gonna look beautiful you really think so that's never going to happen class for those who chose the adult Tomatoes the age were randomly increase so I'm gonna grow older randomly yeah you can either become a teenager a mom or a grandma no I don't want to be your grandma so if I eat this I might go straight looking like a grandma what should I do listen guys you know how Amara and David chose the adult Tomatoes let's steal Davis tomato so that Amara will be the only one who looks old yeah let Amara grow up on her own besides she really thinks she's gonna look pretty when she grows up let's prove her wrong I have to tell David now where is he I wanted to tell him but he's not here is everyone ready it's time for you to eat your Tomatoes I'm sure Amara won't be pretty when she grows up let's just see after she eats that tomato you have to eat your tomatoes in a count of three two one you have to eat your tomatoes in three two one so this is how I look like as an adult it's all because you ate The Big Tomato turns out I'm not a nerd anymore but where are my friends everyone who ate the small tomatoes are now in an orphanage huh orphanage yep that's right I can't believe it they all made they've eaten the small tomato and now he's stuck in an orphanage I have to help him use this tomato to help Dave is this a small tomato or a Big Tomato it's a big tomato give it to Dave make sure he eats it within 24 hours otherwise he'll stay small forever small forever yes you don't have much time hurry up and get to the orphanage excuse me may I come into this orphanage you're not part of this orphanage so you cannot enter but my friend's in there I don't care you're not allowed in what am I gonna do I have to quickly give him this tomato you have to be a part of the orphanage how am I supposed to do that apply to be a teacher huh teacher yes okay then I'll try hey can I apply for a job here as a teacher oh yes it just happens that this orphanage doesn't have a teacher yet can you start today yeah sure it's so dirty in here oh my God is that the nut how are you so pretty now you guys used to bully me at school right we're so sorry we all ate the small tomato please if you have a big tomato give it to us I'm so sorry I bullied you in the past no you guys swapped Dave's tomato to a small one you're evil I'm not giving you anything where is he hey I know you have a big tomato can you please give it to one of our students he hasn't been able to communicate with anyone ever since he got here not able to communicate who is the student what's his name his name is reborn or can't get old I choose can't get old why would I want to be reborn I love my life how it is because I'm rich mom I'm going to school okay what did you choose honey I chose not to get old mom does that mean you can repeat the school year again yes I can repeat as many times as I like because no one really knows how old I am I'm hungry Hey where's your mom are you lost you can't help her why can't I help this little girl she said she's hungry she's a mafia kid when she grows up she'll be just like okay you can't say that no one knows come on let's go you can't bring this child into our house to be honest well I'm not just gonna leave her by herself okay then both of you leave my house now gladly I'd rather leave then leave this kid all alone mom I'm going to school but before I leave I wanted to ask why does your face never age you look just like my age oh my gosh why are you letting your soulmate day I'm sure he just wants to waste time until we meet it'll be fine as long as they break up when we meet it's cool whoa he must really like her it doesn't seem like he's interested in looking for you he must be why would he want to stay with someone who isn't his soul mate it must be for her birthday or something and he's getting her a gift you're joking right he's taking this too far I don't get it I don't have a boyfriend because I only care to be with my soul mate so you think he's in love with her then he must be I have a letter from my soul mate I wonder what he wants to tell me what what is that dad today everyone will vote for you depending on if they think you're beautiful or ugly if everyone considers you ugly you'll be killed don't worry I'll help you with your first vote mom you're gonna vote beautiful right I'm not your mom I'm your stepmother and no I'm not gonna vote that because your face reminds me of your mom and she was ugly Lucy if you vote beautiful for me I'll do the same for you you really think I'm gonna vote before I'm vote and ugly I want you to die so that I can take your boyfriend Grandma help me I don't want to die everyone's voting ugly okay honey be patient sometimes life is unfair even though we do good for others but don't worry I'll vote beautiful okay Thank you Grandma guys whoever votes ugly for tomorrow I'll give them 100 pounds wow okay I voted give me the money why are you doing this to me why are people mean to me when I'm always nice to them I'm gonna stop being mean too Amara don't be mean it's not all about how you look on the outside the inside counts too and you have a very good heart so I'm very beautiful besides yesterday someone told me that you helped some orphans thank you very much hey babe since I'm your girlfriend can you vote beautiful for me no I'm bored of you if you die that means I can have a new girlfriend a new girlfriend yes I've been wanting to break up with you for the longest time my dad was right I should have listened to him I left that guy a long time ago this is my last chance sis please vote beautiful for me you don't want to lose me do you actually if you disappeared dad will love me more so I'm going on no what did you just do bye sis huh choose between 100 million or know everything of course the money Amara your boyfriend's waiting outside look what you've done oh no Amara how much is 3 000 times 780 I don't know two million 240 000. yeah that's right well done that's weird I didn't even mean it my mouth just spoke by itself Amara I need to tell you something last night Lucas left at your house and you two were studying in your room yeah how did you know that because I know everything plus we're gonna have a sudden exam whoever finishes first wins a prize the answer to question one is B the answer to question two is a and the answer to question 25 is D how did you know the answers did you look at mine no I just guessed it now can I have my prize hey anyone want to buy some lottery tickets yes can I have number two 8 14 and 16. no way I won mom we're gonna be rich please open up each color has its own discount I wonder what color I'm gonna get three two one you got purple purple how much is the purple discount as far as I know purple's not on the discount list I got blue and my discount is 70 I got pink and my discount is 80 I just want iPhone 6. I got purple there's no purple color on the discount list her discount is probably zero percent she can't buy anything ew right why is everyone buying expensive things because there will be a competition tomorrow the one with the most expensive items win everyone buys things with their own discount so today you're gonna have to stop buying things but I don't know how much my discount is how am I supposed to buy things I guess I'm just gonna have to try and see it's bad if you don't go to school tomorrow because you don't have any discounts you won't be able to buy anything don't worry as soon as my discount appears I'll straight away go and buy something buy something if you get zero percent discount what can you buy flip-flops no way my discount is on a hundred percent a simple house or a luxury house who wants to live in a simple house of course I'm going to choose a luxury house wow this house looks like a palace honey what have you done how come my house looks so luxurious I got the option to choose between a luxury house and a simple house and I chose the luxury House mom whoa this way I don't have to be ashamed anymore if any of our neighbors decide to come visit do you guys want to come mines after school of course your house is so luxurious I wonder what Amara's house looks like I've seen it it's really disgusting hey what are you guys talking about why are you talking to us what did I do wrong you are wrong because you're not rich Let's Go Jenny what this year our class sleepover is going to be at Jenny's house again okay out of my sleeping at hers her house is beautiful I'm like Amara's house guys don't you want to come to my house I'm having a birthday party there in your smelly house it sucks I don't want to come I don't want to come either it's dirty but my house is not as old as you think don't lie I've seen you go to your house after school it looks really dirty enough all right Amara I'll give you a chance everyone's going to your birthday party but if your house is what everyone's saying it is the sleepover will be at Jenny's house okay sir I understand they'll soon know the truth but I have to get ready before they come I wonder what the reaction will be like oh my God that must be them I can't wait to see Jenny's reaction hello guys whoa is this really your house tomorrow yes sir this is my house I can't believe it sir I saw how let's go home after school but I wasn't in this house Amara is this really your house are you lying to of course not sir this is my house why would I be lying I don't believe her she doesn't want to admit that this house isn't hers this house is too beautiful to be on Mars okay I'll give you 24 hours to prove that this house is really yours and if you can't prove it the sleepover will be at Jenny's house again okay sir what happened honey my classmates and my teacher thinks that I'm lying about this house being mine but why didn't you prove to them that the house is yours how can I do that you can show them the contract of this house but the contract is still with your dad and he's overseas so I have to wait for him to come back my teacher only gave me 24 hours to prove it Mom yo that's coming home tonight don't worry all right Mom I'm going for a walk I'm so angry of course that happens in a Morris but she won't admit it but if it's true that the house is hers the sleepover will be there every year and not at your house anymore of course not she's lying I've seen her house it's not the one we went to today my dad's not home yet honey I'm home Dad finally did you have the contract for the house yeah your mom told me you needed it right here you go thank you so much Dad this is going to solve all my problems it's almost been 24 hours and Amara still hasn't proven that the house is hers see sir I told you she was lying if she doesn't prove it quickly the sleepover will be at yours and she'll get kicked out of school for lying I'm sure the house isn't heard I have to show them sorry I'm late sir did you bring what I asked for Jenny why did you come to school I thought she wouldn't come because she doesn't have proof yes sir I brought it here you go good now let's see if the house is really yours oh my God so that luxurious house is really yours tomorrow that house is really on Mars yes Cesar I wasn't lying about the house being mine Jenny are you ready to leave school Amara was a lion I'm sorry sir please don't kick me out of the school and keep the sleepover at my house because my house is still more luxurious than amaras Jenny the sleepover was at your house last year your house is really luxurious but Amara is even more but that was last year sir my house has changed it's more luxurious now okay students let's go to Jenny's later to see the current state of our house okay sir sir can I go to of course tomorrow all students in class can go I'm sorry sir but I don't want Amara to come to my house why why not you went to my house too and I didn't care about it even though you called me a liar it's my house and when I say no it means no why doesn't Jenny want me to go to her house what does she have against me I feel sorry for you I'm all right even though I'm friends with Jenny I'm sorry you don't have to feel sorry Olivia you know what just come with me to Jenny's house if she says anything I'll take the blame okay hey Jenny Hey Olivia wait why did you bring Amara here oh come on just let her in you feel sorry for her don't you do you want to get removed from a friend group no Jenny but hey what's that noise can you guys stop fighting Amara come on in whoa your house has changed a lot yes sir I hope you like it so that the sleepover can continue to be here okay I've made my decision this year's class sleepover will be a whoa your house has changed a lot yes sir I hope you like it so that the sleepover can continue to be here okay I made my decision this year's class sleepover will be a Jenny's house as I expected because my house is better than yours but sir okay everyone get ready we'll meet at Jenny's house tonight 8pm one more thing sir I don't want Amara to come to my house but I'm also part of your class when I say no it means no Amara don't make this a big deal just listen to Jenny it's her house after all okay sir how dare Jenny not let me go to the Cross sleepover why don't you just go regardless well it's easy for you to say you're Jenny's best friend and if you really like me you wouldn't even go to the sleepover you know what you're right why don't you replace me at the sleepover replace you but won't Jenny be angry she won't be angry because if there's one less person she won't be able to do the sleepover oh I see thanks Olivia you're welcome what are you doing here I said you couldn't come plus there's no one here what happened to your house I don't know I just got here and found it like this someone must have came to mess it up it was you wasn't it me what no this whole place is a mess what am I gonna do Jenny we're here open the door do not even think about it I'm gonna count to three and you have to open the door one two three what class will I get why did I get a letter or not a number I have to fake it honey what class did you get class 10 mom well class 10 is the lowest class I'm ashamed really if I knew I would have changed the number to one what are you doing in this class I'm in this class sir your number's 10 right you think I can't see you can't be in this class you have to go to class 10 class 10 yes class 10 which is the lowest class where the non-important students are hi my name is Rosie oh nice to meet you where's our class our class is that one right next to the toilets why there doesn't it smell yes but they placed us there because our class is the lowest Rosie let's go find something to eat I'm hungry we call tomorrow because our class is too low so we can't buy food this is unbelievable hey you buy me a drink hurry up who are you I'm Leah in the school everyone wants to pay me including I don't want to you'll regret saying that guys how come there's no one with cross a in our school because it's very rare wait plus a but I go Class A this morning guys I want to ask something what does Class A really mean Class A is the highest meaning that person will be the leader of our school seriously yes there should be only one person who got class A in the school but why do you ask you're a class 10 you'll never be a Class A so I guess I'm the new lead after school I have to show everyone guys look at my neck I got class A whoa it turns out that Leah's a school leader huh but didn't you say that only one person can get Class A guys look at my neck I go Class A whoa turns out but didn't you say that only one person could get Class A yeah why because I have class A too she's just lying we all know she had class 10 earlier yeah you're just trying to act important but guess what you'll never be yeah we all believe what she faked her class why don't you believe me because you could never get Class A just look at you look that's the girl who faked our class yeah isn't she ashamed she's still walking around with a fake a on it you guys do know that I can hear you right I can't believe this I don't have any friends left they all left me because they think I'm lying don't worry everyone will believe you tomorrow and you'll be the new school leader can I really trust the security guard hey I'd like to pay for this water bottle sorry I can't serve you why not you can't fool me I know you got class 10 and you faked your layout just so that you could be important bar rules are rules I can't let anyone with class 10 buy anything from this canteen Amara you won't believe what just happened what happened they found out that Leah faked the letter on her neck because she got nervous and sweaty so her little started to fade away and now she's getting expelled from see that's why I've been trying to say this whole time she's lying sir I was the one who got close a how do we know you're telling the truth not faking it I can wipe it off and you'll see that it won't come off okay fine hey see turns out you were right all along Yes we finally found a school leader sorry without you you have to get ready get ready for what we're throwing a party because we finally found our school leader be popular or be beautiful I've never wanted to be popular so be beautiful honey you made the right choice right choice why Mom because being beautiful means you'll be popular too my face still hasn't changed yet wait don't take that makeup off yet until you're sure you've changed oh here she comes I don't understand why she wears makeup like that it must be because her face is hi guys you can go away you're no longer part of our group but why not because you're neither beautiful nor popular so you have to leave hey I'm glad I found you here what is it I wanted to tell you not to go to the princess dance princess dance party why not because they said that the prince wants to choose the future wife during this party and what's wrong with me going I don't want him to choose you hey calm down surely the prince will not choose why are you even here you just hit me out of your group and you're here again I just came to say you won't stand a chance with the prince you're hideous attention class all the girls in this class is invited to the princess dance party I'm sure he'll pick me because I'm the most beautiful girl in the school his heart will melt for me sir I want to attend the dance party if possible why are you going there for everyone's gonna make fun of you if I were you I wouldn't be so sure I hope this works soon let's make it back whoever makes the Prince fall in love with them first gets him okay deal finally I'm at the palace it's so beautiful here look at Maura she looks so beautiful without makeup yeah she does her face looks so much better like this we have to be careful now because she's a threat she might be chosen by the prince hello everyone thank you to everyone who showed up um so where's the prince the prince is getting ready to meet you guys that's cool I can't wait for him to pick me Jessica why are you wearing makeup anyway I thought we all had to come without um I'm not wearing makeup this is my natural face I'm always beautiful like this I don't regret having a crush on Jessica she looks like an angel yeah her face is prettier than tomorrow I'm pretty sure she's wearing makeup guys are you trying to accuse me you're just scared of not being chosen by the prince we'll see who wins this way I'm definitely gonna lose the bet because she's wearing makeup so obviously she's gonna look prettier than me don't worry you'll win because you came with an actual face everyone covering their face with makeup will eventually get caught how do you know I'll win because you chose to be pretty overpopular yeah but Mom said if I'm beautiful I'll be popular too that's right if you're chosen to be the princess wife you'll be very popular Amara I have news about Jessica what is it I heard she threatened to expose the prince's secrets and now he has no choice but to pick what what Secrets apparently she's gonna tell everyone that he doesn't have a dad that's what I heard okay everyone I have made my decision I choose Jessica to be my wife for your majesty she's cheating she's wearing makeup how dare you accuse me like that really well there's only one way to prove it both of you wipe your face with this so we know which one of you is lying what are you scared no I'm not scared okay then you have to wipe your face in account of three two one okay I'm gonna wipe my face with this cotton pad to prove that I'm naturally beautiful Jessica why are you silent you have to wipe your face too yes Prince Now show me the cotton pad you both just used sure here it is your majesty here's mine your majesty okay Amara your one's clean and Jessica your one has makeup on it I'm sorry your majesty but I still haven't seen your natural face I'll choose who my wife will be after you remove all your makeup so I have to wash my face now yes that's correct I've never seen Jessica without any makeup when she's prettier than me Jessica won't give up she'll definitely put on something to get picked by the prince does this mean there's a chance she might win that's right so what should I do now put on this mask when you do nothing can beat your beauty okay I'll wear the mask thank you so much for helping me wait where'd she go Amara I had Jessica drank a potion to make her look prettier I knew she was planning something what are you gonna do now I have no idea wow Jessica you're so beautiful yeah my best friend's really beautiful even without any makeup you should have showed up like this from the start because your face is naturally beautiful you don't need any makeup thank you your majesty Amara why are you wearing a mask why do you think she's just scared of losing because she knows I'm more beautiful Amara what was your intentions coming here in the first days to be picked as my future wife yes your majesty then why you wearing a mosque I can't even see your face anymore maybe something happened to her face that's why she's covering it yeah I think so that's enough Amara remove your mask now but Prince if you don't remove your mask you have to leave this Palace yes if your face is really beautiful like you say it is take off your mask okay I'll take off the mask wait your face is different yeah you look like a completely different person if Amara could change her face I also want to change my face okay fine Jessica I'll give you 24 hours to change your face so that it's fair I can't believe Jessica also wants to change her face you can't let anyone wear the mask I gave you why not because if they do it could be dangerous you have to find the mouth can throw it away immediately okay I'll go get it now wait I swear I left the mask here where is it I have to find it before anyone else wears it Alice what do you want where's Jessica I'm also looking for Jessica why did my mouse disappear from where I left it I'm sure Jessica took it good I hope she did so that hobby it can be the same as yours that mask can only be won once something bad can happen if someone else wears it oh no we have to find Jessica right now before she wears the mask Jessica Amara how did you know I was I knew it you did take my mask Jessica take off that mask now Alice since when were you on Amara's side you're supposed to be my best friend just listen to me otherwise something bad will happen how do you know that Jessica please take off your mask now I have to choose one of you okay I'm taking it off now um Jessica what is it Alice is my face okay your face hasn't changed at all the monsters why is my face suddenly hurting so much Amara are you okay I can't stand my face it's hurting me gosh why is Amara stay so ow why is my face suddenly hurting so much goshamara why is your face so your face is red what I have to go what am I gonna do the prince is never gonna love me like this you shouldn't have let anyone wear that mask you this is all your fault look at my face hey drink this your face will go back to normal okay thank you wait when you said I'll go back to normal I didn't think you meant this not the prince will definitely not choose me calm down go back to the palace and show the prince your real face no I'm not gonna go he said he wanted someone beautiful he will find you beautiful no matter what you look like just trust me ew Amara your face is back to normal I knew you were lying this whole time now the prince will definitely choose me actually Jessica you're a liar Alice what are you doing you better keep your mouth shut Jessica's been drinking from this person to look more beautiful she's lying enough I know who I'm gonna choose now who are you gonna choose I Choose You Amara you do you do why her because since the start she's been the only Truth for one and I've realized beauty is not just gone the outside it's on the inside too and she's beautiful thank you your majesty this is so unfair Alice come let's leave actually I'm staying here I can't miss The Big Wedding ugh whatever I'm leaving Alice thank you for sticking by my side today it's okay sorry for treating you the way I did I think you look beautiful no matter what and you deserve to marry the prince among your majesty I'm sorry for taking so long to pick I didn't know who to believe it's okay so what time is the wedding today wait today that's crazy well do you want to wait for real yeah why not okay let's do it then yay everyone let's get ready class I don't understand the class will determine how much you can drink per day well done I have to get the highest cost so that I can drink a lot and be healthy yes good luck honey wait you can't drink until the class appears really but I'm gonna be thirsty just wait because I'm sure you'll get the highest class Sarah you seem happy yes I got class a meaning I can drink four liters of water what class did you get I didn't get a class yet oh my gosh bestie that means you can't drink anything yet I know but hopefully it will show soon Amara I hope everyone's getting the class later today really at least that means I can finally drink water yeah but but what I heard that the longer it takes for you to get a class the worst it will be well I'm sure it can't be that bad hey Lily can you share your drink with me no sorry but I got class B meaning I can only drink one day up a day so you don't want to share your drink obviously no I don't have enough also humans need two years per day to survive good morning everyone today we'll be dividing you into groups depending on what class you got yes we'll be in the same class I can't believe we only get to drink one liters per day at least it's better than tomorrow Amara enough after break come to my office yes Miss I love water I feel so refreshed guys can you please stop drinking in front of me I'm getting really thirsty that's your own fault because you're here at the canteen everyone's gonna be eating and drinking you're right why do I suddenly feel dizzy Amara how why am I at the nurses room you fainted because of dehydration I have to get back to classmates oh no need to rush just take a break looks like you want to say something yes before you enter class you have to drink water from this cup yeah but I thought I couldn't drink if my class has no pedia you have to drink it right now why did the teacher's eyes turn red okay I'll drink now her ranking what does this mean it's your family rank honey rank three means ordinary family and rank two means famous family what about rank one mom you don't need to know because it's impossible for anyone to get that rank I'm gonna try to get rank one for our family yeah looks like she thinks I'm joking I'm gonna prove that I got ranked too meaning my family's famous same wow congrats guys you've got your family rights you haven't gotten yours Amara not yet is that normal oh my gosh it's definitely not normal maybe your family doesn't have one not possible my family is famous like yours I'm so miserable what's wrong why are you crying can't you see oh my gosh why isn't your rank appearing is there an error in the system no I don't have a family that's why it's not appearing I'm so sorry Gemma okay class please get in groups according to your rankings but sir I don't have a right then you can sit with Gemma because she has no rank either this is so unfair why isn't it appearing don't worry Omari I'll get yours soon yeah but why is it taking so long apparently only one family gets ranked number one and if they do they get appreciated whatever they do yeah it doesn't seem like I'm gonna get my ranking anytime soon hey eat this piece of chocolate it should help you get ranked number one in the next hour okay I have nothing to lose class I have good news what is it Sarah soon the person who got rank one will be revealed oh my gosh imagine that chocolate helped me get rank one I'm so jealous of whoever gets to rank one guys I'm the one who will get around Quan and I'm gonna prove it three two one what class will I get why did I get a letter or not a number I have to fake it honey what class did you get class 10 mom well class 10 is the lowest class I'm ashamed really if I knew I would have changed the number to one what are you doing in this class I'm in this class sir you're almost 10 right you think I can't see you can't be in this class you have to go to class 10 plus 10 yes class 10 which is the lowest class where the non-important students are hi my name is Rosie oh nice to meet you where's our class our class is that one right next to the toilets why there doesn't it smell yes but they placed us there because our class is the lowest Rosie let's go find something to eat I'm hungry we call tomorrow because our clothes is too low so we can't buy food this is unbelievable hey you buy me a drink hurry up who are you I'm Leah in the school everyone must obey me including I don't want to you'll regret saying that guys how come there's no one with cross a in our school because it's very rare wait plus a but I got class A this morning guys I want to ask something what does Class A really mean Class A is the highest meaning that person will be the leader of our school seriously yes there should be only one person who got class A in the school but why do you ask you're a class 10 you'll never be across a so I guess I'm the new lead off to school I have to show everyone guys look at my neck I got class A whoa it turns out that Leah is our school leader huh but didn't you say that only one person can get Class A guys look at my neck I go Class A whoa turns out but didn't you say that only one person can get Class A yeah why because I have class A too she's just lying we all know she had class 10 earlier yeah you're just trying to act important but guess what you'll never be yeah we all believe what she faked her class why don't you believe me because you could never get Class A just look at you look that's the girl who faked our class yeah isn't she ashamed she's still walking around with a fake a on it you guys do know that I can hear you right I can't believe this I don't have any friends left they all left me because they think I'm lying don't worry everyone will believe you tomorrow and you'll be the new school leader can I really trust the security guard hey I'd like to pay for this water bottle sorry I can't serve you why not you can't fool me I know you got class 10 and you faked your layout just so that you could be important borrows are rules I can't let anyone with class 10 buy anything from this canteen Amara you won't believe what just happened what happened they found out that Leah faked on her neck because she got nervous and sweaty so her little started to fade away and now she's getting expelled from see that's why I've been trying to say this whole time she's lying sir I was the one who got class A how do we know you're telling the truth and not faking it I can wipe it off and you'll see that it won't come off okay fine hey see turns out you were right all along Yes we finally found a school leader sorry without you you have to get ready get ready for what we're throwing a party because we finally found our school leader foreign oh my gosh we have maximum year actually I'm picking the red one you're not serious why because everyone picks the green one that's because everyone wants to live no one knows if the red one means death yes everyone knows that how um see you don't know so I'm just gonna do it you're insane just know when you die I'm using your credit cards your sister told me what you did and what did I do why would you kick the red one you're gonna die oh my gosh you guys are such drama queens you don't even know what happens when that time ends yeah we do you're gonna die hey bestie can I have your clothes when you die yeah take them since you have two minutes left you should know that hooked up with your boyfriend you fake there's no point arguing you only have two minutes left what is this place welcome it's a great pleasure to meet you you're one of the few people who selected last time and therefore you will be rewarded rewarded with war the power to make everyone do what you say no way that's so cool I knew something Google's gonna come out of this but what happens to the people who selected more time they're gonna have to wait a very long time before they can receive their powers but most people die before they get the chance to receive them okay enjoy your powers thank you Amara you didn't die what happened I'm not allowed to say you didn't die look I'm sorry for hooking up with your boyfriend what can I do for you to forgive me I don't know maybe jump off a cliff okay wait Dad can you buy me makeup to cover up my birthmark makeup I don't even know about these things and anyway you're too young are you being bullied at school because of your birthmark no who made fun of your birthmark two girls in my class the names of Gemma and Sarah is that so they're just jealous of you honey because you were born jealous of me okay thanks Dad kids for some reason Sarah and Gemma has been transferred to another school but before they leave let's all say bye to them first bye Sarah bye Gemma this is all you for tomorrow we hate you dad I'm going to school alone today please don't follow me I'm so proud of you honey you're all grown up now thanks Dad okay I'm gonna leave now bye why are you wearing a mosque tomorrow because take it off otherwise I'll make all the girls at school make fun of you anyway we all know about your bath Mark you're so ugly I'm gonna send a picture of you to the class group chat did you see the picture Emma Center for Mara yeah that birthmark makes all look like a clown and her parents must be so ashamed of her hey YouTube don't speak to her like that do you want what happened to Sarah and Jama to happen to you they only got kicked out of school because Amara told her that and snitched on them who tells you she can't snitch on you too just be careful with how you speak to her hey Amara come here what is that sorry I was just bored and your face annoys me hey what's wrong with you punching Omar's face like that shut up you might be handsome but you're really stupid to be friends with that weirdo well at least being handsome is better than being ugly and crazy I'm gonna report you he's not just don't get involved Amaro your eye is bruised why I feel that sees you and finds out you're still being bullied at school he won't find out trust me you know your dad he's really rich and very straight yes but he's only Rich because he's a Mafia Boss what a Mafia Boss yes that's why I have to hide this bruise because if he finds out whoever punched me won't be alive anymore don't even try hiding that bruise tell me who punched you now I wonder what Throne I'm gonna get huh my Throne is Queen how come I'm just a servant at this Palace my Throne is definitely going to be Queen my parents are both Royals and I'm the only child wait why does it still say princess Amara there you are what is it your majesty thanks for taking care of me all this time this Crown is for you but what about Princess Amelia wait Queen are you okay wake up princess Amelia the queen is gone what why did the queen have to leave well my Throne still hasn't changed what is your throne my Throne is Queen oh that means my Throne is just an error they call me two queens here the queen said that only the next Queen kimara Prince Liam well anyways I have to find out who got the queen's throne and make sure I get to be the next Queen princess Amelia Prince Liam came to see you he says he wants to meet his new wife where is he Hey where's the queen I'm right here I'm the Queen's only daughter well tomorrow I'll return to this Palace and check out everyone's Throne if you're truly the queen I'll marry you yes I'm so dead anyway tonight I have to find out who got the queen's throne and finish her off wait why is there a crown in here if this Crown is similar to mine he's your drink princess I knew it so you're the one who got the queen thrown huh no the system must have an error they call me two queens here the only Queen is you so why is this crown with you the queen gave it to me and said I'll be the next leader of this Palace and gave me this Crown the queen loves her servant more than her only daughter give it to me remember you can't show up tomorrow while Prince Liam is doing the throne checks stay here until the morning and don't try escaping good morning princess Amelia hey Prince Liam today I'll be checking everyone's Thrones at this Palace huh why does your throne still say princess maybe the system has an error it hasn't showed up yet but I'm the next Queen who else would it be I don't have any siblings I have to check with everyone at this Palace where's your service oh she um quit this morning no I have to get out of here I can breathe finally help who's asking for help it's probably just the cat upstairs maybe you heard wrong I think it's coming from the attitude there's Dustin there I don't care I'm going up there to check why isn't the door opening all right the key isn't with me I don't know where it is okay I'm gonna have to break it open three two one see how much money people have in the savings or see how much money people have in their wallets the wallet only fits a little so I'd rather see how much they have in the savings hello can you give me some coins to buy food I know you have a lot of money on your savings why are you still begging well if I did I wouldn't be here you can't lie to me Amara can you lend me 50 pounds to buy my mom a gift you have a lot of savings why do you keep asking me to borrow your money and besides the only reason why you have money is because you keep asking people to borrow you some and you never return them what how do you know how much money I have in my savings huh apparently everyone in school has a lot of savings hey why are the police at our school you didn't know apparently there's a Mafia Boss looking for his lost daughter and her savings are infinite I know you can see the contents of everyone's savings can you please help me find my door Arc maybe later I'm very busy at the moment sorry wait I never looked at how much savings I have what color did I get on my lips I'm curious huh pale why are my lips pale mom that means you don't have a soulmate honey I don't have a soul mate that means I'm never gonna get married calm down you can just pretend with this lipstick here use it okay does it look real yes okay I'm gonna go to school now hi guys what color are your lips yellow which means my soulmate's cruel mine's red which means my soulmate's perfect I also got red I can't wait to meet my soul mate calm down we haven't went through any obstacles yet what do you mean you'll see I have to reapply my lipstick it's time to fade away what are you doing this is strictly forbidden it can cover the true color that we received on our lips today hey let me throw it away no don't my lips are too pale so you faked your color don't tell anyone oh your lip color looks really good Amara yes it really does my lips are naturally red but during class you're required to wear a mask class those of you who didn't bring a mask please take one off my table what if my lipstick comes off with this mask everyone's gonna know that I'm lying put on the Moss okay sir you have to go to the bathroom and put on this lipstick but what's the difference between this one and the one I was wearing earlier this one's permanent so it won't come up with the mask that's great thank you so much sir can I go to the bathroom oh my gosh why does this look weird but oh else if it's permanent then No One's Gonna know that I'm lying let's hope this works why does my lips feel weird out of a sudden okay clothes is over it's time for you to take your masks off I really hope that lipstick was permanent Amara take off your mask okay sir Amora please take off your mask okay sir I'm so dead whoa your lips are so red this means your soulmate's perfect I'm proud to have a student like you in my class thank God he didn't find out I faked my lip color thank you so much you saved me from getting caught by the teacher and now I finally have a lip color of course we always help each other out right yeah but how come you never show your lip color to anyone um I'm a bit hungry do you want to get food from the cafeteria why is she changing the subject Amara I bought you a drink please come on a date with me I'll take you to a restaurant wait wait why are all the boys being so nice to me it's because of your lip color they all want to be your soul mate because your soulmate's perfect I can't believe so many people have a crush on me actually I still don't believe your lip color is original what else do I have to do to prove it sir try wiping your lips with this tissue why is it so wet and smelly just do it okay see nothing came off I told you I didn't fake it this means your lips are real I'm Amazed don't you feel there's something strange about the teacher's Behavior why are you so suspicious of him he's just acting weird don't worry I'm sure it's nothing anyway I'm gonna go look for my soulmate bye Amara wait your lips they changed colors oh gosh why are they black I don't think you should meet your soulmate why not you'll be in danger because white flour or red flower this is the first time I've seen a red flower so I'm gonna pick it honey pick the white flower please but why our whole house is filled with white flowers I'm kind of bored of seeing them our family really respects white flowers you can't choose anything else okay wait don't open the plastic why not because of the smell of the flower but I'm really curious how it smells like no the flower has no smell so it's useless if you open it okay hello everyone what flower did you pick we all got red flowers didn't you no I chose white because my mom told me to huh you chose didn't you get it straight away no I got two options between white and red you must be special in that case because no one gets to choose I chose the white flower and it really smells good wait you chose the white flower that means I wasn't the only one who got a choice it smells really good try smell it okay honey I told you not to open the plastic but my friend did and nothing happened you're different Kelly Kelly is barely breathing call an ambulance yes sir Kelly died from inhaling the white flowers she also has a white flower but she hasn't died I haven't smelled the flower yet my mom doesn't let me I just noticed this white flower it smells really good quickly throw it away why are you acting like that wait I feel dizzy are you okay Amara you have to throw that flower away now I'm not allowed I'm not even allowed to open it Kelly and Jesse both die from smelling that flower you don't want anyone else dying do you hey let me throw it for you mom do you have to come with me to school I always go alone I have to come watch you it turns out you throw away the flowers yes because my friend said it's dangerous I told you you're different anyway I picked up the flower again thankfully it didn't get destroyed thanks all students are expected to gather in the field now Mom I have to go the teacher needs me there's been a lot of death because of the white flowers 20 people have died 20 but how we have to do a search and see which one of you has the white flower sir my stomach hurts I need to go to the toilet okay hurry up thank God they're safe here there's something strange about this flower I have to prove it by smelling it I'm really curious what it smells like I'm really curious what it smells like why does it stink why do people say it smells good turns out people are just crazy did you smell the flower what does it smell like do you want to smell it it smells really bad yeah sure I mean nothing happened to you so I'm sure nothing will happen to me wow it smells amazing wait I feel a bit are you okay don't tell me she died weird why do people say it smells good to me it smells rotten Amara you need to get rid of that flower right now why'd you keep telling me to get rid of it because it's causing danger to others we need to burn it Amara honey do not talk to that girl anymore mom why'd you keep following me everywhere and now it's time to complain about my friends too she's your enemy not your friend because she chose the red flower but why are you telling me not to be friends with her specifically what about the others because she's different that's why I'm moving you from the school so you don't stay close to her don't go close to her she has a white flower yes that flower must be destroyed no I'll always take care of this flower and I'm not gonna let you destroy it because it means a lot to my family Amara wait for me please I was told to keep my distance from you so go away wait I want to come to your house to do what exactly I want to give you a red flower since I know you want to dance my mom won't let you come to my house then you can come to my house you said we were going to your house what is this space this is where all the white flowers grow the only way we can get rid of them is if you yourself pluck them all out why would I do that they have a really important meaning to my family but can't you see how many people are dying because of them just do the right thing so that no one else dies okay fine but after I pluck them all out what's gonna happen we have to burn them finally all of us can live again long live the red flower you're truly Our Savior I'm all right it's important for you to know that because of the white flower your family was actually rulers of the world but now all the white flowers are destroyed and replaced with red flowers meaning we're all safe [Music] 1 million or a crown of course the 1 million what why this Crown is so strange it doesn't even fit why did everyone buy a new car because everyone chose the 1 million life is so unfair hey Mom I'm home hey honey you chose the money right yes of course attention students tomorrow there'll be a costume party at school everyone's supposed to wear a costume but I don't have a costume I only have this Crown in distress the only thing I can dress us is a princess okay it doesn't look that bad mom can you take me to school yes of course I can your majesty you don't even have to ask hello everyone your majesty what are you doing here what do you mean by that our Queen is here everyone kneel down see what's on my dad's phone or see what's on my boyfriend's phone I don't want to see what's on my dad's phone so I'll choose to see what's on my boyfriend's phone so you chose to see what's on your boyfriend's phone yep so did Sarah but she doesn't even have a boyfriend which means she's not going to be seeing anyone's phones I don't know why she would choose that in the first place what did you choose Amara to see what's on my boyfriend's phone but isn't that very toxic of you you should give your boyfriend privacy you can't just go through his phone like that why'd you even care hey babe hey you want to get lunch yeah sure by the way babe you didn't choose to see what's on my phone did you of course not babe good remember the promise we made that we wouldn't invade each other's privacy yeah I know the more he tells me not to the more I want to see what he's hiding why is his home screen so boring babe how did you get that home screen it looks so cool well you went to my phone you just told me not to go through yours just tell me please fine I use teamify they have so many home screen options that you can customize yourself yeah so cool I'm gonna go girls food now you think he forgot his phone here now I can go through it wait why is there so many pictures of my mom here huh I only have one Diamond that's so little don't complain I got minus two at least you got one I guess I'm gonna have to choose to marry a rich man although I wanted to be single but I only have one diamond hello I'm gonna be taking care of your wedding with Mr Liam where did you come from Liam hired me he said he can't wait for you to be his wife how old is this guy relax he's 21 21 he's younger than me I don't want to marry someone younger than me it's too late now you can't cancel the wedding how are you expecting me to sign this contract without even knowing what he looks like Mr Liam requested this and he also wants it to be a secret that's so weird wife is a criminal don't worry I guarantee you he's not a bad person now let's sign the agreement okay 10 million why don't I have enough diamonds now I have to pick the stupid black card I'm just gonna throw it away it's useless are you crazy why would you throw that card away you can use it to buy anything in this world didn't you know that wait really I'm almost late excuse me your card fell on the floor oh yes thank you by the way since you helped me find this card do you want to have coffee somewhere yeah sure thank you for inviting me by the way before I leave can I get your Instagram yes I mean sorry I can't I don't have enough diamonds it's okay I can give you mine and you can just follow me that's a really good idea I'm so glad I met this guy he's so handsome Amara come downstairs your future husband's here to see you Future Husband oh yeah I'm gonna get married soon but I don't want to marry Liam I want to marry the guy from the coffee shop huh this means I can run away from this marriage yes cover my mouth or cover my heart choose mouth now why Mom don't you see that big fat mole on your face it makes you look ugly okay Mom finally I could go to school again hey you why are you covering your mouth you're so weird maybe because she's ugly that's why she chose to cover her face okay guys has everyone found a date to prom yes I'm going with my boyfriend must suck to be Amara she's ugly and no one wants to go to prom with an ugly girl can you guys just stop bullying me not until you take off that mask yeah take off your mask I'm curious to see what you're hiding we promise We're Not Gonna bully you okay okay fine I'll take off my mask yeah take off your mask I'm curious to see what you're hiding we promise We're Not Gonna bully you okay okay fine I'll take off my mask wow you're so pretty how can it be that you're so beautiful beautiful what do you mean I have a mole in the middle of my face your face is so Keen what are you talking about sorry I called you ugly yesterday how did my mole disappear does this mean the power of the mosque removed there please can you borrow me that mask I have a lot of moles on my face I would borrow your mask but I only brought one with me today just give me that one okay here finally I can lose my moles because I have a beauty competition and I didn't know what to do surely you'll win in that competition you said your mask can remove moles right yeah but I gave it to Sandy earlier because she has a beauty competition are you crazy that mask can only be used once if it's used again something bad will happen What I hope Sandy hasn't used the mask yet okay the next participant is Sandy thank you sir before this competition starts please remove your mask okay I'll take off my mask now before this competition starts please remove your mask okay I'll take off my mask now Sandy why do you have so many malls what this mask is supposed to remove them not make them worse I'm so embarrassed you said this mask would remove my moles why did it make it I'm so sorry I didn't know that the mouse could only be used once you didn't know you have to be responsible don't worry I still have a lot of masks at home Mom home uh what's up with your face what do you mean mom here have a look huh why why'd you have so many moles on my face did you borrow the mask to someone else yes I borrowed it to Sandy you what you weren't supposed to do that where is the mosque now I don't know I threw away in the bin well go search for it before anyone else finds it and uses it your whole face will be covered in moles I've searched everywhere but I can't find it are you searching for a mask I saw a guy take it from your backyard what guy how much can I drink today huh only one cup that's not even enough I'm gonna be thirsty all day you have a whole cup filled with water why are you taking tiny sip because my allowance is only one cup today what a whole family gets 10 liters per day why are you different I don't know don't worry I'll find a way so you can increase your drinking allowance thanks Mom I have to be careful with how much I drink today Amara why are you wearing those clothes why what else would I wear sport clothes we have to run the teachers run I can't join you because I can only drink one cup of water today but it's an important test you have to come huh sir are we really having a running test yes because the school wants to kick out any student who's considered weak so for example the ones who only gets to drink little per day but why sir because our school wants to be known for having strong athletic students not weak ones I only have half a cup left I'm not gonna drink again until after the run are you sure you'll be able to do it yeah how much can you drink today five liters everyone gets five liters I don't know why you're different I feel so isolated you have to be able to run 10 kilometers luckily I can drink a lot of water yeah we have to keep drinking so we get a lot of energy okay I've drank a whole bottle of water I think it's enough now Amara do you think you'll be able to hold your thirst yeah I think so I should be fine okay everyone get ready the running test will start in three two one I'm so thirsty and tired Amara we only have one kilometers left I feel really weak I have to drink now um that means you can't drink anymore for today right I hope you can survive the Samara I can't anymore I have to rest why don't you run we're having an exam I just took a little break you have to go back before anyone realizes you'll get kicked out why did you bring so many drinks with you can I have one no Amara you shouldn't finally I'm not thirsty anymore wait but the water you just drank is actually I can know the subject or class you'll be going to a new school soon so you'll have to choose what's useful for you but if I'm in school I straight away know the class so I'm gonna pick subject are you sure about your choice yes Mom I chose to know the class yeah I don't think anyone chooses to know the subject it's good for nothing I chose subjects what those are true subject will be classmates made but I'm smart why would they make me homemade hey Emily what did you choose to know obviously class didn't you um no I chose to know the subject huh from now on I can't be friends with you anymore why not I don't want to be friends with classmate this is all your fault so don't contact me anymore babe you have to teach me the subject too yeah babe since when were we dating since the moment you chose to know the subject so you just want to use me not happening did you just reject the most handsome boy in school I have a present for you I want to take you out to eat I'll pay shh Amara is mine don't talk to her what do you mean when we finish school you have to come to my house Sarah said if you bring a book that doesn't match the subject you'll be killed by the ghost of a teacher who used to be in the school and you believe that yes so many people have gone missing because they brought the wrong book to school Amara tomorrow you have to tell me what book to bring to school okay no why should I tell you because you're my maid and did you forget I'm the president's daughter there will be consequences if you don't tell me okay I'll tell you Mom apparently I'm classmate now because I'm the only one who can see tomorrow's subject what why didn't you tell me this earlier Claire's the daughter of the president you have to respect her and listen to her hey take this bag make sure everything she needs is in this bag wait so you think it's right that I'm homemade yes you should be proud she's the president's daughter you can see tomorrow's subject right yes sir why the lives of your friends are now in your hands you have to tell them so they don't disappear like the others yes sir I understand today's lesson is maths why didn't you call me this morning hurry up and tell me today's subject so I can bring the right book to class oh yeah today's lesson is English honey you took my blush mom I uh wait before speaking you need to know that it's very important that you never lie because when you lie you'll forget all memory of the person you're lying to yes okay Mom you caught me I'll be right back honey I'm just gonna get some milk okay Dad bye huh little girl what are you doing in my house go to your house now you don't remember me come on leave now go back to your house that light okay I'm going to my house Bye Mom I'm going to school you need to give me the money I can't pay for everything myself who are you talking to I'm talking to your dad dad but I never had a dad anyways I'm gonna go to school bye and your mom told you that yeah she told me she was speaking with my dad attention everyone I want you to be our new director Mr Steve hello it's so nice to finally meet her in person I can see someone's lost drink or lost meal I think the last meal is more interesting Mom I'm gonna eat quickly before going to school oh my gosh you ate a cockroach yeah I wanted to try it I learned how to fry it online do you want to try some no thank you I'm going to school bye wait before you go here take a couple with you so you can eat them at lunch whatever Mom thanks it turns out all my friends are healthy because they eat vegetables all the time Amara what's that in your lunchbox what kind of food is that it looks delicious the fried cockroaches do you want to try some sure I've never had them before I heard they're really good thank you for sharing your lunch you're usually very stingy I feel bad for you because you eat vegetables all the time how do you know that I eat vegetables because I can see people's last meal if that's true can you check my last meal chicken liver gosh you're right but please don't tell anyone I have this power I feel like everyone who ate your cockroach yesterday is gone ha gone how they didn't come to school today who made that cockroach my mom but it's impossible that she would poison my lunch the teacher now suspects you luckily I didn't try your lunch yesterday so I'm saved you wanted to see me sir Oreo said you can see someone's lost meal right but I told her not to tell anyone is that true Amara yes sir meet me at the school warehouse at three this afternoon I wonder why he wants me to meet him at that exact time okay sir why does it smell so rotten in here you should see their last meal call them that's my friends who didn't show up to school today why do they look so pale everyone who ate your cockroach died one of them as you know is the president's daughter there's no way I guarantee my lunch wasn't poisoned I need you to please look at the last meal how why can't I see it the Lost meal isn't appearing sir okay I'll give you three hours if you can't prove it you'll be found guilty and will be punished buy these glasses please they're cheap no thanks I don't want to buy any glasses but they have a great power you won't regret it great power okay who knows maybe they can help me I'll take them you're here which means you can see people's lost meals right I'll try sir this is your last chance okay I'll put on these glasses first so what's the last meal okay I'll put on these glasses first so what's the last meal gosh so they really did die because of the lunch I gave them hello answer me um it wasn't because of Misa the last meal was chicken soup okay now keep this a secret from everyone so I'm not in trouble right sir no but please keep this a secret yes of course where did you just come from Amara I was just walking around the school I'm really starting to get worried about our friends do you think something bad happened to them no I don't think so honey you're back from school let's have lunch I just cooked what's our lunch this time cockroaches why I don't know if I should eat it but I need to find out the reason my friends died was because of them you don't want to eat the food yes I do Mom well it tastes really good doesn't it why didn't anything happen I'll get it hey I brought you a bag filled with food you did I don't think I can accept this sir if you don't I'll reduce your grades okay I'll accept it why is he forcing me to take this this is so weird I have to find out who is responsible for what happened at school yesterday Amara you're finally here huh Stephanie how are you still alive am I in heaven I'm still alive and we all need your help to avoid the teacher so you faked your death yes I'm still alive and we all need your help to avoid the teachers wait so you picked your death yes because because we wanted to save Sarah I think she really died because she got poisoned so you didn't die because of the lunch I gave you no in fact I went to your house to ask for more food because it was so delicious hey who's there shoot we have to go thank God we got out before him seeing us how are we supposed to save Sarah she's the president's daughter if he finds out she got poisoned no one knows what he's gonna do you think she died because she got poisoned right yes I have to see her last meal that's the only way I can find out let's go back in there oh yeah I have to use these glasses first what's her last meal Amara what what's wrong it looks like she's eating a lot of different things but these foods are the same as our teacher and Elisa's Foods okay you know what to do right hey Amara don't you hate staying at school for this long I should be asking you this question you don't have any relationship with our teacher do you me no why do you ask because you two always eat the same meals are you really suspecting me right now I thought you were better than this I feel so sleepy mom Amara where have you been it's so late I was out with friends hurry up and go to bed you have school tomorrow what food are you making tomorrow I'm making steak yes mom I'm going to school honey there's no school today just stay at home and help me clean no school why I saw the announcement on TV that the president's daughter is dead oh no they found out why did she die I don't know but two of your friends got arrested because they suspect that they killed her you mean Emma and Lily I have to go quickly look for Stephanie's heart her heart wasn't found no it was stolen by someone sir did you if you report me to the police you'll regret it make sure you keep it a secret Alyssa you have to help me help you with walk you ate Stephanie's heart too I've been waiting for this moment me and our teacher both wanted her dead because she's a spoiled brat what's wrong with you you've changed so much I'm gonna tell the police you don't have any proof Excuse Me Miss why are you here we're doing an investigation I know he killed Stephanie it was at least on my teacher I have a recording of them both confessing I can't believe this this is all the evidence we need thank you so much you're amazing I can choose to know the name of people's parents or the age I prefer to know the parents name sis can I borrow your hairbrush yeah sure hey thank you huh why is your dad's name different than mine are we supposed to be siblings what do you mean Amara please give me the answer to question three sir Sarah's asking me for testances no says she's the one who wants to cheat I trust Sarah Moore because she's smarter than you therefore I'm giving you a zero you're only doing that because she's your daughter right wait what I haven't checked my parents name yet huh how come both of them are boy names I have to ask my mom you have to tell me the truth who are you oh my gosh how did you find out we have to tell her the truth so first your mom was choose between 100 million or know everything of course the money Amara your boyfriend's waiting outside look what you've done oh no Amara how much is 3 000 times 780. I don't know two million two hundred and forty thousand yeah that's right well done that's weird I didn't even mean it my mom just spoke by itself Amara I need to tell you something last night Lucas left at your house and you two were studying in your room yeah how did you know that because I know everything plus we're gonna have a certain exam whoever finishes first wins a prize the answer to question one is B the answer to question two is a and the answer to question 25 is D how did you know the answers did you look at my no I just guessed it now can I have my prize hey anyone want to buy some lottery tickets yes can I have number two eight Fourteen and sixteen no way I won mom we're gonna be rich please open up whatever is that dad today everyone will vote for you depending on if they think you're beautiful or ugly if everyone considers you ugly you'll be killed don't worry I'll help you with your first vote mom you're gonna vote beautiful right I'm not your mom I'm your stepmother and no I'm not gonna vote that because your face reminds me of your mom and she was ugly Lucy if you vote beautiful for me I'll do the same for you you really think I'm gonna vote before I'm voting ugly I want you to die so that I can take your boyfriend Grandma help me I don't want to die everyone's voting ugly okay honey be patient sometimes life is unfair even though we do good for others but don't worry I'll vote beautiful okay Thank you Grandma guys whoever votes ugly for tomorrow I'll give them a hundred pounds wow okay I voted give me the money why are you doing this to me why are people mean to me when I'm always nice to them I'm gonna stop being mean too Amara don't be mean it's not all about how you look on the outside the inside counts too and you have a very good heart so I'm very beautiful besides yesterday someone told me that you helped some orphans thank you very much hey babe since I'm your girlfriend can you vote beautiful for me no I'm both of you if you die that means I can have a new girlfriend a new girlfriend yes I've been wanting to break up with you for the longest time my dad was right I should have listened to him and left that guy a long time ago this is my last chance sis please vote beautiful for me you don't want to lose me do you actually if you disappeared dad would love me more so I'm going on no what did you just do bye sis huh what's my future salary 50 million that's a lot I better put it in private so that my friends don't use me how much is your salary honey pounds 20 pounds that's so little what a shame I'm paying so much for your school for no reason it's not for no reason I'm still learning I don't want to pay your school fees anymore hey um what are you doing hey I'm planning what house I'm buying in the future because my salary is 200. that's a lot how much is your salary tomorrow why is it in private 20 pounds oh that's so little I knew I was much smarter than you hey don't be out again hi guys what's your salaries mine's forty thousand mine's twelve thousand mine's a hundred and ten thousand what about yours 20 pounds huh seriously you might as well just quit school then yeah you're just wasting your time why are you guys so rude plus please choose a group you want to work with on the new okay sir hi guys can I join your group you're really asking that of course not those are salaries below 10 000 come join our group but you don't know how much my salary is it's on private Amara come on everyone in school knows that your salary is 20 pounds just backhand you with it or something that's if you can't afford it so why does it say that I've got green tea on my paper I should say be on here I had your future salary is 20 pounds but how come your grades are so good I don't know but can you change it back to me sorry I can't Amara everyone's gonna think that I've given you a fake grade everyone's so mean I wonder what they will say once they found out my future salary is much higher than theirs I wonder what they'll say once they find out my future salary is much higher than theirs well why isn't it working see I told you you were lying otherwise you'd be able to put your salary on public why isn't it working I want to prove everyone wrong and let the teacher give me the grade I deserve why are you here Mara I'm not gonna change your grade but sir my salary is 50 million that's a lie if it was 50 million why is it on private I'm not lying I promise just get out Amara why do you look so sad it's nothing I've just had a bad day I know what will make you happy hey have some camera I'm not a kid anymore just trust me and eat it okay thank you I really hope this candy isn't expired hmm it's good wait what how did it just change to public pretend to be poor or really people you better pretend to be poor Amara so you know who's been sincere with you um that's true but how do I pretend to be poor just tell people that our company is bankrupt okay starting from today I'm going to pretend to report in front of all my friends hey Mara uh why are you wearing that bag where are all your designer bags did you sell them yeah because my family's company got bankrupt I don't have any money that's why I'm using this bag well in that case I don't want to be friends with you anymore I was only friends with you because of the money Amara I heard that your family's company got bankrupt is it true yeah my family's company got bankrupt so I don't have any money now don't worry Amara I'm gonna give you five thousand pounds 5 000 pounds for me why isn't that like all your savings it's okay because you helped my family when we were poor so in return I'll give you my saved thank you that's very nice of you look how Mara's family who's famous for being rich they went bankrupt you know huh are you serious that's crazy that means we're going to eat at fancy restaurants anymore close in two days there will be a study tour abroad all students must participate in this activity except tomorrow why can't I join sir I heard the news about your family I assume you kind of who says I can't afford it I'm all right just give up your poor Marissa's so annoying she keeps saying that I'm poor but she doesn't know that this whole time I've been lying about my family being bankrupt you lied about it you heard that please don't tell anyone you're weird why'd you even come to this school isn't it like expensive for you now and why do you wear those branded clothes wasn't it me who bought them for you oh you did not just say that what she slapped you how dare she yeah she slapped me I was so shocked I didn't even know what to do that's it starting tomorrow you don't have to pretend to be poor anymore you have to show them how much you have beautiful apple or ugly Apple of course I'm gonna choose the beautiful Apple who in their right mind will choose the ugly Apple Mom I just picked a beautiful apple and I'm gonna eat it in front of you wait honey don't eat the apple how why not Mom I'm sure if I eat this apple I'm gonna be beautiful because it's risky oh if that's the case I think it's better not to eat it hey I want to buy your Apple for 6 million I'm your neighbor I'll give you twice as much give me that wait guys I'm not selling come on you'll be rich you're only insisting because you want to be beautiful but unfortunately as I said I'm not selling you'll regret this today 10 boys asked me out because I'm beautiful what about you no one's asked me out yet but that's fine I already have a boyfriend that means you have to improve your beauty whoa everyone in the school is so beautiful quickly throw away the Apple you're holding what's wrong with this apple it's cursed it can hurt you don't worry my mom already told me not to eat it babe can you do me a favor yes of course please eat the apple so you can be beautiful like the other girls okay okay I'll eat it I can't wait to see you look beautiful I wonder what's gonna happen you have to wear clothes that matches your color okay mom come down I know okay good I think you got your color what is it uh why come on hurry up and change you can't break the rules okay otherwise you'll get arrested well I really hate why just go and get changed don't let me tell you twice okay fine mom I changed my clothes and hair to White good remember you can't change the color of your clothes like ever yes this sucks everyone's saying that our soul mates is wearing the same color as us wait really so we're wearing the same color as our soulmates yes cool right guys guys have you seen anyone wearing white nope I'm wearing blue you should check in class but how am I supposed to know if they're my soul mates I'm sure a lot of people got the color white no only one person gets white only one yes and I already found my soulmate it's William ah I'm so happy for you guys so only one more person got white Amara are you going to the princess event princess event yes the dress code is white he done it on purpose do you think other people are going to pretend they go why imagine he doesn't believe me there's probably going to be people who pick their colors yes but I think once he sees you he'll know okay then should I change my clothes maybe put on a white dress or something or should I stay wearing this are you going to the princess event yes Mom good did you know that he also has a brother who's looking for his soulmate he has a brother but only one of them is gonna wear white right yes that's correct so it should be easy to find him okay I better get going okay honey good luck I really hope you'll marry the prince whoa so this is the palace you're the white girl huh yeah that's me welcome to the Palace but why am I the only person who showed up to this event because only you got the color white but let's wait until midnight just in case anyone else shows up okay it's midnight and no one showed up yet so this means I'm your soul mate who says you're the only one who got white wait so there's two of you I had a feeling this was gonna happen does this mean you're gonna marry two people no I'm only gonna marry one I'm pretty sure one of you is lying about the color I'm gonna prove who the real Y is prove how so you guys must how long can I move today Infinity that means I can move forever but I won't tell anyone I got Infinity I don't want to be arrogant Mom I'm ready for school what's your move time I only got five minutes today so I can't drive you to school I got two hours okay make sure you hide so nothing bad happens to you yes I know Mom I still have 30 minutes to move I have an hour how much time do you have Amara I have five minutes then we can't be friends anymore because we're not gonna be in the same class not in the same class what do you mean so is it true that those with little time has to be put in another class yes the important thing is to be safe that's why we put you all in the same class so that nothing bad happens when your time is up okay guys you have 30 seconds left before your time ends I have to pretend now looks like time is up take them to the doll shop to sell them okay sir wait what I can choose to control people's age or remaining life I choose remaining life that way if someone has a short life I can just extend it morning Mom what did you choose honey I chose to control people's remaining life in that case can you answer me as to my life I want to live longer of course done thank you so much honey babe we have to break up okay why what did I do I'm with another girl now and she's prettier than you so all this time you've been cheating on me yes don't talk to me ever again you're so gonna regret this how come I suddenly feel sick bye cake okay I will now share your test results yes finally Amara you got the lowest grade in class lowest grade yes that's why I always tell you to study but I did study you did this on purpose because your son goes to the same class as me no that's not true you have a low grade because you can study how come I have one day left you have until tomorrow to change my grade okay fine I'll do it now just please fix whatever you did good that wasn't so hard was it sis are you okay no my body hurts the police punched me and I think I broke a bone don't worry sis I'll help you feel better thank you so much I feel so much better now class we have a new student his name is Alex hello everyone who wants to show Alex around the school why can't I see his age I do sir I'll show him around great hi my name is Amara what's your name why isn't he answering hello the teacher told you my name earlier I was just trying to make a conversation yeah well I don't like to talk okay sorry for bothering you Amara there's a rumor that there's zombies in our sea huh zombies in our city yes and they look exactly like us relax it's just a rumor zombies don't exist we have to be careful Amara I'm really curious why isn't the new kids remaining age showing in order to see his age you have to give him this drink once he takes the Sip you'll be able to see his age thank you so much old lady hey Alex you look tired why don't you drink from this bottle it will give you energy I'm not interested just trust me this drink will make you not tired anymore really in that case I'll have a drink okay I'll have a drink fresh right yes it's really fresh why do you look so panicked um I just realized I'm late for class bye you look worried I am because I just found out how many years Alex has left the new kids yes he has zero years left how about how is he still alive that's exactly what I'm confused about maybe he's already dead but if he's dead then how is he still talking to us hey Alex oh hey I just finished exercising thanks for giving me the drink by the way it really did give me energy I should probably try and increase his age what are you doing um nothing I just wanted to thank you again for giving me that drink you're welcome why don't you try and change the amount of peers he has I tried but it's not working that means he's dead because it only works on people who are alive I told you he was a zombie zombie yep and I'm gonna tell everyone wait don't Amara I want to be honest with you I used to be a zombie but the drink you gave me turned me into a human are you being serious yeah and it's all thanks to you um I'm happy you turn into a human again how long do I have left four years left but don't worry I'll add some years to your life whoa thank you Amara this is the zombie sir did you tell her I had three years left I had to because I was suspicious I'm sorry cute but we have to get rid of him we can't have zombies around the school yes finally No More Zombies Alex wake up why would you do that Amara it's over come let's go he's still not dead how do you know that because it still says he has 44 years left that's because you've added more years to my life don't worry Amara I'll never leave you uh wait what how is this possible choose a new family or new friends if I choose a new family I can be free from my family and do whatever I want so I choose a new family I'm going to school mom I'm going to drive your little sister to school but you never drive me to school you always drive hard that's because you're old enough to go to school yourself she's still young I can't wait to move in with a different Family Guys guess what my mom bought me a luxury car and like oh we're going to be driving it around together it seems you're very happy in your current Family actually I'm already bored with all of them let's switch families this morning I chose to switch family you can't choose yourself it's automatically determined by the system I can't choose my dad slapped me today my mom threw me out the house my parents don't even recognize me anymore it turns out a lot of people are unhappy with their families I'm worried what if I get a scary family Amara I really need your help help with what I'm gonna give you my room key okay please look after it why should I look after your room key you chose to switch family right you can just stay with my family while looking after my room okay but what's your family like um I need to go okay I have to take care of something important why doesn't she want to talk about her family huh I'm moving in five hours but I still don't know what family I'm moving in with what if they're bad Amara did you know that Leah's family is wanted by the police wanted why no one knows I have to find out because I'm moving in with her family Excuse Me Miss why are you here can you help us get into this house sorry sir but I don't have a key okay please contact us if you get in touch with Leah uh why do you want to get into our house because her family has committed a serious crime it should be jail a serious crime what am I gonna do now you have to get into Leah's room all the answers will be there but how do I get in there the whole place is surrounded by the police you have to wait until your time is up you will automatically be moved I had you moving into Leah's house you're not on their side are you me no you have to be careful if you're seen with them they'll take you too okay time is almost up I have to find out the truth about what happened three two one please give me a red hand let me be the richest person huh why didn't my hair kind of change mom you have to wait 24 hours for it to appear 24 hours how am I supposed to prove to my friends that I'm rich this is so stupid my hair color is red it means I'm rich yeah my hair color is blue I'm at a high level what's your hair color brown it hasn't appeared yet well if it doesn't appear within 24 hours you're done we won't ever be friends what today we'll be learning division those with red hair enters the highest class and those with blue and is the lowest what class do I enter sir the outstanding class outstanding class yes why is there no one in this outstanding class I'm the only one the teacher's so annoying white hair I thoroughly red and blue existed why is your hair color white sir what does white hair mean why is your hair color why sir what does white hair mean I don't think it means anything no meaning I suggest you go to the hairdresser and change your hair to another color okay sir did you guys see Amara's white hair finally someone with a different hair color I want her hair so why is everyone looking at me ignore them follow me to the hairdresser okay we've arrived please close your eyes while they fix your hair Amara there's something I want to ask you excuse me sir what did you want to say I need a piece of your hair for research papers what no oh my gosh look at her hair it's white I wonder how much money would make if we sold it why are people so weird hey white hair follow me no you're a stranger just hurry up let go of me who are you listen I'm here to save you why won't you hide hide oh you still don't realize that they're against your white hair do you let go of me who are you I'm here to help you why won't you hide hide so you still don't realize that they're against your white hair do you why would they be against that your hair is magical you can ask it anything and it will do anything yes they want to cut your hair because if they cut it it won't work anymore so I can ask anything huh I need to think of something worth asking it's safer to stay here don't go out because people are looking for you but how am I supposed to eat don't worry I'll bring you food I think it's time for me to go to sleep it's getting late where is the Whitehead girl she's here sir good job you call her before anyone else did that's it take the scissors and cut her hair for me what are you doing I'm sorry Amara he offered me a lot of money to do wait one second before you do anything please make everyone forget about my hair color did it work did what work and why am I holding a scissors what is this place wait so you can't see my hair color yes I can it's blue you're poor that explains why you're sleeping in this underground garage anyways we have a job we need to get to I wonder how many mistakes I've made huh zero that means I've never done anything wrong right I'll just put it on private so that my friends don't think I'm arrogant you're the one who let my food burn in the oven right I told you to take it out on time no it wasn't me mom why do you always accuse me I know you have a lot of mistakes that's why you put on private right no I put it on private because stop making excuses excuse me sir am I in this class well it depends how many mistakes um a hundreds that means you're in the lowest class D class D why is Class A EMT apparently only one person can enter Class A it's the person with zero mistakes they'll give that person something something special like what don't worry about it because it's definitely not you you're the one who's told all the exam answers no sir it wasn't me she's lying her mistakes are private I'm sure she just says that to not get accused that's not true you're wrong okay if you didn't cheat make your mistakes on public to prove yourself okay sir she must have a lot of mistakes okay if you didn't cheat make no mistakes on public to prove yourself she must have a lot of mistakes how comes it's not working right you must be lying there but sir my mistakes are on zero that's it I'm giving you a detention I'm gonna give you 10 assignments I'll collect them tomorrow make sure you do all of them okay mom look the teacher gave us 10 assignments good maybe I'll erase some of your mistakes since you have so many but I don't think I've ever done anything wrong I'm ashamed of you our neighbors are talking about you all the time and how bad you are fix yourself yes Mom Amara why are you cooking it's bad oh I forgot to turn off the stove you keep making mistakes I'm tired but how comes my mistakes aren't increasing sis why can't the number of my mistakes be published the number of your mistakes are zero right how do you know I haven't told you yet because mine's the same although I do mistakes all the time but why can't we put ours in public like everyone else because no one's supposed to know that we make mistakes and still have zero mistakes if they find out about this era they'll fix it and we'll be just like everyone else okay well good thing it didn't work because I tried putting mine on public you tried putting yours in public oh no what it usually takes 24 hours before it goes public wait what you need to help me how do I remove it I don't want mine to go in public don't worry I know a guy this is the guy you know he's a kid hey don't be rude otherwise I won't help okay fine hey drink this it should reset your decision so did it work yep all you need to do is pick private and you should be fine okay now every time you get the option just continue to press private like that your number will never be public okay thank you so much hurry up and give me the rain symbol wait hold on son but my mom and dad both have the rain symbol oh my gosh hurry up cover that symbol here's some makeup huh why do I have to cover up Mom because I cheated on your dad and your real dad had a sun symbol hurry up cover it cheated does that mean I'm not your child you're ridiculous of course you're my child I give birth to you Amara stop running away let me call you no don't touch me I'm gonna tell Dad that you're a cheetah oh I already know I've also cheated on her before huh when did you cheat on me uh if I'm not mistaken the day after our wedding what is wrong with you people oh my gosh Amari you got the sun symbol yeah I did how come your parents both have the rain symbol I don't know I had it's really hard to get the sun symbol my cousin gave back to 100 kids just to have one with the sun's him a hundred kids yep so you're very lucky lucky why you didn't know only people with the sun symbol can marry the king marry the king I don't even want to hey are you talking bad about the king get her hey let go of me why am I in handcuffs you will stay here until the king comes and decides how to punish you please let go of me I have a maths exam soon if I don't show up I'll be in big trouble wait the king also have a maths exam today maybe he's your classmate let's take her to him okay let's do it Excuse Me Miss I'm so sorry I'm late for the exam I was kidnapped and handcuffed and they finally let go of me um your excuse doesn't make sense but because I'm in a good mood just come in hey you're cheating off my paper what are you doing did you just hit that guy yeah he's an idiot he keeps cheating he's bleeding are you okay hey you aren't you the girl from earlier yeah I remember her because she has a sun symbol oh my gosh oh King what did you do to him it wasn't me and who's the king who are you talking about uh it's it's me black what does a black heart mean a black heart means it means that your soulmates have an unpredictable love problems maybe he's having troubles with his girlfriend no it's much worse than you think and the black color is more targeted by our teacher that means I have to fake my sign again so that nothing happens to me okay I've changed it back to Red hopefully no one will snitch on me why is it that only girls get green hearts and boys don't because almost no girl cheats girls are more loyal that's not true anyway what's important is you need to keep your color hidden the teacher can't know by the way where did Gemma go I don't know she said she was gonna go and speak with the teacher a teacher someone told me that there's a person with a black heart in the school who told you sir it doesn't matter but a black heart is really dangerous we have to catch them what if the teacher finds out it's me and he kills me who was hit my soulmate then Amara you have to get out of the school before anyone finds out because you're being targeted but why I love school I'm only saying this because I'm your friend why is the police here they found more people with green hearts so they're here to capture them I need to get out of here before it's too late why are you always late I'm so hungry sorry babe I was busy with something since you're late you have to pay for my food do you want me to pay for your food you cheated on me and you still haven't admitted it how have I cheated we both have red hearts that's true this means he's not my soul mate you know what I don't love you anymore I'm breaking up with you Amara wait so I'm the only one in town with a black heart I have to find my soulmate before it's too late things can get worse honey get ready we're gonna have guests over who's coming you'll see can you get that what's up Emily Amara come with me you can't be in your house why can't I be in my house what's wrong I know the location of your soulmate he's in danger we have to hurry up and go how do you know I'll tell you later Amara come in the guests are already here guests I'm sorry I can't come with you we have guests wait Amara this is who I wanted to introduce you sir what are you doing at my house are my grades that bad no I want to take you out for a walk why is the color of the teacher's heart also black it's the same color as mine you're going on a vacation with the teacher for three days a vacation with my teacher okay I hope I get a rich family Mafia I don't wanna Mafia Family hey Amara hey why'd you look so shocked you usually wear very simple clothes to school why do you look so luxurious because my family are rich they own so many companies I got the option to have a rich family today and I accepted today I have to get a family richer than all my friends ew I don't want an ordinary family that's boring they have to be rich Amara why don't you have a family because I declined it I'm sure I'll get a rich family soon oh my gosh don't you know that we're only given three family options you could become homeless and end up sleeping under a bridge under a bridge yes okay this is the last time I get an option so please give me a rich family sweets or plain food wait honey choose the plain food it's not good that you eat sweets all the time but Mom I don't like eating plain food it's for your own health fine Mom I'm hungry oh it just happens that I don't have any more plain food seriously why didn't you stock up on plan food you knew I'd be hungry by now why do you always rely on me go buy it yourself it's okay I'll just starve myself to death says if you want you can just eat my cake but it's sweet isn't that Mom told me to choose the sweet option the food is really delicious mom this isn't fair why can't she sweep through the Nikon stop fighting over food hey I would like to buy some plain food sorry but we don't have any pain food options everyone shows sweet food everyone that cheesecake was so amazing no the ice cream was even better I like the chocolate cake okay can I just have one plain bread please sure the price is 50 pounds 50 pounds for one slice of bread okay whatever it's better than starving right wait that bread is moldy why are you eating it it is I just bought off the canteen just buy some sweets I can't I've already chosen pain food what am I gonna do now I'm gonna stuff to death luckily I still have some pain food with me thank you so much I'm full class today we're going to be guessing the food if you get all the answers right the food is yours can I participate yes of course that's apples that's the cinnamon bun that's olives and that's yoga well done the food is yours thank you so much sir Amara all the food is moldy wait what why haven't you eaten yet Amara I chose pain food which turned out to be rare if you get really hungry it could get dangerous dangerous why your family will also be affected does that mean they're all gonna die yep that's right hey babe what kind of food are you eating it looks really good a chocolate bun but you can't eat that right you have to feed me I can't hold it otherwise I'll get moldy oh yeah you're smart I'll feed you it's really delicious but why am I still hungry I think if you eat any sweet food it won't fill you up you have to eat plain food where else can I look for pain food everyone on the road are selling sweet food hey you just eat this what is this I can't eat any sweet it's only plain food just trust me eat all four flavors okay but I can't hold them otherwise they get moldy these ones won't go moldy they're special sweets don't eat them yet you have to eat them in front of your family mom open please sorry honey you can't come in we're eating well I guess I'm gonna eat them all now I'm curious to see what's gonna happen nowhere someone was born or not why someone was born I've always been curious where people were born guys I just came back from France my parents are so rich they spoiled me so much are you really that rich of course I am the whole school nurse so how comes you're born in a farm what how did you know that I'm not telling you what the hell someone was born in a park and under a bridge too it looks like I really can see where people were born so Amara you can see where people were born right so all this time you were born in a palace yes I really need your help will you help me help you with what my little brother dissipates his birth I need your help to find him you have to find the people who are born in the palace like me okay I'll help you I've been looking through the whole school but I can't find anyone born in the palace can't you find anyone I'm sorry about I can't help you I wonder where I was born pretty candy or ugly candy which one should I choose it's obvious choose the pretty candy I don't want to have ugly kids okay I want to choose the pretty candy so that all the boys will love me whoa I look so beautiful the perfect who are you Mom someone broke into our house how come you don't know your sister Amara why is your face so pretty and beautiful right I chose the pretty pill but I didn't get that option you didn't get it Lucy you're so ugly I'm so disappointed in you Bye Mom I'm going to school whoa I can't believe it my child is so beautiful well it's all thanks to you because you told me to choose the pretty pill I want to show you off to my neighbors so that they know that I have a beautiful daughter don't be ridiculous Mom I'm shy whoa is that a new student how come she's so beautiful I can't believe it my dream is coming true I'm going to be the most popular girl in school why is your face so pretty and mine isn't how come your face is so ugly look around how comes everyone here is so ugly because we all got the ugly candy didn't she get it no I ate the pretty candy does that mean I'm the prettiest one in school why is there a whole crowd of people running I just told everyone that you got the pretty candy why would you tell them I trusted you because I don't want you to be prettier than me give us the pretty candy why are you all so obsessed with being beautiful anyway because if you're not pretty then you're not appreciated attention the school's holding a competition the most beautiful person can I participate sir don't let her her beauty is artificial yeah she's fake they're just jealous because I'm more beautiful than them sharp if you want to register please come to my room are you sure you want to join this competition yes and I'm sure I win because I'm the only beautiful one in the school but there's one more person who isn't ugly in our school huh that's impossible I'm the only one who got the pre-appeal she'll come soon you can see her face for yourself hello everyone why isn't your face ugly like the rest of the students I didn't get a candy because I woke up late by the way do you have an extra candy yes I got one here you go eat it now she's so dumb I'm so gonna win this competition knowing people's age or knowing people's address I choose knowing people's age because often people lie about how old they are morning Mom morning honey huh 26 years old why did you lie and say you were 50 because I'm embarrassed I gave birth to you when I was only 12. 12. does that mean you were still in school yes but I got kicked out since you're still young why don't you get any more kids I really want a sister giving birth isn't that easy what if we adopt someone adopt okay I don't care as long as I get a sibling hey bestie hey Amara 17 years old how come you're 17 years old we're still in first year of high school because I didn't go to school for two years but please don't tell me calm down I won't Amara this is your report thanks sir why am I great solo because you're not small raise my grades otherwise I'll tell the principal that you're 70 years old and he'll kick you out because you're not allowed to work when you're 70 you should be retired okay I'll raise your grades but please don't tell the principal that's all I can you want to be my girlfriend we're the same age you think you can lie to me you're a few years older than me and I don't want to waste my time with someone like you bye hey Mom your new sister's here why don't you go get to know you already adopted someone yes she's in the living room I can't wait to meet her hey what's your name my name's Olivia Olivia yes sis sis why are you looking at me like that it's nothing why can't I see Olivia's age I need to find out how old she is Olivia your room's right there let me help you with your bag I wonder what she has in here huh since when did Olivia have Dentures I let you hold my bag not go through it this is yours no I got them from my orphanage here give me my bag Mom we have to kick my new sister out what's wrong there's something wrong with her I can't see how old she is maybe there's an error on the system but just now I found dentures in her bag she already said it belonged to her mother in the orphanage there's someone new in your house how did you know that I know you're trying to find out how old she is wear these glasses they'll help these glasses where's the old lady how come she's gone Olivia since when did you wear makeup you're still young you can't wear makeup I'm trying to cover my moles moles yes anyway look I got new glasses glasses wait on those yes soon I'll know Olivia's age well I guess I'm gonna have to eat them all now I'm curious to see what's gonna happen okay let me try eat some sweet food right now oh my gosh it's true it made me feel right away but why is my family taking so long to finish their food I've been looking at you from my bedroom window why have you been standing outside for so long I'm not allowed to go inside because my family is eating and the food could get moldy but don't you think it's suspicious how long they've taken yeah right it's been five hours doesn't your family leave a spare key under the rock oh yeah right I'll just open the door I'm home oh my gosh how come they're all fainted why are you just staring at them hurry up let's take them to the hospital no it's useless Amara your family's elves are a steak it's all my fault I thought Amara could only eat pain food not anymore I can eat whatever I like hi Miss I'd like to buy everything on the menu but I thought you could only eat plain food not anymore I can eat whatever I like so how much is the total 300 pounds can you pay for it of course I can just use my mom's card everything in the canteen is sold out if she bought everything then what are we gonna do oh you guys can just eat plain food that's if they have any I'm so happy I can finally eat sweets where were you I've been looking for you all day what's wrong your family hasn't been doing too good at the hospital the doctors can't help them only you one sec let me finish my food I'm still hungry why am I not getting full I've eaten so much today maybe because you've been eating sweets but that doesn't make any sense I ate the gummies that old lady gave me hey those gummies he gave me are working that's because he didn't eat them in front of your family like I told you what am I gonna do now go to your teacher I've already given him some food that you can eat to save your family sir where were you I've been looking for you do you have the food the old lady gave you yes it's right here hurry up and eat it this chocolate tastes like plus remember do not draw on your faces because it will also appear on your soulmates Miss who would want to draw on the face anyway I don't think anyone here would do that what do you mean look at James over there he's drawing Star Wars characters on his face with a marker whoa James what are you doing I'm drawing on my face what does it look like if I draw these special characters it will be easier to find my soul mate James is right I also want to draw my face hey you should join us Amara have a marker no thanks I'm good whoa these people are going insane why does everyone want to find the soulmate so desperately do you not want to find him no I don't because I don't believe in soulmates my mom and dad were married and divorced because he cheated on her yeah but that's your that's for he's a Chia look at my parents they've been together for 50 years but I feel that cheated he wouldn't tell you so how would you know what the heck Amari you're so evil anyway when you find the one you'll know what I'm talking about so I have to draw on my face like all these people are doing oh my gosh Aiden come here let me join your face leave me alone Stephanie I really hope I'm your soulmate Aiden I mean bestie whoa I feel bad for whoever her soulmate is she's crazy tomorrow why does all your friends have stuff drawn on the face they're desperate to find their soulmate and you're not no I don't want to get cheated on like you huh Stephanie no this can't be happening out of all people why would he write this name I have to cover this up before anyone sees it did you see Aiden's face this morning I feel sorry for him yeah his face has Stephanie's name on it she's a freaking psychopath hey bro why'd you have Stephanie written on your forehead I was sleeping yesterday after basketball practice and when I woke up I saw she had written her name on my forehead this is impossible it's the exact same writing as mine that only means one thing Aiden's my soul mate oh look who it is so turns out you're Aidan's match wait anyway look I got new glasses glasses on those yes soon I'll know Olivia's age can I please borrow those glasses give them to me how old are you actually Olivia I already told you I'm eight no you can't lie to me you're 250 years old but how come you're still in this world what the heck I'm still a mom mom you have to get Olivia out of here she's not a person what's wrong you've always been begging for us she's 250 years old you're jealous of her aren't you no I'm not please you have to believe me you know what get out of this house only come back when you fix that I treat of yours fine I'll leave luckily I've got the address of Olivia's orphanage why are you here I'm looking for this address that's the address of a nursing home nursing home yes as far as I know there's no orphanage around there I'm still gonna check it out okay when you get there follow the signs why is there only all people around here why are you here young lady is there an orphanage around this area no only nursing homes wanna come here I'm sure Excuse Me Miss you can't answer this home it's only for the elderly I just wanted to ask do you know a girl named Olivia she's from an orphanage in this area no I've never met a girl named Olivia but the address correct anyway I'm gonna go in and check okay but I warn you it's very dangerous yeah whatever I knew it there is an orphanage look at all the kids are you here to adopt us how are you so old but look so young everyone in this orphanage are like this okay this is creepy I need to get out of here Emily hurry up and get me I'll send you the address okay I'll call you back I'm just gonna check it Amara the address you sent me is an appearing on the map also it doesn't exist hey all of you why isn't this ad just being detected people who enter the forest can't leave unless they've adopted someone first what okay does anyone know Olivia the owner of these Dentures that's Benjamin's Benjamin yes so does that mean he's a guy yes he's a boy but he looks like a girl anyway where did you get the dentist from he's at my house right now with my mom then your mom is in danger right now because he is Mom can I have money for lunch sorry honey I'm in depth right now I can't afford to give you any more money you're in that yes but there's a way for you to make money you have to guess the name guess the name of a mafia or a psychopath I'll guess the name of a psychopath because they're more dangerous and that way if I know the name I can stay away from them huh this four letters what happens if I don't guess the name you have three tries if you fail all of them you'll disappear only three tries yes so you have to be careful okay I'll try to guess the first letter okay that's wrong I only have two tries left before I disappear Amara there's a new student is it a boy or a girl it's a girl a girl most girl names have a in them so a yes it's right hi class this is on your students you'll be sitting next to you but miss isn't that a doll don't be disrespectful be nice she's new that was weird anyway let me continue guessing the name um m M that's wrong if I'm wrong one more time I disappear why are you being rude to the new kids you can't see that it's a doll a doll what are you talking about she's human Amara you're in the same group as the new girl I'm in a group with a doll isn't that the same as doing the whole project on my own what are you talking about she's obviously just a girl what is wrong with you people you're right it is a doll finally someone who believes me that means I'm not going crazy the only reason we see her as a doll is because we haven't looked on the eyes so if we look on the eyes well she has a human yes did I spell your name right no it's m not m huh yes two more letters you don't have to worry about guessing the name why not you'll soon know the truth Amara our teacher died what do you mean he died the new kid says it's your fault they're saying I killed the teacher how is this doll accusing me can she even speak the teacher died because he saw in the shape of a doll so that means we're also gonna die because we've seen her in the shape of a doll you have to guess the psychopath's name before it's too late you said I shouldn't worry she's gonna kill you what kill me we don't even know each other she knows very well who you are she's trying to stop you from guessing the letters switch buddies with Mom or boyfriends I choose boyfriend wait but if I'm gonna be in his body does that mean he's gonna be in my body morning honey do you want to come with me to Grandma's house after school I can't today Mom I'm gonna be I didn't even finish my sentence and I've already switched bodies I wonder how long I'm gonna be in this body for anyways my first day I can't mess this up jake break up with Amara and be my boyfriend Lucy anshi Amara's best friend yes but I'm only friends without to get closer to you and besides you guys are not married nah I'm good I'm not gonna break up with Amara I love her and besides I don't want to be friends with you anymore I mean she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore turns out there's a lot of girls who have a crush on my boyfriend I'm gonna be rejecting girls all day Jay Lucy likes you so much let her I've got Amara but you can date her too what kind of friends does he have I can't believe Lucy she's fake Jake Amara's looking for you not now I'm busy you know she's dating Lucas right she's what Amara your belly is bleeding hurry up let's go to the hospital there's definitely something wrong with my soul mate you're right he's hurt but why can't you I don't know but I have to help him he's in danger no you're not helping anyone before you help yourself first I'm taking you to the hospital Amara hello are you even concentrating on this class sorry Miss I'm still thinking about my soulmate you're in class you need to focus on the lesson okay you're right why do I feel so dizzy I need to find a way out of the school I have to help him what are you doing you can't be walking around right now you just got out the hospital I'm fine really I'm feeling much better I need to find my soul mate if the same thing happens again that means your swarm is really in danger you have to search for him now otherwise it might get worse I already know who he is it's Jason because we have the same wounds do you know where he lives right I don't by the way Auntie Jason's ex yes and I never wanted to see him again but I'm only helping because you're my friend yay thank you ouch what's this on my wrist it really hurts let's just leave we can't go to Jason's house it's too dangerous but if we don't go we can't help did you hear that Jason is that you please help me what are you doing down there I told you my parents are dangerous just leave before no I'm staying here with you Lucy can you go get help I'm not leaving you here alone just go I'll be fine I need to find a way to get you out of these handcuffs the only person who has the keys is my dad I wish you could walk it would be so much easier to get you out of here um what was that well who do we have here before you do anything just know the police are on the way well thanks for telling me in that case I'm gonna have to get you both out of here before the police comes and catches me you're not gonna make in time watch me ouch let go of me I'm sorry Amara where is Lucy why is she taking so long yes the police is here I told you you weren't gonna get away with this guys there's no point running they're gonna catch you regardless thank you so much for saving me of course you almost saw me after all but hey please in the future stop getting hurt because you know we share the same pain I'll try my best he's at my house right now with my mom then your mom is in danger right now because he is he's a psychopath psychopath yes how do I get out of here so I can save my mom you won't be able to get out unless you adopt someone or someone adopts you Emily can you contact the nursing home here so you can adopt me adopt you where the hell are you now I'll send you the number now please call them quick where's the owner of this nursing home the owner's right in front of you a thousand years what do you need you own this nursing home don't be surprised by my small body the older I get the smaller I get I want to ask my friend contacted you to adopt me yes but I refuse huh why because she needs to be an adult in order to adopt you then how do I get out of here someone's adopted you why are you lying the owner just said my friend couldn't adopt me it's not your friend not my friend then who is it the security guard thank you so much for saving me can you take me to the police station sorry I can't I only adopted you to help you out I have to look after this nothing okay thank you sir officer how can I help you there's a 250 year old man living at my house and he pretends to be a kid that's crazy I don't believe you I can see people's ages if that's true what's my age you're 50 years old that was just a coincidence how old am I you're 45. okay take us to your mom's house your mom's not in here she left a note saying she went to the nursing home to look for you that means she's stuck there officer can you help me adopt my mom so she can get out of there hello huh you're the security guard from yesterday how did you turn into a child come on we need to hurry up why is there no sound coming from inside we have to break in three two one 10 million or a pen of course the money Amara don't forget breakfast yes Mom I chose it by accident this pen is so ugly they could have at least given me a nice one I'll just use that until it runs out honey what did you choose I chose the pan instead of the money what are you gonna do whatever Mom it was your fault I chose the pen anyway hey don't blame me for your action what did you choose the money right no I chose a pen oh my gosh that pen is so old we all chose the money look the poor person just entered our class she's dumb for choosing the pen I know right I can't help but laugh at her class I hope you're ready for the test huh sir can you repeat that there's only going to be two questions but they're going to be super hard I didn't even study I don't understand any of this I'll just answer it Jake since you finished first you're getting extra points I don't care about who finishes first I care about getting the highest grade it's really upset that I don't have any friends let me just use this pen Amara will disappear from this world did you hear the news about Amara yeah she disappeared no one knows where she is oh they're talking about me that means this pen is I hope I can see for a long time today what that means I can see forever right but no one should know mom I'm going to school sorry honey I can't see you I didn't get any time to see today I'm sorry Mom I tried making you breakfast I don't know if it looks good um I'm okay uh anyways I'm almost here for school see you look Amara can't see again why can she never see it's because her family is cast they're always blind yeah why do you even bother being friends with her let's go well you don't want to be friends with me because I'm blind sorry Amara but I have to go close I'm preparing a person for you if you drink it it will improve your improve our vision not you Amara it doesn't work on blind people I can't believe they fell for that once they drink the potions I'm gonna have infinite time to see you must give them the potion quickly before the principal sees you I have to tell the others guys you can't drink from that potion it's a trap how do you know you can't even see yeah how do you know because I speak to my soulmate or marry my soulmate I'm not ready for marriage yet so speak to my soul mate I'm so nervous to speak to my soulmate for the first time hi soulmate what's your name what why isn't he answering so annoying why doesn't my soulmate want to speak to me Amara are you focusing on my lesson yes sorry sir I'm giving you a two-hour Detention of the class I'm so happy we have a new teacher he's so gorgeous why he's so annoying I just want to complain to my soul mate hey soulmate still no answer David can I ask you something yeah what's up why do you think my soulmate isn't answering me well it could be that your soulmate's dead I'll try it again hi soulmate hi sorry for earlier I was teaching a class I couldn't answer teaching where not now I'm busy Amara's day in Lucas now he what Hey Jake I heard you looking for me whoa is that how people see me I actually look hard yeah whatever I heard your name Lucas uh I've been wanting to tell you so you like boys now no I like boys and girls why didn't you tell me this before because I was scared of your reaction you can like whoever you want but you can't date Lucas in my body um I can do whatever I want no you can't we have to switch bodies fast I'm not allowing you to date him in my body Well for now I'm gonna do it because we still haven't changed bodies yet he's so annoying how dare he date Lucas in my body without my permission Jake I bought two tickets for me and you to go to a football game leave me alone Lucy but please I've already paid all right cool whatever hey I heard you're going on a date with Lucy it's not a date we're just watching a football game why are you like this Amara clearly moved on with Lucas they're already planning their wedding the what Jake what the hell do you think you're doing I'm not gonna let you get away with this I have to find a way to switch bodies again want to switch bodies call this number hello I need your help I have to switch back to my body before it's too late okay I'll send you the address now hello am I in the right place yes indeed you are so what do I have to do to switch back to my body hey you have to say this word all I have to say is switch I'm finally back in my body I hate my life Lucy what's wrong Jake just canceled that day he's in love with Lucas don't worry I'll go with you wait really yeah why not um choose between the white bottle or the gold bottle I choose the gold one I wonder what power this one's gonna give me I disappear when I hold my breath interesting mom I honey can you go to the shop for me and buy some vegetables Amara where did she go yes she can't see me finally I can breathe again what power did you get I can disappear when I hold my breath oh cool every time I sneeze I fly why are you talking to Jason he's so weird weird what do you mean he doesn't let anyone go to his house because he says his mom is fat but his mom is fine but Jason seems pretty normal to me I have to prove it myself Jason I'm coming to your house later no what why you don't want anything bad to happen do you anything bad to happen I have to disappear into Jason's home see what's in someone's wallet or see what's in someone's savings I'd rather see how much money people have in the savings mom can I have some money I want to buy 50 packs of no there's a lot of food at home just take something with you you're so skinny how come you eat like a cow why are you so greedy you have so much money in your bank account but you never give me any anyways how do you have one million you don't even work what how did you know that anyways um your grandma gives it to me oh I see turns out all my friends have so much money in their bank accounts some people have 100K how is that even possible they don't even work we're just in high school Amara I bought you a burger thank you so much but where did you get the money to buy this you only have 10 pounds in your savings oh my parents gives it to me but I thought your parents were jobless no they've got a job now someone just told 250 pounds from our class savings it was only meant to be used on a school trip 250 pounds where did the money go well we don't know who it is yet but it stays between me and you okay okay sir hey can I deposit 250 pounds oh Amara what are you doing here nothing I uh saw you walk into the bank so I thought I'd come in and say hi do you want to come to my house later sure all my money's gone I also lost 500 pounds who's the thief what's going on guys we have to be careful because there's a money thief in our class don't worry I'll help you find the money Thief thanks for coming Amara yeah no problem can I borrow some money to buy my mom a present you have a lot of savings why do you keep asking for money no I don't I'm broke you can't lie to me I guess I'm not gonna be able to buy my mom a present all right hold on a sec hey drink this um I'm not thirsty but thank you I knew it she is the money Thief I wonder how much money I have in my savings why are you yawning I'm sleepy mom you can't sleep until bedtime why not because if you sleep now you won't be tired anymore bye all right I'll sleep later why do we have to sleep on a specific time that's because of the sound that comes on at night if we hear it something dangerous will happen I see I'm feeling so sleepy um Amara who told you you could sleep sorry sir I was feeling a bit tired I'm gonna have to give you a detention okay if I'm right this is the detention room why is it locked Amara don't enter that room why I have a detention it's not in that room it's in a different one oh why can't I enter that room because whoever's entered that room in the past has never came why don't they come out it's for the people who doesn't sleep when they're supposed to they get locked in there until they rot rot yes that's why I'm telling you not to go in there you'll never be able to come out what if I accidentally fall asleep I'm sleepy just use this headset you won't feel sleepy anymore thank you he's right I don't feel sleepy anymore this means I can just sleep and when I'm done I can just put on these headsets again okay class you're free to go home it's almost time to sleep make sure whatever you do do not leave your house but if I take up this headset at bedtime I'll feel sleepy again right unless I use this headset while everyone's asleep honey please don't forget to sleep okay yes Mom don't worry I won't forget and make sure you lock all the doors and all the windows it's so quiet everyone's asleep I'm gonna go outside I'm curious why the teacher told us to stay at home vote for a safe world or a dangerous world I vote for a safe world of course Why didn't it it doesn't work like that everyone gets to vote and the one with the most votes gets picked you have to convince everyone to vote for a safe world because if this world ends it's all your fault why my fault because it's all in your hands okay this should be easy surely everyone wants to live right no one really wants to swell to end okay positive thinking you can do this Jake you have lots of girlfriends right please help me help you with walk tell them to vote for a safe world I only need 100 people to vote okay fine I'll help you okay hurry up go I didn't mean no I have basketball can you just cancel this is really important all right fine I'll cancel okay thank you hey Emma will you tell everyone to vote for a safe World why should I help you she's my friend Hey Jake okay if she's your friend I'll vote for a safe world now tell your friends too yes of course girls vote for a safe way thank you so much ew don't touch me I'm only doing this for Jake Jake thank you so much because of you I've got 50 votes in already why aren't you saying anything I've helped you enough I really need to get to basketball practice bye wait can I join you at basketball practice I can just ask all your friends to vote for a safe world there's gonna be lots of people there right okay just hurry up guys please help me vote for a safe world so we can all live I'll only vote if you become my girlfriend okay uh vote first then I'll answer it don't work like that answer first then I'll vote vote for a safe World otherwise I'll get you kicked out of this basketball team uh yes Captain I'll vote for a safe world now that's it we've all voted for a safe world thank you guys um I'll treat you with some water bottles hey um can I please have 50 water bottles yes of course wait why is only 99 people who voted I swear there was like more than 100 people who voted here's your drinks I put them in a box so it's easier to carry thank you oh yeah Miss can you please help me vote for a safe world yes of course thank you wait how comes the number didn't change it's stuck at 99 is everything okay yes Miss everything's fine thanks for the water I'll pay you later bye Hey Jake I'm curious you also voted for a safe world right oh yeah that's right he helped me get a lot of people vote for a safe word but he never voted himself Jake please help me vote for a safe world I only need one more person to vote I can't Amara can't why it's because I short life or an illegitimate child I don't want to live a short life I'll just choose the illegitimate child I can just put it in an orphanage or something Mommy wait how comes you don't look like me listen to me carefully okay I'm not your mom and today I have a really important job interview so stay away from me mommy I already told you I'm not your mom you're a moral right yes sir so you're married right not yet but it's written here you already have one child how did my personal data change that means you're a single parent yes sir something like that all right in that case you got the job wait really thanks so much finally I have a job who's calling me hello hello we're from the police station police what's wrong officer we just found out that you have a Jake please help me vote for a safe world I only need one more person to vote I'm sorry Amara I can't do that can't why because I because I'm not from this world huh not from this world then where are you from I'm from space you're joking right no I'm being serious why isn't anyone saying anything we're all shocked like you Amara We're not gonna believe you Jake until you show us your Spaceship Spaceship why is everyone digging with their shovels because we're helping Jake hide this spaceship Jake say something do you still want to be friends with me even though I'm not from this world yes of course I do I don't care where you're from okay if so come with me I want to show you my spaceship here it is huh this is your spaceship but it's so small how'd you even fit in that oh there's plenty of space trust me hey you guys your high school kids aren't you what are you doing in school at this time that's the school security we need to hurry up and cover your spaceship yes please help me thank you guys so much for the help hey Jay can I ask you something yeah why did you come to this world since you know you're not from here because there's nothing in my world I like it here more and I never expected to make any friends but now I feel like I belong here cool mom there's already 100 people who voted for a safe world but why is it stuck on 99 that's because the last one percent has to be voted by someone who's not from this world but why because the words are very important okay Mom I'll be right back I know exactly what to do Hey Jake my mom said the last one percent had to be voted by someone who's not from this world so can you vote please I'm all right I told you I really can't why not if you don't vote I don't want to be friends with you anymore uh okay okay I'll vote for a safe world see easy it's not about it being easy if I vote for your world my world will be destroyed forever wait really yeah this is all your fault I'm just joking look at your face don't worry this whole time no matter what people voted for both of our worlds will still be safe as long as no one voted for the dangerous world of course huh I have to make five people become friends what is this Mom yes if you make five people become friends our whole family will be rich and famous that's my dream ever since childhood so what are you waiting for come on quickly accept the challenge okay I have to make my mom my friend mom are you looking for me what do you need Mom I have to make you my friend in order to complete this challenge okay if that's the case I'll be your friend now I didn't expect it to be this easy okay who's the second person huh but it was my enemy how am I gonna be friends with her did you just say my name do you want to be friends with me but I swear we've hated each other since childhood you must have bad intentions no I don't I promise okay I'll be your friend but I have some conditions what are your conditions you have to pay for my school lunch for the whole year and if you don't I won't be your friend if I don't pay for her lunch I won't get the rewards so I have no other choice yes fine I'll pay for your lunch here's for today's okay we're finally friends Charlotte do you want to be my friend um yeah sure you seem like you're kind I don't see why not how come it's this easy okay who's next teacher but my teachers really messed up how can I be friends with her what's wrong Amara do you want to be my friend I'll be your friend but only if you clean up this whole class in three minutes three minutes okay done wow that was quick well done we're friends yay thank you so much Miss okay one more person I wonder who it could be dads but I haven't seen my dad ever since I was little I have to ask my mom for help Mom I wanted to ask you about my biological father how many times have I told you not to speak about it but Mom in order for us to be a rich and famous I have to be friends with him he's the last one okay in that case come with me yes I can finally meet my dad thanks Mom but remember no hugs okay okay um Mom where's that he's right there honey choose between the smart egg or the strong egg if I choose the smart egg that means I'll get the highest grades in class mom I chose the small egg I'm gonna eat it now no honey don't why not you have to wait until later otherwise it won't work okay oh look who it is it's the stupid girl not only stupid she's ugly too can you guys think you're prettier than me of course we are and smarter too not for long because guess what I have the small egg well how did you get that it's super rare don't worry good morning everyone we have a biology test okay but sir you didn't tell us about it I know but you should always study not only when you have a test size so annoying but I have nothing to worry about anyway I can just eat my egg right before the test Amara what we're gonna do we're so gonna fail this test don't worry I chose the small egg this morning so as soon as I eat it I'll help you with the answers really but that egg is so rare you're so lucky can I see it yeah sure let me just wait where's the egg are you looking for this one Stephanie give it back and let you be the smartest in class not a chance what we're gonna do now No One's Gonna believe that she stole my egg I have an idea we make her confess again while recording her once everyone sees the video she'll be forced to give you the egg back that's genius she's right there okay start recording now oh no my phone's not letting me it says storage full wait haven't you heard of smart cleaner smart cleaner what's that smart keynote allows you to free up your storage without having to delete things manually it can easily detect and delete duplicate photos and screenshots with just one click I had so many duplicate photos that I didn't even know was there this was my storage before and after I use the app oh my phone has so much storage now this is perfect thank you so much no worries now are you ready to get your egg back let's go choose a closed pimple or far away pimple what does this mean mom the pimple will show how far or close your soulmate is whoa because I want to find him I'm gonna choose the clothes pimple wait are you sure because once you choose you can't change your mind again yes I'm sure Mom I'm ready for school whoa that's a fat pimple pimple what do you mean my face is smooth whoa it really is a pimple I can't go to school like this it's okay you should be proud that means your soulmate's close true how come our pimples different from the others don't get close to her why is everyone talking about my pimple doesn't everyone get pimples like mine because don't tell her let her find out herself why can't she tell me I'm all right your pimple's red it should be black black why not red the red pimple means your soulmates in danger and you're absolutely not allowed to meet him he's in danger that means I have to save him Amara you can't but if I don't save him that means I'll be single forever babe are we gonna watch that movie tonight sorry but we have to break up you have a fat pimple and I'm embarrassed to be seen why it's just a pimple it's normal well your pimple is red and I'm not in danger so it means I'm not your soulmate wait I just got another pimple that means my stomach is getting closer once you get five pimples that means your swim is really close and you can finally meet him that means there's three left right do you know anything about red pimples yes it's the sign that he's in danger and only you can save him I'm all right your pimples you have to cover them but sir if I cover them up I won't know how close or far away my thumb is you haven't tried so you don't know why is that trying to make me cover up my pimples I don't want to cover them up yes sir I'm all right I got some more information about your pimples be quiet before anyone hears you red pimples are only given to selected people selected people what do you mean was that the bell I have to go I have some important business to do mom I'm home why are you home so early you've only been at school for two hours because I was kicked out by the teacher okay well I have to tell you something mom I already have five pimples that means my swim is really close excuse me that must be him wait don't open the door choose glasses that can see people's lost drink or lost meal lost drink because I want to know who drinks my coffee in the morning Omar why haven't you left your room yet you're gonna be mom I know I'm leaving now okay hurry up wait for me to drink coffee first what how come my coffee mug is empty again did you drink the coffee that was on my table Mom it wasn't me who drank it I don't even like coffee you don't like coffee it was even drink it your last drink is coffee what how did you know that I'm not gonna tell you here make me another one let's go to school we're about to be late okay sis I'll be ready soon sewage water you drink sewage water yes because sewage water makes us more beautiful no it doesn't who told you that my best friend she drinks too much water she's lying to you no she would never do that she's my best friend so I trust her I have a really stupid sister hey bestie hey did you know we're gonna have to donate blood tomorrow again another blood donation then we donate blood last week yes but there's a lot of people who needs Blood Out There Mara true oh yeah I just found out my sister's still drinking sewage water just leave her maybe she likes the taste of it well I have a sister who likes to drink sewage water and a friend who likes to drink fish pond water Amara you're donating blood again tomorrow right no sir I'm not going to because I already did last week if you're selfish and don't want to donate your blood you can't come to school again okay fine I'll donate blood again but just please don't kick me out of the school I had Tomorrow the principal son will help with the blood donation the principal's son is he a doctor yes he's a doctor who graduate from Harvard he's so hot so stay away from him he's mine how do you expect him to date someone who drinks fish pond water what no I don't I'm gonna go to bed early so I'm ready for the blood donation tomorrow hey sis did you drink any water yet yeah I did loads did you yes my friend said that toilet water makes her face glow it's so hard having a sister who's this stupid mom Amara called me stupid good morning Mom I'm going to school okay honey I prepared lunch for you thanks Mom why does your school always have blood donations anyway I don't know they have them every week maybe the bloodstocks in the hospital are running low Maybe class 11c Amara what class did you get I got 11c exchange with me please why because the principal son will be there in that case no I'm not exchanging I'm curious how handsome can the principal son be excuse me I didn't mean to bump into you you're the principal son right nice to meet you I'm Amara I'm Dr Tyson I have to go because I have a lot of things to prepare his last drink was from my blood donation last week what kind of human is he um choose between the white bottle or the gold bottle I choose the gold one I wonder what power this one's gonna give me I disappear when I hold my breath interesting mom I honey can you go to the shop for me and buy some vegetables Amara where did she go yes she can't see me finally I can breathe again what power did you get I can disappear when I hold my breath oh cool every time I sneeze I fly why are you talking to Jason he's so weird weird what do you mean he doesn't let anyone go to his house because he says his mom is fat but his mom is fine but Jason seems pretty normal to me I have to prove it myself Jason I'm coming to your house later no what why you don't want anything bad to happen do you anything bad to happen I have to disappear into Jason's home short life or an illegitimate child I don't want to live a short life I'll just choose the illegitimate child I can just put in an orphanage or something mommy wait how comes you don't look like me listen to me carefully okay I'm not your mom and today I have a really important job interview so stay away from me mommy I already told you I'm not your mom you're a moral right yes sir so you're married right not yet but it's written here you already have one child how did my personal data change that means you're a single parent yes sir something like that all right in that case you got the job wait really thanks so much finally I have a job who's calling me hello hello we're from the police station police what's wrong officer we just found out that you have a Jake please help me vote for a safe world I only need one more person to vote I'm sorry Amara I can't do that can't why because I because I'm not from this world huh not from this world then where are you from I'm from space you're joking right no I'm being serious why isn't anyone saying anything we're all shocked like you Amara We're not gonna believe you Jake until you show us your Spaceship Spaceship why is everyone digging with their shovels because we're helping Jake hide this spaceship Jake say something do you still want to be friends with me even though I'm not from this world yes of course I do I don't care where you're from okay if so come with me I want to show you my spaceship here it is huh this is your spaceship but it's so small how'd you even fit in that oh there's plenty of space trust me hey you guys your high school kids aren't you what are you doing in school at this time that's the school security we need to hurry up and cover your spaceship yes please help me thank you guys so much for the help hey Jay can I ask you something yeah why did you come to this world since you know you're not from here because there's nothing in my world I like it here more and I never expected to make any friends but now I feel like I belong here cool mom there's already 100 people who voted for a safe world but why is this stuck on 99 that's because the last one percent has to be voted by someone who's not from this world but why because the words are very important okay Mom I'll be right back I know exactly what to do Hey Jake my mom said the lost one percent had to be voted by someone who's not from this world so can you vote please Amara I told you I really can't why not if you don't vote I don't want to be friends with you anymore uh okay okay I'll vote for a safe world see easy it's not about it being easy if I vote for your world my world will be destroyed forever wait really yeah this is all your fault I'm just joking look at your face don't worry this whole time no matter what people voted for both of our worlds will still be safe as long as no one voted for the dangerous world of course vote for a safe world or a dangerous world I vote for a safe world of course Why didn't it it doesn't work like that everyone gets to vote and the one with the most votes gets picked you have to convince everyone to vote for a safe world because if this world ends it's all your fault why my fault because it's all in your hands okay this should be easy surely everyone wants to live right no one really wants this world to end okay positive thinking you can do this Jake you have lots of girlfriends right please help me help you with walk tell them to vote for a safe world I only need 100 people to vote okay fine I'll help you okay hurry up go I didn't mean no I have basketball could you just cancel this is really important all right fine I'll cancel okay thank you hey Emma will you tell everyone to vote for a safe World why should I help you she's my friend Hey Jake okay if she's your friend I'll vote for a safe world now tell your friends too yes of course girls vote for a safe way thank you so much ew don't touch me I'm only doing this for Jake Jake thank you so much because of you I've got 50 votes in already why aren't you saying anything I've helped you enough I really need to get to basketball practice bye wait can I join you at basketball practice I can just ask all your friends to vote for a safe world there's going to be lots of people there right okay just hurry up guys please help me vote for a safe world so we can all live I'll only vote if you become my girlfriend okay uh vote first then I'll answer it don't work like that answer first then I'll vote vote for a safe World otherwise I'll get you kicked out of this basketball team uh yes Captain I'll vote for a safe world now that's it we've all voted for a safe world thank you guys um I'll teach you some water bottles hey um can I please have 50 water bottles yes of course wait why is only 99 people who voted I swear there was like more than 100 people who voted here's your drinks I put them in a box so it's easier to carry thank you oh yeah Miss can you please help me vote for a safe world yes of course thank you wait how comes the number didn't change it's stuck at 99 is everything okay yes Miss everything's fine thanks for the water I'll pay you later bye Hey Jake I'm curious you also voted for a safe world right oh yeah that's right he helped me get a lot of people vote for a safe word but he never voted himself Jake please help me vote for a safe world I only need one more person to vote I can't Amara can't why it's because I because I'm not from this world huh not from this world then where are you from I'm from space you're joking right no I'm being serious why isn't anyone saying anything we're all shocked like you Amara We're not gonna believe you Jake until you show us your Spaceship Spaceship why is everyone digging with their shovels because we're helping Jake hide the spaceship Jake say something do you still want to be friends with me even though I'm not from this world yes of course I do I don't care where you're from okay if so come with me I want to show you my spaceship here it is huh this is your spaceship but it's so small how do you even fit in that oh there's plenty of space trust me hey you guys your high school kids aren't you what are you doing in school at this time that's the school security we need to hurry up and cover your spaceship yes please help me thank you guys so much for the help hey Jay can I ask you something yeah why did you come to this world since you know you're not from here because there's nothing in my world I like it here more and I never expected to make any friends but now I feel like I belong here cool mom there's already 100 people who voted for a seafood but why is it stuck on 99 that's because the last one percent has to be voted by someone who's not from this world but why because they're both are very important okay Mom I'll be right back I know exactly what to do Hey Jake my mom said the lost one percent had to be voted by someone who's not from this world so can you vote please Amara I told you I really can't why not if you don't vote I don't want to be friends with you anymore uh okay okay I'll vote for a safe world see easy it's not about it being easy if I vote for your world my world will be destroyed forever wait really yeah this is all your fault I'm just joking look at your face don't worry this whole time no matter what people voted for both of our worlds will still be safe as long as no one voted for the dangerous world of course I have to choose between going to the bowels of the Earth or the end of the Earth mom which one's so funny I recommend going to the bowels of the earth don't go to the end of the Earth there's many wild animals there the bowels of the Earth since no one's ever been there before I'll be the first I can't wait for my trip to the bowels of the earth there's only 24 hours away wait what did you say bows of the earth yes why it's very hot there there's no way you could survive you'll die as soon as you get there how do you know no one's ever been there oh yeah right I'll look for more information about it because you're my friend I don't want anything bad happening to you whoa you said you were going to the bowels of the earth that's so cool yeah that's right I'll be the first person to go there at the same time you'll be the first person to die there honey you have to bring these things with you I prepare the bag what's in the bag mom just take it with you don't open until you get to your final destination you're sure it's safe to go there right yes it's very safe don't worry here for you Amara what is this death flowers guys come on I'll be fine let us know later if you're still alive whatever honey did you forget I'm allergic to flowers who gave them to you my friend's mom they're making fun of me because I want to go to the bowels of the earth if so throw them away that's probably them they're here to make fun of me again oh hey babe why didn't you tell me you were coming we have to break up what why I can't be with you you chose the bowels of the earth why don't you come with me we can get married there what are you saying nothing can survive in the bowels of the earth I'm gonna have to find another girl Omar I found information about your trip you actually went to find it yes it says this to say that only certain people can enter and what is some people like because yesterday I chose the bowels of the earth you're not one of those people whoa does that mean I'm a special child now goodbye Amara good luck in heaven rest in peace Amara people don't know that there's a city there I'll prove to them that I can survive hey when you go to the bowels of the Earth can I come with you who are you little kids can't come I've been there many times what yes every week I always go to the battles of the earth that's a lot of flowers yeah look for my friends oh look I only have a few seconds left before I leave three two one excuse me do you know what do you have an access card access card yes show me it right now I'm sorry but um I don't have an access card only people with an access card can get in please give me some time to go back and find it okay I'll give you an hour only an hour I mean thank you sir I knew she was too scared to go to the bowels of the Earth yeah what do you think no one dares to go there not everybody can only special people can go there mom how come you're not the bowels of the earth I didn't have an access card why are you like this didn't I tell you to take this bag with you I must have dropped it good thing they gave me another chance to come and get it you should be able to take care of yourself there I will Mom please show me your access card here you go please come in welcome to the bowels of the earth he's not even gonna check my bag oh my gosh it's so far away from the earth he is like 10 times more advanced is that flying car and flying animals too hey I've never seen you here reveal your identity my identity okay one second whoa you're from London that's so far away anyway we welcome new people here all the time where should I go I wasn't given a map or anything everyone is just staring at me creepy hey my name is Arya hi I'm Amara I'm from Earth and I'm new here do you know where you want to live yet no I don't know how things work here you can stay at my house that way we can get to know each other more okay sure so this will be your room it's perfect but um I just want to let you know that I can't pay you any rent I don't have a job yet you're a special person so you don't have to pay people are so nice and friendly is that your bag let me pack it away whoa what'd you even have in this bag what are you doing why are you touching my things you're crazy I need to get out of here there's no way you can get out because I have this tool and I can remove those in an instant the door is back hurry up get out thank you for helping me how did you get to the bowels of the earth I told you I come here often I'm here to take care of my brother come with me let me show you your house whoa it's huge yeah this is where you'll be living I live just around the corner if you need any help just call me here's my number okay thank you love apple or hey Apple mom what does this mean you can see how much people love you or hate you then I choose the hey Apple so I know who hates me hey I have an exam letter can I use your answers to cheat yeah of course thanks Amara wait you hate me how does that have to do with anything even though I consider you my friend I'm not gonna help you this is why I hate you you're so greedy you never help anyone but yourself she's so annoying she became second best in class because of me and she's so ungrateful babe why so angry Ali in the morning hey babe come let's go to the canteen together we've been dating for years and you secretly hate me why because of your face you look like my ex I look like your ex if that's what you thought from the start then why did you ask me to be your girlfriend you ate the hate Apple didn't you what how do you know I know everything basically if People's hatred level loads for a long time it means they really hate you you have to be careful around that person why do people around me hate me so much anyway I don't hate you if you ever have a problem you can talk to me okay you don't seem to hate me because I love you I want you to be my second wife second wife yes do you want to be I have to go sir my stomach hurts hey loser you again why do you keep bullying me because it's fun you don't hate me yes I do why are you asking that no you can't lie to me you don't hate me do you well to be honest all this time I pretended to bully you I just wanted to get your attention because I really like you do you want to be my girlfriend Thanks for liking me but I can't date my mom doesn't let me I have to go bye Amara you know there's a really handsome student that joined us from America from America America what's he doing here he said he ran away from his family because they were fighting a lot I feel sorry for him me too where's the new kid just a suggestion don't get close with the new kid why we have to be nice to our new friend you didn't know he's a Mafia Boss in America wait really yes that's why I'm telling you not to get close hello everyone I'm the new student who wants to sit with your new classmate I do okay go sit next to her hi nice to meet you your name is Amara right wait how comes he knows my name we just met breathe through a mosque or breathe through a bottle breathing through a boy's weight so I choose mask hey mom wait you trust the breath you're a mosque too it wasn't me who chose the choice was given to a random person and now everyone has to breathe through a mosque so you're saying everyone has to wear a mask now yes because the air is toxic who chooses to breathe with a mask on it's so annoying if you don't like it why don't you just take it off I can't do that if you take your mask off you die really so how long do we have to wear these masks for forever Mara I'm really annoyed with the one who chose the mask right like why didn't they just pick breathing through our nose that was impossible the choice was between a mask and a bowl how do you know was it you who chose what no um I was just guessing class today we're gonna be jogging around for half an hour but how sir we're all wearing masks is there a problem yes it's hard to breathe well get used to it I'm so tired if I knew who chose to breathe through a mask I would kill them I hope they won't find out it's me don't be like that maybe they didn't know it would be like this okay class now it's time to sleep since when are the Sleep lessons sir since today because wearing a mask is tiring now please make your way to cloth I just want to take this off do not remove that mask the arrow side why aren't you wearing a mask I thought they was toxic because there's a way not to wear a mask how you need to take off three masks from three of your friends and then give them to me you can sleep in this class for one hour sir can I not sleep whatever this is your only chance to rest don't worry Sam my breathing is strong okay it's up to you yeah okay I've taken off Sarah's Hannah's and Samantha's masks oh my gosh why are they must stop Amara you were the only one who didn't sleep what happened to them are they dead how come the masks are off honey are you okay I took off three of my friend's masks and now they're all dead why would you do that you do know that it's a crime right some old lady told me to are you insane you can't just trust strangers Zamora are you happy three of my friends died because of you I didn't mean to take off your mask now what you have to feel their suffering if you don't take it off we'll take it off for you okay okay relax I'll take it off I hope I can still breathe otherwise I did this for nothing oh my gosh she actually died do you think we'll be caught by the police am I in heaven gosh sis I was so worried about you why did you take off the Mask wait so I'm Not Dead I'm sorry I took off the mask because my friends told me to the three masks I took off my friends why aren't they here thank you for helping me what now you can be mask free for one day one day I thought you meant forever yeah but for that you need to give me the three masks you took off your friends you never gave them I forgot where I put them but I'll bring them to you soon okay here's my address hey honey why aren't you wearing them I don't need to wear a mask thank the old lady did I not tell you not to speak to that old lady again where is she she's right there wait where is she you have to be careful with that old lady don't be like me what do you mean like you uh just keep your distance from her are you okay sis I'm really worried as you can see I'm healthier than before they all feel guilty for telling you to take your mask off but they don't know you're still alive don't worry I have plans for them wait wasn't she dead maybe she's a ghost I was saved by my sister and thanks for trying to kill me by the way you guys are horrible you're even more horrible you killed three of our friends okay class they will be running for an hour and a half an hour and a half that's too much sir you don't have to participate if you don't want to you know what at least I'll be fine I can just run without a mask you know what it's fine I'll participate me too sir me as well you guys ready three two one okay there's no one around it's time for me to take my mask off I'm tired too oh hi Amara oh my gosh do you think she just saw that it's fine just take it off did you follow what the evil old lady why are you calling her evil and how do you know her wait are you serious everyone knows her she's known for he's known for collecting people's masks why is she collecting people's masks the more masks she collects the longer she can go without one but why are you asking no reason uh I have to continue running bye how come you can run so far let's just say I've had plenty of practice so I'm used to it you guys have 15 minutes left I'm so tired I just want to take off tomorrow no don't come on we can do this finally I cannot take off the mask attention all students who participate in the Run has now finished no I can't get caught why are you the only one who didn't faint because um I'm used to running with a mask sure that's the main reason you didn't cheat no sir I'm not cheating you know yourself I work really hard to be the best student in class whoa then you should be given additional points thank you three of your friends died again because they wasn't wearing moths huh they died this time it wasn't me who did it it wasn't me sir we all painted earlier how could you be the only one who did it can't be me I've been speaking to Sarah this whole time that doesn't mean anything you're still a suspect tomorrow what you should go home now before it's too late what do you mean mom I'm still at school there's many bad people around you I know that which is why I'm worried about you don't worry Mom I can take care of myself I need to go to the old lady's house to see what's going on where are you going um somewhere you don't need to know your mom left a message she said you need to go home right away my mom must know my plan yes I'll go home later do you want me to tell her I'm gonna pass by your house on the way home no no need I can do it myself Amara just now three of your friends died because their moths were removed do you think it's the old lady I'm not sure in order to save our friends we need to go to our house but I don't know her address don't worry I already have the address why don't you take off your mouth you must pay for the day remember yeah right who's calling peacock no I don't want to it's your mom isn't it yeah calm down as long as you're with me you're safe true we'll be arriving at the old lady's house soon how is it so dark outside already and why do I feel so dizzy and breathless you must have forgotten that you're only three of months for one day you tricked me there's no point being angry and also you're dying because I didn't bring any more I didn't bring a mask either you're not gonna get away with this oh I already have
Channel: TMooreMan
Views: 496,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, Amarachehade, msa, storytime, asmr, text to speech, dhar mann, ray cakestorytime, ray cake storytime, amara chehade, rebecca zamolo, slime storytime, cake, tiktok mashup 2023, amara, tiktok, povs, amara tiktok povs, asmr cake, text to speech amara, cake storytime tiktok, cake storytime 1 hour, amara storytime, TMooreMan, Cake zone
Id: tgBW1wrVx7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 31sec (11371 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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