First Day of SCHOOL! Morning Routine

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all right so peyton do you have any homework nope yep ninth graders junior high such big day you wake up too fast oh what are you gonna do about your best friend i don't know at elementary school with you we'd always have last pieces together it's the big day thank goodness you're dressed yeah just don't worry i've been just almost ready for a while i'm just gonna fix my hair a little bit okay [Music] wow it is steven's first day of 11th grade what 11th grade all right do you have your backpack no do you have your lunchbox no gosh we're off to a good start backpack okay perfect back-to-school side check [Music] look at that only two more years of school [Music] all right are you ready for the traditional bath school pictures i'm ready i'm not ready for summer to end i don't want it to go either all right um i guess bye i'm so glad i don't have to drive you to school you're actually gonna just drive yourself to school all right have a good first day of 11th grade i will bye bye my baby's growing up i'm duncan he's growing up so much don't get run over by the car duncan you just have to let him go okay he has to go on his own oh my gosh he's gonna hit my trees i don't know if this kid should be driving to school good morning good morning okay what grade are you starting fifth fifth grader good morning good high schooler ninth grade what is all this this is a gift do your makeup up here good morning what grade are you starting junior high all right let's get going [Music] all right jordan have you eaten breakfast okay now you need to get on your beautiful dressings [Music] back to school here here i come all right she has a lot of hair grippers it's going to take a while [Music] you know what time it is taylor time ninth grade first year of high school yay yay all right you have your backpack here's your lunchbox parker it's time to get up and get ready for your first day of going to second grade today are you ready she looks ready she looks like she's ready to learn go to sleep or go back to bed don't do it don't do it how do you want your hair um for the first day of junior high oh my gosh i'm nervous we have someone joining us that's so weird it feels so weird second grader oh no here you go first day of junior high what i'm taking her to elementary school what let's change that what was that i have no idea i think he's dying there she is seventh grader are you ready yeah okay i'm not ready all right peyton here we go where is she all right favorite backpack yeah okay let's get going all right are you girls ready oh that's heavy i know it's just gonna get heavier too okay let's go high school junior high it's a big day [Music] oh what are you gonna do without your best friend i don't know at elementary school with you we'd always have last recess together okay we're pulling up to school are you ready babe what did you say earlier i'm scared you're scared it's okay to be scared okay but like i said you're so lucky that you have a sister that actually has been here and knows exactly what to do and where to go okay and he's gonna help you all you have someone guarding you and walking you around right taylor are you ready are you ready taylor yeah do you want your bus to country so taylor isn't officially a high schooler so her grades count this year but she gets to go she still goes to junior high with her sister thank goodness you guys get to go together we're almost there bye bye mom i love you girl [Music] she's already going she's like see ya taylor oh my goodness there they are are you ready yeah okay picture time [Music] who's ready for fifth grade all right the last person are you ready to switch out that five for a two wait seconds great second grade oh wait are you ready parker okay let's take those pictures all right do you have your backpack let's grab your lunchbox water bottle perfect parker stole the lunchbox and i've got is my second grader ready okay let's do this 12th grader 12th grader no oh my goodness your water your lunch are you gonna eat your lunch yeah i hope so okay probably because there's a lunchable yeah you want to put it inside your backpack or click on like mine i can clip on mine wait oh you can't clip it on just put it in your lunch your bag oh what butterflies you have butterflies in your stomach are you ready you're in line are you ready to go do you know any of the kids in your line some of them you do she knows i'll be sister are you ready have a good day bye bye parker guess what blinky it's just us everybody's gone everybody left us to go to school dad's here but that's it i'm grandma and grandma i love you is it weird being in a quiet house it's so weird i don't know did we get enough out of the summer as we should have did we no okay let's go get him out of school so do something should we do that let's go get him let's go get him out of school on the first date no they won't care at all all right guys all kids have successfully been dropped off at school besides blake she's inside watch movie and i am going to enjoy my time back to school guys first day of school is awesome for moms okay how was it good good okay how was your day a thumbs up all right parker tell us about your day okay so dad asked what did you do at recess played uh played with who myself you didn't play with any friends well i did play fabby okay and do you like your teacher yeah all right did you eat your lunch yeah no all right jordan how was your day good i don't have any homework no homework yay high five for no homework do you like the teacher did you hang out with your friends perfect best day ever all right guys we are just waiting in the line of cars there's kids everywhere to see how peyton and taylor's first day went hopefully hopefully paige made it to our classes okay we'll find out soon all right we have paid what are you doing okay guys how was your first day of school great great just math was it okay did you get did you get lost at all peyton a one time actually so i actually looked at she got a second term and said and she's like oh i don't know sir jeremy she's like um i don't have uh did you go into the class and sit down no the door was like shut and the lights were you went you were supposed to go to cca and you went somewhere else yeah i went to the other cca she took you to the right class oh and so did someone else really yeah she was um i know her from my other class from like sixth grade did you get lost taylor no but she was like she got lost we should put money on that i would not have been against it all right so peyton do you have any homework nope yep ninth graders all right so real quick what is your favorite class i'm dying to know what's in the theater class mrs theater she was amazed she was amazing she was so funny okay what about you um 7a oh awesome all right so good day thumbs up thumbs down or not sure oh what she's like all right what are we doing getting like getting your glasses that you broke for the second time you wouldn't look at this time is she gonna break another one again no i won't okay is this your last one or breaking yeah because the first time i ran into a door and the second one drew and punched me all right so no more breaking glasses yeah okay it's their first time seeing her oh she got new ones i thought she just got the same kind whoa i can see let me see let me see this oh they look good on you i like them you like them they have a cool design on the side too can you see the side sorry oh yeah i like it do they feel okay for you can you put your head down just kind of shake your head around they stay on your face awesome well bam i'm a new woman look at those glasses perfect to go back to school tomorrow and i'll be able to see for science class okay close your eyes close your eyes can i open them not yet okay ready um go for it they look kind of the same they do but they're different i like them better look you have the twisted metal i like it that's cool what's that so this is my my cake and it's just it's the case to put her stuff in my glasses all right she's a new woman [Music] [Music] we are having breakfast for dinner morning mondays payton's favorite after a long monday morning after a long day of school work you need some comfort food right not for me some eggs deliciousness all right so technically we are eating dinner at six o'clock and this kid finally came home finally six seriously we haven't seen you since like seven in the morning say three months ago okay how was the school your first day of vlog it was pretty good i just have uh college classes the whole day college he's grown up yeah what did you get lost nope i was late i was late to two classes but i wasn't lying why were you late because i was looking for the class with the looking very classy or looking for a girl well i find girls all the time i was just looking for a class yeah all right so thumbs up or thumbs down on the first day of school oh kind of loose flight is very boring it's a slight tilt it was it was very boring slightly like a slash were we good to see some kids again yes it was good to see some people again all right guys so the cutest thing happened i walked into the girls room to put something away and look what i found pain and jordan have laid out their clothes for tomorrow's school day i know someone's excited when they're laying out their clothes several hours before and that must mean that their first day was so awesome that they are that excited to go back my first day in a quiet house is pretty awesome so i'm excited for them to also go back and guys i have cookies ready for our back-to-school party all right guys since you didn't have a very good first day of school what do you mean you guys look so sad i did something exciting to get you guys excited for back to school come on let's go you guys see the sign yeah the back to school side what [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness there must be something in there you better go inside are you guys ready okay come on [Music] oh you guys should check out in here [Music] [Applause] is this exciting yeah [Applause] [Music] all right everybody can pick one thing from the table i get first dips well too late wait i i turned my mind wow [Music] [Applause] on your mark get set go [Music] [Applause] [Music] cheated go blinky go on your mark get set go [Music] all right guys who wants cookies okay um i want what kind is that actually [Applause] how is your day [Music] you
Channel: Shot of The Yeagers
Views: 3,805,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shot of the yeagers, soty family, the soty fam, family fun, fun family, soty, games, challenges, vlogs, clean, family friendly, First Day of School! Morning Routine, Morning Routine, First Day of School!
Id: -khfccNAWfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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