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hey y'all welcome back to my channel [Music] so today i'm going to be doing a flexi rod set because i had a um a tick tock that blew up it had half a million views i don't even know that content is blowing up because tick tocks be having a gazillion million views but anyways i had a tic tac that had half a million views of me just taking down my flexi rods and everybody's asking for tutorial even though i have like a couple of but you know how youtube is they want they wanted a new one it they don't care if you made it before did a new one and it's okay because if y'all watch it who cares so i forgot it from the intro before i did it so yeah let's get into the video i'm not going to go why do i keep wearing white in these videos okay no fish let me put this on first because uh on but okay so is this a new video angle from my room that i've never used before and really i just sat down because i wanted to sit down and i didn't want blue all over my bed because the blue gets everywhere so if y'all could see how i have this set up this is so ghetto but hopefully it don't keep falling over and over again because i i don't have the time no patience what the [ __ ] is on my wall up there why have i never noticed that anyways oh and i have this big pimple it's not there yet but it's coming and it looks like a mosquito bite right now but it doesn't itch or nothing i haven't been outside so i'm pretty sure it's just a pimple that's about to come up y'all know how i be i i always look a mess after i wash my hair um yeah my hair is freshly washed and deep conditioned oh this light makes this blue look really pretty first i want to say i do not know what size these are i got these from the beauty supply store a minute ago yeah these are orange i'm trying to like compare it to like you know other stuff so you can get a gist of how big they are but you're only going to need eight square i swear you're only gonna see eight in my hair at the end of this video and i like to use this people ask me what i use to have a fluffy but still hold enough for like at least a week and i always tell people a lot about it and they're like a lot of probably make sure you're crunching i'm like no not girl not a lot of body that looks like this gatorade curl in style milk moisturize me curling style milk a lot of body you know it's like it's a cream not me tapping like this as much yeah and i'm gonna put in some leave-in conditioner because my hair is just like really dry because it's colored i don't know why but color scene sounds so great anyways can see that's why i don't like filming up close like this because like the focus annoys me yeah so you need a flexi rods something to detangle your hair something to part if you part i usually use my fingers but i like to keep the one in the front clean because that's usually part that i use like once i take it down and then leave conditioner if your hair is like really really dry because this does moisturize it but if you plan on keeping it in like a week or more you might want to like a little bit extra moisture but i would say it takes longer to dry but the way that i do my flexi rod sits in the way that like my hair is cut right now is kind of short so to give to like make it look more lengthy i don't let it dry all the way because then it's going to like you know be tight curls because wrap it around here but if you take it down before it's completely dry but it's still set in the pattern and you diffuse it it hangs a little more it kind of looks like second day hair if you get what i'm saying but yeah i got my mirror right here and that is not the middle whoa see try to do stuff on camera without a mirror that's a what's at hand this isn't gonna stay oh it just might section here in force i do by the middle and then by the ear if you see that she was kind of even yes if i wait until my hair is like completely dry the next day like if i just give up and don't feel like doing anything i'll spray my hair a little just a little get it a little damp i'm going to put a lot of leave-in conditioner oh i just smacked somebody in conditioner now we're going to take this section split it into i like to do it in the middle the two sections going straight across and then you just feel to make sure they're even because if you try to get each section as even as possible because if it's not then your curls are going to be all out of white and you can do that like if you want but i like mines to be a little more uniform yeah that's about right so we're gonna move this top piece out of the way now we're taking the lighter body i usually do three squirts on each piece but since i cut my hair that might be why my hair has been taking so long to dry because i shouldn't be putting through pieces because my hair i don't have as much i've still been putting the same amount these two products do not smell good together but i would say this line doesn't smell good on its own so it might be that okay so you're gonna put your flexi rod in half like this like a horseshoe and then you're going to split the section that you just moisturized and take one of the half sections and see i go put the put the hair under come above it and i'm still gripping onto this and i'm twisting this like you see how my wrist i'm twisting this as i'm going so it's almost like a i don't want to say a bantu knot because that's not what it is almost like a bantu knot across this and then you fold it where you stop it and then you do that on the other side and twist you see i'm twisting my wrists see that yes and then i kind of like push them together sometimes i forget that i already put leave-in conditioner and i end up putting more ow okay so i'm just going to do two two squirts maybe like a quarter size amount of part size and natural hair terms and then you know same thing split that section take the first piece the faces i'll be making when i do this got me self-conscious that first piece was kind of thick but am i redoing it no okay i'm not showing you all eight but i will show you the last two it's probably gonna be in the front and this section i'm gonna do this one next and i'll do this one and then i do this one so i'm gonna listen to this music while i finish this so i'll be back in like 10 minutes so i didn't go listen to music i started watching um my hair academia vines and i almost forgot about this video that video was like 11 minutes long i was only 9 minutes into it so i did this pretty fast oh look a stray piece of hair whatever will i do cut it don't tempt me do not tell me where the f does this go it's literally in the middle i don't have the time nor the patience i'm unraveling one by the way i'm trying to stick it in there and i'm gonna cut it i've done that too much wow girl stuff always happened to me bro i can't never just have a good day like what did i do to deserve that straight piece of hair i should have cut it since you want to be doing all that my hands been on hair too long i can't tell if this is even or not well i feel as though it's not but i really cannot tell you know what i don't i don't have time to think logically yes i just pulled the hair because it was in the way um i'm getting getting restless this is why this is the only hairstyle i do because it's literally the fastest one to do literally 15 minutes and i just and i still don't be having the patience i still be sometimes going to sleep with only two or three sections done yeah this section is way too big these pieces are thick yeah that's why those ends felt like that thick section i need to stop cursing these videos cuz who about to edit all of this not me who also doesn't want to get demonetized me i really like this angle though i think i'll do more videos in this angle i think that's why i haven't really been doing like get ready with me videos because i just didn't have like i felt like i didn't have no nice areas to do me but this little like me sitting on my desk i don't know why i never thought of this like i'm pretty sure i brought the desk to do youtube videos on it the cut is so blunt in the front the ends always do that and it annoys me a lot um i'm done wiping my hands on this towel so y'all don't think i'm eating cookie dough with hair product cans which i might be but i'll be back tomorrow to um take this down you know filming the intro because i didn't film an intro gatorade right after cookie dough is not good gary is so salty why did i just i just woke up but i'm gonna take my hair down as you can see this one came loose in my sleep so i'm not looking forward to how that looks but you just get it straight like that and just unravel them down [Music] okay look how short they are okay then i just unravel them so it'll be easier to separate them because if you don't unravel them they're like not up at the ends [Music] i will say if it's not dry all the way you probably don't want to unravel them you probably just want to go straight in with the diffuser while they're still like all bundled up [Music] this one's already about to separate [Music] it's easier if you stretch them when you separate this is the first time i did a fully dry sexy brush set on this cut and usually i don't like fully dry sets because they shrink so much but i'll probably stretch it out with wearing a pineapple for a whole day because i don't have any plans for today so i'm probably gonna stay in my room with it in a pineapple i don't know why my face is so serious when i'm doing my hair oh i could probably fluff this up into a big fro flipping a little bit with my hands because i don't have a pick so i'm going in and pulling out but not far enough to disturb the curls it's really fluffy but as you can see it's really defined also and i don't know if like it's just so shiny my hair wants to really like that um treatment that i gave it but i will be doing a a wash day routine so y'all can get these shiny shiny curls like this wow i have not seen my hair with this one shine in a little minute and it's not like an oily because it's not oily at all but it's just it just looks healthy [Music] i have a big pimple in my face but don't forget to like comment subscribe and i'll see y'all in my next video [Music]
Channel: Syeral Williams
Views: 389,351
Rating: 4.9444876 out of 5
Keywords: natural hair, flexi rods, flexi rods hack, flexi rod, flexi rods tutorial, natural hair tutorial, flexi rods on natural hair, on weave, on short hair, on long hair, on curly hair, on straight hair, on wig, flexi rod set, flexi rod curls
Id: TIo78nkCXFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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