Reacting to Sims LOVE Stories

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I'm sorry so sorry for what for this punch me what love story is this hey guys so I've reacted too scary sim story's sad sim story's savage sim stuff hilarious sim stuff what's war could I react to oh yeah Sims love stories so I have scoured the youtubes for some of the best-looking Sims love stories you know from just looking at the thumbnail and title at that's how I decided to pick them so hopefully they're good hopefully afterwards I will feel like love and romance are alive and well in this world but who the heck knows those first one I found is definitely gonna be a winner it's called kidnapped by my crush high-school drama I said four story kidnapped by my crush every girl's fantasy Annabelle come on you can do this stairs dreaming Liat crush oh he's so dreamy oh he's he's so hot oh yes that is a crush how can I ask him out do I just go up to him and ask straight away or what I can do this wait no I can't come on girl what are you thinking Annabelle you can't ask him out yes you can go and confess your love to him no I can't this is a suicide mission if I do I could never tell him how I feel I hope she does this for another like five minutes oh no it's so sad after school all right we must be at her house you're mine hands up a body I don't want to waste no time feels like forever even if forevers tonight I can't think of what song this is oh no her brother walked in how embarrassing ha ha you're so embarrassing Milton what are you doing in my room I'm kind of named Milton Annabelle's in love K is f ing not how it goes so how goes kid okay I swear to god you don't get out of here little brothers are the worst am i right k is is at ng that's it I'm going to kill you oh no oh no my mom what's going on mom Milton's here is completely in invading my privacy I'm sick and fed up with him barging into my room without knocking on my door Milton one day when you barge into your sister's room you're going to get kicked into the year 3000 we both know that Annabelle is obsessed with Jack's Cohens so just give her some space let her be in her bubble that's full of jacks okay you've got to be kidding me are you serious right now could they run along and finish you your bowl of peas before your sister turns into a bright red tomato that's about to burst any second okey-dokey what is this family are you seriously going to be on his side all the time what do you mean she said not to come in look your siblings siblings fight it's what they do how about you go shopping for some groceries for tomorrow that'll get your mind off some things fine just make sure that he doesn't go in my room again please sure thing honey why don't you go grocery shopping for us that'll make you feel better everybody loves to grocery shop it's a great stress reliever going into town to go grocery shopping everybody sees look how much people love grocery shopping it's the best this doesn't look like grocery shopping finally I finished my shopping now just some me time to sit back and relax although it's getting late I better eat some food then I'll leave to head back home looks like a tomatoes and lettuce sandwich oh it's probably a BLT that makes sense no she's happy she's proud and happy looking at wait what's that sound is someone there let's go investigate by ourselves in the middle of the night guests what are they doing to him what the casting spells on him they're casting spells I I didn't see anything struggles to move arm I swear I didn't see anything wait a second you look hot just jacks is that you her pumps wet I'm sorry it's gonna shoot her so sorry for what cheek start to get bright red for this he punched me he punch me in the face what love start is this girl you better not go along with this I'm B so bad okay now I'm asleep ah my head wait where am I why that's the nicest apartment ever what happened last night he hit her so hard she forgot wait why am i wearing this did I know did eyes in disbelief I've got no clue where I'm going I guess I'll just wander around until I find a way out even though I got no pants on Oh always a hunky adidas man Oh hunky adidas man is making make it breakfast just jacks how do you know buy um clears throat I just heard your name from some people at her high school weight hope you and that group last night hurting that poor man and thanks a lot hey hold for punching me in the face last night now my head hurts first of all that man was a huge drug dealer that scams a lot of people and second it's your fault that you were there I didn't want you running off telling people I wasn't going to tell anyone in the first place not to be rude but I can't trust a complete strangers word I'm not telling anyone about that event last night oh oh who dis what is another hunky man well well well nice outfit you've got there Oh God he's a creep oh he's creep can someone please tell me whose clues clothes are these and why do I have them on that's all she cares about they're mine so you're welcome and don't worry nothing happened my twin brother helps you get changed Internet who's your toy brother so speaking of where's your brother and Stanley Oh cuz his brother's gay so it's okay I think they're both asleep we're both here what so many hunky men luke and i got rid of the body no one will be able to find it they murdered him is there anything else that we've got to do today boss you're all supposed to be high school students there's no way can someone please tell me what's going on wow these are some gangster people so you get everything now that I've filled you in I guess so but I've got one question what's that how did all of this start I know that you've got to take down other people that are after you from taking away their drugs and that you've got to be in school far away to fit in and act normal but how did this all start wait I'm sorry I can't answer that particular question wait so he just takes away people's drugs with an angel he just takes away the drugs cuz they're bad so are you in you can't see your family until we figure this situation out but if you don't agree there will be someone spying on you and your family 24/7 in case you decide to tell anyone I'm in wait so she doesn't care about going back home to her family she got punched in the face by this oh god okay okay so this man punched her in the face kidnapped her against her will this random guy's brother changed her last night not sure if he's gay or not but even still and now he's like you can't go back to your family you just have to stay here Trust trust us we're good guys we're going around and we just take drugs from people so that they can't use them and that they can't sell them weird we are the good guys so there's apparently four other episodes of that but I like cutting it there and just be like hey she decided to just you know give up her family and whatnot and stay with her crush who kidnapped her and punch her in the face love is alive and well such romance much Wow right so next I think it's even gonna be a better one bully to boyfriend I mean if he doesn't punch her in the face I think he's still a step up from the last dude this video contains sensitive material that some viewers may find offensive oh no this might be one with no words men need to like figure out what's going on okay she's at a party she's at like a teen teen party oh look at these hoodlums Wow what a hack hop in party look at this synchronized dancing the perfect recipe for any teenage hangout party making out all year playing pranks on people oh yeah that girl looks so out of place I'm guessing she's the main character she looks so sweet and innocent she's like I'm not supposed to be here that must be her crush Oh what's gonna happen it's gonna happen they just keep staring at each other yes they're raving Table two rave oh no afro guys try to hit on me no oh oh he getting jealous you got jealousy thank you you're so dreamy he said what are you doing here you don't here wait what makes him a bully he seems pretty nice I mean so far better love story than Twilight and the kidnapped love story the only like zombie groans slowly dancing from side to side Oh more synchronized dancing did you get those scars on your eyes oh oh oh we make it out oh we make now what a bromance buddy liked the editing and stuff for this is crazy oh oh they're leaving together oh they're leaving together oh it's her family in the morning she's still wearing the same outfit oh now she's at school oh he's a bad boy and she's like a good girl and you get those scars out his eyes I need to know oh he's a bully and he's picking on other kids oh no they put a poop on his test who did that oh-oh-oh they're bullying the jocks - Wow it's tokay this bully everybody he's just he's just seething starin at her over there Oh still bullying right in front of her oh oh so he he's being nice to her but she's like I don't think I could be with you because you're bullying oh oh I hope they fall in love now oh my god please fall in love with the nerd or is he gonna become like a nice person I would be happy with either either ending oh oh oh no oh oh he's just gonna oh no he's fighting them oh no oh this poor nerdy kid what is wrong with you me you're a monster not going to be a bully what's gonna happen is he gonna change his ways this is so sad it keeps flashing back to what they were happy oh my god is he gonna change his ways oh no he's just watching them talk creepily like right behind them what's he doing he's getting out all of his anger in front of the mirror oh he's taking out the garbage figuratively and literally oh oh he looks happier Oh is he gonna go be nice oh it's gonna be nice oh oh oh he's apologizing to everybody he's turning his life around oh oh oh he's like fine I deserved that I guess oh no never mind they're fighting oh they're fighting Oh No oh he gave her flowers and some letters you were right I was a terrible person I knew it I called it what you saw isn't me anymore well I'm excited for the new you one more chance just one move later booty shots of the booty alright I proved I liked that one and now I was created by hat see she does a ton of these actually so if you guys liked this video enough I may do more and I'm sure I'm gonna come across hers again but if you're super into Sims then make sure to check out her channel as well as everybody else's videos that I check out in this video will be below like the kidnap one if you want to finish that story that'll be below but let's move on my best friend's stole my boyfriend a cheating web story well I can tell this gonna be a good one oh do best for oh this is NZ okay and Anna Elliott Anna our best friends David oh so David and Anna are together is Ellie gonna cheat with David I guess we have to wait and see one month later oh no she pregnant oh she pregnant I know she's pregnant what she got it - David I'm pregnant you are not pregnant with me but I only sleep with you I don't know who you sleep with but you've had sleep with many men before me oh no oh no oh no how dare he who's this girl she's my new girlfriend oh oh oh no her best friends they're for her though don't worry are you okay I just broke up with David don't be sad tonight we'll go party together cuz that's what best friends do okay partying they having a good time who's this Anna this is Henry my boyfriend's wait your best friends but you didn't know about you never met her boyfriend before not tonight what the heck happened girl you're a hot mess girl you fell asleep right on the dance floor Henry did you drop your handkerchief oh no oh thank you oh I mean no no that's so messed up now that's okay so nothing happened nothing happened but she's like mmm I won't meet someone in I'm so tired Wow she just falls asleep everywhere oh no oh oh oh she's got the seductive sound no no no and she's pregnant with another man's baby right in front of her right in front of your passed out best friend who was taking care of you you have another girl I have only you why won't he answer my call oh she gonna find she gonna walk it on him oh no oh oh oh grandpa your hair oh girl oh oh girl oh petered out oh girl oh no yeah get her girl get her girl oh yeah throw it in her face why do you do this we are friends for ten years you are my best friend you give me everything I love him can I have this ban I mean I'm assuming English is not their first language but what yeah yeah you get him girl get him congratulations on getting married good luck what love story ever yeah yeah you get that girl thanks for watching what there's a part two and I could not be more excited we're gonna watch this together favorite love story I've ever seen in my life oh there she is there's le oh oh it's her baby daddy it's her baby daddy like not hers her ex best friends yes I'm David are you friends with Anna we used to be friends but she's still Mike boyfriend why did you break up with Anna she said she was pregnant with me so I thought she was a liar she slept with many men before me she's like why didn't she tell me she was pregnant how fast would they get buried oh there they are there they are it's she gonna pretend that the baby's his how long have you been in relationships with Ellie tears what what about us three months I love it so much I don't mean to make fun of it the greatest thing ever I know they're trying to reference time frames here but she's like how long were you with Ellie number one they were best friends when you know that if they were together for two years wouldn't you have met him before or knew about it and secondly why would you be like how long have we been together three months and you got married girl let's see what happens she's getting get morning sickness oh no oh no she's starting to show why won't she answer my call cuz you guys aren't friends anymore Oh random are you showing her eating cannolis oh there she is there she is don't you dare be friends with her again why did you not tell me you're pregnant how did you know David told me I want to help you I don't need your help what I should tell Henry about this I feel like she's got some evil plan I have something to tell you did you know that Ann's pregnant with her ex-boyfriend before she married you he's like you're right she does look pregnant I didn't only just noticed how pregnant she looks I'm pregnant with you David you are not pregnant yes why are you lying to me what are you talking about I know everything you lied to me and you got pregnant with someone else before you married me she's like no no please I'm sorry oh oh oh I heard how how dare you throw a practicar on the floor what's wrong with all the men in these videos where am i oh no did she lose the baby you in hospital did you have a miscarriage I'm sorry for the loose of your baby yeah it's definitely English is not their first language but they're doing a good job I understand the story that's so sad too not be friends with her you are my good friend I'm sorry about the bad things I've done to you hope you will forgive me it's okay I forgave you already Ellie is an angel she is a saint Anna goes into the wilderness to find true happiness and becomes a nun I did not expect that oh my gosh greatest love story ever told Wow alright guys well that's gonna be it for reacting to Sims love stories I hope you enjoyed as always if you made it this far in the video then make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,489,756
Rating: 4.9386792 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, reaction, sims memes, sims glitch, the sims, the sims 2, the sims 4, the sims 3, reacting, sims meme, react, love stories, sims love stories, machinima, romantic stories, cute stories, funny stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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