Going AGGRESSIVE in the SuperBlitz Arena

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I'm not wasting any time hopping in to the hourly super Blitz welcome to chess lover the Amway joining uh this tournament I'm about 13 minutes late but the goal is to not finish a last place I do have the smart berserk extension still all right playing uh King's Pawn probably play more aggressively than normal in the beginning okay let's play this and this oh no my sleep oh yes you're a weakness okay let's play this my chess therefore I am is the volume okay I feel like it's a little bit quiet on my end but maybe it's okay I'm almost at two years oh happy almost two this weekend thought I'd catch you at the airport but couldn't find you oh what to do love the content so my opponent is playing a half hippo and half cow finally get Chuan live thanks everyone for resetting I appreciate it appreciate all the returning people let's play Rook H5 I might want to play this move takes and then Queen here that's a crazy maneuver to go from each one to A5 and maybe two moves do opponent prevents it all right let's keep trying to attack though there's a crazy line like takes a knight A5 takes never mind all right let's play this move a mupo a hikow someone should use um whatever AI generator to generate like a a cross between a hippo and a cow I feel inspired to do that after this game maybe after the tournament though ideally join thank you hair Haver all right let's keep pushing uh if B5 I probably have to take if that I feel like I should just migrate all my pieces to the queen side F4 thanks for the content thank you Tom kitchen Recaps last week very instructive I appreciate that I'm feeling too oh very soon you'll be feeling 23 hi Eric Beach mountains or neither uh everything yeah Beach and mountains not too many places will have like the beach close to the mountains but maybe some do I think Barcelona I guess the mountains are a bit outside Barcelona though have you tried the leach has voice input not yet but I want to maybe after this tournament or maybe during no not right now all right let's take uh maybe I should have I should have played Rook B4 first uh Miss chance because Queen takes here here okay here I win the queen if takes I might throw in Queen A6 not that it matters so much okay plenty of time hey I got blackjack I want to get a fork or Checkmate somehow yeah I may have spent a little bit too much time in Vegas all right let's take [Music] um getting closer getting very close look at this move double discovered attack when The Rook and checkmates okay took work the 1600 actually played pretty well that game wasn't easy welcome back to more people Double B the sky shags I appreciate the hype all right I'll play E4 again someone remind me after the tournament to generate uh a hippo cow maybe I'll even play the hippo cow I feel like uh yeah my last opponent inspired a new new opening idea all right let's play what to do Bishop B5 because Bishop C4 would walk into D5 I want to play a kind of Grand Prix setup um D4 was a mouse if I meant to play D3 but too late now okay I think I'm winning a pawn black may have had this move momentarily all right Rook D1 hitting the queen I'm controlling all these squares might see Queen C8 and then I'll probably Castle all right here I have I mean the knights pinned and attacked twice and there's one Spike check which doesn't really help so life seems pretty good here oh D21 down is going to be in Vegas next week oh yeah our schedules didn't align thank you Stephen codes I think there's a Scrabble tournament in Vegas coming up sometime in July okay structure is a little bit ugly but I'm up a bishop everything's defended except maybe this Pawn Queen C8 might be played but then Bishop D4 and still Bishop D4 so I'm basically threatening Queen G5 and the problem for black wait a minute wait wait wait Queen E4 is a move maybe Queen G4 G6 I mean I could just take a pawn I think I want a castle and eventually play Queen G5 so I was gonna say the problem for black is assuming there's no Queen E4 um after Queen G5 F6 I still mates because a rook and G6 G6 is not by Queen F6 so I think this is force mate oh there is this move though okay the game could go on a little bit longer but not too much longer Samsonite gifting to the bird the bird is a word do I play the bird next game if I'm white if I'm white I'll play Pawn F4 but I was white the first two games so probably do to be black all right opponent is playing the bird do I play the double bird what bird is a word okay oh what is this I'll just copy White I don't think I've ever played F5 in response to F4 okay I'll keep copying I'm too lazy to think on my own this might go wrong though I mean birds are pretty symmetrical creatures right so this position is pretty fitting I feel like I'm about to get punished for this but maybe not I mean we trade and then take with night maybe okay What's Happening Here okay the symmetry has broken and it's still somewhat symmetrical if Queen F1 then I have the tempo and the pawn is hit what a funny position and if I take let's keep copying look at this G file a very closed file so the main difference is the placement of the Queens I would like to think my queen is better placed I'm not sure though take take take all right let's take her first wait this is this is not going well this Pawn is hanging if I have the bishop pair but now it's very asymmetrical it may be some compensation the idea is to play this look at this tactic hitting the queen and setting up this and this okay my bird proved to be stronger I am thank you malefist for existing what a weird game okay I'll take it seeing different types of animals so far had the hippo cow had the bird I thought never play symmetrically yeah generally when you're black it's not good to play symmetrically for too long because you don't have the tempo oh my pleasure thanks for continuing to exist uh play Knight C3 I'll play D4 this is like um what is this D4 was Magnus Carlson's Innovation several years ago and go for a Grand Prix setup a five in the near future the E5 Knight's a little bit awkward you know yeah this is just full intuition [Music] I do lose a pawn maybe I'll play Queen D2 and then sack the Knight it's a little bit risky I have Queen G2 if I sack the Knight okay let's not stock the knights I just want to take care next G4 is still hanging this move I'm threatening mates F5 ion person Bishop F5 I can't pass on the bishop I just take it okay that's a good sign and black has a little bit of counter player Rook G6 queen of four Knight D4 comes wow there's a line where I get mated but there's also a line where I don't get mated I was calculating this this this King C4 B5 Knight B5 I think we're got four is safer so 27 seconds this almost works but okay it blocks down too much material all right Rook H1 careful or G7 is coming a king is safe now 17 seconds it should be enough time just want to simplify hitting oh I got forked we can have 13 seconds that's not good okay wow to move no did I not pre-move Rook G5 I guess I didn't uh what to do good game hello Joe brune what's up whoa it's John Bartholomew it's a wild John [Music] okay I have 11 points the leader has 21. it's not the end of the world um slightly disappointing finish there G4 it's a grub so this is my prep against the grab there's basically two moves and couple arrows the whole idea is to just punish the bishop we'll see this or this probably maybe that this is already some opening success wow uh but what do I want to do I think I wanna preserve my light sword Bishop because long term the light squares should be vulnerable for whites okay I still have to play on instinct so Bishop z7 has met with this this looks fun let's play this okay it's t games happy 37 months how many games do you think it takes to go from 1200 to 1500 um I don't think it's just about the number of games you play and there's a lot of factors that contribute to getting better at chess [Music] um because playing alone it definitely helps but the time that you spend reviewing your games and um looking at high level games and doing tactics that can also really make a difference oh what to do how do I defend the pawn maybe I don't maybe I do maybe I'll play this at Knight H3 I take in Queen afuana yeah okay oh no my Prime thank you for wave work for the prime all right trying to orchestrate some kind of checkmate I could have forged right away but oh but now wait a minute uh let's take your first because Knight D6 was a counter Fork got a little bit weird there okay I'm up a rook in a night where's my where's my castle checkmates I'll just Castle dough I should have waited till move 40. Miss Rosen trophy check attack checkmates okay oh the King was slippery I'm very slippery oh John is paused John is also over 2700 okay we move on uh top 20. first place has 22 points so that's what a few berserk wins away okay we have a French but slightly different type of French welcome to butter kexer I appreciate the bits first time watching the stream welcome from Germany nice guten ovens or guten worgen Maybe gotta be very late there okay I have some weird structure I really have to be careful about getting too low on time also about blundering Pawns so we both have not the happiest Bishop whoa it's John I saw John pause the tournament I appreciate the raid thought maybe there was a chance we would play but uh hope you had a good one shout out to John yeah if you're just joining I'm playing the same tournament that John was playing hourly super Blitz I did late join I'm doing everything I can to try and Win It um even though I I did lose one very painful game still 22 minutes left the games are good today I'm trying I'm trying I think you know a constrictor also thank you XLS also thank you Anonymous gifting to other cat sir so I think the plan is to try and orchestrate some King side attack I'll leave the tension if ever it takes and I'll be happy to try and play D5 B7 I guess was hanging maybe I could have taken that hey Eric hey it's R Beasley happy 40 months all right so yeah the position looks really nice now um winning material because threatening Knight B6 yeah leaving the Rooks fort um play D5 first I'm not in any rush to take a rook take the Knight first the Rooks are still forked yeah now I'm just trying to make use of the Pawns five six play C6 as a black takes takes takes it's uh its meaning now Rook B is hard to stop okay top ten trying to get back to 2600 thank you hyojin happy 16 hey it's Jane Galt quack Among Us quack quack oh the other day I tuned into actor type of stream an extra typo has a cool thing where when he gives us shout outs it produces a random clip of the streamer and the random clip of of my channel was Among Us there was a oh no my crewmate clip this was a few days ago it's a line here I know Bishop B4 is a move but there's another move actually yeah Bishop before it's the main move because A3 doesn't actually threaten the bishop now I can take and play C5 so this is a more positional line in Cambridge Springs where I'm not really getting the the typical tactics because white traded so 94 this is not quite justifiable but I do have the bishop pair and the plan is just a castle and eventually fiend cattle this bishop if A3 I don't mind taking now white will have somewhat damage structure yeah takes and B6 and the plan is this and this I mean it's basically all opening prep just knowing uh knowing the basic idea to weaken the queen side Pawns and it's not winning but it's very very pleasant for black so C Pawn is just long-term liability there's C4 and I can't take right away I still can't take it right away so might as well centralize the king Knight E5 threatening this then I think I can take E7 first the knight's useful in guarding D7 okay I'm going after the pawn how many countries has your chess career taken you to your passport must have a lot of stamps yeah it's been it's been a good number we do have the country's command xlam countries will share the list of all the countries I've been to although I guess some of those countries on the list uh I went to not specifically for chess but I think my total count is approaching 30. okay yeah the King was overworked uh I have A6 of this move too let me watch my time all right I could have won both pawns but this line drops them like basically threading B5 and King B6 do I go for the night Cube mates okay not quite uh I did uh recently renew my passports I guess I renewed my passport couple years ago so um it doesn't have like so many stamps compared to my previous passports which yeah my previous passport was like getting very very full I had it from basically between 2011 and 2021 oh what's the line here let's take in Castle if 906 I'll play E5 Knight C6 yeah we'll have a slower game although I guess D4 makes sense I'm not sure if this is a theory but it looks Pleasant for white D6 is a bit weak maybe I could have taken first ath6 I think Simple Plan of Rook 81 a94 pieces are happy just trying to keep the tempo gradually improving and Knight G5 I think my G5 actually looks really good because Queen I5 Queen C4 I'm essentially chasing the Queen off this diagonal controlling all these squares so Queen C4 is pretty much guaranteed now I won't have smothered mates king of seven it's made in one or King I fate um yeah 97 checkmates and here I have a windmill okay that was pleasant have you gone to Iceland more than once yeah I've traveled through Iceland I mean I played Reykjavik open um a few months ago and also last year and also I went in 2016 I traveled through a few times so technically I've traveled through through customs in Iceland uh four times I guess it's one of my favorite countries it was actually the first European country I visited I'm in second place three point three points behind the leader why not win a pawn here take take I guess I don't win a pawn I'll play the um more aggressive move it's maybe objectively not the best but looks fun for Blitz Castle King beat okay C5 might be coming [Music] take thank you zachtress and shamot oh I got forked about to get forked but maybe not and this is not a great spot I really need to focus my king is a very vulnerable and this move might be coming if I take let's take your first and maybe I can take your I'm subjecting myself to discoveries I don't think there's anything great like Knight A5 Queen B6 up upon Wade probably has good compensation for it maybe I can play this next or not hit this uh what to do I want to play this move allowing this how bad is that take take I lose material opponent missed it I have this move scary position it's scary for both of us okay close this reinforce the Pawns oh that's Chuck okay let's play this from hitting the queen now threatening this winning the queen Chuck should be enough time it's not stalemate okay ah that took work so in top three it's pretty competitive on top I think every Point matters so berserking continues Bishop D2 have not looked at this move I think C5 is principled the bishop should just be misplaced here I'll take so playing an iqp position [Music] yeah they'll play on the stuffing already blockading the basically Queen's Pawn white does have a little bit more space in the center it's one of the advantages of the iqp but the position is very solid for black B5 Queen D6 foreign [Music] yeah it looks like this one's a material is now the bishop hangs so up a bishop maybe white will play on a win in this game will boost me to 37. about six minutes left I think I'm ready to trade uh uh maybe this move idea Knight G6 oh there's Bishop B4 which almost forgot about but now that there's a before I take a five almost dropping the queen we're both trying to attack on the queen side now this is where having an extra piece really helps one more Defender and potential attacker the thread is probably this and then this okay getting closer so this GG Birds probably the main competition probably only time for like one or two more games going back to my roots playing a London so G6 I can take here I take with Pawn and take on G7 Queen C7 it's a dream position let's play this first upon's using the G Pawn as a shield so I think the goal is to play G4 I could open up another Avenue take take there calculating lines where I suck on each seven not quite seeing it The Humana okay let's take her first it's hard to crack that'd be three okay now okay I'll win D5 should be easier to crack still not so simple [Music] I could take should be fine and queen yeah takes takes takes just be safe free Queen okay time for one more game oh how's this person doing oh they're playing and they berserked their opponent has more time okay it's berserk okay take if I can win this game then I clinch first but I need to win this game within a minute opening is great oops okay oops I hung a queen can I go for quick checkmates ah it's not possible to win with yeah with the current position I just have to pray that my this person doesn't pass me I'll try and not lose this don't ah that was a mouse slip everything's going wrong like this what's material four foreign let's go okay but now can I win the game I'm down the queen or what or something take take maybe this no let's take first play this okay this is something for it should be 496 and this is exactly what I want getting lots of counter play allowing Queen A1 I mean look at these Rooks Rook defense C2 as well King will hide on the king side probably what's my threat probably Bishop C5 uh smart Jack uh okay okay this is winning now it better be there's F5 I have this move I still have to be careful oh dear there we go okay yeah A2 I take the bishop with Chuck is very important cut the king off you can start pre-moving here Bishop can't really do much harm okay oh that took work back to tournament let's go Gigi's Eric's number one I was gutted watching you smash that small young child with the Stafford but admittedly still love the Stafford I hope she becomes world champion have a rad story P.S whispered you a link to cowpotomus chess cowpotomus oh wow that sounds interesting thank you Fang Duster okay that was a fun tournament I only joined but finished with a nice streak the final game didn't count for the tournament but that was kind of a crazy roller coaster because what was that final game I was like winning in the opening and then I blunder the queen I was moving too quickly yeah D5 I was just so blind to this threat I've I also just thought on passant was forced so what to do I should have played E6 thank you mowing ax that I have Force meat if I had moved my Knights oh maybe but where because at some point my night was taken also this was check oh yeah my sub oh do I have like Knight G6 Maybe wow look at this engine evaluation Knight G6 almost Works in some cases but okay so I'm in check in check again [Music] yeah I don't see how it can be first made though oh before check no then I engine says there is never voice mates thank you Daniels yeah I've ever Knight G6 so Bishop takes Gary gifting five thank you Gary has gifted 295 Subs total appreciate that push for 3 000 bullets my bullet rating zipped a little bit recently oh let's see this wow this is um so actually my very first game of the tournament let me just show it all right wait let's go back tournaments here so is this game my opponent I don't think I've ever seen this before my opponents play the combination of the hippo and the cowl like on the queen side it was hippo on the king side of the cow so it's a new opening concept I think we're calling it The eponymous I was encouraging people to generate like a a hippo cow type creature with AI and this is what Fame duster sent it's the cowpotomus that's pretty well done actually I would commission a sculptor to maybe make this in real life have it as a nice living room centerpiece in rosalono thank you foson with the rain thank you Zippy dose Happy Seven yeah there's different ways to combine the words hippo and cow the simplest is a how or the kippo or the Capo the hippow hippo countamus Hikaru that's what you call Hikaru when he plays a cow
Channel: Eric Rosen Extra
Views: 24,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, lichess, eric rosen, imrosen, im rosen, chess strategy, opening traps, full twitch streams, eric rosen vods, twitch chess, international master, stafford gambit, london system, chess tutorial, how to play chess, chess asmr, chess.com, queen's gambit, blitz chess, instructive chess, slow chess, chess tactics, blunder, checkmate, stalemate, chess tips, chess tricks, chess traps, eric rosen extra, chess 2023, rapid chess
Id: 9wUv2--DleM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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