Hikaru vs Stockfish

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welcome back everyone for today's video we are going to be doing something just a little bit different now we are going to be playing against the stockfish bot now we're going to start with level seven out of eight because I understand those are the two most difficult levels and the only ones that could potentially pose a great challenge for me all right let's jump right into the action so in this first game I'm gonna play with the white pieces we're gonna play a classic 10-0 game against stockfish level 7 out of eight levels so let's start the game by playing E4 on move number one we get C6 being played here by stockfish now here I have a couple of options now I don't know quite how strong the bot is so I'm gonna play Knight to C3 with the idea of Knight to F3 and keeping it very very straightforward we're gonna get Pawn takes Pawn I'm gonna go Knight takes Pawn or we got Bishop G4 and now play H3 attack in the bishop stockfish goes to H5 now there are many different ways to play this I can play G4 takes Knight E5 I can also Play Bishop E2 I can play D3 as well I'm gonna try to keep it very simple with Bishop to E2 because again I'm not quite sure what the level truly is so we get E6 played here I'm now going to Castle my king out of the center of the board probably we're gonna get something like Knight to F6 here maybe something else as well um okay we got Knight to F6 now I can take the pawn I can play E5 I can also go D4 D3 I think here I'm gonna play D3 idea to trade some Pawns in the center of the board starfish using a little bit of time here it goes Bishop to E7 now here are there many options but I think what I want to do is play Knight E5 here trade off the Bishops in Bishop G6 I can simply play Knight takes Bishop so most likely we'll get the exchange I'll pre-move Queen takes Bishop try to keep it pretty simple not too complicated in terms of Pawn structure fairly balanced so here I'm going to F4 I did a maybe play G4 maybe a five maybe Knight F3 back as well and let's see what stockfish does so it decides the castle now I'd love to move the king to age to her H1 now the drawback to ah1 is that there could be some weaknesses on the dark Square on G3 down the road on the other hand if I go to Age Two there could be problems on this other long diagonal towards the King on H2 so here what I'm going to choose to play is I'm gonna go Knight to G for simply trying to trade off the knights most likely stockfish is going to trade the knights early if that's my assumption and now I can play for E5 or F5 here opening up this King side attack waiting for a move here stock which goes F5 very logical move now I could trade the pawns here I could also go Queen D1 or queen E2 objectively I think this was a slight Mistake by me allowing F5 because now I think I'm gonna go Queen to E2 but it just feels a little bit iffy here maybe it's not that bad per se but stocks which plays King H7 now King H7 is definitely not the move I expected I thought it would try to trade some pods I can go G4 and be hyper aggressive I can try to rotate the Knight back maybe F3 not really sure what I want to do here so I think that in this position the pragmatic decision would be to play something like E5 or to take the pawn but I think instead I'm gonna do something different I think I'm gonna play I want to go Knight B1 but I don't like it so I think here I'm gonna go King to H1 idea is that now in this position there should be no threats towards G3 here because the knights are off the board and after Knight t7 or Knight A6 now I think I'm gonna go E5 with the idea of playing G4 maybe Knight D1 or 902 Knight F3 we get D4 I can go to B1 or D1 here I think B1 makes the most sense to go to F3 and hit the pawn maybe G4 Works G1 ideas as well I'm really liking my position I can play A3 to stop night before but I don't think that I can really stop the knight from getting D5 no matter what get B5 now this is a strange move to me it seems a little bit odd doesn't mean it's a mistake but I think after Knight to F3 I'm gonna play for Rook G1 and G4 here try to attack very quickly now I think it wants C5 C4 so I could go A4 here Bishop D2 also very logical and in fact I kind of like Bishop D2 here simply because after C5 A4 takes I have B3 so let's see what soccer shows it plays G6 now this feels a little bit dubious here I can play G4 I can maybe go A4 here as well I kind of like A4 for whatever reason so I'm gonna go for it try to open up the queen side here it could play B4 and in fact it does now I'm gonna go B3 lock this lock this chain here of three on the queen side and now I'm gonna go rook q1 and G4 to try and attack very quickly play C5 I'm gonna go I think I go over q1 G4 is maybe also completely fine more it's a question of is there an actual threat and my assumption is there is not so I'm just gonna go G4 instantly goes Knight C7 but now how do I attack is the problem because it gets the Knight to D5 I can't really do anything here in the on the app file maybe Rook G1 Rook F1 is playable in fact I think it's what I'm gonna go for probably works you and maybe I play G5 and can see that I can't do much but after Rook to G8 now I feel like there should be some way to activate the Rooks maybe I go Rook G2 and Rook G1 I can always play G5 and more or less Force to draw after G5 H5 I kind of don't want to do that on the other hand if I don't feel that I have a whole lot in terms of an attack maybe I should do that so I don't I don't want to do that I think I'm going to play Rook to G3 idea to play Rook G1 maybe create the legendary triple stack here with Rook G1 and queen G2 let's go work q1 here I can always take I can always play Queen G2 next move and I feel like I should be a little bit better but I don't actually see a way to break through after this Knight D5 move so H4 is a pragmatic idea but then there's takes takes Rook F5 Queen H2 is another idea here as well but it doesn't look right G5 definitely is not what I want to play and if I go Queen G2 Knight D5 I don't know what exactly it does but I'm gonna play it anyway legendary triple stack on the G file here queen of seven so if I take it will take back with the G pot if I play G5 there's probably just the H5 forcing a draw I really don't want to go G5 but on the other hand why not it's probably the safest safest way to continue probably it's gonna play H5 and here I think this is gonna end in a draw if I play ah4 there's something I can do and on that note I think yeah probably I'm just gonna have to force a draw so I'm gonna go Bishop C1 Queen F2 try to put the Knight on C4 here but realistically this this will be a closed position and the game is going to end in a draw play Knight C4 here play h4nx move and it'll be a draw so I don't know if I had great chances to win this game objectively it felt like I did but on the other hand maybe there really was nothing so this first level seven stockfish pretty solid but I would say definitely not at the level of the Komodo engine or mittens or some of the top engines that we've played so far on chess.com at least in terms of level seven now next we're going to play level eight and I'm expecting to get thrash at level eight but you never know what's gonna happen so here I'm simply gonna do a repetition of moves because repeat back and forth I assume that we'll we'll draw us pretty soon I'll actually pre-move Rook G2 just to save time here to avoid getting flagged I can even go 96 Knight C4 again I'll just play Rook G3 probably we'll get a trade of pieces here and I'll put the Rook on D3 here Rook D3 trade some pieces and a game will most likely end in a draw but we'll see maybe something will change very unlikely but at the end of the day you never know so we'll go Rook D3 here probably Rook A1 Queen F3 in fact at this point I can always already sort of pre-move here so I'll make a couple of crane moves probably King G3 King E2 1 rookie one again I don't expect sockfish to trade the Queens right away at some point it will have to but yeah I'll just trade make this very simple let's go King King D1 King E2 King F3 and at some point we'll play A5 I'm not sure quite when it will but we'll just make a bunch of Primos here rookie two rookie one now as you guys know on leeches you are unable to make multiple pre moves so for that reason I can only make one proof instead of pre-moving the next 10 to 15 moves so let's just play rookie two rookie one it's gonna go it's gonna go a five move the bishop game will end in a draw and that's gonna be all she wrote so let's go rookie two rookie one rookie two or q1 again a little bit boring but that's life that's just how it goes let's play rookie one back rookie two rookie one not really trying to reinvent the wheel here simply because if I do try to reinvent the wheel it's gonna cost us another minute or two off the clock and there's really no reason for it so we just go rookie two rookie one rookie two one and at this point the game is going to be a draw rookie two e one rookie two probably will play A5 I don't know it's gonna wait 50 moves before it plays A5 or if it's gonna do it sooner nonetheless it will sooner or later play A5 to dodge a 50 move draw Rule and then we'll play 50 more moves and the game will be a draw so rookie two rookie one rookie two rookie one back and forth we go nothing really changing here in terms of the position just a matter of when when it chooses to push the pawn to A5 I go rookie two rookie one now of course I'm up on time because when you do play on lead chest there's also uh instant premium where you you lose 0.00 um seconds on the clocks the game ends in a draw Rook D5 very cheeky by by Lee chess on the 50 move rule because now if I if I take this would be 50 first move since it captures the game automatically ends in a draw 50 moves without progress so it's a draw so let's move on we're now going to play a second game I'm gonna play against stockfish level eight this is the highest level of stockfish that there is on the lead chat site let's see how it goes so again I'm gonna play E4 here on move one let's see if stock which plays C6 or C5 plays C5 now there are many possibilities in terms of what I could play I'm gonna play C3 here try to play The Owl pen because when you play the alapin Sicilian it's very straightforward generally tends lead to positions that are very slow very Josh and against stockfish I'm assuming it's a 3200 level bot maybe it's not after all we don't we don't actually know but nonetheless it doesn't feel like the right situation to to sort of take a big risk I want to keep it simple probably will get takes I can just take back goes to E5 here now E5 is definitely a little bit of a surprise I guess I'll trade the pawns go Queen E2 Queen 2 actually very dangerous premove but most likely it's going to take either the queen or take the pot so we take I assume we'll get Knight C6 here now I have to admit this looks a little bit suspicious to me I'm currently down a pawn here but it feels like maybe there's some Plano I don't know if I should play a four Knight of three but I feel like there should be play now I'm not really sure why I feel like there should be a play but I feel like there should be so that's probably a very bad rationale for just like making moves in chess but nonetheless I think it's kind of okay so let's go Knight F3 we're gonna get either Bishop 5 or Bishop G4 I'm not sure which one will be played I presume Bishop G4 will be played because I am up a pawn here but no instead it goes Bishop to F5 so I'm gonna go Bishop to E3 attacking the pawn on C5 dodging Knight E7 Knight G6 ideas because then I simply take the pawn on C5 we get F6 being played by sock Fisher now this looks like a pretty serious move I can take the pawn and sort of go for go for the whole chalupa and I think I will just take here and play Knight D2 and I'm gonna argue that the extra Pawn will eventually play here it castles I'll go Knight D2 probably Knight takes F6 will get played I'm gonna probably play H3 next move simply stopping a move like Knight to G4 note Knight G4 is now I'm up a pawn if I can get this King to C1 maybe bring the Rook into the game I could be quite a bit better down the road but I expect stockfish should be ready for that so it goes Knight D5 now this is a very scary move too because if I go Bishop G5 I just realize it's gonna play Bishop E7 trade the Bishops and then jump on the Knight to uh Four Square where so for that reason I think what I want to do is I kind of want to find a way to simplify the position I don't really know how I'm supposed to do that maybe I can go like King E2 maybe bishop C4 maybe bishop P5 but all in all it feels pretty hard to play so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go Bishop C4 here now it's going to take I'm going to take back and I suspect maybe age three was a mistake I have a feeling that maybe here I actually after Knight F6 instead of Asia I could have gone Bishop C4 allowing Knight G4 nonetheless Bishop C4 Bishop E7 has been played so let's keep going now I can take the Knight on on D5 I can also play rookie one here which looks pretty reasonable just to play Rook takes Bishop again I don't love the position my Rook on A1 is kind of out of play here but as they say in the Russian School of chess Pawn is pawn and right now I have one extra Pawn Rook f8 very reasonable move now I could take the Knight on D5 I could also play King suit one now I have to make the distinction which Bishop is better the bishop on E3 or the Bichon C4 now my perception is that the light Square Bishop is objectively more important so I'm gonna move my king to C1 here probably we're gonna get Knight takes Bishop I take and then I have the idea of Bishop to E6 but again not so clear so it goes Bishop to G6 now I could play Bishop G5 I don't really like it and if I don't play Bishop G5 I don't know Bishop takes D5 I have Bishop B5 as a move but I need to do something pretty fast here to try and simplify Bishop G5 takes takes Knight F4 looks scary so what do I do here what do I do indeed now I could take take a B3 Rook D3 King here takes takes Bishop six and King C4 maybe that's okay I'm not sure um Bishop G5 doesn't look right Knight B3 is maybe a move as well here to put pressure on the pawn on C5 Bishop to B5 also moves so I'm gonna go Bishop to B5 trying to put pressure on the Knight on C6 asking my my silicon opponent what the plan is so it takes on E3 so now I can take with the Rook or the pawn I'm assuming I should take with the Rook I honestly don't know it feels slightly wrong but I'm gonna do it anyway I'm kind of worried about Bishop D6 Maybe it feels a little bit scary here but after taking G3 am I really in trouble probably there's some C4 idea so my assumption is that G3 is a move but then there's Knight E7 which could be scary so if I play g397 what do I do exactly is the is the problem and I don't really know what I'm supposed to do there so I don't know what I'm supposed to do there then I could end up in a lot of trouble so maybe Rook E3 was in fact a mistake maybe I should have taken back with the pawn let's think about this so after Bishop D6 if I go Bishop D3 there's Bishop F4 takes and takes which doesn't look wonderful probably it's enough to draw the game but I'm definitely on the wrong side and in trouble no matter what so if I don't do that what are the other options or the it's a big question now I don't really see great options here for me to go go for if I play Bishop E3 Push by four by Gucci 397 suddenly the Knight is jumping it feels quite scary as well although maybe after g397 Bishop D3 I'm kind of okay Perhaps Perhaps being the key word now again not really so clear but what do I do I could obviously just take the Knight and play something like g3c4 and then B4 maybe although even that looks quite quite questionable at best so I'm really in a bit of trouble here and I I really do think I should take it on E3 with the pawn in retrospect um nonetheless we can't take back any moves in chess that's just how the game works so because of that as I think about this position here I'm really not sure what I'm supposed to do I really don't know so I think I'm just I'm getting a little on time here so I'm gonna go Bishop D3 and simply trade off the Bishops it's gonna go Bishop four I'll take take maybe I can play Bishop H7 but probably I just I just trade this and go King King C2 and it's not the dream let's let's be clear this definitely is not the dream it's not what I want here but I should still only be marginally worse after Pawn takes bishop and King C2 I can always play E4 it has the double pawns here I have a knight and pawn for a rook only feels like a very slight disadvantage so after stacking The Rook I don't really think that this should be all that bad that being said of course I remain significantly worse because the Rooks are on open files so we got Rook E6 so I think here I'm gonna play E4 just build this point in the center for the pawn on e4 Rook E8 very logical move now I could play Knight G5 and drop back here I could also try to play something like A4 Knight C4 potentially I don't know if it makes a whole lot of sense but I'm gonna play it anyway I'm getting a little bit low on time here and you don't want to get too low and run into a lot of trouble so King D7 is played now I can't go Knight C4 as much as I'd love to but I can't play King D3 with the idea of going Knight to C4 next move so we get 86 very very reasonable move here I think what I'm gonna play now is probably I'm gonna go Rook to A1 here simply trying to prevent B5 if Knight E5 I can just move the king to E3 the king is guarding the pawn here and I feel like I felt pretty cozy in this position after King E3 although there might be a knight A5 Knight C4 so I'm gonna go King E3 here just guard the pawn Michael Knight E7 goes King C7 now I could try to run the king up on the queen on the king's side I don't really see any reason to doing that so I think I'm just gonna go something like maybe Knight G5 here maybe I go back I don't really know what I'm playing for so I'm gonna go Knight G5 here attacking The Rook probably rookie seven in fact I think I'm just gonna pre-move Knight F3 back safe proof keep the knights guarded nothing too crazy Rook D7 now I can play Knight C4 if I want to I don't really know if it's a great move but I'm gonna do it anyway if B5 I just trade the pawns and go back to D2 if it plays anything else I'm not two words so I take it's gonna take Knight A5 is not really a move so Rook to A8 here so let's go back to D2 it could go C4 can try to play B4 but C4 also allows Knight to D4 so now I'm gonna go Knight to B3 attacking the pawn on C5 although now there's King V6 which I actually completely overlooked and now I think I'm in a little bit of trouble potentially so maybe I'm in more than a little trouble so let's go uh let's go I guess King to E2 here if rookie eight I have Knight D2 C4 is still Knight D4 not the end of the world Rook D6 logical move if I go Knight T2 then there's probably C4 so I think the way that I want to play this is Knight to C4 B3 maybe takes takes I'll go for it I feel like I'm slowly getting ground down in this end game doesn't really feel all that wonderful now it plays Knight to E5 now this is of course a scary move I could play Rook to like B1 maybe just to guard the pawn I could go Rook D1 to force his hand and force Knight D3 Maybe again not really the dream so I'm gonna go uh Rook to B1 here hopefully it trades I'll take back the Knight if Knight to D3 then I'll go G3 cutting off a square Rook to D3 logical move doesn't really change a whole lot though so if I go work to A1 I mean maybe there's some G5 here or something that I'm missing of course obviously there is G5 and now uh what do I do here maybe I can play Knight to F1 I feel like I'm just getting squished though this feels like an end game where I'm slowly getting squished here can take I take back if I get Knight E3 maybe I have some prayers but no there's no prayer because there's Rook D2 so now I'm almost certainly gonna lose let's go I guess I play like Rook to B1 idea to go B3 but realistically this is all going very very downhill in a hurry I'll go B3 and take but at the end of the day I am going to lose this game I'll take oh even King C5 very good move let's go Rook B7 maybe I've worked system maybe Rook G7 but realistically it's just not looking very good here it takes I'm gonna go I guess I'll go Knight to E3 and try to get Rook C7 but I think after Rook H3 yeah I'm just gonna lose this game there's King B5 King A4 Hindi six ah and if I take there's I'll just just let it play there's Rook H2 unfortunately not meant to be so I am going to resign this game here now I feel like I was probably okay if I click on the analysis board just to take a quick look at this uh it probably was okay somewhere around here if I'm guessing somewhere in this opening it was actually okay until I played Bishop E5 probably here Bishop B3 with the idea of Knight C4 or Bishop C2 would have made a lot more sense if I had done this I actually think that there would have been pretty good chance to draw I don't think I would have won this game at the very least but I probably would not have lost this game but alas that's why I play play the game you learn something at new every single time and next time I play the allo princess lane or I get a structure where I'm up upon on the center board but Queens come up I'll remember to try this idea of exchanging these lights where Bishops if I end up with a king on this side of the board so at any rate you guys I hope you enjoyed this video playing a stockfish level 7 and level eight on Lee chess My overall take is that the engines the engine programs the boss on chess.com are a little bit stronger nonetheless stockfish level 8 is very very formidable I do feel like I can probably draw it if I play well at least in this one game I could maybe that's wishful thinking and I'll make another video down the road where I play it like five or six times on the most advanced level but my first take is that most likely the engines on chess.com are A Little Bit Stronger so once again I hope you guys have enjoyed this video make sure to hit that subscribe button below if you haven't have not already and I will be back very soon with some more great YouTube only content see you guys soon have a good one bye
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 987,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess, hikaru vs mittens, hikaru vs chess engine, hikaru vs stockfish
Id: 6BUjLC-5500
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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