Fischer - Spassky, Game 10, WCC - 1972, Ruy Lopez

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every game of chess is a universe in itself and you can spend hours just to analyze one single game which is not what we're going to do today so rest assured guys I'm not going to keep you longer than uh I don't know 15 20 minutes more or less um yeah you can dismiss actually in a couple of minutes if you really want to be very brief and summary in your assessment but I think I'm going to give it like a decent 15 minutes more or less uh we're looking at game number 10 check the other games that I've done on my channel in between uh Robert James fiser or Bobby fiser and Boris pasy uh the game they played during the World Chess Championship in 1972 Iceland rikic and it's going to be a real Lopez of Spanish opening E4 E5 now the first couple of moves uh we're going to skip the uh assessment the evaluation here because you guys probably are familiar talking about those of you that already know what's going on I'll just try to cover just a pinpoint just a some ideas of course if the bishop would have stopped on C4 we would have had the Italian game or the goo piano but now we've got a Spanish opening normally you want to get rid of this guy so you may have a little bit of pressure on the E5 with your knight from F3 E6 that's a normal move that's normally being played here not a problem you could take you can run away on A4 of course you could have taken on C6 to which black can take either with d with B and we're talking about some other variations but Bishop A4 Knight to F6 now normal developing move looks at the E4 Pawn which is being attacked now you mustn't just get worried here because you got a phenomenal normal move here phenomenal or normal well I think they can go together Castle short you mustn't worry about a knight takes on e4 my friends because there is Rook F E1 and you're going to put pressure on the Knight and you're going to put pressure on this guy on E5 even if Knight plays on C5 threatening your Bishop you could just remove this guy they're going to be taking back I don't know what they're going to take with and then you're going to take and uh that's cool you know that's absolutely fine you're doing absolutely great here not a problem so you mustn't worry actually that's quite a strong idea for white so I really doubt that black is going to take in the serious games anyway Bishop E7 being played by Boris pasy here and Rook Fe E1 always always a good idea get your Rooks on a semiopen well it's not that much of a semiopen but it will be a C3 D4 therefore The Rook becomes very efficient as well B5 attacking the bishop on A4 which now goes nicely on B3 I mean where else can you move it D6 D6 being played developing move and C3 now that's a multi-purpose idea in the Ray Lopez what does the C3 move mean for ourselves guys well a couple of things uh so you can can think about the D4 which you want to move anyway in this position with white and you want to challenge the center and C3 is the natural replacement for the D4 Pawn if the black pawn takes back in other order if you've got any Knight A5 you're nicely dropping Bishop to C2 so that's absolutely great and if D4 is being played and if this guy is getting tra and if you got a chance to pushing this Pawn you're going to have a beautiful nice efficient Bishop along the C to H7 a lot of ifs I know but it's good to have uh as many ideas as possible available to yourselves Castle short by Boris pasy here H3 prophylactically being played here by white normally you will not allow any possible game to be played by either Knight or Bishop so you're not going to get in a pin or anything of course by black it's worth mentioning that maybe you could think about Knight to A5 Bishop to C2 and then some C5 ideas but nevertheless Castle is absolutely fine H3 being played Knight goes back on B8 now of course black would have played here my just friends could have Play Just Bishop B7 if you want to play just play it okay it's not a problem but spasy goes with the Knight to B8 a little bit of reshuffling we're going to be discussing D4 challenging the center of course and Knight to D7 now just keeping an eye on this guy because currently after D4 you can notice there is a double pressure on D5 therefore Knight B8 to D7 reinforces that pawn just in any case okay and you get your knight actually back in Action knight from B1 to D2 in the future in the future of the game you may even contemplate Knight F1 Knight G3 Knight F5 just keep these ideas in mind and Bishop B7 of course pressure on the E4 here together with the Knight you do have uh double protection here but probably if you do Bishop C to you freeing up the Knight because as we just explained a few seconds ago the Knight may want to go F1 and G3 so just keep in mind all these good ideas guys Rook F to E8 of course important getting your Rooks from the F5 uh B4 being played here not a problem of course again Knight F1 Knight G3 it's always that thing you could keep in mind playing here for white but B before is start a bad stuff you're expanding uh on the queen side Bishop to f8 clearing the way for The Rook if there's anything funny happening with those two pawns D4 and E5 A4 played by BBY here challenging the the black pawn you mustn't necessarily take you know you don't have to take that pawn because if you take that pawn actually it's not great at all just look at the bishop here look at the pin and it's just not what you want to do so when your opponent pushes a pawn you just need to think do I really have to take that pawn you know and if it's to your advantage take it if it's it's tactical strategically serves your purposes take it if not as you can uh Envision now if they were takeen you take back I'm not quite sure you want to get yourself to this kind of pin it's just really really not pleasant therefore Knight to B6 being played here and A5 further on attacking the Black Knight Black Knight goes back on D7 it's not very favorable to go on C4 because after the trade and things this guy might be potentially hanging in the future it could be attackable so Knight went back on D7 and Bishop to B2 very positional this game that they played very very positional as you could see now we haven't got any trade this is move number 16 ladies and gents no trade taking place Queen to B8 a little bit cramped here pieces are still adjusting themselves on the better squares everyone tries to improve things here putting the pieces where they might be in the future attacking better C5 play by Boris Pas now that's a good stuff just goes for the center now pawns are going to get traded no if no but takes B takes C5 you can't take with a knight you take with a pawn but also the E5 is attackable which Bobby takes it straight away and N just he takes it he now saw that after a couple of Trades a queen would be attacked with Tempo by the Bishop B B2 Knight takes Knight takes now you take with either queen or Rook mind you guys and now very nice very superb sweet C4 simple yet efficient bang C4 reveals the bishop diagonal so Queen is being hit Queen must move and also Queen might must keep an eye on the F6 Knight because if just saying okay I'm going to give you a bad move don't get me wrong if say you go with the queen I don't know just you go with the queen C7 which is horrible then The Bishop's going to take one F6 and you get going to have a an awful position a pawn structure in front of your black king so always keep in mind this kind of idea is important so Queen to F4 important and also yeah okay the triple attack on the E4 which is currently triple defended that's not to say that is not Bishop takes on F6 now watering down the pressure on the E4 Queen takes down and now taken on B5 Rook goes and tries to pin the Knight on D2 you guys notice the Knight com move because the queen Gana so Bobby moves the queen away from the dile queen you know persistant Queen C3 they just simply want to take a piece now Knight to F3 um just wanted to U put your focus guys on the fact that the bishop on f8 here they really do need a little bit of uh engineering because this bishop here apart from the fact that hits its own Pawn uh would be so happy if they met manage at some point to getting a little bit more active and uh yeah just wanted to show you what a bishop looks like which is not incredibly optimistic the guy on B7 is super happy the bishop on f8 not that happy as of now okay so from this point of view uh black will have to investigate what to do with that Bishop Queen takes on A5 grabs the pawn in the process Bishop to B3 already uh exercising pressure on the F7 Pawn which is currently defended by the king but probably you guys can notice there is a knight that also can add himself as further attack on the F7 Queen goes first though also connecting the two Rooks Queen to F4 pressurizing the F7 as we just said Rook to D7 keeping an eye on the F7 now Rook D7 protecting F7 and Knight E5 as we had announced previously Knight bishop and queen triple attack on F7 always counting attackers and Defenders that's the strongest maths you always need to make it a habit very important to being accurate let me have another quick coffee I'm drinking a lot coffee that is so triple attack there and queen to C7 uh triple defense as well but there is a nice sweet tactic here very important you could PA it guys that ask yourselves what would Bobby Fisher play here with white also you can't delay it just be careful with the extra extra extra preparation because there is a threatening fank of black pawns on B and C5 and these guys are very dangerous like if you just consider pushing down the board just the C pawn and I'm not I'm not I'm not uh convinced that you're going to be very happy after that move so you need to act now and there is a nice idea here first you're going to play Rook B to D challenging the defender of the F7 and trying to you know claim the dile you attack The Rook by the way he didn't take he didn't take it with the Knight because sorry he didn't take the Rook with the white knight okay I hope that's obvious I didn't want to comment on this because Queen is actually hanging here so you're going to just simply drop the queen so Rook D now challenges the black Rook Rook goes away they gave up on the dile uh currently the Knight is still pinned but now there is a sweet tactic very nice tactic you're going to get your stuff back with bonus positionally attacking Bishop takes F7 and now you might be saying wait a minute that doesn't make any sense right I mean I've got like three Defenders here yeah you do have three Defenders but after Rook would take Queen will take Queen uh Queen takes a knight takes and King takes you always have the Rook D7 uh for King The King and the bishop Pawn B7 so your stuff gets taken back not a problem and now if you say well can I just go on h8 you kind of not going to like it very much here because uh we're going to have the Knight G6 and uh that's a problem so let me just put it in this fashion here uh so n takes no actually this is what happen sorry guys let me just go back I don't want to so after the check here if King goes onto h8 you do have then this here happening and if they capture you have the queen to H4 and that's just simply the end of it so that's the combination I was talking about so King we've established K move on h8 but Rook has to take now you are not going to take back with the Knight because the queen is hanging you're going to take back with the queen queen takes Queen takes Knight takes and as we had explained if Rook if King takes sorry guys Rook plays on the seventh Rank and you're going to get your St back so for this reason Spas try to Nick to snatch quickly another Pawn in the process now you removed you removed the bishop notice another important I think idea for all of our friends to understand it the bishop pair is just simply devastating you can't allow your opponent to enjoy the bishop pair not in this moment not with this uh porn Islands coming down to promoting so you better remove the incredibly dangerous uh light Square black Bishop there rather than thinking about oh can I just save the Knight no no no no no you're getting in deep deep deep deep deep deep trouble they're going to be they're going to be playing some Bishop D3 uh sorry they're going to be moving the uh uh the bishop to safety I wanted to say and those guys will be coming down it's incredibly dangerous so don't think about saving your knight think about just taking this guy off the board right now and it did happen indeed check now white enjoys two Rooks versus Rook bishop and as a small compensation they do have these guys but they will be under heavy attack uh from the uh White Rooks now as you can see Rook already starts to attack the pawn so Rook to A1 check the king move uh King has to play G3 blocking the check from the bishop and he rolls down the pawns but they could very well be stopped King goes away from the diagonal therefore you might be able to push a G4 at some point H5 Rook pins the bishop to the king Rook defends Rook a to d to defending the bishop here King goes himself and centralizes getting closer to action perhaps you may just very well want to attack The Rook it itself why not so King goes black king goes away from the pin king attacks The Rook Rook goes to the fifth rank keeping an eye on this guy keeping this guy maybe supporting some Pawn you never know F4 being played here oh I want to go back just a a little bit uh if I forgot to mention so here guys we got a uh we got an interesting idea that you may want to think about and that is just playing G4 straight away which it's been has been recommended by various commentators and engines just check to yourselves you don't need to believe anything that's being said so G4 would be the idea that if black takes and you would take back you might be able to go with the F Pawn as well therefore the danger is real and this kind of checking is not going to is not going to uh uh work out because you're going to escape with the King very nicely so G4 had been recommended at the highest level here uh anyway Bobby didn't play it and uh uh neither now so G4 is still playable he didn't play it he played the king to F3 and F4 G4 being played now but like three moves ago was absolutely phenomenally positive for white uh anyway make no mistake white is doing better than black here consist I mean seriously better and um if you wonder what's with the Rook B5 it simply does not allow black to push C5 to C4 because you take the rook and there is another thing not just doesn't allow the pawn to move in there you probably notice because there is a pin this guy is hanging all right so this guy is hanging which by the way can't be pushed because I'm simply going to take with the rook and there is also this idea so there is a lot of uh powerful white here so at this stage now after Rook captures on B4 really it's incredibly problematic the bishop tries to reinforce the C5 but there is another check coming King tries to come closer moving out of check anyway uh if you go on the seventh rank you're probably going to run into this kind of thing so you know you're going to get sort of checkmated or you're going to be trading more pieces here so uh Bobby wants to simplify he's got two Rooks why not just trade off one of the two powerful Rooks so now later things are going to be uh very optimistic for white even more so now Rook targets the G5 pawn and that guy is going to fall and now Bobby had created two passes on the G and F file those guys is going to be moving up and queening themselves and if it's too painful to play just probably you've got the chance to Simply resign uh King booves on D4 which is going to happen very uh uh uh very soon now Rook to B1 you probably wonder but probably it's not a big mystery if you're looking at this you notice a skewer that will be in place here and that really is the end of because now Boris Pas just said look I just had enough of this nonsense I don't want to play anymore uh Bishop takes F6 if you're thinking it just doesn't work fellas uh of course the there is also the skew but there is a rook to F5 attacking the bishop anyway attacking the bishop anyway and I really don't know where you're going what you're doing because Rook D1 can't be stopped unless you want me to take your Bishop so from this point of view I think bis Pas said look I just had enough pal let's just play another day uh and he resigned at this stage game number 10 there was a r Lopez guys of course there is many things we could go back in the game and pinpoint very many ideas and go into dep but then again it it will take way more Beyond 15 minutes we're going to get into a full lecture here which might happen at some point with uh guys we could try this one anyway um join my live streams and we could be discussing maybe some more stuff that you've noticed and you want to raise up the uh the points and something absolutely totally doable so subscribe to the channel thanks for watching the video guys if you make it to this point if you made it uh and um I'll see you guys with more and more and more chess videos people drop me some of the comments in relation what you would like to be seeing analyzed and hey if you want to analyze your own games uh just join my Liv stream again I'm more than happy to analyze some of my uh dear viewers games chess games thanks again guys and see you soon
Channel: Soren Chess Coach
Views: 1,662
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Keywords: chess, bobby fischer, agadmator, fischer chess, spassky vs fischer, spassky, spassky applauds fischer, fischerspasskygame10, borisspassky, WCC1972, ruy lopez, ruy lopez opening, bestchesschannel, bestchessteacher, fischer - spassky, bobby fischer chess, fischer genius, bobby fischer best game, fischer games, bobby fischer games, fried liver attack, échec et mat, fischerspassky, fischerspasskygame6, bobby fischer agadmator, fischer vs spassky, fischerbest, fischerbestchess
Id: tXVUcNP1l0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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