My Beach is Better | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what's up everybody welcome to my youtube channel thank you for clicking on I'm gonna take you right into a message you're about to watch a message we did from a series at our church call uncommon since I hope it adds amazing value to your life I just have one request of you here it is if you know anyone who lives in the Orlando Florida area or if you live in the Orlando Florida area I want you to spread the word our church change church is coming to Orlando I'm excited about it we would love to have you be a part of what God is doing in the Central Florida area there's an email address on the screen right now and so if that's you and you're in the Orlando area hey would you shoot us an email let us know you want to know more information we'll add you to our list or if you know someone would you make sure that they know about this so that we can serve as many people as possible listen change Church exists to help as many people as possible change their life and their world by finding life finding strength finding freedom and finding purpose will you help us do that I hope so enjoy the message I'll see you soon Matthew 24:7 24 through 27 listen to how it reads it says therefore everyone who hears these words of mine puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock the rain came down streams rose winds blew beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock somebody say Rock but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand the rain came down the streams rose and the winds and it fell with a great crash this is the reading of Scripture I want to talk from this subject this is the twelve o'clock so I know y'all gonna fill me here I want to talk from this subject today my Beach is better my Beach is better family there is an epidemic that has unknowingly invaded the earth it is in fact an epidemic that is inhibiting many from experiencing the reality of God's best it is an epidemic that has many meandering throughout a maze of misery it is an epidemic that has been the catalysts for chaos it has been the avenue for addiction it has deterred and detoured many from their destiny and blinded many from seeing God's blessing it's it's an epidemic that keeps some people up at night but keeps others in the bed all day it is an epidemic that is emotional in nature yet destructive in its expression the epidemic I'm referring to ladies and gentlemen is the epidemic of emptiness somebody say empty and whether we know it or not family emptiness is ubiquitous it can be everywhere and anywhere you can live in the Northeast and be empty and you can live in the dirty south and be empty you can be empty on the East Coast and empty on the west coast you can be empty living under palm trees and be empty where there are no trees emptiness does not discriminate you can be older and be empty be middle-aged and be empty and be young and be empty you can be rich and be empty and be poor and be empty no matter what what your ethnicity is what however much melanin or lack thereof you have in your skin you can be empty empty empty and whenever you're dealing with an epidemic and epidemic cannot be addressed with acquisitions you can only address an epidemic with an antidote money can't fix it a career won't fix it a ring won't fix it a spouse won't fix it a promotion won't fix it there's only one who holds in his position the antidote for our emptiness and it's God because emptiness resides at a place that only he can reach emptiness is postured in a position where it is a only God can scratch it is a thirst only God can quench because the only answer to emptiness is fulfillment and only God can make you fulfill can I hear an Amen right there only God can make us fulfilled and whether people are aware or not many on this search for fulfillment they are not searching for what they think they're searching for they're searching for what they think what they're searching for will give them and what everybody is really searching for it's a fulfillment want to be full filled you can have a full house and still be empty a full bank account and still be empty a full schedule and still be empty acquisitions don't address it accomplishments will not appease it because whenever you get there there never feels like they're there there is deceptive when when you step into a another level you get exposed to another level that exists it that you didn't know existed until you got to one level levels are deceptive they're like Jacob who worked for seven years thinking he was marrying Rachel and woke up and it was Leia it's what accomplishment will will do you will work your whole life sacrifice your health miss your children not take advantage of endless opportunities to enjoy the goodness of God's creation and then get to a season in your life and you wake up like Jacob and you say I sacrifice all of that for this let me take a little further I gave up all of this for them somebody say empty we need fulfillment and only God can give it and I am arguing ladies and gentlemen that God does not give us for fill meant for self gratifying and self glorifying reasons God wants to give us fulfillment satisfaction contentment he wants to give us fulfillment here it is because Matthew seven teaches us this that a life without fulfillment is fragile somebody say fragile yeah a life without fulfillment is is is is fragile because when a person is when a person is satisfied their selections get wiser when a person is content they choose better when a person is fulfilled they are less likely to fall prey to schemes plots snares and imposters your discernment increases when you are fulfilled because you are no longer residing in a place of desperation and when you are not desperate you realize I have options and whenever you realize you have options you make better decisions God says in order to get you wiser I've got to get you fulfilled I've got to get you operating in a place where you realize you don't have a deficit that I can't meet you don't have a need that I cannot supply I need to get you to see that I am the God Almighty who is the I am that I am who will give you what you need when you need it and you don't have to fall victim to settling for something that is not in your best interests and not healthy for your welfare and well-being when you are fulfilled when you fulfill there's a word you use more regularly frequently and joyfully nah let's practice come on trouble clock somebody say na na you want to go out with me I know who I am I know what I have I know what is called me to be I'm not empty I'm fulfilled now it's not good for me in this season nah it's not good for me and my children nah that's not good for my mental well-being and emotional health I had to fight too hard to get into a sane and stable place and I am NOT going to allow the blessing of sanity to be put in jeopardy because of your incense tivity Minow is not my problem that's your problem if you can't handle na na can you come now can I borrow nein when a life is not fulfilled it's fragile it's in the Texas in Matthew seven it's it's fragile fragile vulnerable at the mercy of wind yeah a life that is fragile can only win when there's no wind a lot of life that's fragile can only win when there's no wind but to expect life without wind is to be naive to be surprised dr. Barnard says by the inevitable is to be naive winds will blow and win might not be blowing yet but keep living wind will blow in some area of your life something you didn't expect and you will be like where did this come from where did you come from Jesus even says in John 16:33 to expect life without wind is to be naive he says in John 16:33 these things are spoken to you that in me you might have peace he says let me tell you this so that you can have peace so that when this happens to you you won't think it's abnormal out of the ordinary you won't you won't take it personal you won't think it's just you you need to know this isn't you this is life he says in this world you will have not might not possibly not likely he says live long enough something is gonna ring your doorbell that you don't want to let in he says but be it be of good cheer be of good cheer adjust the attitude for I have overcome the world so a winning life is a life that has learned to win in the midst of the wind that even when contrary winds ah blowing you advance in the midst of the wind and those who win are those who have built a life that is wind resistant and the text in Matthew 7 teaches us it teaches us how in the text Jesus is Jesus is resorting to what is a normal common teaching method for him he taught in stories parables metaphors and people who don't understand this don't understand the Bible correctly they will read things in the Bible that seem extreme extraordinary unnecessary illogical they'll read Jesus say things like if your eye offends you pluck it out if your hand offends you cut it off Jesus is not literally saying I want you to pull out your eyes and cut off your hands he's saying you need to take whatever proactive methods you need to take to protect you from you cuz you know you let me go over here because they didn't say Amen Jesus said we should take whatever methods we need to take to protect us from us because we know us that you cannot manage what you don't understand and if you are not accurate in your assessment of yourself you will not be able to advance yourself you have to know you let me go here cuz this is the twelve o'clock let me I can go here this service here it is family here it is here it is some of us know that even though we become a person of faith and we're not the person we used to be that some deliverance from us for us is not absence of desire it's management of what won't leave so not come on cuz some of us know we are not what we used to be but it still some go off in you I'm going back over here now yeah it's like okay I'm a person of faith now and I live with a different value system but it still something go off downing me somewhere the Gulf has not disappeared so because I know that it is present I have to manage me and put measures in place to protect me from me cuz I know that's still there I want to know us some honest people in this room that will say it's some stuff that's still there pastor is some it's some stuff still that I found out this week it was still there some people unfortunately pushed me too close to the edge and they found out it was still there too [Applause] it is what Paul talks about in Romans six and seven as he articulates his understanding of salvation and how there is a war transpiring on the inside of us with two natures and how we need to allow the new nature to overwhelm override and overrule the old nature that's still there that's still there that's still there so much there that Paul was confused about himself he said in Romans seven when I want to do good I see another law at work in my members evil is always present with me he said I'm confused I don't want to go off and I want to go off so bad at the same time Oh wretched man that I am who can deliver me from this body of death is this too honest for you this morning so Jesus is teaching method is a method of metaphors never shallow always simple always uses something we can't understand to help us understand something we can't understand and it tells a story of two houses but when he's talking about houses he's not talking about houses he's talking about life and he says you build your life the way a person builds a house and he says that there's he says there's a person who hears what I say and they put it into practice and that person is building their house their life on a rock on a foundation that is steady reliable dependable he says well then there's another person they hear what I say too but they build their life on sand which is unstable which is shifting which is trendy so one person builds their life on truth the other person builds their life on trends one person builds their life on what's eternal the other person builds their life on what's popular and he says this is what's scary both houses look the same until the wind because you don't know what you've built on until it gets windy and they said the same storm hit both houses one survived and the other didn't the house that was fragile didn't survive but the person who built their house that way can't blame God and they can't blame the wind they can say the wind is the reason my house fell but that house did fall because of the wind they can say the rain is the reason my house fell but that house didn't fall because of the rain they look the same but they were built different somebody better come get me I was watching one of the players for the Golden State Warriors great my great doing an interview at the parade I think as they were celebrating their win and he was asked about a confrontation that he had with an opposing player and he said something although the Warriors are not my team he said something that resonated with me it stuck with me and I embraced it as a personal life philosophy for me and my family he said we built different this side got it he said we built different we built different we look the same but we built different and I don't know about you but that's an attitude I want to appropriate for my own life we look the same but underneath the surface I'm built on something that is eternal that is transferable that is transcendent I'm built on truth this is what's scary are y'all ready both people heard the word both heard the word so this is not a metaphor between a believers house and a person who's in cultures house this is a metaphor between two believers he says cuz both are hearing his words but he said but but he said both are hearing these were my words he says but one hears and puts into their notes out the other hears and puts into practice you got me so this is interesting because this is what it this is what's interesting God didn't make the strong house strong and he didn't make the weak house weak God gave both houses exposure to the same information and what they did with the information they were exposed to dictated and determined the results that they got am I making sense so far this this it really goes back to - this man's house that fell the person's house that fell could use a number of different excuses reasons to explain away what happened he could have blamed the wind the rain the storm lightning the flooding he couldn't even blame God but the real answer is captured in a phrase that dl moody famously said dl moody says this he says i've never met a man that has caused me as greater trouble as i've caused myself [Applause] did you hear what I just said so so so the the enemy of this person in the text strong house was himself it was his unwillingness to submit the way he believed his house should be built to the way Jesus said his house should be built because your fulfillment comes in your surrender it's like Jesus is saying I know where you're trying to go and you know where you want to go but you don't know how to get there and as soon as you stop fighting me over directions we can get in the car and I can take you there as soon as you get a revelation that you don't know how to get to where you want to get to if you'll just get on the passenger side and let me drive I promise you I'll take you to a land where the wicked will cease from troubling and the weary will be at rest if you'll just let me lead I promise you I'll take you to green pastures and steel waters if you'll let me lead I'll promise you I'll take you to a place where you've got joy unspeakable and full of glory if you let me lead I promise I'll take you to a place of contentment and satisfaction and fulfillment where you have peace that passes all understanding but I can't do it if you fighting me for directions it's a belief system an unconscious accumulation of facts that we've acquired over a lifetime through information observation exposure and experiences we all believe something about everything God has something to say about the question is when we get confronted with truth from God's Word that conflicts with what we believe about that subject what will we do will we build on sand or will we build on the rock sand is our opinion perspective the rock is what Jesus said when we build on sand and not on the rock we say in Jesus my beach my sand better than your rock I know what you say it Jesus but my Beach is better my way is better I'd rather have my way than win and this is this is what surrender comes in this is why surrender serves us well when God teaches us surrender and Jesus put Jesus said it this way he says in Matthew 16 If any man wants to be my disciple they must learn the art of denying themself taking up their cross and following me for whoever wants to say their life must be willing to lose it but if you're willing to lose your life you will find it this is the weight of self-fulfillment is through self-denial he said I know how to get you there you just gotta trust me I know how to get you then I promise if you let me get you there you'll be glad you did you you fight me on the way there but you're gonna hug me when I get you there you're confused on the way there but when I get you there you're gonna look at me and smile and say I'm so glad you did not let me have my way surrender teaches us richard Foster says surrender teaches us how to be happy when I don't get my way because I came to tell you if getting your way is a prerequisite for happiness your happiness and fulfillment is gonna be temporary episodic it's gonna be elusive because there is no way you're going to get your way all the time people aren't gonna let you have your way your children aren't gonna let you have your way you're gonna have your way at work all the time and God will not allow us to have our way he said but I want you to trust me and don't live thinking your Beach is better is this good job let's wrap up here three key and critical areas here three key and critical areas in our house in our life three walls that must be built the right way we cannot have a fulfilled life that glorifies God gratifies us works for his glory and our good if we don't have strong walls in these areas these three areas cannot be fragile if any of these three areas are fragile our life will not be reflective of God's creative intent the first area is the area give me the whole diagram of our resources the first area is the area of now I'm sorry y'all know what I want what relationships relationships first area is the area of our relationships now when we say relationships that can be vague but dr. Hilyard categorizes relationships and he says relationships going to four categories Kingdom can corporate and casual these are people I share faith with these are people that I share blood with or I'm married into these are friends casual and corporate these are people I work with our relationship is the consequence of intersecting schedules everybody followed me here okay so we all have an unconscious accumulation of facts about relationships that we got from information from experience from exposure and from observation that's our belief system right we believe something about relationships and about the way that they should be managed I'm actually I'm not gonna bother this today but I'm actually working on a book called put people in their place because if I don't know where people belong I'm gonna create a relational catastrophe and then blame people for being who they are see at some point you have to stop expecting people to be something other than what they are and you just have to put them in a category that is reflective oh okay so here it is here it is here's a principle that applies to all of these relationships it should inform our belief system and if we build on this principle it won't fix all our relational problems but it will give us a more healthy relational life here's the principle health not history should determine intimacy intimacy is not an erotic term it just means clothes here it is the question is the question isn't were they good for your history the question is are they healthy for your destiny are you all ready for this okay so here it is I see this in dating a lot right so people read unequally yo they'll read that and they'll say okay from now on I'm dating in the kingdom then they date in the kingdom and they realize I dated somebody that's Kingdom but they don't realize just because their kingdom don't mean they healthy they can have Jesus life tattooed on their stomach [Applause] Jesus life right where's mother Gail yeah yeah Jesus life right they can have Jesus life tattooed on that stuff it doesn't matter if they aren't healthy emotionally healthy beyond healthy what will happen if so it picks on this kingdom and not healthy and then if that person causes them pain then they'll subject themselves to a completely different belief system cuz I tried that and they were worse than people that's not in the church so I'm just gonna rock with that when the problem is is not the category it's the person don't blame the church maybe I should look at my discernment was that too much I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that yes I should it was true though yeah I'm not saying it's always our discernment sometimes you can be fooled there are other times we ignore signs and the church should say Amen Church sips say they should say Amen so nobody's ever ignored signs okay here it is first Corinthians 15:33 says don't be misled bad company corrupts good character that's a principle and I think we ask questions like when it comes to a relationship have they been with me are they loyal to me do they love me but we never ask are they good for me but no just think about like besides laughs is there any positive value that's being added to my life and what am I actually laughing about when I'm with them it's the only thing that we have in common a part of me I'm trying to keep from resurrecting itself do they only connect with the old me that I don't want to let out of the cage okay this isn't done yeah Reeth relationships let's wrap up number two resources everybody say resources so I'm afraid this this way I'm I am a Christian a follow of the person and the principles of Jesus not because my parents were remember I talked about self-awareness you got to know you the way I'm wired I'm not gonna do anything just because whoever did it I gotta be careful cuz I'll go to the opposite way just our principle so I have to watch me in that and in that regard it's just that maverick streaking me so so when I made a decision to become a believer it wasn't because I wanted to become religious it was because Christianity to me out of all of the other ways to live my life that I was exposed to when I made the decision it was the best decision just a way of life that makes sense for me so if heaven and it isn't if Heaven is a lie and religion is a fairy tale then this is what this is what happens with me it means I've lived giving at least the first 10% of everything I make to something that changes other people's life it means I try to love my neighbor as myself it means I treat other people the way I want to be treated it means I try to walk with humility it means I try to care for the poor it means I try to train up my children in the way that they should go it means I try to forgive people that harm me it means that I don't let what people do to me determine what I do to them so if there's no such thing as heaven tell me why that's a bad decision even if there's no such thing as heaven tell me why that's a bad decision it means I don't take from you what's yours it means I'm not going to covet what you have I'm not gonna try to tear you down I'm gonna try to build you up I'm not gonna try to keep you out of God's best I want to try to bring you into God's birth so somebody tell me what's wrong with that so it's a way of life for me so if this is gonna be the way I get the best out of life then I want to know what it has to say about everything in my life and it's just the way I'm wired it just makes sense it's just like so if the thing most of us stressing about is resources and if the thing that is the second largest contributor to the disintegration of marriages is resources why would I have a faith that don't speak to that what well why would I be upset like I want to know what it says about that area it matters how I make it no matter how you make it God loves you but it matters how you make it not for God's sake but for your sake because the Bible says when God blesses you it adds no sorrow I don't want to have to make it and they can't enjoy it because I'm paranoid am I gonna get caught is somebody about to kick my door down in the middle of the night is the iris gonna find out about this that I guess there's too much I got too much stress already that make sense no see that see that's not judging anybody we don't don't don't don't don't miss hear me I'm not judging anyone I'm just saying God loves you no matter how you make it but it matters how you make it right nervous you know put it up do not exhale do not exhale they coming to the car don't exhale oh it's over it's too much it matters how we make it it matters how we move it once I've made it how do I move it and I'm a my allocating it strategically am I am I taking care of God first me second Starbucks third so you understand what I'm saying there I'm not saying Starbucks has to be third but what I'm saying is and I'm not I'm not speaking against any company I'm just using them as an example this is my point my point is how is it that we will pay whoever Starbucks whatever fast-food restaurant we go to before we pay us you work all week and you to pay you anything you didn't be you weren't like the aunt proverbs 6 who in the summer season you put some aside for the winter she says you pay he said I don't care if it's $20 $5 pay you something because if you don't pay you anything you are at the mercy of a blown tire you're at the mercy of the wind if nothing is put aside when the wind blows we need a miracle for the ordinary what if I told you savings is what some people are looking at right now savings is what's in their hand or they pocket their savings is what their apps are owned I know this is true move how do I move it how do I manage it how do I maximize it how do I maximize it here's the principle oh I'm over time already all right here's the principle here's a principle don't neglect the only one that can protect whatever entity is creating this whether it's a business company whatever it is that God is using to resource us is subject to wind that we can't control something can go on with your business your company that you work for or your company that you own that you cannot control and it'll affect this you don't have to do anything wrong somebody high up can and it affects the company make sense it does only God can protect that only God can protect this only God can protect this only God can protect this how we maximize it and we should be okay with that we're maximizing it if I say maximize your relationships people say Amen you say maximize your door they say Amen if I say maximize your resource people like that's selfish it's not selfish because you don't have to maximize it for consumption you maximize it you don't have to keep any of it maybe you should maybe we should maximize it so we can be the answers to some one prayers instead of always being in the position of an intercessor it makes sense just like somebody you know could you pray for me so you have books for school it's like no we're gonna pray for miracles come with me to the book store I'm gonna answer that see the difference don't neglect the one who can protect in Matthew Chapman alaqah chapter 3 verse 10 bring the whole tithe into the storehouse maybe food in my house test me in this see if I'll not throw up in the floodgates of heaven there will not be room enough to store the blessing verse 11 says this I will prevent pests from devouring your crop this is the blessing of God first God says I become a rebuke ER and a protector of the things that devour how you make it how you move it how you manage it and how you maximize it so if bad decisions are contributing to mismanagement here I'll rebuke that and give you wisdom to be wiser and management see the difference I'm done the Darracq and last but not least this is so important number three is recovery hey put the storms graphic up give me the storms graphic somebody say recovery see because this is what's this is what's gonna happen at some point we're going to receive truth about an area of our life that's already crashed and that and it makes it really difficult to hear messages like this because sometimes you're listening and you're like pastor Darius um I'm already too far gone man if you two gave me this when I was 21 it would have been different but it's too late for me now says who says who see because there are self storms that's what we create their satanic storms that's like in the book of the Bible job the intermediate that and then there's stuff storms what life happened right there was a story where Jesus disciples ran into a blind man that actually is who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind jesus said nobody life happened just stuff like it wasn't satanic and what sometimes stuff have it's not evil not an evil HAP is just like life happened business though that like life happens make sense and when you're looking at wreckage in your life wreckage can rob you of your hope to recover well here's the principle your wisdom not win put it up so they can see it win or the wind determines your recovery leave that up for a minute so they can read write that down your wisdom not the wind or the wind determines your recovery everybody look at me now I can't tell you how many times I run into people who feel like because they haven't done it yet it's too late to do it I can't tell you how many times I said why haven't you started that yet well I should have but it's too late now you got to get a degree so you can you know not get looked over by these opportunity you got the gifts and the only thing they're able to use against you not to get you where you belong is that piece of paper when you're gonna get it it's just too late pastor Darius and he's gonna take me three years to get it now well if you don't die three years coming anyway yeah come on if you don't die three years are coming anyway well I'm old I'm old I'm gonna be I'm gonna be such a said such and such just getting it well you gonna be said you said such a such without it don't let the wind determine whether or not you can't recover and don't let the wind sometimes you feel like pastor Darris this this is it's too much I feel like everything gets blown down in my life now I can't I want to let you know it's not the wind or the wind it's your wisdom here it is some of you you're like me there are times where you run out of willpower you don't always win with strength David didn't win with strength against Goliath he warned with strategy God will give you a strategy to turn it around so when win Life crumbles when you thought in this season you would be relaxing and now you got to start all over you can sit and say I should be relaxing or retiring now but I've got to start all over you can say that and just sit in the wreckage or you can stand up pick up a hammer and say I'm built different [Music] I'm a builder and I'll build again and if his tears into my eyes I'll build with tears in my eyes and my heart is broken but give me that hammer because the only choice I have is to sit here and have a pity party in the wreckage or to get my hammer and to build again and I came to tell somebody in this room today that you serve a God who redeems your life from destruction and he will empower you to build again so you get your hammer and you spend on your feet and you build again you build again I'm done family I'm done but in the words of David shall I pursue Lord the Lord said pursue and you shall recover all but you won't recover David unless you pursue I want someone as a declaration of faith to speak to your future and say I'm on my way y'all didn't say it I said speak to your future and say I'm on my way I'm in pursuit of everything God has for me I'm going to chase down everything God has ordained from my life I will build again I will build again I will bill [Music] one more time [Music] so father I pray today accordance in accordance with your word you teach us what to pray for my kingdom come Thy will be done but you also teach us what to pray against deliver us from evil so Oh God deliver us from attitudes of quitting's deliver us from attitudes of hopelessness deliver us from belief systems that suggest to us it's too late and recovery is not possible for your resurrection is an example that you are a barrier breaker that glass ceilings cannot hold us that age cannot limit us that gender cannot contain us and that our mistakes cannot block us I pray in your name for a resurrection of hopes and strength I pray that we will pursue and recover all this is my prayer over your people in your name if you're ready to build again let me hear you say hey man now put your hands together Church raisin hey I hope that message from our series uncommon sense helped you I want to encourage you to do a couple of things one subscribe to the channel we're always posting different kinds of content not just messages and we want you to be in the loop and in the know about what God is doing through this ministry and secondly if this message added value to your life and you believe it can help someone else why don't you just share it text it to them email it to them I believe we've received so that we can give don't just be blessed be a blessing I love you I mean that take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 47,040
Rating: 4.9044204 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, Hillsong, levi lusko, chad veach, rich wilkerson jr, pastor keion henderson, joel osteen, dave ramsey, carl lentz, vous church, zoe church la, pastor matthew stevenson, rob hill sr, bill hybels, pastor ron carpenter, gary vee, jentzen franklin, pastor micahn carter, pastor robert madu, pastor mike todd, pastor judah smith, pastor criag groeschel, pastor chris hodges
Id: rzQkZ7hm7zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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