My Art College Experience | ULTIMATE GUIDE

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split up no squid natural last year of college procrastinating on my 3d animation senior project I graduated from an art college graduated from an art school art called art college this is art school guilt I'm making this video because of guilt the last thing I'd want is someone to email me or DM me stating oh hey darkness I decided to go to art school because of you thank you so much and in my head I'd go oh no there give me drowning in loans just like me school yeah he got me down to 80 I got roasted I will now bestow you with my knowledge these are my opinions solely based on one college of my four years experience of being a 3d animation bachelor and this is unscripted so it's from the heart so speaking of drawing like hot garbage and passing this video as a finished product on YouTube the number one trait that Art College teaches you is how to bullsquid why you may ask well that's because you're forced to because they give you so many classes that you can't even keep up not only do they give you our assignments do every single week like five assignments you have Matt you have science you have writing you have history you have you have a whole bunch of more stuff that's not just art okay it's just ridiculous they expect you to be superhuman for example you could be finished off your fifth project that's due tomorrow but then you forgot that you have to study for the midterms for art history which he had to memorize over 200 paintings the art style that artists the name of the painting and the date and the Eretz from and you have to memorize all that and then also you forgot that you have math too so yes it's crazy a big misconception that really bothers me is that people say art school is easy oh oh you just go to art college no it's not easy it's not easy man but if you learn how to bullsquid you can uh you know make it a little bit a little bit tiny bit easier I will give you one example okay check this out instead of saying oh I'm gonna draw like hot garbage on purpose so I can release its video on YouTube faster I would say this drawing style is a representation of how loose my imagination can be without being restricted about the final product what is a final product anyways isn't it perceived differently from everyone else doesn't everyone have a level of a final product missive I I want to break that illusion I believe that you can have a sketchy ugly video just like this and have it be used as a finished product hey speaking of bullsquid guess what let's a great time-saver abstract do abstract if you're running out of time do abstract and you know what's also really annoying about film majors is that film majors for some reason they'll always make the same video it's always black and white and some naked person in the bathtub and then just like blood dripping down and then like some creepy pasta like montage happens where it's like all abstract and stuff like that why always naked in the bathtub why have I seen this over 20,000 times every single year they don't be naked somewhere else not in the bathtub okay okay another thing about art school I want to mention is that there are way more females than males I had many classes where I was it was Lily just me and in like 12 other females and I know what you're thinking you're thinking oh yeah I'm gonna start my harem you know you know it's not gonna happen but you know what maybe maybe it might happen if you really put time into it yeah but the clicks usually start forming it's usually like the females with the females and the males with the males and then you know if you're gay maybe you can infiltrate like both sides okay okay so yes art school is very unique is it is an out-of-this-world experience it's basically Hogwarts because it's so weird it's so different from real life from reality it really is it's like Willy Wonka man do you know how cool I felt when I was just walking around in public with a big giant art portfolio thing you know it's walking around like ham so different yeah look at me I go to art school guys you know what I mean a lot of weird stairs I'll tell you that crazy hair art kids have crazy hair it's true the rumors are true they I've seen every color of the rainbow I've seen the hair dude this I hate I've seen the hairdo that I've seen hair that you cannot even imagine what they could do they did it I've seen it all okay it's true speaking of Hogwarts when you're walking you'll see weird installations all the time like you're hungry you go you gotta go lunch and then all of a sudden you had to go through like a maze like a maze of string or something like that then you got out of the maze of string and you see like a sculpture of like some dude getting executed I'm not even joking Hogwarts man Willy Wonka fashion students oh boy if you are planning on majoring in fashion you gotta be careful it's Mean Girls in there it's high school v-2 in there it's crazy the whole school knows about it there's drama everywhere this can't fight in constant like you know and you know the stories were like you know someone's sleeping and then someone comes in and cuts off their dress and stuff like that it's actually true it happens it happens so make sure you always keep your dress safe be careful painters are usually walking around with paint splattered all over their clothes they're easy to tell now I don't want to go through every single art major but I I'm mentioning the ones that I have the personal experience the most and I have a lot of friends in architecture okay and architecture kids are zombies it is the hardest major in my opinion not only do they have to do five years that's one extra year they just never get sleep they every time I asked them like I don't we got one hour's sleep I only got two hours of sleep I've been up for 48 hours if you have them as roommates they never go home they're always in the studio either sleeping in there or working you never see them you never do and I remember the first year all the architecture majors dropped like flies they drop like flies once they realize how much work it actually is so keep that in mind okay we're done with a stereotyping segment I apologize let's move on competition art school is competitive you know you hear this a lot it's true art is very competitive it's very true but it's not as scary as it sounds I was kind of spooked when I was like coming into freshman year I was kind of spooked about the competition it's not that bad it's um it's basically you know maybe occasional you get like that one guy who's talking smack behind your back but when does that not happen that's his everyday life okay I say don't think about it too much you'll be fine don't be spooked okay so how do I mention this was our genndy monetized there's a lot of drug 'el I just feel like this is important to say it's true the rumors are true our kids are very into drug 'el whether or not you'll probably bump into it eventually like for example you could be sitting in a public lounge and then all of a sudden you find a bottle of coca-cola on your butt okay let's move on this is dangerous drawing anime yeah teachers hate it they hate it a lot and you know what that's fine I think it's fine you know why it's because you're supposed to be drawing anime on your own time anyways okay that's how you improve don't let them teach you anatomy and stuff like that okay just go with the flow and then don't complain and then when you get home just draw anime yeah I agree it sucks that having people hate your medium it really does but trying new things is never a bad thing just draw anime on your free time that's all I got to say now I do want to talk about this topic good detail with my own experiences but in another video so we'll end it here another huge misconception I had before I even attended art school was that I thought art students were usually like super hard-working super passionate about arts it's all constantly drawing never going outside and then they're finding other passionate people and then you're drawn with passion right it's actually not true most people are just living life well I was living life to you know I'm not saying I'm special I'm saying it's just nice to note that people are human you know there's jocks there there's this some kids I don't even like art in they're there for some reason so yeah just take that with a grain of salt I really do hate using this word but I want to become a hypocrite and use it anyways so we can all understand not everyone is introverted in art school now please don't categorize yourself in these words extrovert introvert ambivert okay I'm not gonna tell you what to do but like just do what you like to do if you like reading books read books don't categorize yourself all the time okay just you wanna it's social being social is a skill just improve on it if you want to try something new to try it don't don't be restricted because you put yourself in these categories just do what you like how died is that sounds like what something that an extrovert would say alright another big misconception that really bothers me is that a lot of regular people will state wow you're not good at drawing I thought you graduated from art school art school is not only about drawing okay they have photography interior design 3d sculpture video making is everywhere just it's not only drawing okay just because you graduated doesn't mean you become good you become good by doing it on your free time art school you don't have enough time to do to become professional from art school you become professional by just sticking to something you like doing look at me I'm 3d animation you ever seen 3d from me I don't think so and I'm not calling myself good listen look at me I'm white YouTube it chill art school teaches you how to become a jack of all trades but a master of none our school is just there to dip your toes into different mediums that you never knew you could like but you end up liking and also to help you schedule your life so your life isn't a mess nowaday let's be real it's all about the Diploma get the diploma boom piece of paper baby okay we're gonna finish off with pros and cons and then I'll give you my whole opinion of art school okay pros that diploma obviously a nice thing about going to college is that it gets people off your back like your family members they won't end up worrying that you're not going to get a job or you could be you're not you just playing video games all day and your basement and doing nothing with your time like for some reason whenever you practice art you just think you're doing so when you go to art school you got your diploma it's like back off it's like a little war it is back off I got my diploma back off stop making fun of me you know it's it's so stupid independence independence is actually very important because it makes it forces you to learn certain skills in life without having your mom you know making food every day like my mom or sister - such a nice mom yeah you know okay it's fun really fun it's so fun I can't even explain it it's it's out of this world the independence ties with it you you just feel alive you really do those four years man now I'm back about mom's basement a the energy the vibe everyone being creative left and right it's Hogwarts man I'm just saying you know seeing like my people it just makes you want to work or like want to be creative too so it's very nice feeling testing the waters you get to rent rent a green screen room you get to try it you get to rent cameras you get to rent photography you can do all bunch of stuff for free well not for free we're gonna talk about that later and last but not least friends this is the main reason why you would want to go trust me is so fun if you make the right friends it is a blast please for the love of squid go to open house the very first day that college opens up go and also do dorms do dorms if you want to make friends first date dorms and try your best okay because once once the clique circles start forming your boat so get out there cons there's a hierarchy every so often they'll be like a really talented person that's like really skilled and just really good in general it just surpasses everyone in class and then all the classmates will gather around them trying to become their friend because they feel like they there's a good connection sometime in the future maybe I'll hook them up with the job in the future it's stuff like that it's actually it exists so it'd be wary of that I mean isn't that just life in general so why am I even seeing this okay last con and you know it's coming it's a big one it's expensive it really depends if you want to go to a top private art school or you go to a local yeah they're gonna squeeze every single inch of money out of you you're gonna be dry you're gonna be on your mom's basement just like me okay you got to pay for dorms you got to pay for food you got to pay for art supplies you got to pay for a living in general you also got a bite College books and and everything they do they just try to squeeze your money no matter what you'll you'll you'll know and then you get the big honcho it's the college loans I'm drowning in it and I want you to what I'm giving you a warning the loans are not fun all my friends are still paying for the loans to where we're all in loans loans are fun yay loans yay it's not fun honestly it's like the only kind of art school and it's a big one it's big enough to make you not want to go trust me so we're closing this off this is what you all wanted to hear I am oh is art school worth it okay I had a rerecord this because this could very well be your livelihood here okay I want a squid neutral even harder I'm gonna be real with you okay listen when you get out high school you're like what 17 18 years old you're you're still fetus man your whole life you've been pressured by your parents Society the teachers to go to college to succeed in college and if you don't go you're just a big bozo loser okay this society pressure then forces you to make a life decision way early when you're you're super young and you probably don't know what you want to do and even if you do you probably don't most of my college classmates didn't even know what they wanted to do till way later and I'm the same I didn't even know what I want to do I was at the end of junior year that's like I'm always graduated by then okay and then the next thing you know you're in debt and your freedoms taken away and you got you got you know work paying debt my job right now is just to spook you a little I'm too spooky giving you a little spook you know to make you think a little harder about your your decision there's nothing wrong about art colors there's nothing around about college in general the college is actually very good it's just you got to know what you want you got to know man I'm just trying to give you a light light a little fire in your thought process here okay internet college home all valid when it comes to creativity follow your gut follow your passion improve your skills and have fun so thank you welcome to my TED talk thank you for dieter's talk hey I got you back this way I won't feel guilty anymore and yet we're going back to regular animations next video I knew I had to make this video one day and now's the day okay now I can talk about our school all I want in the future without feeling guilt okay I'm glad that I'm not gonna put people a debt but I'm gonna lay off of art videos for a while I want to do some other stuff and then you know I'll get back to eventually so don't worry about it it'll be a blast so thank you so much for watching you barnacle scum
Channel: Daidus
Views: 1,603,558
Rating: 4.9739747 out of 5
Keywords: art, art college, art school, drawing, painting, architecture, interior design, 3d sculpture, 3d animation, 3d, college, private school, art institute, new york, career, art career, studying, daidus, blue outline, sen, life study, high school, artist, artist life, art problems, art history, abstract, film, photography, industrial design, portfolio, art portfolio, 2d animation, 2d, animation, cartoon, anime, anime art, anime artist, career path, creative, art kids, fashion, illustration
Id: yV_lgQdMjfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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