My Toy Store Retail Job Was A NIGHTMARE (Animation)

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split up no squib neutral from what I've experienced I sure saw this coming bunch of u-boats and pallets and then tuck them away in the back booth load up and crunch a buttload of cardboard into the cardboard baler make sure the store is clear of all boxes go home now tech box cutter any questions why am I here because I wanted to tell you more stories about an ancient relic from the past / - here we go okay first of all before we start I just want to start off by saying that you know every time the store's radio started playing the frozen song you note what song all the workers around would groan and complained meanwhile your boy up over here letting it go and yet this was a daily occurrence awkward group meetings now when you work the night shift at squids aren't we there's the one big rule that you are never allowed to break and lesson an emergency you are not allowed to leave the locked facility until 6:00 a.m. yeah this rule was broken many times this one guy didn't bring his food for break so he must have been starving you know so he went in broke the rules by getting doughnuts at Tim Hortons across the street no big deal right well yeah a group meeting was called and the boss presented him as an example of what could happen to you if you ever broke the main rule it was like watching a public execution fired now let me present to you more awkward group meetings what idiot would order some piece of nut to the store no no we can't open the doors to retrieve it oh my god stupid are you who in the flying smoked in the gun bathroom you've got toilet munchers I've noticed there's someone who keeps going to the bathroom every 30 minutes if you have a bladder problem or anything of the sort you should come see me and let me know oh no he knows yeah it was directed towards me I I don't know why well I was too embarrassed to tell him that I had a weak bladder during them nightly hours ok and I just never said a thing and I continued on with my ritual by peeing more the bosses the bosses work with you so there aren't really any opportunities to slack in fact all these nightshift bosses can go completely wild because no customers are in the store plus the job is so stressful nobody wants to do it so if they ever quit it's hard to replace them they could go absolutely bonkers if they wanted to I've seen it Ryan the first boss before quitting this dude lifts very intimidating he'll split you in half he quit for obvious reasons John and Alice the dual bosses that replaced Ryan [Music] Alex the best for last this guy is a true rager he goes on a cursing spree every night he'll destroy merchandise by crushing them and throwing them across the universe an example oh by the way that happens every night yeah so uh you don't want to be on his bad side he's actually a pretty good guy if workers would stop being stupid and start you know don't do dumb things unfortunately that's not the case if anyone screws up he takes full responsibility and gets extra work piled onto him also he gets chewed out by supervisors crazy Steve again although crazy Steve did the crazy Steve things I've always thought you as a and overall pretty nice dude but then as time went on something happened this man he got corrupted as days go by he would become angrier and angrier he started bossing the other workers around and bragging any chance he gets workers started to learn that they should avoid him and to never trust him he became a snitch if you've talked smack about the bosses he would tell the bosses and the bosses talk smacked about their bosses he would tell their bosses no one was safe this was a downfall of crazy Steve all right you know when you go to animate cons and it smells like straight booty I do well as squids are we there are no exceptions there were three atrociously smelly people that I had to stay clear from at all times if one of those stinkers were on one side of the store I'd be on the other LaHood bless my soul if I ever had to cross paths with him because then I'd have to hold my breath for dear life one whiff and I'm dead the lobster man it was one of those nights where I was out in the back putting cardboard into the baler with another worker and you know when two people are alone together they talk he goes I was a lobster man once but then I threw my back out and Here I am working at the squiddy job I work two jobs every day since I got two little kids to feed oh by the way my wife cheated on me last week I'm sorry to hear oh yeah you remember that guy that got fired for walking to Tim squirt ins yeah that was that guy okay yeah so the store is closed now it went bankrupt I'm sure you guys already know but you know it doesn't exist anymore it's like a fragment of the past it's kind of like blockbuster okay okay I lied it's like one store open somewhere out there they're really trying to crawl out of the dirt here and who knows what might happen we'll wait and see although this job was very stressful it was it's not like interesting memories okay there's a lot of character in the night shift of people everyone was weird there's a part one to this video but although it doesn't really matter which order you watch it in because they're all just many stories of the same store so if you haven't checked that out check it out and you know what happy holidays I'll see you later you barkal scum oh ho ho
Channel: Daidus
Views: 1,061,993
Rating: 4.9741287 out of 5
Keywords: daidus, sen, animation, blue outline, toystore, toy store, toys, toy, stocking, overnight, creepy dolls, work stories, working, job, art, fat guy, 2d animation, cartoon, experience, squid neutral, squ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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