Weird Kids I met in Art School

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université the beginning of your pursuit towards a career that will help you contribute to society and push humanity forward maybe you could be a doctor or an engineer or maybe you're a nerd who likes to draw and you go to art school that was me so Harold you're finally about to graduate high school do you have a plan well it looks like you've made it onto the Honor Roll you landed a scholarship and you've been pre accepted into the nursing program in one of the top universities in this province so I would guess you'll be heading out to nursing school this fall then hang art school wait what so that's exactly what I did I move cities and pursued my bachelor's degree of design and illustration and graphics well that sounds complicated really it should say nerd who likes to draw or wait no maybe professional nerd who can draw kind of really sort of good please hire me but moving on art school art college art university it I don't know maybe the first one art art school people and art and design majors can be some of the most welcoming and open-minded people you'll ever meet an intern will be pretty excited to hear about whatever hobby or interest that you also have friendship is lame this video isn't about the normal people that I met so let's talk about the things that made me go wait what the very first thing that I noticed that art school colors everywhere the first day of school was a student tour and on that day almost half of the crowd had bright neon colored dyed hair and actually it might have been more than half because you would actually stand out more if you had a regular hair color and I thought this is funny because two hours before the student tour me and my friend were walking through campus and at the time she had purple hair and she was telling me gee I sure hope my purple hair doesn't stand out too much of the student tour but when we got there yeah you probably have nothing to worry about I remember back in high school that if someone dyed their hair it'd be pretty big news oh my god you hear that Trisha dyed her hair slightly purple oh my god I want to be her on what planet do girls sound like that but here at art school it's like hey it looks like Vanessa dyed her hair like four different obnoxiously bright colors again for the third time this week well that sure is original now I've seen a lot of dyed hair throughout my years growing up in school and nine times out of ten it would be one color maybe too blended together and it'd be any long or a short style that was it no surprises but this is art school so there are no rules the first strange haircut that I encountered okay imagine a protractor at 30 degrees or maybe a really steep hill and that was this girl's bangs it was just a straight horizontal line not to mention that it was dyed a threeway blend of green blue and yellow and oh you had the bangs they weren't even even it was just all jagged and up and down it was used everywhere and I'm calling them bangs but they were really short now this is actually a thing they're called micro bangs at least that's what I think she was going for and they can look pretty good but this girl definitely was taking a different approach to that it's like she went to the barber and their conversation went something like this hey so are you sure that you want me to do this blindfolded and with my left hand and instead of using scissors you want me to use this old lawnmower yes at one point I gone to a conversation with this girl and I basically asked her what was the inspiration for her high fashioned follicles and she responded and I know I felt like it and that was it I respect that attitude a lot actually just do what you want free of people's opinions and judgments obviously this was a popular concept let's speed through a bunch of different haircuts so of course we just talked about that whatever you want to call this so what else was there someone had a buzz cut died with multiple colors where they actually recreated the famous painting starry night by Van Gogh on their head so that was the thing how much did that painting get sold for again in real life over 100 million wholly moving on rainbow afro rainbow mullets highlighter yellow buzzcut with dyed white lines so that they looked like a tennis ball I'm not even making a joke about that they just wanted to look like a tennis ball this one wasn't a haircut but they just decided to shave their eyebrows off silver and black dreads on the person with no eyebrows oh yeah and sometimes they'd wear one eye contact lens wear whited out their iris yeah that was kind of freaky now I was kind of scared to be honest green and brown curly hair tied up into little individual sections so kind of like a small forest of stir-fry broccoli I love stir-fry and a medium length bob cuts split down the middle with two colors that was actually really cool so yeah that's what I can remember in terms of all the normal haircuts usually the guys either had man buns shaved sides also known as the captain Levi's haircut Mohawks at Mohawks there was also the hashtag my barber has died or gone missing because no one has cut my hair in six years on a hashtag don't own a hairbrush please send help really strong facial hair [Music] bald and of course my favorite the oh look it's a pretty girl with a long hand yeah it's a dude girls had classic and long short styles but now that I'm thinking about it undercuts Mohawks and being bald were equally popular among both groups people just like being bald there was obviously no limit to what you could do with your hair and we didn't have a dress code either but if we did it would probably look like this at art school no one cares about anything and no one sleeps either so basically you can just wear what you went to school so let's go through some of the fun outfits that I encountered in art school let me just say if there is a create character screen before class started a bunch of people just hit the random button a bunch of times that's a pretty accurate way to describe it there was Chris she definitely liked to experiment she would come to school with plastic bugs in her hair sometimes and another time she dressed up as Guy Fieri there was Jessica she dressed up as a forest fairy once well that's how I would describe it short green hair a crown made of branches sparkly eye makeup red face makeup and a green tunic dress I really wanted to ask her if she was like going to an event or something like Comic Con or a cosplay meeting but let's be real probably not the reason was probably cuz it's art school there was my wonderful friend Holly loved that girl she had multiple outfits there is a gold jumpsuit a killer combination of a turtleneck and a fur vest and finally a lab coat for no reason way no there was a reason cuz it was art school actually weights I remember there actually was a real reason not cuz it was art school but she was sick that day so she wore a surgical mask to school and then she was like I just had to complete the look mhm all he was cool shoutout to Holly she drew me a map for my first date it was basically Halloween on whatever day you wanted and actually that reminds me on the day of Halloween we had midterm exams so a bunch of people actually didn't dress up including the fairy girl the girl that dressed up as a fairy on a regular school day didn't dress up for Halloween it's bizarre I know okay I'm going to go through one more person and then wrap this up I'm going to call this guy dante dante mukesh lord Dante Mukesh Lord had a very thick mustache and his wardrobe consisted of tie-dye shirts and a leather trench coat with a lot of straps he liked to talk about things like releasing the mind dude and achieving a spiritual enlightenment man is that none without reference and a lot of his paintings were of himself either being abducted by aliens or a self-portrait with his third eye open and chakra gates but if it wasn't a painting of himself he also enjoyed painting naked girls he had his top two priorities spiritual enlightenment and naked girls yeah dante mukesh laurie interesting guy dante mukesh lord was a first year like me and my friends but he was in his early 30s which is totally cool but sometimes he would comment on other first-year students facebook photos like hey girl Eggar you look good tonight purple hair is sexy just keep in mind some of us had just graduated high school and we were barely half of his age not to mention some of us weren't legal children but anyways Dante Mukesh Lord was a harmless guy I'm sure he was just joking around probably [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: EroldStory
Views: 10,917,887
Rating: 4.9376106 out of 5
Keywords: erold, eroldstory, erold story, erold animate, erold animation, flash, animation, animate, animation squad, funny, story, animated story, school story, art school, dumb story, funny story, art kids, art school kids, erold art, eroldstory art school, erold art kids
Id: Vm6Yu2N-ePI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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