Does Living In New York City Turn You Into a Donkey's Behind?

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split up no squid natural does living in New York turn you into a donkey's bumbum short answer yes I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding relax geez man oh he's so aggressive some of you guys didn't know already I graduated from an art school but why I didn't tell you though was that in order to attend I had to live in Brooklyn for four years okay it's probably why I'm so ghetto yeah what up mice quitter son stop that's how you get shot now my college debt can finally start making sense to you guys okay let's start off by just getting getting the crazy drivers down the way actually never mind it doesn't need explaining okay it's too obvious okay we're moving on we're moving up so all my life I lived in a small city in Maine oh wow that is I love lobster shut your squid melt oh so small in fact that it's pretty common to bump into some people you know while you know you know you're out about everyone drives everywhere people barely walk obesity rate is pretty high ninety four point four percent white people you know one of those areas okay now compare that to my first experience in New York people everywhere get eaten alive by crowds non-stop stores 24-hour delis in every corner different races all across the board and I'm just like man where's the grass now in my first year I was very non abrasive I was always sub cautious about how civil I was being and thus I was always getting taken advantage of and by the time I got to my fourth year it's like I do how to deal with all the bull squid that this city has to offer and the people within it okay let me give you a few examples all right hobo's first year I was like oh yeah yeah yeah hold on man I think I've got a couple quarters you know I just bought a doughnut I think it's in my pocket somewhere I'll do it I got you okay fourth year nah man subway first year I was like man that thing is packed dude there's no way of getting in there and by the time fourth year rolls around I'm splitting the crowd with my arms like as if I'm Moses crossing the Red Sea okay okay okay so next next there was this dude in Times Square it was basically her ass for me to talk to him I talked to him he then asked me for my name I told him Titus and do you know what he does he writes my name in permanent marker on his fire mixtape CD and by the way it's not fire and then he starts blabbering while manipulating my feelings to feel bad for struggling underground artists and also it made me feel guilty because my goddamn name was on a CD which he has to give to other people but not not anymore my my name is on it so being a pushover self that I was I gave him the last remaining cash that I had $10 and then I heard these words that come out of his mouth that's it okay time to commit murder hey hey hey hey listen listen if I ever find your rap on soundcloud you knows who's who's downloading and you know who's who's comedy okay you know though you know who's the hater is okay it's me it's me okay I'm the hater do you know what I would have done during my fourth year nah man all right so so fashion is actually pretty important in New York lots of freedom of expression and you can get away with many different styles while also in fluctuating your own ego and then I come back home to Maine during my school vacation and what do you know would you look at that I'm overdressed and it looks like I'm trying too hard well whoop well it looks like I gotta find a nearest hoody in gym shorts like everyone else walking around okay sweet you go uh-oh don't go don't get me started on this one okay the social class break-ins are all over the place okay ego is what starts all the donkey but ism in the first place okay just go to Soho just go to Soho and you'll know what I'm talking about okay okay enough said so did I turn into a donkey butthole no I'm very close I would say my nature has totally changed though I was such an such an innocent squid it basically made me form like an extra layer of protection over me you know maybe like three layers but you thought ninja vultures steal your food was bad ah they they got Hokage vultures over here okay they say be still more than food all right let's just say that you thought being a barnacle scum was bad well over here is a bark of aura G okay so what did we learn from all of this humanity sucks Harambee okay whoa hold on hold on we about to squid neutral okay I see you angry I actually really enjoyed living in New York and it still got a lot of friends I made over there okay a lot of the opportunities you can find there because of the massive amount of variety and people you know compared to a unpopulated area okay you just gotta filter it through the filter little okay a lot of film I love the city it's great it's great city also if you haven't been to New York before you can still pretty much apply this to any high dense population that you've been to but I need to quickly explain why people act the way they do in New York okay you have to be more protective of yourself when out and about okay a lot of people will take advantage of any signs of kindness okay it because it's hard to trust people all the time you know how it is dude everyone everyone's been taken advantage of at one point okay well in the big city it's more likely to happen thus making yourself quote unquote stronger okay a more selfish okay let's be real here subscribe to me you Sbarro's farkles coming in the closet you you closet Barnacles Cup come out I know everyone comes out eventually okay it's up to me
Channel: Daidus
Views: 1,638,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stephen king, lobster, maine, new york, united states, new york pizza, city, city life, living, big city, la, animation, animated, drawing, anime, art, art school, brooklyn, manhattan, soho, storytime, story, life, draw my life, donkey, donkey behind, orange hat, daidus, sen, fat guy, art girl, cartoon, animated story, real life, new york experience, country boy, thug, scam artist, scammers, subway, new york subway, new york fashion, fashion, ego, hobos, crowded, college, college life, animatic
Id: ylKTgdRglrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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