Murder Investigation! Please HELP US Find Her Killer/s Still On The Loose! (Not Clickbait)

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[Music] welcome back to another episode of grime spines [Music] guys before we get this video started i have a huge huge massive favor to ask you some of you probably saw my post that my oldest daughter madison who is in college her sister who was 24 years old my exes daughter was murdered here in the dallas area two days ago [Music] she had a little kid died from my ex man my heart goes out to her and her husband we want to do what we can to help her they're trying to raise the money to do the funeral thing and guys think about it this little baby just lost her mother it is an ongoing investigation [Music] hey guys welcome to cropspot we are what is today sunday sunday about to unload this so we don't look like white trash any longer looking like white trash two to three days is about my top and then i like to clean it up and i like to do it all over again so there's like three or four days there where i'm normal we gotta unload this we're gonna head to greenville texas to have lunch with some family we're gonna do an update on the house probably the mom and pops renovation we have to try to fit this into here we're gonna do church in the truck on the way to greenville because that's like a 45-minute uh drive you know with aids not the aids the corona pandemic it's getting colder it's spreading hate spreading some of y'all fools are just nasty people and you need to like gargle dawn soap because you're just hateful and you're dirty inside and you need jesus hey let's get this action shot of opening this all right guys check out my hook job y'all it's sunday morning this that's pretty nice i like it what the net it works really well oh you said nut yeah uh so y'all we got to get all of this unhooked the whole freaking family's here helping y'all y'all i don't want to just leave this on here no y'all look at my garage okay so look this is cool we still haven't gone through a lot of this stuff this is like for real like this probably from the amazon now i'm thinking about this is amazonian oh look at that whoa i never noticed that before look at that that's pretty cool that's cool uh all right so there's that um then look we got all these tubs y'all we still gotta go through like we still gotta go through these this is stuff down here that like i just started picking out it was like new new product um that stuff they haven't seen you haven't seen look at all this new product um yeah oh do you need this hey guys you need that what is that oh it's a towel okay so but look at all this new product down in here oh look you off we go we're gonna give jesus two plugs in one video oh man now i'm gonna oh we gotta go don't we yeah we do y'all look down here this is like all new office supplies i kept this stuff for you dang neighbors just were peeping games like dang they're white trash on sunday too varies it varies hey check this out look at this vintage navy hat that's a sailor's hat oh that's cool that's pretty awesome oh look at these this is like a magnet collection look at these oh look oh whoa is that gold whoa huh oh hi guys can i find gold oh look dope buck and i ain't about mine what is it a walk on the wild side it looks like the lion king but look at these these are cute uh we need more magnets i know hayden's been doing art oh look at this stuff dear i forgot i didn't show you all this stuff's in here oh really yeah awesome bluetooth keyboard case wait bluetooth keyboard is it in there oh it's for an ipad it's just the keyboard but i get it now look iphone 6. uh what else do we got down here there's records down in there y'all i'm telling you i have so much unboxing i need to just stop and that's actually what we're gonna do we're doing like a huge one dollar sale we're just gonna list everything in the garage start at one dollar whatever it is it is because we've already like well more than quadruple cadupled like our profits right on what we spent so this is all like what what would go like you know when you're like this is the icing on the cake what's on the icing sprinkles like this is the sprinkles this is sprinkles like this is sugar yes what the dust like like the shiny sugar i know what it is i flashed back to high school that was one of my nicknames sugar dust oh yeah sugar dust [Music] [Music] hey guys hey y'all check it out y'all remember that bag did i stop that uh i was about to call him a crackhead but i'm not gonna do that because that's not nice and it's not right even though i do believe that he probably ingested or somehow uh got methamphetamine into his system on that day because he was acting a while ago but check it out so i really didn't have more of the video so i'll just share the little story right now slow down time slowing down yo i'm gonna get a thing that reads her her uh thing onto the camera that would be awesome y'all uh well we're saying oh yeah so i have this bag so anyway gina and kennedy went and got in line to pay for the stuff and i was just browsing around and i wasn't gonna say anything but he came back around the corner we kind of were right here and i just said hey are you the one that's been tearing open the bags he's oh man he got upset and said why would you say that i said well when i saw you and i said what's this crap he had a ziploc bag a new ziploc bag in his cart that hadn't been stapled or anything and he was going tearing stuff out and filling up his own bag and i think there was a little stapler in there so i think he was just going to staple it shut and put his own price tag on it so anyway but he walked off and um anyway i'm sure he left but when we walked in the store he was actually coming out and they noticed that his pockets were bulging and stuff but y'all hey man slow down all right y'all so hey let's unbag this real quick let's see what the uh the the guy the guy let's see what the guy didn't get y'all he came back over there when he didn't see me this is the bag i think he was coming back for because i checked all the other bags and i looked in his bag he was making and it was all of the kind of stuff i would have wanted but i'm telling you the bag he had was like this big and it was stuff so that's just anna ticks me off so hey guys look we got a polly pocket i'm joking it's 2012 wb something it might be uh so anyway i bought this bag because i saw this because i'm actually looking for more little uh like pvc figures uh to cast in silver once i'm done now this is 1991. it's a little yosemite sam uh what are these do you remember these what is it mad money ladyluck casino hotel uh there's quite a few of these little guys oh i saw this one oh yeah boy look you didn't know you're gonna find madonna in a bag look is that rescue rangers isn't it uh i can't this is 19.89 y'all let me know in there rescue rangers chippendale rescue rangers the little chick look she's got a suction cup yeah that looks like an areola we should not lick that no y'all look how he's looking at me uh y'all check it out it's madonna do you know what this is you know madonna's you don't really know what donuts oh wow they don't know who don is y'all check it out that's actually madonna from dick tracy oh dick tracy was so good yeah that's her from dick tracy oh that'd be a cool figure to make oh wait this is marilyn monroe this is madonna from dick tracy this is actually marilyn monroe and it is a 1990 i think that's maryland hey guys alright what else do we have in here there's these little teddy bear figures with little bar stools that's weird hey look uh legos little lego people oh look it's a little duke hey look bang it's a baby duke do you want this it's an eraser for your pencil who wants it whoever grabs it first can have the baby duke once this video goes off you don't get the duke stop trying to act proud right now i knew it y'all look little pokey balls y'all he didn't get the pokeballs is that what these are are these pokeballs look these little things right here y'all let me know those eggs y'all look that's definitely uh i think that's evie or whatever oh look that's cute hey man that lady just looked at me i got a rescue ranger look what are these she's jealous of your wrestling she is she's like dang that dude's got a killer blank 182 shirt on and a rescue ranger on his head this is actually not a little bad bag we paid five bucks for this bag yeah what is this y'all what did we teach these kids oh who do we got to get on for this tycho what is that y'all look who made this he's got a budweiser in his hand i'm not joking it's a baby budweiser this is obviously a kid's toy right look at it no but look he's got a bubble oh there's glue on it y'all somebody put a beer on this kid's freaking he probably was like hey daddy i learned to look like you could a beard just want him to look like uh y'all look at winnie the pooh that's too big to cast in silver yeah that would actually be him he would be so cute though i might do that that'd be a lot of silver hey guys in the comments into the chit chat let me know what kind of stuff do you want oh y'all want to see mario you could cast them in bronze y'all this thing's getting so shiny i wish you could see this isn't even close to being done i mean i'm getting a mirror finish all around here so look at that i'm keeping this little part this is going to actually be mounted down in his uh his box his shadow box but i want to leave that there so people see like actually what he looked like uh but anyway so there's mario y'all just carry him around in my pocket uh y'all might have a red dot on my forehead you are i'mma tell him i'm practicing being an indian what y'all what is this from little banana thinking she all sexy and stuff that's inappropriate interesting it is it's from animation claymation yeah what is that there's another one in here that looked like it all right guys i think that might be all wait there's a okay hello my kitty a hello my kitty y'all there's a ton of baby minions in here oh look look how many minions are in here can y'all see the minions yeah those are cute yeah they are literally you should do something amazing yeah little sil little these will probably be about an ounce too yeah look at that would be really cool y'all want to see a sterling silver minion jaw like that's probably about the right size look these are probably pretty easy to do yo we might make some little uh silver minions all right guys that's all that hold on let's see listen oh man oh that wasn't impressive ah look yep all right man there's a circle in your head i've got a queeful hole on my head oh yeah guys check these out i found these in a unit uh i'm keeping these because uh i'm gonna use these for editing so like when we're driving like today we're going to have lunch with family and they don't want to hear my business so i can do that and all my uh inappropriate weevil that's not inappropriate i mean i don't think so guys random thought if i ever become a luper alicia what's it called is it a what a lucha libre i don't even know the hispanic wrestlers uh a lucha replay what is it you know what i'm talking about y'all but if i ever become one i'm gonna become elf people you do not want to see my finishing move alright guys now we uh here for the update all right we are here in the front uh again if you have not seen the video i will also put that video down in the link so you can go back and see how this place our in-laws jenna's parents lived up north about four five six hours six hours gina drives like three and a half if i drive but they moved here local they bought a piece of land and they bought this house and they're renovating so go back watch that video check it out it's going to be a complete renovation kind of going old mid-century modern style so let me flip this bad boy around and we will do a tour and an update of what is going on and maybe a classic car it's hiding over there it's called a thing google it actually don't google that do not google thing let's not do that one kids all right guys so here is the driveway all right guys there's the patriot uh so look circle driveway i'm sure they're gonna do something out there oh there's a pond there uh so here is the front getting a complete gutting man putting new stone in all this don't even know what they're doing here they're walking around with gina hey so let's go inside somebody knocked a hole in their wall yo yo look how different this is well it's way different so they've basically gutted the whole freaking house y'all look i mean they've got everything they go to the island out they made they're making this into a big sunroom uh these are all brand new freaking windows right here as you can see i really like how they put these huge windows in and open this up so this is gonna be a big sun room i think this is gonna be like a den over here hey guys where'd they go oh they're way down there hey look they're sitting way down there guys there they are all right so we're gonna go through here uh camera oh this laundry room big laundry room kitchen [Music] uh let's see what else so basically that's it guys that's all they've done in here uh it's cosmetic stuff i mean look they're really doing everything they said they were getting it i don't even know why you just don't build a new house but anyway all right so there it is it's a very long house huge backyard oh there's the thing okay guys look there's the thing pops says he's gonna redo that thing but um i've been married to janet for almost eight years and i've never seen that thing touched he doesn't ever touch his thing that's weird justin y'all look at that big backyard all right guys so that's the tour of the inside you've seen they haven't done anything in the backyard so hey that is the quick update on the house not a full video but hey we just kind of jumped around guys from y'all go share that thing down in the comments for real please do that um just please do that that'd be awesome before we end this video please the the gofundme you don't have to do anything here's what i'm doing i'm trying to get money i've already hold on me and gina have donated some money to that gofundme but we are also doing some other things we are also putting together some reward money i'm legitimately putting up some of my own cash for my ex and for my daughter uh sister and we're going to put together as much reward money as we can i'm going to call the police department tomorrow in carrollton to get that process going i don't want to take any money personally we're going to set that up with them somehow however we're supposed to do that legally we are going to start a reward system because here's one two things if it was someone they know probably not going to work with the reward system if it was one of the drug dealers or look i drove through this apartment complex there's a lot of drug activity could have been something like that but it couldn't have been but a reward we'll find that out so i'm gonna get together reward money we're gonna catch this son of a gun guys hey seriously please this video right here the link to what happened to the news channel all the links are down there you can kind of support it see look please help please help them if you can you can spare a few bucks i'm doing my part too again this is the older sister of um my oldest daughter who is in college doing her college thing so anyway um we want to definitely help her her mom uh i'll be honest catch the bastards that did it and man i just i can't even imagine man what she's going through that just breaks my heart there it is guys hey let's share let's get the word out let's help them that member whenever you look at that gofundme there is a little bitty baby precious girl that's never going to see your mom ever again someone's got to take on that burden and guys there's a lot more to this story i'm sure you're going to see in the news i'm telling you don't be weird don't be weird with my kids i'm telling you i'm just telling you i know a lot of y'all think i'm goofy but every man has his limits so let's be nice let's help let's catch this guy uh and let's try to help this family out love you guys see you at the next [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 11,874
Rating: 4.9058414 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, lunkers tv, rob lunkers, Googan squad, Googan baits, YouTube auction, auctions, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, sourcing, eBay seller, amazon seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, girls fighting, american pickers
Id: ndQbcYC8Pkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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