Munch Madness Taste Test: Chips

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Today we bring the crunch to Munch Madness. Let's talk about that. <i> ( music playing )</i> Good mythical morning! Today Rhett's going to transform me into a human marshmallow Peep. - Mm-hmm. - Mmm! And then we're gonna play a game where we try to identify Easter eggs in movies while gulping down raw eggs. - Mmm. - But first, we're in a our third category of snacks in our Munch Madness snack bracket! We've already crowned the best salty and meaty/cheesy snacks, but now it's time for... Okay, to recap, you guys voted to determine the top eight snacks within each category of our humongous Munch Madness bracket. Look at that thing! Alex, wake up! After you picked Bugles I haven't been really the same. Yes. Okay, of course, in meaty/cheesy Cheetos won and is moving on to the Final Four, and in salty the controversial advancer, - Yeah, guys. - Bugles. We've seen your comments. You're not happy. At least some of you aren't. And tomorrow we tackle sweets next but today we crown the ultimate chip. Yeah, chips had to be its own category, because there are just so many good chips and they deserve a special spot. Here's how we identified a chip. Any broad and flat, fried or baked, and made of corn or potato thing is a chip. A cracker is usually made of wheat... - Right. - ...and is in the salty category, which we've already tackled. Pretzels are not chips. Cheetos are not chips. Chocolate chips are not chips - even though they're called chips. - Right. And here are our top eight favorite chips, according to you. Lay's Sour Cream & Onion, Ruffles, Pringles, Lay's Barbecue, Doritos Cool Ranch, Lay's, Doritos Nacho Cheese, and Fritos. I cannot believe that Lay's Salt & Vinegar potato chips is not on the bracket! Or Ruffles Cheddar, Sour Cream, - which I think is my favorite chip. - I know. I thought that would be like a dark horse. But again you guys voted. Over 10,000 of you voted and those were not in the top eight. - They were close, but they were not in the top eight. - They were in the 64, but you did not put them there. - So-- hey. - So, it's your fault! Our top seed, Sour Cream & Onion 4,149 votes versus the eight seed. Got 2,055 votes. Oh, man. - I know I love these-- - I know and love these chips. - Whoa! - What? - Know and love? - I didn't say know and love I said I know I love but-- - Oh I said I know and love. - And you said I know and love. And then we just synched up. Let's do everything in sync the rest of the day. - Such a good chip. - Yeah. You don't have to like sour cream or onion to love these chips. - Or chips. - Yeah. Now, a Ruffle-- Look at this packaging and it's got this kind of retro feel to it. Like our chip hasn't changed in decades. - Mm-hmm. - It's a strong chip. It's got ridges. It is a good chip. It's a solid chip. - Got a lot of crunch. - But it doesn't bring anything. It's just a missed opportunity. Sour Cream & Onion, man. This is a clear winner. This was a blowout. I respect the ridges but I 100% agree. Sour Cream & Onion has got to move on. Easy, easy. Look at that. Your technique is improving every day. Appreciate that. All right, now we got our middle seeds. Original Pringles which received 3,500 votes versus Barbecue Lay's which had just around 3,000 votes. Now one of the things I love about chips is the irregular nature of them. Like I love these ones that fold over on each other. - You don't get that with Pringles, though. - Grab one of these first. Let's eat in tandem. And then with Pringles you don't get that 'cause they're all uniform. It's so tough because we're doing this the way that they naturally matched up based on votes 'cause-- typically something that has a flavor is gonna have an advantage in a side by side taste test with something that doesn't have a flavor. - But this is-- - So I'm trying to put myself back into a place where I don't need that flavor. Pringles are such a left field concoction of potato chippiness. You know? Everything that they decided was part of a manufacturing process. How do they even make these? These are obviously potatoes that are sliced very thin and then fried. What happened here? It does raise a lot of questions. It's definitely not a sliced potato. I think this would be like one of those Instagram videos that I watch on loop like 500 times. How Pringles are made. And then I would probably be voting for them. But I find myself leaning towards the Barbecue Lay's because whenever I go to an outdoor party there's a lot of these bags because people feel the need to have this there. For some reason, psychologically this needs to be at a barbecue. - ( screams ) - Oh, gosh! Look what you done now. Versus Pringles, especially the like non-flavored ones. I like the cheddar ones. I like the Sour Cream & Onion but I don't love-- That's the tricky thing about these is because more people like plain than the polarizing flavors that this ends up being the Pringles that made it to our bracket but I'm sorry, Pringles. Sweet, barbecuey. It just doesn't-- It's not better than that right now. - It moves on. - Barbecue Lay's moves on. Link: Congratulations, Lay's! Cool Ranch Doritos is seed three with 3,801 votes versus the Classic Original Lay's, seed six with 2,608 votes. Now I don't even have to taste these to know how strongly I feel about Cool Ranch Doritos moving on. - I mean-- - This is a magical chip. This is-- they tie with-- Cheddar, sour cream chips as my favorite chip. - Really? - I love Cool Ranch Doritos. - I'm a Nacho Dorito man. - Well, I love those as well. - I like the orangies. - But if I had to chose, - if you backed me into the corner of a Dorito-- - There's three of those. I would hope that it would be Cool Ranch. Now we might've made a mistake. - Don't eat too many of those right now. - I can't help it. Because the flavor profile might dominate the Classic Lay's chip. This chip to me is like a Buddhist monk. It's just like-- It's sitting there content. It knows that it's got it together. But it would never come off that way to anyone. - It's not pretentious? - Not pretentious. You think Doritos Cool Ranch is trying too hard? - They're calling themselves cool. - Yep. And if you're really cool you shouldn't say it, - you should just be cool. - Yeah. Trying to get in with the cowboys, with the ranch! Well, you're not gonna budge me from this, man. I can't-- I will never betray my Cool Ranch Doritos. These are clearly moving on in my mind. - And if you feel that strongly about Lay's-- - Well, it takes two to tango. I-- here's the thing. I really like this chip. I think there's other Doritos that are better, but this one right here it's just-- it's beautiful in its simplicity. - Are you saying that's your choice? - This is my choice. - Yes, I'm not-- - We need a tiebreaker! Rhett: It's our favorite singing transmission repairman in all of Burbank, California, - Goorgen! - Yes! Link: Come on over! Goorgen, we need your help, man. Take a seat, Goorgen. How you doing? Hi! How are you? - We're doing great! - Good to see ya, man! - It's always good to see ya. - Nice to meet you again. Now, you may remember Goorgen from the commercial we made for him. - Shift it, shift it. - Yeah, of course. Shift it, shift it forward. Shift it, shift it-- In reverse. Yeah. Well, we've got a much easier task. You don't have to shift anything because you are making the determination on which one of these chips is better. Taste each and just let us know what you think. Which one is better I can take home with me? - The one I choose? - Yeah, yeah. - Rhett and Link: You can take the whole bag. - Okay. - Good, right? - Rhett, shh! Now try this one. Seem a little surprised there for a second. I'm confused because mixed together-- But I guess this one is better than other one. I can have this one? That's right! Cool Ranch Doritos! He said he guesses this one's better. - I don't care what he does. - Are you certain? Okay... this one. Yes! Here you go, Goorgen. We need-- We need to keep basketball. Okay, you can have that. All right, Alex. The transmission repairman has spoken! - Rhett: Yes. - Cool Ranch Doritos moves on. Link: Whoo! And finally in seed two with 3,957, Nacho Cheese Doritos versus seed seven, Fritos comes in with 2,055 votes. Well let's-- Let's follow your advice from last round. - Right. Good point. - Let's go with the more - plain flavored thing first. - Yep. These have got a really strong crunch. Something that you may not even understand unless you've eaten so many chips like we just have. I love Fritos, but I very rarely if ever eat them alone. I put them into things, like I put them into chili. - I love 'em hiding below some chili... - Yeah. - ...because they're so crunchy-- - Even sticking up, not hiding. - Half hide, half not hide. - Okay. But this right here is my favorite Dorito. And you know what? I absolutely love it. The nacho cheese punch is in your face! - I'm sorry, but-- - It's orange! - There is no competition. - Nope, none at all. Doritos blows Fritos... Both: Out of the water. - Link: Alex. - Rhett: There we go. Link: Watch your back, Alex. No, I just mean bend with your knees next time. Got it. All right, we've got a Lay's off. The one seed versus the five seed. The good news here is no matter what happens we're getting Layed. - Yep. - Now let's start with these. I-- again I love the curled over ones. Smellin' it. Kinda smells like the bottom of a hamster cage. - That's your hand. - Oh. - It's the perfect chip. - The perfect chip? It is a perfect chip. Is this also a perfect chip? Bigger flavor, much bolder. Sticks with you. Sweetness. Not really much heat. Got a smokiness to it. Smokiness, exactly right. Very good chip. Which I do not prefer over the Original Lay's. - Really? - And I'm lovin' this. Again, any chip that makes you like sour cream and onion, is an accomplishment. Sour Cream & Onion brings me more joy. More joy in the mouth. Brings me more joy than most things in my life. More than your kids? - Oh, definitely. - Okay. All right, then Sour & Onion it is! Moving on! Man, Doritos versus Doritos. - Dang! - And this is like-- This says a lot about who you are, which one of these you prefer. And they're so close in seeding, two and three seed. I am feeling the weight of responsibility! - But I know which-- - I've already said that I like these better. And I've already said that I like these better. Get one of your special folded over ones. Look, there's one right there. - So cheesy. - You're gonna like that. So cheesy over here, man. - That's very tangy. The tang in there. - Yeah. - Too much tang? - No. They're both very bold-- You can't have too much tang. That hits hard with the tang, but this hits hard with the nacho! It's a crapshoot, man. It just comes down to personal preference and-- - I'm standing my ground. - I'm standing my ground. We're gonna have to have another tiebreaker. You remember him when he was here a second ago. It's Goorgen! Link: Whoo! Come on over, Goorgen. - Ah, Goorgen. - Your job is not done today, man. How you doing? - This one's tougher, man. - You can sit right in there. This one's tougher. Now we've got Doritos and Doritos. Okay, this is a big deal. Okay? The internet is hanging on your decision. - Mm-hmm. - Taste 'em. - Taste and see. - Taste. How about this one? He's going with the Cool Ranch for his first bite. Still good, still cool. Looking downward inside his own soul to find the answers. What? This one is the barbecue. - What? - I think I prefer this one. - You prefer this one? - Yes. He prefers this one! He prefers the Nacho Cheese! - Okay. - You like cheese over cool ranch. - This is the better one. - Yes! - Okay. - He says it's the better one. Well, the people do agree with you. So you know what? I think this is a good decision. - You've made a good decision. - Okay. - I'm not gonna take it personally. - Thank you so much. - Thank you, Goorgen. - Thank you. Move it along, Alex. Link: Thank you, Goorgen. All right, you know what to do. Oh, me! Here we are at the final for this region. - We haven't had any upsets... - Yeah. - this bracket. - Number one and the number two seed go head to head just as expected. And now let's try 'em again. For the first time. It's still good. Every time I bring it back to my mouth - I'm reminded how happy I am. - Mm-hmm. Can't eat just one. Dorito is so good, though. It's just jam-packed with flavor. But not too much. Like I want more of it. You know what I'm saying? I would snort that dust. I would-- The Dorito dust is so good! It's one of the most intense snack flavors there is, in terms of cheese. And, again, now when you go back to this it might shape your opinion of it, because-- - It feels almost weak. - There's more salt. Does this help? Well, you do look happier. I don't like how you're licking your tooth. It's a little odd. You can't do that with the Doritos bag. Try it. Try it and see how happy you get. That just looks like a man covering up his face with a Doritos bag. A little ashamed. Now, I feel like I've made this decision at countless, like, drop in, drop out parties. That is a great point. You look at the table and you've got Sour Cream & Onion chips and Doritos. Most likely the Nacho Cheese because people will buy those before the Cool Ranch. And I always, always return to my first love. I am completely on the fence. It's a gentle lover. But since you, gentle lover, are on the-- are on the-- Don't call me gentle lover. You're not calling yourself that? No. It is my gentle lover. Since you believed that the sour cream is a gentle lover, you've swayed me off of the fence onto your side. And I think that we're sending the number one seed, surprise, surprise, Sour Cream & Onion heads to the Final Four! It was-- it was tough going there but we made the decision. Whoo! How do you feel, Alex? Feeling good. And I think you are a gentle lover probably. Probably. Thanks for Goorgen for helping us out today. - Twice! - Yeah. Check out his transmission shop, Arlen's Transmission. - Yes. - He's singing with a microphone - on the sign. - Yes. - He can do it all, people. - Yeah, anything you need. Even eat chips. Next up, Rhett's turning me into a human marshmallow Peep. Because why not? <i> We love brands even when they don't sponsor us</i> <i> and we love you for getting this shirt.</i> <i> Available at Mythical.Store.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,409,569
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Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett munch madness taste test chips, link munch madness taste test chips, munch madness taste test chips, chips, gmm taste test, munch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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