Multiple X32s | Stage I/O | and Local Input Sharing | w/AES50

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[Music] hi everybody so happy you could join me today and we're going to be tackling probably the number one question i've been getting uh from day one since i started this channel just recently i've been able to figure this out myself um and i've been learning a little bit more about the aes50 networking of the x32 and the um m32 platform consoles and this kind of does apply to the wing as well uh the gui of the wing is a tiny bit different than that of the x32s but um actually it's a lot different than the x32s but uh the the principles will still stay the same so the first thing i'm going to be talking about today is advanced networking between two x32s and an s32 stage box so for sake of this example we're actually going to delete this out of draw ao and we're going to reference this draw draw io file you know for for a little while here today so what i'm going to be discussing is essentially how to share inputs from the s32 stage box to both x32s or 2x32s on your on your x32 network and also share local inputs between these two consoles most people have the inclination to set up your s32s in a manner where both of your x32s are directly connected to your s32 stage box now for this example what i've basically done is connected the s32 stage box only once to the x32 at front of house and then i've connected the x32 broadcast console to the x32 at front of house directly so the aes 50 a port is going to be on the s32 is going to the aes 50a port on the x32 the x32s at front of house uh the b port is connected to the x32 broadcast a port that way we're able to share not only the s32 inputs and outputs but also inputs and outputs between both the x32 at front of house and the x32 at broadcast so basically we have local input sharing and then we also have stage i o sharing which is a feature that's found on really expensive consoles consoles that i've used to work with like the digico platform consoles the yamaha consoles and what i'm going to be explaining today is super duper simple also i will be selling these configuration files i usually never sell configuration files but this is something you can actually just follow along with the video do this yourself save your save yourself some money but i'm also doing some console design things so uh and audio networking design uh you know projects remotely so if you're interested in getting in touch with me about that send me an email don and i would be glad to assist you with that and also i will be again be selling these routing configurations today for this template that i'm showing you now so the reason i have an arrow in red here between the because remember these green arrows are going to be the ones that are is actually sharing i o so the s32 is going to be connected to the x 32 at front of house then the x32 at front of house is going to be connected to the x32 broadcast that's those green arrows now another thing you can do is if you're worried about problems with um uh you know one console failing is you can run an additional aes50 line between the s32 stagebox and the x32 at broadcast the reason i don't particularly uh recommend doing that unless you're doing this like as an emergency situation is that you can actually use the s32 s32's b port to connect to an additional console like a monitor desk so you have a lot of flexibility i haven't actually tested that but i'm pretty sure it's possible we might do that in a different video so today i won't actually be connected to an actual x32 until much later in the video where i'll show you guys how i'm running stuff here at transformation church in middletown new york you can find us on uh online our i think our website is you can go find me on there you can go find you know the pastors and everything everybody that works here and you know learn a little bit more about the church and if you're ever in the area please stop on by i'd be glad to have you here at the church and you know teach you guys or show you guys some things that we're doing here that are pretty innovative and you know for a church our size it's probably rare to see us still on the x-32 network but i mean it works and we like it so with that being said we're gonna make this diagram happen today so the basically the way i'm gonna be doing this is i'm gonna be setting up two scenes one is a front of house desk and one as a monitor desk so first i guess we'll make our front of house desk and route those route things correctly so again our aes50a connection is going to be the stage box so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the user in page here i would recommend if you're going to be doing this routing do it from the user in page let's actually build a show file let's say input one is uh kick and put two is snare tom one i'm actually just going to build this real quick i'm going to do 32 inputs worth of information all right i'll rush through that all right so i kind of just built this out real quick um this is basically just i've done this like it would be a church um so essentially what i have here is eight drum mics um for some reason it's showing that i have input there which makes no sense i'm not connected to any console um but uh so we have eight drum bikes two guitar mics an acoustic and an electric i guess i forgot a bass but whatever i guess you might have that in your tracks we have three background vocal mics a lead mic two passer mics keys uh two audience mics talk back front of house and then a talkback broadcast mic so that's gonna be interesting showing you guys how to route the audio between the two desks now i'm also gonna set up a few auxes here so let's say on aux 1 we have um let's say we have i don't know ipod left and we also have ipod right we don't really we would never use that but we'll link those and then we'll also have propresenter 7 left and then propresenter 7. oh my god i hate max sometimes propresenter seven right and then let's say we also have a loop and a click and those can stay that color so those are going to be linked as well so we have six aux inputs ipod propresenter loop and click and then we also have these 22 inputs here so i'm gonna link these two because i'm actually gonna sell this as a configuration file so i want everything to look nice and nice and crisp for you guys um so yeah so now we have that all set up now you guys are gonna have to customize this to your uses if you do decide to buy it that's up to you but um obviously this is kind of just a short and sweet example of how to do this um so the first thing we're going to be doing is since this is our front of house console we're going to save this as our front of house let's just make sure i'm still recording yep all right let's just save this as our front of house configuration under scenes so we're going to click zero we're gonna click save and then input share oh my goodness gracious share one actually let's call that front of house sorry front of house of course that gets cut off so let's just call it uh youtube um front of house all right let's just save that boom so now that's saved so now let's jump into our routing what we're going to do is go ahead and go to our inputs page and take our inputs from user inputs 1 through 32. so this is basically going to be the inputs all the inputs that you're seeing here and then our aux ins can just come from the physical auxins on the back of the console all right so let's go to the user in page to route all of these so our s32 is again plugged into aes50a so we're going to go ahead and one to one patch everything coming from aes50a into the board until we get to input inputs input 18 so there's 18 and then we want to take our local inputs so you can see 19 20 and 21 are going to be patched from front of house from the local inputs so let's say oops i just messed that up so inputs 1 through 18 are mapped to the aes 58 connection and then we want local inputs so say audience left and right we're on local inputs one and two and talk back front of house was on input three so basically now we go here and you can see our input signal patch stays the same as 50 a 17 and 18 are going into input 17 and 18 and now we're going to take our local inputs by coming over here clicking local from 1 and two and then three is our um talkback mic all right and now talkback broadcast is actually gonna come from aes50bs uh channel one i'm sorry i just messed that up again so we wanna come here and then select as50b one so as50 b1 is going to input 22. and you could see that all of these inputs have um digital trim right now and the reason that that is is because synchronization is set to what do we want this to be set to i think unless the con the uh yeah so unless the um the actual unit is visible it's not going to be able to give you gain connection but or gain control but basically these first 21 inputs will all have gain control from front of house so your gain will be controlled at front of house and your talkback broadcast and uh input is coming that will have digital trim which is this blue because it is coming from another console so now basically what we want to do is go to user out and user outputs 1 through 48 we're going to have the option of sending whatever we want out of those outputs so basically we want this to almost match our user input page so out of user outputs 1 through 18 again is going to come from the sagebox so basically what we're going to do is if we go to the as50b page aes50b will be our broadcast console so we're going to select user outputs 1 through 48 to be sent out of aes50b to our broadcast console so let's go to the user out page i'm actually going to patch all the s32 inputs that are plugged into the front of house desk to aes50b i'm sorry aes out of so inputs coming from aes50a are going to go out of user output 17 through 17 through 48. the reason i'm doing that is to basically allow for my aux in remap to be able to be assigned to at the broadcast desk to be able to be assigned to aes50 a 1 through 6 because those are the only available aes50 connections that you can use the remap for so basically all the as50a connections on the front of house desk are going to be coming out between outputs 17 through 48. so aes50a i'm sorry as50a is going to go out of user output 17 a1 so as50 a1 is going to go out of user output 17 and then all of these are going to go accordingly so one as50 a1 is going to go out of user output 17. as50 a2 is going to go out of user output 18 so we just have to make sure that reflects on the broadcast side of side of things so these are going to go all the way down to um 18 again and we're almost at 18. so the last aes 50a connection going out of aes50b to the broadcast desk using the user outputs is going to be uh output 34 and that's aes50a18 so basically we're using 18 we're still using 18 user outputs to get our 18 connections from the stagebox out of aes50b if this is not making sense to you just just let me know if you're a patron on uh just let me know and i can explain this a bit further it might seem complicated it's really not and then our local um our local talkback we also want to send to the broadcast desk so now we come to outputs 33 through 40 and then our next available one uh actually we're going to be sending more than that we're going to send our two audience mics out of output 35 and 36 and our talk back bro and our um talk back at front of house mike excuse me all right so now what we're gonna do now is out of the first uh 16 outputs you you have way more than you need probably so now we're going to send our local aux inputs one through one through six out of outputs user outputs one through six so we're just going to go ahead and select this tile right here aux in one through six and then patch all of our auxiliary inputs to that to the first six user outputs all right so now we have them already set to go out of aes50b so now basically to go to the all of our user outputs are getting sent um out to aes50b and then as50a is our stagerack connections these you can just leave the same um user output is going to be where your your output breakdown which that's getting sent to the broadcast location so basically what we have here is our first six outputs from the uh x32 front of house is um our first six outputs from front of house down the as50b connection is going to be our auxiliary inputs and then 17 through 34 is going to be our aes50a inputs from the s32 sagebox and then 35 through 37 are going to be some of our local inputs from front of house so what is very neat about this is that these auxilia these audience mics you don't even need to actually have these routed on your front of house desk you can completely bypass it leave yourself available if you don't want to use audience mics in your main mix most people don't obviously but you can actually keep the processing channels available and just route the the local input out of aes50b without ever routing it to your front of house desk so you could just you can route two local inputs on the front of house desk to the broadcast desk without any um without even touching your front of house desk but you can use the preamps on your front of house desk to uh you can use them as a remote preamp basically for your broadcast desk so so that's pretty cool um i'm not going to really get into that today maybe in a future video this is kind of just a basic setup so now basically you are ready to go essentially now it's just a matter of patching them on the other side of the world at broadcast so let's go ahead and do that now so let's go to cues we're going to save this do it again just to make sure and then we're going to save another one here call this youtube monitors actually i'm sorry we're going to call this youtube broadcast so brd all right and now we're going to go ahead and x out of this so now we're going to go into the routing page and set this up using our user inputs again so let me go ahead and wipe this clean for us and set this up as the broadcast desk all right so i just went and reset all of our inputs basically or all of our so i just went ahead and reset all of our routing for the broadcast console so now we're going to jump into the routing on the broadcast side of things and route things over here so again we want to take our user inputs uh our user inputs to uh channels one through thirty two so we can run the one patch things let's go ahead and go into the user input page and since aes50b is connected to port a on our x32 at front of house um what we're gonna do is uh go ahead and route these things here into the same aes 50 port a all right so it's going to look pretty similar so remember oops i thought i heard somebody uh remember we have our um so inputs these inputs here so channel one will actually be uh aes50a17 because of what i showed you guys before so basically what we're going to do is go ahead and jump here and we're going to make a straight line down to input 18. and then we're actually going to go ahead and patch input 19 20 and 21 as well because those the audience left write and talk back are now coming down clean almost 1-1 35 36 and 37 even though it looks different over on the the uh front of house desk inputs 35 36 and 37 are actually those inputs but we patch them a little bit differently at the front of house desk to to basically accommodate how things were plugged in over there because over on the front of house desk these inputs are actually local inputs but since we routed them out of aes50a they basically make a straight line down now the only thing that's changed here and then i then i'm sorry our 22nd input which is talkback broadcast is actually going to be plugged into let's say that's plugged into local input one so we find the next one so input 22 is local input one now local n1 so you can see every single one of these has digital trim except input 22 which has gain because our talkback broadcast mic is plugged in to that um input now what we want to do is go to the user out page and as50a we want aes50a um our i'm sorry we want local input 1 to get sent out to back to the front of house desk so aes50a we're going to choose all of our user outs here so now we have 48 outputs we can send back to the x32 at front of house so if you have local i o you can send it back to the x32 at front of house so if you have local broadcast i o you could send that to the x32 front of house that's basically what we're doing so our user out local input one so output one in our in our user outputs is um receiving audio from local input one so local input one will get sent back um via the user outs to aes50 a excuse me um one through eight so under this one through eight block our user out one is actually our talkback mic so it could be seen at the front of house desk um from aes50b1 because it shows up in the b connection over on that side of the world all right and then aes50b on this board you could just leave stock because or how it was because we're not using that connection you could actually route to another console if you needed to all right so now we have that all done the only thing we need to do now is go to our aux in remap and select as50 a136 now you guys can see why i did what i did back on that side of the world so routing the s32 inputs from the uh from input on from user output 17 through 48 was basically so i can see my auxiliary inputs from as50 a1 through 6. if i had done it the other way and received them uh received my local i'm sorry my auxiliary inputs from uh like let's say we we went ahead and on our um in our user outpage on the other console we uh we mapped one to one so outputs one through 32 were aes51 through 32 from the sagebox we didn't want to do that because then over here we couldn't see aes50a connections one through six as auxiliary inputs so instead of wasting actual channels for processing we can still route our auxiliary inputs here directly from the console if you had went along and followed you might want to go back in the video to refresh yourself on how i did that it's kind of hard to explain once it's done so now basically that's all good now what i'm going to actually show you is a little tip for further advanced routing so now basically everything's done this setup is going to work top to bottom for you it's a great little great little way to route audio like this from 1s32 stagebox making this loop and being able to share local inputs back and forth i ended up not setting this up but i could in a future video so the only local input we're sending back to the front of house x32 is talkback mics we're not sending that pro presenter um input back to the front of house desk we have all the auxiliary inputs from the um from the front of house desk but you can you could figure that out for yourself basically now that you know how to do it using that advanced routing all right so now let's say we have two matrices so we have a broadcast or let's say we actually let's say we didn't do it that way let's say we wanted to send our left and right mix so let's call this uh so our main mix from the broadcast desk let's say we wanted to send our main mix from the broadcast desk out of the outputs at front of house so basically the way we would do this is if we go back to you the user output page actually first we want to route let's turn all of our local io outputs off real quick and then we're going to send our main left and right out of outputs 1 through 2 on our outputs 1 through 16 page and then we go to our user output page and let's switch this up so now let's say we want output one through two which is our main left and right post fader to get sent down aes50 a one through eight so one one and two on one through eight here is going to be showing up on as50 one through one through two on the one through eight block and then let's say three is going to be our local input so you can see main left right and then our talkback mic so now let's go ahead and we're gonna save this again and then let's load up this here youtube for now so we want our main left and right to come out of the outputs on the back of the x32 at front of house or our broadcast outputs our broadcast mains left and right we want to come out of the back of the front of house desk we do this here at transformation church because all of our video like our physical video equipment lives at front of house our embedder our audio embedders our recorders all that type of stuff lives at front of house for ease of use the only thing we use a broadcast room for is mixing so let's go ahead go to our routing page now you can see all this is different now because we're back in this configuration for front of house so let's go to our outputs 1 through 16 actually i'm sorry our xlr outputs 1 through 16 and we're going to take aes50b 1 through 4. so now outputs one through four on the back of the on the back of the front of house x32 if you plug if you plug in uh your audio embedded your your your inputs from your uh your inputs on your audio embedder are plugged into the outputs on the back of your front of house x32 outputs one through two is getting sent your broadcast mix from a completely different console so that's how you would do that now let's go back to our user input page and this aes50b connection on input 22 was for our broadcast desk but now we switch that to be as53 as50b 3 so let's switch that to asdb3 and now our talkback mics are routed accordingly so what we've accomplished here in this situation is essentially we've shared and two outputs from our broadcast desk to our front of house desk to the back of our front of house that's to be more specific so we're using two physical xlr connections on the back of our front of house desk to send our broadcast mixers mains out of it so that's that's a little you know that's that's pretty advanced doing it that way and then we're also sending our um talkback mic from our broadcast mix broadcast console rather um to back into the front of house desk so we can see it there then we're sharing local audience microphones and talkback mics um on the x32 at front of house to the broadcast console so we can mix in audience mics for our broadcasts and we're also sharing all the s32 inputs from the stage box to the uh x32 broadcast now what i'm going to recommend here to you guys is please please this is not something you want to waste your time doing i'm not a salesman by any means but i know the struggles of doing this this is the single biggest annoyance making this routing happen that i have ever dealt with it was so confusing to me i could not find a video like what i've made today to show you guys just how easy it is i literally sat down in x32 edit months ago trying to figure this out and this is coming from a guy that has worked on digico consoles and yamaha consoles and you know avid consoles and done vastly more complicated routing but because of the ease of use of opticor and dante and sharing audio across you know real networks versus these aes50 networks which aren't really networks in and of themselves um the you know the digico opt core network is so much easier than this um this is really advanced for this for these types of consoles i didn't even know this would be possible so with that being said um i hope you guys enjoyed the video there's a lot more that goes into this than it looks so again don't waste your time with this if you have any questions contact me i will design your entire show file for you and i can send that out to you and we can work on that together instead of wasting your own time doing this you know i'm somebody who's been around the block i i know this i know this routing like the back of my hand now and some of you might be wondering well you know you said it was complicated but you figured it out on yourself now i have your video why do i even need to contact you for your show file and all this all this other stuff you really don't need to the only reason i'm suggesting it is because it is complicated and you don't want to run the risk of you know messing this up for yourself so anyway if you guys feel comfortable doing it on your own great i'm so happy i could help you and i genuinely do mean that because i know how tough it can be but if you still need help don't hesitate to contact me or wait out for another video they're definitely coming i hope you guys enjoyed this video let's go ahead and save this configuration file and i may have made a mistake in here so i might amend that later um on that note yeah just contact me go to i'd be glad to help you guys out sorry if this video seemed like a bit of a ramble it's really hard to make these videos just not doing them long lately i've just been doing long videos and it's not really for watch time or ad revenue it's really just because i find it instead of rushing through this stuff i like to go through it methodically and try to show you guys how it's done so with that being said i know i've said that like five times now hang out for the next video or contact me you know whatever your next step is just let me know if you have any questions put them in the comments i'll try to answer some of them there i can't always i like to respond to patrons so for that and i'll catch you guys in the next video thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: ZaVa Sound
Views: 11,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x32, m32, patching, routing, 1 to 1, user inputs, user outputs, x32 4.0, m32 4.0, local inputs, local outputs
Id: N88yy1kJOtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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