X32 Firmware V4 | 301 - User Routing 1-to-1 Patching!

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hi guys is Drew brush their dbb audio this video is going to be diving in to the brand-new one to one user patching this is a brand new feature released by bérenger for the behringer x32 in the version for firmware so if you're not on the version for firmware make sure to save all of your data to a USB stick and then update your firmware to version 4 and it will give you this new feature called one to one user patching now what is user patching well previous versions of the firmware have us routing in blocks of eight now what does that mean well let's go take a look at the routing section here we can see that on our input channel block patch we have these four columns followed by our aux in so this is column 1 through 8 9 through 16 17 through 24 25 through 32 so this means that if I'm wanting to route something I would need to select that in a block of 8 which means that 1 through 8 channels if I was to select some channels from my DL 32 I would have to go select AES 50 a 1 through 8 and if I had additional inputs I'd want to go select the rest of them well what happens when I have some local receivers wireless receivers for some microphones that I'm wanting to have sitting at front house while I'd obviously want to use the local inputs on the back of the x32 well to do that I would have to burn a whole eight channels but what if I only have three microphones well then those rest of those block of eight are not going to be used unless you decide to use those in some sort of way locally at the axe 32 I actually have a version of my routing worksheet here that I have filled out in the version 3 so we can see that one through 24 like I have right here is coming from my AES 50 a well if I have these three local in microphones on one two and three that would mean that 29 through 25 are going to be empty and I'm not going to be able to use those unless I have other microphones that are sitting at front house that I want to plug into that well what user patching does allow for us is to expand that so I can take my user route and plug in all the way to 29 and then use these last three microphones in a local so I can actually do one-to-one patching and I can forget about the blocks of eight let's go ahead and dive in and see how that works the first thing that I'm going to do is in my input routing here I'm going to select user in 1 through 32 the next thing I'm going to do is tab over to my card and select the same thing now let's continue to page over until we get to our patch and we'll want to go all the way over until we get to user now this is going to be our new section that we'll have and so we can see input and output and I can page between 9 through 16 17 through 24 25 through 32 by rotating this knob if I'm wanting to get to output I simply press this and then now I'm in the routing for the output of the user portion now you can see that there's 32 channels of input and 48 channels of output that is because the console can accept 32 channels in but on the way out we actually have 48 channels available to us on the AES 50 output so we can use all of these 48 channels to send out over AES 50 to any of our remote boxes or remote consoles let's go ahead and take a look just the inputs for right now so we can see input 1 and I'm going to select a ES 50 and 1 and then the next one down I'm going to select 2 and so on and so forth so now that I have my last three inputs here I can go ahead and select local in 1 2 & 3 so now when we go and take a look at all of the actual channels we can see that when I'm paging through the channels we can see as50 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and then if I page over to my channels 17 3 32 and select my channel 30 I have input 1 which is local input 2 which is local input 3 which is local and if I go back to my 29 we'll see that it's coming from the AES a portion now what's really amazing about the user patching is it doesn't have to be all in one line I can put a local input next to an Aes 50a input next to a card input from the expansion card so it's very flexible and can get as advanced routing as you but what's a practical sense of this well what if I had a console sitting over in video control that we had my video playback of my 8 channels off of my video server playing into it well what if I wanted to have that sitting here with my inputs well I have an example of that so I have onstage inputs from 1 through 20 one on my AES a coming off the DL 32 and then I have 8 channels coming in on a ES 50 B coming from my behringer wing and then I have three local FOH wireless microphones with the receivers sitting next to me at front of house let's go ahead and route this so we can hit routing tab over to user and then we can go find the ones that we need to change so 22 I'm going to select a ES 50 B 1 and then 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 8 so as we page through here we can see that I have my AES 50 a 1 321 just like I have on my patch sheet here and then I have a s 50 B 1 through 8 and then I have my local inputs 1 through 3 sitting here so this is a very flexible way of making sure that you have all the inputs available to you from any of your remote stage boxes any of your local i/o and any additional AES 50 attached consoles so what if we wanted to use our output routing in a creative way I was thinking of one way of doing this is recording multitrack audio to a laptop well we could use 1 through 30 to record the actual channels coming off the stage and maybe we had two extra inputs that 31 and 32 that we weren't going to be using for our multitrack recording but maybe we wanted to record our left-right stereo mix so let's go ahead and do that by default the X 32 has output 15 and 16 on the output of the XLR zazz your left right mix so this is going to be a very easy way of doing this is we can page over to our output and we can scroll down to output 15 we can see this is main left in a post fader sense and 16 is main right in a post-fader tap as well next thing we can do is tab over to user make sure to press this to get to our output routing and then we can pull this from the same locations that we are pulling our local i/o for so in this case I have all of my inputs coming from my AES 50a where I have my dl 32 and so I'm going to select a AES 50 a on all of these so 1 2 3 ok so now that I'm here at my output 31 and 32 I'm going to select from a different tab I'm going to my go to my category go to output and find output 15 and I'm going to select that output 32 I'm going to go output 16 so now what we can see is we can see that we have all our inputs coming from AES a 1 through 30 and then followed by our outputs 15 and 16 which is going to be sourced from our main left right the next thing that we'll need to do is make sure that we're routing from the user output section to our card so we can go and tab over to card and then we can go select user out 1 through 8 9 through 16 17 through 24 25 through 32 we can even scroll through and double-check our output patch here so what this is meaning is this is going to take all of my user output routing which is coming from my AES 50 a from my snake box to the DL 32 and it's going to output this to my X live card except 31 and 32 are going to be coming from my main left-right so this means when I hit record on my X live card any of my inputs coming in to from the stage box coming into my console will then go and be recorded on my X live card and then 31 and 32 those channels won't be used except they will be be recording my main left-right so this is gonna be one very flexible way of using this user output section in a very creative way if you decide to use the user output routing and how for all of your AES 50 devices that are connected to it and you are still using the P 16 system make sure that on your user output routing on 33 through 48 that you have P 16 outputs selected so that your routing will continue to be correct if you decided to not do this portion and you accidentally set all of your devices to be on 33 through 48 as the user routing it would end up not being the P 16 s and therefore your P 16 monitoring system that you plug in via ultra net at stage won't function the way that you're wanting it to so make sure to keep that in mind thank you for watching this new video on the user routing I am very excited about this new one-to-one patching I think it's going to bring a lot of workflow ease to everyone that is using the behringer x32 and additional devices if you haven't checked out the rest of my videos make sure to look at my new version for firmware tutorials on the behringer x32 otherwise please like and subscribe to my channel and thank you so much
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 33,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: X32, M32, Behringer X32, Midas M32, User Routing, X32 User Routing, M32 User Routing, Behringer X32 User Routing, Behringer X32 User Patch, Midas M32 User Routing, Midas M32 User Patch, X32 1 to 1 patching, X32 1 to 1 routing, x32 routing user
Id: Ah8MmlIbe-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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