Live Stream on X32 with Separate Mix on an AUX BUS | How To Setup Start To Finish

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hey everybody welcome back this is Dave with alum house I'm excited to bring another video about the x32 and the live streaming environment that we're living in so what I've got here is some tracks playing from my church and the question I want to answer today is how do we take our live streaming from just copying our main output to actually having its own individual mix [Music] in the first video of this series we talked about how we can take our main output and send that output directly to USB 1 & 2 output and into our streaming software that was great when we were only in our quarantine state and the whole console served just for live streaming now some of us have moved back into our our normal environment where we have a live service and what we've done is we needed to have a separate volume so we took this main output and we copied it over to a matrix which was down here matrix 1 & 2 and you can see that that is a mirror of our main output but it's an independent volume so we can actually turn our main volume in our house up or down and that has no impact on the audio going to our stream so that's good because we can keep not only the the volume levels separate but also running this matrix we have the ability to to have independent dynamic EQ set up for our matrix and we even went through the last time and set up a effect we use this this limiter down here effect number 8 and we had set that to be matrix 1 and we had said to be matrix 2 and that way we had not only independent EQ and compression capabilities but we also had some limiting setup as well so that's all specific to the stream but now that's just taking a copy of your main mix so right now everything that we're doing on the left-hand side to build the mix in our room we're just sending a direct copy and then we're maybe doing some EQ changes and bringing the volume up with limiting for our broadcast level but how do we take this concept and now use this console to build a mix for front of house and a mix for our stream so let's talk about that now so the easiest way to do this is we're going to take some busses and we're going to make a stereo bus and we can build a mix on that bus so to start out with we will take and look through our buses I have various buses here that are not being used in my current setup so I'm going to choose two of them that are right next to each other let's say I leave one through four for some monitors for my band but I can take five and six and use those for a stream mix so I'll start out by hitting a selecting bus one and then I'm going to come up here on on this screen and link them together so now bus five and six are linked together I'm also going to quickly just change the color in the setup tab I'm going to go over to our name and icon and just by changing the color it's going to bring attention to the fact that that's different we can go in and name it that it's our stream or whatever the case may be but just having them a different color will catch our eye for right now so at this point we've got a mate we've got a bus setup it is stereo which means that if we look at the pan knob up here you'll see that one of them is panned hard left and the other is panned hard right so at this point we can use the sends on fader button and what it's going to do is it's going to change these inputs from mixing to our main two now it's going to be a mix to our recording bus so typically what we have is drums in our room are loud and we have them turn down but in this scenario we need to actually raise we need to raise that level of our drums up because the stream does not have the benefit of the room so we can now build our mix and let's say we put kick drum a little higher and snare drum we've got some floor tom in there these are our symbols maybe bass guitar is sufficient where it is electric maybe we bring up our acoustic guitar we've got some pads here that we can hide in maybe piano and then we have our vocals as well so this gets us a mix into our stream now the other thing that we have the ability to do if we go back to sends on fader is we can put some effects into this mix as well so on the left-hand side we can come down to the aux-in and effects returns and here we have the ability to take some of our effects I know that these effects right here this is a reverb for the band I can add some reverb for the band into that mix this is a reverb one vocal reverb this is a room reverb for the vocal I could add that in and then this is a delay which I would want to be cautious about how much I put into the mix but you can add that in as well and that's all going into your stream mix that will help set the mix into a room sound which your house mix is in a room but your stream needs to be have a room artificially created for it so adding those effects can really help sweeten up your mix again if we go back to our sends on fader button we're now back to normal with everything on the left and we're now mixing again for our room so at this point we have set up a stereo aux Channel here on on mix buss 5 & 6 we've built a basic mix and we put some effects in here all for our stream now how do we get the stream out through our USB as an example well the first thing we might want to do is actually raise the levels up like we've talked about in previous videos so to do that if we hit the home button up top and I'll zoom in here so to start out with here we've got buss 5 and 6 are selected here and what we can do now is we've got the ability again to make some EQ changes let's say that in our in our stream we actually need to have a little bit more low end and so what we can do is start out by maybe doing a drop there but then we can do a nice gradual boost here in the low end okay a little bit maybe the middle has a little bit of mud here in this 4 to 500 Hertz range and so we actually need to drop that down some but we want to add maybe a little bit of top-end clarity we can raise the top end just a little bit and maybe that's what we need for our mix now you've got to listen to this in some headphones and evaluate what you need you also have the ability to add some compression all right and so by turning this on maybe we do a standard kind of four to one with a forty millisecond attack zero hold and then a super fast release of of maybe I don't know let's say 10 milliseconds and what we can do then is we can bring this down just to we're taking out maybe two or three dB okay and what you're gonna see is it's mostly going to get your kick drum and maybe your snare but we've maybe made those changes to get some compression so if we go back to the home to the Home tab now we have built a mix we've got some EQ and compression specific to our to our stream but now that same limiter we're going to use for this instead so if I hit FX I have a limiter set up on FX eight and all I want to do is use these encoders to find mix buss five so bus five select and then bus six select then I want to insert them and if we go back here and look now we have EQ compression and we've inserted a limiter which is going to raise that that level up on this bus so at this point we're ready to send this signal out to our stream so the first thing we want to do is come over to our routing and we can Mouse or scroll over here to our our outputs and what we can do is select outputs in this case output or mix buss five okay is going to mix buss five signal so that's fine output six is going to mix buss six so we can actually use those we could hook up XLR cables at that point and to those two and send them into a into a camera and that camera could carry the signal into our streaming computer or they could go directly into maybe a black magic TV switch or something like that but let's say we want to run them USB well we've got output 5 and 6 here designated so all we have to do is go over to our user outs and in most of our streaming software the USB will default to channels 1 & 2 of USB so in this case what we're going to do is set output 1 and we're going to scroll down to output and then we're going to find output 5 and hit a sign and then the next one we go down and this will be output 6 and a sign so that gets it set into our custom outputs now if we go all the way back over to our card out you'll see that this first group of 8 is set to user out 1 through 8 and what that's showing over here is that 1 & 2 relates to mixbus 5 & 6 so just to recap we started out by setting up our our stereo linking of bus 5 & 6 you could do this on any pair it just has to start on an odd number and link to an even number we then use the sends on fader button to build a basic mix and we even came over and added in some effects to really make that mix sound like it's in a room after we finished that we came back over we set at the home screen we set some EQ and some compression for our stream and then we added in a limiter by going into the effects tab and setting the limiter the precision limiter to be affected on to that bus 5 & 6 the final thing we did is came over to our routing tab we went over to the custom user outs we set up output 1 & 2 you to map to output five and six which correlates to these mixed busses and then we came all the way over to our card and made sure that we saw card output one through eight is reflecting in fact mixbus five and six over here on the top right corner if you want to you could change these to be post-fader which just means that this this fader would actually be a volume control for your stream that could be beneficial the challenges to that is that if if your user or your engineer hits it by a chance then your way up or way down or even slight movements then your mixed volume is not going to be consistent I recommend using the limiter to gauge your overall volume and looking here at what you've got as opposed to using this in post-fader environment so I hope this video has been helpful if you've got questions or you want more guidance on what we're doing with this x32 leave them in the comments and I would love to help you out if you found it helpful though give me a thumbs up because that helps the video get a greater reach and help more people to understand how they can use this console to best benefit their church their stream or whatever they're doing to make music well thanks so much we'll see in the next video peace you
Channel: AllamHouse
Views: 53,374
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Id: Vx4HjArTeZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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