Behringer X32 - Board Setup for Monitor Sends

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hi this is drew brashly with North Ridge Community Church I'm here with behringer x32 today and I wanted to teach you guys how to set up the board to configure the board in a way so you can use floor monitors or in your monitors that sort of thing so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and press the setup button over on the right side of the screen I mean just to zoom out of here just a little bit sorry there we go alright so we're going to press the setup button and we're going to go over to config and I just initialize my board so pretty much everything is is the same as it would be from the factory although I titled the mix buses 1 through 6 so that later I can show you guys that so over here on the right side we have our bus pre configuration I'm going to zoom in on this because this is where the good stuff happens so you can see that there is a pre and this says post EQ so this would be pre fader sense so this would it be your pre fader ox send on an analog board your subgroup is a summation of channels so it's a summing point for your channel so you can think of this as like a left-right fader it's a destination for the audio to get some together and the reason that you would use the sub group is if you had say a drum set where you had you know 8 drum mics and you had your mix and you were wanting to have that all come into one location so that you could either slap a compressor or slap a global EQ over the entire thing you would have it come into a subgroup so that you can adjust everything globally and then you have your post fade this is your post fade EQ um or your your effects racks so you'd be feeding your delay your on your vocal or maybe your chorus or your reverb different things like that that you would want for your post fader EQ you can also use this for feeding recording devices say the CD player or a video send or stuff like that basically what the post fader is anything that you have on your mix for your house mix is going to adjust anything in the post fade mix so whereas pre-fade is if you had your house mix and you had your monitor mix if you were to adjust all your faders it wouldn't change anything in the monitors that if you had it set up as a post fade if you adjusted stuff in your house mix it would also adjust stuff in your monitors so postpaid we really only use for a destination such as a recording or also the effects racks built into the board so we have our different selections that we can make here and here at Northridge we have six monitors six subgroups and then we have our four post fade sins that we use for the effects rack it built into the board so I'm going to go ahead and show you guys how to set this up for six floor wedges on you can also do the same configuration only if you guys have two on but it's a good place to start so we're going to go down to the knob that is right beneath here there we go and we are going to rotate this down to where it says six plus six plus four and what that means is that your one through six is a pre fade seven through twelve is a subgroup and then 13 through 16 is a post fade and so then you will go ahead and press set and then you will press Yes to confirm now your board is set up and you can see this on the right hand side that one through six are post EQ but pre-fade seven through 12 is subgroups and 13 through 16 is post fade so now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and setup the output of the word to feed our different monitors so we are going to go ahead and go into our routing page and we're going to first assign our outputs on the board for our mains so the left and the right factory from behringer go out on 15 and 16 I like this keep them there it makes your planning for your monitors a whole lot easier because if you think as monitors 1 2 3 4 5 & 6 the outputs on the analog on the back of the board can also be one through six if you have your mains coming off of one and two and then your monitors would then start at 3 but then in the board it's configured as monitor 1 so it just makes things a lot more complicated than you need it to be so you want to make sure that your mains are coming off of 15 and 16 and then we're going to go ahead and put scroll up to output 1 and we are going to assign this to mix buss 1 so we are going to assign mix buss 1 assign and this is going to be post fader and the reason it's going to be post fader is because this is a sin this is an output it's not where we're pulling something from so what this allows us to do is the master fader for that mix or that bus is now the volume knob for that one specific speaker so I'll show you guys that here in a little bit so output 2 we're going to go ahead and put that to mix buss 2 and make sure that's post fader output 3 is going to be mix buss 3 assign set mix by output 4 is mix buss four make sure that's that make sure it's post fade 5 is 5 & 6 is 6 so now I'm going to go ahead and zoom out here and look down here alright so when we select bus 1 through 8 using this knob this button we have our master section so this is the final volume of this mix bus before it gets sent out so you want to have all these up at unity so at 0 now say uh monitor 6 was a drum wedge for your drummer and say he wanted it to be turned up the overall mix to be turned up but you didn't want to have to go through everything on the left side of your board to turn everything up all you'd have to do is raise this up or say your vocal wedge was feeding back because it was way too loud you would take your vocal wedge and we're going to have that b1 and we're going to just turn that down so by having those outputs configured as a post fader for the output we can use this as a volume knob for that overall thing so now we're going to go ahead and just show you guys just a quick version of the sends on fader you can check out my other video that has this a little bit more into detail but say we have a mock mix of my you know this is my friend house mix and so to mix something in to monitor one we would go to bus 1 through 8 select that and then we can go and select monitor 1 we can also solo it to listen to it and then we can press this button called sends on fader now what sends on fader is cool for is we have monitor one selected and now the left side of the board turns in to a whole console just for this monitor so you can visually see what's being sent in to this specific monitor and because it's so loud you're listening to it so not only do you visually get to see what's happening in your mix but you also get to hear it through your either headphones that are plugged into the console or your near fields if you have some plugged in so now we can have you know our mock mix on this say he wants to hear all the drums and the vocal mics but then he wants to have the bass really really loud ok so that's his mix and now let me go ahead and press sense on fader back we are now back to our original house mix ok so the drummer he has nothing going into his monitor so he wants us to build them a little bit of a mix so we're going to ahead and press select and we can press solo and one thing that you can configure the board to do is the solo can follow the select button or the select can follow the solo button and what that means is if you press solo on one channel the Select will also follow that solo you can set it up like that I have my board configured that way it is in your monitor section in the board so read the manual and you can figure that one out so we are on monitor 6 don't forget to press Suns on fader now we are looking and listening to our drummers mix so now we're going to go ahead and give him some of our vocals a whole bunch of the drums because he really likes that way too much bass again and then you know the flute and the cello he really likes those so now that's that's the drum mix and so now if we go ahead and press select on monitor 1 we can see that his mix will change so you can see that the drummer has a little bit different mix than the vocalist so we'll go ahead and give the drummer just a little bit more of a different mix in the vocalist here so we're going to go ahead and select monitor 1 again so now we are visually seeing on this board what's going into monitor 1 but then when we go select monitor 2 with the sends our monitor 6 what the sends on fader we're now visually seeing what's going into monitor 6 so this is how you can set up your board on to feed 6 monitors you can also set it up to feed um you know 16 monitors if you wanted it to and so the nice thing about this board is it's so flexible there there's just so much different things that you can do with this so that is a really quick tutorial on how to setup the board for your monitors and then when you're doing your house mix you don't have to worry about adjusting things in the monitors when you're mixing for your house so if you have any questions feel free to post below otherwise so thank you for listening
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 447,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behringer X32, Behringer X32 Monitor, X32 Monitor, Behringer X32 Setup, X32 Setup, Behringer X32 Tutorial, X32 Tutorial, X32, Behringer X32 Training, Behringer X32 How To, X32 How To, X32 Training, Behringer Digital Sound Board, Behringer Digital
Id: wpiEmZktwZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2013
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