An Overview of the Routing Screen on the X32 and M32

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hey welcome back to the channel this is dave with alum house sound today we're going to talk about the routing tab [Music] hey everybody welcome back to alum house sound i'm dave and we are going to take a quick look at the routing tab today so recently i've gotten a number of questions in my comment section around the routing tab there's a lot of new people using this x32 or the m32 platform and although there is some documentation around the original firmware setup where everything was done in blocks now that we've gotten past for firmware version 4.0 there's not quite as much documentation you have to look through all of the release notes to be able to find out all of the changes so hopefully this quick overview will help you out in your routing adventures and if you've got any questions feel free to leave them below but let's dive into the console now all right so let's dive in here and start to talk about our routing so on the routing screen here you have kind of two different sections if you look at this so if we just look at the tabs at the top we have input aes aes50a aes50b we've got card xlr then we switch over to our patch points which is a whole different section so if we keep going now we have patch points for outputs for auxiliaries our p16s and then the custom user patch points so we're going to start off now on the far left back at the inputs and just take a look at what all of these do the inputs tab this is the only thing uh the only section that deals with inputs into the console now the patch points in the user section does have a custom user input section that you could use but with this this determines where your uh your patches of eight or blocks of eight inputs are coming from you've got 32 inputs plus your six auxiliary inputs that you can mess with and adjust and those could be anything from local to aes50a if you've got a stagebox aes50b if you're running on that channel you've got card inputs and if you come down to the bottom you do have user ends as well so a lot of flexibility here in this input section now the next thing we get to is outputs everything else on this uh this block tab deals with output so aes50a this is talking about your outputs what outputs are going out aes50a back up to your stagebox okay the next one is going to be aes50b what is going out aes50b next we get to the card tab now this is what a lot of people are using whether you are live streaming out of your usb output the x usb card maybe you are multi-track recording into a daw and you're recording multiple tracks maybe you've got a custom setup where it's some uh some sets of local inputs and and aes50 inputs or custom routing whatever it is this all determines the stuff that's going out your usb card and then the next one is your xlrs this is the xlrs that are on the back of the physical console the physical outputs on the back of this console where are we tapping or getting our source from so if you look over here on the right hand side we do have this kind of quick overview and you can see that my output 1 is being fed by mixbus 1 output 2 is being fed by mixbus 2 these are default settings here that your general outputs are being routed out the xlrs let's take a look at the patch points now because the patch points play into kind of what these output settings are so here this is where we would actually set up our our output area so this is patch points patch points are different than the physical routing but this allows us we have 16 outputs here if we go down 1 through 16. this console has 16 output options and what we can do is we're saying output 1 is going to be sourced by and then over here this is where we see mixbus1 if i keep going down i have a number of in-ear monitors that are set up here on the first couple of these outputs then we have uh in this case i have a choir monitor that's set up on here there's a choir group then we have mixbus nine and ten eleven you can see 11 is off okay 12 is off apparently it's not being used in the scene and then output 13 is being fed by a matrix i'm going to assume that this is for a live stream setup but you can also denote that it's post fader right there so if we wanted to change this we could come down here we could select matrix and then now we have the ability to have our tap points we've done a previous video on tap points but we could set this as pre-fader post fader whatever the case is if we keep going now we've got uh output 14 in this one is b is being sourced by the mc the mono center channel on the board and then we've got our main left and right outputs so this is where we can select and denote what what output is being sourced by what set up on the board again typically we talked that the left-hand side of the board is your inputs and your right hand side of the board is all of your outputs whether it's mix busses or matrix and so we've got the ability to then hear group which output mix is going to which actual output source if we go over to auxiliary now you've got six auxiliary outputs on the back of this board and this is where you could maybe set a mix for some studio monitors if you had those being used for auxiliary outs maybe you've got a mix that you want to route and use a quarter inch to 1 8 inch or rca to 1 8 inch output for your live stream maybe into an atem mini this is where you would then come down let's say you want to use five and six for your uh your your live stream then we could come down here and in this scene apparently matrix one is a live stream mix so we could select matrix one for that we could come down here and we could select uh matrix two and that way we would be able to hook up either rcas or quarter inch in the back of the board and send that through a cable into our live streaming device the next one is the p16s i actually did a full length video i will link that up here in the top right and this is uh the p16 outputs this is where you have 16 unique outputs that you can denote that go up to your p16 in your monitors now for us we were doing some custom routing for our daw but you've got the ability to use this like it's intended here as well all right the last tab is users now this is where we get the custom user settings this is only in version 4.0 of the firmware or newer and so you can set up custom user inputs here you can see 32 of those you could also come down and set up custom outputs where you could route route your outputs in any configuration that you want and so you are not locked in necessarily if i go back here to the left on the xlr tab you are not locked in necessarily to doing blocks of one through four five through eight uh and having them need to be set up as say all mix bus or all whatever you can come down and choose your custom user outs and now you can see that i would have mixbus five and six and then two blanks if i used whatever is set up in this user out area if i come back over to the user outputs many people right now are using the x usb card to live stream out and they just need to have their live stream mix go out usb 1 and 2 and this is a great place to set that up if you wanted to set up multi-track recording in a custom setup you could do that here you've got all kinds of of user inputs and outputs that you can do a great example that i'm going to go through in another video is my uh is my room mics and for me i have all of my inputs coming from aes50a except for two that are room mics that are plugged in locally so here for just a quick second i switched over to my my scene that we use at my church just to show you this as an example on our inputs we do have aes50a here for 1 through 16. then i have 17 to 32 is a user setup and then my 25 to 32 is back to aes50a so if we look at this 17 to 24 i'm gonna page over to the right and get to the user inputs and here on the user inputs if i come down and look at 17 to 24 we'll see that i have this set up as a all the way through here but then we have uh for 21 and 22 those are coming from local inputs so if i go back up here you'll see that they are local input 21 and that's on the back of this console and so i'm taking that as an input again that's for two kind of room mics or crowd mics if you will that we've been playing with recently and so that way when i look at my actual channels my channels i don't have to do any custom configuration because i just have selected user ends over here as my inputs and so everything is taken care of at that point all right so there you go a quick overview of this setup and including some little quick snippets of my setup as well i hope that it helped answer some questions if it sparked any new questions or any more questions just put them in the comments section i will happily answer those questions try and help you out along the way and get you rolling and running on this console so that's it for this video hit the like button the subscribe button if you've got other people that you know that might have these ques same questions feel free to share this video with them and we'll catch you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: AllamHouse
Views: 1,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PpeqRuPGi2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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