CTK X32 TUTORIAL - How to set up a Monitor/Front of House/Livestream Mix

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hello ctk tech team uh this is a brief little video on how to set up a monitor mix a front of house mix and a live stream uh broadcast mix for our x32 here at ctk gibsons so first of all let's just take a quick look at the board we're going to keep it very simple when you first turn the board on this will probably look something like this and so on the left side here we've got our 16 input channels so let's go through that right now channels 1 to 16 your first button here on the left this is all of our inputs on three and four we've got our keys guitar guitar bass drums uh paster mic wireless mic mic two three four so this is just 16 inputs these anyone's blocked out or ones we're not using right now if we go to the next page that's channels 17 to 32 so this is another 16 more inputs we have available to us that we aren't actually using right now but it has gives us room for the future if we have more inputs and all these inputs 1 to 16 and 7 13 17 to 32 come from the front snake in behind the stage if we go to the third button here it's aux in usb effects returns and so on one and two here we have pc which we use to play any music pre-service or post service from the apple computer that runs proclaim we often run music pre-service post-service music off that and this is how we control the levels right there next is usb anything coming from the usb which is also the pc computer or the proclaim computer and then finally these last ones here are your effects returns which we will not get into today that'll be another video on effects the final button here on the left set of 16 channels is the bus master which we don't often use because it's basically just a copy of the eight channels on this side and so now if we look at the right side here's a series of eight channels that we can go through here so your first channel first button first page is group dca one to eight which we don't aren't currently using so we don't really need to look at that right now your next two are your buses your bus channels and so what is a bus a bus is basically think of like a city bus you load a whole bunch of inputs onto the bus and then from there you can take that bus wherever you want a selection of inputs are on one channel and then you can route that channel wherever you want so for instance uh the second page here we have is bus one to eight our first channel is the monitors front monitors our second channel is the back monitors channels three and four as our broadcast stereo mix and bus number eight over here is our sermon recording that we use to record the sermons and control the volume and these three in the middle black screen are not being used right now if we go to the next page bus 9-16 we're not currently using these four buses bus 9 10 11 12 and bus 13 to 16 are fx buses that again we'll get into in another video and finally our last page here is matrix matrix one to six and so matrixes are basically a just another channel that we can grab from so we're routing from a bus to a matrix and so this matrix matrix five and six controls the live stream volume and this last matrix here controls the subwoofer volume and on the far right here which you'll notice hasn't changed no matter what we go through no matter what page we're on is our left right master volume that's basically our front of house volume master volume the other thing you'll need to know is about the gain knob which is up here this controls your gain for whatever channel you've selected so if you select keys you can move the gain up and down or if you select guitar you can move the gain up and down now that we've looked at the channel side we've looked at the bus and matrix side and we've looked at the gain knob let's take a look at how to set up a monitor mix for the band up on stage the first thing we'll do when making a mix on sunday morning so the first thing that we'll do is we will set the gain for each instrument now remember the musicians might be a little confused because they won't hear anything in their monitors at first but all we're doing is setting the gain for each instrument or vocalist so that we have enough gain to work with on our faders after so what we'll do is we'll ask each instrument or vocalist to uh just play at about a medium strength volume each one individually and we'll set the gain so that up here we'll see it'll peak to about -18 and that makes sure we have enough gain structure to work with down the road and we'll have enough volume coming into the mixing board so let's take a look at that we'll uh go down each instrument here and set the gain to the proper volume all right let's start with the vocalist and we'll ask our vocalist to speak at a moderate to loud volume into their microphone and just remember that during all this recording i am working with pre-mixed and mastered music that is at a already high volume so my gain knob will be a little bit lower than what you'll do on a sunday morning but the general principle is the same if you need more gain to get a peak of about minus 18 then feel free to turn the gain knob up until you're peaking about -18 so we'll ask our vocalist to begin talking speaking even better if they're singing into their microphone have them start singing we'll select our microphone here we'll come up to our gain knob and you'll see it's already at about -30 peaking but we'll peaking a little bit there and there we're hitting a fairly consistent minus 18 and so we are good with the vocalist next we see our keyboard player is ready so we'll ask him or her to begin playing again at a about a moderate volume and we'll select the keyboard and we'll turn the frequency turn the gain knob up until it's about hitting a consistent minus 18 which is right about there and then we're good next we'll ask our acoustic guitar to begin playing strumming doing whatever they need to do to give us some good volume about what they're going to play during the service we'll select the guitar we'll begin turning it up until we're looking right here until it it's giving us consistent minus 18 which is right about there and then we're good and so we ask the next in this case electric guitar to begin playing which is channel number six so we select number six and here she begins playing and we turn this up again looking at your levels to make sure you're hitting about -18 right about there and then we ask our bass player to begin playing we select the base channel come up to our gain there's a fairly solid minus 18. finally we ask our drums which normally if we're miking the drums they'll be about four or five but for just ease of simplicity uh this morning we are i've just put it all on one channel and there we go i might be peaking a little bit but that's pretty good okay so there's all of our gain structures made for each of our instruments and now it's time to get them some volume into the monitors okay so we want to put volume to the monitors for our worship leaders to be able to hear themselves so what we do is we go bus one to eight here's our front monitor and our back monitor and now this is the secret is that anytime we want to send a channel to the buses we need to select the bus front monitors click sends on fader and now anything that we raise or lower on this chan on these channels will send to this bus so maybe on the front we know the vocalists we often have the vocalists and the acoustic guitar and maybe the keyboard player because the people in the front need to hear the keyboard player and they want to hear a little bit of bass and they want to hear a little bit of the electric guitar and the drums are so loud they don't need any drums in the monitor quite today and so that's the front monitor and so now the people on the back monitor we select that now anything that we move on these channels our sends on fader to the back monitor so on the back monitor they want to hear the sorry they want to hear the vocalist so they know what's going on they want to hear some acoustic guitar they want to hear a little bit electric bass players in the back maybe he needs a little bit more and keyboard player needs a moderate amount we just work with the musicians make sure they can hear themselves make sure everything is a good balance for themselves and there you have a monitor mix and so now they can hear themselves in the monitors and they are ready to begin a full practice okay so the monitors are set up for the band and they are rehearsing away and now it's time for us to begin a setting up the front of house mix so that is very easy we just unselect sends on fader and now whatever we do here we'll control the front of house and so we want to turn our master up just a little bit so we have some audio coming through we can turn up to about -5 leave us a little bit of headroom to go up and down and then we just begin bringing instruments into the mix and so we'll start with the microphone maybe we'll bring a little bit of microphone in now this microphone might sound a little weird because i only have background backup vocals but that's okay you get the idea and then we'll maybe bring in the acoustic guitar and the electric guitar bring in the keys bringing the drums in the base [Music] and there we go we've got a front of house mix now this isn't a tutorial on how to do a proper mix it's merely how to adjust the faders and get volume going through so you'll have to mix it to your preferred mix style and what you think sounds best and that again will be in another video and the important thing is that our gut volume here we can raise the subwoofer a bit and bring sub into which will cover the bass guitar cover the low end of the drums might pick up some of the low end of the keys but in general you now mix to what sounds nice you've got your master volume front of house volume here your subwoofer here and you can mix to however you think sounds good and so there you go you've got a front of house mixed now let's look at the live stream and so to do that we it's very simple very similar to the monitor mix we go over here to our broadcast mix we bring it up to a reasonable volume go sends on fader and now anything that we send from this input here is going through sends on fader to the channel we've selected now channel three and four are tied together so we only need to do the one channel channel bus number three and it will do bus three and four together so we set up a mix to how we want it to sound they begin playing we bring keys up we bring microphone bring some drums in ring bass guitar guitar again this isn't a lesson on on what a mix should sound like rather merely what buttons need to be moved to ensure we are sending audio signal to different places the other thing we can do now if we want to hear what this broadcast mix sounds like we just click the solo button and now in our microphones here on the left side uh we can hear what is being sent through that channel anything we solo is being sent through we can hear through the headphones so we set up our mix and we're happy and then what we do is we go to the matrix so now remember everything's going from here to the bus and now that bus is being grabbed from the matrix and so we just turn the volume up on the matrix until it's a reasonable volume the key here to make sure you have the right amount of volume is to look on vmix our live streaming software and just make sure the audio level is at a good amount of volume and it's just barely going into the orange on your vmix software and then you know you've got a good amount of volume being sent to the live stream and there you have it you have a mix set up for the monitors i mixed that up for the front of house and finally a mix set up for the live stream and so in another video we'll look at how to eq things how to do effects but this is just simply a video on how to route your audio to all the different needed positions so that we can run a sunday service
Channel: CTK Gibsons
Views: 6,823
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Id: YqTR7yYckcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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